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Full text of "Biographical and historical catalogue of Washington and Jefferson college, containing a general catalogue of Jefferson college, and of Washington college, and of Washington and Jefferson college"

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Baghia^ioiL  /  2;efferfion  *^ollege, 


A  Genkual  Catalogue 




Washington  College, 


Washington  and  Jefferson  College, 




Elm  Street  Printing  Conipauy,  No.  17()  Kim  Street 


}.D  5  ?•  3  a- 

\  ^f   %  ^ 



Jefferson  College  Alumni 
*'       Faculty 

**       Historical  Notice. 

'*       Honorary  Degrees 

"        Principals 
**       Supplement 
"       Trustees . 
Washington  College  Alumni . 

**        Faculty  

**  **        Historical  Notice. 

* '  *  *         Honorary  Degrees  . 

**  **         Principals      

**  **        Trustees 

Washington  and  Jefferson  Alumni 

**  **  Faculty 

**  **  Historical  Notice 

'*  •*  Honorary  Degfrees 

••  Presidents 

♦*  **  Trustees  . 


Oldest  Living  Graduates 

Roll  of  Missionaries 

Soldiers  who  Died  in  the  Service , 

Tabular  Statement 



..  12 
.  7 
.  8 
.  9 






Thb  present  is  the  first  attempt  that  has  been  made  to  prepare  a  Biographical 
Catalogue  of  Washington  and  Jefferson  College.  In  1872  a  General  Catalogue 
was  published,  but  it  contained  little  besides  a  list  of  names.  The  present  work 
has  been  one  of  great  difficulty,  from  the  fact  that  so  little  has  been  done  to  pre- 
serve the  history  of  the  classes.  Very  largely,  even  the  Annual  Catalogues  have 
been  lust,  and  no  class  histories  had  been  written,  with  few  exceptions,  until  a 
comparatively  late  day. 

Jefferson  College  covers  a  period  of  sixty-four  years,  from  1802  to  1865, 
Washington  a  period  of  sixty  years,  from  1806  to  1865,  with  very  little  attempt 
to  perpetuate  their  histories. 

Alumni  Associations  have  existed  at  various  times,  but  have  not  been  of  long 
continnance.  A  reorganization  was  effected  in  1884,  with  Rev.  John  M. 
Bameit  as  Secretary,  and  A.  M.  Todd,  Esq.,  as  Corresponding  Secretary.  It 
waa  then  decided  to  publish  an  Annual  that  should  contain  the  Class  Histories 
of  each  successive  year,  and  in  this  way  preserve  the  histories  of  the  classes. 
It  was  also  resolved  to  publish  a  Biographical  Catalogue  of  tlie  original  and 
the  nnited  institutions. 

The  Secretaries  then  prepared  a  circular  calling  for  information,  and  sent  it 
to  the  Alumni  and  their  friends,  as  far  as  their  addresses  could  be  obtained.  Two 
jean  ago  the  undersigned  was  appointed  to  co-operate  with  the  Executive  Com- 
mittee and  to  undertake  the  preparation  of  the  Catalogue.  The  latter  work 
commenced  in  November,  1886.  Up  to  that  time  1,030  circulars  had  been 
received.  Since  then  the  Secretary,  Mr.  Barnett,  and  the  undersigned  have  put 
forth  vigorous  efforts  to  secure  the  data  of  the  remaining  2,424  Alumni.  In  this 
we  have  been  assisted  by  the  present  Corresponding  Secretary,  James  I.  Btx)wn- 
Bon,  Jr.,  Esq. 

In  the  matter  of  collecting  the  data  of  the  old  students,  we  have  been  suc- 
cessful beyond  our  most  sanguine  hopes.  Of  the  entire  number  of  the  Alumni 
(3,455),  data  has  been  secured,  in  greater  or  less  fullness,  of  over  ninety-eight  per 
cent,  of  the  whole. 

It  i;?  greatly  to  the  credit  of  these  venerable  institutions,  that  of  Jefferson, 
with  1,936  Alumni,  only  twenty  have  been  so  utterly  lost  to  history  as  to  be 
wholly  untraceable ;  and  of  Washington,  with  872  Alumni,  only  fifteen  have 
passed  out  of  all  knowledge  of  the  biographer.  Some  of  a  later  day  in 
Washington  and  Jefferson  College,  can  be  found,  but  either  neglected  or  declined 
giving  any  points  in  their  histories,  and  appear  blank  in  the  Catalogue. 



The  plan  has  been  to  enroll  only  gradwOmj  and  Bach  anderg^radaatea  as  after- 
ward received  honorary  degrees.  The  latter  are  designated  by  A.  B.  and  A.  M.; 
and  as  A.M.  was  for  many  years  given  to  all  graduates  who  had  studied  a 
profession,  no  degrees  are  mentioned  in  the  body  of  the  work  below  Ph.D., 
except  such  as  were  conferred  on  undergraduates. 

As  the  Catalogue  is  now  pi^esentod,  iier4  {s .  a  grand  array  of  names  of  men 
famous  in  the  history  of  the  Church  and  of  ttie  country— men  who  attained  to  the 
highest  positions  in  the  land,  and  who  were,  and  are,  a  mighty  power  for  good. 
Their  influence  has  been  felt  in  every  part  of  our  wide  country. 

Thanks  are  hereby  tendered  to  Class  Historians  for  their  labors,  and  to 
friends  and  sympathizers  with  this  undertaking,  for  most  valuable  aid  in  gath- 
ering data,  and  furnishing  it  most  cheerfully. 

Mistakes  will,  no  doubt,  be  found  in  many  instances,  but  there  has  been  the 
desire  to  make  the  work  as  perfect  and  reliable  as  possible. 

With  these  brief  remarks  the  Catalogue  is  commended  to  the  old  students  of 
Jefferson,  and  Washington,  and  Washington  and  Jefferson,  and  their  friends, 
trusting  that  it  will  revive  old  associations,  shed  light  on  the  histories  of  old 
friendships,  and  classmates,  and  reflect  credit  on  our  common  Alma  Mater. 

FrasMn^  Pa.,  Jan,  1,  1889.  S.  J.  M.  Eatok. 


Jefferson  College, 

Ganonsburg,  1?a., 

IFrom  the  tinw  it  was  chartered,  ia  1802,  uatil  its 
union,  with  'lAToshington  College,  in  1865. 

Bi|iE^  Jfistorrical  J^otice. 

The  early  settlers  of  Western  Pennsylvania,  like  those  of  New  England,  were 
distingaished  for  their  love  of  religion  and  of  learning.  They  planted  tlie 
charch  and  the  school-house  side  by  side.  The  first  ministers  who  were  settled 
in  this  r^on,  early  directed  their  attention  to  the  raising  up  of  a  ministry  at 
home,  for  the  supply  of  the  wants  of  the  growing  population.  For  this  purpose, 
mainly,  several  of  them  opened  classical  schools,  in  log-cabins  near  their  own 
dwellings.  The  Rev.  Messrs.  John  M'Miixan,  Joseph  Smith  and  Thaddeus 
DoD,  pastors  of  the  congregations  of  Chartiers,  Buffalo  and  Ten  Mile,  had  such 
schools  in  operation  between  the  years  1780  and  1790.  The  first  of  these  men, 
if  not  the  earliest,  as  is  commonly  believed,  was  the  most  efficient  in  this  good 
work ;  and  his  **  Latin  School"  has  gained  the  most  celebrity,  from  its  intimate 
connection  with  the  origin  of  Jefferson  College.  The  Canonsburg  Academy 
was  commenced  in  1791,  under  the  patronage  of  Col.  Canon,  and  Judges 
Allison,  M'Dowell,  and  others.  To  this  the  pupils  under  the  care  of  Dr. 
M'MiLLAN  were  soon  afterward  transferred. 

The  first  Principal  of  the  Academy  was  Mr.  David  Johnston,  a  graduate  of 
the  University  of  Pennsylvania.  He  was  assisted  by  Mr.  (afterward  Prof. ) 
Samuel  Milleb,  as  Teacher  of  Mathematics.  During  the  ensuing  eleven 
years  the  Academy  continued  to  prosper,  under  various  competent  instruc- 
tors; among  whom  were  Messrs.  James  Cabnahan,  afterward  President  of 
Princeton  College,  and  John  Watson,  afterward  first  President  of  Jefferson 
College.  In  1802  it  was  regularly  chartered  and  organised  a{  a  College,  being 
the  first  west  of  the  mountains. 

During  its  existence  as  an  Academy,  the  course  of  instruction  which  it 
afforded  was  but  little  less  extensive  than  that  of  the  colleges  of  that  day  in  the 
Eaist.  Here  many  of  the  most  distinguished  men  in  the  Western  country  received 
their  education,  and  may  be  ranked  among  the  honored  Alumni  of  the  institu- 
tion, although  their  names  do  not  appear  as  graduates  under  the  college  char- 
ter. Among  them  we  find  the  well-known  names  of  Cephas  Dod,  Elisha 
M'Cnrdy,  Thos.  £.  Hughes,  Thomas  Marquis,  Bobert  Johnson,  Joseph  Stock- 
ton, Samuel  Tait,  James  Satterfield,  Obadiah  Jennings,  D.  D.,  Wm.  Neill,  D. 
D.,  James  Bamsey,  D.  D.,  James  Hoge,  D.  D.,  Thos.  M'Giffin,  Esq.,  Joseph 
Patterson,  Esq.,  Hon.  Geo.  Torrence,  Gilbert  M'Master,  D.  D.,  James  Power, 
M.  D.|  and  many  others.  * 

•An  extended  and  excellent  Hidory  of  Jtffenon  CtjOm,  by  the  Rev.  Joseph  Smith,  D.  D., 
author  of  "Old  Redstone,"  was  published  in  1857,  In  which  the  Alumni  and  friends  of  the 
instllntlon  will  find  an  accurate  and  full  account  of  the  life  of  the  College  up  to  that  date. 

^iTincipals  of  t!ie  Oollege. 


Rev.  JOHN  WATSON,  A.  M. 
Choeen  Principal  Aagast  29th,  1802;  Died  November  30tb,  1802. 

Rev.  JAMES  DXJNLAP,  A.  M. 

Chosen  April  27th,  1803 ;  Resigned  April  25th,  1811. 

Rev.  ANDREW  WYLIE,  D.  D. 
Chosen  April  29th,  1812;  Resigned  April,  1816. 


Chosen  Beptembei*  24th,  1817  ;  Resigned  Aogust  14th,  1822. 

Rfiv.  MATTHEW  BROWN,  D.  D.,  LL.  D. 

Chosen  September  25thy  1822 ;  Resigned  September  27th,  184/). 

Rev.  ROBERT  J.  BRECKINRIDGE,  D.  D.,  LL.  D. 

Chosen  Janaar7  2d,  1845  ;  Resigned  June  9th,  1847. 

Rev.  ALEXANDER  B.  BROWN,  D.  D. 

Chosen  and  Inaugurated  October  14th,  1847  ;  Resigned  August,  18Mi. 

Rev.  JOSEPH  ALDEN,  D.  D.,  LL.  D. 
Chosen  Januarj  7th,  1857  ;  Resigned  November  4^  1862. 

Rev.  DAVID  H.  RIDDLE,  D.  D.,  LL.  D. 

Chosen  November  4th,  1862 ;  In  office  at  the  Union. 

ffirastees  of  t!(e  CJollege, 


Appointed  by  tlie  Legislature  of  PennsyWaiiia,  Jan.  15th,  1808. 

Rbv.  John  M'MtUiAy,  D. 
RjET.  Jo8£P^  Patterson^ 
Bev.  Thos.  Marquis,      . 
B^v,  Sakdei.  RAJLarpN,  p 
Bev.  Jorn  Bj^ack, 
Rev.  John  MTherjun, 
Bev.  Jame3  Power,     , 
Rbv.  Jam^s  Dunilaf, 
Alex.  Cook,  Eqq^,     *  « 
Ja>lbs  Edqaii^  Ebq., 
John  M!Dowi:ll,  Esq., 
James  AJU49PK,  Esq., 
William  Fini^by,  EJwi-,. 
Jo9M  Mei^jboe,  Esq.,     . 
Cmoq  ^Bicho:,  EsQp,,    . 
Gen.  John  Bahzlto^,  • 
Wm.  Hughes,  Esq.^     . 
Joseph  Vanqb,  Esqj^ 
Robert  Maboz^,  .Esq;., 
Jambs.  Kbbch  Esq.,  <. 
AAAONliiYi^,  Esq.,     < 

D.,      .    Resigned  April,  1802. 

Beslgoed  September,  1805. 
.    Resigoed  September,  1817. 
,  D.»        Died  18.52.  Resigned  March,  J«ol. 
,    Died  1802. 

Re8igQed  September,  1804. 
,    Reiigned  Septeiqber,  18U6- 

R^gned  Aprjl,.1803,  , 

.  V    [Hefligned  October,  1802., .    , 

Resigned  September,  1806. 
.    .Died  1809.        . ;    . .    . 

Died  September,  1807. 
.    Died  April,  1805. 

Resigned  September^  1814. 
.    Died  1833.  ... 

Resigned  April,  1831. 
<.    Resigned  December^  1817. 

Resigned  Septeinber,.  1810. 
.    Raaigned  September,  1824, 

Died  1835.  ,  .  i    .  •     . 
.    Resigned  April|  1822.. 


Rev.  l^os.  Moore, 
Rev.  sJamuel.  Porter, 
Jaw^es  Ai^LisoN,  Jr.,  ^sq., 
Rev,  JJoH2^  RiDDLJ^,     .'    , 
Rev.  Jame^  Hughes^ 
Rev.  Wm.  Swan,     . 
Dr.  Samuel  Murdoch',   . 
Rev.  John  Anderson, 

,  Elected  Aprilj^802  ;  Resigoed  April,  1814, 
,  fleeted  Oct.J  li}02  ;'  Resigned  Sept.,  1811. 
I  Elected  Ofct.,  1802';  Resigned  Sept.,  1817. 
!    plected  April,  1803;  Resigned  April,  1805. 

Elected  Sept.,  1804;  Resigned  Sept.,  1814. 
.    Elected  Sept.,  1S04  ;  Resigned  Sept.,  1824. 

Elected  April,  1805 ;  Resigned  April,  1817. 
.    Elected  April,  1805 ;  Resigned  Sept.,  1808. 



Rev.  James  Ramsey,  D.  D., 
William  Rhea,  Esq., 
Gen.  John  Morgan, 
Rev.  William  M' Mill  an, 
Thomas  Bbiceland,  £sq., 
James  Mountain,  Esq., 
Rev.  William  Wvlie,     . 
John  McDonald,  Esq., 
Rev.  Elisha  M* Curdy,  D.  D., 
Rev.  Moses  Allen, 
Abner  Lacock,  Esq., 
Rev.  Francis  Herron,  D.  D.,    . 
Rev.  Michael  Law, 
Richard  Johnston,  Esq.,     . 
Benjamin  Williams,  Esq., 
Andrew  Munro,  Esq., 
John  Reed,  Esq.,     . 
Joseph  Cix)Key,  Jr.,  Esq., 
Samuel  Logan,  Esq., 
Rev.  Robert  Johnston, 
Rev.  Joseph  M'Elroy,  D.  D., 
Dr.  Jonathan  Letherman, 
Rev.  Elisha  P.  Swift,  D.  D., 
Rev.  Thomas  D.  Baird, 
John  Phillips,  Esq., 
Rev.  Ashbel  Green,  D.  D., 
Rev.  William  Wilson,     . 
James  Gordon,  Esq.,     . 
William  M'Creary,  Esq., 
Rev.  William  Jeffery,  D.  D.,  . 
Dr.  D.  S.  Stevenson, 
William  Patterson,  Esq., 
Rev.  William  M' El  wee,  D.  D., 
Daniel  Houston,  Esq.,  . 
Rev.  Henry  R.  Weed,  D.  D., 
Hon.  Robert  G.  Grier,  LL.  D., 
John  Hays,  Esq., 
Hon.  H.  H.  Leavitt,  LL.  D., 
James  M'Clelland,  Esq., 
Rev.  John  T.  Pressly,  D.  D., 
Rev.  George  Marshall,  D.  D., 
William  Park,  Esq  , 
James  M'Cullough,  Esq.,  . 
Wm.  M'Daniel,  Esq., 
Dr.  John  V.  Hbewott, 

Elected  Sept.,  1805 ;  Resigned  Sept.,  1824. 
Elected  Sept.,  1805  ;  Resigned  Dec.,  1827. 
Elected  Sept.,  1807  ;  Resigned  Sept.,  1817. 
Elected  Sept.,  1808 ;  Resigned  Sept.,  1817. 
Elected  Sept.,  1809 ;  Died  1819. 
Elected  Sept.,  1810 ;  Died  1814. 
Elected  Sept.,  1811 ;  Resigned  April,  1818. 
Elected  April,  1814 ;  Died  1831. 
Elected  April,  1814  ;  Resigned  Sept.,  1820. 
Elected  Sept.,  1814  ;  Resigned  Mar.,  1839. 
Elected  Sept.,  1814 ;  Resigned  SepU,  1817. 
Elected  Sept.,  1817  ;  Resigned  Mar.,  1849. 
Elected  Sept.,  1817;  Died  1822. 
Elected  Sept.,  1817  ;  Died  1837. 
Elected  Sept.,  1817  ;  Died  1860. 
Elected  Sept.,  1817;  Died  1841. 
Elected  Sept.,  1817  ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 

Elected  Dec.,  1817  ;  Died . 

Elected  Dec.,  1817;  Resigned  Sept.,  1837. 
Elected  April,  1818 ;  Resigned  Sept.,  183o. 

Elected  Sept.,  1819  ;  Resigned . 

Elected  April,  1820;  Died  1844. 
Elected  Sept.,  1820;  Resigned  Aug.,  1852. 
Elected  April,  1822;  Died  1838. 
Elected  April,  1822  ;  Died  1845. 
Elected  Sept.,  1824;  Resigned  Jan.,  182S. 
Elected  Sept.,  1824  ;  Resigned  April,  1833. 
Elected  Dec.,  1825  ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  April,  1826;  Resigned  Mar.,  1839. 
Elected  Jan.,  1828 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Sept.,  1831 ;  Died  1843. 
Elected  March,  1832  ;  Died  1835. 
Elected  Sept.,  1833 ;  Resigned  1864. 
Elected  Sept.,  1833 ;  Died  1863. 
Elected  Sept.,  1835 ;  Resigned  Sept.,  1845. 
Elected  Sept.,  1835;  Resigned  Feb.,  1855. 
Elected  Sept.,  1835  ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  March,  1837  ;  Resigned  Oct.,  1847. 
Elected  Sept.,  1837  ;  Resigned  Mar.,  1853. 
Elected  Mar.,  1839  ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Mar.,  1839;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Mar.,  1839  ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Sept.,  1841  ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Sept.,  1844 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Sept.,  1844:  Resigned  Aug.,  1853. 



Rev.  Jam£8  Sloak,  D.  D., 
WiLUAM  Marks,  Esq., 
Thomas  Nicholson,  Esq., 
Rey.  Alex.  T.  M'Gill,  D.D.  LL. 
Rev.  Wm.  M.  Paxtok,  D.  D., 
Rev.  Wm.  P.  Breed, 
Wm.  S.  Galohak,  Esq., 
James  K.  Moorhead,  Esq.,    . 
James  P.  Sterrett,  Esq., 
Rev.  Jambs  Alex  ander,  D.  D. 
Wm.  Hall,     . 
James  Vesch, 
John  £.  Bell,     . 
Rev.  James  C.  Campbell, 

Elected  Sept,  184o  ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
.    Elected  Sept.,  184o  ;  Died  1858. 

Elected  Oct.,  1847  ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
D,Elected  Mar.,  1849;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
.    Elected  Aag.,  1851 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 

Elected  Dec.,  1852 ;  Resigned  Aag.,  1856. 
.    Elected  Mar.,  1853 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 

Elected  Aug.,  1853 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
.  Elected  Jnlj,  1855 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
,  Elected  Aag.,  1856 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
.    Elected  Aug.,  1858 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 

Elec.  Aag.  6, 1861 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
.    Elec.  Aug.  4,  1863 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 

Elec.  Aug.  8,  1864 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 

^nincipals  anfl  ^i[ofessoiis. 


April,  1802»  Rev.  John  Wa^tsov,  Fm.  tuid  Prof.  LaqmiigeB  And 

Moral  Philosopbj.  Died  Noyemb«r  30, 1802. 

"        "     B«v.  John  M',  Profwsor  of  DiWnity. 
^'         '<      SAMI7CL  MiLLBB,  A.  M.,  ProfesBor  Mathematics  and 

Natural  Philotophj.  Resigned  September,  1830. 

**     1803,  Rev.  James  Duni*ap,  A.  M.,  Pres.  and  Prof.  Lan- 
guages and  Moral  Philoeophj.  Resigned  April,  1811. 
'*      1805,  Rev.  John  M'Millan,  D.  I).,  Vice-Prin'l.    Died  Nov.  16,  1833. 
*•      1812,  Rev.  Andrew  Wylie,  D.  D.,  Principal.     Resigned  April,  1816. 
Sept.,    1817,  Rev.  Wm.  McMillan,  A.  M.,  Principal.     Resigned  Aug.,  1822. 
'^      1818,  Rev.  Abbahabc  Anderson,  A.  M.,  Professor  Lan- 
guages.                                              Resigned  September,  1821. 
"      1821,  Rev.  Wm.  Smith,  D.  D.,  Prof.  Languages.     Prof,  at  the  Union. 
"      1822,  Rev.  Matthew  Brown,  D.  D.,  LL.  D.,  Principal. 

Resigned  Sept.,  184o.  Died  18o;^. 

April,  1824,  Rev.  James  Ramsey,  D.  D.,  Prof.  Hebrew.  Resigned  Dec.,  18.32. 
'^      1826,  Rev.  Richard  Campbell,  A.  M.,  Prof.  Languages 

and  Mathematics.  Resigned  1827. 

*'      1830.  Rev.  John  H.  Kennedy,  A.  M.,  Prof.  Mathemat- 
ics and  Natural  Philosophy.  Died  December  15.  1840. 
Sept.,       **      Samuel  Miller,  A.  M.,  Hon.  Prof.  Mathematics.       Died  1831. 
Mar.,    1832,  Jacob  Green,  M.  D.,  Prof.  Chemistry,  Mineralogy 

and  Natural  History.  Died  February,  1841. 

**     1834,  C.  J.  H  ADEEM  ANN,    £sQ.,  Prof.    Mathematics   and 

Modem  Languages.  Resigned  September,  1836. 

Sept.    1836,  Washington  M'Cartney,  Esq.,   A.  M.,  Professor 

Mathematics  and  Modern  Languages.     Resigned  Sept.,  1837. 
"     1837,  Rev.  Chas.  S.  Dodd,  A.  M.,  Prof.  Mathematics  and 

Modern  Languages.  Resigned  March,  1839. 

Mar.,  1838,  William  Darby,  Fsq.,  A.  M.,  Prot.  History,  Geog- 
raphy and  Astronomy.  Resigned  1841. 
Feb.,    1841,  Richard  S.  M'Culloh,  Esq..  A.  M.,  Prof.  Mathe- 
matics, Natural  Philosophy  and  Chemistry        Res.  Sept. ,  1 843. 
"        "      Rev.  a.  B.  Brown,  A.  M.,  Prof.  Belles-Lettres  and 

Adjunct  Prof.  Languages.  Resigned  October,  1847. 

Mar.,       *'     Henry  Snyder,  A.  M.,  Adjunct  Prof.  Mathematics. 
•*      1843,  Rev.  Henry  Snyder,  A.  M.,  Prof.  Mathematica 

Resigned  Aogust,  1850. 
Sept.,       ''      S.  R.  Williams,  A.  M.,  Prof.  Natural  Philosophy 

and  Chemistry.  Resigned  August,  1852. 

*'      1844,  Re7.  Robert  W.  Orr,  A.  M.,  Prof.  Civil  Engineer- 
ing and  Natural  History.  Resigned  December,  1846. 


J^an.,    1845,  Rev.  R.  J.  Breckinridge,  D.  D.,  Princ^.  Resigned  June,  1847. 
D€c.,       "     Rev    A.  B.  Brown,  A.  M.,  Prof.  Belles-Lettres, 

Logic,  Rhetoric  and  General  History.  Resigned  1856. 

"        **     Rev.  Robert  W.  Orr,  A.  M.,  Prof.  Latin  Language 

and  Literature.                                         Resigned  Marcli,  1852. 
3far.,   1846,  Rev.  Thomas  Beveridgk,   D.  D.,  Prof.  Extraordi- 
nary Evidences  of  Nat.  and  Rey.  Religion.      Resigned  1855. 
"        "     John  D.  Vowell,   M.  D.,  Prof.  Extra,  of  Physiol- 
ogy and  Ck>niparative  Anatomy.  Resigned 

Aog.  3,  '47,  Rev.  Wm.  Smith,  Vice-President  College. 

Oct.,         '*     Rev.  Alexander  B.Brown,  D.  D.,  Prin*L  Resigned  Aug.,  1856. 

Jane,  1848,  Rev.  Robert  M.  White,    A.  M.,   Prof.  Extra,  of 

Rhetoric.  Died  December,  1848. 

July,    184a,  Rev.  Joseph  R.  Wilson,  D.  D.,   Prof.   Extra,  of 

Rhetoric.  Resigned 

Aug.,    1850,  Robert    Patterson,   A.   M.,   Prof.    Mathematics. 

Resigned  November,  1854. 
"        "     Rev.  William  Wallace,  D.  D.,  Prof  Extra.  Moral 

Science.  Died  January,  1851. 

'•     1852,  Rev.  William  Ewinq,  A.  M.,  Prof.  Extra,  of  His- 
tory and  Modern  Languages.  Professor  at  the  Union. 
"        '*     Samuel   R.    Williams,   A.   M.,    Prof.    Extra,   of 

Natural  Science.  Resigned  August,  1854. 

Sept.,       **    Samuel  Jones,  A.  M.,  Prof.  Natural   Philosophy 

and  Chemistry.  Professor  at  the  Union. 

Dec.,        "     Rev.  Aaron  Williams,  D.  D.,  Prof.   Latin  Lan- 
guage and  Literature.  Resigned  August,  1859. 
"        "     Rev.  Abraham  Anderson,  D.  D.,  Prof.  Extra,  of 

Hebrew.  Died  May,  1855. 

Feb.,    1855,  John  Eraser,  A.  M.,  Prof,  of  Mathematics.    Prof,  at  the  Union. 
"        *'     John  B.  Stilley,   A.   M.,    Prof.   Extra,   of  Civil 

Engineering.  Resigned 

July,       "       Rev.  John  B.  Clark,   A.   M.,    Prof.    Extra,  of 

Hebrew.  Resigned  July  31,  1860. 

Aug.,   1856,  Rev.  A.  B.  Brown,  D.  D.,  Prof,  of  English  Literature. 
Jan.,    1857,  Rev.  Joseph  Alden,  D.  D.,  LL.  D.,  Pres.  and  Prof. 

Mental  and  Moral  Philosophy.  Resigned  Nov.  4,  1862. 

Aug.,       •'    Alonzo  Linn,  A.  M  ,  Prof.  Political  Economy  and 

History.  Prof,  at  the  Union. 

"         **      M.  B.  Riddle,  D.  D.,  Adjunct  Prof,  of  Greek. 
Mar.    4,  1860,  Rev.  I.  N.   M'Kinney,  A.  M.,   Prof,   of   Latin. 

Resigned  Jan.  2,  1861. 
Feb.  20,  1861,  C.  M.  Dodd,  A.  M.,  Prof.  Latin.             Professor  at  the  Union. 
Mar.  27,     "      Dr.  J.  V.  Herriott,   Prof.    Anatomy  and  Phys- 
iology. Resigned 

Aug.    6,     "      Rev.  Wm.  Smith,  D.  D.,  Prof.  Emeritus  Greek. 

"      6,     **       Prof.  Linn,  Professor  of  (ireek. 
Nov.   4, 1862,  Rev.  David  II.  Kiddle,  D.  D.,  Pres.  and  Prof,  of 

Mental  and  Moral  Science.  Professor  at  the  Union. 

Je^^Eitson  OollegE  Alumni. 


^Bracken,  Reed.— Son  of  Thomas  and  Anna  (Shannon) ;  born  York  Co.,  Pa., 
1778;  licensed  Oct.  17,  1805,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  April  20, 
1808,  Presbytery  of  Erie;  pastor  Nebo,  Pa.,  '08-45,  Middlesex  '20-32, 
Portersville  '32-45;  married  Mary,  daughter  of  Kev.  William  Graham; 
died  Butler  Co.,   Pa.,  July  29,  '49.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Eaton,  Johnston.— Son  of  John;  born  Franklin  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  7,  1776; 
theology  under  Dr.  McMillan ;  licensed  Aug.  22,  1805,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ; 
ordained  June  30,  *08,  Presbytery  of  Erie ;  pastor  Fairviaw,  Pa.,  '07-47, 
Springfield  '08;  stated  supply  Erie,  North  East;  chaplain  U.  S.  A.  '12- 
13;  married  Sept.  30,  '07,  Eliza,  daughter  of  Daniel  Canon;  died 
Fairview,  Pa.,  June  17,  *47,  of  paralysis.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*McMiLLAN,  William. — Born  Lewistown,  Pa.,  1777  ;  theology  under  Dr.  Mc« 
Millan ;  licensed  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  1804,  same  presbytery ; 
President  Jeflferson  College  '16-22,  Franklin  College,  Ohio,  '23-32;  pastor 
Two  Ridges,  O.,  '04-16;  stated  supply  Miller's  Run,  '16-32;  died  New 
Athens,  O.,  April  11,  '32;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*PrcKEN8,  Israel. — Son  of  Samuel ;  born  Cabarras  Co.,  N.  C,  January  30, 
1780 ;  State  Senate,  N.  C,  1809 ;  Member  of  Congress  Twelfth  District, 
'11-17  ;  Registrar  Land  Office,  Alabama,  '17  ;  Governor  Alabama,  '21-25 ; 
U.  S.  Senate,  Alabama,  '26 ;  died  near  Matanzas,  West  Indies,  April  23, 
*27.     Lawyer. 

*Rhea,  John. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Isabel ;  born  TuUy,  Ireland,  1772 ;  theology 
with  Dr.  McMillan;  licensed  June,  1803,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained 
'05,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Beech  Springs  '05-48,  Crab  Apple  '05 — ?; 
married  1793,  Elisabeth  Christy;  died  Union  Vale,  O.,  Feb.  12,  '55, 
decay  of  vital  powers;  D.D.,  Jeflferson  College,  '38.  Presbyterian  minister. 


^McDonald,  Andrew.— Son  of  John  and (Noble)  ;   born   Washington 

Co.,  Pa.;  licensed  ;  ordained  ;  pastor  White  Oak  Flats  and  Sewickley,  Pa., 
'14,  Flaherty's  Run  '19 ;  infirm  many  years ;  died  '29.  Presbyterian 



♦MoNTEiTH,  Alexander.— Born  Scotland  ;  theology  priyately ;  tutor  N.  J. 
College  ;  ordained  1809 ;  pastor  Schenectady,  N.  Y.,  '09-15 ;  died  Sch«neo- 
tady,  N.  Y.,  '15.     Presbyterian  minister 

*RiGGS.  Cyrus. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Hannah  (Cook) ;  bom  Morris  Co.,  N.  J., 
Oct.  15.  1774;  theology  with  Dr.  McMillan;  licensed  Oct.  23,  1806, 
Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  Oct.  21,  '07,  Presbytery  of  Krie ;  pastor  at 
Fai-lJ^d^itd  ^<ill/rreek,i]^^,['07-l^,  8inibgiliaB 7 *ixl  1V^5  toiler 'l-l-'U ; 
stated  supply  'Elkliom  and  .Galum,  111. J  '38-49 ;' married  "july'sb,  *09, 
Mary,  daughter  of  Edward  Ross  ;  died  at  Elkhorn,  111.,  Feb.  14,  '49.  Pres- 
byterian minister. 


♦McDonald,  John.— Son  of  John  and  (Noble) ;  born  in  Washington  Co., 

Pa.;  law  student;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  1806-31 ;  married  Feb.  7, 
'09,  Mary  Mor^w,  also  Jan.  28,  '17,  Isabe^a  Simpson ;  died  Piitfibiir& 
Pa„  May  20,  '31.    Lawyer. 

*ScoTT,  ABRAHA-M.-i-Son  o£  Josiah  and  Violet  (Foster);  bom  York  Co.,  Pa., 
Jane  19,  1766;  theology  With  Dr.  McMillan  ;  licensed  Presbytery  of  Ohio; 
missionary  Northeastern  Ohio,  1808  ;  ordained  July  12,  *08,  Presbytery  of 
Ohio;  pastor  of  Ceuler  Church  many  years,  '08 ;  married  June  18,  1793^ 
Rebecca,  daughter  of  Hon.  John  McDowell;  died  Jefferson  Co.,  Ohio, 
March  19,  '41.     Presbyterian  minister. 

^^St£pH£NS,  Dani BL.****Son  of  Abednego  and  Gatherioe  (Mills) ;  born  Bedford 
Co.,  Pa.,  April,  1777 ;  ordained  deacon  by  Bishop  Claggett ;  priest  by  s:mu\ 
1810;  teacher  Washington  College,  Maryland;  preached  at  Havre  de 
Grace,  Md.,  four  years,  Staunton,  Va.,  till '28,  Columbia,  Tenn.,  '28-33, 
Bolivar  '33-50;  married  '08,  Mrs.  Margaret  Wingate,  daughter  of 
Thomas  Meeds;  died  Bolivar,  Tenn.,  Nov.  21,  '50;  D.D.,  '20,  Pennsyl- 
vania University.     Protestant  Episcopal  minister. 

♦Vallandioham,  CLxyENT.-~Soa  of  George  and  Eliaabelh  (Nohle);  bom 
Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  March  7,  1778 ;  licensed  June  28,  1806,  Presbytery  of 
Ohio ;  ordained  June  24,  *07 ;  pastor  New  Lisbon,  Ohio,  '07^9  ;  mar- 
ried June  24,  '07,  Rebecca  Laird  ;  died  New  Linbon,  Ohio,  Oct.  24,  '39. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

♦White,  John. — Son  of  William  and  Ann ;  born  Canonsburg,  Pa. ;  law 
student  with  Obadiah  Jennings,  Sieubenville,  Ohio ;  practiced  law,  Wash- 
ington, Pa.;  prothoaatory  one  year;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Thompson, 
Thorapsonville,  Pa.;  practiced  medicine.  Hickory,  Pa.,  1815-47  ;  married 
'09,  Agnes  Park;  died  Hickory,  !*a.,  Aug.,  '53,  dropsy.    Physician. 


*Allen,  Moses. — Born  Westmoreland  I'o..  Pa.,  Sept.  5,  1780;  theology  with 
Dr.  McMillan  ;  licensed  June  23,  1807,  Presbytery  of  Oliii) ;  ordained  Nov., 
'07,  Presbytery  of  Bedstone ;  pastor  Jefferson  and  N.  Providence,  Pii,, 
'07-16,  Raccoon '17-39,  Crabsipple,  O.,  '39-45;  married  Catherine,  daugh- 
ter of  Kev.  Dr.  MoMiUan;  died  Crabapple,  O.,  Jan.  16,  '4r».  Presbyterian 


^CcNNiNOUAM,  James. — Born  Eastern  Pennsylvania,  1772  ;  thcologj  with  Dr. 
McMillan ;  licensed  1808,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  ;  preached  in 
West  Virginia,  and  Liokinjf  Oo.,  O.;  pastor  Utica  and  Mary  Ann,  O., 
'18-28 ;  Walerford  and  West  Carlisle ;  missionary  ;  married  Elizabeth^ 
daughter  of  Robert  Stockton ;  died  Martinsburg,  O.,  Sept.  8,  '57. 
Presbyterian  niinistfr. 

•GAiLOWAY,  Jam£S. — Bom  July  23,  178(5 ;  Associate  Seminary,  N.  Y.; 
licensed  1810,  Reformed  Presbytery;  ordained  '11;  pastor  Associate 
Reformed  Church,  Mercer,  Pa.,  '10-18 ;  married  Miss  Junk  in  ;  died 
Mercer,  Pa.,  May  10,  '18.     Associate  Reformed  minister. 

♦Hayden,  Daniel.— Born  Western  Pennsylvania,  April  9,  1781 ;  principal  of 
Greensburg  Academy,  1805-08;  licensed  Oct.  20,  *08,  Presbytery  of 
Erie ;  ordained  '09,  Presbytery  of  Cincinnati ;  missionary  Ohio ;  pastor 
Pleasant  Ridge,  Ohio,  till  '35 ;  died  Aug.  27,  '35.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*McCoNNELL,  James. — Son  of  Capt.  James;  born  Franklin  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  9, 
1784;  teacher  Mercersburg,  Pa.,  and  law  student ;  practiced  law  Moorfield, 
Va.,  ISIO.;  theology ;  licensed  Virginia ;  teacher  Moorfield,  Romuey,  Liv- 
ingston, N.  Glasgow,  N.  London,  Va.,  Chesterfield  and  Chesterville,  S.  C, 
Brownsville  and  Waynesburg,  Pa.;  married  Elisabeth,  daughter  of 
Joseph  Luckey ;  died  near  Mansfield,  Ohio,  Oct.  7,  '40.  Teacher  of 

*NoBTON,  Carlos  A. — Son  of  Philo  and  Ann  (Baldwin) ;  born  1784;  manu- 
facturer ;  married  Mary  Booth  ;  died  Conn  ells  vi  He,  Pa.,  May  26,  '31. 

♦Patterson,  James. — Born  Ervina,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  March  17,  1819  ;  teacher 
Trenton,  N.  J.;  tutor  N.  J.  C,  '06 ;  theology  under  Drs.  Smith  and  Kollock  ; 
licensed  Oct.,  '08,  Presbytery  of  N.  Brunswick  ;  ordained  Aug.  9,  '09 ; 
pastor  Boundbrook,  N.  J.,  '09-13,  First  Church,  Northern  Liberties, 
Philadelphia,  '14^7;  married  Sarah  Coe,  '11;  died  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
Nov.  17,  '37.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•Scott,  James. — Son  of  Josiah  and  Violet  (Foster) ;  born  York  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb. 
22,  1772;  theology  under  Dr.  McMillan;  licensed  Presbytery  of  Oliio; 
ordained  Aug.  23,  1808,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  pastor  Clinton,  Frederic 
and  Ebenezer,  Pa.;  missionary  to  Ohio;  pastor  Mt.  Vernon,  Frederick- 
town,  MartinsbnrK,  O. ;  missionary;  married  July  10,  '10,  Jane, 
daughter  of  Capt.  Archibald  Wilson;  died  Mt.  Vernon,  O.,  Sept.  18, 
'50,  typhoid  pneumonia.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Trevor,  John  B.— Born  1793;  State  Treasurer  of  Pennsylvania,  1820-21  ; 
cashier  Bank  of  Philadelphia;  died  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Oct.  6,  '60. 

*WiLLS,  Jam£.s. — Son  of  James  and  Mary  (Lawson) ;  born  Monoghan,  Ireland,. 
1784;  law  student;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  1807-22;  married 
Sept.,  '17,  Mary  Thompson;  died  Cumberland  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.,  '22. 


WiLLsoN,  Jambs  Renwick.-^Soii  of  Zaccheus  aad  Marj  (McCounell) ;  bom 
near  Elizabeth,  Pa.,  April  9, 1780 ;  principal  Bedford  College,  Pa.,  1805-15; 

teacher   Philadelphia ;    theologj   with   Dr.    A.    McLeod ;    licensed    : 

ordained ;  misaionarj  Philadelphia;  pastor  Newburg,  N.  Y.,  '17-23, 

Coldenhara  *  17-30,  Albany  '30-33,  Coldenham  '33-40;  professor  of 
Eastern  Seminary,  '36-40  ;  professor  of  Reformed  Presbyterian  Seminary, 
Allegheny,  Pa.,  '40-45;  same  seminary,  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  '45-49;  emeritus 
professor,  Philadelphia,  '51-53;  married  Jane  Roberts,  '07;  published 
**  Historical  Sketch  of  Opinions  on  the  Atonement,"  "The  Vow,"  **The 
Glory  of  the  Church,"  «*The  Kingdom  of  Christ,"  "The  Sabbath,"  "The 
Prince  Messiah,"  "The  Written  Law;"  editor  Albany  Quarterly)  died  Cold- 
enham, N.  Y.,  Sept.  29,  '53,  effects  of  sunstroke;  D.D.,  '28,  W.  U.  P. 
I       Associate  Presbyterian  minister. 


*HuNT,  Thomas.— Son  of  Jonathan  and  Christina;  born  Princeton,  N.  J., 
Aug.  12,  1769;  theology  with  Dr.  John  McMillan;  licensed  1808. 
ordained  Dec.  27,  *09,  Presbytery  of  Redstone;  pastor  Second  Church, 
Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '09-18,  Two  Ridges  and  Richmond,  O.,  '19-38,  Richmond, 
'28;  W.  C,  'SS;  married  March  10,  1791,  Rhoda  Pool,  also,  Oct.  19,  '15, 
Mrs.  Rebecca  Smith,  also,  Jan.  14,  '40,  Eliza  Colmery ;  died  Two  Ridges, 
O.,  Jan.  14,  '50.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Leslie,  Jonathan. — Licensed  June  3,  1807,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained 
July  12,  '08,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Harpersfield,  O.,  '14-20,  Westfield, 
Pa.;  missionary  many  years  ;  died  '40.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Rebd,  John. — Son  of  David  and  Margaret  (May) ;  born  Washington  Co.,  Pa., 
March  14,  1787;  Pennsylvania  Legislature,  1816-21;  married  Jan.  5,  '26, 
Jane  May;  died  near  Venice,  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  20,  '78. 

*Sc..TT,  James. 

*Van  Em  an,  George. — Son  of  George  and  Rebecca  (Scott) ;  born  Washington 
Co.,  Pa.,  April  23,  1786;  theology  with  Dr.  John  McMillan;  licensed  1S08, 
Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  '09,  Presbytery  of  Lancaster;  stated  supply  and 
pastor  Mansfield,  O., '15-21 ;  Jefferson  and  N.  Providence,  Pa.,  '21-35, 
Findley,  O.,  '35  ;  married  Sept.  3,  '10,  Maria,  daughter  of  Charles  Cooper, 
also,  June  4,  '39,  Mrs.  Sarah  Flanagan ;  died  McComb,  Ohio,  March  12, 
'77,  aged  ninety-two  yeara.     Presbyterian  minister. 


*CrLBERTSON,  James. — Sou  of  Col.  Samuel;  born  Franklin  Co.,  P;i.,  1785; 
licensed  August,  1812,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle;  ordained  December  24,  '12, 
Presbytery  of  Zanesville ;  pastor  Zanesville,  0.,  '12-47;  died  Zanosvillc, 
February,  '47;  D.D.,  '35,  W.  C.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*DuNLAP,  William.— Son  of  Rev.  James;  born  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.;  licensed 
Redstone  Presbytery;  ordained  1811;  pastor  Abingdon,  Va.,  '11-18; 
died  Abingdon,  Va.,  '18.     Presbyterian  minister. 


^Matthews,  John. — Son  of  James  and  Prudence  (Gordon);  born  Franklin  Co.> 
Pa.,  February  7, 1778 ;  licensed  June  22, 1809,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained 
October  17,  '09,  Presbytery  of  Erie;  pastor  Gravel  Run,  Pa.,  '09-14, 
Waterford  '09-17 ;  missionary  in  Missouri  '17-27,  Ohio  '27-32,  Illinois  ; 
married  Nancy  Bracken,  also  Anna  Smith  ;  died  Georgetown,  111.,  May  12, 
'61.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*PoRTEB,  Samuel,  Jr.— Son  of  Rev.  Samuel;  born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.(?); 
theology  under  Dr.  McMillan (?);  licensed  1810,  Presbytery  of  Ohio; 
ordained  '11,  Presbytery  of  Baltimore ;  pastor  Cumberland,  Md.,  11-13; 
died  Cumberland,  Md.,  January  8,  '13.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Stevenson,  Joseph.— Son  of  John  and  Mary;  born  Harper's  Ferry,  Va., 
March  25,  1779;  theology  under  Dr.  McMillan;  licensed  October  18,  1808, 
Presbytery  of  Washington  ;  ordained  June,  '09,  Presbytery  of  W^ashiag- 
lon ;  pastor  Two  Ridges  and  Forks  of  Wheeling  '09-25,  Belief ontaine,  O., 
'25-44 ;  missionary  '44-66 ;  married  '04,  Sarah,  daughter  of  Rev.  Thomas 
Marquis;  died  Belief  ontaine,  O.,  February  24,  '65,  erysipelas.  Presby- 
terian minister. 


*BoYEB,  Stephen. — Licensed  and  ordained  ;  principal  of  York  Academy 

1823-47  ;  sUted  supply  Hopewell,    Pa.,  '34-36,    Siewartstown  '44 ;    mar- 
ried; died  York,  Pa.,  '47.     Presbyierian  minister. 

*CoKDiT,  Ira. — Born  Morris  Co.,  N.  J.,  March  6,  1772;  theology  under  Dr. 
McMillan;  licensed  October  17,  1811,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  Novem- 
ber 8,  '14,  Presbytery  of  Erie;  pastor  of  Fairfield  and  Big  Sugar  Creek, 
Pa.,  '14-27,  Georgetown,  Amity  and  Cool  Spring '27-36 ;  married,  1800, 
Mary  Miller ;  died  Georgetown,  Pa  ,  October  24,  '3o,  typhoid  fever.  Pres- 
byterian minister. 

*Hdohes,  Joseph  Smith. — Son  of  Rev.  James  and  Mary  (Smith);  born  Penn 
sylvania;  theology  privately;  ordained  November  11,  1810,  Presbytery 
of  Lancaster;  pastor  Delaware,  O.,  '10-23;  Recorder  Delaware  Co.,  O.; 
died  Delaware,  Ohio,  1823.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Smith,  James.  -Theology  privately  ;  licensed  June  29,  1814 ;  Presbytery  of 
Ohio ;  ordained  August  23,  '  15,  Presbytery  of  Lancaster ;  pastor  Seneca 
and  Leatherwood,  O.,  '15-19;  died  April  19,  '19.  Presbyterian  min- 


*MiLLiOAK,  James. — Son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Milligan);  born  Ayreshire,  Scot- 
land, August  7,  1785;  theology  at  Philadelphia  Reformed  Seminary;  licensed 
April  4,  1811,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia  ;  ordained  June  10,  '12;  pastor 
Coldenham,  N.  Y.,  '12-17,  Ryegate,  Vt.,  '17-39,  New  Alexandria,  Pa., 
•89-48,  Sparta,  III.,  '48-55;  married  '20,  Mary  Trumbull;  D.D.,  '48,  Mus 
kingum  College;  died  Southfiold,  Mich.,  January  2,  '62.  Reformed  Pres- 
byterian minister. 


*Rankin,  Christopher. — Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.;  law  student,  practitioner 
of  law,  Natchez,  Miss.;  Member  of  Congress,  Miasiisippi,  1811^26;  died 
Washington,  D.  C,  March  14,  '26.     Lawyer. 

♦ScROOOs,  Joseph. — Son  of  James  and  Margaret ;  born  Cumberland  Co.,  Pa., 
March  1,  1793  ;  entered  college  at  eleven  years,  graduated  at  sixteen  ;  the- 
ology under  Dr.  John  Anderson  ;  licensed  October,  1813,  Presbytery  of 
Chartiers  (Associate  Presbyterian);  ordained  August,  '14,  same  presby- 
tery ;  pastor  Fairfield  and  Donegal,  Pa.,  '1-1-73;  married  Mary,  daughter 
of  Dr.  Thomas  Hanna,  also  Mrs.  Wm.  Hogg,  daughter  of  Samuel  Wither- 
spoon ;  published  '^The  National  Recognition  of  Christianity";  died 
Ligonier,  Pa.,  April  21,  '73;  D.D,,  '57,  Jefferson  College.  Associate 
Presbyterian  minister. 


*Camnon,  John. — Son  of  Hugh  and  Mary  (Thompson);  born  Dungiven,  County 
Londonderry,  Ireland,  November  19,  1784;  theology  at  Philadelphia  Sem- 
inary ;  pastor  Greensburg,  Pa.,  1816-^36;  married  '18,  Martha  Brown  ;  died 
Greensburg,  Pa.,  February  2,  '36.     Reformed  Presbyterian  minister. 

*QiLL,  Jonathan. — Son  of  John  and  Jane  (Shaw);  born  Huntingdon  Co.,  Pa., 
Aug.  9, 1777;  Reformed  stated  supply  Philadelphia  ;  licensed  1814,Reformed 
Presbyterian  Presbytery  of  Pittsburg;  ordained  '16,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor 
Xenia,  O.,  '16-23,  Thompson's  Run,  Pa.,  '23-33;  professor  of  academy; 
professor  Western  University,  Pa.,  '35-45 ;  died  near  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  April 
20,  '46.     Associate  Reformed  Presbyterian  minister. 

*Hbrvey,  James. — Son  of  James  and  Margaret;  born  Brooke  Co.,  Va., 
August  13,  1782  ;  theology  under  Dr.  Rhea;  licensed  Presbytery  of  Ohio; 
ordained  January,  1809;  pastor  Forks  of  Wheeling  '19-59;  married 
Jane  McKinley  ;  died  September  13,  '59,  decay  of  vital  powers  ;  D.I)., '47,. 
Washington  College.     Presbyterian  minister. 

^HiENDRiCKS,  William. — Born  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  1783;  law  student; 
practiced  law,  Madison,  Ind.;  Member  of  Congress,  Indiana,  1816-22  ;  Gov- 
ernor of  Indiana,  '22-25 ;  United  States  Senator,  Indiana,  '25-37  ;  married 

,  daughter  of  Col.  John  Paul ;  died  Madison,  Indiana,  May  16,  '50;. 

«LL.D.     Lawyer. 

♦Johnston,  William.— Son  of  William  and  Eliza  (Laughlin);  born  near  Can- 
onsburg.  Pa.,  March  7,  1783;  licensed  April  21,  1.H12,  Presbytery  of  Ohio  ; 
ordained  '13,  Presbytery  of  Redstone  ;  pastor  Dunlap's  Creek,  Pa.,  '13-39, 
Brownsville  '13-41;  married   Martha  Gallaher :    died  '42.     Presbyterian, 

*Kerr,  James  P, — Son  of  James  and  Eliaa  (Powers);  born  Washington  Co., 
Pa.,  October  4,  1792  ;  medical  student ;  practiced  medicine  Claysville,  Pa.; 
1820-44,  Canonsburg  '44-53;  married  April  17,  '21,  Kliiabeth  Miller;, 
died  Jeflferson  Co.,  Pa.,  June  6,  '61.     Physician. 


'•LusK,  Robert. — Son  of  William  and  Elizabeth  (Holliday);  born  near  London- 
derry, Ireland,  March  8,  1781  ;  theological  seminary  Philadelphia  ;  pastor 
Chambersbnrg,  Pa.,  1816-24,  Walnut  Ridge,  Ind.,  *24-40;  married  '16, 
Margaret  Thompson,  also '24,  Mary  Reid  ;  died  Walnut  Ridge,  Ind.,  Dec. 
14,  '46.     Reformed  Presbyterian  minister. 

"♦Reed,  John. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Linn);  born  near  Gettysburg,  Pa.; 
August  12,  1782;  Professor  of  Languages  Washington  College  1815; 
licensed  '16(7),  Presbytery  of  Washington;  stated  supply  Indiana  and  Gilgal, 
Pa.,  '17-18;  ordained  '18,  Presbytery  of  Redstone;  pastor  Gilgal,  Pa.; 
'18-39,  Indiana,  Pa.,  '18-40;  married  Isabel  Ferguson;  died  Indiana,  Pa., 
May  27,  '40.     Presbyterian  minister. 

'•Wylie,  Andrew. — Son  of  Andrew;  born  Pennsylyanio,  April  IJ,  1789; 
licensed  October  21,  1812;  ordained  June  23,  '13;  pastor  Miller's  Run, 
Pa.,  '13-16;  President  Jefferson  College  '12-16,  Washington  College 
'17-29  ;  stated  supply  Ten  Mile  and  West  Liberty,  Pa.,  '17-29 ;  President 
Indiana  University  '29-51 ;  ordained  deacon  Episcopal*  Church  '4C,  priest 
'41  ;  published  **  English  Grammar,  Discourses  ; "  married  May,  '13,  Marga- 
ret,  daughter  of  Craig  Ritchie;  died  Bloomington,  Ind.,  Nov.  11,  '51; 
D.D.    Protestant  Episcopal  minister. 


•McCooK,  George. — Son  of  George  and  Mary  (McCormack);  bom  W^asliing- 
tou  Co.,  Pa.(?);  medical  student  under  Dr.  Warren,  Canonsburg,  Pa.;  prac- 
ticed medicine  Canonsburg  till  1818,  New  Lisbon,  O.,  'IS -49,  Pittsburg, 
Pa.,  '49-73,  New  Lisbon,  C,  '73  ;  Professor  of  Surgery,  Pittsburg,  '44;  Bal- 
timore, Md.;  married  January  18,  '17,  Margaret  G.  Latimer;  died  New 
Lisbon,  O.,  June  23,  '73.     Physician. 

♦Mitchell,  James  P. — No  record  found. 

*Wriqht,  James. — Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  January  1,  1785;  theology 
privately  ;  licensed  and  ordained  June  26,  1816,  by  Presbytery  of  Hartford 
(now  Shenango);  pastor  Poland,  O.,  '16-32,  Westfield,  Pa.,  '16-42;  died 
near  Mt.  Jackson,  Pa.,  March  30,  '43.     Presbyterian  minister. 


♦Andrews,  Wells.— Born  Hartford,  Conn.,  Nov.  21,  1787;  theology  Prince- 
ton ;  teacher ;  licensed  1816,  Presbytery  of  N.  Brunswick  ;  missionary  Penn- 
sylvania, '16-17;  stated  supply  Wilmington,  N.  C,  '17-18  ;  ordained  Jan. 
11,  '18,  Presbytery  of  Winchester  ;  pastor  Second  Church,  Alexandria,  Va., 
'18-27,  Hartford,  O.,'  27-37  ;  professor  of  Ohio  University,  '27-43  ;  pastor 
Fremont,  O.,  '43-53,  Washington,  III.,  '54-60;  married  Sept.  14,  '19, 
Nancy  Harper;  died  Washington,  111.,  Feb.  14,  '67.  Presbyterian 


*CoE,  jAME8.~Son  of  Beojamia  and  Margaret  (Beagle) ;  bom  Dear  Tarentum,. 
Pa.,  July  13,  1790;  theology  with  Dr.  McMillan;  licensed  1814,  Presbjtery 
of  Ohio ;  ordained  same  year  bj  same  jireabyterj ;  missionary  to  Ohio 
14 — ?;  located  West  Union,  O.,  Troy,  Piqaa,  Dick's  Creek  and  Monroe; 
married  Eliza  Jane  Greer,  also,  Elisabeth  Todd  ;  died  '56  ;  D.D.,  Center 
College,  Kentucky.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦McEuwY,  Joseph.^ Born  near  New ville,  Pa.,  Dec.  29,  1792;  theology  with 
Dr.  J.  M.  Mason  ;  licensed  1814,  Aesociate  Presbytery,  Pittsburg,  Pa  ; 
missionary  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '14-22 ;  pastor  Scotch  Church,  New  York  City, 
"22-76 ;  married  four  times ;  D.D.;  died  New  York  City,  Oct.  16,  '76- 
Presbyterian  minister. 


^Johnston,  Archibald.— Son  of  CTSvin  and  Elizabeth  (Hunter) ;  born  Truro,, 
Nova  Scotia,  Aug.  16,  1793 ;  theological  seminary,  Philadelphia  ;  stated 
supply  Cincinnati,  O.,  1817-18  ;  married  '18,  Miss  Furguson ;  died  Cin- 
cinnati, O.,  Oot.  26,   18.     Associate  Presbyterian  minister. 

VuNKiN,  Qeoboe. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Elisabeth  (Cochran) ;  born  near  Car* 
lisle,  Pa  ,  Nov.  1,  1790;  theology  with  Dr.  J.  M.  Mason;  licensed  Sept., 
1816,  Associate  Presbytery  of  Monongahela;  ordained  June  29,  '18, 
Presbytery  of  Philadelphia ;  pastor  ^Filton,  Pa.,  '18-29 ;  President  Pennsyl- 
vania Manual  Labor  Academy  '30-32,  Lafayette  College  '32-41,  Miami 
University  '41-44,  Lafayette  College  '44-48,  Wash.  College,  Virginia, 
'48-61;  published  <<  Justification,'*  *SSanctification,*'  '*  Lecture  on 
Prophecy,"  "Sabbatismos,"  ''Political  Fallacies,"  ''Gospel  According 
to  Moses,"  "Commentary  on  Hebrews;"  married  June  1,  '19,  Julia  Rush 
Miller;  D.D.,  LL.D,,  '56,  Rutgers  College;  died  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  May 
20,  '68.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦MiLLKR,  John.— No  record. 

♦MoNTBiTH,  John.— Born  Gettysburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  5,  1788 ;  P.  T.  S.,  1813-15  ; 
ordained  May  12,  '17,  Presbytery  of  N.  Brunswick  ;  missionary  to  Detroit, 
Mich.,  '16-21 ;  professor  H.  C,  '21-2S  ;  teacher  Germaritown,  P:i.,  '28-31  ; 
stated  supply  Elyria,  O.,  '32-45 ;  missionary  Michigan,  '45-49  ;  pastor 
Blissfield,  '49-55  ;  teacher  Elyri»,  O.,  '59-63  ;  died  Elyria,  O.,  April  5,  '68. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

^Rowland,  James. — Son  of  John  and  Frances  (McCuUy) ;  born  in  Chester 
Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  1,  1792 ;  teacher  Darlington,  Pa.,  Leetown,  Va.,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C. ;  elected  professor  W.  C,  1818;  theology  under  Rev.  T.  E. 
Hughes;  licensed  April  19,  '20,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  '21,  Pres- 
bytery of  ;  pastor  Mansfield,  O.,  '21-41;  evangelist;  married  May 

2,  '20,  Maria  S.  Christmas,  also,  May  12,  *41,  Mary  A.,  daughter  of  Rev. 
John  Moody,  D.D.;  died  Mansfield,  O.,  Dec.  20,  *73,  old  age.  Presby- 
terian minister. 


^  *WiiAX)x,  Jeremiah  Cullen. — Son  of  Dr.  Jeremiah  ;  bom  Hartland,  HarU 
forti  Co.,  Conn  ,  Dec.  6,  1790 ;  medical  student  with  father ;  practiced 
medicine  Hartford,  O.,  1815-35,  Hudson  '35-39,  Richfield  '39-73 ;  mar- 
ried '16,  Lorena  Bushnell,  also,  39,  Julia  A.  Pettee;  died  Richfield,  Sum- 
mit Co.,  O.,  Jan.  26,  '73.     Physician. 


*Frazer,  James  Thompson.— Son  of  William  and  Jean  (Thompson) ;  bora 
near  Hookstown,   Pa.,  Aug.  22,   179o ;  theology  in  Associate  Theological ' 
Seminarj,    Beaver  Co.,  Pa.,  1815-16;  assistant  teacher  languages  Jeffer- 
son College,  '16-17;  died  Beaver  Co.,  Pa.,  May  13,  '17,   consumption. 
Theological  student. 

*Johnstone,  Thomas.— Born  March,  1795  ;  student  of  medicine,  and  also 
studied  theology  in  Beaver  Co.  Pa.;  resided  near  Chillicothe,  O.;  died 
Washington  Co.,  Pa. 

*Sm[th,  Joseph. — Son  of  Rev.  David,  grandson  of  Rev.  Josepli ;  born  Penn* 
sylvania,  July  15, 1796  ;  Princeton  Theological  Seminary,  1817-18  ;  licensed 
April,  '19  ;  missionary  Virginia,  '19-22  ;  ordained  '22;  pastor  Harrisonburg^ 
and  Cook  s  Creek,  Va.,  '22,  Staunton,  Frederick,  Md.,  St.  Clairsville,  O.; 
President  of  Franklin  College  two  years;  pastor  Frederick,  Md  ,  JEUi- 
cott's  Mills;  agent  of  Board  of  Domestic  Missions  ;  pastor  Round  Hill  and 
Elizabeth,  Pa.,  and  Greensburg,  '56-66;  published  ''Old  Redstone," 
"  History  Jefferson  College  ;'  died  Greensburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  4,  68.  Presby- 
terian minister. 


•Dickie,  Hugh  McKee. — Born  near  Carlisle,  Pa.,  April  15,  1796;  teacher 
Detroit,  Mich.,  1816-19;  unmarried;  died  Detroit,  Mich.,  Feb.  16,  1819. 
Theological  student. 

•Graham,  William. — Born ?;  licensed  and  ordained  ;  pastor  Dayton,  O., 

1825,  Chillicothe   '28-32,  Woodbury,    N.   J.,    '60-56;    died    Woodbury, 
N.  J.,  '56  or  '57.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•Wallace,  William. — Son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Anderson)  ;  born  Chester 
Co.,  Pa-,  March  17, 1787  ;  theology  with  Rev.  James  Hervey  ;  licensed  1821, 
Presbytery  of  Steubcnville ;  ordained  ;  pastor  Freeport,  O.,  '22-40;  editor 
Free  Press,  (Joncord,  ().;  died  Dec.  18,  '41,  heart  disease.  Presbyterian 


*Aj(debson,  Abraham. — Son  of  Abraham  and  Elizabeth  (Chesnutt) ;  born 
Newville,  Pa.,  Dec.  7, 1789 ;  soldier  1812  ;  Professor  of  Languages  Jefferson 
College,  '17-21;  Associate  Seminary,  Canonsburg ;  licensed  July,  '21; 
missionary  Pennsylvania  and  Carolinas,  '22 ;  ordained  Oct.  3,  '22,  Presby- 
tery of  Pisgah  ;  pastor  Bethany  and  Steel  Creek,  N.  C,  '22-33;  Hebron, 
N.  Y.,  '33-47;  professor  Associate  Theological  Seminary,  Canonsburg, 
Pa.,  '47-55;  died  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  May  8,  '55;  D.D.  As»ociate 
Reformed  Presbyterian  minister. 


♦McTntorh,  Daniel.— Born  Scotland;  P.  1*.  S.,  1825-28;  licen8ed(?);  or- 
dained (?)  ;  pastor  Cadiz,  C,  Middlelown,  N.  Y.;  died  8t.  AugusUue,  Fla., 
'34.     Presbyterian  minister. 

^ToDD,  Andrew. — Born  Paris,  Kv.,  Jan.  13,  1800;  tljeology  Princeton  Sem- 
inary ;  ordained  evangelist  July  25,  '23,  Presbytery  of  Ebenezer ;  pastor 
Cherry  Spring  and  Hopewell,  Ky.,  '24-26,  Fleroingsburg  '2(>-38,  Jack- 
son, 111.,  '38-50;  married  Catherine,  daughter  of  John  Wilson;  died 
Monticello,  Fla.,  Sept.  2,  *50.     Presbyterian  minister. 


*Baird,  Robert. — Son  of  Robert  and  Elisabeth  (Reeves) ;  born  near  Union- 
town,  Pa.,  Oct.  6,  1798 ;  P.  T.  S.;  tutor  New  Jersey  College,  1821-22 ; 
licensed  '22,  Presbytery  of  N.  Brunswick  ;  principal  Princeton  Academy, 
'22-28;  ordained  evangelist  April  22,  '28,  Presbytery  of  N.  Brunswick; 
agent  New  Jersey  Bible  Society,  '27-2S ;  New  Jersey  Missionary  Society, 
'28-29;  Sunday-school  Union,  '29-34;  in  Europe,  French  Association,  '36- 
36 ;  Foreign  Evangelization  Association,  '36-38 ;  Foreign  Evangelization 
Society,  '39-49;  Corresponding  Secretary  Foreign  Christian  Union,  '49-55, 
'61-63;  Secretary  Southern  Aid  Society,  '59-61;  published  *'View  of 
Valley  of  Mississippi,"  "Religion  in  America,"  ''Visit  to  Northern 
Europe,"  "Protestantism  in  Italy,"  "Christian  Retrospect,"  etc.;  mar- 
ried Fermine  de  Buisson,  '24  ;  died  Yonkers,  N.  Y.,  March  15,  '63  ;  D.D. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

•Blaib,  William  Cochran.— Born  Bourbon  Co.,  Ky.,  March  16,  1791; 
P.  T.  S.;  ordained  evangelist  Sept.  27,  1822,  Presbytery  of  Chillicothe; 
missionary  Chickasaw  Indians,  West  Tennessee,  '2()-28 ;  missionary 
Mississippi,  '28-31 ;  stated  supply  Butler's  Plains,  Baton  Rouge,  La., 
'31-32 ;  missionary  to  colored  people,  Natchez,  Miss  ,  '32-40;  missionary  and 
teacher,  Texas,  '40-73 ;  died  Lavaca,  Texas,  Feb.  15,  '73.  Presbyterian 

♦CowLES,  Salmon. — Son  of  Noah  and  Olle  (Mills) ;  born  Farmington,  Conn., 
June  24,  1784;  theology  with  Dr.  Jennings;  licensed  April  20,  1820,  Pres- 
bytery of  Steuben ville  ;  ordained  '21,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Crab  Apple, 
O.,  '21-32,  Stillwater  '32-38,  Shawneetown,  III.,  '38-40,  West  Point, 
Iowa,  '40-42;  missionary  in  Iowa,  '42-46;  Bloomfield  and  Keasaqua, 
'40-49 ;  Morning  Sun,  '50-53 ;  President  Des  Moines  College,  '53-57; 
n.  R.,  '57-59;  married  May  6,  '12,  Polly  Miner ;  died  West  Point,  Iowa,*" 
March  25,  '69,  pneumonia.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•Evans,  Samuel, — Bom  Pennsylvania,  June  5,  1800 ;  law  student ;  practiced 
law  Uniontown,  Pa.,  some  years,  from  '21 ;  colonel  militia ;  farmer  near 
Uniontown,  Pa.;  unmarried  ;  died  Dec.  11,  *87.     Lawyer  and  farmer. 

♦IIanxa,  Thomas. — Born  Oct.  4,  1799;  theology  wfth  Dr.  Anderson;  licensed 
Aug.  16,  1820,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  ordained  Dec.  10, '21;  pastor 
Cadiz,  Piney  Fork  and  Wills  Creek,  O.,  '21-48,  Washington,  Pa.,  '48-52  ; 
Superintendent  Washington  Female  Seminary;  married  Sept.  27,  *47, 
Mrs.  Sarah  R.  Foster;  died  Washington,  Pa.,  Feb.  5,  '52;  D.D.,  '50, 
Franklin  College.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 


♦Jbpfery,  Wiixlam. — Born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  3,  179o;  theologj 
privately;  Ucenaed  Oct.,  1819,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  Jan.  3,  *21, 
same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Bethany,  Pa.,  '21-.35 ;  married  Nov.  4,  *19,  Sarah 
Cochran,  stepdaughter  of  Rev.  Michael  Law ;  died  West  Fairfield,  West- 
moreland Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  29,  '72 ;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*McClure,  William. — Son  of  Robert  and  Priscilia ;  born  Paxtang,  Pa.,  Feb. 
1,  1795;  law  student,  Ilarrisburg,  Pa.;  practiced  law,  Ilarrisburg,  1820-o2  ; 
died  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  IG,  '62.     Lawyer. 

-•Moore,  Joshua.  -  Bom  Beula,  Pa.,  May  10,  1800;  P.  T.  S.;  ordained 

District  Columbia;  stated  supply  Detroit,  '22-24;  pastor  Moniken  and 
Wicomico,  Md.,  '26-28,  Churchill,  Princess  Ann;  stated  supply  Norris- 
town.  Pa.,  '31-33;  pastor  Fast  Kishacoquillas,  Pa.,  '35-o4  ;  died  near  Mil- 
roy,  Pa.,  April  16,  '64.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•Miller,  James  Patterson. — Bom  Beaver  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  1,  1792 ;  principal 
academy  Winchester,  Va.,  1815-16;  theology  with  Dr.  Anderson  ;  teacher 
Cadiz,  O.,  Steubenville ;  licensed  Aug.  25,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers; 
ordained  Sept.  6,  '27,  Presbytery  of  Muskingum;  missionary  West; 
pastor  South  Argyle,  N.  Y.,  '29-61 ;  missionary  Oregon,  '61-54 ;  married 
Elizabeth  Roberts;  died  Oregon,  April  8,  '54,  explosion  of  boiler  of 
steamboat.     Associate  Presbyterian  minister. 

^Williamson,  Alexander. — Son  of  David  and  Tamar  (McEnight) ;  born 
near  Newville,  Pa.,  Sept.  17, 1797 ;  P.  T.  S.;  licensed  1822,  Presbytery  of 
Carlisle ;  missionary  in  Mississippi  '23-25 ;  ordained  evangelist  April  8, 
'26,  Presbytery  of  Salem ;  stated  supply  Corydon,  Ind.,  '25-35,  Lebanon 
'36-39,  Delphi  '39-42,  Monticello  and  Indian  Creek  '42-46,  Corydon 
'46-49 ;  married  Lydia  Rice ;  died  Corydon,  Ind.,  July  14,  *49.  Presby- 
terian minister. 


** Adams,  James. — Bom  near  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  March  7,  17n5  ;  theology 
under  Drs.  Anderson  and  Ramsay  ;  licensed  Aug.  29,  1821,  Presbytery  of 
Chartiers ;  ordained  May  15,  '23,  Presbytery  of  Miami ;  pastor  Massie's 
Creek,  0.,  '23-38;  deposed  July,  '38;  teacher  Carmel,  Ind.;  died  Car- 
mel,  Ind.,  Sept.  16,  '42.    Associate  Presbyterian  minister. 

*  Carson,  David.  — Bom  Greencastle,  Pa.,  Oct.  25,  1799;  theology  under  Dr. 
Mason,  New  York;  licensed  Oct.  8,  1823,  Associate  Presbytery  of  Phila* 
delphia;  ordained  Nov.  11,  '24,  Presbytery  of  Miami;  pastor  Big  Spring, 
Pistol  Creek  and  Monroe,  Tenn.,  '24-34 ;  Professor  of  Hebrew  and  Church 
History,  Theological  Seminary,  Canonsburg,  '33;  died  Canonsburg,  Pa., 
Sept.  26,  '34  ;  D.  D.     Associate  Presbyterian  minister. 

"•Colwell,  Stephen. — Born  Brooke  Co.,  W^.  Va.,  March  25,  1800;  law  stu- 
dent; practiced  law  '21;  St.  Clairsville,  O.,  '21-28;  Pittsburg,  Pa., 
'28-36;  Philadelphia, '36— ;  published  "New  Themes  for  the  Protestant 
Clergy,"  "Politics  for  American  Clirislians,"  **  Position  of  Christianity 
in  the  United  States,"  etc.;  died  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Jan.  lo,  ^l.    Lawyer. 


*CouLTRR,  John. -Son  of  John  and  Abigail  (Parahall) ;  bora  Saobuty,  Pa., 
June  26, 1784;  theology  under  Dr.  McMillan ;  licensed  1821  (?),  Presbytery  of 
Allegheny:  ordained  Sept.  10,  '23,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Butler  *23-;53, 
Muddy  Creek  '23—,  Concord  '23—,  Pleasant  Valley  '50,  Sunbury 
'62  ;  married  '14,  Jane  Log^n  ;  died  Bntler,  Pa.,  Dec.  6,  '67,  decay  of  vital 
powers.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*KuHN,  Adam.— Son  of  Adam  and  Mary  (McJunkin);  born  Westmoreland 
Co.,  Pa.,  March  8,  1801  ;  teacher  and  law  student;  practiced  law  Wellsburg^ 
W.  Va.,  '22  72;  clerk  of  courts;  President  N.  W.  Bank,  First  National 
Bank;  married  March,  '29,  Priscilla  Wheeler;  married  twice;  died 
Wellsburg,  W.  Va.,  Dec.  27,  '72.     Lawyer. 

*  Lee,  John  Hawkins. — Son  of  Robert  Perine  and  Caroline  C.  (Hawkms) ;. 
born  New  York  City,  July,  1798 ;  law  student  with  father  and  Chancellor 
Kent;  practiced  law  New  York  City,  1820-68;  married  '31,  Eleanor  6. 
Woodruff ;  died  No.  43  Lafayette  Place,  New  York  City,  Jan.  19,  '68,  heart 
dbease.     Lawyer. 

*McCandla8S,  AiiEXANDEB. — Boni  Washington  Co.,  Pa.;  teacher;  W.  T.  S., 
1830-33;  licensed  '34,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  '36,  Presbytery  of 
Steubenville ;  stated  supply  Woodsfield,  Malaga  and  New  Castle,  O., 
'36-48(7);  married  Eleanor  Gray;  died  Monroe  Co.,  O.,  April  10,  '48^ 
Presbyterian  minister. 

♦McKiNNEY,  John. — Son  of  Isaac  and  Jane  (Fleming) ;  born  Bellefonte,  Pa., 
Aug.  26,  1797  ;  P.  T.  S.;  licensed  Aug.,  1824,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia; 
missionary  Georgia,  South  Carolina  and  Pennsylvania,  '24-29 ;  ordained 
April  16,  '29,  Presbytery  of  Richland;  pastor  Fredericktown,  O.,  '29-37» 
Alexandria,  Pa.,  '38-48 ;  stated  supply  Lima,  O.,  '48 ;  teacher  Holidays- 
burg,  Pa.,  '49-52;  stated  supply  Oswego,  111.,  '52-^56;  married  Sarah 
McKinney,  also  Margaret  Cameron ;  died  Holidaysburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  25, 
'67.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Smith,  William. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Joanna  (Moore);  born  Elder's 
Mills,  Dauphin  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  22,  1793 ;  theology  privately ;  licensed  1821, 
Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  '23,  same  presbytery;  stated  supply  Hope- 
well  and  Montour  '21-23,  Miller's  Run  '23-73 ;  Professor  of  Languages, 
Jefferson  College,  '21-<)5 ;  emeritus  professor,  '05-78  ;  married  April  22, 
'22,  Maria  Buchanon  ;  died  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  July  17,  '78  ;  D.  D.  Presbyte- 
rian minister. 

♦Trimble,  Joseph. — Born  near  Shippensburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  4,  1795  ;  P.  T.  S.,. 
1821-23:  licensed  Oct.  8,  '23,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle;  missionary  Indiana, 
'23-24;  died  Madison,  Ind.,  Aug.  11,  '24.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*  Wallace,  William. — Son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Anderson)  ;  born  Chester 
Co.,  Pa.,  March  7,  1787  ;  theology  under  Dr.  J.  Hervey ;  licensed  April, 
'21,  Presbytery  of  Steubenville  ;  ordained  '22,  Presbytery  of  Steubenville ; 
pastor  Nottingham  and  Freeport,  O.,  '22-41 ;  married  Mary  W. 
Mc Williams;  died  Dec.  18,  '41,  heart  disease.     Presbyterian  minister. 



^Campbell,  Alexander. — Born  Pennsylvania;  P.  T.  S.,  1821-23;  ordained 

Presbytery ;    pastor    Buckingham    and    Black  water,    Md.,    *28-37, 

IXover,  Del.,  Poplariown,  Md.;  stated  supply  Makemie  Church,  New 
Orleans,  La.,  '50-64 ;  teacher  *56 ;  died  New  Orleans,  La.,  ' oo ;  D.  D. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*Cbooks,    Robebt. — From    Franklin    Co.,    Pa.;    licensed   preacher    M.   E. 

Church,    1820,    Baltimore  Conference ;    died .     Methodist  Episcopal 


*GuLLATr,  CHARLK8  E. — Medioal  student;  practiced  medicine;  died . 

*  Kennedy,  John  Hebron. —Son  of  Rev.  Robert  and  Jane  (Herron) ;  born 

near  Carlisle,  Pa.,  Nov.  11,  1801;  P.  T.  S.,  *21-24;  licensed  *22,  Presby. 

tery ;  missionary  in  West  and  South,  '23-25 ;  ordained  Nov.  15,  *25, 

Presbytery  of  Philadelphia ;  pastor  Sixth  Church,  Philadelphia,  '25-29 ; 
Professor  of  Mathematics,  Jefferson  College,  '30-40  ;  pastor  Center,  Pa., 
'31-40;  married  '28,  Harriet  McCalmont;  died  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  Dec. 
15,  '40.    Presbyterian  minister. 

*Ne8BIt,  William. — Son  of  John  and  Hannah  (Kirkpatrick) ;  born  Alle- 
gheny Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  9,  1797  ;  theology  under  Dr.  McMillan ;  licensed  1823, 
Presbytery  of  Ohio  ;  missionary  Indiana  and  Pennsylvania ;  stated  supply 
Hopewell,  New  Bedford,  Pa.,  '29;  ordained  *29;  pastor  New  Bedford, 
Pa.,  '29-40,  '54-57;  stated  supply  Coitsville  and  Hubbard,  O.,  '40-45, 
Noblestown,  Pa.,  '45-54 ;  married  May  12,  *29,  Mary,  daughter  of  John 
McDonald;  died  New  Bedford,  Pa.,  Aug.  3,  '84.     Presbyteiian  minister. 

*  Peebles,  John. — Son  of   Capt.   Robert  Peebles;  born  Shippensburg,   Pa., 

July  17,  1800 ;  P.  T.  S.,  '20-23 ;  licensed  April,  '24,  Presbytery  of  Hunt- 
ingdon  ;  ordained  June  22,  '25,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Huntingdon  and 
Hart's  Log,  Pa.,  '25-50;  teacher  Lawrenceville,  N.  J.,  *50;  stated  supply 
Parkersburg,  Pa  ,  '61-54;  married  May  4,  '24,  Maria,  daughter  of  William 
B.  Duffield  ;  also  Aug.  5,  '34,  Jane,  daughter  of  John  Lapsley ;  died  Aug. 
11.  '54,  typhoid  fever.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*  Roberts,  William  Louis. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Johnston^;  born  Pen* 

dleton,  Va.,  June  27,  1798;  theology  under  Dr.  J.  R.  Wilson,  Coldenhara, 
N.  Y  ;  licensed  and  ordained  North  Reformed  Presbytery,  1823;  pastor 
Paterson,  N.  J.,  '24-26,  Clyde,  N.  Y.,  '26-30,  Baltimore,  Md.,  '35-37, 
Sterling,  N.  Y.,  '37-55,  Hopkinton,  la.,  '56-64;  married  '22,  Margaret 
Milligan,  also  '30,  Ann  Acheson;  D.  D.,  '30,  Jefferson  College;  died 
Hopkinton,  la.,  Dec.  7,  '64.     Reformed  Presbyterian  minister. 

*8harp,  Alexander. — Bom  near  Newville,  Pa,  June  12,  1796;  theology 
under  Dr.  Mason  ;  licensed  1823,  Presbytery  of  Monongaliela ;  ordained 
Sept.  8, '24,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Chambersburg,  Pa,  "21-2S;  Big 
Spring,  24-57 ;  died  Newville,  Pa.,  Jan.  28,  oT ;  1).  D.  Associate  Pres- 
byterian minister. 


*  Williamson,  Thomas  Smith. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Smith) ;  bon 

Union  District,  S.  C,  March,  1800;  L.  T.  S.;  licensed  '34;  ordained  35; 
missionary  to  Dakota  Indians,  '35-79 ;  published  with  Dr.  Riggs,  IraDsUted 
Bible  into  Dakota,  dictionary  and  grammar ;  also  school-books  into  same 
language;  practiced  medicine;  stations  Lac-qui-parle,  '35-46;  Kaposis, 
'46-52;  Yellow  Medicine,  '52-62;  St.  Peter,  '62-79;  married  April  10, '27, 
MaryPoage;  died  St.  Peter,  Minn.,  June  24,  79.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Williamson,  McKnioht. — Sou  of  David  and  Tamar  (McKnight);  bom  Cobi- 
berland  Co.,  Pa.,  February  28,  1800;  P.  T.  S  '22-25;  licensed  June  lb, 
'25,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle ;  ordained  Oct.  30,  '27,  same  presbytery ;  pastor 
Dickenson,  Pa.,  '27-34,  Lower  Tnscarora '35-45 ;  agent,  '46;  pastor  Crab 
Apple,  O.,  '47-53;  missionary  in  Ohio,  '53-58;  pastor  Rocky  Springs  and 
Cynthiana,  '59-73 ;  colporteur  and  slated  supply ;  married  March  9,  '30^ 
Jane,  daughter  of  Samuel  Woods,  also,  May  12,  '52,  Eliza,  daughter  of 
William  Burt,  also  Mrs.  Susan  Walker.  Presbyterian  ministeri  Peten- 
burg.  Pa. 


*Adams,  Joseph  Bruce. — Son  of  John  and  Lydia  (Bruce);  born  Chester  Co.,P!k, 
1801 ;  P.  T.  S.  '22-25  ;  licensed  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon  '26;  missioDaiy 
Presbytery  of  Huntingdon  '26-30 ;  ordained  evangelist,  Oct.  6,  '30,  same 
presbyteiy ;  missionary  Georgia  '30-32 ;  stated  supply  Hebron,  Aim., 
'3:1-36 ;  pastor  Hebron  and  New  Hope  '36-39 ;  stated  supply  Wasliington 
and  Greensburg,  Ind.,  '44-45,  Urbana  and  Gallipolis,  O.,  '46-47,  Mon- 
trose and  Paulding  '48-51 ;  pastor  Shade  Gap  and  Waterloo,  Pa ,  '52-54, 
New  Berlin,  Mifflinburg  and  Hartleton  '55-59 ;  stated  supply  Newton 
'59-63 ;  U.  S.  Christian  Commission  '63-65 ;  married  Lucy,  daughter  of 
Rev.  Andrew  Brown;  died  Easton,  Pa.,  July  5,  '65,  typhoid  fever. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*  Andrews,  Lewis  F.  W.— Son  of  Rev.  John,  founder  of  first  religious  new»* 

paper;    born ,  — ,  medical  student;    practiced   medicine    Pittsburg; 

editor   Pittsburg  Commonwealth  '25 ;  died . 

♦Buchanan,  George. — Born  1800;  theological  student;  teacher  in  theSoath 
fifteen  years;  Justice  of  Peace  fifteen  years  Ashland  Co.,  O.;  farmer; 
married  '29,  Elizabeth  Bragg,  also  '40,  Rosens  Miles ;  died  Ashland  Go., 
O.,  August  10,  '82.     Farmer. 

»Campbel.l,  Richard. — Licensed  1830;  professor  Jefferson  College  '26-27; 
stated  supply  Three  Springs,  Va.,  '31  ;  President  Franklin  College  '33-^ 
died  '35,  consumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Helm,  Meredith.— Son  of  Thomas;  born  Williamsport,  Md.,  March  2, 
1802 ;  medical  student,  Baltimore  Medical  College ;  practiced  medicine 
Williamsport,  Md.,  '23-33,  Springfield,  111.,  '33-66 ;  married  '24,  £ln». 
beth  Orendorff ;  died  Springfield,  111.,  March  9,  '66.     Physician. 

^Hunter,  John. — Tutor  Jefferson  College  ;  caetera  daurU, 

Johnston,  William  — Owmia  defunt. 


^McCoHKELL,  William.— Son  of  William  and  Barbara  (Wolf);  born  Wheel- 
ing, Va.,  1802 ;  law  student,  Wheeling,  Va.,  with  Moses  Chapline ;  prac- 
ticed law  Wheeling  and  Moundsville,  Va.,  '26-63,  except  two  years  in 
Ohio;  died  Moundsville,  Va.,  April  23,   '63,  general   debility.     Lawyer. 

*MgKikn£Y,  David.— Son  of  Isaac  and  Jane  (Fleming);  born  Kishacoquillas, 
Pa.,  Oct.  22,  1795;  P.  T.  S.  1822-24;  licensed  April  24,  '24,  Presbytery 
of  Philadelphia ;  ordained  April  13,  '26,  Presbytery  of  Erie ;  pastor  Erie, 
Pa.,  '25-28;  professor  of  Allegheny  College,  '28-30  ;  pastor  Sinking  Creek 
and  Spring  Creek,  Pa.,  '34-41,  Holidaysburg  '41-52;  founder  and  editor 
Preibyterian  Banner ^  Philadelphia,  '52-55 ;  ditto  Pittsburg,  '55-64  ;  Family 
lyeasure  monthly,  '64-68;  editor  N,  W  Presbyterian^  '66-69;  Treasurer 
Presbyterian  I'.oard  of  Colportage,  '66-79  ;  married  Elisa,  daughter  of  Robert 
Finley,  Baskinridge,  N.  J.;  died  Sewickley,  Pa.,  May  28,  '79  ;  D.D.,  Jef- 
ferson College,  '21 ;  Presbyterian  minister. 

•PlKKEKroN,  John. — Born  Ohio;  licensed  January,  1823,  First  Presbytery 
of  Ohio ;  ordained  August,  '24 ;  died  October,  '24.  Associate  Reformed 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*Reed,  Samuel.  -  Bom  Pennsylvania ;  P.  T.  S.  1822-26  ;  slated  supply  Brooke 
County,  Va.;  stated  supply  Fairview  and  Beallsville,  O.;  ordained  '38; 
died  at  Beallsville,  O.,  Sept.  7,  '72.     Presbyterian  minister, 

BoDQEBS,  Levin. Untraceable. 

*ToBRENC£,  Aakon.— Son  of  Col.  Joseph  and  Mary  (Paull);  born  Fayette  Co., 
Pa.,  April  18,  1802;  medical  student;  practiced  medicine  Mt.  Pleasant, 
Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  '24-32 ;  married  Mary,  daughter  of  Joseph  Rogers; 
died  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  14,  '35.     Physician. 


*Bbown,  Richabd.— Born  Wellsburg,  W.  Va.,  Feb.  1,  1796 ;  P.  T.  S.  1822-24; 
licensed  Jan.  6,  '25,  Presbytery  of  Washington  ;  agent  and  missionary  for 
Western  Missionary  Society, '24-25 ;  Ladies'  Missionary  Society,  Princeton, 
'25;  A.  B.  C.  F.  M.,  '26-28 ;  ordained  Oct.  5,  '27,  Presbytery  of  Washing- 
ton ;  pastor  Congress,  Mt.  Hope  and  Jeromeville,  O.,  '29-32,  Three  Springs, 
Va.,  '32-35,  New  Hagarstown,  '36-58 ;  Htated  supply  Oak  Ridge,  '58-61  ; 
married  Dec.  4,  '27,  Amanda,  daughter  of  John  Christmas;  died  New 
Hagerston,  O.,  April  12,  '79  ;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Glatbauqh,  Joseph.— Born  Frederick  Co.,  Md.,  July  1,  1803  ;  theology  under 
Mr.  Steele  (?);  licensed  May  26,  '24,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  May  18, 
'25,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Chillicothe  '25-39,  Oxford  '40-55  ;  principal 
Chillicothe  Academy  '25-27;  professor  Associate  Reformed  Seminary, 
Oxford,  O.,  '39-55  ;  published  "  The  Christian  Profession  "  ;  died  Oxford,, 
0.,  Sept  9,  '55.     Associate  Reformed  minister. 


*Clokey,  Joseph. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Mary  (Sawjer);  bora  Dauphin  Co., 
Pa.,  Dec.  25,  1801 ;  theology  under  Dr.  Ramaay,  '23-26;  licensed  July  4,  '26, 
Presbytery  of  Chartlers  (Associate  Presbyterian);  ordained  September,  *27, 
Presbytery  of  Washington  (Associate  Presbyterian);  pastor  Belmont  and 
McMahan's  Creek  '27-34,  Mt.  Pleasant  '27-47,  St.  Clair,  Pa.,  '47-55 ;  pastor 
Springfield,  O.,  '55-74;  Professor  Sacred  Rhetoric  and  Pastoral  Theology, 
Associate  Seminary,  Xenia,  O.,  '59-74;  married  Oct.  3,  '27,  Jane,  daughter 
of  Robert  Patterson,  also,  Feb.  21,  '3d,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Joseph 
Waddell  ;  Moderator  United  Presbyterian  General  Assembly,  '63;  D.D., 
'58,  Westminster  College;  died  Springfield,  O.,  Dec.  8,  '84.  United  Presby- 
terian ministei 

*Frazer,  William  J. — Born  Northern  Pennsylvania,  January  8,  1799 ;  the- 
ology under  Dr.  John  Anderson ;  licensed  1825  (?),  Presbytery  of  Ohio ; 
ordained  same  presbytery ;  stated  supply  in  Washington  Presbytery  '25-30, 
Southwestern  Ohio '30-35,  McComb,  Knoxville  and  Brunswick,  111., '35 — ?; 
French  Grove  and  other  points ;  married  Ruth  Parker,  also,  Mary  Blanch- 
ard;  died  Brimfield,  111.,  '76,  congestion  of  the  lungs.  Presbyterian  min- 

♦GiLLELAND,  Adam  Baibd. — Son  of  Rev.  James  and  Fanny  (Baird);  bom 
Lincoln  Co.,  N.  C,  Jan.  22,  1794 ;  theology  under  Rev.  James  Gilleland, 
1822-24  ;  licensed  '24  (?;,  Presbytery  of  Chillicothe ;  ordained  April  8,  '24, 
same  presbytery ;  pastor  Hillsboro,  O.,  '24-29,  Bethel,  O.,  Riley,  Venice; 
married  March  15,  '18,  Nancy,  daughter  of  William  Kinkead,  also,  Febru- 
ary, '22,  Sarah,  daughter  of  Archibald  Hopkins;  died  January  5,  '85. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*  Johnstone,   James  Renwick.— Son  of  Nathan  and  Mary  (Hunter);  bom 

Truro,  Nova  Scotia,  March  24,  1800 ;  Reformetl  Presbyterian  Theological 
Seminary  ;  licensed  '25,  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia ;  ordained  *25, 
Reformed  Presbytery  North  ;  pastor  Newburg,  N.  Y  ,  '25-29,  Mobile,  Ala., 
'3(K-34,  Goshen  '35-40,  Hamptonburg  '44-49,  Philadelphia  '54,  Central 
Presbytery  '6 J  ;  married  '27,  Margaret  Ann,  daughter  of  Dr.  Alex. 
McLeod  ;    died  Burlington,  N.  J.,  June  10,  '05,  general  debility. 

*  Livingston,  Andrew  D. — Son  of  John  and  Jane  (Dinsmore);  born  Slale 

Ridge,  York  Co,  Pa,  Feb.  5,  1803;  medical  student,  Baltimore,  Md.; 
practiced  medicine  York  Co.,  Pa.,  '30-50;  married  March  18,  '30,  Jane  A., 
daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  S.  Martin ;  died  Chanceford  Township,  York  Ck)., 
Pa.,  May  5,  'oO,  carbuncle.     Physician. 

*Martin,  Hugh. — Son  of  John  and  Ruth  (McCoy);  born  Darlington,  Pa.,  1798; 
medicine  with  Dr.  Duslin,  Darlington;  practiced  medicine  Columbiana  Co., 
O.,  1823-37,  Enon  Valley,  Pa., '37-3S;  married  Nov.  27, '23,  Mary,  daugh- 
ter of  George  Dil worth ;  died  Enon  Valley,  Pa.,  May  29,  '38,  kidney  dis- 
ease.    Physician. 


'*lf  cCluskey,  Johh. — Son  of  William  and  Catharine  (Gaskadden);  born  Lancas- 
ter Valley,  Pa.,  June  17,  1795 ;  P.  T.  S.,  1825-26;  Uoenaed  Oct.  19,  '26, 
Preabyterj  of  Philadelphia;  ordained  Oct.  8,  '28,  PreBbjteryof  Washington; 
pastor  West  Alexandria,  Pa.,  '28-54 ;  agent  Board  of  Education, '55-06 ;  pas- 
tor Neshamin/,  '56-58;  ass'Ksiate  pastor  Smyrna,  Del.,  '58-59;  teacher 
PhiUdelphia  '69-64,  Hightetown,  N.  J.,  '64-70,  Philadelphia '70-80; 
married  July  6,  '28,  Lydia,  daughter  of  Adam  Hall ;  died  Philadelphia, 
Pa.,  March  I,  '80;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*MoRBOw.  J  AVES  B.— Bom ,  Va ;  P.  T.  S.,  1822-24  ;  licensed Pres- 
bytery ;  ordained ;  stated  supply  Canton,  O.,  New  Philadelphia  and 

Sandyville  '34-37,  Sandyville,  Waterford  and  UhrichsvJlle  '37-39  ;  pastor 
Uhrichsville  and  New  Philadelphia,  '39-42 ;  dijd  July  31,  '42.  Presby- 
terian minister. 

*MuNBO,  Ebenezer  Erskine. — Son  of  Andrew ;  born  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  June 
28,  1801;  Associate  Theological  Seminary,  Canonsburg;  licensed  and 
ordained  Associate  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  died  Oct.  3,  '31.  Associate 
Presbyterian  minister. 

PiTKix,  John.  -Son  of  Stephen  and  Abigail  (Buckland) ;  born  Poultney,  Vt., 
1795  ;  licensed  1823,  Presbytery  of  Chillicothe ;  ordained  '25,  Presbytery  of 
Athens  ;  stated  supply  Indiana,  '23-25 ;  pastor  Waterford  and  Wooster,  ()., 
'25-31,  Dresden  '31-37  ;  stated  supply  and  missionary  '37-79  ;  H.  R.,  '79  : 
married  *24,  Elisa  W.,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  R.  G.  Wilson.  Presbyterian 
minister,   Mt.  Vernon,  O. 

*8hellady,  (fARLAND  B.  —  Son  of  Andrew  D.  and  Jane  (Bovell) ;  born  Brown 
Co.,  O.,  1803;  law  student  with  Judge  Campbell,  Chillicothe,  O.;  prac- 
ticed law  at  Paris,  111., '28-45;  Justice  of  the  Peace;  District  Attorney; 
married '26  (?),  Nancy  Hutchinson,  of  Canonsburg;  died  Paris,  111.,  May,'45 
of  consumption.     Lawyer. 

*8mart,  John  G. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Hemphill);  born  Huntingdon,  Pa., 
Aug.  3,  1804  ;  theology  under  Dr.  Hall,  Philadelphia;  licensetl  Aug.  17,  '2(), 
Presbytery  of  Philadelphia;  ordained  Nov.  5,  '29  ;  pastor  Jamestown,  N.Y., 
'29-37,  Baltimore,  Md.,  '38-50,  Cambridge,  N.Y.,  '50-()2  ;  married  Anna 
Maria,  daughterof  W.  Stephenson ;  died  July  18,  '62,  of  inflammation  of  the 
bowels.     Associate  Presbyterian  minister. 

*Spillman,  Benjamin  F.  —Son  of  Benjamin  and  Nancy  (Rice)  ;  born  Garrard 
Co.,  Ky.,  Aug.  17,  1796;  theology  under  Dr.  Rice;  licensed  Dec.,  1823, 
Presbytery  of  Chillicothe ;  ordained  Nov.,  '24,  Presbytery  of  Muhlenberg; 
pastor  Sharon,  III., '24-26;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Shawneetown, '26-45, 
EdwaTdsville,  111.,  '45-46,  Chester  '46-49,  Shawneetown  '49-59 ;  married 
March  17,  '26,  Ann  B.,  daughter  of  Col.  John  Canon,  also,  June  22,  *40, 
Mary  P.  Potter  ;  died  Shawneetown,  111.,  May  3,  59,  pneumonia.  Presby- 
terian minister 



♦Andrews,  Lorrin.— Born  East  Windsor,  Conn.,  April  29, 1795;  P.  T.  S.,  1823- 
24;  ordained  Sept.  21,  * 27,  Presbytery  of  Ebenezer;  foreign  missionary  to 
Sandwich  Islands;  missionary  to  Maui,  '27 ;  principal  Native  College,  Lahain> 
luna;  seamen*s  chaplain,  Lahainaa,  '42-45;  Chief-Juslice  Hawaiian  Qov- 
ernment,  45-55;  published  Grammar  and  Dictionary,  Hawaiian  language; 
died   Honolulu,  Sandwich  Islands,  Sept.  29,  '68.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Arbuthnot,  James.  Born  near  Gettysburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  1,  1796;  theology 
under  Rev.  James  Hervey  ;  licensed  1825,  Presbytery  of  W4uhington  (Pres- 
byterian); ordained  April  4,  '26,  Presbytery  of  Lancaster;  pastor  Pleasant 
Hill,  O.,  '26-31,  Plymouth,  Vermillion  and  Eden  (Associate  Reformed), 
'32-41,  Greenfield  and  Fall  Creek  '41-51,  Unity '54-66 ;  teacher,  '51-53: 
died  Wheat  Ridge,  O.,  April  10,  '80.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Beecher,  Jacob.— Bom  near  Petersburg,  Pa.,  May  2, 1799  ;  P.T.S.,  1823-25; 
Carl  Seminary ;  ordained  German  Reformed  Synod,  '26 ;  pastor  German 
Reformed  churches,  Martinsburg,  Shepherdstown  and  Smithfield,  Va.« 
'26-:il  ;  agent  Carl  Seminary,  '28-29  ;  agent  S.  S.  Union  '30-31 ;  died  Shep- 
herdstown, Va.,  July  15,  '31.     German  Reformed  minister. 

*Bu8HNELL,  Wells.  -  Son  of  Alexander  and  Sarah  (Wells)  ;  born  Hartford, 
Conn.,  April,  1799;  P.  T.S.,  1822-24  ;  licensed  '25,  Presbytery  of  N.  Bruns- 
wick ;  ordained  June  22,  '26,  Presbytery  of  Erie ;  pastor  Meadville,  Pa., 
'26-33 ;  missionary  to  Indians,  Kansas,  '33-35 ;  stated  supply  First  Church, 
Louisville,  Ky.,  '35;  pastor  Greensburg  and  Shelbyville,  Ind.,  '36-37;  stated 
supply  Gravel  Run  and  Cambridge,  Pa.,  '38;  pastor  New  Castle  '39-54, 
Free  Presbyterian  churches,  Mt.  Ja'ikson  and  New  Bedford,  *54-6:i ;  mar- 
ried April  25,  '26,  Eleanor,  daughter  of  Dr.  John  Hannen  ;  died  Mt.  Jack- 
son, Pa.,  July  16,  '63,  dysentery.     Free  Church  minister. 

*Carroll,  Daniel  L.— Born  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  May  10,  1797;  P.T.S.,  1823- 
26  ;  licensed  '26  ;  ordained  Oct.  2,  '27,  Congregational  .Association  ;  pastor 
Litchfield,  Conn.  (Congregational)  '27-29,  First  Presbyterian  Church,  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y.,  '29-35  ;  President  H.  S.  C.  '35-38  ;  First  Church,  Northern  Lib- 
erties, Philadelphia,  Pa.,  '38-44 ;  Secretary  New  York  Colonisation  Soci- 
ety, '44-45;  published  two  volumes  of  discourses;  died  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
Ncv.  23,  '51 ;  D.D  ,  University  New  York,  '35.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*CuNNiNOHAM,  JoHN  K.  P.  T.  S.,  1824-27  ;  licensed  April  23,  '28,  Presbytery 
of  New  Brunswick;  ordained  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  stated  supply  Montour 
'29,  pastor  '30-38,  Island  Creek,  O.,  '40-52 ;  stated  supply  Wayne  and 
Chester,  '54-55;  died  Wooster,  O.,  'oo.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*DiLWORTH,  Robert.— Born  Nov.  19,  1790;  theology  privately;  licensed  Oct. 
6,  1824,  Presbytery  of  Hartford  (now  Shenango);  ordained  evangelist  Nov. 
23,  '25,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Pleasant  Valley,  Pa.,  '26-32,  Middle 
Beaver  '32-35,  Little  Beaver  '36-66;  died  Enon  Valley,  April  18,  '68;. 
D.D.     Presbyterian  minister. 


*£mesy,  Boyd,  Sb.— Son  of  Walter  and  Jane  (Blakenej) ;  born  Sept.  25,  1805  ; 
teacher,  '24-25;  medical  student,  '27-29,  with  Dr.  Letherman;  medical  school 
Giocinnati,  New  York  and  Philadelphia,  '28-30 ;  physician,  '30-85 ;  mar- 
ried Sept.  20,  '31,  Mary,  daughter  of  John  iMcCullough,  also,  May  4,  '41^ 
Ann,  daughter  of  John  Graham;  died  Dunningsville,  Pa.,  Sept.  7, '86. 

^Emeby,  Boyp,  Jr. — Son  of  Joshua  and  Jeannelle  (McGowan) ;  bom  Can* 
onsburg,  Pa.(?);  medical  student  with  Dr.  Letherman;  practiced  medicino 
near  Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  Vicksburg,  Miss.;  Marshal  of  Mississippi;  died 
near  Yazoo  City,  Miss.,  April,  1841,  inflammatory  rheumatism.     Physician. 

*  FiNLEY,  Samuel  Elliott. — Son  of  Michael  and  Ella  (Elliott) ;  born  near 

Behoboth  Church,  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  20,  1802;  medical  student 
with  Dr.  Porter ;  practiced  medicine  Wayne  Co.,  O.,  Fayette  Co.,  Pa., 
'27-28,  i'prrittstown  '28-33,  Millsboro,  Washington  Co.,  '33-44,  Woolen 
Factory  '33-44;  farmer  Greene  Co.,  '44-45;  married  '30,  Maria  David- 
son, also,  '43,  Anne  Miller;  died  Greene  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  9,  '45,  being  thrown 
from  his  wagon.     Physician 

*  Hall,  Jambs  C— Son  of  William  J.  and  Elizabeth  B.  (Shepherd) ;  born 

Alexandria,  Va.,  July  10,  1805;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Henderson,  W. 
Penn.,  '27;  Blockley  Hospital,  Philadelphia,  '27-28;  physician  Washington, 
D.  C,  '28-80;  Professor  of  Surgery,  Columbia  University,  '30-37  ;  firat  Presi- 
dent Medical  Society  District  of  Columbia,  '48-50 ;  published  *'  Report  of 
Anatomical  and  Post-mortem  Appearances;"  died  Washington,  D.  C, 
June  7,  '80.     Physician. 

♦Henry,  Bobebt.— Son  of  James ;  born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.;P.  T.S.,  1823-26; 

licensed ;    ordained   April  7,    '30,  Presbytery  of    Redstone;  pastor 

Greensburg  and  Unity,  Pa.,  '30-38 ;  married  '32,  Harriet,  sister  of  President 
James  Buchanan;  died  of  consumption,  Greensburg,  Pa.,  November,  '38. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Jekninqs,  Sabcuel  Cabnahai^. — Son  of  Dr.  Ebenezer  and  Mercy  (Chidis- 
ter) ;  born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  19,  1803  ;  teacher,  '23-24 ;  P.  T.  S., 
'24-27;  licensed  February,  '27,  Presbytery  of  New  Brunswick;  ordained 
June  24,  '29,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  pastor  Sharon,  Pa.,  '29-79;  editor 
Ouiitian  Herald  (now  Bamier)  '29-32,  Presbytarian  Preacher  '32-37; 
principal  female  seminary,  '37-40 ;  stated  supply  Mt.  Pisgah  '31-48,  Tera- 
peranceville  '42-48 ;  pastor  Long  Island  '48-57,  Valley  '57-08 ;  stated 
supply  Riverdale  '80 — ;  married  June  7,  '31,  Emma  N.  W.,  daughter  of 
Philip  Louis  Passavant ;  D.  D.,  Jefferson  College,  '58;  died  Oct.  10,  '85. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*Lee,  John. — Son  of  James  and  Elisabeth  (Rankin) ;  born  1803 ;  teacher 
Robbstown,  Pa.,  Halifax  C.  H.,  Md.;  law  student;  admitted  to  the  bar; 
theology  at  Protestant  Episcopal  Seminary,  Alexandria,  Va.;  preached 
Episcopal  Church ;  married  Miss  Nelson  ;  died  'S2.  Protestant  Episcopal 

*LowRY,  William.— Born  Virginia;  P.  T.  S.,  1823-20;  licensed  Sept.  20,  '30, 

Presbytery  of  Winchester ;  missionary  in  Indiana ;  died . 

3  ' 


*  Lyon,  Georoe  Armstbomo.—Sod  of  William  and  Rebecca  (Graham) ;  bom 

Mifflin  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  12,  1803 ;  farmer  Mifflin  Co.,  Pa ;  married  Jesrie 
Alexander,  also,  Sidne/  J.  Oliver;  died  Kishacoquillae  Valley,  Pa.,  Oct. 
•23.  73.     Farmer. 

*  McBean,  John. — Son  of  John  A.  and  Jane ;  born  Dundee,  Scotland  ;  medi- 

cal student  Cadiz,  O.;  practiced  medicine  Freeport,  O.,  1825-29,  Cadiz 
'29-79  ;  Judge  of  Court;  President  Board  Examining  Physicians;  married 
Belinda  Johnson  ;  died  Cadiz,  O.,  Jan.  7,  '8o.     Physician. 

*May,  James. — Son  of  Robert  and  Ruth  (Potts) ;  born  Chester  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct 
1,  180');  Episcopal  Seminary,  Virginia ;  ordained  deacon  Oct.  24,  ^25; 
rector  Wilkesbarre,  Pa.,  '27-36,  Philadelphia  '36-.3S;  Europe  '3S-40; 
professor  Episcopal  Seminary,  Virginia,  ^2-60,  Philadelphia  '60;  pro- 
fessor training-school,  '61-63 ;  married  '29,  Ellen  S.,  daughter  of  Samuel 
Bonman ;  died  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Dec.  18,  '63 ;  D.  D.  Protestant  Episcopal 

*Mecklin,  Alexander  Hamilton.— Son  of  Joseph  and  Margaretta  (White); 
born  Washington,  D.  C,  Sept.  24,  1805 ;  U.  S.  Post-office  Department ;  law 
student  Washington,  D.  C;  practiced  law  Washington,  D.  C,  '25—;  mar- 
ried '3o,  Margaret  Goertner;  died  Washington,  D.  C,  March  19,  '76, 
paralysis.     Lawyer. 

*  Moody,  Robert  Crawford. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  John  and  Elizabeth  (Craw- 

ford);  born  near  Shippensburg,  Pa.,^  1805;  medical  student  with  Dr. 
Finley,  Shippensburg,  Pa.;  practiced  medicine  Newyille,  Pa.,  '25-38;  died 
May  3,  '38.     Physician. 

*Nour0E,  James.— Son  of  Michael  and  Mary  (Rittenhouse) ;  bom  Washing- 
ton, D.  C,  April  30,  1805 ;  P.  T.  S.,  '24-27  ;  licensed  '28,   Presbytery  of 

;  stated  supply  Germantown,   Pa.,  '2S-3J;   ordained  eyangelist   May 

19,  '29,  Presbytery  of  District  of  Columbia ;  pastor  E.  KishacoqulUas,  Pa., 
'31-34,  Perry ville  (Milroy),  '34-49;  teacher  Washington,  D.  C,  '.50-54; 
married  Sarah  North,  daughter  of  William  Harvey ;  died  Salem,  Ind., 
July  6,  '54,  cholera.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Pollock,  William  C— Associate  T.  S.,  Canonsburg  ;  licensed  April  18,  1833, 
Presbytery  of  Muskingum  ;  ordained  May  27,  '35,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  pas- 
tor Harmony  and  Unity,  Butler  Co.,  Pa.,  '35-52,  Sangamon,  III.,  '60,  St. 
Louis,  Mo.,  '78  or  '79;  died  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  '80(?).  United  Presbyterian 

*Raum,  William  Hippy. — Son  of  John  and  Catherine  (Rippy) ;  born  Ship- 
pensburg, Pa  ,  May  2,  1805;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Findley,  Shippens- 
burg and  Baltimore  ;  practiced  inedicino  Charlestown,  W.Va.,  '30-63;  ruling 
elder  Presbyterian  Church  ;  married  Jan.  25,  '27,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of 
Rev.  Dr.  John  Moody  ;  died  Charlestown,  W.Va.,  Sept.  17,  '63.     Physician. 


^Rekch,  Samuel  Hekby. — Son  of  Jacob  and  Margaret  (Young) ;  born  near 
HagarBtown,  Md.,  1804 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Hammond,  Sharps- 
burgy  Md.;  practiced- medicine  at  Hagarstown  a  short  time;  married 
Feb.  25,  '23,  Sasan  £.  Swearengen ;  died  Wiiliamtport,  Md.,  Aug.  23,'  53, 
cholera.     Physician. 

♦Ketnolds,  John.— Born  Cumberland  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  26,  1804;  theology  with 
Rev.  A.  Porter;  licensed  October,  ^25,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ; ordained  June 
28,  '26,  same  presbytery ;  stated  supply  and  P.  £.,  Kaskaskia;  111.,  '26-29 ; 
pastor  Proridence  and  Mt.  Pleasant  '32-40,  Concord  and  Clear  Creek  '40-45, 
Fair  Haven,  O.,  '45-46  ;  died  Sept.  4,  '46.     Associate  Reformed  minister. 

^Riddle,  David  Hunter.— Son  of  William  and  Susanna  (Nourse) :  born 
Martinsburg,  Va.,  April  14,  1805  ;  P.  T.  S.,  '25-28 ;  licensed  '28 ;  ordained 
Dec.  4,  '28,  Presbytery  of  Winchester ;  pastor  Kent  Street  Church,  Win- 
chester, Va.,  '28-33,  Third  Church,  Pittsburg.  Pa.,  '33-57,  First  Reformed 
Dutch  Church,  Jersey  City,  N.  J.,  '57-62 ;  President  Jefferson  College, 
'62-65 ;  professor  Jefferson  College,  '65-68 ;  pastor  Canonsburg,  Pa , 
'63-68,  Martinsburg,  W.  Va,  '68-79  ;  Moderator  General  Assembly ;  mar- 
ried '29,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Rev.  Matthew  Brown,  D.D.;  died  Falls 
Church,  Va.,  July  16,  '88 ;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*BoMEY,  Mo0£8. — Son  of  James  and  Mary  (McWhurter) ;  born  near  Canons- 
burg, Pa.,  Sept<  20,  1804  ;  teacher  Ballimore,  Md.,  '23-26 ;  theology  with 
Dr.  J.  R.  Wilson,  (Joldenham,  N.  Y.;  pastor  Newburg,  N.  Y.,  '30-48; 
President  Western  College,  Allegheny,  Pa.,  '49-53;  editor  Beformed  Pres- 
infterian.  '37-54 ;  married  '32,  Elizabeth  F.  Beattie ;  died  Allegheny,  Pa., 
July  3,  '54.     Reformed  Presbyterian  minister. 

*Rdth£BFOBD,  Rocebt. — Born  1792 ;  licensed  1825 ;  ordained  April  19,  '26, 
Presbytery  of  Steuben ville ;  pastor  Economy,  Pa.,  '28,  White  Oak,  O.,  '36, 
Shelbyville,  III.,  '44;  W.  C,  Mattoon,  111.;  died  Mattoon,  111.,  Dec.  6, 
'75.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•Scott,  Josiah.— Son  of  Alexander  and  Rachel  (McDowell) ;  born  near  Can- 
onsburg, Pa.,  Dec.  1,  1803  ;  teacher  Virginia;  tutor  Jefferson  College;  law 
student;  practiced  law  Bucyrus,  O.,  twenty  years,  Hamilton  seven  years; 
Judge  of  Superior  Court  of  Ohio  twenty  years  ;  married  Feb.  8,  '38,  Eliza- 
beth McCracken,  also,  May  4,  '47,  Mrs.  S.  M.  Austin ;  died  Bucyrus,  O., 
June  15,  '79,  kidney  disease;  LL.D.;  ruling  elder  Presbyterian  Church. 

•Stevenson,  William. 

•Wallace,  John.— Son  of  Samuel ;  born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  1800(?);  Associate 
T.  S.,  Canonsburg;  licensed  Aug.  1(>,  '29,  Presbytery  of  Muskingum; 
ordained  April  6,  '32,  Presbytery  of  Miami ;  infirm  ;  died  Memphis,  Tenn., 
March,  '33,  consumption.'    Associate  Presbyterian  minister. 

•White,  Samuel. 


*  Wilson,  Andrew  Porter.  Son  of  Charles;  born  Franklin  Co.,  Pa.;  law 
Bludent;  with  Geo.  B.  Porier,  Lancaster,  Pa.;  graduated  from  Law 
School,  Litchfield,  Conn;  practiced  law  in  Huntingdon,  Pa.,*28,  to  Feb.  28, 
71 ;  Deputy  Attorney-General,  '28 ;  unmarried  ;  died  Huntingdon,  Pa , 
Feb.  28,  71.     Lawyer. 

♦YoE,  Benjamin  F.~Son  of  Benjamin  and  Susannah  (Amos) ;  born  Jul?  23, 
1804;  law  student*,  practiced  law  Hagarstown,  Md.,  '2(j-49,  Baltimore, 
♦49-83;  married  Oct.  8,  »29,  Xarcissa  A.  Post;  died  Baltimore,  Md., 
March  5,  '83.     Lawyer. 


^Cunningham,  William.— Son  of  James  and  Mary  (Robinson)  ;  born  Feb.  16, 
1803,  Rostraver  Township,  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.;  teacher;  law  student; 
bookseller,  Columbia,  S.  C;  married  '40,  Mary  Hunt,  New  Haven, 
Conn.;  died  Columbia,  S.  C,  Dec.,  '43,  jaundice. 

♦Espy,  Thomas.— Bom  Cumberland  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  21,  1800;  teacher,  P.T.S^ 
'27-28 ;  ordained  evangelist  May  10,  '30,  Presbytery  of  Concord  ;  missionary 
Burke  Co.,  N.  C,  '30-31  ;  stated  supply  Center  Church,  '31-32 ;  Salisbury, 
'32-83;  died  Lincoln  Co.,  N.  C,  April  17,  '33.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*EwiNG,  John  T.-  Born  Pennsylvania  ;  P.  T.  S.  1826-28  ;  licensed  Oct.  8,  '2<^ : 
stated  supply  Somerset  and  Jenner,  Pa.,  '30  ( ?),  Sackett's  Harbor,  N.  Y.; 
died  (?). 

♦Galloway,  John  Smith.— Son  of  John  and  Margaret ;  born  Gettysburg,  Pa., 
Aug.  6,  1806;  Lutheran  Seminary,  Gettysburg;  P.  T.  S. '28-29  ;  licensed 
'28,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle;  onlained  Oct.  3, '32,  Presbytery  of  Miami;  pastor 
First  Church,  Springfield,  O.,  '82-60;  agent  American  Bible  Society  '50-61 ; 
principal  Cooper  Female  Seminary,  Dayton,  O.,  '62;  married  Oct.  9,  '82, 
Belinda  Gardiner;  died  Dayton,  O.,  Aug.  25,  '62;  kidney  disease.  Presby- 
terian minister. 

♦HAYNEa,  Hknry. 

•HiNDMAN,  Samuel.  Born  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  7, 1795  ;  A.  T.  S.,  Canons- 
burg;  licensed  Nov.  4,  182vS,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  ordained  April  28, '30, 
Presbytery  of  Muskingum ;  pastor  Mansfield,  West  Union  and  Washington, 
O.,  '30 — ;  died  '68.     Associate  Presbyterian  minister. 

*HiNDMAN,  John.— Born  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  7,  1795,  twin  brother  of  Sam- 
uel; licensed  July,  1828,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny;  ordained  Sept,  1,  '31, 
same  presbytery;  pastor  Mahoning,  Pa  ,  '81-45,  Glade  Run,  Berachah  and 
Lower  Piney  '81-52  ;  died  Nov.  26,  '60,  paralysis.  Associate  Presbyterian 

♦Hughes,  John  Donahey.— Son  of  Rev.  Thomas  Edgar  and  Mary  (Donahey); 
born  Darlington,  Pa.,  July  27,  1800;  P.  T.  S.,  '25-28;  licensed  '28,  Pres- 
bytery of ;  missionary  N.W.  Pennsylvania,  '28-29;  ordained  June  16,  '80, 

Presbytery  of   Western  Reserve ;  pastor  Mogadore,  O.,  '30-66 ;  married ;. 
died  Newburg,  O.,  March  8,  '70,  heart  disease.     Presbyterian  minister. 


^Hughes,  Watson.— Son  of  Rev.  T.  E.  and  Mary  (Donahej);  born  Darling- 
ton, Pa.,  Sept.  6,  1804 ;  P.  T.  S.,  *25-28 ;  licensed  Presbytery  of  Beaver ; 
ordained  Oct.  26,  *30,  Presbytery  of  Redstone  ;  pastor  Warren,  Pa.,  '30-38, 
iSalUburg  '30-45,  West  Newton  *ol-o4;  married  '31,  Mary  Caldwell,  also, 
'36,  Mrs.  Martha  M.  Fullerton,  daughter  of  William  Larimer ;  died  Pitts- 
barg,  Pa.,  March  25,  70.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*McCakbel,  James. — Bom  Virginia,  March  9,  1802 ;  A.  T.  S.,  Canonsburg ; 
licensed  Sept.  1,  '29,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  ordained  Sept.  16, '30,  Presby- 
tery of  Miami;  pastor  Upper  Piney  and  Brookville,  Pa.,  '31-37,  Tumblin- 
son  Run  '37-54;  married  '32,  Nancy,  daughter  of  John  Shearer;  died  Beaver 
Co.,  Pa.,  March  9,  '57,  paralysis.     Associate  Presbyterian  minister. 

*McCready,  Absalom.  —Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  June  6,  1796  ;  theology 
under  Rev.  S.  Tait ;  licensed  Dec.  28,  1825,  Presbytery  of  Erie ;  ordained 
Sept.  14,  '26,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Middlebrook  '26-33,  Union  and  Bea- 
verdam,  Pa.,  '26-35,  Warren  '37-38,  Neshannock '39-58 ;  evangelist  '58-70; 
H.  R.,  '70-77 ;  married  Sarah  Calvin,  also,  Caroline  Haywood  ;  died  New 
Wilmington,  Mercer  Co.,  Pa.,  Jane  7,  '77.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•Mahon,  Joseph. — Son  of  David ;  born  Cumberland  Co.j  Pa.,  June  25,  1805  ; 
tutor  W.  T.  S.,  Va.,  '28-30 ;  P.  T.  S.,  '30-31 ;  teacher;  licensed  '31,  Presby- 
tery of  Carlisle ;  ordained  April,  '36,  Presbytery  of  New  Brunswick ;  agent 
Board  of  Education  '31-35 ;  pastor  Lawrenceville,  N.  J  ,  '36-48 ;  agent 
Board  of  Publication '50-54 ;  Pennsylvania  Colonization  Society  '56-60; 
chaplain  U.  S.  A.,  '62-64;  stated  supply  Petersburg  and  Irish  Grove,  111., 
'71-7:2 ;  evangelist  '74-84 ;  died  Shippensburg,  Pa.  Xov.  2,  '84.  Presby- 
terian minister. 

*MoNTGOMEBY,   JoHN  L.  -  Bom   Ireland  ;  P.  T.  S.,  1825-28  ;  licensed ; 

ordained ;  stated  supply  St.  Francisville,  La.,  Pinckneyville,  Miss., 

'36  — ;  died  '44.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Patter80N,  John  Ewing.— Son  of  John  and  Rebecca  (Oliphant);  bom  Fayette 
Co.,  Pa.(?)  June  25, 1803;  teacher,  Wheeling,  Va.;  studied  law  at  Wheeling; 
died  Brooke  Co.,  Va.,  June  24,  '27,  result  of  cold.     Law  student. 

•Sickles,  William.  -Son  of  Thomas  and  Mary;  born  Troy,  N.  Y.,  Aug.  20, 
1795 ;  P.  T.S.,  1825-28  ;  licensed  Presbytery  of  Winchester;  ordained  evan- 
gelist May  19,  '28,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Rushville,  Ind.,  '28-33;  stated 
supply  '33  36;  pastor  Hopewell  and  Shiloh  '37-42;  stated  supply  Shi- 
loh  and  Bethany  and  teacher  Franklin  '43-45  ;  pastor  Connersville  '43-45 ; 
missionary  '46 ;  pastor  Jefferson  and  Pleasant  '47-55  ;  stated  supply  Presby- 
teiy  of  Indianapolis,  '56-64;  married  '29,  Alma  C,  daughter  of  Dr.  Isaac 
Coe ;  died  Indianapolis,  Ind.,  Aug.  6,  '64,  decay  of  vital  powers.  Presby- 
terian minister. 

"*Templeton,  James.  Born  Union  Co.,  Pa ,  1805 ;  A.  T.  S.,  Canonsburg ; 
licensed  July  8,  '29,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  ordained  July  26,  '30,  Presby- 
tery of  Miami ;  pastor  Sugar  Creek,  O.,  '30-38,  Granville,  111.,  '39-43 ;  died 
Granville,  111.,  Dec.  3,  '43,  inflammation  of  the  lungs. 


^Thompson,  Qeobge  W.— Son  of  John  and  Sftrah  (Talhart);  born  Ohio,  1805; 
law  student :  practiced  law  in  Virginia ;  United  States  Attornej  of  Virginia, 
•44-49;  Member  Congress,  Virginia,  '51-52;  Judge  Cireoit  Court  Twentieth 
Judicial  District  '60 ;  Railroad  Commiasioner,  Richmond,  Va.;  published 
"  Living  Forces  of  the  Universe,"  "  Life  of  Lewis  Boyd,"  "Right of  Vir- 
ginia to  the  Northwest  Territory ; "  married  Elisabeth  SteemtNl ;  died 
Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  Feb.  23,  '88.     Lawyer. 

*TiDBALL,  John  C— Born  Allegheny  (now  Lawrence)  Co.,  Pa.,  June  5,  1801; 
ordained  '26,  Presbytery  of  Stenbenville;  pastor  island  Creek,  O.,  '26-35; 
Morristown  '35  -;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Coshocton,  O.,  48-63 ;  married 
Nancy  Hunter;  died  Coshocton,  O.,  Aug.  11,  '63.     Lawyer. 

♦Wilson,  Samuel.— Son  of  Rev.  William  and  ^—(Ralston)  ;  born  Allegheny 
Co.,  Pa.,  May  5,  1806 ;  A.  T.  S.,  Canousburg ;  licensed  Aug.  16,  '29,  Presby- 
tery of  Muskingum ;  ordained  April  27,  '31,  Presbytery  of  Miami ;  pastor 
Xenia,  0.,  '31-56 ;  Professor  Hebrew  and  Theology,  '65-77 ;  infirm ;  mar- 
ried March  6,  '32,  Mary  Cunningham ;  died  Xenia,  O.,  Sept.  5,  '87 ;  D.  D. 
United  Presbyterian  minister. 


Aten,  Charles  Morgan.— Son  of  Henry  and  Mary  (Morgan);  born  Alle> 
gheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  14,  1805;  law  student  with  Samuel  Stokeley  and 
Roswell  Marsh,  '26-28;  practiced  law  New  Lisbon,  O.,  '28—;  A.  D.  C. 
Gen.  Blackburn,  '31-43 ;  Legislature  Ohio,  '36-42 ;  married  June  7,  '36, 
Elizabeth  D.,  daughter  of  Jacob  Harbaugh.     Lawyer  New  Lisbon,  O. 

*  Brotherton,  Robert. — Son  of  John  and  Martha  (Colwell) ;   born  Falling 

Spring,  Franklin  Co.,  Pa.;  licensed  and  ordained ;  stated  supply  Alabama 
1836,  Canton,  Miss.,  '37  ;  died  Houston,  Tex.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*  Brown,  Alexander  Blaine. — Son  of  Rev.   Matthew  Brown,  D.  D.,  and 

Mary  (Blaine);  born  Washington,  Pa.,  Aug.  1,  1808;  teacher  Newark^ 
Del.,  and  Princeton,  N.  J.;  W.  T.  S.,  '28-31;  licensed  Oct.  5,  '31^ 
Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  June,  *33,  same  presbytery:  «tated  supply 
Birmingham  and  Concord,  near  Pittsburg.  Pa.,  '33-34,  Niles,  Mich., 
'34-39;  stated  supply  Portsmouth,  O.,  '39-41;  Professor  of  Belles-Lettrea. 
and  Latin,  Jefferson  College,  '41-47 ;  stated  supply  Chartiers  and  Center, 
Pa.,  '41-47;  President  Jefferson  College;  stated  supply  Canonsburg 
'46-56;  pastor  Center,  '56-62;  married  December,  '33,  Elizabeth  Finley 
Nevin;  D.  D.,  Washington  College,  '47;  died  Center,  Pa,  Sept.  8,  '63. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Campbell,  James. — Bom  near  Mercersburg,  Pa.,  May  4,  1798;  lawyer;  P. 
T.  S.,  1825-28;  licensed '28;  stated  supply  Martin8burg,0., '28-29;  ordained 
Aug.  11,  '30,  Presbytery  of  Redstone;  pastor  Kittanning  and  Crooked 
Creek,  Pa.,  '30-32,  Poke  Run  '33-34,  Pine  Creek  and  Sharpsburg  '34-40; 
stated  supply  Pennsylvania,  New  York  and  Ohio  '40-49 ;  teacher  Athens, 
O.,  '49-52,  Shirleysburg,  Pa.,  '.33-o6;  agent  H.  U.  K.  '57-59;  died  New 
Orleans,  La.,  June  14,  '75.     Presbyterian  minister. 


*  Cochran,  James  B.— Son  of  Dr.  James;  born  Darlington,  Pa.,  Oct.  24> 

1805 ;  medical  sludent  with  father ;  practiced  medicine  Darlington,  Pa., 
'27-29,  Pittaburg  '29-34 ;  married  '30,  Susan  Cramer ;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa., 
Jan.  18,  '34.     Physician. 

*Coi,  WiLUAM.— Bom  Pennsylvania  ;  P.  T.  8.,  1825-28;  Ucensed  »28; 

ordained  Oct.  8,  '28,  Presbytery  of  New  Brunswick;  missionary  New 
Orleans,  '29 ;  stated  supply  Apple  Creek,  O.,  '32-36 ;  stated  supply  and 
pastor  Lancaster,  '37-49;  pastor  Piqua,  '51-56;  died  '56.  Presbyterian 

*  Cowan,  John  Fleming.— Son  of  Adam  and  Elizabeth;  born  Parkesburg, 

Pa.,  May  6,  1801;  P.  T.  S.,  '25-28;  licensed  '28;  missionary  St.  Charles, 
Mo.,  '29-30;  ordained  April  4,  '30,  Presbytery  of  Missouri;  pastor  Apple 
Creek  and  Braieau,  Mo.,  '30-36,  Potosi  '36-52;  agent  Bosrd  Domestic 
Missions,  '52-54 ;  stated  supply  Washington,  Mo.,  '54-57,  Carondelei  '57-62 ; 
married  '30,  Mary  English ;  died  Carondelet,  Mo.,  Sept.  29,  '62,  typhoid 
fever.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Gilbert,  David.— Son  of  George;  born  Adams  Co.,  Pa.,  July  27,  1803; 
medical  student  with  Dr.  Paxton,  Gettysburg,  Pa.,  and  Jefferson  Medical 
College,  '25-28;  practiced  medicine  Northumberland,  Pa.,  '28-31,  Gettys- 
burg '31-52 ;  Professor  of  Anatomy,  Pennsylvania  College,  '38-40 ;  Surgery, 
etc.,  Medical  Department  Pennsylvania  College,  Philadelphia,  '40^68; 
physician  of  the  port,  '52 ;  married  March  25,  '29,  Jane  E.  Brown ;  died 
Philadelphia,  Pa.,  July  28,  '68.     Physician. 

*  Harris,  Andrew  D. — Son  of  James  and  Nancy ;  bom  Bellefonte,  Pa.,  April 

8,  1805 ;  civil  engineer,  Bellefonte ;  married  '27,  Anna  Bella  Johnston ; 
died  Bellefonte,  Pa.,  '32.     Civil  engineer. 

*  Hemphill,  John.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  John  and  Jane(Lind);  forn  Chester 

District,  S.  C,  Dec.  18,  1803;  teacher  '26-28;  studied  law  with  Hon.  D. 
J.  McCord;  practiced  law  Sumpter,  S.  C,  '29-38,  Washington,  Tex., 
'38-40 ;  Circuit  Judge,  '40 ;  Chief  Justice  of  Texas,  '40-58 ;  U.  S.  Sena- 
tor,  Texas,  '58-61;  died  Richmond,  Va.,  Jan.  3,  '62;  LL.  D.,  Center 
College,  Kentucky,  '56.     Lawyer. 

•Hbrvey,  David. — Son  of  Henry  and  Margaret  (Hutchenson) ;  born  Octo- 
ber, 1794,  Brooke  Co.,  W.  Va.;  theology  under  Dr.  James  Hervey; 
licensed  June,  1827,  Presbytery  of  Washington ;  ordained  '28(?),  same  pres- 
bytery ;  pastor  Prospect  Church,  Pa.,  '28-35,  Lower  Buffalo  '35-50,  Wells- 
burg,  Va.,  '35-40 ;  stated  supply  other  places ;  married  Dora,  daughter  of 
Adam  Paris  ;  died  Brooke  Co.,  Va.,  June,  '81.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*  Hervey,  Henry. — Son  of  Henry  and  Margaret  (Hutchenson);  born  Brooke 

Co.,  Va.,  Nov.  22,  1798 ;  studied  tlieology  and  teacher  Jefferson  College ; 
Rev.  J.  Hervey  and  Dr.  Anderson;  licensed  October,  1827,  Presbytery  of 
Washington;  ordained  April  15,  '30;  pastor  Martinsburg,  O.,  '30-67;  pub- 
lished *'01d  Testament  Miracles,"  discourses;  married  Nov.  1,  '31,  Julia, 
daughter  of  Moses  Wade;  died  Martinsburg,  O.,  Feb.  17,  '72,  cancer;  D. 
D.,  '67,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College.     Presbyterian  minister. 


*  UuouES,  Thomas  Edgar.— Son  of  James  R.  and  Mary ;  bom  West  Libertj, 

Va.,  April  3,1804;  theology  privately;  licenced  and  ordained ;  pastor 

Dunlapsville,  Ind.,  *27-31(?),  Somerville,  O.,  \31-02{?) ;  married  *28,  Maria 
Newton ;  died  Seven  Mile,  Batler  Co.,  O.,  Jan.  2o,  '64.  Presbyterian 

*  Ingles,  Nathaniel.— Born  Beaver  Co.,  Pa.,  1800(?; ;  Associate  Theological 

Seminary,  Canonsburg;  licensed  July  2,  '28,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers; 
ordained  July  14,  *29,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Raccoon,  Ind.,  '29-33, 
Burnett's  Creek  *29-r)9 ;  missionary  '59-63;  Edina,  Mo.,  '63-64;  died 
Edina,  Mo.,  August,  '64,  paralysis.     Associate  Presbyterian  minister. 

*  Jacobs,  Dayid.— Sonof  Henry  and  Anna  Maria  (Miller);  bom  Franklin 

Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  22,  1806;  Lutheran  Theological  Seminary,  Gettysburg; 
ordained  '29,  Evangelical  Lutheran  Synod  of  Western  Pennsylvania; 
teacher  gymnasium,  Gettysburg,  Pa.;  principal  and  Professor  Latin  and 
Greek,  '27^0;  died  Shepherdstown,  Va.,  Nov.  4,  '30.  Evangelical  Luth- 
eran minister. 

*  Livingston,  Thomas. —Son  of  William  and  Jane  (Allison);  born  Salisbury 

Township,  Lancaster  Co.,  Pa.,  1801;  farmer,  Lancaster  Co.,  Pa.,  '25-63; 
died  at  home,  '63.     Farmer. 

'*Mabsd£N,  John  Hatton.— Son  of  James  and  Rachel  (Hatton) ;  born  near 
New  Oxford,  Pa.,  Sept.  25,  1803;  ProtesUnt  Episcopal  Theological  Sem- 
inary, Alexandria,  Va.;  ordained  by  Bishop  Onderdonk  Sept.  23,  '29; 
principal  Female  Seminary,  Gettysburg,  Pa.,  and  rector  Huntingdon 
Town^ip,  '29-35;  professor  and  chaplain  Hannah  Moore  Academy,  Balti- 
more, Md.,  '35-36,  female  schools  Brownsville,  Pa.,  Harrisburg  and  Get- 
tysburg, '36-38  ;  rector  Christ  Church,  Huntingdon,  Pa.,  '38-40,  St.  John's 
Church,  York,  Pa.,  '40-44;  medical  student  Jefferson  Medical  College, 
'45  ;  practiced  medicine  York  Co.,  Pa.,  '46-83 ;  married  May  6,  '35,  Susan 
Grier ;  died  York  Springs,  Pa.,  Aug.  27,  '83.  Protestant  Episcopal  miniA- 
ter  and  physician. 

♦McArthur,  John. — Born  of  Scotch  parents,  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  March  25. 
1S03  ;  theology  ;  ordained  Nov.  19,  '28,  Presbytery  of  Steubenville ;  pastor 
Ridge,  ().,  '28-36,  Cadiz  '2H-37 ;  professor  Miami  University,  Oxford,  O., 
'37-49;  married  Jan.  15,  '29,  Christina  Ann,  daughter  of  Rev.  James 
Robertson;  died  Indianapolis,  Ind.,  Aug.  7,  '49;  D,D,  Presbyterian 

*  McMurren,  William. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Mary  ;  born  Jefferson  Co.,  Va., 

Dec.  25,  1806;  farmer  Jefferson  Co.,  Va.,  '25-73;  married  Feb.  8,  '3i, 
Elizabeth  Lucas;  died  Jefferson  Co.,  Va.,  July  28,  '73.     Farmer. 

♦Moore,  John. — Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  1796;  theology  with  Rev.  M. 
Allen ;  licensed  Presbytery  of  Washington  ;  ordained  Presbytery  of  Ohio(?) ; 
pastor  Cross  Roads  and  Plains,  Mt.  Prospect,  Yellow  Creek,  ().;  missionary 
Missouri ;  married  Miss  Frasee  ;  died  Parkville,  Mo.,  Aug.  12,  1870  ;  B.D. 
Presbyterian  minister. 


♦Mustard,  Cobkelius  H.— Born. ,  Delaware;  P.  T.  S.,  1826-28;  licensed 

'28 ;  ordained ;  pastor  Snow  Hill  and  Pitts  Creek,  Md.,  *d6-^8,  Lewes, 

Cool  Spring  and  Indian  River,  Del.,  *39-49 ;  slated  sapply  Laurel  and 
Blackwater  '49-^2,  Lewes  and  Cool  Spring  '52-56,  Cool  Spring  and  l^Iil- 
ford  *5(>-57,  Cool  Spring  and  Blackwater  '.>7-70;  died  Lewes,  Del., 
Jan.  26,  70.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*XouBSE,  Benjamin  Franklin. — Son  of  Michael  and  Marj  (Rittenhoase);  born 
Washington,  D.  C,  1809 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Henderson ;  practiced 
medicine  Washington,  Canonsburg  and  Springfield,  O.;  entered  V,  S.  A. 
assistant  surgeon ;  married  Josephine  Stansbury ;  died  Tampa  Bay,  Fla., 
*39,  fever.     Physician. 

*Oliphant,  Ethelbert  Patterson.— Son  ot  John  and  Sarah  (McQinness) ; 
bom  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  4,  1803,  law  student  with  Hon.  N.  Ewing; 
practiced  law  Uniontown,  Pa.,  Springfield,  111.,  Beaver,  Pa.;  adjutant 
regiment  Black  Hawk  war  of  '32 ;  Prosecuting  Attorney  of  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.; 
Pennsylvania  Legislature  '30-31 ;  clerk  in  Law  Department,  Harrisburg, 
'33-36 ;  Associate  Judge  Supreme  Court,  Washington  Territory,  '61-65; 
clerk  Interior  Department,  '66-84 ;  married  May  13,  '40,  Elizabeth  C.  H., 
daughter  of  Jonas  Howe  ;  died  May  8,  '84.     Lawyer. 

^Patterson,  Alexander  E. — Son  of  Alexander  and  Margaret ;  born  Indiana 
Co.,  Pa.;  teacher  one  year;  theological  student;  died  Indiana  Co.,  Pa., 
pneumonia,  1827.     Student. 

*Ritchie,  David. — Son  of  David  and  Rebecca;  born  Dauphin  Co.,  Pa.,  1806; 
died  Dauphin  Co.,  Pa.,  May  28,  '30. 

'Smfth,  Thomas  J.  S. — Son  of  Samuel ;  born  Cumberland,  Md.,  Dec.  10,  1806; 
law  student  with  Robert  Thruston,  Dayton,  O.;  practiced  law,  Troy,  O., 
'32-44,  Dayton  '44-68;  Clerk  of  Court,  Miami  Co.,  O.;  State  General 
Assembly;  married  May  28,  '33,  Jane,  daughter  of  Henry  Bacon;  died 
near  Dayton,  O.,  July  31,  '68.     Lawyer. 

*Smith,  James. — Law  student;  practiced  law  Cumberland,  Md., '28-<)5;  Cir- 
cuit Judge,  Cumberland,  Md.,  '64-65;  died  Cumberland,  Md.,  '65,  apo- 
plexy.    Lawyer. 

•Stevens,  William  A.— Born  Maryland,  P.  T.  S.,  1826-28;  licensed  Presby- 
tery of  Baltimore;  Westchester;  died  Warwick  Furnace,  Oct.  3,  '34;  D.D. 
Presbyterian  minister. 


'^Alexander,  James. — Son  of  William  and  Elizabeth;  born  Mercer  Co.,  Pa., 
Sept.  25, 1798;  theology  with  Rev.  S.  Tait;  licensed  April  9,  1828,  Presby- 
tery of  Erie  ;  ordained  Oct.  13,  '28,  Presbytery  of  Erie ;  pastor  Greenville, 
Salem  and  Big  Bend,  Pa.,  '28-34;  Hopewell,  St.  Clairsville,  O.,  '39-46, 
Martinsville  and  Bridgeport  '46-67,  Moundsville,  W.  Va.,  '67-77 ;  married 
Eebecca,  daughter  of  Bev.  Wm.  Woods,  also,  Rebecca,  daughter  of  John 
Lowry,  also,  Margaret  A.,  daughter  of  Joseph  Kirkwood;  died  Mounds- 
ville, W.Va.,  July  26,  '79;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister. 


*BowLAifi>,  RoBKRT  G. — Son  of  James  and  Martha  (Collins)  ;  born  Nov.  11,. 
1808 ;  teacher  Milladgeville,  Ga.;  died  Meadville,  Pa.,  Jalj  23,  '30,  con- 

*Cramberlaik,  James — Born  Adams  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  18,  1805;  medical 
student;  practiced  medicine  Port  Gibson,  Miss.,  *28 — ?,  Thomkins  Bend, 
La.,  till  *50 ;  unmarried ;  died  Charleston,  W.  Va.,  Jan.  2,  '50,  typhoid 
fever.     Physician. 

*Cbawford,  James. — Born  Uuntingdon,  Pa.;  law  student;  practiced  law  Hun- 
tingdon, Pa.;  died  '29,  consumption.     Lawyer. 

•Dickey,   John   H.— Born   East  Nottingham,    Pa.,  May  19,  1807;  P.  T.  S.,. 

'27-30 ;  licensed  October,  *30,  Presbytery  of  New  Castle  ;  ordained ; 

missionaiy  Lake  Phelps,  N.  C,  '30-31,  Strasburg,  Pa.,  '33;  pastor  New 
Bloomfield,  Landisburg  and  Buffalo  '34-«>4 ;  died  New  Bloomfield,  Pa , 
Oct.  20,  '55.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*DoNALD,  John. — Son  of  John  and  Jane  ;  born  near  Canonsburg,  Pa.;  medical 
student.  Medical  College,  Philadelphia;  practiced  medicine  Bakerstown, 
Pa.,  during  active  life ;  died  Bakerstown,  Pa.     Physician. 

Frame,  Reuben. — Son  of  James  and  Rachel  (Fred);  bom  Chester  Co.,  Pa., 
June  18,  1804;  teacher;  P.  T.  S.,  '27-30;  licensed  April  6,  '31,  Presbytery 
of  New  Castle;  ordained  Feb.  13,  '33,  Presbytery  of  Cincinnati,  O.;  pastor 
Bethel,  O.,  »33,  South  Salem,  N.  Y.,  '34-50,  Wappinger's  Falls  '50-.V>; 
stated  supply  Fond  du  Lac,  Wis.,  '55-58;  pastor  Morris,  111.,  '.')9-63; 
blindness;  married  Oct.  18,  '32,  Margaret  S.,  daughter  of  John  Selly. 
Presbyterian  minister,  Morris,  111. 

•Gibson,  William  J. — "Jon  of  Rev.  William  and  Rebecca  (Mitchell)  ;  bom 
Ryegate,  Vt.,  Aug.  22,  1810  ;  teacher  '26-29  ;  theology  privately  ;  licensed 
Oct.  30,  '31,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia ;  ordained  Feb.  7,  '32,  same  pres- 
bytery; pastor  Ninth  Church,  Philadelphia,  '31-41,  Williamsburg,  Pa., 
and  Sinking  Valley  '41-51,  Lick  Run,  '51-61 ;  chaplain  45th  Regiment, 
Pennsylvania  Volunteers,  '61-64 ;  pastor  Pine  Grove,  Pa.,  three  years,  Mar- 
tinsburg  and  Duncansville  sixteen  years;  published  **  History  of  Presby- 
tery of  Huntingdon,"  and  "Baptism";  married  May  17,  *32,  Cassandra, 
daughter  of  H.  G.  Jameson,  also,  Jan.  3,  '67,  Klizabelh  M.,  daughter  of 
Wm.  Murray ;  D.D.,  Jefferson  College,'56  ;  died  Duncansville,  Pa.,  Oct. 
5,  '83,  paralysis.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Herriott,  John  Vance. — Son  of  Ephraim  and  Sarah;  born  Miller's  Run, 
Washington  Co.,  Pa.;  medical  student;  practiced  medicine  Canpnsburg, 
Pa.,  some  years,  Philadelphia  seven  years,  Canonsburg,  Valparaiso,  Ind., 
'67-87  ;  married  '36,  Anna  Diver,  also,  '62,  Mrs.  Ann  E.  Hurst ;  died  Val- 
paraiso, Ind.,  Feb.  26,  '87 ;  A.M.,  '53.     Physician. 

*H COKES,  William. — Son  of  Rev.  Thomas  Edgar  and  Mary  (Donohey) ;  born 
Darlington,  Pa.,  May  20,  1802;  P.  T.  S.,  '27-28;  licensed  Jan.  28,  '29, 
Presbytery  of  Hartford  (now  Shenango );  ordained  April  5,  '30,  same  pres- 
bytery ;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Perrysville,  O.,  '29-()6,  Loudonville  '60-SO; 
married  April  13,  '30,  Martha  Bell,  daughter  of  Joseph  Wells;  died  Lou- 
donville, ().,  Aug.  1,  '80,  dropsy.     Presbyterian  minister. 


*HcTCHiN80N,  John  Russell.— Born  Colambia  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  12,  1807; 
P.  T.  S.  '26-28;  licensed  April  22,  '29;  stated  supply  Bethel  and  Rodney 
Mj^Us  '29--30;  ordained  July,  '30,  Presbytery  of  Mississippi;  pastor  Baton 
Rooge,  La.,  '30-33 ;  professor  L.  C.  L.  and  stated  supply  Jackson,  Miss., 
'34-36;  pastor  Vicksbniigfy  Miss.,  '37-42;  professor  Oakland  College  '42-^34  ; 
stated  supply  Bethel '43-52 ;  stated  supply  and  principal  Coirington,  La., 
'54r-*57;  same  New  Orleans  '57-60;  same  Houston,  Tex.,  '60-65;  mission- 
ary Presbytery  of  Braaos  '67-75;  died  Hooston,  Tez.»  Feb.  24,  '78 ;  J>.D. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

•KiDDoo,  David.— Son  of and (Tidball) ;  born  near  Pittsburg,  Pa.> 

Jan.  20,  1802;  teacher  academy  near  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '26-27,  Decatur,  Ga., 
'28-34,  Springfield  '34-38 ;  law  student  with  Robert  Burke,  Pittsburg,  Pa., 
'26-28 ;  practiced  law  Cuthbert,  Qa.,  '38-63 ;  Judge  of  Supreme  Gourt» 
Pataula  District,  '56-59;  elder  Presbyterian  Church  ;  married  July  15,  '30, 
Elisabeth  Ann,  daughter  of  Lochlin  Johnson;  died  Clay  Co.,  G«.,'Sept. 
16,  '63,  of  congestive  chill,  while  absent  from  home.     Lawyer. 

♦McGiLL,  Alexander  Taooabt.— Son  of  John  and  Mary;  born  Canonsburg, 
Pa.,  Feb.  24,  1807;  law  '26-31;  theology  Canonsburg  U.  P.  Seminary 
'31-34 ;  licensed  '34,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers ;  ordained  '35,  Presbytery  of 
Carlisle ;  pastor  Perry,  Pa.,  '35-38,  Second  Presbyterian  Church,  Carlisle, 
•38-42 ;  professor  W.  T.  Seminary,  Ecclesiastical  History  and  Church 
Government,  '42-52 ;  Col.  T.  Seminary,  '52-53;  W.  T.  S.  '53-54 ;  P.  T.  S., 
'54-83 ;  professor  emeritus  '83-^9 ;  married  Eleanor  A.,  daughter  of  Hon. 
Geo.  McCullough,  also,  Catherine  B.,  daughter  of  Rev.  Chas.  Hodge  j 
D.D.;  died  Jan.  13.  '80;  Stated  Clerk  General  Assembly,  '62-70;  D.D., 
LL.D.;  Moderator  General  Assembly  '48.  Presbyterian  minister,  Prince- 
ton, N.  J. 

•McIntire,  James.— Son  of  William  and  Ellen  (Groves) ;  born  Oxford,  Pa., 
June  6,  1806 ;  U.  T.  8.,  Va.  '29-30 ;  And  over ;  licensed  Presbytery  of  New 
Castle;  ordained  same  presbytery;  pastor  Elkton  and  Glasgow,  Del., 
twelve  years,  Ashland  four  years;  married  Lydia,  daughter  of  Edmund 
Bartlett,  also.  May,  '42,  Mary  A.  Richardson;  died  Elkton,  Md.,  Dec.  4, 
'84.     Presbyterian  minister. 

XiCHOL,  Thomas. — Son  of  John  and  Ann;  born  Muskingum  Co.,  ().,  May 
6,  1805;  medical  student;  prscticed  medicine  St.  Clairsville,  O.,  '29-47' 
Iowa  '47.;  left  practice  ;  married  June  8,  '30,  Sarah  Patterson.  Residence 
Oskaloosa,  Iowa. 

•OsBORN,  4i^ERT  Gallatin. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Hannah  (Ross);  born 
Cadiz,  0,,  1807;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Wilson,  Cadiz,  O.;  practiced 
medicine  Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  *29 —  ?;  married  Elizabeth  Hawkins ;  died 
Wheeling,  W.Va. 


'•*Pabks,  Hugh.— Son  of  Hugh  and  Mary  (Nichol)  ;  born  Belmont  Co.,  O., 
Jan.  28,  1808 ;  Aasociate  Reformed  T.  S.,  Allegheny ;  licensed  May  26,  '30, 
Second  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  April  26,  *32,  same  presbytery ;  pastoi 
Yellow  Creek,  O.,  '32-37,  St.  Clairsville  '32-40,  Moorefield  '37-o6,  Buch- 
anan  Hill  '56-61;  stated  supply  Little  Muskingum  '61-78;  missionary 
'78-82 ;  married  Oct.  3,  '36,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  John  McCartney  and 
Margaret  B.  Watt ;  died  St.  ClairsTille,  O.,  Jan.  6,  '82,  general  debility. 
United  Presbyterian  minister. 

Fatton,  John. — Son  of  John  and  Eleanor  (CampbelL;  bom  Cecil  Co.,  Md., 
May  18,  1808 ;  teacher  '28-29 ;  U.  T.  8.,  Virginia,  '29-31 ;  Ucensed  Oct. 
31,  Presbytery  of  W.  Hanover;  ordained  Dec.  2o,  '32,  Presbytery  of  New 
Castle;  stated  supply  Lancaster,  Pa..  '32-34;  pastor  West  Church,  Phila- 
delphia, '35-43,  First  Church,  Northumberland,  '43-47 ;  Secretary  Phila- 
delphia Educational  Society  '47-55;  pastor  Logan  Square  Church, 
Philadelphia,  '55-65,  Forest  Church,  Delaware,  '65-80 ;  married ;  D.D., 
'  '60,  Jefferson  College.     Residence,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

*PATrBRSON,  Alfrbd. — Son  of  John  and  Rebecca  (Oliphant);  bom  Fayette 
Co.,  Penn.,  Dec.  24,  1805;  law  student;  practiced  law  Uniontown,  Pa., 
'29-59,  Pittsburg ;  President  National  Bank  of  Commerce,  '59-76 ;  married 
'34,  Caroline,  daughter  of  Col.  Henry  Whitely ;  died  Natchitoches,  La., 
Dec.  16,  '78,  pneumonia.     Lawyer. 

•PoMROY,  John.— Born  Pennsylvania ;  P.  T.  S.  1826-28;  licensed  Oct.  6, 

'29,  Presbytery  of  New  Brunswick ;  missionary  in  North  Carolina ;  license 
MTithdrawn  April  22,  '34  ;  died   April  24,  '48. 

♦Phyor,  Azariah. — Son  of  Gideon  and  Elizabeth;  born  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct. 
23,  1798  ;  teacher  ;  law  under  Hon.  Joel  Jones ;  practiced  1829-31 ;  theol- 
ogy privately  under  Rev,  Jno.  Gray,  D.D.;  licensed  '36,  Presbytery  of 
Newton ;  ordained  '36,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Lower  Mt.  Bethel,  N.  J., 
'36-37,  Southwork,  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  '37-40,  Protestant  Episcopal 
Church,  '41 ;  rector  St.  David's  Church,  Manayunk,  Philadelphia,  '43-48 ; 
principal  Female  Seminary,  Pottsville,  '49-54;  rector  Schuylkill  Haven, 
'49-60,  St.  John's  Chapel,  Pottsville,  '60-'78;  married  Isabella,  daughter 
of  Dr.  Adams ;  died  Pottsville,  Pa.,  July  7,  78.  Protestant  Episcepal  min- 

♦Bay,  James  D.— Son  of  Patrick  and  Mary;  born  Wheeling,  Va.;  licensed 
1829  (?),  Presbytery  of  W^ashington  ;  ordained  '30,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  pastor 
Mt.  Carmel,  Pa.,  '30-43 ;  removed  from  ministry,  '43;  principal  Mt.  Eben- 
ezer  Academy;  died  Kentucky,  1881  (?). 

♦Williams,  Aaron. — Son  of  Benjamin  and  Elizabeth  (Reed);  born  Washiug- 
ton  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  20,  1807;  teacher;  W.  T.  S.  '28-31 ;  Ucensed  Oct.  6, 
'31,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  teacher  and  preached  ZelienopJe,  Pa.,  '32;  mis- 
sionary at  Lawrenceville  and  Minersville,  '33;  stated  supply  Pontiac, 
Mich.,  '34 ;  pastor  Beaver  Falls,  Ph.,  '36-40 ;  stated  supply  Portsmouth, 
O.,  '41-44;  Professor  of  Languages  Ohio  University,  '44-53;  ditto  Latin, 
Jefferson  College,  '54-59;  Edgeworth  Female  Seminary,  '59-66;  stated 
.supply   various  churches,  '65-78 ;    married  May  6,  '55,  Jane    Kennedy, 


daaghter  of  Dr.  Francis  Herron ;  D.D.,  '53,  O.  U.;  Stated  Clerk  of  Presbjr- 
tery;  pablished  "Women  of  the  Bible,"  ** History  Harmony  Society," 
"Centennial  Memorial;"  died  Leetsdale,  Pa.,  Dec.  31,  78,  paralysii. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

Wilson,  Thomas.  -Bom  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  June,  1799 ;  Associate  T.  S., 
Canonsbarg ;  licensed  Aug.  7, 1832,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers ;  ordained  Sept. 
16,  '35,  Presbytery  of  Muskingum;  pastor  Sandy  and  Carmel  '35-42,  North 
Union,  O.,  '35-50;  married.  Associate  Presbyterian  minister,  Annap- 
olis, O. 

*White,  Robert  Gbay.— Son  of  James  and  Charlotte  (Weitzel);  born  near 
Selin's  Grove,  Pa.,  Jan.  21>  2807  ;  law  student  with  ^.  V.  Parsons  and 
Judge  Shippen  ;  practiced  law  Wellsboro,  Pa.,  '29-75  ;  married  '39,  Sarah, 
daughter  of  William  Bache;  died  Wellsboro,  September,  75,  epilepsy. 


^Abhat,  Thohas.— Born  Baltimore;  Md.;  law  student;  practiced  law  Balti- 
more ;  Natchez,  Miss.,  1845-?  ;  St.  Joseph's,  La.,  '45-?  ;  planter ;  died 
St.  Joseph's,  La.    Lawyer. 

♦Bennett,  Isaac  T.— Born  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  ;  W.  T.  S.,  1827  ;  licensed 

June  4,  '29,  Addison  Congregational  Association ;  ordained  April  13,  '33, 
Presbytery  of  Kaskaskia ;  missionary  Carmel  and  Sharon,  111./ '29-31, 
Pleasant  Prairie  '31-35,  Pisgah  '35-51,  Canton  51-56 ;  married  July  6,  '32, 
Caroline  Buchanan;  died  Canton,  111.,  June  16,  '56.  Presbyterian  min- 

•BoYD,  WiLLLiAM  O.— Born  Chester  Co.,  S.  C;  law  student;  practiced  iaw 
South  Carolina;  died  (?).     Lawyer. 

*BoYD,  James  C. — Born  Chester  Co.,  South  Carolina ;  medical  student ;  prac- 
ticed medicine  South  Carolina ;  died  (?).     Physician. 

*BoYES,  Jabies. — Son  of  John  and  Isabella  (Kilpatrick);  bom  South  Carolina; 
theological  student ;  died  autumn  of  1829.     Student. 

*CooN,  Jacob. — Son  of  Archibald  and  M<irtha  S.;  bom  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa., 
October,  1801;  theology  under  Dr.  McMillan  (his  last  student);  license 
'29,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  '30,  Presbytery  of  Steuben ville;  paster 
Crao  Apple,  O,,  '30-38;  professor  Franklin  College,  '38-40;  stated  Bup> 
ply  New  Athens  '38-40,  Poland,  O.,  '41-33 ;  principal  academy  Salem, 
O.,  and  stated  supply  Middle  Sandy  and  Rehoboth  '43-46;  principal 
Poland  Academy  '50-52;  President  Vermillion  Institute,  '52-53;  Free- 
port,  III.;  pastor  Morrison,  111.,  '54-58,  Milan  '58-63,  Albany  and  Newton 
'63-76;  married  October,  '27,  Mary  Monroe,  also,  '56,  Mrs.  Harriet  Good- 
rich ;    died   Albany,  111.,  Sept.  17,  '78,  apoplexy.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*CuRRAN,  William.— Bom  Huntingdon  Co.,  Pa.;  teacher;  died  1884. 

*Glknn,  John. — Bom  Pennsylvania  ;  licensed ;  ordained  evangelist 

Oct.  20,  1830,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny ;  pastor  Richland  and  Rockland 
Churches,  Pa.,  '32-45 ;  died  Venango  Co.,  Pa.,  September  '45.  Presby- 
terian minister. 


*Hampson,  GfiOROS  Washinoton. — Son  of  Robert  and  Sarah  (Fee);  born 
HuDtinlfdon  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  9,  1798;  P.  T.  S.  1828-31 ;  lioeneed  April  4, 
1830,  Presbytery  of  Erie ;  ordained  June  27,  '32,  same  presbytery ;  pastor 
Oil  Creek  (now  Titusville)  and  Concord,  Pa..  '32-37,  Cherry  Tree,  Gravel 
Ran  and  Cambridge  till  '69;  married  Ann,  daughter  of  John  McCord,  also, 
Clara  Powell;  died  Gravel  Ran,  Pa.,  Oct.  1,  '69.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*HnNT£B,  Edmund  Pendleton. — Son  of  David  and  Elizabeth  (Pendleton); 
born  Martinsburg,  Va.,  March  25,  1809  ;  law  student  with  George  Boyd  and 
Judge  Tucker;  practiced  law  Martinsburg  and  Winchester,  Va.,  '29-54; 
colonel  of  militia;  Virginia  Legislature  four  terms;  District  Attorney ;  ves- 
tryman Episcopal  Church;  married  Aagust  2,  '32,  Martha  C,  daughter  of 
John  Abell ;  died  Berkeley  Springs,  Va.,  Sept.  9,  '54,  cholera.  Lawyer. 
A.M.,  Jeffeison  College,  '54. 

*Eelso,  Charlks  William. — Son  of  Dr.  Joseph  and  Elizabeth ;  born  Harris- 
burg,  Pa.,  May  17,  1809;  law  student,  Litchfield,  Conn.;  practiced  law 
Erie,  Pa.,  '30(?)-74;  married;  died  Erie,  Pa.,  Nov.  26,  74.     Lawyer. 

♦Laird,  William  W. — Son  of  Rev.  James  and  Dorothy  A.  (Winder);  bom 
Cambridge,  Md.  (?),  1808;  law  student  Cambridge;  practiced   law  Cam- 
bridge, Md.,  '30-48;  married  '37,  Wilhelmina  E.  C,  daughter  of  Gp^ 
Charles  Goldsboro ;  died  Cambridge,  Md.,  '48.     Lawyer. 

*Lake,  William  A. — Bom  Dorchester  Co.,  Md.;  law  student ;  practiced  law; 
member  House  of  Representatives,  Maryland ;  Vicksburg,  Miss.;  State 
Senator,  Mississippi ;  Member  Congress,  Mississippi,  1855-57  ;  died  Vicks 
burg.  Miss.,  '61.     Lawyer. 

^  McClave,  Robert. — Law  student ;  practiced  law  CarroUton,  O.;  Prosecuting 
Attomey,  Carroll  Co.,  O.;  died  Carrolllon,  O.,  1856.     Lawyer. 

*  McCrea,   Robert. — Son  of  Robert ;  born  near  Waynesburg,  Franklin  Co.. 

Pa.,  1809 ;  infirm ;  teacher  in  Alabama ;  died  on  way  home,  near  Chilli- 
cothe,  O.,  '31,  of  consumption. 

•McGinley,  John.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Amos  A.  and  Annie  (Blythe) ;  bora 
Path  Valley,  Franklin  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  29,  1810  ;  law  student  with  Judge 
Chambers  and  Hon.  Calvin  Blythe ;  merchant  Fairfield,  Adams  Co.,  Pa.; 
married  April  5,  '31,  Jane  E.  McClay ;  died  Fairfield,  Adams  Co.,  Pa., 
Feb.  22,  '33.     Merchant. 

*McJiMPSEY,   John.— From   Iredell  Co.,   N.   C;  theological  student;  died 


*McKal£B,  William. — Son  of  Major  John  and  Mary  (Clengan) ;  born  Taney- 
town,  Md.,  1805;  law  student  with  Hon.  David  Hoffman;  lectures  Balti- 
more; never  practiced  law;  real  estate  broker,  Michigan  Territory; 
unmarried ;  died  Carlisle,  Pa.,  September,  '41. 

*  McPherson,   William. — Son  of  Robert  and  Hannah  (Mahon) :  born  Get- 

tysburg, Pa.,  Dec.  6,  1808;  teacher  and  law  student;  teacher  Indianapo- 
lis, Ind.,  '30-32;  died  by  drowning  in  White  River,  by  the  hand  of  a 
murderer,  May  8,  '33.     Lawyer. 


*  Matthews,  Wiixiak  CAiJ)¥n5Lii.^^n  of  Rev.  Dr.  John  and  Elizabeth 

(Daniel);  bom  GranvUle  Co.,  N.  C,  Sept.  23,  1806;  P.  T.  8.,  '27-30; 
licensed  April  20,  '30,  Presbytery  of  Winchester;  ordained  evangelist 
April  9,  '31,  same  presbytery ;  stated  supply  Martinsburg  and  Smilhfield, 
Va.,  '31-36;  pastor  First  Church,  Madison,  Ind.,  '37-42,  Winchester,  Ky., 
'43-48,  Shelbyville  '48-71,  Foorlh  Church,  Louisville,  '71-79;  died 
La  Grange,  Ky.,  Aug.  24,  '80 ;  D.  D.    Presbyterian  minister. 

*  Matthews,   Johh  Daniel.. — Son  of    Rev.  John  and  Elisabeth  (Daniel) ; 

born  Sheperdstown,  Vs.,  July  15,  1809;  teacher;  P.  T.  S.,  '28-31; 
licensed  '30;  ordained  evangelist  January,  '32,  Presbytery  of  Georgia; 
missionary  St.  Mary's,  Ga.,  '32 ;  slated  supply  Second  Church,  Southwork, 
Philadelphia,  '32-33;  pastor  Opequon  and  Cedar  Creek,  Va.,  '33-35,  Nor- 
folk '37-41,  McChord  Church,  Lexington,  Ky.,  '41-45;  stated  supply 
Hopewell  '45-47  Padueah  '49-51,  Henderson  '51-54;  Superintendent 
Public  Instruction,  Kentucky,  '53-59 ;  stated  supply  Jackson  Street 
Church,  Mobile,  Ala.,  Second  Church,  Baltimore,  New  York  Avenue 
Church,  Washington,  D.  C;  pastor  Portland  Avenue  Church,  Louisville, 
Ky.,  '70-80,  Denison,  Tex.,  '80-84;  married  '30,  Ann,  daughter  of  Commo- 
dore Renshaw,  also  55,  Davidells,  daughter  of  David  Glass;  died  Dallas, 
Tex.,  March  7,  '84,  nervous  debility ;  D.  D.,  Transylvania  University. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

May,  Newton.— Son  of  Robert  and  Ruth  (Potts) ;  born  Chester  Co.,  Pa., 
Dec.  26,  1807 ;  medical  student  Pennsylvania  University  ;  practiced  medi- 
cine St.  Louis,  Mo.;  Professor  of  Chemistry,  St.  Paul's  College ;  practiced 
medicine  Holmesburg,  Pa.;  residence  Holmesburg,  Pa.     Physician. 

*Park,  James.— Son  of  John  and  Sarah  (McDowell) ;  born  Washington  Co., 
Pa.,  Nov.  30,  1802;  teacher  Kittanning,  Pa.,  W.  Alexander;  tutor  Jef- 
ferson College  two  years,  Waterford,  Erie,  Ky.,  '44-47,  Mt.  Zion  '47-49, 
Winchester  '50;  married  Sept.  2,  '47,  Anna  J.,  daughter  of  Samson  Ham- 
ilton ;  died  Bardolph,  111.,  Feb.  11,  '82,  general  debility. 

*  Ramsey,  James  P.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Ramsey  ;  born  Canonsburg.  Pa.,  Aug. 

26,  1809  ;  Associate  Theological  Seminary,  Canonsburg  ;  licensed  Aug.  27, 
'33,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  ordained  July  30,  '35,  Presbytery  of  Ohio; 
pastor  Deercreek,  Pa.,  '35-57  ;  111  health  ;  died  New  Wilmington,  Pa., 
Jan.  30,  '62.     Associate  Presbyterian  minister. 

'  Ebed,  Joseph.— Bom  Beaver  Co.,  Pa.;  W.  T.  S.  1827-30 ;  licensed  Feb.  2, 
'31,  Presbytery  of  Ohio  ;  ordained  '35,  same  presbytery ;  Sunday-school 
missionary,  '32 ;  pastor  Highland,  Pa.,  '35-38  ;  stated  supply  Freedom  and 
Concord,  '41-42;  married  Miss  Kerr;  died  Freedom,  Pa.,  Dec.  14,  '42. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*ScoTT,  John  Work.— Born  York  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  27,  1807  ;  teacher  Jefferson 
Collie  ;  P.  T.  S.  '30-^2 ;  licensed  Oct.  3,  '32,  Presbytery  of  New  Castle ; 
ordained  April  3,  *34,  Presbytery  of  Hartford  (now  Shenango) ;  pastor 
Poland,  O,,  '34-36 ;  stated  supply  Three  Springs  and  Second  Church, 
Stenbenville,  C,  '36-47  ;  principal  Grove  Academy,  Steubenville,  '37-47, 
Lindsley  Institute,    Wheeling,    W.   Va.,    '47-53 ;    President    Washington 


College^  '53--65;  principal  Femftle  Seminarj,  Moigantowa,  W.  Ya.» 
'65  67;  Vice-President  and  profeasor  West  Virginia  Univeraitj,  *67-77; 
professor  Biddle  Uniyersitj,  North  Carolina,  79  ;  D.  D.,  '52,  Washington 
College ;  LL.  D.,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College,  '65 ;  died  Ridgwaj, 
N.  C,  July  25,  '79.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Snodoras.s  William  W.— From  Starke  Co.,  C;  medical  student;  practiced 
medicine ;  eoetera  denmi, 

*Stebrett,  David.— Son  of  William  and  Sarah;  born  Mt.  Joy,  Pa.,  May  12, 
1801;  P.  T.  8.  '27-30;  licensed  April,  '32,  Presbytery  of  CarUale; 
ordained  October,  '32,  Presbytery  of  New  Castle;  pastor  Shaver  s  Creek, 
Pa.,  '34-48,  Waynesburg  and  New  Hamilton  'oO-oS;  stated  supply  ana 
evangelist,  '55-71;  married  Aug.  12,  '34,  Mary  A.  Woods;  died  June  21, 
71,  paralysis.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*  Stoneboad,  Joel.— Son  of  Lewis  and  Sarah  (Gardner)  ;  born  Mifflin  Co., 

Pa.,  Jan.  2,  1806;  P.  T.  S.  '27-30  ;  licensed ;  ordained  Dec.  14,  '31, 

Presbytery  of  Redstone;  pastor  Union  town,  Pa.,  '31-42;  agent  Board 
Domestic  Missions,  '42 ;  pastor  Cross  Roads  Church  '42-50,  Tyrone  '50-61, 
Laurel  Hill  '51-77 ;  married  Miss  Veach,  also,  June  27,  '54,  Hannah 
Paull;  died  Dunbar,  Pa.,  Aug.  11,  '84.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•Wallace,  James.— Bom  York  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  10,  1801;  theology  with  Dr. 
Bullions,  Troy,  N.  Y.;  licensed  July  9,  '30,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia; 
ordained  Oct.  25,  '32,  Presbytery  of  Miami ;  pastor  Darby,  O.,  '32-39, 
Hun tsville '32-61,  Bellefontaine,  Kenton;  died  Huntsville,  O.,  Nov.  30, 
'78,  cholera  morbus.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Whitbhill,  James  M.— Law  student ;  practice  I  law  Waynesburg,  Pa.;  died 
near  Waynesburg,  Pa.,  before  1840.     Lawyer. 

•WoRTHiNGTON,  WiLLiAM  C.— Son  of  Robert  and  Sarah  B.  (Morrow) ;  born 
Charlestown,  Va.,  Aug.  13,  1810;  law  student  at  Judge  Tucker's  Law 
School,  Winchester,  Va.;  practiced  law  Charlestown,  Va.,  '30-54;  Prose- 
cuting Attorney;  member  House  of  Delegates,  Virginia,  four  terms; 
unmarried ;  died  Charlestown,  Va.,  Sept.  22,  '54.     Lawyer. 

Wyeth,  Francis.— vSon  of  John  and  Louisa  (Weiss) ;  born  Harrisburg,  Pa., 
April  5,  1806;  editor  and  bookseller,  '27-61;  quartermaster  Camp  Curtln, 
'61 ;  visitor  camps  and  hospitals  till  '65  ;  married  May  12,  '29,  Susan  H., 
daughter  of  William  Maxwell,  also,  March  15,  '45,  Sarah  C,  daughter  of 
Charles  Carson.     Harrisburg,  Pa. 


^Alexander,  Robert  J.— Son  of  James  and  Isabella  (Ross) ;  born  Belmont 
Co.,  O,,  Oct.  6,  1806 ;  law  student  with  Judge  Kennon  and  Governor 
Shannon ;  practiced  law  in  Belmont  Co.,  O.,  '30-51 ;  Prosecuting  Attorney ; 
Common  Pleas  Judge,  Belmont  Co.,  '51-56 ;  District  Judge,  Eighth  Judi- 
cial District,  same  period  ;  married  Nov.  1,  31,  Mary  Ann,  daughter  of 
David  Jennings,  also,  Rachel  Tallmon ;  died  St.  Clairsville,  O.,  Jan.  30, 
'63.     liawyer. 


*Bell,  James  Snodobass. — Son  of  Rev.  Samuel  and  Marj  (Snodgrass) ;  bom 
New  Castle  Co  ,  Del.,  Oct.  11, 1811 ;  Yale  College  '28-29  ;  medical  student 
Jeffereon  Medical  College,  '34;  Paris,  France,  '34-36;  Professor  6i  Mod- 
em  Languages,  Delaware  College  ;  teacher,  Virginia ;  editor  Piedmont  Whig^ 
Warrenton,  Va.;  Philadelphia,  '61-62;  newspaper  writer;  unmarried; 
died  Manayunk,  Philadelphia,  '62(?). 

*Brice,  Walter  —Son  of  James  and  Jane ;  born  Fairfield  Co.,  S.  C,  Sept. 
5,  1804;  medical  student;  practiced  medicine  Fairfield  Co.,  S.  C,  '32-71 ; 
married  April  28,  '31,  Martha  Emeline  Moore ;  died  Fairfield  Co.,  S.  C, 
Dec.  7,  '71,  heart  disease.     Physician. 

Davis,  Levi  — Son  of  David  and  Elizabeth ;  born  Cecil  Co.,  Md.,  July  20, 1808 ; 
law  student  with  Levin  Gale,  £lkton,  Md.;  practiced  law  Elkton  and  Balti- 
more '30-31,  Vandalia,  111,  '31-39,  Springfield  '39-46,  Alton  '46-82; 
State  Auditor  of  Illinois  '35-41 ;  married  November,  '32,  Locy  Ann  Stapp. 
Lawyer,  Alton,  111. 

•FiNDLEY,  William.— Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Anderson) ;  born  Mercer, 
Pa.,  Feb.  4,  1808  ;  A.  T.  S.  '32-33;  P.  T.  S  '34;  licensed  May  16,  '32,  Pres- 
bytery of  Lakes  (Associate  Reformed) ;  ordained  May  25,  '37,  same  presby- 
tery ;  missionary  Pennsylvania  and  Ohio  '34-36 ;  pastor  White  Oak  Springs 
and  Prospect,  Pa.,  '37-57,  Portersville  and  Prospect  '51-57 ;  Professor  of 
Latin,  Westminster  College,  Pennsylvania,  '54-67 ;  stated  supply  Plain 
Grove  '58-61,  Leesburg  '61-67  ;  pastor  Shenango  '61-66 ;  agent  Wesminster 
College  '67-72 ;  stated  supply  Telfer,  Gait  and  Williamsford,  Can.,  '72-75; 
pastor  Chesley  '75 — ;  married  Sept.  4,  '37,  Elizabeth  Cunningham  ;  died 
New  Castle,  Pa.,  May  9,  '86  ;  D.D.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Glenn,  Robert. — Son  of  Samuel  and (Cunningham) ;  born  Mercer,  Pa., 

March  2,  1802 ;  W.  T.  S.  '29-30;  licensed  Feb.  2,  '31,  Presbytery  of  Eric; 
ordained  August,  '32,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Millcreek  (now  Utica),  Pa.> 
'32-57,  Amity  '32-50 ;  stated  supply  Sandy  Lake  '32-57,  Sugar  Creek  '52-57 ; 
married  Rebecca  Wycoff,  also,  Mary  A.  McCracken,  also,  Harriet  Finley  j 
died  near  Utica,  Pa.,  Sept.  6,  '57,  consumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Gbeen,  Ashbel. — Son  of  Rev.  A.  Green,  D.D.,  and  Christina  (Anderson);  bora 
Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Sept.  8,  1811 ;  law  student  with  James  S.  Green;  prac- 
ticed law  Lancaster,  Pa.,  '34-?;  Philadelphia;  President  Jefferson  Col- 
lege, Mississippi ;  Pass  Christian  Military  School,  C.  S.  A.;  insurance 
business;  married  April  29,  '34,  Mary  E.  loline ;  died  New  Orleans,  La., 
March  21,  '82.     Teacher. 

•Hapt,  Stephen  Leqgett. — Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  1810;  Associate 
Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '31-34 ;  licensed  April  23,  '35,  Second 
Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  April  18,  '37,  Second 
Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  pastor  Wolf  Creek  and  Sharon,  O.,  '37-47 ;  died  Mor- 
gan (io.,  O.,  March  7,  '47,  malarial  fever.  Associate  Reformed  Presby- 
terian minister. 


♦Hawdy,  Levin  Irving.— Son  of  Dr  Thomas;  born  Prinoew  Anne,  Md.;  med- 
ical student;  practiced  medicine  Princess  Anne;  married  Miss  Wilson; 
died  Princess  Anne. 

•HrTciiixsoN,  W.  W. — Law  student ;  practiced  law  in  the  West ;  died. 

*Jacob8,  Michael. — Son  of  Henry  and  Anna  Maria  (Miller);  teacher;  Pro- 
fessor of  Mathematics;  Pennsylvania  College,  Gettysburg,  '29-66  ;  licensed 
October,  '32;  ordained  '32,  Evangelical  Lutheran  Synod  of  Western 
Pennsylvania ;  Professor  of  Mathematics  and  Natural  Science,  Pennsylvania 
"College  '32-65,  Mathematics  '65-66;  professor  emeritus,  *66-71  ;  married 
May  3,  '33,  Julia  Anna  Eyster;  died  Gettysburg,  Pa.,  July  22.  71;  D.D., 
'58,  Jefferson  College  and  Wittenberg  College.  Evangelical  Lutheran 

*  Johnson,  Thomas. — Son  of  Richard  and  Jane  (Bradford)  ;  bom  near  Can- 
onsburg,  Pa.,  May  21,  1811;  medical  student;  practiced  medicine  near 
Steubenville,  O. ,  ':^-82 ;  married  Catherine  Johnson ;  died  Steubenville, 
O.,  '82(?).     Physician. 

Kyle,  Henby  T. — Born  near  Greensburg,  Pa.;  law  student :  practiced  law 
Cincinnati,  O.,  Illinois,  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  Keokuk,  Iowa,  Cincinnati,  0.; 

*McJuNKiN,  Alexander  Moore. — Son  of  David  and  Elizabeth  Moore;  bom 
Butler  Co.,  Pa.,  March  14,  1807;  W.  T.  S.  '28-3:^;  licensed '33,  Presby- 
tery of  Ohio ;  teacher  and  preached  New  Brighton,  Pa.,  '34,  Michigan  '34; 
teacher  Ft.  Wayne,  Ind,  '36-55 ;  treasurer  Ft  W.  A  C.  R.  R.;  married 
Eliza  Stillwagon,  aUo,  Eliza  Root;  died  Ft.  Wayne,  Ind.,  April  3,  '55. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

♦McIntire,  Sloan.     Born  Ireland;  P.  T.  S.  1828-29;  infirm;  died. 

^McNair,  John. — Son  of  Solomon  and  Sarah  (McMasters) ;  bom  Newtown, 
Pa.,  May  28,  1806;  P.  T.  S.  '28-^0;  licensed  '31,  Presbytery  of  Erie; 
ordained  Nov.  7,  '33,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Warren,  Pa.,  '32-34  ;  stated 
supply  Fairmount  '34-35,  Vincennes,  Ind.,  '35-36  ;  stated  supply  and 
pastor  Milford,  N.  J.,  '36-37;  pastor  Musconetcong  Valley  Church 
'37-40,  Lancaster,  Pa.,  '41-61,  Clinton,  N.  J.,  '51-64;  chaplain  U.  S. 
Army,  '64-65 ;  pastor  Strasburg,  Pa.,  '65-67;  married  Susan  Adeline, 
daughter  of  Dr.  Hunt;  died  Lancaster,  Pa.,  Jan.  27,  '67;  D.D.  Presby- 
terian minister. 

♦McPherrin,  Fbenezer. — Son  of  Rev.  John  and  Mary  (Stevenson) ;  born 
near  Butler,  Pa.,  July,  1H05  ;  teacher  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.;  died  '28,  Newtown, 
Pa.,  typhoid  fever.     Teacher. 

♦Martin,  John. — Son  of  John  and  Ruth  (Mc(^oy)  ;  born  Darlington,  Pa.; 
medical  student';  practiced  medicine  Candor,  Pa.,  Pittsburg,  Pa.;  died 
Pitteburg,  Pa.(?)     Physician. 

*Peter,  Thomas  B. — Son  of  General  Peter ;  born  near  Shepherdstown,  Va.i 
farmer;  died  soon  after  graduation. 


^Snodobass,  James  S. — Son  of  Kev.  .himes  Snodgrass ;  born  Dauphin  Co., 
Ptu,  1802;  infirm;  teacher  in  Delaware ;  died  ^31.    Teacher. 

^Torrance,  \i>am.— 8on  of  Hugh  and  Mary  (Borland) ;  born  Westmoreland 
Co.,  Pa.,  AprU  24,  1801 ;  W.  T.  S.  '28-31 ;  licensed  Oct.  7,  '30,  Presbytery 
of  Bedstone ;  ordained  June  6,  '33,  Presbytery  of  Richland ;  pastor  Lexing- 
ton and  Pleasant  Hill,  O.,  '33-37,  New  Alexandria,  Pa.,  '37-67  ;  chaplain 
11th  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers,  '61-62 ;  married  Nov.  6,  *32, 
Elisa,  daughter  of  Rev.  James  Graham ;  died  Washington,  Pa.,  Oct.  18, 
'81,  inflammation  of  bowels.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Veech,  James.— Son  of  David  and  Elizabeth ;  born  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept. 
18,  1808 ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Uniontown  and  Pittoburg,  Pa.,  '31-72; 
married  '33,  Maria  Ewing;  died  Dec.  11,  '79,  bronchitis;  LL.D.,  '64, 
JefEerson  College.     Lawyer. 

*Wat80n,  James.— Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Miller) ;  bom  Canonsburg,  Pa., 
1809  ;  law  student  with  Hon.  T.  M.  T.  McKennan,  Washington,  '28-31  ; 
practiced  law  Washington,  Pa.,  '31-75 ;  appointed  Judge '64,  declined  ;  mar- 
ried Jan.  15,  '35,  Maria,  daughter  of  George  Morgan  ;  died  Washington, 
Pa.,  April  15,  '75.    Lawyer. 

•*Whahn,  Samuel  M.—Teacher;  principal  Bel  Air  Academy,  Md.;  died  Bel 
Air,  Md.,  '44. 

Wilson,  Samuel.— Son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Fleming)  ;  born  Bellville,  Pa., 
Sept.  24,  1804;  P.  T.  S.  '28-31 ;  licensed  April  5,  '31,  Presbytery  of  Hun- 
tingdon ;  ordained  Nov.  14,  '32,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon  ;  stated  supply 
Alexandria  and  Shaver's  Creek,  Pa.,  '31-32;  pastor  Alexandria  and  stated 
supply  Pine  Grove,  '32-37 ;  principal  Seminary  Uniontown  and  stated 
supply  McClelland  town  '37-40;  pastor  Dunlap's  Creek  '10-69  ;  stated  sup- 
ply El  Paso,  III.,  '69-72,  Normal  '72-75;  published  "Life  of  George 
PauU ;"  married  April  21,  '34,  Anna  Maria,  daughter  of  Dr.  Joseph 
Rodgers;  D.  D.     Presbyterian  minister  ;  residence  Fairfield,  Iowa. 

*WiLSON,  Henry  Rowan. — Son  of  Rev.  Henry  R.,  D.D.,  and (Brown) ; 

born  Bellefonte,  Pa.,  June  10,  1808 ;  University  Pennsylvania,  Medical 
Department,  '28-30 ;  P.  T.  S.  '30-32 ;  licensed  Oct.  4,  *32,  Presbytery  of 
Carlisle;  ordained  evangelist  Oct.  16,  '32,  same  presbytery ;  missionary  to 
Choctaws  and  Cherokees  '32-37  ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Rankin  ;  PcMm- 
sylvania  University  '2^29,  '36-37  ;  missionary  to  Futteghur,  India,  '37-46  ; 
agent  Board  of  Foreign  Missions  '46-52 ;  principal  Academy,  Attleboro, 
and  stated  supply  Pleasant  Valley  'o3 ;  pastor  Fairmount  and  Sewickley 
'5.^-60;  President  Female  College,  Springfield,  O.,  '00-65 ;  District  Secretary 
Board  Domestic  Missions,  '66-69  ;  Corresponding  Secretary  Board  Church 
Extension,  Corresponding  Secretary  Board  Cliurch  Erection,  '70-86 ; 
married  Oct.  20, '34,  Sarah  Beatty,  also,  Aug.  31,  '37,  Sarah  E.  Little; 
died  New  York,  Jnne  8,  '86  ;  D.D.,  '52,  Wasliington  College  ;  M.D.,  Pcnn- 
sylvania  University,  *45.     Presbyterian  minister. 


YouNO,  LoTAL. — Son  of  Robert  and  Lydia  (Gould) ;  born  Charlemont,  Ma».^ 
July  1,  1806 ;  teacher ;  W.  T.  S.  'Id-Si ;  licensed  June  21,  '32,  Presbyterj 
of  Ohio ;  ordained  Dec.  4,  '33,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny ;  pastor  Butler^ 
Pa.,  '33-67,  French  Creek  and  Buckhannon,  W.Va.,  '08-75,  Parkersburip 
75-80;  staled  supply  Winfield,  Point  Pleasant  and  Pleasant  Flats  '80-85; 
published  "Commentary  on  Ecclesiastes,"  "Hidden  Treasure,"  "  Inter- 
Fiews  with  Inspired  Men,"  "Communion,"  "  From  Dawn  to  Dusk;"  married 
Oct.  25,  '82,  Margaret,  daughter  of  Rev.  Robert  Johnstou ;  Moderator 
Synods  of  Pittsburg  and  All<^heny  ;  D,D.,  Washington  College,  '58.  Pres- 
byterian minister ;  residence  Washington,  Pa 


•Aiken,  William.— Born  Gettysburg,  Pa.,  April  lo,  1809 ;  teacher  '29-31 ; 
W.  T.  S.  '31-34 ;  licensed  '32,  Presbytery  of  Steubenville ;  ordained  May,  '36, 
same  presbytery;  pastor  McConnelsville,  O.,  '36-61;  chaplain  U.  S.  Army 
'61-64 ;  stated  supply  Tennessee,  '64-80  ;  missionary  '64-86  ;  died  Tennessee, 
May  3,  '86.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Barry,  William  B.— Son  of  John  H.;  born  York  Co.,  S.  C,  1810  or  '11 ; 
no  profession  ;  unmarried  ;  died  York  Co.,  S.  C,  '32  or  '33. 

♦Bartley,  Thomas  W.— Son  of  Governor  Mordecai;  born  Jefferson  Co.,  0., 
Feb.  11,  1812;  law  student;  practiced  law  Mansfield,  O.,  '34-51,  Cincin- 
nati,   ().,    '58-69,    Washington,    D.  C,    '69-8.");  U.  S.    District  Attorney, 

Ohio, ;    Ohio   Legislature   '39-41,    Senate   '41-46;    Speaker   Senate 

""43-44  ;  ex-officio  Governor  of  Ohio  '44  ;  Judge  of  Supreme  Court  of  Ohio 
'51-58  ;  married  Miss  Sherman,  sister  of  General  Sherman,  also,  Mrs- 
McCoy  ;  died  Washington,  D.  C,  June  20,  '85.     Lawyer. 

♦Boyd,  Bankhead.— Son  of  Hugh  and  Elisabeth  ;  born  ;  theology  with. 

Dr.  Ramsay  ;  licensed  1833,  Presbytery  of  Charliers  (Associate  Prwbyte- 
rian);  ordained  July,  '34,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Pigeon  Creek,  Pa.,  '34-60 ; 
married  Margaret  Thorn  ;  died  Feb.  3,  '60,  kidney  disease.  Associate 
Presbyterian  minister. 

BOYC£,  James.— Son  of  Samuel  and  Deborah  (Block) ;  born  Mecklenburg  Co., 
N.  C,  July  13,  1808 ;  licensed  November,  '31,  Associate  Reformed  Presby- 
tery ;  ordained  December,  '32,  First  Presbytery  (Associate  Reformed 
Church)  ;  pastor  Fairfield,  S.  C,  '32-69;  professor  Theological  Seminary, 
Due  West,  S.  C,  '69— ;  editor  Christian  Magazine  qfOte  Soutfi  '43-51  ;  dele- 
gate Presbyterian  Council  '80;  Clerk  Synod  ;  D.D.,  '54,  Jefferson  College 
and  Erskine  College.  Associate  Reformed  Presbyterian  minister ;  residence 
Due  West,  S.  C. 

•OoYLE,  William  H.— Son  of  John  and  Catharine  (Wood) ;  bom  Washing- 
ton, D.  C,  Dec.  12,  1810;  law  student ;  editor,  poet  and  politician ;  lived, 
chiefly  in  Jacksonville,  111.;  died  Washington,  D.  C-,  May  7,  '79. 


*DuBUl8S0N,   CHABLE8  L.— Son  of  Charles  L.  and (DuBois);  born  New 

York  City,  Jan.  27, 1808;  teacher  Salem,  N.  J., '25-27  ;  law  student,  John 
Sergeant,  Philadelphia,  '29-33 ;  profeteor  Jefferson  College,  Miss.,  '33-39 ; 
practiced  law  Natchez,  Miss.,  '39-57 ;  Judge  Probate  Court,  Adams  Co., 
Hiss.,  '42-46 ;  Mississippi  Legislature  '53-54 ;  married  '34,  Salem,  N.  J.» 
£l]a  Bradwr  ,  also  April  15,  '41,  Delia,  daughter  of  Joseph  Sessions  ;  died 
Natches,  Miss.,  Sept.  21,  70,  dysentery.     Lawyer. 

*Eaolbson,  John.— Born  near  Cadiz,  O.,  Feb.  12,  1809;  W.  T.  8.  '31-33; 
licensed  Jan.  8,  '33,  Presbytery  of  SteubenWlle ;  ordained  Dec.  24,  '34, 
Presbytery  of  Washington  ;  pastor  Upper  Buffalo,  Pa.,  '33-73 ;  married 
'35,  Mary  Stewart,  also  *43,  Mary  Gordon ;  died  Jan.  23,  '73  ;  D.D.,  Jeffer- 
son College,  '59.     Presbyterian  minister. 

^Eberle,  Kichard. — Son  of  Dr.  John  :  born  Lancaster  Co.,  Pa.;  medical  stu- 
dent medical  college  ;  practiced  medicine  Cincinnati,  O.;  died ? 

*Eberle,  John. — Son  of  Dr.  John  ;  born  Lancaster  Co.,  Pa.;  medical  student, 
Philadelphia;  practiced  medicine  Cincinnati,  O.;  died ? 

*FiNLEY,  RobbrtM.— Sonof  Johnand  Mary(M );  born  1806;  W.T.  S.'31-34; 

licensed  '34,  Presbyiery  of  Redstone ;  ordained  '36,  same  presbytery ;  stated 
supply  Somerset  and  Jenner,  Pa.,  '36-42,  Armagh '42-45,  Marshallville,  O., 
'47-48,  Green  '48-56,  Lafayette  '58  ;  evangelist;  married  Oct.  10,  '38,  Mary 
Foy ;  died  Wooster,  0.,  April  3,  '82.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Fleming,  John. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (McEwen);  born  Mifflin  Co.,  Pa., 
April  17,  1807  ;  P.  T.  S.  '29-31 ;  licensed  '31,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon ; 
ordained  evangelist  Oct.  24,  '32,  same  presbytery ;  missionary  to  Creek  Indi- 
ans '33-37,  Great  Traverse  Bay,  Mich.,  '38-39;  pastor  Middle  Tuscarora 
Charch,  Pa.,  '40-44,  Fairfield  '44-48;  missionary  La  Salle  Co.,  111.,  '49-75, 
..Gibson,  Neb.,  '75 — ;  published  "hymn-book,"  "primary  boo|j:,"  and  ser- 
mons in  the  Muskogee  language ;  author  of  its  alphabet;  married  Oct.  29, '32, 
Margaret,  daughter  of  Jacob  Scudder,  also  Rebecca  C.  Patterson.  Presby- 
terian minister,  Ayr,  Neb. 

*Flenniken,  Warren. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Reid);  born  near  Charlotte, 
N.  C,  Jan  9,  1805;  licensed  '31,  First  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery 
of  the  Carolinas;  oniained  Nov.  15,  '32;  pastor  Hopewell,  S.  C,  '32-48, 
Union  '32-37  ;  married  Nov.  22,  '32,  Jane  H.  Pressley ;  died  Chester  Co., 
S.  C,  July  31,  '51,  consumption.  Associate  Reformed  Presbyterian  min- 

"Graham,  John  Brasgh.— Son  of  George  H.  and  Elisa  (Brasch) ;  born  New 
York  *  ;ity,  Oct.  31, 1806 ;  teacher  in  Virginia  and  law  student  '29-30 ;  W.  T.  S. 
'30-33 ;  licensed  Oct.  1,  '33  ;  ordained  '38,  Presbytery  of  New  Lisbon  ;  pas- 
tor Bethel,  0.,'38-^;  stated  supply  Temperanceville  and  Pisgah,  Pa., '51 ; 
Bible  agent,  Ohio,  '51-58 ;  pastor  Morristown  andFairview,  O.,  '58-65,  Hol- 
iday's Cove  '65-83,  Three  Springs  '65-78;  stated  supply  Hanover  and 
-Champion  '83;  Christian  Commission '64 ;  married  Oct.  8,  '33,  Margaret  Gra- 
ham.    Presbyterian  minister,  New  Lisbon,  O. 


♦Gray,  WiixiAM.—Son  of  William ;  bom  Waghlngton  Co.,  Pa.,  April  20, 1806j 
teacher  '29-^1 ;  W.  T.  S.  '31-83  ;  theological  stadent ;  married  July  20,  '30, 
Eleanor,  daughter  of  Samuel  Thompson  ;  died  HuntSTille,  Ala.,  Sept  29r 
'33.     Presbyterian. 

*Hannon,  John  Ewino.— Bom  Cumberland  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  4, 1800;  Aawdate 
Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny,  *29-32 ;  licensed  April  2o,  '32,  Presbytery 
of  Monongahela  ;  Europe  '32 ;  ordained  Not.  13,  '33  ;  Hinkston  and  Lex- 
ington, Ky.,  '35-38;  missionary  in  Indiana  '38-^1  ;  Albany,  Oregon,  '59  ; 
married  Not.  9,  '35,  Mary  Jane  Warden  ;  died  Linn  Co.,  Oregon,  June 
17,  '63,  cancer.     Associate  Reformed  Presbyterian  minister. 

*Hemphill,  James  Jack. — Son  of  James  and  Cynthia ;  born  near  Newbarg,. 
Cumberland  Co.,  Pa.,  October,  1810;  teacher  Michigan;  law  student,  Car- 
lisle, Pa.,  '32-33;  practiced  only  a  short  time;  lived  at  Middieburg; 
unmarried  ;  died  Middle  Spring,  Pa.,  May  28,  '69.     Lawyer. 

♦HoGK,  Joseph  P.— Bom  Ohio;  Galena,  111.;  Member  Congress,  Illinois,  '43-o7; 
San  Francisco,  Cal. 

*HowEY,  Samuel  M. — Born  New  Jersey,  August,  1804  ;  teacher  St.  ClairsTllley 
O.,  *30— ?,  '40-54;  Recorder  Belmont  Co.,  O.,  '54 — ,  two  terms;  farmer; 
married  '64 ;  died  Belmont  Co.,  O.,  '85. 

♦Jenkins,   Robert   R.  — Son  of  William  and (Robb) ;  born  Chester  Co., 

S.  C;  died  Chester  Co.,  S.  C,  about  1840. 

LowRiE,  John  Cameron.— Son  of  Hon.  Walter  and  Amelia  (McPherrin);  born 
Butler,  Pa.,  Dec.  16,  1808;  W.  T.  S. '29-32 ;  P.  T.  S.  '32-33;  licensed 
June  21,  '32,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  May  23, '38,  Presbytery  of  New 
Castle;  foreign  missionary  to  Northern  India '33-36;  Assistant  Secretary 
Board  Foreign  Missions '38-50;  pastor  Forty-second  Street  Church,  New 
Yorlc, '45-50;  Secretary  Board  Foreign  Missions '50  to  date;  Moderator  Gen- 
eral Assembly '65  ;  published  * 'Three  Years  in  Northern  India,"  "History 
of  Presbyterian  Missions,"  etc.;  married  March,  '33,  Louisa  A.  Wilson,  also. 
'39,  Elizabeth  Boyd  ;  D.D.,  '53,  M.  U.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*LowRiE,  Matthew  S. — Son  of  Hon.  Walter  and  Amelia  (McPherrin)  ;  boriv 
Butler,  Pa.,  April  13,  1811 ;  practiced  law  in  Butler,  Pa.;  died  Butler,  Pa., 
Feb.  24,  '36.     Lawyer. 

McCay,  Charles  Francis. — Son  of  Robert  and  Sarah  (Reed) ;  born  North- 
umberland Co.,  Pa.,  March  8,  1810;  teacher '29 ;  professor  Lafayette  Col-^ 
lege  '33,  University  of  Athens,  Ga.,  '34-54,  State  College,  South  Carolina,. 
'54-56 ;  President  same  '56-58 ;  secretary  Insurance  and  Banking  Co.,. 
Augusta,  Ga.,  '58-62,  cashier,  '62-69;  actuary,  etc.,  Baltimore,  Md.,  '72-84-,. 
published  "Lectures  on  the  Differential  and  Integral  Calculus,"  **  Civil 
Engineering;"  married  Aug.  11,  '40,  Narcissa,  daughter  of  William. 
Williams.     Professor. 


*MooDY,  Samu£L. — Born  NorthamptOQ  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  14,  1801 ;  teacher 
'29-30;  W.  T.  8.  '30-33 ;  licenaed  Oct.  3,  '33,  Presbytery  of  Washington  ; 
agent  Women's  Foreign  Missionary  Society  ;  ordained  July  5,  '37,  Presby- 
.tery  of  Stenbenville ;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Big  Spring,  O.,  '34-43 ;  pas- 
tor Hopewell  and  Orange  '43-56 ;  married  Feb.  17,  '41,  Margaret  A.  Don- 
ahey ;  died  April  24,  '56,  accidental  drowning.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Pollock,  Abraham  David.— Son  of  Thomas  and  Rachel  (Hendricks);  born 
Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  22,  1807 ;  W.  T.  S.  '29--32 ;  licensed  Novem- 
ber, '32,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville;  ordained  *33,  Presbytery  of  Winchester; 
missionary  Virginia  '33-35;  pastor  Richmond  '35-43  ;  missionary  Fauquier 
Co.,  Va.,  '43-52 ;  pastor  Wilmington,  Del.,  62-65,  Bethesda,  Va.,  Rap- 
idan  '55-72  ;  published  ''  Life  on  the  Exode;"  infirm ;  married  '35,  Elisa- 
beth Lee  ;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister,  Warrenton,  Va. 

*R ANSON,  Richard  Henby.  Son  of  Matthew  and  Elizabeth  (Morgan) ;  born 
Jefferson  Co.,  Va.,  1806;  farmer  Jefferson  Co.,  Va.,  Lewis  Co.,  Ky.; 
President  Cincinnati  Bridge  Company,  Covington,  Ky.;  married  Augusta 
DeHaven,  also  Achsah  C.  Hickmond ;  died  Covington,  Ky.,  1859. 

•Reed,  William.— Born  Mifflin  Co.,  Pa.,  1802 ;  W.  T.  S.  '29-32  ;  licensed 
'32,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon  ;  ordained  May  1,  '33,  same  presbytery  ; 
foreign  missionary,  Northern  India,  '33-34 ;  married  '33,  Harriet  Wells ; 
died  at  sea  Aug.  12,  '34.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*RiTCHiE,  David. — Son  of  Craig;  born  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  19,  1812; 
law  student;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '35-53,  '6C-67;  Member  of  Con- 
gress, Pennsylvania,  '53-59  ;  Judge  Common  Pleas  Court,  Allegheny  Co., 
Pa.,  '59-60;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Jan.  24,  '67;  J.  W.  D.  '37,  Heidelberg 
University,  Germany.     Lawyer. 

*RooERs,  William  Allen. — Son  of  Robert  and  Effie  (Allen) ;  born  near  Han- 
over, Dauphin  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  9,  1808  ;  law  student  with  Judge  Kennedy, 
Pittsburg,  Pa.;  practiced  law  Lewistown,  Pa.,  30-33,  Springfield,  O., 
'33-51  ;  Prosecuting  Attorney,  Lewistown,   Pa.,  '31  ;  Judge  of    Common 

Pless, District  of  Ohio,  '51-54  ;  married  Sept.  <>,  '37,  Elizabeth  Smith  ; 

died  Springfield,  0.,  May  20,  '55  ;  A.  M.,  '48,  Jefferson  College.     Lawyer. 

•Smith,  Alexander. ;  studied  theology;  licensed ;  ordained ; 


*SrLLivAN,  Chables  C— Son  of  Charles  and  Susannah;  born  Butler  Co.,  Pa., 
March  10,  1807;  law  student;  practiced  law  Butler,  Pa.,  '33-60;  Pennsyl- 
vania Senate  '41-44  ;  married  '45(?),  Susan  Catharine  Seltzer;  died  Butler, 
Pa.,  '60,  nervous  prostration.     LaVyer. 

*Tait,  Samuel  Calvin.— Son  of  Rev.  Samuel  and  Amelia;  born  Mercer,  Pa., 
May  25,  1809  ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Mercer,  Pa.,  '32-36  ;  married 
Miss  Sample;  died  Mercer,  Pa.,  June  25,  '36.     Lawyer. 


Thompson,  David.— Son  of  John  and  Jane  (Hall);  born  Counij  CaviD,  Iielaad, 
1806;Afl8ociate  Theological  Seminary,  Canonsburg,  '29-34  ;  llcenaed  March 
18,  '34,  Presbjrtery  of  Chartiere ;  ordained  Sept,  12,  '38,  same  presbjtery  ; 
pastor  Mt.  Hope  and  Cross  Creek,  Pa.,  '38-48 ;  missionary  Oregon  and 
Washington  Territory  '48-61 ;  pastor  Clear  Fork  and  Guernsey,  0.,  '61-74; 
published  **Ilow  to  Make  a  Will,"  etc.;  married  April  8,  '40,  Rachel  I., 
daughter  of  James  l^ee.     United  Presbyterian  minister,  Monmouth,  111. 

■•Wn^LiAMSON,  Samuel.— Son  of  Samuel  and  Isabella  (McQueen) ;  born  Craw- 
ford Co.,  Pa.,  March  16,  1808 ;  law  student  witli  Judge  Andrews,  Cleve- 
land, O.,  '29-32;  practiced  law  Cleveland,  O.,  '32-72;  County  Auditor  '34-42 ; 
Legislature  Ohio,  '50-52;  Senate  Ohio,  '62-64;  attorney  C,  C,  C.  &  O. 
R.  R.;  President  Society  for  Savings;  married  '43,  Mary  E.  Tisdale;  died 
Cleveland,  O.,  Jan.  14,  '84.     Lawyer. 

*Wylib,  Joseph  Smith.— Bom  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  1812;  W.  T.  a 
'29-31 ;  licensed  June  20,  '32,  Presbytery  of  Washington ;  sUted  supply 
Coshocton,  O.,  '33-42,  Apple  Creek  '42-50 ;  pastor-elect  Cross  Roads,  Pa., 
'dl-o2;  married  Miss  Moore;  died  Florence,  Pa.,  Feb.  10,  '62.  Presby- 
terian minister. 


*Aj>aib,  William  A.— Son  of  William  and  Mary  (McChord);  born  Poland, 

0., ;  W.  T.  S.  1830-33  ;  licensed  Jan.  9,  '33,  Presbytery  of  Hartford 

(Shenango) ;  ordained  Nov.  7,  *33,  Presbytery  of  Erie ;  pastor  Harbor 
Creek  '33-34,  North  East  '38-37,  Second  Church,  Allegheny,  '38-40 ;  mis- 
sionary '40  ;  business  '44-69 ;  married  '33,  Mary,  daughter  of  John  Irwin ; 
died  Sewickley,  Pa.,  Feb.  16,  '69.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Allen,  Bela  S.— Born  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa., ;  W.  T.  S.  1830-82 ;  died 

in  the  seminary  March  25,  '32.     Theological  student. 

'^Clabke,  Georob  W. — Son  of  Robert  and  Sarah  ;  born  Brownsville,  Pa.,  Feb. 
8,  1810 ;  civil  engineer  Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad ;  IlUnois ;  real  estate 
agent,  Chicago  ;  miner,  California,  '49-51  ;  Chicsgo,  real  estate,  '51-56 ; 
author  map  Straits  of  Magellan ;  unmarried ;  died  Chicago,  HI.,  Aug. 
14,  '66. 

*Cloud,  John. —Son  of  John  ;  born  Cross  Creek,  Pa.,  Dec.  9,  1801 ;  W.  T.  S. 
'30-33 ;  licensed  Presbytery  of  Washington ;  ordained  Oct.  11,  '33,  Pres- 
bytery of  New  York;  foreign  missionary,  Liberia,  Africa,  '33-34;  died 
Liberia,  Western  Africa,  April  9.  '34,  African  fever.  Presbyterian  min- 

^Crawford,  Lo&man. — Son  of  William  *and  Sarah  ;  born  C^eoi^town,  D.  C, 
1812 ;  law  student  Yale,  New  Haven,  Conn.,  and  with  David  Crawford, 
Mobile,  Ala.;  practiced  law  Alabama,  '33-47;  Alabama  Legislature;  mar- 
ried, '34,  Adaline  English  ;  died  Mt.  Pleasant,  Monroe  Co.,  Ala.,  Oct.  11, 
'47.     Lawyer. 


^DiNwiDDiE,  John  L. — Born  1810(?),  PeaoBjlTania ;  ABsociate  Reformed  Theo- 
logical Seminary,  AU^henj,  '31 ;  liceosed  Oct.  10,  *32,  Presbytery  of 
Lakes ;  died  ('edar  Springs,  S.  C,  Jan.  26,  '33.  Aaeociate  Reformed  min- 

*DoHRMAN,  Arnold  Henry. — Son  of  Arnold  Henry  and  Rachel  (Banks); 
born  Steubenyille,  O.,  July  1,  1811 ;  law  student  with  General  Stokely, 
Steuben ville ;  wholesale  and  retail  grocer,  commiasioa  merchant,  Steuben- 
^Ue ;  QoTemment  Agent  of  Transportation,  United  States  Army, 
daring  the  war ;  married  May  13,  Ml,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  C'ol.  James 
Collier;  died  Steubenville,  O.,  March  31,  '86,  pneumonia.     Merchant. 

♦Hope,  Matthew  Bo  yd. -Son  of  Richard  and  Mary  (Boyd);  born  Mifflin 
Co.,  Pa.,  July  31,  1812;  P.  T.  S.  '31-34  ;  Medical  Department  University  of 
Pennsylvania ;  licensed ,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon ;  ordained  evangel- 
ist April  7,  '36,  same  presbytery ;  missionary  American  Board  Commissioners 
Foreign  Missions,  Singapore,  Asia,  '36-38 ;  Corresponding  Secretary  Penn- 
sylvania Colonisation  Society,  '38-39 ;  Financial  Secretary  Board  of  Educa- 
tion, '39-42;  Corresponding  Secretary  Board  of  Education,  '42-46 ;  professor 
New  Jersey  College,  '46-59 ;  married  Agnes  C,  daughter  of  Matthew  L. 
Bevean:  died  Princeton,  N.  J.,  Dec.  17, '59,  neuralgia  of  the  heart;  M.D., 
n.  P.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Johnston,  John  Watson.— Son  of  Rev.  Robert  and  Eleanor  (Wright); 
born  Scrub  Grass,  Pa.,  Oct.  16,  1805;  W.  T.  S.  '30-34;  licensed  April  3, 
'33,  Presbytery  of  Redstone ;  missionary,  '33-35 ;  ordained  Oct.  12,  '36, 
Presbytery  of  Allegheny;  pastor  Middlesex  and  stated  supply  Bull 
Creek,  Pa.,'36-39 ;  pastor  Highlands  and  Pine  Creek  '40-49 ;  agent  Board  of 
Missions  '49-50 ;  stated  supply  Deer  Creek  '50-52 ;  pastor  Mt.  Pleasant 
and  Newport  '-52-61 ;  stated  supply  Hopewell  '61-63 ;  married  Dec.  15, 
'42,  Sarah  Murray ;  died  Darlington,  Pa.,  Jan.  12,  '83.  Presbyterian 

Johnson,  Samuel  Porter.  =Son  of  Rev.  Robert  and  Eleanor  (Wright); 
born  Scrub  Grass,  Pa.,  Jan.  31,  1809 ;  teacher ;  read  law  with  Judge  Grier 
'31-33;  practiced  law  Franklin,  Pa^  '34,  Warren  '34—;  Presiding  Judge 
ten  years ;  married,  '37,  Martha,  daughter  of  La  ban  Haseltine,  also  May 
3,  '59,  Mrs.  Martha  L.  Parmlee.     Lawyer,  Warren,  Pa. 

♦Kendall,  Thomas  Simpson.— Son  of  William  and  Jennette  (Linn);  born 
Xenia,  O.,  April  14,  1807  ;  Associate  T.  S.,  Canonsburg;  licensed  June  26, 
'34,  Presbytery  of  Miami ;  ordained  Dec.  26,  '34,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor 
in  Blount  Co.,  Tenn.,  '36-42,  Illinois,  West  Point,  Iowa,  Oregon  City, 
Ore.,  '45,  California,  Williamette,  Ore.,  '50,  Calipoola  and  Harmony, 
'56-70;  married  ^lary,  daughter  of  Robert  Kendall;  died  Dec.  5,  '70; 
D.D.,  '70,  Westminster  College.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

"•Key,  John  Ross.— Son  of  Francis  Scott  ('*  Star  Spangled  Banner")  and  Mary 
Tayloe  (Lloyd);  born  Georgetown,  D.  C,  March  8,  1809  ;  law  student  with 
his  father;  practiced  law  Washington,  D.  C,  '32-37;  married  Sept.  25, 
'34,  Virginia,  daughter  of  General  Ringgold ;  died  Washington,  D.  C, 
May  21,  '37.     Lawyer. 


Kerr,  Joseph. — Son  of  Aaron  and  Sarah,  daughter  of  Bev.  A.  Peppard: 
born  Johnstonsburg,  N.  J.,  Feb.  4,  1805;  W.  T.  S.  '30-83;  licensed  June 
26,  '33,  Preebjtery  of  Ohio  ;  ordained  October,  *33,  same  presbjtery ;  mis* 
sionary  to  Wea  Indians  '3^i  37 ;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Two  Hidges,  O.^ 
'37-43;  pastor  Poland  and  Liberty  '43-54;  miflsionary  and  colporteur, 
Iowa,  '54;  married  Oct.  15,  '33,  Marj  A.  K.  Caldwell  ;  residence  Fair* 
field,  Iowa.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Laird,  Matthew.— Bom  Union  Co.,   Pa.,   1804;  P.  T.  S.;  licensed  ; 

ordained  evangelist  October.  '33,  Presbytery  of  Northumberland  ;  foreign 
missionary  to  Africa;  died  Monrovia,  Western  Africa,  May  3,  '.S4,  African 
fever.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*LoNO,  Samuel.— Son  of  Hugh  and  Mary  (McNair^;  born  Warminster,  Backs 
Co.,  Pa.,  March  17,  180*>;  first  honor;  teacher  boarding-school  near  Harts- 
viUe,  Pa.,  '32-35;  married  Oct.  18,  '32,  Jane  Meams;  died  near  Harts- 
ville.  Pa.,  Dec.  5,  '35,  by  falling  of  a  limb  from  a  tree.     Teacher. 

•Mackal,  Bichakd  Levin.  Born  Georgetown,  D.  C;  chief  clerk  Navy 
Department,  Washington,  D.  C,  '31-61  ;  Confederate  Suies  Navy,  Pay- 
master Confederate  Navy  '61-63  ;  married  Dec.  12,  '39,  Anne  Catherine 
Beet ;  died  Mobile,  Ala.,  Aug.  11,  '63. 

Marks,  James  Junius. — Son  of  General  William  and  Alice  Anna  (Hanson); 
born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  2,  1809;  W.  T.  S.  '31-34;  licensed  May, 
*34,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  February,  '38,  Presbytery  of  Palmyra ; 
paator  West  Ely  and  Hannibal,  Mo.,  '87-40,  First  Church,  Quincy,  111., 
'40-58  ;  Egypt,  Palestine  and  Turkey  ;  chaplain  United  Slates  Army  '61-62, 
hospitals '63-65;  pastor  Brookville,  Pa.,  '68-69;  missionary '69-72;  pabtor 
Webster  Groves,  Mo.,  '72-76,  Fairmount  Church,  St.  Louis, '76-79,  Calvary 
Church,  Springfield,  '79-82;  Superintendent  Missions  '82-84;  stated  supply 
Hot  Springs,  Ark.,  '84;  married  March  16.  '35,  Emeline  W.,  daughter  of 
Jesse  Marks;  published  **  The  Peninsular  Campaign  ;"  D.D.  Presbyterian 
minister,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

*Marr,  Phineas  Barbour.— Born  Light  Street,  Pa.,  Jan.  20,  1808  ;  P.  T.  S., 
'30-32 ;  licensed  '32 ;  ordained  Nov.  13,  '34,  Presbytery  of  Noriiiumber- 
land  ;  stated  supply  Williamsport,  Pa.,*33-34;  pastor  Lewisburg '34-52 ; 
stated  supply  Muncv,  Bethel  '03-54,  Shamokin  *r54-67 ;  Derry  '68-70, 
Lewisburg,  '71-74 ;  died  Lewisburg,  Pa.,  Jan.  28,  *74.  Presbyterian 

*MoFFiT,  William.— Son  of  John  and  Betsy  (Strong);  born  Rocky  Creek, 
Chester  Co.,  S.  C,  1805  or  *0«) ;  theological  student;  teacher;  unmarried; 
died  Greenville,  S.  C,  '32  or  '33.    Theological  student. 

*MoNT(iOMERY,  Daniel  Strawbridge.— Son  of  Gen.  David  and  Christiana 
(Strawbridge)  ;  born  Danville,  Pa.,  ;  merchant,  Danville,  Pa.;  mar- 
ried Sarah,  daughter  of  Rev.  John  S.  Vredinburg ;  died  young,  at  Danville, 
Pa.     Merchant. 


KxwTOK,  John.  -  Son  of  Jonas  and  Sarah  (Vanderveer);  born  Griggitown,  N. 
Y.,  Oct.  1,  1810;  W.  T.  S.,  '31-^;  teacher  '80-31;  Ucenaed  April,  '34; 
Presbjterj  of  Steabenville;  ordained  Oct.  26,  '34,  Pnsbytery  of  New  York  ; 
foreign  miaBionaiy  India;  Lodiana,  N.  India,  "34 — ;  published  gram- 
mar and  dictionary  in  Punjabi;  Kew  Teetament  in  the  same  language;  Com- 
mentjuy  on  Epheaiana,  in  Hindustani ;  married  Elizabeth  P.  Janvier,  also 
March  22,  '66,  Eliza  Hombuckle ;  D.  D.  Presbyterian  minister,  Lahore, 

^Pattebson,  James. — Bom  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  July  15,  1812 ;  Associate  T.  S., 
Canonsburg;  licensed  July  2,  '34,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  ordained 
September,  '37,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  pastor  Scroggsfield,  O.,  '37-54 ;  Presi- 
dent of  Western  College,  Iowa,  '54-56 ;  President  of  Ohio  Central  Col- 
lege, '54-55 ;  pastor  Liying  Lake,  Iowa,  'GS-72 ;  died  Washington,  D.  C, 
Sept.  23,  '72 ;  D.  D.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

*Prior,  Asahel  p. — Son  of  Gideon;  bom  Warminster,  Pa.,  Nov.  15,  1809; 
died  Aug.  30,  '30. 

^PoBTER,  James  C.—Son  of  Bev.  Alexander;  bora  Abbeville  District,  S.  C, 
1809  ;  A.  T.  S.,  Allegheny,  '31-34;  licensed  April  30,  '34,  First  Associate 
Reformed  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  April  21  '35,  same  presbytery  ; 
paator  Piqua,  O.,  '3')-41,  Cedar,  111.,  '41-62,  Pope  Creek  '41-50 ;  mar. 
ried  Mary  P.  Magaw,  also  Sarah  £.  Patterson ;  died  Little  York,  111., 
Nov.  15,  '63.     Associate  Reformed  Presbyterian  minister. 

*RuTHERFOBD,   Francis. — Licensed  ,  Presbytery  of  Miasissippi ;    stated. 

supply  Spring  Ridge,  Miss.,  1837;  died  '40,     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Sharon,    James  C  — Born  Pennsylvania, ;  P.  T.   S.,  1830-32; 

licensed  '32;  ordained  '3G(?),  Presbytery  of  Lancaster;  stated  supply 
Newton  and  Blue  Rock,  O.,  '36-37,  pastor  '37-38,  Blue  Rock  and  Bristol 
*39-41,  Union,  Iowa,  '42-49 ;  professor  in  Des  Moines  College,  '49-63 ; 
stated  supply  Alexandria,  Mo.,  ^)4,  Francesville  '55-56,  Waterloo  '57; 
pastor  Birmingham,  Iowa,  '53-03 ;  stated  supply  Troy  '63-66 ;  missionary 
:ind  stated  supply  Bloomfield  '()7-6S  ;  died  Bloomfield,  Iowa,  June  28,  '68* 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*Sloan,  Jambs. — Bom  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  16,  1807 ;  theology  pri- 
vately ;  licensed  April  22, '35,  Presbytery  of  Washington  ;  ordained  '36,  same 
presbytery;  pastor  Frankfort  Springs,  Pa.,  '36-44,  Pigeon  Creek '45-62; 
stated  supply  Canonsburg,  Waynesburg ;  teacher  many  years ;  married  '31  ^ 
Sarah,  daughter  of  William  Lindsey,  also  Margaret,  daughter  of  Hon. 
JamesGordon;  died  Monongahela  City,  Pa.,  March  11,  '71  ;  D.  D.;  trus- 
tee Jefferson  College.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•Templeton,  John. — Bom  Mississippi (?);  law  student;  practiced  law  nt  Vicks- 
burg.  Miss.,  1832-38;  died  Vicksburg,  Miss.,  '3H.     Lawyer. 


•Thompson,  Robert  Gordon. -Born  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  22,  18U6;  P.  T. 

S.,  '30-32;  licensed  '32,  Presbytery  of ;  ordained  evangelist  OcU  17,  '33, 

Presbytery  of  Philadelphia;  sUted  supply  Poandridge,  N.  Y.,  '33-3-5; 
pastor  Yorktown  '36-46,  Tariffville,  Conn.,  '46-o2 ;  stated  supply  Rosooe, 
111.,  '52-o4,  Rockford,  eu\.  JanesTille,  Wis.,  '6^-62,  Willow  Creek, 
111.,  '62,  and  pastor  '64-68;  stated  supply  Brodhead,  Wis.,  '68-71 ;  pastor- 
elect  Qreely,  Col.,  '71-77  ;  died  Greely,  Col.,  March  19,  '79.  Presbyterian 

*TuRPiN,  David  Holmes. — Son  of  White  and  Rebecca;  bom  Washington, 
Adams  Co.,  Miss.,  1814  ;  law  student  University  of  Virginia  '34 ;  never  prac- 
ticed ;  married  '37,  Emma  Maxwell ;  died  near  Natchez  Miss.,  March,  '51. 

Vallandiqham,  James  Laird.  -  Son  of  Rev.  Clement  and  Rebecca  (Laird) ; 
born  New  Lisbon,  O.,  March  13,  1812;  teacher  '30-36:  law  student;  practiced 
law  in  New  Lisbon,  O.,  '37-43 ;  studied  theology  with  Dr.  A.  O.  Patter- 
son ;  licensed  April  16,  '45,  Presbytery  of  New  Lisbon  ;  ordained  April  3, 
'50,  Presbytery  of  Baltimore;  pastor  Princess  Anno  and  Rehoboth,  Md.> 

'50-54,  While  Clay  Creek  '53-76,  Head  of  Chri8Uana'53 ,  and  Newark, 

Del.,  '53-60;  published  "Life  of  Clement  L.  Vallandigham,"  <' Evils  of 
Intemperance,"  "Discourses,"  etc.;  married  Sept.  24,  '39,  Mary  £., 
daughter  of  L.  P.  Spence;  D.  D.,  '74,  Delaware  College;  LL.  D.,  '81, 
Western  College.     Presbyterian  minister,  Newark,  Del. 

"* Wilson,  James. -Son  of  James  snd  Sarah  (Morrison) ;  born  Ligonier  Valley, 
Pa.,  Nov.  24,  1802  ;  teacher  '29-30;  W.  T.  S.,  '30-33  ;  licensed  April,  '33, 
Presbytery  of  Redstone;  ordained  '34,  Presbytery  of  Hudson ;  foreign  mis- 
sionary to  Agra,  India,  '34-62;  missionary  to  Virginia,  Tennessee  and 
G^rgia,  '53-60;  evangelist,  '60;  chaplain  Confederate  States,  '62-65; 
stated  supply  LawrenceviUe,  Ga.,  '66-67,  White  Bluff,  Tenn.,  '68-70, 
Whitney,  Ga.,  '71-78 ;  missionary,  '73-78 ;  Bible  agent,  '78 ;  missionary, 
Tennetaee  and  Georgia,  '78-88,  Tyler,  Texas,  '83-84 ;  married  Oct.  10, 
'84,  Elisa  G.  £dwards ;  died  Tyler,  Texas,  Feb.  13,  '84.  Presbyterian 


•Baird,  Washington.— Bom  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.;  teacher  Savannah,  Ga.;  licensed 
Presbytery  of  Charleston  ;  pastor  Georgia,  1834-47 ;  editor  SofUhem  Prei6y- 
terian,  Milledgeville,  Ga.;  agent  Presbyterian  Board  of  Publication ;  preached 
in  South  Carolina  and  Arkansas;  home  missionary,  Georgia;  died  Clayton 
Co.,  Ga.,  July  25,  '68  ;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•Bbal,  Thomas  B.— Died  1839. 

*BoYD,  Andrew  Hunter  Holmes. — Son  of  Gen.  Elisha  and  Ann  (Holmes); 
born  Martinsburg,  Va.,  June  4,  1814;  P.  T.  S.  '33-35;  University  of  Edin- 
burg ;  licensed  '37,  Presbytery  of  Winchester(?) ;  ordained  evangelist  April 
18,  '38,  same  presbytery ;  stated  supply  Leesburg,  Va.,  '38-40,  Harrison- 
burg and  Cook's  Creek  '40-42;  pastor  Opequon  '42-50,  Loudoua  Street 
Church,  Winchester,  '42-65;  msrried  Jan.  11,  '38,  Eleanor  Frances,  daugh- 
ter of  Philip  Williams;  died  Winchester,  Va.,  Dec.  15,  '65,  heart  disease; 
D.D.,  Delaware  College.     Presbyterian  minister. 


Bu8H,  Lewis  Pottbb. — Son  of  David  and  Martha  (Potter) ;  born  Wilmington^ 
Del.,  Oct.  19,  1812 ;  medical  student  '32^5,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
'3o,  Blockley  Hospital  '3*>-36;  practiced  medicine  Wilmington,  Del.,  '36—; 
publiahed  '^Memoir  of  Dr.  E.  Miller,"  '^Typhoid  Fever,"  and  other  papers; 
Corresponding  Secretary  Delaware  Historical  Society;  ruling  elder  in 
Central  Presbyterian  Church,  Wilmington,  DeL:  married  March  2,  '39, 
Maria,  daughter  of  Morgan  Jones;   M.D.     Physician,  Wilmington,  Del. 

♦Byrne,  John  S. — Bom  Fauquier  Co.,  Va.;  law  student;  practiced  law,  Vicks- 
burg,  Miss.;  clerk  courts,  Fauquier  Co.,  Va. 

*ChAJBLKf  David  Duncan.— Son  of  Samuel  and  Mary  (Duncan) ;  bom  Shippena- 
burg.  Pa.,  October,  1810;  P.  T.  8.  '32-33;  licensed  '37,  Presbytery  of  (;ar. 
lisle;  ordained  April  11,  '38,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Schellsburg,  Pa., 
'38-43,  Lower  Marsh  Creek  '43--'>6,  Waynesburg  and  Newton  Hamilton 
'*5(M5o ;  married  Mary  Cochran,  also  Miss  Mahon  ;  died  McVeytown,  Pa., 
Dec.  30,  '65,  erysipelas ;  D.  D.,  '62,  Jefferson  College.  Presbyterian  min* 

^Carter,  Hamilton  W. — Bom  South  Carolina ;  licensed  and  ordained  Asso- 
ciate Reformed  Presbyterian  Church ;  died  South  Carolina. 

♦Coulter,  James  W.     Born  Pennsylvania, ;  W.  T.  S.  '31-33  ;  died  Mifflin^ 

Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  6,  '33.     Theological  student. 

*Galt,  Thomas. — Son  of  James  and  Mary  (.Martin) ;  born  Lancaster  Co.,  Pa*^ 
1806;  W.  T  S.  '31-33 ;  licensed  May,  '34,  Presbytery  of  Ohio  ;  ordained  '36, 
Presbytery  of  Peoria ;  pastor  Farmington,  111.  '36-41 ;  stated  supply  North 
Sangamon  and  Irish  Grove  '4*2-o0,  Providence  and  Ratten  Prairie  '^O-SS, 
Center  '53-57  ;  married  November,  '34,  Miss  Happer ;  died  Sept.  12,  '57* 
Presbyterian  minister. 

Henderson,  John  D.— Born  Xatcliez,  Miss.;  business,  New  Orleans;  president 
of  bank,  Vicksburg,  Mie». 

^Henderson,  Isaac  J.— Born  Natches,  Miss.,  Jan.  6,  1812;  P.  T.  8.  '32-35; 
licensed ;  ordained ;  missionary  in  Arkansas  and  Louisiana;  pas- 
tor First  Church,  Galveston,  Tex.,  '43-50,  Jackson  '50-52,  Prytanea  Street 
Church,  New  Orleans,  La.,  '52-65,  Annapolis,  Md.,  '67-75 ;  died  Annapolis, 
Md.,  Dec.  8,  '75;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Herron,  John. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Francis  and  Elizabeth  (Blaine);  born  Pitts- 
burg, Pa.,  1813;  commission  merchant;  captain  Mexican  War,  '46-47; 
mayor  of  Pittsburg  '48  ;  died  Madison,  Wis.,  'S3. 

HiGOiKS,  Anthony  Madison. —Son  of  Anthony  and  Martha  (Witherspoon) ; 
bom  New  Castle  Co.,  Del.,  Nov.  22,  1809;  farmer;  member  of  Delaware 
Legislature ;  ruling  elder  in  St.  George's  Presbyterian  Church ;  married  May 
22,  '33,  Sarah,  daughter  of  Pennell  C'orbit.     Farmer,  St.  George's,  Del. 

*HOGB,  John  Lehox.— Born  Union  Co.,  Pa.(?);  teacher,  Maryland  ;  died  Mary- 
land,  1832. 


*JuMKiN,  David  X. —Son  of  Joseph  and  Elisabeth  (Wallace) ;  bom  Mercer  Co., 
Pa.,  Jan.  8,  1808;  P.  T.  S.  *31-33;  iiceowd  '33,  Preab/tery  of  Philadel- 
phia; ordained  Mareh  25,  '35,  Presbjtery  of  Newton;  paator  Greenwich, 
N.  J.,  '35-51 ;  profeMor  Lafayette  College  '35-48;  pastor  F  Street  Church, 
Washington,  D.  C,  '51-53,  Holidaysburg,  Pa.,  '53-60;  chaplain  United 
States  Navy,  Annapolis,  Md.^  '60-64;  pastor  North  Church,  Chicago, '64-66, 
First  Church,  New  Castle,  Pa.,  '66-79;  published  <'The  Judicial  Oath," 
''Memoir  of  Dr.  Geo.  Junkin,"  married  Jane  McCleery;  died  Martina- 
burg,  W.  Va.,  April  22,  '80 ;  D.  D.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*McClain,  Samuel  A.—Son  of  William  and  Agnes  (Fink);  bom  Washington 
Co.,  Pa.,  July  23,  1808;  theology  privately;  licensed  '33,  Presbytery  of 
Beaver ;  ordained  '35,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Hubbard  and  Brookfield, 
O.,  '35-37,  Clarksville,  Pa.,  '37-60,  Porter,  O.,  '60-62,  West  Alexander, 
Pa.,  '62-64 ;  married  '33,  Anna,  daughter  of  Rev.  Thomas  Edgar  Hughes, 
and  '63,  Catherine  Dawes ;  died  Newton,  Jasper  Co.,  Iowa,  April  26,  '69. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*McDowELL,  Reuben  R. — Born  Bedford  Co.,  Pa.;  medical  student;  died 
'33(?).     Medical  student. 

^McMuRTRiE,  Robert  Allison. — Son  of  David  and  Martha  (Elliott);  born 
Petersburg,  Huntingdon  Co.,  Pa.,  1812;  law  student  with  Judge  Reed; 
practiced  law  Petersburg  '33-40,  Holidaysburg  '44-80 ;  Legislature  of 
Pennsylvania,  '41,  '51 ;  State  Senate  ;  married  Jan.  1,  '52,  Sarah  A.,  daugh- 
ter of  John  Briscoe,  also  October,  '67,  Mrs.  Maria  M.  Denison,  daughter 
of  Joseph  Milliken ;  died  Holidaysburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  29,  '80.     Lawyer. 

*Mackey,  Alexander. --Born  District  of  Columbia;  medical  student;  practiced 
medicine  Elkridge,  Md.;  married  ,  died  Baltimore,  Aid. 

^Marshall,  George. — Son  of  James  and  Nancy  (Adams);  born  near  Milton, 
Pa.,  Deo.  23,  1806 ;  tutor  Jefferson  College  '31-33 ;  theology  under  Dr. 
John  Stockton ;  licensed  April  17,  '32,  Presbytery  of  Washington ;  ordained 
June  17,  '33,  Presbytery  of  Ohio  ;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Bethel  Church, 
Pa.,  '37-72 ;  principal  Bethel  Academy  '37-67  ;  married  April  14,  '30, 
Mary,  daughter  of  Hugh  Lee;  died  Bethel,  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  ApriK)0, 
'72,  general  prostration  ;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister. 

May,  Addison. — Son  of  Robert  and  Ruth  (Potts);  born  Coventry,  Chester  Co., 
Pa.,  Dec.  18,  1811  ;  law  student  '33-3.J ;  practiced  law  in  Erie,  Pa., 
'36-40,  Norristown  '40-52;  ill- health;  married  June  12,  '39,  Eliaabeth, 
daughter  of  Hon.  Samuel  Shaffer  ;  member  Historical  Society  of  Pennsyl- 
vania ;  delegate  to  American  Philosophical  Society  of  Pennsylvania  ;  resi- 
dence Westchester,  Pa.     Lawyer. 

*Morrison,  John  E. — Born  Bedford,  Pa.;  medical  student ;  died  Bed- 
ford, Pa. 


Parke,  Joaefh  M. — Soo  of  George  W.  and  Marj  (Fleming);  born  near  Parks- 
barg,  Chester  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  6,  1810 ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Westmin- 
ster, Md.,  '40 — ;  Maryland  Legislature  ;  member  of  Constitutional  Conven- 
tion; editor;  R^istrar  of  Wills  nineteen  jears ;  married  April  2,  '35, 
Amanda  Motter.    Lawyer,  Westminster,  Md. 

*Patt£Bson,  John  H. — Bom  Hagerstown,  Md.;  medical  student;  practiced 
medicine  Hagerstown ;  Maryland  I^^egislature ;  died  Hagerstown,  Md. 

♦PoRTEB,  James  H. — Born  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.:  principal  female  school,  Law- 
renceville,  N.  J.;  died  Lawrenceville,  N.  J. 

♦Ralston,  James.— Bom  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  ;  W.  T.  «.  1832-^ ;  died 

Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  March  24,  '35.    Theological  student. 

♦Skeddan,  Samuel  Shabon.— Born  Northumberland  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  13, 1810; 
P.  T.  S.  '31-33 ;  licensed  '33,  Presbytery  of  Northumberland  ;  ordained 
October,  '35,  same  presbytery ;  stated  supply  and  pastor  '35-38 ;  stated 
supply  Williamsport  '34-38,  Warrior  Run  '39,  pastor  '47-62,  First  Church 
Rahway,  N.  J.,  '52-74;  died  Rahway,  N.  J.,  Oct.  18,  '74  ;  D.D,  Presbyte- 
rian minister. 

Taveener,  Cabel. — From  Parkersburg,  Va.;  law  student;  practiced  law 
Parkersburg,  Va.;  died  Parkersburg,  Va.     Lawyer. 

♦Wilson,  Samuel  Mabshall.— Born  Harford  Co.,  Md.,  Sept.  30,  1806 ;  P. 
T.  S.  '34-36;  licensed  36(?) ;  ordained  evangelist  April  11,  '37,  Presbytery 
of  Columbus;  pastor  Lithopolis,  O.,  '37-58,  Qroveport  '56-58;  stated 
supply  Clinton,  111.,  '58,  Pleasant  Plains  '58-?;  W.  C;  died  Pleasant 
Plains,  111.,  April  18,  '83.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Wilsox,  William. — Born  North  Carolina. 

*Withebspoon,  John  Gbaham. — Born  Mecklenburg  Co.,  N.  C,  1811 ;  United 
Presbyterian  Theological  Seminary,  All^heny,  '31-32;  with  Dr.  Isaac  C. 
Grier ;  licensed  '33,  First  I'resbytery  (Associate  Reformed  Presbyterian 
Church);  ordained  '34,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Coddle  Creek,  Gilead  and 
Prosperity,  N.  C,  '34-46 ;  married,  ':«,  Martha  H.  Grier ;  died  Jan.  6,  '46. 
Asaociate  Reformed  minister. 


♦Baetol,  James  Lawbence. — Son  of  George  and  Mary  (Bayleas);  bora  Havie 
de  Grace,  Md.,  June  4,  1813;  law  biudeiit  '^^3-36;  practiced  law  Denton, 
Md.,  '37-4.5,  Baltimore  '45-57  ;  Associate  Judge  Supreme  Court  of  Appeals 
'55-67  ;  Chief-Justice  '67-83 ;  Maryland  Court  of  Appeals  '87 ;  married 
June  3,  '41,  Corinne  Mary,  daughter  of  President  Cherbonnier  ;  LL.D.,  St. 
John's  College,  Md.;  died  Baltimore,  Md.,  June  23,  '87.     Lawyer. 

*BiXBY,  Hebbebt. — ^Son  of  Simeon  and  Mary  (Chase);  born  Litchfield,  N.  H., 
Dec.  24,  1806;  medical  student ;  infirm;  planter,  Natchez,  Miss.,  '33-63; 
died  Natchez,  Miss.,  April  18,  '63,  consumption.     Planter. 


«BuBNBTT,  William.— Born  Abbeville  District,  S.  C,  1808  (?)  ;  Associate 
Reformed  Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny ;  licensed  April  23,  '35,  Second 
Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  April  13,  '36,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela; 
pastor  Robinson's  Ran,  Pa.,  '3d-^8;  President  Franklin  Ck)llege '39-40; 
pastor  Fourth  Associate  Reformed  Church,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '40-41,  Mt. 
Nebo  '45-50;  demitted  ministry,  went  West;  died  Manchester,  Pa.,  Aug. 
20,  '54;  D.D.    Associate  Reformed  minister. 

^Fbombergeb,  Joks  Henry. — Son  of  Henry ;  bom  Delaware;  medical  sta- 
dent,  Medical  College,  Philadelphia;  practiced  medicine  Damascus,  Del., 
1835 —  ? ;  army  surgeon ;  married  about  '50,  Mrs.  Smith ;  died  Hamptoo, 
Va  ,  April  10,  '85,  exposure  in  army.     Physician. 

*Galloway,  John  Mason. — Son  of  James  and  Agnes  (Junkin)  ;  born  Mercer 
Pa.,  Jan.  8,  1813 ;  teacher ;  P.  T.  S.  '33-34 ;  licensed  '34,  Presbytery  of 
Lakes  (Associate  Reformed);  ordained  May  23,  '37,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor 
Shenango,  Pa.,  '37-38,  Herman's  Creek  '39-49(?);  teacher  Steubenville,  0., 
'51-55;  pastor  Clearfield,  Pa.,  '58-64;  died  Clearfield,  Pa.,  April  4,  '65. 
Associate  Reformed  minister. 

.*Haib,  Samuel.— Born  Monongahela  City,  Pa.,  April  1,  1808  ;  W.  T.  S.  '32-34; 
licensed  '35 ;  ordained  '35 ;  Washington,  O.;  pastor  Reading,  Oxford, 
Pleasant  Valley  and  Carlisle,  Pleasant  Ridge,  Bethlehem,  N.  Branch, 
Hope,  Pa.,  Martinsburg,  W.  Va.,  Montana,  Wyoming  and  Elgin,  lU.; 
married  April  23,  '34,  Elisa  £.  Semple ;  died  Chicago,  111.,  May  11,  '76. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

Hanna,  Henry.— Sou  of  Thomas  and  Sarah;  born  Washington,  Guernsey  Co., 
O.;  married  Dec.  28,  1840,  Mary  Jane  Ellison.     Residence  Cincinnati,  0. 

•Hull,  David.— Born  near  Milton,  Pa.,  1806;  P.  T.  S.  '32-34;  licensed  ':«; 
ordained  evangelist  Jan.  15/ '36,  Presbytery  of  Northumberland;  stated 
supply  First  Church,  Amwell,  N.  J.,  '36  —  ?;  pastor  '37-44;  stated  supply 
Nippenose,  Pa.,  '44-45,  Pennsdale  '46,  pastor  '48  ;  pastor  Shamokin  and 
Elysburg  '48-52,  Lycoming  Center  '53-60 ;  sUted  supply  Pennsdale  '61-62 ; 
agent  and  missionary  Cogan's  Station  '63-67 ;  stated  supply  St.  Mary's 
68-70,  Dewart  '68-75;  died  Alexandria,  Kan.,  Aug.  12,  '86.  Presbyterian 

♦KuHN,  James  I. — Son  of  Adam  and  Mary;  born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  1810; 
Professor  of  Greek  and  Latin,  Lafayette  College,  '32-37 ;  tutor  Georgia 
'37-40  ;  professor  Ohio  University  '40-4-1 ;  law  student;  practiced  law  Pitts- 
burg, Pa.,  '44—?;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  July  2,  '85. 

♦McCoRMiCK,  William. —  Son  of  James  and  Margaret  (Oliver) ;  born  Carlisle, 
Pa,  1797;  Western  Theological  Seminary  1832-34;  died  Newville,  Pa„ 
June  30,  '35.   Theological  student,  preparing  for  missionary  work  in  Africa. 

♦McCuRDY,  John  Kino.— Son  of  William  and  Nancy  (King) ;  born  Adams 
Co.,  Pa.,  1811;  medical  student  '32-35;  practiced  medicine  Fairfield, 
Adams  Co.,  Pa.,  '35-43,  Harrisburg  '43-^4 ;  druggist  '44-48 ;  Reading, 
Pa.,  '48-73  ;  married  June,  '38,  daughter  of  Elizabeth  J.  McGiniey  ;  died 
Reading,  Pa.,  March  23,  '73.     Physician. 


♦McDonald,  Zantzinger. -Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Morrow);  born  Pittsburg, 
Sept.  4,  1812;    law  student  with  Judge  Story,   Cambridge,  Mass.;  prac- 
ticed law  Pittsburg,  Pa.;  editor;  unmarried;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  July  16, 
*38.     Lawyer  and  editor. 

♦Marshall,  William  Kirkpatrick. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Kirk- 
patrick)  ;  born  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.,  July  19,  18U8 ;  W.  T.  S.  '32-35;  licensed 
October,  '37,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville ;  ordained  '38,  Presbytery  of  Logans- 
port;  pastor  La  Porte,  Ind.,  '38-45,  Van  Buren,  Ft.  Smith,  Ark.,  '4G-54, 
Henderson,  Texas,  '54-68,  Marshall  '69 — ?;  married  April  27,  '39,  Sarah, 
daughter  of  Ezekiel  Morrison;  D.D.,  '46,  Indiana  University.  Presby- 
terian minister,  Marshall,  Texas. 

Moore,  Clarke. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Jane  Etta;  born  Belmont  Co.,  O., 
July  6,  1811  ;  farmer  near  Martin's  Ferry,  O.,  '32—?;  married  Dec.  12, 
'43,  Juliana  King.     Farmer,  Martin's  Ferry,  O. 

♦OcHJEi-TREB,  William  D.— Son  of  Robert  and  Eliza  (Maclay);  born  New 
Castle  Co.,  Del.,  1813;  law  student  New  Ciistle,  Del.;  practiced  law  New 
Castle,  Del.,  '44-53 ;  Recorder  of  Deeds ;  unmarried  ;  died  Christiana, 
White  Clay  Creek,  Del.,  July  30,  '53.     Lawyer. 

Orbison,  William  P. — S<m  of  William  and  Eleanor  (Elliott);  born  Hunting- 
don, Pa.,  Nov.  4,  1814  ;  law  student  with  John  G.  Miles,  Huntingdon,  Pa., 
and  Dickinson  Law  School;  practiced  law  Huntingdon,  Pa.,  '35 — ?; 
elder  Presbyterian  Church  ;  President  of  First  National  Bank  ;  married  Sept. 
16,  '41,  Lydia  R.,  daughter  of  Robert  Allison.    Lawyer,  Huntingdon,  Pa., 

*Patter80N,  James  H. — Son  of  Hon.  John  and  Grissella  ;  born  St.  Clairsville, 
O.;  law  student  1833-34;  practiced  law  St.  Clairsville,  O.,  '34—?;  died 
St.  Clairsville,  O.;  lived  but  a  few  years  after  '34. 

»Polk,  David.— Born  Baltimore,  Md.,  1809;  P.  T.  S.  '32-33;  licensed  '33, 
Presbytery  of  Baltimore;  ordained  '35,  Presbytery  of  (now)  Dayton;  pastor 
Washington,  C,  '35-38 ;  staled  supply  and  pastor  Bethel  (now  Brookville), 
Pa.,  '40-45;  stated  supply  Ohio  '4>-5l;  teacher  Brookville,  Pa.,  and 
stated  supply  Mill  Creek  '52-53,  Mt.  Tabor  '52-56,  Pine  Grovts  '51-56; 
Stated  Clerk  Presbytery  of  Clarion  '42-44;  died  Brookville,  Pa.,  April  15, 
'57.     Presbyterian  minister. 

^Reynolds,  William  Morton. —  Son  of  Col.  George  and  Mary  Babe  (De ); 

born  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  March  4,  1812;  principal  of  Preparatory  Department 
Pennsylvania  College,  Gettysburg,  Pa.,  '33-35  ;  liuancial  agent '35;  licensed 
'35,  Western  Pennsylvania  Synod  Lutheran  Cliurch ;  ordained  '36,  Min- 
iaterium.  Pa.;  Pennsylvania  College  till  '50 ;  President  of  Capital  College, 
Columbus,  O.,  '50-53;  Classical  School,  Allentown,  Pa.,  '5o-.")7  ;  President 
Illinois  State  University  '57-60  ;  ordained  Protestant  Episcopal  Cliurch 
'64,  by  Bishop  W^hitehouse,  Illinois;  Recorder  llarleiu,  111.;  Oak  Park; 
editor  Evangelical  Magazine  '40,  Evangelical  Review  '4l> ;  edited  '*  Captives'  of 
Plautus,  translated  ''History  of  New  Sweden;"  married  June,  '38,  Anna 
Maria,  daughter  of  John  Swan;  l),D.,  Jetferson  College,  '00;  died  Oak 
Park,  Dl.,  Sept.  5,  '76.  Protestant  Episcopal  minister. 


*RiDDELL,  Joseph  Kebb. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  John  ;  bom  Alleghenj  Co.,  Pa.; 
Associate  Reformed  T.  S.,  Allegheny,  1840-43 ;  Ucenaed  April  19,  '43, 
Presbytery  of  Steuben ?ille ;  ordained  April,  *4.>,  Presbyteryof  Mansfield; 
pastor  Bear  Creek,  Mt,  Yarn  urn  and  Lawrenceburg,  Pa,,  M7-48  ;  medical 
student;  practiced  medicine  South  Bend,  Ind.,  72;  died  Bois  d'Arc,  near 
El  wood,  Tex.,  April  8,  75,  drowned.     Physician. 

♦Squires,  Norman.— Son  of  Burgess  and  Sarah  (Case);  born  Vermillion  Co., 
111.;  teacher  in  the  South  ;  theological  student;  unmarried  ;  died  Rodney, 
Miss.    Theological  student. 

♦Williams,  Henry.— Son  of  Philip  and  Elizabeth ;  born  Hagerstown,  Md., 
Jan.  2o,  1810  ;  tlieology  ;  rector  Episcopal  Church  *34-d2,  Calvert  Co  ,  Md.; 
married  November,  '38,  Priscilla  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  John  II.  Chew; 
died  Calvert  Co.,  Md.,  April  8,  '52.     Protestant  Episcopal  minister. 


Baao,  William. — Born  Glasgow,  Scotland;  returned  to  Scctland  soon  after 

*Blodoett,  William  H. — Son  of  Dr.  William  and  Martha ;  born  Brownsville, 
Pa.,  June  22,  1815 ;  law  student  with  Judge  Holt,  Dayton,  O.;  practiced 
law  Dayton,  O.,  *35-42 ;  Prosecuting  Attorney  of  Montgomery  Co.,  0.; 
editor  Democratic  Herald ;  unmarried ;  died  Dayton,  O.,  March  24,  '42. 

Caldwell,  Aquila  Bolton. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Mary  ( Yarnall) ;  bom  Wheel- 
ing, Va.,  Feb.  11,  1814;  law  student  with  Professors  Story  and  Greenleaf, 
Cambridge,  Mass.;  practiced  law  Mississippi  '40,  Louisiana  '44,  Wheeling, 
Va.,  '58 — ;  Prosecuting  Attorney  Ohio  Co.,  W.  Va.,  two  terms,  '65-66; 
Attorney-General  West  Virginia,  '63-68 ;  married  May  14,  '46,  Matilda  A. 
Newman.     Lawyer,  Wheeling,  W.  Va. 

♦Gordon,  Thomas  Patterson. — Son  of  Hon.  James  and  Mary  (Officer);  born 
Monongahela  City,  Pa.,  July  13,  1813;  W.  T.  S.,  '34-37;  licensed '37, 
Presbytery  of  Ohio  ;  ordained  *38,  Presbytery  of  Lancaster ;  pastor  Cum- 
berland, O.,  '38-42,  Montour,  Pa.,  '42-46,  Manchester  '46-50,  Wellsville, 
O.,  '50-66,  Sixth  Church,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '56-57,  Terre  Haute,  Ind.,  '57-65; 
married  Dec.  27,  '37,  Mary  Ann  Lindsay,  also  July  6,  '40,  Jane  A.  Cowan; 
died  Terre  Haute,  Ind.,  Aug.  15,  '65;  D.  D.,  Jefferson  College,  '59.  Pres- 
byterian minister. 

♦Graham,  David  Patterson.— Son  of  David  and  Martha  (Patterson) ;  born 
New  Lisbon,  O.,  Nov.  6,  1811;  medical  student;  druggist  and  bookseller, 
New  Lisbon ;  married  Caroline  McMahan ;  died  Morristown,  O.,  '51). 
Bookseller  and  druggist. 

♦Hall,  Alexander  A.— Born  Rowan  Co.,  N.  C,  April  10,  1807;  teacher; 
teacher  Rutherford  ton,  N.  C,  Lincolnton  and  Wilkesboro,  Monroe,  Ga., 
Gainesville  and  Walker  Co.,  Wilkesboro,  N.  C;  married  '33,  Martha  Ram- 
sey, also  '42,  Mary  L.  Gaither;  died  Wilkesboro,  N.  C,  April  13,  '59,  fall 
from  a  horse.     Teacher. 


♦Hamilton,  William  Young. — Son  of  Rev.  Thomas  and  Margaretta  M. 
(Young);  bora  New  York  City,  Sept.  11,  1811  ;  theological  student ;  licensed 

;  infirm— disabled   mentally  ;  unmarried  ;  died  Philadelpliia,  March  9, 

'60.     L'nited  Presbyterian  licentiate. 

Hays,  Robert  G.— Son  of  Patrick  and  Elisabeth  (Galbraith) ;  born  near 
Shippensburg,  Pa.,  April  4,  1811 ;  teacher.    Protestant  Episcopal  minister. 

Hemphill,  James. -Son  of  Rev  Dr.  John  and  Mary  (Nixon) ;  born  Chester 
District,  S.  C,  July  3,  1813 ;  law  student,  '33-36 ;  practiced  law  (Chester, 
S.  C,  *36 — ;  Commissioner  in  Equity,  *38-53  ;  House  of  Representatives  of 
South  Carolina,  *57,  *62-64  ;  State  Senator,  *65-66 ;  member  Constitutional 
Convention,  '65;  married  May  17,  '43,  Rachel  Elisabeth,  daughter  of 
James  C.  Branley.    Residence  Chester,  S.  C.     Lawyer. 

*Hemphill,  William  Ramsey. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  John\nd  Jane  (Lind) ;  born 
Chester  District,  S.  C,  March  11,  1806 ;  A.  T.  S.,  Allegheny,  Pa.,  '33-37; 
licensed  '36,  First  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  South  ;  ordained  June, 
'37,  Second  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  South ;  pastor  Cedar  Spring 
and  Long  Cane,  S.  C,  '37-48  ;  professor  Erskine  College  '48-()5 ;  married 
May  1(^  '37,  Hannah  Smith,  daughter  of  R^.  John  Lind  ;  died  Due  West, 
S.  C,  July  28,  '76  ;D.  D.,  Erekine  College,  '65.  Associate  Reformed  Pres- 
byterian  minister. 

HuBER,  John. 

Kerr,  James  W. — Son  of  William  and  Mary;  born  Lancaster,  Pa.,  Sept.  9, 
1813  ;  medical  student ;  practiced  in  Blockley  Hospital ;  York,  Pa.,  '40— ; 
married  Oct.  17,  '44,  Jane  M.  Mcllvain.     Physician,  York,  Pa. 

*Leffler,  Shepherd. — Born  West  Liberty,  Ohio  Co.,  Va.,  1811  ;  law  student 
practiced  law  at  Burlington,  Iowa,  '36  ;  farmer ;  member  Territorial  Legisla- 
ture ;  Member  of  Congress,  Iowa,  '46-51 ;  candidate  for  Governor  '75 ; 
married  '40,  Elizabeth  Parrott;  died  Burlington,  Iowa,  Sept.  7,  '79. 

•McAllister,  HuohN. — Son  of  William  and  Sarah  (Thompson) ;  born  Juniata 
Co.,  Pa.,  June  28,  1809;  law  school,  Carlisle  ;  practiced  law  at  Bellefonte, 
Pa.,  '35-73;  captain  Company  F,  23d  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Militia, 
'62;  member  of  Constitutional  Convention,  Pennsylvania,  '73-74  ;  ruling 
el^er  Presbyterian  Church,  Bellefonte  ;  married  Sept.  16,  '41,  Henrietta 
Ashman,  daughter  of  Willian  Orbison,  also  Sept.  12,  '59,  Margaret, 
daughter  of  Hugh  Hamilton  ;  died  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  May  5,  '73.  Lawyer. 

•McClelland,  James.— Son  of  Hugh;  born  Pittsburg,  Pa. ;  medical  student ; 
assistant  surgeon  United  States  Navy  '38-53,  surgeon  '53-71,  medical  direc- 
tor'71-76;  retired '76;  died  Germantown,  Pa.,   Aug.  4, '76.     Physician. 

*MoFrAT,  Charles  Strong. — Son  of  John  ;  born  Chester  District,  S.  C,  1812; 
teacher '33-34  ;  medical  student '35-30  ;  Medical  College,  South  Carolina; 
practiced  medicine  at  Chester,  S.  C,  '37-42  ;  died  Chester,  H.  C,  Nov.  15, 
'42,  consumption.     Physician. 


Nevin,  Alfred. — Son  of  Major  David  and  Mary  (Pierce) ;  bom  Shippens- 
burg,  Pa.,  March  14,  1810  ;  law  student,  Carlisle,  Pa.;  admitted  to  bar '37; 
W.  T.  S.,  '37-40 ;  licensed  April,  '40,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle;  ordained 
May,  '40,  Presbytery  of  New  Castle;  pastor  Cedar  Grove,  Pa.,  '4(Mo, 
German  Reformed  Church,  Chambersburg,  '4'>-o*2,  Second  Church,  Lancag- 
ter,  '52-57,  Alexander  Church,  Philadelphia,  '57-61;  editor  Standard 
'61-66,  Presbyterian  Weekly,  Presbyterian  JournaJ;  published  about  twenty 
volumes — some  of  his  works  are:  "Notes  on  Shorter  Catechism,"  "Para- 
bles of  Jesus,"  "  Churches  of  the  Valley,"  **  Commentaries,"  "Presbyterian 
Encyclopedia,"  etc.;  married  May  6,  '41,  Sarah  J.,  daughter  of  Hon. 
Robert  Jenkins ;  D.  D.,  LL.  D.     Presbyterian  minister,  Philadelpliia. 

*Nevin,  Daniel  E.— Born  Franklin  Co.,  Pa.,  March  3,  1813  ;  W.T.S.,  '33-3^]; 
licensed  '36,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  April, '38,  same  presbytery; 
pastor  Fairmount  and  Sewickley,  Pa.,  '38—16  ;  United  States  Assessor  nine 
years;  missionary;  teacher;  married  Oct.  10,  '36,  Margaret,  daughter  of 
John  Irwin  ;  died  Sewickley,  Pa.,  July  21,  'SO.  Presbyterian  minister. 

Nevin,  Edwin  Henry. — Son  of  Major  David  and  Mary  (Pierce)  ;  born  Ship- 
pensburg.  Pa.,  May  9,  1814;  W.  T.  S.,  '33-34;  P.  T.  S.,  '34-36;  licensed 
'36,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia;  ordained  June  25,  '39,  Presbytery  of 
Mahoning;  pastor  Poland,  O.,  '39-41  ;  President  Franklin  College  '4<M'); 
New  Athens,  O.,  Mt.  Vernon,  Cleveland,  Congregational  Churches  New 
England,  Lancaster,  Pa.,  Philadelphia;  published  *' Minister's  Hand- 
book,"  "City  of  God,"  "The  Man  of  Faith,"  "  Thoughts  about  Christ : " 
married  July  6,  '37,  Ruth  C.  Little  ;  D.  D.  Presbyterian  minister,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa. 

*0rk,  Robert  Wilberforce. — Son  of  Samuel  C.  and  Margaret  (Sloan);  born 
Clarion  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  18,  1808  ;  W.  T.  S.  '33-36;  res.  lie;  P.  T.  S.  '36; 
licensed  '36,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny ;  ordained  Nov.  22,  '37,  Presbytery 
of  Bedford  ;  foreign  missionary  to  China  '37-41 ;  teacher  Clarion,  Pa., 
'42-44;  stated  supply  Greenwood,  Pa.,  '43—14,  Bethel  '44;  stated  sup- 
ply and  pastor  Center  '44-'V2 ;  professor  Jefferson  College  '44-52  ;  stated 
supply  Mt.  Tabor  and  Mill  Creek,  '56 ;  Superintendent  of  Schools  Clarion 
County  '54-57 ;  married  Sept.  12,  '37,  Eliza  Ann  Carter ;  died  Mechanics- 
ville.  Pa.,  March  30,  '57.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•PiGMAN,  Hanson  Briscoe. — Son  of  Bene  S.  and  Harriet  (Briscoe);  born 
Frederick,  Md.,  April  15,  1815  ;  law  student  with  his  father,  Cumber- 
land, Md.;  practiced  law  Cumberland,  '35-47;  District  Attorney;  married 
May  23,  '38,  Mary  Elizabeth,  daugliler  of  John  T.  Shriver  ;  died  at  sea  on 
a  voyage  to  Europe,  Sept.  8,  '47.     Lawyer. 

♦Scott,  James  Long.— Born  Coatesville,  Pa.,  Oct.  27,  1812;  teacher '33-35 ; 
P.  T.  S.  '35-38  ;  licensed  Sept.  27,  '37,  Presbytery  of  New  Castle  ;  ordained 
evangelist  Sept.  2(),  '38,  same  presbytery ;  foreign  missionary  to  India, 
Mynpoorie,  Agra  and  Futteghur,  '30-64;  infirm;  London,  Eng.,  *6r>-(>>; 
principal  Hammonton,  N.  J.,  '68-78 ;  missionary  to  India  at  Landour,. 
'79 ;  died  Dehra,  India,  Jan.  2,  '80.     Presbyterian  minister. 

.ikffeTrson  college.  69 

•Smart,  James  P. — Son  of  James  and  Mary  ;  born  Huntingdon,  Pa.,  July  14, 
1814;  Associate  Presbyterian  Seminary,  Canonsburg ;  licensed  '37,  Presby- 
tery of  Chartiers  (Associate  Reformed);  ordained  '3y,  Associate  Presbytery 
of  Miami ;  pastor  Massie's  Creek,  O.,  *39-61 ;  married  Eliza  McClelland  ; 
died  at  Massie's  Creek,  O.,  Feb.  28,  '01,  consumption.  Associate  Presby- 
terian minister. 

•Smith,  Hamilton. — Medical  student ;  practiced  medicine  ;  died  '()-").  Physi- 

♦Travelli,  Joseph  S.— Son  of  Francis  and  Abigail  (Munday);  born  Phila- 
delphia, Pa.,  April  21,  1809 ;  W.  T.  S.  '33-3(3 ;  licensed  October,  '35,  Pres- 
bytery of  Philadelphia;  ordained  April,  '36,  same  presbytery  ;  foreign  mis- 
sionary at  Singapore,  India,  '3(J-41  ;  teacher,  Pennsylvania,  '41-64;  agent 
Freedmen  '06 ;  teacher  Western  Penitentiary  '67-88 ;  married  March 
31,  '30,  Susan,  daughter  of  John  Irwin,  also  Dec.  27,  '55,  Jane  Irwin; 
died  Sewickley,  Pa.,  Sept.  17,  '88.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Williams,  John  H.— Son  of  Henry  and  Jane ;  bom  near  Emmitsburg,  Md., 
April  10,  1814;  editor  Frederick  Examiner  '35-44;  bank  officer  Frederick 
'44-?;  president '84 ;  married  Nov.  17,  '36,  Ellen,  daughter  of  Hon.  Abra- 
hana  Shrom.    Banker,  Frederick,  Md. 

Wilson,  Thomas  Stokeley.— Son  of  Peter  M.  and  Frances  (Stokeley);  born 
Steubenville,  O.,  Oct.  13,  1813;  law  student  Steubenville,  O.;  practiced 
law  Steubenville,  O.,  '34-36,  Dubuque,  Iowa,  '36-?;  Prosecuting  Attorney 
Dubuque  '37  ;  Judge  Supreme  Court  of  Iowa  Territory  '38-49  ;  Judge  of 
Supreme  Court  of  State  '49-50;  Judge  of  State  District  Court  '52-60; 
Iowa  Legislature ;  United  States  Attorney,  Iowa ;  United  States  Commis- 
sioner; married  Sept.  29, '36,  Anna  W.  Hoge.     Lawyer    Dubuque,  Iowa. 


•Allison,  Robert  Henderson. — Born  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  31,  1814 ;  med- 
ical student  Jefferson  Medical  College;  practiced  medicine  Charleston,  111., 
'36-46 ;  married   Charleston,    111.;  died  Charleston,   111.,  '46.     Physician. 

-Anderson,  A.  A. — Born  Carlisle,  Pa.;  law  student  with  Judge  Reed,  Car- 
lisle; practiced  law  Damopolis,  Ala.;  Texas;  died  Texas. 

^Baird,  Chambers.-^ou  of  Hon.  Moses  and  Mary  (Adams);  born  Sandy 
Springs,  Adams  Co.,  O.,  July  25,  1811  ;  law  student '34-36  ;  practiced  law 
Ripley,  O.,  36 — ;  Provost  Marshal '61-63 ;  Paymaster  United  States  Army 
'63-66  ;  State  Senator  '56-57  ;  delegate  to  National  Convention  '56 ;  elder 
Presbyterian  Church;  married  May  6,  '45,  Judith  A.,  daughter  of 
Archibald  Liggett;  died  Ripley,  O.,  March  20,  '87.     Lawyer. 

•Chapman,  Samuel  T. — Born  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.;  law  student ;  practiced 
law  Macon,  Ga.;  Savannah;  editor  Macon  Telegraph,  Sarmmah  JoumcU ; 
died  Savannah,  Ga.,  1854,  yellow  fever.     Lawyer  and  editor. 


*Coop£R,  Joseph  Tate. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Jane  (Campbell);  born  Balti- 
more, Md.,  Dec.  26,  1813;  Associate  Presbyterian  Seminary,  Canonsbarg; 
i  licensed  Jaly  4,  '38,  Associate  Presbytery  of  Pbiladelphia ;  ordained  Sept 
25,  '30 ;  pastor  Second  Associate  Presbyterian  Church,  Philadelphia, 
'39-71 ;  Professor  of  Didactic  and  Polemic  Theology,  United  Presbyterian 
Seminary,  Allegheny,  '71-86;  published  *'Oddfellowship,"  '^Spiritaal 
Arithmetic,"  "Sketches  of  Mr.  Bruce,  D.D.,"  pamphlets,  etc.;  editor 
Evangelieal  Repository  '42-71,  CArisftan  Jnstruetor ;  Moderator  United  Presby- 
terian General  Assembly ;  married  Oct.  15,  '40,  Susan,  daughter  of  Josepii 
R.  Dickson;  died  Cleveland,  O.,  Aug.  22,  '86;  D.D.,  '49,  Jefferson 
College;  LL.D., '85,  Westminster  College.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

*CuMMiN8,  John  D. — Born  Western  Pennsylvania;  law  student;  practiced 
law  in  New  Philadelphia,  O.,  and  Milwaukee,  Wis.;  Member  of  Congress, 
O.,  '4*^-49;  died  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  Sept.  11,  '40,  cholera.     lawyer. 

Davis,  James. — Son  of  Rev.  Thomas  and  Hannah  (Gilley);  born  Pittsburg, 
Pa.,  Oct.  28,  1808 ;  W.  T.  S.  '34-37  ;  licensed  April,  '37,  Presbytery  of 
Blairsville;  ordained  '37,  Presbytery  of  Redstone;  pastor  Morgantown, 
W.  Vs.,  '37-55;  missionary  many  years  ;  delegate  Christian  Commission; 
stated  clerk  of  presbytery  ;  married  Sept.  28,  '37,  Margaret  W.,  daughter 
of  Joseph  Long  ;  residence  Blairsville,  Pa.  Presbyterian  minister,  Blairs- 
ville, Pa. 

•Fisher,  Samuel  R. — Born  Norristown,  Pa.;  German  Reformed  Seminary, 
York  ;  licensed  1836,  German  Reformed  Synod  ;  ordained  '36,  same  body ; 
pastor  Emmitsburg,  Md.,  *36-?;  editor  Messenger  forty  years ;  married 
April  5,  '37,  Ellen  C,  daughter  of  Daniel  C.  May,  also  Mrs.  Nsomi 
Kerns ;  died  June,  '81 ;  DD.,  '53,  F.  and  Mar.  College.  German  Reformed 

Foster,  Thomas.  — Born  in  Beaver  Co.,  Pa.(?);  medical  student;  practiced 
medicine  in  the  West. 

Galbraith,  Robert  Craig. — Son  of  James  and  Maria  (Henderson  ;  bom 
Mahoning,  Pa.,  Feb.  26,  1811;  teacher '37-44 ;  P.T.  S., '35-37  ;  licensed 
October,  '36,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon ;  ordained  evangelist  fall  of  '44, 
Presbytery  of  East  Hanover;  missionary  Brunswick  Co.,  Va.,  '44-49; 
pastor  Madison  Street  Church,  Baltimore,  Md,,*49-6;5,  Goyane  Chapel,  Bal- 
timore, '5:i-65,  Odin,  111.,  '6V71,  Flora  71-75,  ^airfield  '71-78 ;  stated 
supply  Harrisburg  and  Equality  '79-80  ;  pastor  Metropolis  80-?,  Gol- 
conda  '85 ;  married  Sept.  23,  "37,  Mary  A.,  daughter  of  John  Cade,  also 
Dec.  30,  '56,  Olivia,  daughter  of  Mrs.  Gill,  also  Dec.  29,  '65,  E.  B.  Love, 
daughter  of  Benjamin  Love.     Presbyterian  minister,  Golconda,  111. 

*Geauy,  P]d\vard  Ratchford.— Son  of  Richard  and  Margaret  (White) ;  bom 
Boonsborough,  Md.,  April  30,  1811;  W.  T.  S.  '34-37;  teacher  '37-39; 
licensed  spring  of  '3S,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville ;  ordained  '40,  Presbytery  of 
Wooster;  pastor  Unity  (now)  Fredericksburg,  0.,  '40-51,  California,  Oregon, 



WashingtOD  '51,  Eugene  City,  Ore.,  '76-86 ;  while  preaching  held  a  number 
of  civil  offices  as  a  means  of  support ;  principal  Albany  Collegiate  Institute 
and  Regent  State  University  ;  married  May  16,  '38,  Harriet  R.,  daughter  of 
Samuel  Reed,  also  Sept.  4,  M5,  Nancy,  daughter  of  £d.  Woodbridge;  died 
Eugene  City,  Ore.,  Sept.  1,  '86 ;  D.D  ,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College, 
72.     Presbyterian  minister. 

^GiLKERSON,  Thomas.— Son  of  William  and  Agnes;  born  Barnet,  Vt.,  Dec  4, 
1814;  teacher;  Associate  Presbyterian  Seminary;  licensed  '39,  Associate 
Presbytery  of  Chartiers ;  ordained  '40,  Presbytery  of  Conemaugh  ;  pastor 
Apollo  and  Conemaugh  '40^8  ;  married  '41,  Maria  L.,  daughter  of  James 
Hart ;  died  Apollo,  Pa.,  Feb.  10,  '59,  typhoid  pneumonia.  United  Pres- 
byterian minister. 

Hamill,  Samuel  M. — Son  of  Robert  and  Isabella  (Todd);  born  Norristown,  Pa., 
;  theolpgy  with  Rev.  Hugh  Hamill ;  licensed  Presbytery  of  Philadel- 
phia North ;  ordained  evangelist  same  presbytery  ;  teacher,  principal  and 
professor,  Lawrenceville,  N.  J.,  '34-83  ;  married  April  18,  '38,  Matilda, 
daughter  of  Richard  M.Green  ;  D.D.,  Rutgers  College,  '62;  trustee  P.  T.  S.; 
residence  Lawrenceville,  N.  J.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Heisley,  Frederick  Kurtz. —  Born  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  April  2,  1814 ;  civil 
engineer ;  editor  Luiheran  Observer  ;  killed  Jan.  2,  '50,  railroad  accident. 
Civil  Engineer. 

*HuRST,  Nathaniel  N.— Son  of  Nathaniel;  born  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa., 
1812;  lawstuden|;  practiced  law  Natchez,  Miss.;  married  Ann,  daughter 
of  Joshua  Emery;  died  Natchez,  Miss.,  '47.     Lawyer. 

•Hutchinson,  William. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Mary;  born  Delaware  Co.,  Pa., 
Jan.  4,  1803;  W.  T.  S.  '34-37  ;  licensed  April,  '37,  Presbytery  of  Blairs- 
ville  ;  stated  supply  Apple  Creek,  O.;  ordained  '39,  Presbytery  of  Marion  ; 
missionary  Jackson,  Wayne  and  Greene,  0.;  pastor  Bucyrus  '40-46;  stated 
supply  Sandusky,  Osceola  '47  ;  infirm  '52-60;  married  Jane  L.,  daughter 
of  Judge  Mead,  of  Meadville,  Pa.;  died  Feb  1,  '60,  Bucyrus,  O.,  paralysis. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*rRwiN,  William  F. — Medical  student ;  Jefferson  Medical  College  ;  practiced 
medicine  near  Stewartsville,  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.;  married;  died  near 
Stewartsville,  Pa.,  typhoid  fever.     Physician. 

♦Jackson,  Robert  M.  S.— Son  of  Dr.  William  and  Mary  (Montgomery)  ;  born 
Alexandria,  Huntingdon  Co.,  Pa.,  April  20,  181.");  medical  student,  Jeffer- 
son Medical  College  '38-41 ;  Assistant  Surgeon-General  Pennsylvania  '41-43 ; 
practiced  medicine  Blairsville,  Pa.,  '43-52, Cresson  '52-(n  ;  surgeon  3d  and 
11th  Regiments,  Pennsylvania  Volunteers,  '01-63  ;  Medical  Director  Twen- 
ty-third Army  Corps,  East  Tennessee,  '63-65;  published  *'The  Mountain;" 
married  Oct.  12,  '43,  Mary  E.,  daughter  of  Joseph  Herron  ;  died  Lookout 
Mountain,  June  25,  '65,  pneumonia.     Physician. 


*Leech,  Jamim  Stewart.— Born  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  1814  ;  teacher  North  Caro- 
lina *'6oy  Alabama  '36-67,  Delaware  37  ;  medical  student,  Jefferson  Medical 
College,  '37-41 ;  practiced  medicine  Downingtoirn,  Pa.,  '41 — ?;  unmarried. 
Phjsician  ;  residence  Dowiiingion,  Pa. 

•LeCompte,  Samuel  Dexter.— Son  of  Samuel  D.  and  Aramiuta(Fra£ier);  bora 
Cambridge,  Md.,  Dec.  13,  1814 ;  studied  law  with  Hon.  Henry  Page  ;  prac- 
ticed law  Westminster,  Md.,  '37-44,  Cambridge  '44-o3,  Haltimore  '53-54, 
Leavenworth,  Kan.;  Legislature  of  Maryland '41-42  ;  appointed  by  Presi- 
dent Pierce,  Chief  Justice  Kau'-as ;  Legislature  of  Kansas  '67-<)8 ;  Probate 
Judge,  Leavenworth,  '70;  published  **Tale  of  Kansas  History,"  "The 
Other  Side;"  married  '41,  Camilla  Anderson;  died  Kansas  City,  Mo., 
April  24,  '88.     Lawyer. 

•McCandlish,  William.  -Son  of  Alexander  and  Jane  (McSellon;)  bomDal- 
batie,  Scotland,  Sept.  12,  1810 ;  W.  T.  S.  '34-37  ;  licensed  September,  '37, 
Presbytery  of  Carlisle  ;  ordained  May,  '39,  Presbytery  of  Wooster ;  pastor 
Wooster,  O.,  '39-49,  Lewislown,  111.,  '49-54,  Westminster,  Quincy '54-o7 ; 
staled  supply  Astoria  and  Ipavi,  Council  Bluffs,  Iowa ;  missionary 
Nebraska;  stated  supply  Indianola,  Iowa,  Hartford  and  Sigourney,  Iowa; 
agent  American  Bible  Society  '67-vS4;  married  Sept.  10,  '38,  Maria  H.,  daugh- 
ter of  Henry  C.  Ho  wells;  died  Omaha,  Neb.,  Aug.  4,  '84.  Presbyterian 

*McCartney,  Washington.— Born  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  24,  1812; 
law  student ;  Professor  of  Mathematics,  Jefferson  College,  '36-37 ;  practiced 
law  Eastern  Pennsylvania,  '37  ;  Professor  of  Mathematics,  Lafayette  College; 
Presiding  Judge,  Northampton  Co.,  Pa.;  published  ''Differential  and  Inte- 
gral Calculus,"  '*  History  of  the  United  States;"  n^^ried  Miss  Maxwell; 
died  Eastern  Pennsylvania,  July,  '56.     Lawyer. 

♦McLean,  John  L.— Born  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.;  Associate  Theological  Sem- 
inary, Canonsburg;  licensed  183S,  Presbytery  of  Muskingum;  ordained 
Nov.  22,  '39,  Presbytery  of  Indiana  ;  pastor  Princeton  and  Midway,  Ind., 
'39-43,  Mansfield  '43-63,  Ilaysville  '43-65,  Clear  Creek  '43-49,  Ontario 
'49-63,  Chesterville,  Sulphur  Springs  and  Alum  Creek  '69-63,  Monmouth, 
111.,  — ,  Red  Oak,  Iowa,  '71-74;  died  Red  Oak,  Iowa,  March  29,  '74. 
United  Presbyterian  minister. 

♦McGooKiN,  William— Born  County  Derry,  Ireland,  May  3,  1807  ;  W.  T.  S. 
'34-37  ;  licensed  Sept.  13,  '38,  Presbytery  of  Oxford ;  ordained  '40,  Presby- 
tery of  Sidney;  pastor  Lima,  O.,  '40;  teacher  Richmond,  Ind.,  five  years, 
Hillsboro,  111.,  two  years,  Sidney  thirteen  years,  Springfield  eighteen  years; 
married  May  19,  '36,  Laura  A.  Phelps,  also  July  9,  '39,  Rhoda  M.,  daugh- 
ter of  Azariah  Bancroft ;  died  Springfield,  O.,  March  20,  '76.  Presbyterian 

♦OsBOKN,  Robert.  -  Son  of  Rev.  Ethan  Osborn  ;  born  Cedarville,  N.  J.,  Aug.  27, 
1813;  P.  T.  S.  '35-38;  licensed  April  17,  '39,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia; 
ordained  evangelist  April  10,  '41,  Presbytery  of  Greenbrier;  stated  supply 
and  pastor  Point  Pleasant  '39-65  ;  infirm,  Cedarville,  N.  J.,  '59-78  ;  mar- 
ried Josephine,  daughter  of  Dr.  Benjamin  Brown  ;  died  Fairton,  N.  J., 
July  13,  '78.     Presbyterian  minister. 


Reynolds,  Johx  Van  Liew.— Son  of  John  and  Jane  (Ellicott);  born  Mead- 
ville,  Pa.,  April  12,  1815;  P.  T.  S.  '35-38 ;  licensed  April  15,  '38,  Presby- 
tery of  Erie  ;  ordained  Nov.  13,  '39,  same  presbytery;  pastor  First  Church, 
Meadville,  Pa  ,  '39-69;  married  September, '38,  Evalina  B.  vS.,  daughter  of 
John  I.  Gaston,  also  Oct.  8,  '51,  Catherine  E.,  daughter  of  William  Bell; 
D.D.,  Jefferson  College,  '58;  residence  Meadville,  Pa.  Presbyterian 

♦RiGGS,  Stephen  Return. —Son  of  Stephen  and  Anna  (Baird);  born  Steuben- 
ville,  C,  March  23,  1812;  W.  T.  S.  '35-30;  licensed  September,  '36,  Pres- 
bytery of  Sieubenville ;  ordained  April,  '37,  Presbytery  of  Chillicothe; 
missionary  American  Board  Commissioners  Foreign  Missions,  Sioux 
(Dakota)  Indians,  '37-83;  published  grammar  and  dictionary  in  Dakota, 
Translations  of  Scripture,  ''The  Gospel  among  the  Dakotas,"  ''  Mary  and 
I ;"  married  Feb.  16,  '37,  Mary  Ann  Langley ;  died  Beloit,  Wis.,  Aug.  24, 
'8;^;  D.D.,  Beloit  College;  LL.D.,  Jefferson  College.  Presbyterian 

^ScoTT,  James  D.— Bom  York  Co.,  Pa.,  1811 ;  P.  T.  S.  '38-41 ;  ruling  elder; 
licensed  '42(?),  Presbytery  of  Steubenville ;  teacher;  stated  supply  Center, 
Pa.,  '52-53,  Slate  Ridge  '53-55  ;  died  Peach  Bottom,  Pa.,  Dec.  8,  '55. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*SpEEEi,  Thomas  Latta. — Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.;  Associate  Reformed 
Seminary,  Allegheny,  1835-39  ;  licensed  April  17,  '38,  Second  Associate 
Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  May  14,  '40,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela; 
pastor  New  Brighton  and  Rocky  Spring,  Pa.,  '40-43,  Chartiers  Cross  Roads 
'43-51;  died  Locust  Hill,  Pa.,  Nov.  25,  '51.  Associate  Presbyterian 

^ewart,  Jasies  Erskine. — Son  of  John  and  Jane  (Long)  ;  born  Martins- 
burg,  Dec.  9,  1814 ;  law  student  with  Hon.  J.  V.  L.  McMahan,  Baltimore, 
Md.,  '36-38;  practiced  law  at  Baltimore,  Md.,  '38-42,  Martinsburg,  Va., 
'42-52;  General  Assembly  of  Virginia,  '48-59;  Constitutional  Reform 
Convention  '50-51  ;  law  clerk  Department  of  Interior,  Washington,  D.  C, 
'52-61 ;  St.  Louis,  '61-66(?);  Luray  '66—;  Judge  of  Page  Co.,  Va.,  '73-85  ; 
married  Nov.  17,  '42,  Frances  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Capt.  James  Glenn. 
Lawyer  ;  residence  Luray   Page  Co.,  Va. 

Walke,  Thomas. — Son  of  Anthony  and  Susan  H.  (Carmichael)  ;  born  Chilli- 
cothe, O.,  July  18,  1814  ;  law  student ;  law  lectures  New  Haven,  Conn.; 
practiced  law  at  Chillicothe,  O.,  '38-50,  Coloma,  Cal.,  '50-52,  Chillicothe, 
0.,  '52 —  ;  Registrar  Land  Office  at  Chillicothe,  '57-01  ;  Judge  of  Probate 
Court,  Ross  Co.,  O.,  '67-76  ;  unmarried.    Lawyer;  residence  Chillicothe,  O. 


*Akdrew8,  William  E. — Born  Rowan  Co.,  N.  C;  teacher;  law  student;  died 
perhaps  about  1838.     Law  student. 

"•Bailey,  Frederick  E. — Of  Dillsburg,  Pa.;  law  student  Carlisle  Law  School ; 

practiced  law  at  York,  Pa.,  1837 —  ;  prosecuting  attorney ;  married  ■ ■ — , 

daughter  of  Michael  Dowdle ;  died  York,  Pa. 


*Barber,  Robert  B. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Mary  (Van  Valsafa) ;  born  Union 
Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  3,  1812;  law  studeot  with  Judge  Merrill;  practiced  law 
*37 — ;  prosecuting  attorney  for  seven  or  eight  jears;  ruling  elder  Pres- 
byterian  Church  ;  colonel  of  militia ;  married  Feb.  22,  ^38,  Mary  Foster. 
Lawyer,  Mifflinburg,  Pa. 

*BiGHAM,  Thomas  J. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  (Christy) ;  bom  Westmore- 
land Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  12, 1810  ;  teacher  '3o-37;  law  student  Washington,  Pa., 
and  Harrisburg,  Pa.;  practiced  law  at  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '37-84;  member 
Pennsylvania  Legislature  '45-47,  'ol-54,  '64  ;  Senate  '65-66-67 ;  head  of  Su- 
tistical  Bureau '73-74-75;  published  many  pamphlets ;  married  Dec.  30,  '46, 
Maria  Louise,  daughter  of  Joel  Lewis;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Nov.  8,  '84. 

•Brown,  James  Caldwell. — Son  of  William  and  Eleanor  (Lyons) ;  bom  St. 
Clairsville,  O.,  October  — ,  1815;  W.  T.  S.,  '35-37  ;  teacher  '37-38;  Theo- 
logical Seminary,  Columbia,  S.  C,  '38-39  ;  licensed  '38,  Presbytery  of  Har- 
mony ;  ordained  '39,  Presbytery  of  Logansport ;  pastor  Valparaiso,  Ind., 
'39-59;  agent  Tract  Society,  New  York,  '60;  pastor  South  Bend,  Ind., 
'61-62 ;  chaplain  48th  Regiment  Indiana  Volunteers  '62 ;  married  March, 
'38,  Mary,  daughter  of  Joshua  Emery ;  died  Paducah,  Ky.,  July  14,  '62, 
camp  diarrhoea;  D.  D.,  W.  and  J.,  '59.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*BucHANAN,  James  Hervey. — Son  of  Andrew  and  Phoebe  (Pedan) ;  born 
near  Lancaster,  C,  July  10,  1816;  teacher;  Associate  Theological  Semin- 
ary, Allegheny,  '36-40;  licensed  April  15,  '40,  Second  Associate  Reformed 
Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  Oct.  12,  '42,  same  presbytery ;  stated  supply 
Birmingham,  South  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '42-48  ;  pastor  Cedarville,  0., 
'49-56;  President  Female  Institute,  Oxford,  O.,  '55-67;  editor  United 
Presbyterian  Pu/pii,  '69-70 ;  pastor  Iliintsville  '70-79;  stated  supply 
Homestead,  111.,  'H1-H3  ;  married  April  8,  '46,  Mary  Salome,  daughter  of 
Rev.  Samuel  Carpenter ;  died  Sunny  Hill,  111.,  Oct.  18,  '83,  malarial  fever 
United  Presbyterian  minister. 

*BucHER,  John  J. — Born  Alexandria,  Pa.,  March  27,  1817 ;  medical  student, 
Jefferson  Medical  College,  '35-38 ;  practiced  medicine  Bedford,  Pa., 
'38-44;  farmer  '44-45;  married  Jan.  7,  '45,  Anna,  daughter  of  Rev.  James 
Thompson  ;  died  May  28,  '45,  apoplexy.     Physician. 

*BuRWELL,  Nathaniel.  Born  Frederick  Co.,  Va.;  died  1836,  accidental  gun- 

♦Chambers,  Joseph  H.— Born  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  3,  1809  ;  W.  T. 
S.,  '35-38  ;  licensed  April,  '38,  Presbytery  of  Redstone ;  ordained  '39, 
Presbytery  of  Steubenville ;  pastor  Second  Church,  Steuben ville,  ().,  '39-44, 
Cross  Roads '39-.")(» ;  pastor-elect  Wooster,  C,  '50;  married  '38,  Mary, 
daughter  of  Rev.  John  Jones ;  died  Wooster,  O.,  Sept.  13,  '50.  Presby- 
terian minister. 




^Cooper,  Jonathan  Kbarsley. — Son  of  John  and  Jane  (Kearsley) ;  bom 
Cumberland  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  14,  1814;  teacher  '37-38;  law  student,  Law 
School,  Carlisle,  Pa.,  '38-39;  practiced  law  Peoria,  lU.,  '40-84;  mar- 
ried  Nov.  6,  '45,  Sophia,  daughter  of  Peiaiiah  Rogers ;  died  Nov.  22,  '84. 

•Criswell,  Eloah. — Bom  Mifflin  Co.,  Pa.;  teacher  in  the  South  ;  died  proba- 
bly 1851. 

Donaldson,  Alexander.— Son  of  James  and  Janet  (Wilson) ;  born  West- 
moreland Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  30,  1808;  tutor  Jefferson  College;  theology  pri- 
vately, two  years;  W.  T.  S.,  one  year;  licensed  April  4,  '38,  Presbytery  of 
Blairsville;  ordained  June  20,  '39,  same  presbytery;  stated  supply  and 
pastor  Elder's  Ridge,  Pa.,  '38 — ;  principal  of  Elder's  Ridge  Academy; 
married  June  30,  '39,  Mary  L.,  daughter  of  Henry  Bracken,  also  Sarah 
N.,  daughter  of  George  Craighead  ;  published  "  Class  History  Jefferson  Col- 
lege'65,"  **  Sketches  of  Churches  in  Saltsburg  Presbytery,"  also  *' Blairs- 
ville Presbytery,"  "  History  of  the  Donaldson  Family  ;  "  D.  D.,  Jefferson 
College,  '56.    Presbyterian  minister,  Elder's  Ridge,  Pa. 

•Done,  John  H.-Son  of  William  and  Charlotte  (Haynie);  born  Princess 
Anne,  Md.,  March  29,  1818 ;  civil  engineer  Baltimore  and  Ohio  Railroad 
till  '39;  law  student;  practiced  law  Somerset,  Pa.,  '39-52|?);  Slate  Senator 
'46  ;  Baltimore  and  Ohio  Railroad,  '52  ;  Superintendent  Illinois  Central  Rail- 
road '55 ;  married  Sept.  27,  '42,  Rachel  A.,  daughter  of  Hon.  J.  L.  Kerr; 
died  Chicago,  111.,  July  23,  '56,  railroad  accident.  Lawyer  and  civil 

*EvANs,  George  H. — Born  in  McKeesport,  Pa.,  Dec.  3,  1818;  medical  student 
'35-36  ;  law  student '37-39  ;  infirm  '39-44 ;  died  McKeesport,  Pa.,  Sept.  13, 
'44,  softening  of  the  brain. 

*Gailey,  Rich ard.— Born  Letterkenney,  Ireland,  Oct.  31,  1806;  Associate 
Reformed  Presbytery,  Allegheny,  Pa.,  '35-38  ;  licensed  April  11,  '38,  Asso- 
ciate Reformed  Presbytery  of  Monongahela ;  ordained  April  30,  '39,  same 
presbytery  ;  pastor  Sewickley  and  Mt.  Pleasant,  Pa.,  '39-49,  Monroe,  O.;  and 
teacher  at  Lexington  many  years ;  married  June  17,  38,  Catherine  Thorn- 
ton ;  died  Lexington,  O.,  April  2,  '75.  Associate  Reformed  Presbyterian 

*Galbraith,  William  Morrison.-— Son  of  John  and  Hannah  (Mort-ison); 
bora  Harford  Co.,  Md.,  Aug.  11,  1813  ;  P.  T.  S.  '35-38;  licensed  Septem- 
ber, '38,  Presbytery  of  New  Castle ;  ordained  June,  '39,  Presbytery  of 
Marion;  pastor  Milford  Center,  O.,  '39-47  ;  teacher  West  Liberty  '47-48  ; 
pastor  West  Middleburg  '48-52,  Logansville  (DeGraff)  '■)0-64;  stated  sup- 
ply Covington,  Wapakoneta  and  Turtle  Creek;  principal  Mt.  Pleasant 
'67-<i9 ;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Amanda  '67-70;  stated  supply  Barlow 
and  Watertown,  Beach  Grove,  Olive,  Caldwell ;  teacher  Hamden  and 
Wilkesville  ;  married  Feb.  2,  '42,  Mre.  Rebecca  Jane,  daughter  of  Francis 
Downing,  also  Dec.  14,  '69,  Anna  M.,  daughter  of  Samuel  Gares.  Pres- 
byterian minister,  Greenfield,  O. 

76  GENERAL   ('ATAL<M;rE   OF 

*GuACEY,  Robert. — Born  near  Newville,  Pa.,  Oct.  Id,  ISll;  Aseociaie 
Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '32-JiO  ;  licensed  April  27,  '30,  Presbytery 
of  Monongabela ;  ordained  Aug.  3,  '37,  Presbytery  of  Big  Spring;  paster 
Chanibersburg  '37-o2,  Concord,  Pa.,  '37-43,  Gettysburg  '44-49,  Fourih 
Associate  Reformed  Church,  Pittsburg,  '52-67  ;  agent  Allegheny  Semintrr, 
'07-71;  married  Jane  Clark;  died  PilUburg,  Pa.,  July  10,  '71;  DD. 
Associate  Reformed  minister. 

•Grier,  James. — Son  of  Nathan  and  Jane  (Arnold);  born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa., 
Jan.  1,  1813;  Associate  Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '3r>-n3y-  liceiwed 
April  14,  *38,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela ;  ordained  Aug.  29,  '39,  same 
presbytery;  pastor  Robinson's  Run  '39-78;  infirm;  published  "Temper- 
ance," **  Infant  Salvation,"  "  Dancing"  ;  married  '44,  Mary  A.,  daughter  of 
Rev.  Mungo  Dick;  died  Allegheny,  Pa.,  Nov.  11,  'SO,  general  debility; 
D.D.,  Jefferson  College.     Associate  Reformed  Presbyterian  minister. 

•Gkier,  Robert  Calvin.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Isaac ;  born  Mecklenburg  Co., 
N.  C,  March  2,  1817;  teacher;  theology  with  his  father  and  Due  West 
Theological  Seminary;  licensed  April,  '39,  First  Presbytery  (Associate 
Reformed  Church  South);  ordained  June,  '41,  same  presbytery;  pastor 
Bethany  and  Pisgah,  S.  C,  '41-17  ;  President  Erskine  College  '47-71 ; 
theological  professor  '59-71 ;  married  Aug.  18,  '40,  Barbara  Brown  Moflfatt; 
died  Due  West,  S.  C,  March  30,  '71  ;  D.D.,  W.  C,  Ky.  Associate 
Reformed  minister. 

•Handy,  Isaac  William  Ker.— Born  Washington,  D.  C,  Dec.  14,  isio; 
P.  T.  S.  '34-35  ;  licensed  '35  ;  ordainetl  Nov.  22,  '38,  Presbytery  of  Lewes ; 
pastor  Buckingham,  Black  water  and  Laurel,  Del.,  '38-44;  missionary  War- 
saw, Mo.,  '44-47;  stated  supply  Drawyers  and  Port  Penn,  Del.,  '48-51; 
pastor  Drawyers  and  Forest  Church,  Middletown,  '51-63  ;  missionary  East 
Shore  of  Maryland  '53-55 ;  pastor  Portsmouth,  Va.,  '57-05,  Orange  and 
Gordonsville '05-70,  Augusta  '70-7S;  married  Mary  G.  R.  Purnell,  also 
Sallie  Selby  Martin,  also  Rebecca  H.  Delworth ;  died  Philadelphia,  June 
14,  '78  ;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Happer,  Andrew  P. — Son  of  Baptist  and  Ann  (Arrell);  born  near  Mononga- 
hela City,  Pa.,  Oct.  20,  1818;  teacher '35-40;  W.  T.  S.  '40-43;  medical 
student  Pennsylvania  College  '42-44 ;  licensed  November,  '43,  Presbytery 
of  Ohio ;  ordained  April  23,  '44,  same  presbytery  ;  foreign  missionary  to 
Canton,  China,  '44-;  published  many  translations  and  original  papers  in 
Chinese;  married  Nov.  11,  '47,  Klizabeth  S.,  daughter  of  Rev.  Samuel 
Ball,  also  Oct.  0,  '09,  A.  L.  Elliott,  also  March  18,  '75,  Hannah  J., 
daughter  of  John  Shaw;  M.D.,  '44,  University  of  Pennsylvania;  D.D., 
*65,  Jefferson  College.     Presbyterian  minister,  Canton,  China. 

Hawthorn,  James  C.  -Medical  student ;  practiced  medicine. 

*HoLMES,  Robert  S. — Born  Pittsburg,  Pa.;  meilical  student;  traveled  in 
Europe;  surgeon  United  States  Army,  resigned  '50;  practiced  medicine 
St.  Louis,  Mo.,  '50-55 ;  medical  professor ;  married ;  died  St.  Louis,  Mo., 
'55.     Physician. 



jASCiisoN.  Jesse  M. — Son  of  John  and  Martha  (Mitchell);  born  near  Newville, 
Pa.,  June  27,  1809 ;  theological  student  with  Dr.  Campbell ;  ordained 
December,  *37,  Presbytery  of  Lodiana ;  foreign  missionary  to  India  '37-o7  ; 
professor  in  Marengo  Institute  '57  ;  Carroll  College,  Wis.;  pastor  Millers- 
burg  and  Edgington,  111.,  '00-63 ;  evangelist  Monmouth  '63 — ;  married 
Sept.  8,  *35,  Rebecca  Townsend,  also  '46,  Eliza  McCleary,  also  Aug.  26, 
'58,  Mrs.  Hannah  Manchester;  A.M.;  D.D.,  Jefferson  College,  '59.  Pres- 
byterian minister,  Monmouth,  111. 

•Johnston,  Mortimer  D. — Son  of  William  S.  and  Mary  (Hall);  born  Kowan 
Co.,  N.  C,  Sept.  1,  1805 ;  teacher  and  professor ;  tutor  Davidson  College 
'37-40;  Professor  of  Mathematics  '40-51;  teacher  in  Charlotte,  N.  C, 
'54-?,  Clerk  Supreme  Court,  Mecklenburg  Co.,  N.  ('.;  ruling  elder;  mar- 
ried July  21,  '42,  Mrs.  Margaret  Anabella  Dunlap ;  died  Charlotte,  N.  C, 
June  24,  '66,  scrofula  of  bowels.     Teacher. 

*JoHN.soN,  George. — Son  of  Richard  and  Jane  (Bradford);  born  Washing^n 
Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  7,  1815;  law  student;  practiced  law  Portsmouth,  O., '38-75; 
banker ;  Member  Legislature,  Ohio ;  married  Aug.  25,  '47,  Mary  R.  Tracy; 
died  Portsmouth,  O.,  April  14,  '75,  apoplexy.     Lawyer  and  banker. 

•Knott,  James  W. — Son  of  J.  Wilsonand  Rebecca  (Wallace) ;  born  Westmoreland 
Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  7,  1812 ;  W.  T.  S.  '35-37 ;  P.  T.  S.  '38 ;  licensed  April,  '39, 
Presbytery  of  New  Brunswick  ;  ordained  Nov.  11,  '40,  Presbytery  of  Rich- 
land;  pastor  Pleasant  Hill,  O.,  '41-42,  Hayesville  '42-43,  Jennervilie 
'43-46,  Keene  and  Jefferson  '46-48,  Eden  '57-61,  Shelby  '61-64 ;  married 
Julia  Kerr;  died  Shelby,  O.,  Se{)t.  3,  '64.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*LArRiE,  Shepherd. — Son  of  Rev.  James  Laurie,  D.D.;  bom  Washington, 
D.  C,  about  1817;  medical  student;  practiced  medicine  in  Texas;  died 
'40.     Physician. 

Lawrence,  William. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Rachel  (Davis);  born  Washington 
Co.,  O.,  Sept.  2,  1814;  merchant  Washington,  O.,  '36-79;  retired  '79—; 
Ohio  Legislature  frequently  from  '42-70 ;  Presidential  Elector  '4.S  ;  Consti- 
tutional Convention  '50-51 ;  Member  of  Congress  '58-61 ;  married  Aug.  3, 
'47,  Margaret  Esther,  daughter  of  Samuel  Ramsay.  Merchant,  Washing- 
ton, O. 

•LiyDSEY,"  William  S.— Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Smith);  born  West  Mid- 
dletown,  Pa.,  1816;  theological  student  '34-35;  died  near  Hickory,  Pa., 
'35  or  '36,  consumption.     Theological  student. 

McCuNE,  Samuel  C. — Son  of  William  and  Eleanor  (Culbertson);  born  Cum- 
berland Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  18,  1814;  teacher  Seminary,  South  Hanover,  Ind., 
*36-Ji8  ;  licensed  June,  '38,  Presbytery  of  Madison  ;  ordaineti  October,  '40; 
pastor  Canton,  111.,  '40-50,  Fairfield,  Iowa,  '51-6(;,  McVeytown,  Pa., 
'66-69,  Oskaloosa,  Iowa,  '69-72,  Canton  '73;  missionary  '73-;  married 
July  31, '88,  Letitia,  daughter  of  Rev.  D.  1).  Clark  ;  D.D.  Presbyterian 
minister,  Oskaloosa,  Iowa. 




•McGiNNis,  James  Y.  — Son  of  George ;  born  SMppensburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  8, 

1815;  teacher  Seminary,  South  Hanover,  Ind.;  licensed  June  27,  '40,  Prefr 
bylery  of  Madison;  ordained  Sept.  14,  '41,  Presbytery  of  Peoria;  pastor 
Lewistown,  III.,  '41-43,  Shade  Gap  '43-51 ;  principal  "Milnwood  Academy; 
married  Oct.  27,  '40,  Elizabeth  Crisswell;  died  Shade  Gap,  Pa.,  f^ug.  81, 
'51.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Murray,  John  W.— Horn  Beaver  Co.,  Pa.,  Jal.  '^9,  1801 ;  law  student  '29; 
W.  T.  S.  '35-38 ;  licensed  Oct.  7,  '40,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny ;  ordained 
October,  '41,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Sharpsburg,  Pa.,  '41-()2;  married 
October,  '40,  E.  J.  Stewart;  died  Salem,  O.,  Sept.  16,  '62,  cholera.  Pres- 
byterian minister. 

Nelson,  Clelland  Kinlock. — Son  of  Hon.  Hugh  and  Eliza  (Kinlock);  bom 
AlbermarleCo.,  Va.,  Nov.  14,  1814  ;  tutor  Jefferson  College  '35-36;  Epis- 
copal Theological  Seminary,  Alexandria,  Va.,  '36-39  ;  ordained  deacon '39; 
President  '40  ;  rector  in  Nelson  Co  ,  Va.;  missionary  ;  principal  St.  John's 
College  '37-62;  rector  Davidsonville,  Va.;  All  Haddon  Parish,  Md.J 
principal  St.  John's  College  '67  ;  President  Brook ville  Academy  ;  married 
*40,  Mary  A.,  daughter  of  John  ^larbury,  also  '54,  Mary  Margaret,  daugh- 
ter of  Peter  Hagner;  D.D.  Protestant  Episcopal  minister ;  residence 
Brookville,  Montgomery  Co.,  Md. 

*NouRSE,  Charles  Howard. — Son  of  Col.  Michael  and  Mary  (Rittenhous^; 
born  Washington,  D.  C,  Dec.  1, 1816;  law  student  of  William  Wirt;  teacher; 
founded'  and  superintended  Rittenhouse  Academy,  Washington,  D.  C; 
licensed  Presbytery  of  District  of  Columbia,  '43 ;  missionary  Maryland  and 
Virginia;  after '65  stated  supply  North  Church,  Washington,  D.  C,  and 
teacher  Georgetown,  D.  C;  married  ;  died  July  12,  '76.  Presbyterian 

*Peale,  Emjah. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  iMcClintock);  born  Franklin  Co., 
Pa.,  July  12,  1810;  teacher;  tutor  for  Dr.  Chase,  Natchez,  Miss.;  business 
in  New  Orleans,  '46  ;  elder  Presbyterian  Church  ;  during  war  came  North ; 
New  Orleans ;  married  -Mary  N.,  sister  of  Rev.  I.  Henderson;  died  '73, 

♦Peebles,  James. — Born  Shippensburg,  Pa.(?);  medical  student,  Ashland,  0.; 
died  1836,  accident. 

*Ramsey,  Charles. — From  Juniata  Co.,  Pa.;  teacher  in  Mississippi ;  ectiera 

♦Reynolds,  Hugh  William. — Son  of  William  and  Elizabeth  (Maclay);  born 
Franklin  Co.,  Pa.,  April  19,  1814;  teacher  Vicksburg,  Miss.;  law  student, 
Carlisle  Law  School,  '38-40;  practiced  law  Chambersburg  '40-53,  Peoria, 
III.,  '53-65;  married  June  6,  '43,  Margaret,  daughter  of  T.  G.  McCulloh; 
elder  in  church;   died  Peoria,  111.,  Oct.  12,   '78,  typhoid  fever.     Lawyer. 

*RiLEY,  W^.  H. — Worcester,  Md  ;  medical  student;  practiced  medicine  near 
Worcester;  died ?. 



*Ryors,  Aj^red. — Born  Long  Island,  N.  Y.,  1812  ;  tutor  Lafajette  College 
'35-30  ;  Professor  Mathematics,  Ohio  University,  '36-44;  theology  privately; 
licensed  '38,  Second  Presbytery  Philadelphia;  Professor  Mathematics, 
Indiana  University,  *44-48 ;  President  Ohio  University,  '48-53 ;  Professor 
Mathematics,  Center  College,  Kentucky,  '54-58 ;  ordained.  Presbytery  of 

;  stated  supply  Madison,  O.,  '48-54,  New  Providence,  Ky.,  '54-58 ; 

married  Louisa,  daughter  of  Judge  Walker;  died  Danville,  Ky.,  May  S, 
*oSf  erysipelas.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Streit,  Laurence.— Son  of  Laurence  and  Margaret;  born  Waahington  Co., 
Pa.,  — ,  1810;  theology  with  Rev.  Dr.  West;  licensed  June  28,  '38,  Pres- 
bytery  of  Erie;  ordained  June  '39,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Wattsburg, 
Pa.,  '39  -?,  Fairfield,  Sunville  ;  married  Sarah,  daughter  of  Ithiel  Dodd ; 
died  Sunville,   Aug.  5,  '58,   typhoid  pneumonia.      Presbyterian  minister. 

•Strother,  David  Hunter. — Son  of  Col.  John  and  Nancy  (Hunter);  bom 
Martinsburg,  Va.,  Sept.  16,  1810  ;  art  student  at  Rome,  '42-44;  New  York, 
'45-4i> ;  artist  and  writer;  United  States  Aitny,  '61-64; .  captain ; 
Assistant  Adjutant-General ;  colonel  3d  West  Virginia  Cavalry  ;  Brigadier- 
General ;  Consul  te  Mexico,  '77-85;  published  **  Virginia  Illustrated,*' 
**  Work  in  Mexico;"  married  Miss  Wolfe,  also  Mary  E.  Hunter;  died 
Charlestc^wn,  W.  Va.,  March  6,  '88,  pneumonia;  nom-de-plume,  "Porte 
Crayon."     Artist  and  author. 

SwARTZ,  D.  W.— From  Philadelphia  ;  P.  T.  S.  1836-37  ;  licensed  '37(?),  Pres- 
bytery of  Philadelphia  :  license  recalled.     Lecturer. 

•Templetok.  Joseph.— Born  Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  1805;  W.  T.  S.  '3.V-37; 
licensed  '39,  Presbytery  of  Hopewell ;  ordained  '40,  same  presbytery ; 
missionary  Georgia,  Kentucky  and  St.  Louis,  '41-50  ;  editor  '50-52  ;  mar- 
ried Miss  Sharpe,  daughter  of  F.  Sharpe,  Esq.;  died  Hopkinsville,  Ky., 
Oct.  14,  '75.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Walker,  Robert  Bramnan. — Son  of  Robert  and  Barbara  (Brannan);  born 
Beaver  (now  Laurence)  Cq.,  Pa.,  May  26,  1808 ;  W.  T.  S.  '35-38 ;  licensed 
Jan.  26, '38,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny  ;  stated  supply  Plain  Grove,  Mill  Creek 
and  Bethesda;  ordained  April  3,  '39,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Plain  Grove, 
Pa.,  '38-72;  stated  supply  Portersville '72-83 ;  honorably  retired  '83-86; 
married  Nov.  29,  *38,  Jane,  daughter  of  Col.  Samuel  Scott ;  died  Whiles- 
town,  Pa.,  March  11,  'Siy;  D.D.,  '64,  Washington  College.  Presbyterian 

•Walker,  James.  -Son  of  Moses  and  Jane  (McGill);  born  Canonsburg,  Pa., 
May,  1817 ;  Associate  Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny  ;  licensed  '37,  First 
Associate  Reformed  Presbytery ;  missionary  Georgia,  the  Carolinas  and 
Tennessee;  pastor-elect  Chestervi lie,  S.  C;  died  Chesterville,  S.  C,  Sept. 
18,  '41,  hemorrhage.     Associate  Reformed  Presbyterian  minister. 

*Yarxall,  Zachariah.— Born  Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  law  student ;  practiced  law 
Wheeling,  W.  Va.(?);  died61(?). 



*Beer,  Thomas  B. — Son  of  Robert  and  Mary ;  born  Sewickley,  Pa.,  No?.  19, 
1816;  W.  T.  S.  '36-38;  died  Pitteburg,  Pa.,  March  30,  '38,  smallpox. 
Theological  student. 

♦BowEN,  Henry  FBANKLiN.—Born  Worcester  Co.,  Md.,  Feb.  17, 1813;  P.T.S. 
'36-39  ;  licensed  Feb.  3,  '41,  Presbytery  of  New  Brunswick;  stated  supply 
Urbana,  and  Monticello,  N.  Y.,  '50;  Medical  Department,  Louisville,  Ky.: 
graduated  '55 ;  license  given  up,  loss  of  voice ;  physician  Mississippi  and 
Louisiana  '55-61 ;  surgeon  United  States  Army  Hospital,  York,  Pa., 
'62-65;  practiced  medicine  Crisiield,  Md.,  '65—?;  unmarried;  died  Cris- 
field,  Md. 

•Boyd,  Philip  Doddrdige. — Born  Worcester  Co.,  Md.,  April  13,  1817; 
teacher  '36-38;  P.  T.  S.  '38-39;  teacher  '39—?;  postmaster  Baltimore, 
Md.;  married  Dec.  22,  '42,  Miss  Bosley  ;  died  July  19,  '81,  Baltimore^ 

•Cameron,  James— Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Sims);  born  Pittsburg,  June  1, 
1813;  W.  T.  S.  '36-Ji8;  licensed  '40,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  '42, 
Presbytery  of  Steubenville ;  pastor  Kidge  and  Centre  Unity  '4*2-44; 
teacher;  stated  supplv  St.  Mary,  Salem  and  Celina,  O.;  pastor  Fall  Creek, 
III.,  Camp  Creek,  Brunswick;  married  '40,  Isabella  Ritchie;  died  Bruns- 
wick, 111.,  May  1,  '66,  paralysis.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Carson,  Irwin.— Born  Ohio  Co.,  W.  Va.,  Aug.  6,  1809  ;  licensed  Aug.  31, 
'39,  Presbytery  of  Washington ;  ordained  '43(?),  same  presbytery ;  stated 
supply  Moundsville,  W.  Va.;  pastor  Chillicothe,  O.,  '48-55  ;  Oskaloosa, 
Iowa,  '56-59;  McArthur,  0.,  '59-63;  missionary  '63-75;  married  £.  M. 
Carlisle  ;  died  Chillicothe,  O.,  May  31,  '75.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*CoNDiT,  Philip.— Born  Mercer  Co.,  Pa.,  May  1,  1801 ;  licensed  '39;  preached 
in  Hancock  and  Wood  Counties,  O.,  '39-54,  Oregon  Territory  '54-56 ;  died 
Oregon,  Nov.  24,  '56.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Cooper,  Samuel  Milroy. — ^on  of  Robert  and  Elizabeth;  born  Mifflin  Co., 
Pa.,  March  14,  1813;  W.  T.  S.  '39-40;  licensed  April  16,  '40,  Presbytery 
of  Huntingdon;  ordained  Oct.  18,  '40,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Lick  Run, 
Pa.,  '40-52 ;  teacher  '52-53 ;  stated  supply  Clearfield,  Pa.,  '53-56,  Little 
Valley  '56-60;  married  Nancy  Forsythe ;  died  Walker,  Pa.,  July  16,  '^W, 
consumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Doty,  Edmund  Southard. — Son  of  Dr.  Ezra  and  Rebecca  (North);  born 
Mifflintown,  Pa.,  Aug.  22,  1815;  law  student  Mifflintown,  Pa.,  "M-o\^', 
practiced  law  Mifflintown,  Pa.,  etc.,  39 — ;  ruling  elder  in  Presbyterian 
Church  forty  years;  married  Sept.  26,  '43,  Catharine  Nelson,  daughter  of 
Hugh  Nelson ;  died  Mifflintown,  Pa.,  Dec.  24,  '84,  cystitis  chronic. 



TY,  James  Cloyd.  -  Son  of  Dr.  Esra  and  Rebecca  (North);  bom  Mifflin- 
town,  Pa.,  Dec.  15,  1817;  medical  student,  Jefferson  Medical  College, 
'37-38;  died  Mifflintown,  Pa  ,  March  14,  ^38,  typhoid  fever.  Medical  stu- 

WLER,  Joseph  W.— Son  of  Capt.  Richard  and  Elisabeth  (Waller);  bom 
Sept.  23,  1816;  law  student;  practiced  law  Baton  Roii^e,  La.;  Clerk  of 
District  Court ;  inahried  Dec.  6,  '41,  Sarah  A.  Sham  ;'died  Baton  Kouge, 
La.,  May  15,  '49,  Asiatic  cholera.     Lawyer. 

ANKLiN,  John  Rankin. — Son  of  Henry  and  Sarah  A.  (Rankin);  bora  Ber* 
lin,  Md.,  May  6,  1820;  teacher;  law  student  40-41;  practiced  law  Snow 
Hill.  Md.,  '41-67 ;  Member  of  Legislature,  Maryland,  '43-49j  Speaker  of 
the  House;  Member  of  Congress  *oS ;  Judg^  of  the  First  Judicial  Circuit, 
Maryland,  '67-78 ;  married  Anna  Z.,  daughter  of  John  P.  Duffield,  also 
Dec.  9,  '68,  Kate,  daughter  of  George  Martin  ;  died  Snow  Hill,  Md.,  Jan. 
11,  '78,  congestion  of  brain.     Lawyer. 

$8,  William.— Son  of  Benjamin  and  Jane;  bom  near  Canonsburg,  Pa., 
April  1"),  1810;  teacher,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '36-44,  Green  Co.,  Ala.,  '44-47^ 
died  Clinton,  Ala.,  '47,  heart  disease.     Teacher. 

JBS,  George  M. — Born  Brown  Marsh,  Bladen  Co.,  N.  C,  Dec,  13,  1807; 
U.  T.  S.,  Virginia,  '38-39;  tea  her  '39-42;  licensed  '42,  Presbytery  of 
Fayetteville ;  ordained  evangelist  '43,  Presbytery  of  Concord;  missionary 
Barke  and  Yancey  Counties,  N.  C,  '42-43 ;  stated  supply  DnisiUa,  Marion 
an<l  Siloam  '44-52;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Black  River  Chapel  54-o9 ; 
evangelist  Fayetteville  Presbytery  '60-61  ;  stated  supply  Clinton,  Oak 
Plains,  etc.,  '62-67,  Mockville  and  Tabor,  '67-72.  Gibbs  Mission,  '73-77; 
pastor  Mcpherson  and  stated  supply  Cypress  and  China  Grove  78 — ;  died 
Feb.  3,  *85,  Morgantown,  N.  C.     Presbyterian  minister. 

AJLKD,  James  Ruet.— Born  Franklin  Co.,  Pa  ,  April  3,  1810;  tutor  Jef- 
ferson College,  '36-37;  teacher  Smithburg,  S.  C. ;  C.  T.  S.;  licensed  '3'.», 
Presbytery  of  Harmony ;  ordained  '41 ;  pastor  Lancaster  and  Warsaw,  S.  C, 
'41-?,  Indiantown  '61-67;  teacher  Mt.  Holly,  Ark.,  '67-69;  missionary 
and  teacher  Arkansas,  Missouri  and  Mississippi  '69-77  ;  Indiantown,  S.  C, 
'77 ;  married  Rebecca  B  Hutchinson,  also  Mary  C  ,  daughter  of  Dr.  W.  S. 
Gibbs;  died  Indiantown,  S.  C,  Dec.  16,  '77.     Presbyterian  minister. 

KY,  Gbohge  B. — Born  Worcester  Co.,  Md.;  medical  student ;  County  Sur- 
veyor; Registrar  of  Wills  six  years  ;  died  '63. 

ier,  Thomas.— Born  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  1812;  P.  T.  S.  '36-39;  licensed 
Oct.  I^f  *39,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia;  missionary  Washington  Co.,  Pa., 
'39-40;  paator  elect  Sidney,  O.,  '40-41;  died  Sydney,  O.,  May  18,  '41. 
Presbyterian  licentiate. 

iiiLTON,  Hugh. — Son  of  John  and  Francesca  B.  (Edminston);  born  Juniata 
Co.,  Oct.  6,  1816;  farmer  '36--;  married  Sept.  10,  '40,  Sarah  Gettys» 
daughter  of  John  McDowell.     Farmer  ;  residence  Thompsontown,  Pa. 


^Henderson,  Jonathan  Kcabslby. — Soaof  Dr.  John;  born  Huntin^oo  Co.^ 
Pa.y  1817;  law  stadent;  praotioed  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.;  died  Hantingdon, 
Pa.,  '50.     Lawyer. 

HuNTiNOTON,  BACKUS  WiLBUR.— Son  of  Leveret  I.  F.  and  Phoebe  M.;bom 
New  Brunswick,  N.  J.,  Nov.  3,  1818 ;  law  student;  practiced  law  Alabams, 
'39-53 ;  Judge  Circuit  Court,  Alabama,  '52-S3  ;  practiced  law  New  York  Citj 
'53 — ?;  married  Ann,  daughter  of  Daniel  M.  Riggs,  also  Aug.  18,  79, 
Helen    £.  Searej.     Lawyer ;  residence  44  Exchange  Place,  New  York  City. 

KEiUy  Henry. — Son  of  Jacob  and  Manr  (Bradley);  born  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
July  2,  1812 ;  medical  student  '38-40 ;  practiced  medicine  Manayoak, 
'41 — ?;  ruling  elder,  Presbyterian  Church,  Manayunk,  Pa.;  married  May, 
'47,  Mary  Hunter,  daughter  of  Benjamin  Allen.  Physician  ;  residence 
Manayunk,  Pa. 

*Knioht,  Henry  C. — Son  of  Jonathan  and  Ann  ;  bom  Washington  Co.,  Pa., 
Sept.  3,  1817 ;  law  student ;  Yale,  '36-37  ;  Detroit;  practiced  law  Pontiac, 
Mich.,  '39-48;  infirm ;  teacher,  '48-53 ;  practiced  law  Detroit,  Mich.,  '53-67; 
Proscuting  Attorney  ;  Alderman ;  Regent  of  University  ;  elder  of  church  ; 
aarried  April  21,  '41,  Frances  A.  Snow  ;  died  March  26,  '67.      lawyer. 

♦Livingston,  John.— Son  of  William;  born  Center  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  26,  1S06; 
health  failed  ;  principal  Bellefonte  Academy,  '48  ;  merchant ;  married  'SK, 
lizabeth  Johnston ;  died  Bellefonte^  Pa.,  March  28,  '49.     Student. 

*Marbury,  James  Somerville. — Son  of  John  and  Elisabeth;  born  George- 
town, D.  C,  1818;  theology  Episcopal  Seminary,  Virginia;  ordained  dea- 
con, '40,  priest '42;  rector  Bedford  Co.,  Va.;  Greensborough,  Ala.; 
married  Fanny  Sawyer;  died  '50,  consumption.  Protestant  Episcopal 

•Mason,  James. — Son  of  Roswell  and  Ann  (Potter);  born  Canton,  O.,  Sept.  5, 
1817  ;  law  student  '36-38,  with  A.  W.  Loomis  ;  practiced  law  New  Lisbon, 
().,  '38-0*2,  Cleveland  '52-85  ;  married  Oct.  25,  '54,  Caroline,  daughter  of 
William  Robinson ;  died  Cleveland,  O.,  Jan.  4,  '85,  softening  of  the  brain. 

McFee,  John  R, — Son  of  John  and  Lydia  (Read);  born  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
July  26,  1816;  law  student  with  John  M.  Clayton,  Dover,  Del.,  '38-41; 
practiced  law  Georgetown,  Del.,  '41 — ?;  Clerk  of  House  of  Representa- 
tives, Delaware,  '43  ;  member  and  Speaker  of  House  of  Representatives, 
Delaware,  '53;  Insurance  Commissioner,  Delaware,  '79-83;  married  May 
27,  '52,  Charlotte  S.,  daughter  of  Dr.  Wm.  W.  Wolfe.  Lawyer ;  residence 
Georgetown,  Del. 

McGinley,  David  B.— Son  of  .Rev.  Dr.  A.  A.  and  Ann  (BIythe);  bom  Faw- 
cettsburg,  Pa.,  May  2,  1813;  medical  student  '37-^^8;  never  practiced; 
unmarried ;  Government  service.  Custom  House,  Philadelphia. 



Lean,  David  Henry  Anderson. — Son  of  Rev.  Daniel  and  Marj  (Olover); 
born  Shenango,  Crawford  Co  ,  Pa.,  April  5,  1816;  Associate  Theological 
Semniary,  Canonsburg,  '36-40  ;  licensed  June  23,  '40,  Presbjterj  of  She- 
nango  (Associate  Presbyterian);  ordained  Sept.  2,  '41,  same  presbjterj; 
pastor  Greenville,  Pa.,  *41-52,  Mercer  *41-4.") ;  Westminster  College,  '45-49 ; 
principal  High  School,  Pittsburg,  '49-52  ;  pastor  Beaver  '52-o9  ;  supplying 
vacancies  *59 — ? ;  married  May  12,  '42,  Elizabeth,  daughter  ot  Andrew  Pat- 
terson; D.D.,  '53,  Westminster  College.  United  Presbyterian  minister;  resi- 
dence Rochester,  Pa. 

hi<enbero,  Frederick  Auoustus. — Son  of  Dr.  Frederick  A.  and  Eiixa 
(Schaum);  born  Lancaster,  Pa.,  Aug.  25,  1818;  P.  T.  S.  '36-37  ;  professor 
Franklin  College,  '39-o0 ;  ordained  June  6,  '54,  Lutheran  Ministerium  of 
Pennsylvania;  Professor  of  Ancient  Languages,  Pennsylvania  College, 
'50-67,  Muhlenberg  College,  Allentown,  Pa.,  '67-76  ;  Greek  Language  and 
Literature,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  '76—?;  published  many  papers,  etc.; 
married  \ug.  8,  '48,  Catherine  Anna,  daughter  of  Major  Peter  Muhlenberg,  ^ 
U  S.  A.;  D.  D.,  '67,  Pennsylvania  College.  Lutheran  minister;  residence 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

LM8ET,  William. — Bom  Washington,  Pa.,  1815  ;  law  student ;  practiced 
law  McConnellsburg,  O.;  married  '44,  Clara,  daughter  of  Judge  Tall ;  died 
October,  '44,  McConnellsburg,  O.,  typhoid  fever.     Lawyer. 

LNKiN,  John  C. — Son  of  John  and  Isabella  (Dundass);  born  Belle- 
fonte.  Ph.,  Aug.  26,  1816 ;  medical  student,  Jefferson  Medical  College, 
':iH-39 ;  practiced  medicine,  Huntingdon  Co.,  Pa.  ;  died  Saulsbury,  Hunt- 
ingdon Co  ,  Pa.,  '46,  pleurisy.     Physician. 

iKiN,  Jamces  Huston. — Son  of  John  and  Isabella  (Dundass);  born  Belle- 
fonte.  Pa.,  March  3,  1819;  teacher  '36—?;  last  term '79 ;  law  student; 
practiced  law  and  taught,  Vienna,  111.,  '43-44,  Bellefonte,  Pa.,  '44 — ?;  Dis- 
trict Attorney,  Center  Co.,  Pa.,  '50-79  ;  first  lieutenant.  Company  H,  oGth 
Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Volunteers;  married  Dec.  8,  '44,  Barbara  Anna, 
daughter  of  Robert  Furey.     Lawyer ;  residence  Bellefonte,  Pa. 

'88ELL,  Charles  Wells.— Born  Sistersville,  Va.,  1818  ;  law  student;  prac- 
ticed law,  Wheeling,  Va.,  '47-60  ;  Martinsburg,  Staunton ;  member  Coi:- 
federate  Congress;  practiced  law  Baltimore,  Md.,  *(>G-(>7 ;  pnblislie<l 
"Roebuck;"  married  Miss  Moore ;  died  Baltimore,  Md.,  November,  '67. 

GG8,  Cyrus  Carpenter.-  Son  of  Rev.  Cyrus  and  Mary  (Ross);  born  Mercer 
Co.,  Pa.,  April  13,  1810;  W.  T.  8. '36-39  ;  licensed  April  12,  '.;0.  Pres- 
bytery of 'Allegheny ;  ordained  April  15, '40,  Presbytery  of  Ka  kaskiu  ; 
pastor  Chester  and  Liberty,  Ind.,  '40-4''),  Annapolis,  0.,  '4')-")0,  Rii-hu^t:  i 
'4.V-52;  President  Richmond  College  '.)0-52 ;  Sewickh'v,  Pa.,  'VJ- 
Sharon  '61-63,  Clarksville  '()1-C8  ;  teacher  '68-72;  married  May  1.:.,  ' 
Mary  C,  daughter  of  Rev.  Natltauiel  Todd  ;  died  Beaver  Falls,  Au^.  .  , 
'83  ;  D.D.,  '62,  Jeflferson  College.     Presbyterian  minister. 


Shearer,  Frederick  Auoustus.— Son  of  Jacob  and  Lizsie  (Booart);  bom- 
Franklin  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  1,  1812;  W.  T.  S.  '36-37;  licenaed  April  11,  '39, 
Presbyterj  of  Carlisle ;  ordained  Jane  9, '40,  Presbytery  of  Richland  ;  pastor 
Savannah,  O.,  '40-13,  Second  Church,  Mansfield,  43-46,  Chesterville '46-54, 
Iowa  City,  Iowa,  '.>4-o9;  stated  supply  Palmyra,  Mo.,  '59-61,  Washing* 
ton,  O.,  '61-68,  Aledo,  III.,  '68-73,  West  Liberty,  Iowa,  '73-79;  Colfax 
'79-85;  published  sermons;  married  Martha,  daughter  of  Edward 
McVitty,  also  Mrs.  Clutter,  daughter  of  Joseph  Junkin ;  D.D.,  Jefferson 
College.     Presbyterian  minister  ;   residence  Dexter,  Iowa. 

♦Steel,  Francis  James.— Son  of  Francis;  born  Cecil  Co.,  Md.,  Oct.  10,  1816; 
medical  student,  Philadelphia;  practiced  medicine,  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
'42-^>l ;  married  June,  '43,  Miss  Wallace,  daughter  of  Robert  Wallace; 
died  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Sept.  11,  '54.     Physician. 

Stevenson,  John  McMillan. — Son  of  Rev.  Joseph  and  Sarah  (Marquis); 
born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  May  14,  1812;  L.  T.  S.  "M\-^il  \  Episcopal 
Theological  Seminary,  Gambler ;  principal  Preparatory  Department  Ken- 
yon  CoUfge  '37-40;  licensed  .^.pril  14,  '40,  Presbytery  of  Richland; 
ordained  April  14,  '42,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Troy,  O.,  '42-46 ;  princi- 

I  pal  Female  Seminary,  Athens,  '40-41  ;  Professor  of  Greek,  Ohio  University 
'41-42 ;  agent  American  Tract  Society  '4()-49 ;  pastor  Firat  Church,  New 
Albany,  Ind.,  '49-o7  ;  Corresponding  Secretary  American  Tract  Society 
'57—;  published  "Toils  and  Triumphs  of  Union  Missionary  Colportage " ; 
editor  Tract  Society  papers;  married  Oct.  10,  '37,  Cecilia  Hadassah, 
daughter  of  William  Gillespie  ;  D-D  ,  '54,  Hanover  College.  Presbyterian 

•Thomas,  Frederick  A.— Born  Chestnut  Hill,  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Sept.  12, 
1817;  law  student,  Vincennes,  Ind.;  practiced  law  Lawrenceville,  Ind., 
'40-52 ;    died    Lawrenceville,  Ind  ,    March   12,  'o2,   pneumonia.     Lawyer. 

♦Weed,  Archibald  Alexander.— Son  of  Rev.  Henry  R.  and  Phoebe  (Biggs); 
born  Jamaica,  Long  Island,  N.  Y.,  Decembei,  1817  ;  civil  engineer '37-38; 
died  July  5,  '38.     Student. 

•Williams,  Samuel  Ralston.— Son  of  Benjamin  and  Elisabeth  (Reed);  bom 
Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  8,  1813;  teacher,  St.  Mary's,  Ga.,  "34-43;  Pro- 
fessor Natural  Philosophy,  Jefferson  College,  '43-52;  teacher,  Sewickley, 
Pa., '52-54,  Louisville,  Ky.,  '54-59;  Sayre  Institute,  Lexington,  '59-69; 
elder  Presbyterian  Church  ;  married  May  31,  '38,  Marie  Louise,  daughter 
of  Dr.  I.  X.  Chapelle;  died  Lexington,  Ky.,  June  13,  '(59,  inflammation  of 
brain.     Teacher. 

Wise,  Uriah  W.— Born  Stark  Co.,  O.,  March  12,  1813;  edited  Washington 
Reporter  '3()-:U> ;  Treasury  Department,  Harrisburg,  '39-40;  law  student 
with  T.  M.  T.  McKennan  ;  teacher  Chatham  Academy,  Savanpah,  Ga., 
'46,  other  schools  in  Georgia  till  '4(i-55  ;  Professor  of  Ancient  Languages, 
Mercer  University,  Ga.,  '55-64;  Superintendent  Schools,  Nebraska,  *65  6t^ 
Kansas  City,  Mo.,  '82 — ;  married  Jan.  10,  '45,  Henrietta  M.  Post;  resi- 
dence Kansas  City,  Mo. 

*WooD8,  Samuel  A. — Born  near  Carlisle,  Pa.;  law  student  Carlisle,  Pa.;  died 
near  Carlisle,  Pa.,  '38(?).     Law  student. 




*Barnett,  William  Gibson  —Son  of  Samuel  and  Nancy  (Qibeon);  born 
Monongahela  City,  Pa.,  Feb.  17,  1K19 ;  medical  student  '41-43;  practiced 
medicine  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  *40-66 ;  Venice,  Pa.,  '66-<54,  Canonsburg, 
'(>4-85;  Legislature  of  PennsyWania,  75-76;  published  ''Medical  Ad- 
dress;" married  Sept.  24,  '45,  Mary  Cooper,  daughter  of  Major  John 
Morrison ;  died  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  May  10,  '85.      Ruling  elder,  physician. 

*BoGGs,  John  Marshall. — Born  near  Cross  Creek,  Pa.,  Oct.  20,  1818; 
Franklin  College  '40;  P.  T.  S.  '44-45;  Professor  of  Languages,  Towanda, 
Pa.;  ordained  April,  '45,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle;  pastor  Paxton  and  Derry, 
Pa.,  '45-48 (?),  Millei-sburg,  0.,  '48-56;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Independ- 
ence, Iowa,  '56-69;  Financial  Agent  Lenox  Institute  '71-72;  died  Inde- 
pendence, Iowa,  Sept.  1,  '72;  A.M.,  Jefferson  College,  '51.  Presbyterian 

Bracken,  Newton. — Son  of  Rev.  Reed  and  Mary  (Graham);  born  Butler 
(•o.,  Pa.,  Nov.  30,  1812;  W.  T.  S.  '87-40;  licensed  April,  '40,  Presbytery 
of  Allegheny;  ordained  '41,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Porlersville,  Pa., 
'41-63,  Rich  Hill  '41-60 ;  stated  supply  '71 ;  Glasco,  Kan.,  '72-«3(?);  hon- 
orably retired  '83 ;  married  '41,  Pamelia  Craig,  also  '60,  Jerusha  Craig. 
Presbyterian  minister,  Glasco,  Kan. 

*BucHANAX,  Joseph  S. — Son  of  James  and  Margaret  (Ross) ;  bom  near  Bar- 
geltstown.  Pa.,  Oct.  31,  1806;  Associate  Reformed  Theological  Seminary, 
Allegheny,  '36-39;  licensed  April  17,  '39,  Presbytery  of  MonongaheU; 
ordained  Nov.  24,  '40,  Presbytery  of  Steubenville ;  pastor  Middle  Wheel- 
ing, Va.,  '40-50,  West  Alexander  and  Short  Creek  '40-54;  infirm;  teacher 
'54r-56;  pastor  Clarence,  Iowa,  '66-72;  infirm,  Monmouth,  111.;  married 
Jan.  19,  '41,  Jane,  daughter  of  William  Waddle,  also  October,  '55,  Ellen, 
daughter  of  Thomas  Cleland  ;  died  Monmouth,  III.,  March  31',  '87.  Pres- 
byterian minister. 

Campbell,  James. — Son  of  John  and  Rachel  (Oliver);  born  Mifflin  Co.,  Pa., 
July  25,  1813;  law  student  '38-40;  practiced  law  Clarion,  Pa.,  '40-61  ; 
Presiding  Judge  Eighteenth  Judicial  District  of  Pennsylvania  '61-71 ; 
practiced  law  '71 — ;  married  May,  '47,  Nancy  I.,  daughter  of  Rev.  J.  K. 
Hallock.    Lawyer ;  residence  Clarion,  Pa. 

Campbell,  Alexander  Hamilton.— Son  of  William  and  Priscilla  (Porter); 
born  Perryopolis,  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  1817;  Professor  of  Mathematics,  Jef- 
ferson College ;  medical  student ;  practiced  medicine  '46-52  ;  civil  engineer 
Baltimore  and  Ohio  Railroad,  Ft.  Wayne,  '70,  Cincinnati  and  Dayton;  rul- 
ing elder  Presbyterian  Church,  Liberty,  Md.;  married  May,  '47,  Harriet 
L.  McCullough.     Physician  and  civil  engineer.  Liberty,  Ind. 

*DiCKS0N,  Cyrus. — Son  of  William  and  Christiana  (Moorhead);  born  Erie  Co., 
Pa.,  Dec.  20,  1816;  tlieology  privately;  licensed  '39,  Presbytery  of  Erie; 
ordained  June  24,  '40;  pastor  Franklin,  Pa.,  '40-48,  Sugar  Creek  *40 — , 
Second  Church,  Wheeling,  Va.,  '48-56,  Westminster  Church,  Baltimore, 


Md.,  '56-70;  Corresponding  Secretary  Board  of  Home  Miasions  '70-^ ^ 
repreBentatiye  Board  of  Home  Miflsions,  Edinburg,  Scotland,  '77  ;  married 
January,  '40,  Delia  £.,  daughter  of  Thomas  McConnell ;  died  Baltimore^ 
Md.,  Sept.  11,  '81 :  D.D.,  '58,  Washington  College.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Donaldson,  John.— Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  March  15,  1806 ;  W.  T.  S, 
'39-42;  licensed  June,  '42,  Presbytery  of  Columbus;  ordained  '42,  same 
presbytery ;  pastor  Washington,  O.,  '42-47 ;  stated  supply  Kentucky 
'47-52 ;  principal  Muhlenburg  Academy  '52-57 ;  principal  Paducah  Seno- 
inary ;  Cape  Girardeau,  .Mo.;  pastor  First  Church,  Ironton,  '59-65  ;  evangel- 
ist '65  ;  married  Sept.  15,  '42,  Sarah  Malvina  Miner ;  died  '87,  Ironton,  Mow 
Presbyterian  minister. 

»Eaton,  Wiluam.— Son  of  Isaac;  born  Franklin  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  22,  1812 j 
W.  T.  8.  '38-39 ;  licensed  April,  '40,  Presbytery  of  Redstone ;  ordained 
'41,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Round  Hill  and  McKeesport,  Pa.,  '41-44, 
Two  Ridges,  O.,  '45-53;  stated  supply  Elkhart,  Ind.,  '54-56,  Clarksburg, 
W.  Va.,  '56-58 ;  pastor  Carrollton,  O.,  '58-^4  ;  missionary  '64-70  ;  married 
'40,  Nancy  Bachelder,  also  Mrs.  Gladden ;  died  Pleasantville,  Pa.,  Aug. 
31,  '70.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*£ldridoe,  George  M. — Bom  Cold  Springs,  Cape  May  Co.,  N.  J.,  Dec.  6, 
1810  ;  teacher  and  law  student  Lowndes  Co..  Ala.,  '38  ;  practiced  law 
Haynesville,  Ala.,  '40-50,  DeSoto  Parish,  La.,  '50  ;  President  Police  Jury, 
and  Judge  Supreme  Court  of  Southern  District  of  Louisiana ;  Louisiana 
Legislature  '66-68;  British  Honduras  '68-70;  Vermillion  Parish,  La., 
'70-86 ;  Louisiana  Legislature  '84  ;  elder  Presbyterian  Church ;  married 
'42,  Emma  E.  Frierson ;  died  Abbeville,  La.,  April  27,  '86.     Lawyer. 

Hall,  John  Buchanan. — Son  of  Thomas  B.  and  Ann  B.  (Pottenger);  bora 
Hagerstown,  Md.,  1819;  law  student;  practiced  law  Hagerstown  '40-50, 
Ban  Francisco,  Cal.,  '50-51 «  Stockton  51  ?  ;  married  '53,  Anna,  daughter 
of  Dr.  W.  A.  Hanimill.     Lawyer,  Stockton,  Cal. 

Hill,  George. — Son  of  Hon.  John  and  Jane  (Moorhead);  born  Ligonier  Valley, 
Sept.  18,  1815 ;  W.  T.  S.  '37-40 ;  licensed  April  28,  '40,  Presbytery  of 
Blairsville ;  ordained  Dec.  14,  '41,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Salem,  Pa., 
'41-48,  Blairsville  '41 — ;  married  Sept.  21,  '41,  Harriet,  daughter  of  Rev. 
David  Lewis,  also  March  23,  'o4,  Abigail,  daughter  of  N.  P.  Hawes;  D.D., 
'69,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College.  Presbyterian  minister,  Blairs- 
ville, Pa. 

^Jackson,  Benjamin  Douglass. — Son  of  Dr.  William  and  Margaret  (Douglass); 
born  Vienna,  Md.,  Oct.  29,  1818 ;  law  student  with  Col.  Page ;  practiced 
law  Cambridge,  Md.,  '40-53,  Galena,  111.,  '53-54  ;  married  Jan.  26,  '47, 
daughter  of  Wm.  Patterson  ;  died  Galena,  III.,  Jan.  2,  '54,  by  accidental 
falling  of  his  horse.     Lawyer. 

*Kerr,  Thomas  Williams. — Son  of and  Ann  (Williams);  born  Venango,. 

Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  20,  18C4;  W.  T.  S.  '37-39 ;  licensed  '39,  Presbytery  of  Alle- 
gheny ;  ordained  '40,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Middlesex  and  Bull  Creeky. 
Pa.,  '40-47 ;  married  Eliza  Lowrie  Porter ;  died  Butler  Co.,  Oct,  29,  '47. 
Presbyterian  minister. 



ID,  Habrison  Pebrj. — Sod  of  Rev  Dr.  Francis  and  Mary  (Moore);  born 
Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.;  teacher  Kentucky,  '37-38 ;  law  student  with  Judge 
Shaler,  Pittsburg;  practiced  law  Greensbnrg,  Pa.,  '40 — ?;  Pennsylvania 
Legislature,  '48-o0  ;  Pennsylvania  Senate  '81-85  ;  President  Westmoreland 
Law  Association;  published  several  Review  articles;  MSS.  critical  analysis 
of  ''  The  Song  of  Songs,  which  is  Solomon's."     Lawyer,  Greensbnrg,  Pa. 

[jGHLnr,  David. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Williamson);  bom  Cumberland 
Co.,  Pa.,  Get  11,  1818 ;  teacher ;  taught  North  Carolina,  Mississippi,  Tus- 
carora  Academy,  Pennsylvania,  Airy  view  Academy,  Pennsylvania  ;  married 
March,  '63,  Mrs.  Sarah  Wilson  ;  died  Raleigh  Springs,  Tenn.,  Aug.  18,  '85. 

w,  Robert  Febouson. — Son  of  Rev.  Michael ;  bom  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa., 
1813 ;  teacher  Indiana,  Pa.,  '37-39,  Mississippi  '39-47  ;  minister  Cumberland 
Church;  died  Bichland,  Miis.,  March  2,  '47.  Cumberland  Presbyterian 

WIS,  Thomas  S.— Son  of  Joseph ;  bora  Canonsburg,  Pa.;  teacher  West  Vir- 
ginia ;  theological  student ;  died  '39.     Student  of  theology 

>,  John  Youvg. — Son  of  Dr.  John  and  Anna  S.  (Smith);  born  Hagerstown, 
Md.,  Feb.  6,  1819;  medical  student;  practiced  medicine  Mercersburg,  Pa., 
'40-47,  Philadelphia  '47-48;  practiced  and  mined,  CalaverasCo.jCal.,  '49-78; 
member  of  Assembly,  California,  '50;  Senator,  California,  '52;  Secretary 
of  Senate,  '53 ;  physician  United  States  Marine  Hospital,  San  Francisco, 
54  60(?);  Mansfield,  G.,  South  Carolina,  Philadelphia  '72;  unmarried. 
PhjTsician,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

VBiE,  Walter  Maoon.— Son  of  Hon.  Walter  and  Amelia  (McPherrin); 
bora  Butler,  Pa.,  Feb.  18,  1819 ;  P.  T.  S.  '37-40  ;  licensed  April,'41,  Second 
Presbytery  of  New  York ;  ordained  evangelist  Nov.  9,  '41,  same  presby- 
tery; foreign  missionary  China,  Singapore  and  Macao  '42-45,  Ningpo 
'45-47  ;  unmarried  ;  died  on  the  China  Sea,  Aug.  19,  '47,  killed  by  pirates. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

RTiN,  Absalom.  Son  of  Ebeneser  and  Hannah  (McLaughlin);  born  Mar- 
tin's Ferry,  O.,  Feb.  15,  1819;  law  student;  went  West ;  soldier,  11th  Illi- 
nois Volunteers,  '61-62  ;  married  July  27,  '48,  Delilah  D.  Dean ;  died  in 
hospital  of  wounds  received  at  Pittsburg  Landing,  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  May  21, 
'62.     Lawyer. 

MuRDY,  Robert. — Son  of  Jonathan  and  Elisabeth  D.  (Shute);  born  Phila- 
delphia, Pa.,  Nov.  2,  1819 ;  teacher  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Brazil,  '37-39  ;  prin- 
cipal of  several  academies  and  Presbyterian  Church  College,  Kentucky ; 
ordained  deacon  Protestant  Episcopal  Church,  '4S  ;  rector  Episcopal  Church, 
Alexandria,  Va.,  till  '65 ;  editor,  New  York,  '65—?;  married  Marcella  E. 
Russell  ;  D.D.,  Jefferson  College,  LL.D.  Protestant  Episcopal  minister^ 
Washington,  D.  C. 


N0UR8E,  Joseph  E.— Son  of  Col.  Michael  and  Mary  (RittenhouM);  bornWuhiog- 
ton,  D.  C,  April  17,  1819;  teacher,  principal  academy,  '40-49 j  Profearor 
Etiiicsand  English,  Naval  Academy,  Annapolis,  '50-65;  Naval  Observatory, 

'65-81 ;  licensed  ;  ordained  Presbytery  of  Baltimore ;  stated  flopply 

CUfton,  Va.,  Lewisville,  Vienna  and  Falls  Co.,  Va.,  CUfton,  '86— ?;pub. 
lished  <*  Narrative  of  the  Polaris,"  **  Narrative  of  Hall's  Second  Expedi- 
tion," "American  Exploration  in  the  Ice  Zones,"  ''Maritime  Canal  of 
Suez;"  married  Dec.  21,  '41,  Sarah,  daughter  of  Thomas  C.  Wnghu 
Presbyterian  minister,  Washington,  D.  C. 

*OwKN,  Griffith.— Son  of  David  and  Jane ;  bom  Carmarifaen,  Wales,  Mmrcfa 
1,  1810;  P.  T.  S.  '37-39;  licensed  '39,  Presbytery  of  BalUmore ;  ordained 
April  22,  '40,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia;  pastor  Cohocksenk,  Pa.,  '40-44, 
Uniontown  '45-47,  South  Church,  Philadelphia,  '51-56,  Third  Church, 
Baltimore,  Md.,  '55-60;  Missionary  Secretary  Maryland  Sunday-school 
Union,  '60-71;  published  "Counsels  to  Domestics,"  ''Materials  for 
Thought,"  "Pictures  from  life;"  died  Baltimore,  Md.,  Jan.  14, '71 
Presbyterian  minister. 

•Patrick,  John.- -Son  of  Charles  and  Isabella;  born  of  Irish  parentage, 
Union  Co.,  S.  C,  February,  1804 ;  Associate  Theological  Seminary.  Canons- 
*  burg;  licensed  '41,  Associate  Presbytery  of  Carolinas  and  Virginia; 
ordained  same  body ;  missionary  many  years ;  married  Feb.  23.  '54,  Maiy 
E.,  daughter  of  John  Patrick ;  died  Russell ville,  Ark.,  April  18,  '75.  Asso- 
ciate Presbyterian  minister. 

*Pentzee,  Jacob.— Son  of  George ;  born  Bedford  Co.,  Pa.,  May  28,  1808  ;  W. 
T.  S.  '37-39 ;  licensed  Apri.  16,  '40,  Presbytery  of  Redstone ;  ordained  '42, 
Presbytery  of  Miami;  pastor  Bellbrook,  O.,  '42-4 0  ;  teacher '46-()0 ;  pastor 
Herman,  Iowa,  '60-63,  Wilton  '63-66;  without  chaise  '66-84:  mar- 
ried '39,  Emma,  daughter  of  John  Meek,  also  '47,  Martha,  daughter  of 
John  Coon;  died  Wilton,  Iowa,  May  12,  '84,  paralysis.  Presbyterian 

Pettigrew,  Samuel.— Son  of  John  and  Agnes  (Campbell);  bom  County 
Armagh,  Ireland,  April  5,  1813  ;  W.  T.  S.  '37-40  ;  P.  T.  S.  '40-41 ;  licensed 
April,  '39,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville ;  ordained  '41,  Presbytery  of  West- 
chester; pastor  Red  Mills,  N.  Y.,  '41-42,  Moline,  Mo.,  '42;  principal 
female  seminary;  high  school;  co-editor  St.  Louis  Presbyterian  ^49-^2: 
hospital  chaplain  Jefferson  Barracks,  St.  Louis,  '61-65 ;  medical  stu- 
dent St.  Louis  Medical  College  '68;  infirm;  practiced  medicine  St. 
Louis  '70-82 ;  stated  supply  Lebanon,  Ore.,  '82 ;  married  Feb.  14,  '')2, 
Kate  M.,  daughter  of  Edward  Flaherty.  Presbyterian  minister,  McMinn 
ville.  Ore. 

♦Pirn ELL,  George  Washington.— Son  of  Dr.  George  W.  and  Mary  (Pur- 
nell);  born  Worcester  Co.,  Md.,  1818;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Thos. 
Spence,  University  of  Virginia,  and  University  of  Pennsylvania  '42,  prsc- 
ticed  medicine  St.  Francisville,  La.,  '40-61;  married  Mary  Smith  Ford; 
died  St.   Francisville,   La.,  '(51,  aoc^idental  giin-sliot.     Physician. 



»TT,  Wilson. —Son  of  George  aod  Lydia  (Strope);  bora  Wysoz,  Bradford 
Co.,  Pa.,  March  7,  1816;  law  Btadent  with  Hon.  D.  Wilmot,  Towanda,  Pa.; 
practiced  law  Towanda  '39-43 ;  unmarried ;  died  apoplexy,  Athens^  Pa., 
June  15,  '43.     Lawyer. 

PLK,  PaiiX)  Mathbs.— Son  of  Re\r.  Robert  and  Annie  (Kirkpatrick);  bora 
Beaver  Co.,  Pa.,  July  7,  1810 ;  teacher ;  VV.  T.  8.  '37-40 ;  licensed  June  24, 
'40,  Presbytery  of  Beaver;  ordained  Oct.  5,  '41,  same  preebylery;  pastor, 
Mount  Eaton  and  Berlin,  O.,  '42-58,  Dalton  '58-<i7  ;  agent  Wooster  Uni- 
veraity  '67-70 ;  married  July  29,  '46,  Sarah  J.,  daughter  of  Robert  Davia. 
Presbyterian  minister  (infirm),  Wooster,  O. 

m,  Joseph  T. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Elizabeth  (Donnell);  bora  Mercer,  Pa., 
Nov.  6,  1818;  theology  privately  with  Rev.  Samuel  Tait ;  licensed  April, 
'41,  Presbytery  of  Erie;  ordained  '42,  same  presbytery;  pastor  First 
Church  Mercer,  Pa.,  '42-49,  Second  Church,  Baltimore,  Md.,  '49-60;  pro- 
fessor Danville  Theological  Seminary  '60-62  ;  pastor  Central  Church,  Balti- 
more, '62 — ;  married  August  20,  '45,  Elizabeth  C,  daughter  of  Dr.  Jona- 
than Letterman;  D.D.,  Hampden-Sydney  College,  'oO;  Moderator  General 
Assembly  *87.     Presbyterian  minister,  Baltimore,  Md. 

WART,  Kensey  Johns.—- Son  of  Dr.  David  and  Susannah  (Johns);  bora 
New  Castle,  Del.,  March  12,  1817;  Protestant  Episcopal  Seminary,  Va.; 
ordained  deacon  and  also  presbyter  '41 ;  rector  Protestant  Episcopal  Church, 
Washington  City,  Connellsville,  Pa.,  Akron,  O.,  King  George,  Va.,  Spotts- 
wood,  N.  J.,  '68,  Lewes,  Del.,  Salisbury,  Md.,  Griggsville,  111.,  Toronto, 
Canada,  Gordonsville,  Va.;  married  May  5,  '39,  Hannah  Lee,  daughter  of 
E.  I.  Lee,  also  May  5,  '73,  Emma,  daughter  of  Geo.  Hickman ;  published 
''Manual  for  Christian  Free  Masons,"  "  Notes  on  the  Revolution,"  ''The 
Rivers  of  Life  and  Death,"  etc.  Protestant  Episcopal  minister,  Washing- 
ton City. 

RTART,  WmXAM  MooRE.^Sonof  Dr.  James  M.  and  Matilda  (Elliott);  born 
Frankstown,  Blair  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  15,  1817;  law  student  with  Hon.  Tho8. 
M.  White ;  law  school,  Carlisle,  '37-39  ;  admitted  to  bar  March,  '39  ;  prac- 
ticed law  Indiana,  Pa.,  '40-70;  Philadelphia  '70—;  married  July  13,  '47, 
Elizabeth  F.,  daughter  of  Edmund  N.  Olipper.  Lawyer  and  banker, 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

MPLETON,  Samuel  S.— Born  Ohio  Co.,  W.  Va.,  April  12,  1812  ;  W.  T.  S. 
*37-38;  licensed  '40,  Presbytery  of  Louisville;  stated  supply  Bowling 
Green  and  Concord,  Ky.,  '41 ;  pastor  Princeton  '43-44,  Greenville,  C,  '44, 
Cadiz,  O.,  '48,  Aberdeen,  Miss.,  '49-50 ;  married ;  died  Aberdeen,  Miss., 
Dec.  1,  '50,  consumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 

DD,  John.— Born  Beaver  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  25,  ISoO  ;  Associate  Theological 
Seminary,  Canonsburg,  '37-41 ;  licensed  July  4, '41,  Associate  Presbytery  of 
Chartiers;  ordained  Sept.  (>,  '43  ;  pastor  Jefferson,  Beaver's  Run  and  Upper 
Piney  '43-<>o;  principal  Brookville  Academy  '62;  missionary  in  Indi- 
ana; infirm;  Canonsburg  several  years;  Wasliington,  Iowa,  Preston,  111., 
Buigettstown,  Pa., '77-81  ;  married  '40,  Miss  Thompson,  daughter  of  Will- 
iam J.    Thompson;    died  Sept.    30,   '81.     United   Presbvterian  minister. 


Williams,  Hillauy.— Born  Worcester  Co.,  Md.,  1817 ;  lawBkident ;  pncticed 
law  Maryland;   teacher;   fanner;    married.     Beddence   Accokeek,  Md. 

Wilson,  David. — Son  of  Randal  and  Nancy  (Millard);  bom  Lancaster  Co., 
Pa.,  April  7,  1813;  teacher  '37-38;  W.  T.  8.  '38-39;  infirm;  principal 
Taecarora  Academy  '39-42,  '44-o2;  Lewirtown  Church  '42-44 ;  Airy  View 
'44-59 ;  Pennsylvania  Agricultural  College  '59-66 ;  married  June  29,  '46, 
Jane  W.  McCuUough,  also  Jan.  16,  '79,  Rebecca  A.  Lyon.  Teacher  ;  elder 
Presbyterian  Church ;  residence  Port  Royal,  Pa. 

*  Wilson,  Joseph. — Son  of  James  and  Sarah  ^Morrison);  born  Ligonier 
Valley,  Pa.,  July  6,  1813;  teacher  Steubenville  Academy  '37-39;  un- 
married ;  died  Northfield,  O.,  March  24,  '39,  consumption.     Teacher. 

*WiL80N,  Adolphus  D.— Bom  Franklin  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  27,  1816  ;  law  student 
with  Gen.  A.  P.  Wilson,  Huntingdon,  Pa ,  also  with  Hon.  Jas.  ^ladison 
Porter,  Easton,  Pa.,  '37-40 ;  practiced  law  Williamsport,  Pa.,  '40-o4  ;  mar> 
ried  Elizabeth  Ann  Petriken  ;  died  Williamsport,  Pa.,  February,  '54.  Law- 

WiTHEROW,  John. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Mary  (Laughiin);  born  near  Gettys- 
burg, P.-i.,  January,  1815 ;  law  student  Gettysburg,  Pa.;  practiced  law 
Gettysburg  '43-44,  Centerville,  Ind.,  Danville;  Senate  of  Indiana '50; 
Legislature;  drug  business,  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  '66;  teacher  California 
'71  ;  Los  Angeles  '74 ;  married  Eliza  Baker,  Eyansville,  Ind.  Lawyer^ 


Blair,  Samuel  S. — Son  of  David  and  Margaret  (Steel);  born  Indiana,  Pa., 
Dec.  5,  '21  ;  teacher  in  Georgia  '38-41 ;  clerk  in  mint,  Dahlonega,  Ga., 
'41-42  ;  law  student  with  Judge  White  *43-45 ;  practiced  law  Holidaysburg, 
Pa.,  '45—;  Member  of  Congress  '58-62  ;  elder  Presbyterian  Church  ;  mar- 
ried Dec.  5,  '45,  Sarah  M.,  daughtei  of  John  Denneston.  Lawyer,  Holi- 
daysburg, Pa. 

♦Brown,  Moses  M.— Born ;  teacher;  W.  T.  S  40;  licensed  '41,  Presby- 
tery of  Richland  ;  ordained  '42,  Presbytery  of  Zanesville ;  pastor  Buffalo, 
().,  '42-53,  Salt  Creek  '42-46;  died  Cumberland,  O.,  Feb.  17,  '53.  Pres- 
byterian minister. 

BuFFiNGTON,  WiLLiAM  Henry. — Son  of  William  and  Nancy  (Scales);  born 
Guyandotte,  Va.,  June  15,  1818 ;  law  student  with  John  Laidley,  Guyan- 
dotte,  Va.,  '38-39,  also  with  Caverly  A  Goodrich,  CarroUton,  111.,  '39^0: 
practiced  law  KeytesviUe,  Mo.,  '41-43;  editor MetropoUtanf  Jefferson  City, 
Mo.,  '43-47  ;  Auditor  of  State  '52-60  ;  married  September.  '41,  Louisa  M., 

daughter  of  John  Laidley,  also  '53,  .     Lawyer,  Huntington,  CabiU 

Co.,  W.  Va. 

•Caskey,  William. — From  Cherry  Fork,  O.;  Associate  Reformed  Theolog- 
ical Seminary,  Allegheny,  '38-41  ;  licensed  '41,  Presbytery  of  Chillicotlie ; 
infirm ;  went  to  Florida  ;  died  St.  Augustine,  Fla.,  May  8,  '42.  Associate 
Reformed  minister. 



t,  Robert. 

^  Jacob. — Son  of  George  and  Elizabeth  M.;  born  Martinaburg,  W.  Va., 
me  27,  1812;  U.  T.  S.,  Va.,  '38-41;  merchant;  licensed  July  17,  '41, 
reabjtery  of  Winchester ;  miaaionary  Fauquier,  Va., '41-42  ;  ordained  July 
'43,  Presbytery  of  Orange;  pastor  Oxford  and  Lewisburg,  N.  C,  '43-48; 
ated  supply  Milton  '49-53,  Bethesda  '51-52,  Snow  Creek,  and  teacher 
[adison  '54-56;  pastor  Yanceyville,  '57-74,  Bethesda  '67-78;  stated 
ipply  ReidsviUe'75-78 ;  married  '41 ,  Jane,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  Price ; 
led  fieme,  N.  C,  April  27,  '78,  suddenly.     Presbyterian  minister. 

suR,  Thomas  Prince. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Martha ;  born  Claiborne  Co., 
[ias.,  Feb.  19,  1817;  law  student;  practiced  law  Vedalia,  La.,  '44-51,  St. 
Dseph  '51-80  ;  Confederate  States  Army;  captain  14th  Regiment,  Louisiana 
dunteers;  District  Attorney  two  years ;  married '43,  Annie  M.  Genault; 
led  St.  Josephs,  La.,  Sept.  1,  '80.      Lawyer. 

IT,  Charles  R. — Son  of  John  F.  and  Nancy  (Brayard);  bom  Bayside, 
Worcester  Co.,  Md.,  April  9,  1820;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Qeorge  Mc- 
lelland,  Philadelphia,  '38-42 ;  practiced  medicine  Centerville,  La.,  '42-71 ; 
tarried  Dec.  21,  '52,  Evaline,  daughter  of  T.  H.  Thompson,  also  April 
,  '71,  Sarah  J.,  daughter  of  Robert  B.  Royster ;  died  Centerville,  La., 
pril  10,  '71,  taking  medicine  from  wrong  bottle  in  the  dark.     Physician. 

GER,  Lewis. — Bom  Granville,  Ohio  (?);  minister;  lawyer;  California 
enate  ;  practiced  law  Oroville,  Cal. 

HiOT,  William. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Gouter);  of  Huguenot  ancestry  ; 
om  Lancaster,  Pa.,  Jan.  21,  1820  ;  law  student  with  Col.  Frazer,  Lancas- 
T,  Pa.;  practiced  law  Lancaster,  Pa.,  '41-54;  District  Attorney  ;  Commis- 
oner  in  Bankruptcy  ;  member  of  City  Councils  ;  married  June  16,  '50, 
atherine  H.,  daughter  of  Christopher  Hager;  died  Lancaster,  Pa.,  March 
i,  '54.     Lawyer. 

ARER,  William  Henderson. -Born  Philadelphia,  Dec.  20,  1813  ;  V.  T.  S. 
0-42  ;  teacher  two  years  Darlington,  S.  C;  licensed  June  29,  '42,  Pres- 
?tery  of  Philadelphia ;  ordained  Oct.  5,  '43,  same  presbytery  ;  Philadel- 
hia,  one  year ;  pastor  W.  Nantmeal,  Pa.,  '43-49 ;  stated  supply  and 
astor  Evansville,  Ind.,  '49-68;  Secretary  A.  &  F.  C.  U.,  '68-74;  pastor 
yansville,  Ind.,  '74-80;  married  Aug.  5,  '45,  Sarah  M.  Howell,  Missis- 
ppi;  died  EvansYiUe,  Ind.,  Feb.  9,  '80.     Presbyterian  minister. 

AY,  David. — Son  of  Hon.  William  and  Catherine;  born  Lewistown,  Pa., 
'eb.  17,  1816  ;  P.  T.  S.  '38-41;  licensed  May,  '41,  Presbytery  of  Hiint- 
igdon ;  ordained  Sept.  27,  '42,  Presbytery  of  Clarion  ;  pastor  Bethesda, 
'a.,  '42-49,  Callensburg  and  Bethef^la  '42-62;  U.  S.  A.  chaplain,  103d 
Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers,  '61-<)2;  married  Oct.  30,  '42,  Sarah 
aneMcKain;  died  Lewistown,  Pa.,  June  4,  '62;  typhoid  fever.  Presby- 
erian  minister. 


♦iMcPhail,  Benjamin  G.— Bom  Norfolk,  Va.,  Jan.  26,  1818 ;  U.  T.  S.,  Va., 
'44-45;  licensed  Sept.  27,  '45,  Presbytery  of  Eaat  Hanover;  ordained; 
missionary  Loaisa  and  Goochland  Counties,  etc.,  '47-48 ;  stated  supply 
Scottsville  '49,  Rockfish  '50 ;  teacher  Scottsville,  '51-52 ;  pastor  Snow 
Hill,  Md.,  '53-^57;  died  Snow  Hill,  Md.,  May  0,  '57.  Presbyterian 

♦Miller,  Allen  Cowan.— Born  Brownsville,  Pa.,  1807;  W.  T.  S., '37-40 : 
licensed  June  17,  '40,  Presbytery  of  Ghio;  ordained  June,  '41,  Presby- 
tery of  Marion ;  pastor  MarseiUee,  Ghio,  '41-18,  Eden  and  Caroline 
'48-51,  White  Rock,  111,  '52-61,  South  RocheUe  '61-64,  White  Rock 
'74;  married  November,  *43,  Mary  Pierson ;  died  White  Rock,  111., 
May  12,  '74.     Presbyterian  minister. 

«MiLLER,  James  C.—Son  of  Andrew  and  Sarah  (Steele);  born  Philadelphia, 
Nov.  24,  1812 ;  law  student  with  Mr.  Leet,  Wasliington,  '39,  and  Cox  A 
Avery,  Wooeter,  O.,  '40;  practiced  law,  Wooeter,  G.,  '40-44;  married 
Nov.  28,  '40,  Mary,  daughter  of  John  Watson ;  died  Wooster,  G.,  March 
20,  '44,  congestion  of  the  lungs.     Lawyer. 

Miller,  John  Kbbpps. — Son  of  Hon.  Elie  and  Eleanor  G.  (Krepps) ;  bora 
Mt.  Vernon,  G.,  May  2"),  1819  ;  law  student  with  Hon.  H.  B  Curtis,  '38-41 ; 
pmcliced  law  Mt.  Vernon,  G.,  '41-<>3;  Prosecuting  Attorney  '41-4-'); 
Member  of  Congress,  '47-51  ;  member  National  Democratic  Convention 
'44  ;  married  May  6,  '45,  Elisabeth,  daughter  of  William  Larweil,  Wooster, 
G.;  died  Mt.  Vernon,  G.,  Aug.  11,  '63,  paralysis.     Lawyer. 

*MoNTOOMERY,  Jamics — Bom  Dromara, Ireland,  March  16, 1811  ;  teacher  '36-37 
W.  T.  S.,  '38-41 ;  licensed  April  6,  '41,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny ;  ^ordained 
Feb.  15,  '42,  Presbytery  of  Clarion  ;  missionary  one  year ;  pastor  Clarion, 
Pa.,  '41-71,  Richland  '43-45,  Rehoboth  '45-68  ;  married  May,  '44,  Jane 
C,  daughter  of  Rev.  William  Jeffery,  D.D.,  also  '54,  Margaret,  daughter 
of  Jacob  Zahniser  ;  died  Clarion,  Pa.,  Aug.  10,  '71,  consumption.  Pres- 
byterian minister. 

*NoRTH,  Nathaniel  G. — Son  of  George  and  Eliza  (Keys);  born  near  Charles- 
town,  Va.,  May  12,  1810  ; 'licensed  and  ordained  '43,  Presbytery  of  Miasis- 
sippi;  pastor  Raymond,  Mississippi ;  Third  Church,  New  Grleans,  La.; 
missionary  Louisiana,  Maryland,  Virginia,  Mt.  Holly,  Ark.,' 70-75;  mar- 
ried Mary  M.  Worthington  ;  died  Mt.  Holly,  Ark.,  Nov.  19,  '75 ;  A.  M., 
'49.      Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Patrick,  Shephi<:ri)  Goodwin.— Son  of  Shepherd  and  Catharine  (Goodwin) 
born  Wysox,  Pa.,  March  28,  1815;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Towanda, 
Pa.,  '40-44,  Dixon,  III.,  '44-77 ;  married  Feb.  14,  '47,  Phoebe  Shaw; 
died  Dixon,  111.,  Oct.  2,  '77.     Lawyer. 



SLY,  Joseph  Hebst.— Son  of  Rev.  John  T.  Pready,  D.  D.;  born 
— ,S.  C.y  April  15,  1817  ;  Aaeociate  Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny,  Pa., 
18-43;  licensed  April  13,  '41,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela;  ordained 
.ug.  20,  '46,  Presbytery  of  Lakes ;  pastor  Associate  Reformed  Church, 
Irie,  Pa.,  '45-74;  married  May  24,  '47,  Annie  £.,  daughter  of  Thomaa 
mith;  Trustee  Westminster  College;  died  Erie,  Pa.,  Nov.  3,  '74;  D.D. 
United  Presbyterian  minister. 

i,  David  Fullsbton.— Son  of  David  and  Eliza  (Mitchell);  bom  Aug. 
,  1810,  Indiana  Co.;  teacher;  Associate  Reformed  Theological  Seminary^ 
liegheny, '38-42 ;  licensed  April  13,  '41,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville ;  ordaintd 
ovember,  '41, Presbytery  of  Mansfield ;  pastor  Millersburg  and  Mill  Creek, 
.,  '41-o6;  Uniontown,  O.,  '57-67  ;  farmer  Pepin  Co.,  Wis.,  '67-74 ;  Indiana 
o.,  Pa.,  '74-80;  married  Oct.  5,  '42,  to  Jean  R.,  daughter  of  William 
lexander,  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.;  died  Dec.  13, '80,  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.  United 
resbyterian  minister. 

ROCK,  William. — Son  of  Philip  and  Martha;  bom  Mifflin  Co.,  Pa., 
ug.  15,  1817  ;  teacher  Alabama  '39-50  ;  civil  engineer  '50-<)5  ;  bookseller, 
elma,  Ala.,  '6o— ;  married  Nov.  10,  '59,  Helen  M.  Fitch.  Bookseller, 
el  ma,  Ala. 

>Eii,  Henry. — Son  of  Charles  and  Mary ;  bom  Frederick  Co.,  Va.,  Dec, 
,  1814;  teacher;  licensed,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  evangelist 
i)f  same  presbytery;  Adjunct  Professor  of  Mathematics,  Jefferson  College, 
il-43 ;  Professor  '43-50 ;  Professor  of  Latin,  Center  College,  Danville, 
'v.,  '50-53;  stated  supply  Amelia  Court  House,  Va.,  '56-57;  Professor 
f  Mathematics  H.  S.  College,  '57-61;  United  States  Army  chaplain, 
'ort  Richmond,  New  York,  '61-66;  married '43,  Elizabeth  B.  Little; 
ied  New  York,  Feb.  22,  '66.     Presbyterian  minister. 

SON,  Geobob  W.— Son  of  Robert  and  Elizabeth  (Porter);  born  Mont- 
Dmery  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  12,  1817;  tutor  Jefferson  College '.SS-39 ;  principal 
.cademy  Thomasville,  Ga.,  '39-41 ;  law  student  with  D.  II.  Mulvaney, 
rorristown.  Pa.,  '42-44;  practiced  law  Norristown,  Pa.,  '44-49;  unmar- 
ied;  school  director  ;  died  at  Homestead,  Montgomery  Co.,  Pa.,  July  17, 
19;  phthisis  pulmonalis.     Lawyer. 

roN,  THOMAS.^Son  of  Thomas  and  Rebecca;  born  Indiana,  Pa.,  Dec.  31, 
815;  law  student  with  Hon.  Thomas  Whiter '38-40 ;  practiced  law  Clarion, 
a.,  '40-53;  married  June  4,  '46,  Annie  D.  Mahon,  daughter  of  John 
lahon;  died  Clarion,  Pa.,  March  26, '51;  typhoid  fever.     Lawyer. 

fpsoy,  Philip  Burton.— Son  of  Hon.  John  B.  and  Nancy  P.  (Roberts); 
orn  Harrodsburg,  Ky.,  Jan.  8,  1821 ;  law  student  with  Hon.  John  B. 
'hompeon,  '38-40;  practiced  law  Harrodsburg,  Ky.,  '40 — ;  Conimon- 
ealth*8  Attorney  '51-56 ;  captain  United  States  Army,  Mexican  War, 
/onfederate  States  Army,  colonel,  '61—?:  Member  Confederate  Congress; 
larried  Nov.  2,  '42,  Martha,  daughter  of  Davis  Montgomery,  Missis- 
ippi.     Lawyer,  Harrodsburg,  Ky. 


*TAfi8EY,  William  Dickson.— Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Dickson) ;  born 
Countj  Armagh,  Ireland,  Oct.  11,  1816;  emigrated,  '20 ;  law  sladent  with 
Judge  Shaler,  Pittobiirg,  '38-40;  practiced  law  at  PiUsburg,  '38-58; 
married  Oct.  16,  '45,  Emily  ETans  Rowland;  died  Memphis,  Tean., 
Aug.  5,  '58,  brain  fever.     Lawyer. 

*  Watson,  John. — Son  of  John  and   Mary  (Miller);  born  Canonsbarg,    Pa., 

1820;  law  student  with  James  Watson,  Washington,  Pa.;  practiced  law 
Missouri,  '40-43;  died  Missouri,  October,  '43.     Lawyer. 

Welton,  Felix  Branson. — Son  of  Felix  and  Eisabeth  (Branson);  bom 
Hardy  Co.,  Va.,  Feb.  1,  1816;  U.  T.  S.,  Va.,  '38-40;  P.  T.  S.  '41-42; 
health  failed ;  not  licensed ;  Front  Royal,  Va.,  '42-45;  fanner,  Moor^eld, 
W.  Va.,  '45—;  Justice  of  the  Peace ;  Member  of  the  County  Court,  thirty 
years;  Virginia  Legislature, '48-49,  '50-^1, '56-57 ;  ruling  elder  Presbyterian 
Church,  '46  ;  married  Xov.  5,  '39,  to  Miss  Jane  E.  Cunningham,  Ilardy 
Co.,  Va.,  also  June,  '54,  Miss  Sally  Burwell,  daughter  of  William 
Nelson,  Yorktown,  Va.     Farmer,  Moorefield,  W.  Va. 

*  Wilson,   Edward  Hancock  Custis.— Son  of    Edward   H.  C.  and  Sarah 

(Stratton);  born  Somerset  Co.,  Md.,  Aug.  5,  1820;  law  student  with  W.  H. 
Handy,  Somerset  Co.,  Md.,  '39-41 ;  practiced  law  Hillsdale,  Mich.,  '41-70; 
Prosecuting  Attorney ;  Judge  of  Court,  Hillsdale  Co.,  Mich.,  married  Nov. 
12,  '45,  Helen  M.  Hurlburt;  died  Denver,  Col.,  Dec.  7,  '70,  pneu- 
monia.    Lawyer. 

1889.  . 

Alexander,  John  Ed^ciston. — Son  of  Hon.  Samuel  E.  and  Mary  (Alexan- 
der); born  near  Lewistown,  Pa.,  June  2,  1815;  P.  T.  S.  '39-42;  licensed 
May  24,  '42,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon ;  stated  supply  Indiana,  Pa.,  '42 ; 
ordained  May  18,  *43,  Presbytery  of  Lancaster,  0.;  pastor  Washington, 
O.,  '43-53 ;  stated  supply  Senecaville,  '43-53 ;  principal  at  Washington', 
'53-63  ;  stated  supply  Mt.  Pleasant,  '57-60  ;  principal  at  Hightstown,  New 
Jersey,  '63-72 ;  Elkton,  Md.,  '72-74 ;  teacher  and  stated  supply  Ridley 
Park,  Pa.,  '75 ;  stated  supply  Greeneville,  Tenn.,  '75-77 ;  Salem  '78 ; 
President  of  W.  C.  T.,  '77-83 ;  stated  supply  Timber  Ridge  '83-87 ; 
Oakland  Church,  '87—;  married  Nov.  22,  '42,  Mary,  daughter  of  Robert 
Milliken,  also  Dec.  28,  '58,  Catherine  M.,  daughter  of  Daniel  Potter  ;  pub- 
lished "Record  Alexander  Family,"  *^  Holston  Presbytery,"  ''Synod  of 
Tennessee,"  ''History  Washington  College,"  "Greeneville  and  Timber 
Kidge  Churches;"  D.D.,  Greeneville  and  Tusculum  College,  Tenn., 
'So.     Presbyterian  minister,  Greeneville,  Tenn. 

Blackburn,  Moses  T. — Son  of  John  and  Sarah ;  born  Columbiana  Co.,  0., 
Dec.  28,  1811;  W.  T.  Seminary,  '39;  medical  student;  practiced  medi- 
cine '44,  Petersburg,  0.;  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  74—;  married  April  3,  *44, 
Lavinia  Stough.      Physician  ;   3343  Pennsylvania  Avenue,   Pittsburg,  Pa. 



>WNLEEy  AuBXAMDEB  W.—Bom  ScotUnd ;  W.  T.  S.,  1839-40 ;  teacher  in 
Cherokee  Nation,  '40-44;  law  student;  practiced  law  in  Arkansas ;  Judge 
'5:^-61;  lawyer,  Qulncy,  Mo.,  '61 — ;  married  November,  '42,  Annie  Harrell. 
Lawyer ;  reeidenne,  Quincy,  Mo. 

LLHOUN,  Adlet. — Son  of  John  and  Margaret ;  born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa., 
Jan.  2,  1821;  W.  T.  8.,  '39-42 ;  licensed  April,  '44,  Presbytery  of  Bed- 
stone ;  ordained  Jane,  '45,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Bound  Hill  Church, 
'45-48  ;  died  Bound  Hill,  Pa.,  April  19,  '48,  oonsumption.  Presbyterian 

JFP,  Peter  Palmer. — Son  of  Jonathan  and  Sarah  S.;  bom  Snow  Hill, 
Md.,  April  18,  1814 ;  medical  student  University  of  Louisville,  Ky., 
'42-43;  Pennsylvania  University '44-45 ;  practiced  medicine  Marion  Co., 
Mo.,  '45-^1 ;  La  Grange,  Mo.,  '51-61 ;  HarriRburg,  Texas,,  '61-71 ;  Aus- 
tin,'71-83 ;  Galveston,  '83—;  married  Oct.  10,  '54,  Sarah  £.  Louthan, 
also  feh.  24,  '69,  Mary  A.  Gale.     Physician,  Galveston,  Texas. 

)ULTBB,  James. — lioi-n  Mercer  Co.,  Pa.,  1807  ;  W.  T.  S.,  '39-42;  licensed 
April,  '42,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny  ;  ordained  Sept.  14,  42,  Presbytery  of 
Erie;  pastor  Concord  and  Deerfield  (Tidionte),  Pa.,  '42-46,  Sugar  Creek, 
'48-52,  Harmonsburg  and  Evansburg,  '52-57  ;  stated  supply  Waterloo 
and  Mt.  Pleasant ;  Allegheny  Church,  —'79 ;  married  Oct.  6,  '29,  Mary 
Offut;  died  Butler  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  23,  '80.     Presbyterian  minister. 

icKSON,  Geoboe  Moorhead. —Son  of  William  and  Christiana  (Moorhead); 
born  Erie  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  28,  1814 ;  teacher;  law  student  Huntingdon,  Pa.; 
died  Huntingdon,  Pa.,  Feb.  14,  '41,  consumption.     Law  student. 

IVEB,  Charles  Fredebick. — Born  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Dec.  15,  1812 ;  U. 
T.  S.;  licensed  '42,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia;  ordained  Oct.  22,  '44; 
pastor  Providence,  Pa.,  '44-47,  Spring  Mills  '47-51,  Waterford  '51-52, 
Cedarville,  N.  J.,  '52-61 ;  W.  C.  '61-62 ;  chaplain  Philadelphia  '62-84 ; 
died  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Oct.  14,  '84.     Presbyterian  minister. 

cw,  John  W. — Bom  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  1811 ;  Associate  Beformed 
Seminary,  Allegheny,  Pa.,  '40-43;  licensed  April  13,  '43,  Associate 
Reformed  Presbytery  of  Blairsville ;  ordained  Dec.  5,  '43,  same  presbytery  j 
pastor  Puckety,  Pa.,  '43-48,  Blairsville  and  New  Alexandria  '48-50;  married 
Jan.  23,  '45,  Bebecca  McMasters ;  died  Blairsville,  Pa.,  March  6,  'oO,  typhoid 
ferer.    Associate  Beformed  minister. 

RLE,  Alexander  M. — Son  of  John  B.  and  Maria  B.  (Miller);  born  Fred- 
erick Co.,  Va.,  Dec,  12,  1819;  farmer  Clarke  Co  ,  Va.,  '39-60;  Warren 
Co.,  '60 — ;  Confederate  States  Army  '61-65,  lieutenant,  quartermaster; 
Virginia  Legislature  *81,  '83  ;  Justice  of  the  Peace  ;  married  Dec.  12,  '67, 
Mary  Ellen,  daughter  of  William  C  Burns.  Farmer,  Milldale,  Warren 
Co.,  Va. 

PoBSYTH,  Eu  Johnson.  Barn  near  Brownsville,  Pa.,  March22,  1817  ;  law 
student;  practiced  law  Dayton,  O.,  '43-57  ;  married  '41,  Ruth  Elliott;  died 
June  9,  '57,  dropsy  of  the  heart.     Lawyer. 


*Gbaby,  Johh  White.— Son  of  Richard  and  Margaret  (White);  bom  Weet^ 
moreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  30,  1819 ;  civil  engineer;  Mexican  War,  '47;  Ilea- 
tenant-colonel ;  Commander  of  the  City  of  Mexico;  farmer  Westmoreland 
Co.,  Pa.,  *52-o6 ;  Governor  of  Territory  of  Kansas.  *57  ;  United  SutesArmv, 
'61-65  ;  colonel ;  brigadier-general ;  wounded  ;  Governor  Savannah,  Ga,i 
Governor  Pennsylvanin,  '67-73  ;  married  Mrs.  Henderson  ;  died  Hamburg, 
Pa.,  Feb.  8,  '73.     A.M.,  67. 

*GiBS0N,  John  K. — Born  Melmore,  O.;  law  student ;  died  near  Tiffin,  O.,  Aug. 
24,  1841,  congestive  fever 

Grier,  Smith  F.-  Son  of  Rev.  Robert;  born  Adams  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  31,  1>^19; 
P.  T.  S.  '41-43;  licensed  April,  '42,  Presbytery  of  New  Castle;  ordained 
April  19,  '43,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  pastor  Valley  Church,  Pa.,  '43-32;  New 
Cumberland  'o2— ;  married  Oct.  2o,  '42,  Jane  Connely,  also  Oct.  11,  '•'>^^, 
Eveline  Miller.     Presbyterian  minister,  New  Cumberland,  W.  Va. 

Hamill,  Robert. — Born  Norristown,  Pa.  ;  teacher  Lawrenceville,  N.  J., 
1839-42  ;  P.  T.  S.  '42-46;  stated  supply  First  Church,  Norfolk,  Va.,  '4(); 
ordained  May  0,  '46,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon;  pastor  Sinking  Creek  and 
Spring  Creek,  Pa.,  '46-75,  Spring  Creek  '75—;  D.D.  ;  Director  P.  T.  S.; 
Moderator  Synod.    Presbyterian  minister.  Oak  Hall  Station,  Pa., 


Harbauqh,  John  V.— From  New  Lisbon,  O.    Merchant,  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  1869. 

♦Henry,  Edwin  W  — Son  of  Charles  and  Julia  (Fassett);  born  Berlin.  Md.: 
medical  student.  University  of  Viiginia  ;  practiced  medicine  Baltimore,  Md.; 
married  ;  went  lo  Europe  and  died  in  Switzerland. 

*KuNKLE,  John  C. — Son  of  George  and  Cat^jerine  (Zigler);  born  1^16;  law 
student,  Carlisle  Law  School ;  practiced  law  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  '38-08;  mem- 
ber of  House  of  Representatives,  Pennsylvania,  '44,  '45  and  '50;  Senate 
*61-53 ;  Member  of  Congress  '54-57 ;  married  Elisabeth  Crane,  daughter  of 
Dr.  W.  W.  Rutherford ;  died  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  Oct.  16,  '70.     Lawyer. 

*Lloyd,  John. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Catherine ;  born  McConnellstown,  Pa., 
Oct.  1,  1813;  teacher;  P.  T.  S.  '41-44;  licensed  April,  '44,  Presbytery  of 
New  York  ;  ordained  evangelist  May  7,  '44,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon; 
foreign  missionary  China;  missionary  Amoy,  China,  '44-48;  died  Amoy, 
China,  Dec.  6,  '48.     t^resbyterian  minister. 

•Marshal,  Samuel  P.- Son  of  William;  born  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec. 
1,  1S12  ;  W.  T.  S.  '39-40 ;  not  licensed ;  died  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb. 
18,  '42.     Theological  student. 

•McClelland,  Andkew  Craig.— Born  New  Alexandria,  Pa.,  Dec.  5,  1815; 
W.  T.  S.  '42-45;  licensed  '45,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville;  ordained  '47; 
pastor  Peru,  Ind.,  ''47-68,  Mt.  Pleasant,  Iowa,  '58-61,  Fourth  Church, 
Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '61-69;  Secretary  Freedmen's  Committee,  '69-70;  raarritii 
'47,  Mary  McMillan  ;  died  April  19,  '70.     Presbyterian  minister. 



k>NAuoHT,  John  M. — Born  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  March  14,  1815;  W. 
'.  S.  '39—42 ;  licensed  '44,  Presbytery  of  Blairsvllle ;  ordained  '45,  Presbytery 
f  Ebenezer;  stated  supply  Millersburir,  Ky.,  '45;  pastor  Lebanon,  Pa., 
16-48;  infirm  '48-69;  married  May  22,  '44,  Mary  N.,  daughter  of  Judge 
*orter;  died  Rochelle,  111.,  Nov.  10,  '69.     Presbyterian  minister. 

DLETON,  John. — Son  of  William  and  Catherine  (Mc Arthur);  born  Johns- 
3wn,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  31,  1811;  Reformed  Presbyterian  Theological  Seminary, 
Lllegheny ;  pastor  Ogdensburg,  N.  Y.,  '44-.')4,  Perth,  Canada,  '')4-56,  Phil- 
delphia,  Pa.,  '56-62,  Staunton,  111.,  '65-70  ;  died  Staunton,  111.,  Sept.  14, 
i'2.     Reformed  Presbyterian  minister. 

ES,  Geoboe. — Born  Greenwich,  Conn.,  Jan.  17,  1811  ;  law  student  New 
["ork  City  ;  practiced  law  Tarrytown,  X.  Y.,  '44-48;  farmer  New  Castle, 
r.  Y.,  '4^-76;  married  Jan.  16,  '61;  died  New  Castle,  N.  Y.,  '76.  Far- 
ler  and  lawyer. 

LER,  Norman.  Born  Brattleboro,  Vt.,  1815(?);  teacher;  law  student; 
racticed  law  Martinsburg,  W.  Va.,  married  Julia  Brescoe  ;  died  Martins- 
urg,  W.  Va.,  '62.     Lawyer. 

SELL,  Jacob  Delville.— Born  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Jan.  1,  1819  ;  P.  T.  S. 
12-44  ;  ordained  Sept.  25,  '45,  Presbytery  of  Luzerne  ;  pastor  Kingston, 
*a.,  '45-47 ;  stated  supply  Wyoming  '47-49,  pastor  '49,  First  Church, 
cranton,  '50-53;  principal  Presbyterian  Institute,  Wyoming,  '53-55  ;  stated 
iipply  Wyoming  '55-56 ;  stated  supply  Congregational  Church,  Bingham- 
>n,  N.  Y.,  '58-63;  evangelist,  Washington,  D.  C,  '63-64;  Binghamton, 
J.  Y.,  '64-66;  Wellsboro,  Pa.,  '67-77;  Germantown,  '77—;  married  April, 
4,  '39,  Almira  A.,  daughter  of  Conrad  Carpenter;  A.B.,  Jeflferson  Col- 
?ge,  '42 ;  D.D.    Presbyterian  minister,  Germantown,  Pa. 

LRAY,  Thomas  J. — Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.;  medical  student  Jefferson 
ledical  College;  practiced  medicine  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  '42-51;  married; 
ied  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  June  21,  '51.     Physician. 

LOR,  James. — Son  of  William  ;  born  Romney,  Va.,  July  4,  1821  ;  U. 
\  S.,Va., '39-42;  licensed  Sept.  9,  '43,  Presbytery  of  Winchester;  ordained 
vangelist  Aug.  17,  '44,  Presbytery  of  Montgomery;  stated  supply  White 
rlade  '45,  Finney  wood  '46-49;  pastor  Finneywood  and  Bluestone 
►1-58;  stated  supply  Middleton,  Miss.,  '59-66,  Mt.  Paran  '67-71,  Spring 
reek  '71-73  ;  married  May,  '44,  Ann  R.,  daughter  of  Rev.  S.  \j.  Graham, 
Iso  '66,  Miss  Bascom ;  died  Spring  Creek,  Miss.,  Jan.  7,  '74.  Presby- 
iriATk  minister. 

r,  Roger. — Son  of  David  and  Jane ;  born  Carmarthen,  Wales,  Oct.  15, 
S13;  P.  T.  S.  '39-42;  licensed  '42,  Presbytery  of  Baltimore;  ordained 
ept.  24,  '43,  Presbytery  of  Madison;  pastor  First  Church,  Madison,  Ind., 
13-44  ;  Columbia,  Pa.,  '44-50  ;  principal  Academy  Chestnut  Hill,  Phila- 
elpbia,  '51-56;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Chestnut  Hiir51-86;  emeritus 
.nstor  '86~;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister,  Chestnut  Hill,  Pa. 


Patton,  Jacob  Harris. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Anna  (Harris);  bom  Fayette 
Co.,  Pa.,  May  20,  1812;  tutor  Nashville  University;  U.  T.  S. '43-4t>; 
teacher  New  York  City ;  licensed  '46,  Presbytery  of  New  York ;  teacher 
'4G  -;  published  '*  Political  History  of  the  United  States,"  ''History  of  the 
American  People,"  "Youth's  Contemporary  History  of  the  United  Sutes," 
''Natural  Resources  of  the  United  States";  marrie<l  '54,  Caroline,  daughter 
of  Oliver  Obear ;  Ph.D.,  Washington  and  Jefferson  Coll^;e,  '84.  Teacher 
and  author.  New  York  City. 

Reed,  John. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  (Smith);  from  Ireland  ;  bora  Phil- 
adelphia, Pa.,  May  19,  1819  ;  drug  clerk,  druggist,  Huntingdon,  Pa.,  '41—; 
married  April,  '48,  Ann  M.  Hagey.     Druggist,  Huntingdon,  Pa. 

♦Reid,  James  Craio.  Son  of  Rev.  Robert  and  Elizabeth  (Calhoun);  bom 
Erie,  Pa.',  Jan.  9,  1818;  teacher  Erie  Academy;  law  student;  practiceii 
law  '47-52;  civil  engineer  Illinois,  Missouri  and  Texas ;  member  of 
Pennsylvania  Legislature  '49-50;  married  '47,  Louisa  C.  IngersoU;  died 
Erie,  Pa.,  Oct.  1,  '65.     Lawyer. 

♦RiTTENHOUSE,  JoHN  HuoHES. — Born  Pennsylvania,  Sept.  25,  1815  ;  P.  T.  S. 
'40-43 ;  licensed  Presbytery  of  Northumberland ;  ordained  Feb.  6,  '44, 
same  presbytery ;  pastor  Derry  and  VVashingtonville,  Pa.;  married  Sep- 
tember, '47,  Jane,  daughter  of  Hon.  William  Simonton ;  died  Nov.  12, 
'53,  suddenly,   heart  disease.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Saegent,  Fitzwilliam. — Son  of  Winlhrop;  born  Gloucester,  Mass,  May  17. 
1820;  medical  student;  practiced  medicine,  Philadelphia  (Pa.)  Hospital, 
Wells  Hospital  '44-54,  Switzerland  '54 — ;  married  May,  *50,  Mary  Singer. 
Physician ;   residence  Switzerland. 

Shannon,  Owen  Evans — Born  Norristown,  Pa.,  Feb.  12,  1818;  Episcopal 
Seminary,  Virginia;  ordained  deacon  '42,  priest  same  year ;  rector  Hones- 
dale,  Pa.,  '42-47  ;  missionary  in  Philadelphia,  '47-53,  Seymour,  Conn., 
'53-66,  East  Haven  '66—;  married  '42,  Margaretta  P.  Hamill.  Protesunt 
Episcopal  minister,  East  Haven,  Conn. 

Smith,  Philander  C. — From  St.  Francisville,  La.;  planter;  member  Louisi- 
ana Legislsture(?). 

Spebr,  William.— Son  of  Dr.  James  R.  and  Hattie  (Morrow);  born  New 
Alexandria,  WestnWeland  Co.,  Pa.,  April  24,  1822;  W.  T.  S.  '4,S-4e): 
licensed  April  21,  '46,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  June  16,  '46,  same 
presbytery ;  foreign  missionary  to  China  '46-58;  missionary  to  Chinese  in 
California;  home  missionary  Wisconsin  and  Minnesota  '58-()5;  Corre- 
sponding Secretary  Board  of  Education  '65-76  ;  evangelist  '76 — ;  published 
'*  China  and  the  United  Stales,"  '*  History  of  the  Great  Revival,"  *'  Gods 
Rule  for  Christian  Giving ; "  married  May  7,  '46,  Cornelia,  daughter  of 
'Alexander  Brackenridge,  also  April  20,  '52,  Elizabeth  B.,  daughter  of 
Major  Jolin  H.  Ewing  ;  D.D.,  Center  College,  '66;  A.  M.,  '47,  Jefferson  Col- 
lege.    Presbyterian  minister,  Washington,  Pa. 


tLEY,  WiLUAM  W.— Born  Romney,  Va.,  Jan.  30,  1809;  U.  T.  S.,  Vir- 
aia, '39-42  ;  licensed  April  16,  '42,  Presbytery  of  Winchester;  ordained 
5c.  23,  '43,  Presbytery  of  West  Hanover ;  pastor  Old  Ck>ncord  '42-49  : 
lied  supply  New  Concord  '44-67,  Union  and  Rock  Spring  '58-62 ;  died 
ashington  Co.,  Va.,  Jan.  12,  '63.     Presbyterian  minister. 

,EY,  John  B.— Born  ISlo  ;  medical  student ;    practiced  medicine, 

ar  Thompsonyille,  Pa.;  teacher  Bethel  Academy  some  years;  tutor 
fferson  College  *5o— ;   County  Engineer,    Allegheny  Co.,    Pa.,   7i^77  ; 

irried ;  infirm  '78-86  ;  died  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  March,  '86  ;  A.M  , 

i,  Jefferson  College. 

:y,  Alexander. — Son  of  John  and  Jane  (Barber);  bom  County  Derry, 
?laiid,  March  20,  1813  ;  teacher  '39-44 ;  theology  privately  ;  licensed  '44, 
esbylery  of  Richland;  ordained  April,  '4o,  Presbytery  of  SteubenyiUe ; 
stor  Carrollton,  O.,  '46-55,  New  Hagerstown  '55-72 ;  stated  supply 
ronto,  C,  '87;  chaplain  98th  Regiment  Ohio  Volunteers  '62-64; 
irried  October,  *40,  Sarah  C.  McCutcheon,  also  Oct.  26,  '4S,  Jane  Lind- 
r,  also  Nov.  26,  '73,  Kate  C.  Brown  ;  D.D.,  '68,  Washington  and  Jeffer- 
I  College.     Presbyterian  minister,  Toronto,  O. 

•SON,  William  Sheridan.— Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Roberts);  born 
)rthampton  Co.,  N.  C,  Oct.  12,  1815;  P.  T.  S.  '39-42;  licensed  May  12, 
1,  Presbytery  of  West  Hanover ;  ordained  same  date  nnd  same  presbytery; 
Btor  Trinity,  Va.,  '42 — ;  married  Dec.  28,  '43,  Caroline  S.,  daughter  of 
hn  Gulick,  also  Oct.  11,  '53,  Ann  S.,  daughter  of  W.  S.  Fontaine, 
esbyterian  minister,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

.ACE,  Joseph  Cummins. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Sarah  (Evans);  born  Har- 
burg.  Pa.,  Sept.  16,  1821  ;  law  student;  practiced  law'Harrisburg,  Pa., 
-46 ;  United  Slates  Army  in  Mexico,  '47  ;  second  lieutenant,  3d  Dra- 
ins ;  died  Matamoras,  Mexico,  Oct.  6,  '47,  yellow  fever.     Lawyer. 

V,  George. — Born  Boston,  Mass  ,  Jan.  2,  1821  ;  law  student;  practiced 
r  Cleveland,  O.,  '42 — ;  United  States  Attorney  '69  ;  married  '55,  Julia 
Vaughan.     Lawyer,  Cleveland,  O. 

LM.s,  MosES  Allen. — Son  of  Benjamin  and  Elizabeth  (Reed)  ;  born 
ishington  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  26,  1811 ;  teacher  Maryland  and  Georgia ;  theol  •  i 
r  privately;  licensed  December,  '44,  Presbytery  of  Georgia;  ordained 
mgelist  '46;  pastor  Uniontown  '49-52  ;  missionary  Valparaiso,  South 
lerica,  '52-56,  California  and  Washington  Territory  '5()— ;  Tk  Kord, 
B.,  'S6  ;  married  Mrs.  Amelia  W.  Jacks.  Presbyterian  minister,  Med- 
d.  Ore. 

)N,  Thomas  Mitchell. — Born  near  Saltsburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  25,  1887  ;  med- 
1  student;  W.  T,  S.  '()0-63 ;  licensed  April,  '62,  Presbytery  of  Schuyler  ; 
lained  October,  '63,  same  presbytery;  stated  supply  Edgington,  111., 
-64  ;  pastor  Ebensburg,  Pa.,  '65-()7,  Sharpsburg  '67-70  ;  stated  supply 
imlet,  111.;  pastor  Rochelle '72-74  ;  married  April  I«>,  '(58,  Lizzie  John- 
n  ;  died  Rochelle,  111.,  Feb.  22,  '74.     Presbyterian  minister. 


♦WooDEND,  William  W.— Son  of  John  and  Jane  (Flack);  born  near  Calleii»> 
burg,  Pa.,  June  25,  1816;  teacher  * 39-44;  theology  privately;  licensed 
Oct.  T),  '43,  Presbytery  of  Redstone ;  stated  supply  '44-46 ;  ordained  Jan. 
14,  '40,  Presbyiery  of  Saltsburg;  pastor  Saltsburg,  Pa.,  '46-79,  Highland, 
Kan.,  79-«0,  Phillipsburg,  Pa.,  '81—;  without  charge  —'86;  married 
May  2,  '43,  Matilda  R.,  daughter  of  Dr.  Postlethwaite,  also  Sept.  2$,  -V^, 
Judith,  daughter  of  Hon.  A.  McConnell,  also  Sept.  1,  '71,  Rebecca  I.. 
daughter  of  J.  W.  Robinson ;  died  Indiana,  Pa.,  Nov.  21,  '80,  catarrh  uf 
stomach  and  bowels;  D.D.,  70,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College.  Pres- 
byterian minister. 

•Woods,  Samuel  Stanhope.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Samuel ;  born  Mifflin  Co.,  Pa.. 
Sept.  8,  1820;  law  student;  practiced  law  Lewistown,  Pa.,  '42-01;  Pre- 
siding Judge,  Twentieth  Judicial  District,  '01-71;  married  Nov.  0,  '44, 
Henrietta  Wilson  ;  died  Lewistown,  Pa.,  Feb.  8,  72.     I^awyer. 


♦Anderson,  J.  Patton.— Son  of  Col.  William  P.  and  Margaret  L.  (Adairi; 
born  W^inchester,  Tenn.,  Feb.  10,  1H22;  law  student,  Law  School,  Frank- 
fort, Ky.;  practiced  law  Hernando,  Miss.,  '42-40;  United  States  Ami}-, 
Mexican  War,  '46-49;  lieutenant-colonel;  Mississippi  Legislature  two 
terms;  United  States  Marshal,  Washington  Territory,  'oS-oo ;  Delegate  to 
Congress,  Washington  Territory  ;  nominated  Governor,  declined ;  planter. 
Monticello,  Fla.,  '.")7-<»l ;  Slate  Convention,  Florida,  '01 ;  Confederate 
Congress  '01;  Confederate  States  Army,  '01-(>4;  captain,  colonel,  brigadier- 
general,  major-general ;  wounded,  Jonesboro,  '64;  married  '53,  Etta  Adair; 
died  Memphis,  Tenn.,  Sept.  20,  '72,   result  of  wounds  in  battle.     Lawyer. 

•Andrew,  Wimjam  HrMK.— Son  of  James  and  Elizabeth  (Scott);  born  Xenia, 
O.J  July  2.S  ISIS;  Franklin  College;  Associate  Theological  Seminary 
Canonsbnrg;  licensed  June  10,  '47,  Associate  Presbytery  of  Miami 
ordained Sppt.  14,  *4S,  Presbytery  of  Iowa;  pastor  Washington  and  Colum 
bus  City,  Iowa,  '4S-51 ;  foreign  missionary  to  Trinidad  '51-02 ;  pastor 
North  Liberty,  O ,  '53,  Ripley  '■)4-57,  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  '57-59,  Pittsburg 
Seventh  Church,  '59-75,  Gait,  Ontario,  Can.,  '75-79;  married  June  17,  '47, 
Margaret  Ann  McFall ;  died  Gait,  Ontario,  Can.,  March  30,  '79  ;  D.D.: 
A.  M.,  Jefferson  College,  '55.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

Austin,  Georcjk  K.— From  Eastern  Shore  of  Maryland;  farmer  Dorchester  Co., 
member  Slate  Convention  to  remodel  the  Constitution  of   the  State,  '07. 

•BoYi),  Samuel  F.— Went  South;  editor,  Port  (libson.  Miss.,  California; 
died  California. 

Brown,  Hugh  Arbuthnot. — Son  of  William  and  Eleanor  (Lyons);  born  St. 
Clairsville,  ().,  Dec.  20,  1819;  P  T.  S.  '41-44;  licensed  Oct.  4,  '43,  Pres- 
bytery of  New  Brunswick;  ordained  April  16,  '44,  Presbytery  of  Logans- 
port;  foreign  miHsIonnry,  Oiina,  Amoy,  China,  '45-'! 8 ;  infirm,  stated 
supply  Logansport,  Ind.,  '4S-4i) ;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Roanoke,  Vs., 
'49-53;  stated  supply  Rock  ford,  111.,  '53-57;  pastor  Betheeda,  Va.,  '57—; 
married  June  11,  '50,  Matilda  C,  daughter  of  James  Little.  Presbyterian 



jsoN,  James  C— Bora  Franklin  Co.,  Pa.,  June  1,  1811 ;  W.  T.  S.  '41-43 ; 
licensed  April  19,  '43,  Presbytery  of  Washington;  ordained  April  17,  '44, 
tame  presbytery ;  pastor  Maple  Creek  and  Mt.  Olivet,  Pa.,  '44-49;  stated 
supply  Old  Salem  six  months ;  pastor  New  Salem  '51-t)6  ;  InHrm  '66-70 ;  died 
July  5,  '70.     Presbyterian  minister. 

ITER,  A.  G.  W.  Son  of  Ephraim  and  Matilda  (Hurdus);  born  Cincinnati, 
>.,  March  4,  1820;  law  student,  Law  School,  Cincinnati;  practiced  law 
:;incinnati,  O.,  '41-74,  New  York  City  '74-79,  Cincinnati  '79-85;  Prose- 
cuting Attorney  '47-51 ;  Judge  Court  of  Common  Pleas,  Cincinnati,  '52-62  ; 
published  *^  Life  of  Rev.  Adam  Hurdus,"  *•  Reminiscences  and  Anecdotes 
>f  the  Bar  of  Cincinnati,"  etc.;  married  March  22,  '42,  Margaretta,  daugh- 
er  of  Dr.  John  Wishart,  also  Nov.  30,  '72,  Mrs.  Miranda  B.  S.,  daughter  of 
Hugh  Barney;  died  Cincinnati,  O.,  Feb.  21,  '85.     Lawyer. 

LTER,  Samuel  Logan.  — Son  of  Rev.  John  and  Jane  (Logan);  born 
^'enango  Co.,  Pa.,  1814  preacher  Beaver,  Pa.,  Richmond,  O.,  Paris,  Ky., 
Peoria,  111.;  editor  Peoria  Republican;  farmer;  died  Peoria,  111.,  Sept.  4, 
So.     Teacher. 

GiiERTY,  Robert  W. — Born  Princess  Anne,  Md.;  law  student ;  practiced 
aw  Princess  Anne,  Md.,  1842-63,  Towsontown  '63-69;  died  Towsontown, 
Hd.,  '69.     Lawyer. 

.E,  George. — Son  of  Hon.  Richard  T.  and  &fary  tTilghman);  was  born 
lear  Centerville,  Md.,  Sept.  10,  1821  ;  studied  law  under  his  father  and 
rith  Hon.  John  Glenn,  Baltimore ;  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  '43;  prac- 
iced  at  Centreville  '43-45,  at  Eikton  '45-64,  and  in  City  of  Washington 
ince  '70  ;  he  was  Clerk  of  Court  of  Appeals  of  Maryland  '43-68  ;  was 
lected  to  the  State  Constitutional  Convention  of  '64,  and  therein  served 
s  member  of  the  Judiciary  Committee  and  Chairman  of  the  Committee  of 
Revision;  he  was  First  Assistant  Postmaster-General  of  the  United  States 
a  '69  ;  Dec.  13,  '43,  married  Mary,  daughter  of  Dr.  Joseph  Chamberlain, 
nd  grand-niece  of  Charles  Thomson,  Secretary  of  First  Congress  United 
kates.     His  residence  is  1916  35ih  Street,  N.  W.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

.E,  Archibald  B.—Son  of  John  B.  and  Maria  B.  (Miller);  born  Freder- 
ck  Co.,  Va.,  1821(?);  medical  student;  practiced  medicine  Virginia, 
Cansns  City,  Mo., '88  :  druggist ;    married.     Physician,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

.DEM AN,  John. — Son  of  Jacob  M.  and  Eliza  E.  (Jacobs);  born  Harris- 
»urg.  Pa.,  Sept.  19,  1821 ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Harrisburg,  Pa. 
'enasylvania  Legislature;  married  Maria  Stehley ;  died  Denver,  Col., 
uly    13,  '65,  on  way  to  California. 

CH,  Daniel  S. — Born  Vermont;  infirm;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  1840, 
onsumption.     Student ;  ministry  in  view. 

S  Joseph  Martin. — Son  of  Martin  and  Mary  (Camp);  born  Prattsburg, 
^.Y.,  June  6,  1812 ;  teacher,  '40-41;  theology  W.  R.  College,  '41-44; 
icensed  April,  '44,  Presbytery  of  Erie  ;  stated  supply  Tallmadge,  Peru  and 
^lymouth,   O.;    ordained   October,  '47,   Presbytery   of   Huron ;    principal 

»'  v»; 

102       /•'. "  ••  *'••'•  '"      (}E^£RAL   CATALOGUE   OP 

Female  Seminar j,  Norwalk,  O.,  three  years ;  home  miasionarj  Wisoooflin^ 
'06-68;  infirm;  married  Aug.  12,  '45,  Hannah  Ann,  daughter  of  Johi^ 
Baasett,  also  Nov.  10,  '64,  Mrs.  Sarah  W.  Riiblee.  Presbyterian  minister^ 
West  Salem,  Wis. 

Hbrbon,  James  Clokey.  -  Son  of  James  and  Sarah  (Clokej);  bom  Wa8hingtoi> 
Co.,  Pa.,  March  26,  1821;  Associate  Theological  Seminary,  Canonsburg; 
licensed  May,  '44,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny ;  ordained  May  20,  '46,  Pres- 
bytery of  Ohio ;  pastor  Peter's  Creek,  Pa  ,  '46-53,  Napa,  Cal.,  '53-o9, 
Cross  Roads,  Pa.,  '59-63,  Lawrence,  Kan.,  '67-75,  London,  Can.,  '61»-S3,. 
Jamestown,  Pa.,  '88.    United  Presbyterian  minister,  Jamestown,  Pa. 

HuouEs,  Daniel  I^awrence. — Son  of  James  R.  and  Eliza  (Eldridge);  born 
Cape  May  Co.,  N.  J.,  Jan.  8,  1820;  P.  T.  S.,  '40-43  ;  licensed  April  lU, 
'43,  Presbytery  of  West  Jersey;  ordained  Jan.  10,  '44,  Presbytery  of 
Huntingdon  ;  pastor  Little  Valley,  Pa.,  '44-43,  Pine  Grove  '48-57, 
Spruce  Creek,  '48-57,  Sinking  Valley  '53-57 ;  stated  supply  Qlenwood, 
Iowa,  '69-65,  Plattsmouth,  Neb.,  '63-65;  pastor  Tipton  and  New  York, 
Iowa,  '66-69;  stated  supply  Waterloo,  Union  and  Yankee  Grove 
'72-75,  Baker's  Grove '75-77 ;  Dysart,  '77-79;  pastor  Tranquillity '79-.^'), 
Salem '82-85;  infirm  '86;  Petersburg,  Pa.,  '87—;  published  the  *•  Life 
of  Rev.  J.  W.  McGinnes,"  and  *' Sermons;"  married  Oct.  19,  '43,  Elmira 
W.,  daughter  of  Captain  Humphrey  Hughes.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Petersburg,  Pa. 

*Huohe8,  David.— Son  of  Aaron  and  Meribah  ;  bom  Cape  Island,  N.  J.,  Dec. 
8,  1819;  medical  student  New  Haven  and  Philadelphia;  theology  pri- 
vately; practiced  medicine  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  '43-50;  licensed  March, 
'50,  Presbytery  of  Pittsburg ;  ordained  '52,  Presbytery  of  Athens ;  pastor 
New  Plymouth,  O.,  '52-62 ;  married  '43,  Susan  P.  Lee ;  died  New 
Plymouth,  O.,  March  18,  '64,  typhoid  fever.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•Jacobs,  Akdrew  Parker. — Son  of  Robert  Urie  and  Mary  (Parker);  bora 
Lewistown,  Pa.,  Oct.  6,  1820 ;  law  student;  practiced  law  Lewistown,  Pa., 
'42-56  ;  married  Jan.  23,  '51,  Mary  E.  Van  Volzah  ;  died  Lewistown,  Pa., 
Dec.  20,  '56.     Lawyer. 

•Mahapfey,  Samukl  -Son  of  John  and  Aggies  (Jordan);  born  Washington 
Co.,  Pa.,  March  25,  1816;  teacher;  P.  T.  S.,  '41-44;  licensed  April  (J, 
'43,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia;  professor  Delaware  College,  '43  ;  ordained 
evangelist  Sept.  11,  '46,  Presbytery  of  St.  Clairsville;  President  of 
Madison  College,  '46-48;  principal  Miller  Academy,  '48-50;  stated 
supply  Sharon  and  Freeport  '49-50,  Antrim  and  Freeport  '46-52, 
Birmingham  '52-57;  pastor  Concord,  '57-61;  stated  supply  Freeport, 
'62-70,  Olive  '62-65,  West  Carlisle  and  Jefferson  '74-75,  Mt.  Zion  "TO ; 
evangelist;  married  April  11,  '48,  Mary  .J.,  daughter  of  Samuel  I^urence; 
died  Washington,  O.,  Nov.  17,  '87.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦McConauohy,  David  Walker. — Son  of  Hugh  and  Isabella  (Walker);  born 
Cross  Creek,  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  5,  1820;  teacher  Grove  Academy, 
Steubenville,  O.,  '40  ;  candidate  for  ministry;  infirm;  unmarried;  died 
Cross  Creek,  Pa.,  July  31,  '41,  consumption.  Candidate  for  foreign  mis- 



iiB,  Solomon.— Born  near  Brownsburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  3,  1815 ;  P.  T.  S., 
-44 ;  ordained  Maj  8,  '4(5,  Presbytery  of  Donegal ;  stated  supply  and 
8tor  Middle  Octorara,  Pa.,  '44-53;  pastor  Mansfield,  N.  J.,  '.'>3-«l  ; 
lied  supply  Upper  Mt.  Bethel,  Pa.,  '62-64  ;  stated  supply  and  pastor 
tUe  Britain  '64-73;  died  Little  Britain,  Pa.,  Dec.  29,  '73.  Presbyterian 

t:R,  George. — Son  of  Jacob  and  Elizabeth  (Ettleman);  born  Massillon, 
,  Jan.  7,  1815;  law  student,  Massillon,  '40-42;  practiced  law  Mas- 
Ion,  '42-50;  Ohio  Ijegislature,  '44-45;  Justice  of  the  Peace,  .0-47; 
married;  died  Massillon,  O.,  Dec.  18,  '50.     Lawyer. 

ER,  Jam£S  Weston. — Son  of  Jeremiah  and  Elizabeth  (Weston);  born 
•ie  Co  ,  Pa.,  Nov.  15,  1815  ;  W.  T.  S.,  '42-44;  licensed  April,  '43,  Pres- 
tery  of  Steubenville;  ordained  October,  '44,  same  presbytery;  foreign 
iasionary,  Texas;  pastor  Houston,  Texas,  '44 -50 ;  teacher;  evangelist, 
)— ;  President  of  Austin  College,  '06 ;  principal  of  Ladies'  Seminary, 
$-80;  married  '47,  Elizabeth  A.,  daughter  of  D.  F.  McKennan, 
o'52,  Elizabeth  S.  Slewart;  D.D.,  '75,  Austin  College;  died  Ciay  Hill, 
jxas,  April  29,  '88.     Presbyterian  minister. 

£,  John  Taylor. — Bom  near  Port  Gibson,  Miss.,  Feb.  22,  1819; 
inier,  near  Port  Gibson;  died  near  Port  Gibson,  Miss.,  Jan.  1,  79. 

:,  Nathan  Grier.— Son  of  Rev.  Samuel  and  Martha  (Grier);  born  York 
.,  Pa.,  Dec.  16,  1820;  P.  T.  S.,  '41-44  ;  licensed  April  30,  '43,  Presby- 
y  of  Donegal ;  ordained  evangelist  July  7,  '46,  same  presbytery  ;  stated 
pply  and  pastor  Pittston,  Pa.,  *44 — ;  published  "History  of  Presbytery 
Luzerne ;"  married  June  8,  '47,  Ann  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  W.  C. 
Idersleeve;  Moderator  Synod;  Stated  Clerk  of  Presbytery;  D.D.,  'S4, 
ashington  and  Jefferson  College.     Presbyterian  minister,  Pittston,  Pa. 

r'ANT,  William  A.— Son  of  Phillipe  and  Zelie;  born  Zelienople,  Pa., 
t.  8,  1821  ;  Lutheran  Theological  Seminary,  Gettysburg,  '40-42';  licensed 
tober,  '42,  English  Lutheran  Synod,  Md.;  ordained  October,  '44,  same 
lod;  missionary  Baltimore  '42-44  ;  pastor  First  English  Lutheran  Church, 
ttsburg.  Pa.,  '44-45;  established  Pittsburg  Intirmary  ;  Orphans'  Home, 
►cheater;  Orphans'  Farm  School,  Zelienople;  same  Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y.; 
Iwaukee  Hospital,  Chicago  ;  Jacksonville,  111.;  Thiel  College,  Greenville, 
.;  editor  Lutheran  Missionary  fourteen  years;  workman  ;  married  May  1, 
I,  Eliza,  daughter  of  Philip  Waller;  D.D.,  Princeton  College.  Lutheran 
nister,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

RsoN,  Robert.— Son  of  Rev.  Robert  (who  recited  the  first  lesson  in 
nonsburg  Academy)  and  Jean  (Canon);  born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Oct.  17, 
II]  law  student  with  Hon.  T.  H.  Baird  '40-44;  teacher  '46-64;  Pro- 
«or  of  Mathematics,  Jefferson  College,  '50-54;  Oak  College,  Mississippi, 
t-58;  Center  College,  Danville,  Ky.,  '58-64;  editor  Presbyterian  Banner 
:— ;  married  Ang.  27,  '51,  Eliza  Acheson,  daughter  of  Hon.  T.  H. 
ird.     Editor  Pittsburg,  Pa. 



Reed,  William  H.— Born  Woodstown,  N.  J.,  Sept.  19,  1820  ;  teacher  North 
Carolina  '41-43  ;  law  student,  New  Jersey  ;  admitted  to  the  bar  '46 ;  Super- 
intendent of  Public  Schools,  Salem  Co.,  N.  J.,  '47-.>8;  married  April,  '47, 
Lavinia  Townsend.     Farmer  and  teacher. 

Koss,  Robert  A. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Martha  ;  born  Cabarrus  Co.,  N.  C.  Oct. 
9,  1817  ;  theology  with  Dr.  J.  Boyce  ;  licensed  '42,  First  Presbytery  Asso- 
ciate Reformed  Synod  of  the  South ;  ordained  December,  '43,  same  presbv- 
tery  ;  pastor  Sharon,  Smyrna  and  Olivet ;  stated  supply  '43  ~  ;  married  July 
28,  '4H,  Nancy  E  Kennedy,  also  September,  'o4,  Naomi  Caldwell;  D.D. 
Associate  Reformed  minister,  Blairsville,  S.  C. 

♦Steele,  Robert. — Sod  of  Robert  and  Mary  (McElwain);  born  near  Newville, 
Pa.,  Dec.  17,  1813 ;  P.  T.  S.  '41-44  ;  ordained  '45(?),  Presbytery  of  Peoria; 
pastor  Lewistown,  111.,  '4.>-48;  married  Nov.  2(),  '44,  Mary  McCandlish; 
died  Lewistown,  III.,  Sept.  27,  '48.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*SwAN,  John. — Born  Cumberland,  Md.(?);  law  student ;  practiced  law  Cumber- 
land, Md.;  Maryland  Legislature;  married;  died  Cumberland,  Md.,  per- 
haps, '55 ;  A.  M  ,  '49,  Jefferson  College. 

*Wason,  James. — Born  Franklin  Co.,  Pa.,  1819 ;  law  student,  Hagerstown, 
Md.,  *40-42  ;  practiced  law  Hagerstown,  Md.,  '42—  ;  Registrar  of  Wills, 
Washington  Co.,  Md.,  '43-57  ;  editor  Hagerstown  Mail;  married  '43,  Mary 
A.  McLanahan  ;  died  Hagerstown,  Md.,  Aug.  14,  '67.     Lawyer. 

Wentzel,  G.  Anthony. — Son  of  Daniel  and  Anna  Maria  ;  born  Dittlofsrod, 
Landgericht  Hammelburg,  Untermeinkreis,  Koenigreich,  Bayern,  Ger- 
many, Jan.  11,  1816  ;  theology  German  Theological  Seminary;  licensed 
'43 ;  ordained  '44,  evangelist  Lutheran  Church  ;  preached  Lehigh,  North- 
ampton, Montgomery  and  Warren  Counties,  Pa.,  Philadelphia,  Pittsburg, 
and  Washington,  Pa.;  married  Jan.  28,  '44,  R.  B.  McAffee.  Evangelical 
Lutheran  minister,  Pittaburg,  Pa. 

*White,  Henry  A. — Born  Princess  Anne,  Md.;  farmer;  Superintendent  of 
Public  Schools,  Somerset  Co.,  Md.;  married  daughter  of  Bishop  Stone ;  died 
Princess  Anne,  Md.,  July,  1868.     Farmer. 


*Arnott,  Moses. — Son  of  George  and  Jane  (Morrison);  born  Washington  Co., 
N.  Y.,  June  18,  1820;  Associate  Seminary,  Canonsburg,  Pa.;  tutor  Jeffer- 
son College;  licensed  '45 (?),  Presbytery  of  Conemaugh  ;  ordained  Hebron, 
N.  Y.;  pastor-elect  New  York;  pastor  Carmel,  Ind.,  '47-74;  married  April 
22,  '45,  Mary  H.,  daughter  of  John  Pollock  ;  died  July  11,  '74,  congestive 
fever.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Banks,  James  A. — Born  Lewistown,  Pa.;  law  student;  practiced  law  Lewis- 
town,  Pa.,  '44-53,  California  '53 — ;  died  California.     Lawyer. 



L,  Henby  Rutgers.— iSon  of  William  and  Margaret  V.  (Dwight);  b^^rn 
Pittsburg,  Pa.,  March  29,  1822  ;  medical  student  Jefferson  Medical  College  ; 
practiced  medicine  Allegheny,  Pa.,  Chicago,  111.,  — *54,  Meadville,  Pft.j 
'o4-68,  Chicago,  111.,  '08-6O,  Lake  Superior  '(51,  Allegheny,  Pa.,  '61  ;  mar- 
'ied  Martha  J.  Irwin;  died  Allegheny,  Pa.,  '61.     Physician. 

iRD,  William  C.  Son  of  Charles  and  Mary  (Craford);  born  Westmore- 
land Co.,  Pa.,  March  17, 1814  ;  teacher  Kentucky  '41-4");  merchant  ApoJU), 
Pa.,  '45  -  ;  assistant  Apollo  Bank  till  *80  ;  founded  Deposit  Rank,  DuBois, 
Pa.,  '80 —  ;  elder  Presbyterian  Church  ;  married  Jan.  20,  'o2,  Jane  Fits* 
^erald.     Banker,  DuBois,  Pa. 

'£S,  John  K. — Son  of  John  and  Isabella  (Kirkpatrick);  born  Mecklenburg 
[)o.,  N.  C,  June  15,  1815;  Theological  Seminary,  Due  West,  S.  C;  licenserl 
43,  First  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  the  South  ;  pastor  Hopewell 
md  Head  Spring,  Tenn.,  '44-48  ;  teacher  and  evangelist  Covington,  Tenn., 
48-71 ;  agriculture  and  preaching  '71-81  ;  married  Nov.  25,  '45,  Martha 
R.  Bowen  ;  died  Covington,  Tenn.,  March  21,  '81.  Associate  Reformed 

:kek,  Thomas  A.— Son  of  Henry  and  Martha  (Simcox);  born  near  Cao- 
msburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  14,  1820;  teacher  Kentucky  '41-42;  N.  A.  S.  *42-45; 
icensed  April,  '45,  Presbytery  of  Salem;  infirm,  Mississippi ;  ordained  ^)S, 
Presbytery  of  Upper  Missouri ;  stated  supply  Burlington,  Mo.,*45-46 ;  pastor 
Louisiana,  Ky.,  '40-47,  Plane,  Mo.,  '48,  Independence  '55,  Lebanon,  Ky., 
67 —  ;  married  July  9,  '45,  Ann  W.,  daughter  of  William  Warren;  I)»D., 
81,  Center  University,  Kentucky.     Presbyterian  minister,  Lebanon,  Ky. 

.*HAiiAN,  James.  — Son  of  Andrew  and  Phoebe  (Pedan);  born  Lancaster,  O., 
Miarch  21,  1822 ;  Associate  Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '4I^''j; 
[icensed  '45,  Second  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  July  23,  '40, 
Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Springfield;  pastor  Cedarville,  n., 
40-47;  died  Cedarville,  O.,  April  11,  '47,  consumption.  Associate 
fleformed  Presbyterian  minister. 

.ISLE,  William. —  Born  Shippensburg,  Pa.,  Sept.  4,  1815;  Associate 
[Reformed  Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '41-45;  licensed  April  Ui, 
43,  Presbytery  of  Big  Spring ;  ordained  Oct.  22,  '40 ;  pastor  Ixiwer 
Jhanceford  and  Hopewell,  Pa.,  '48-56;  infirm.  United  Presbytenan 
ninister,  Shippensburg,  Pa. 

K,  Isaac  Mblancthon.— Born  Chillicothe,  O.,  March  2,  1819  ;  P.  T.  S. 
42-43;  licensed  '45,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle ;  ordained  Dec.  17,  '45,  Pren- 
t)ytery  of  Beaver;  staled  supply  Beaver,  Pa.,  '45;  pastor  Bridgewater, 
45-54  ;  married  Miss  Shields,  daughter  of  David  Shields  ;  died  Bridge- 
water,  Pa.,  January,  '54.     Presbyterian  minister. 

JGHEAD,  John  B. — Son  of  W.  M.  and  Jane  Boggs ;  born  near  Canons- 
Ijurg,  Pa,  July  17,  1814;  teacher,  '44-45;  farmer;  died  near  Canon^t- 
bur^,  Pa.,  Oct.  19,  '84.     Farmer. 


Crawford,  Thomas  McCaubland. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Letitia  J.  (Bnyen); 
born  Georgetown,  D.  C,  Jan.  14,  1819;  teacher,  '42-4') ;  P.  T.  S.,  M')-48; 
licenBed  April  19,  '48;  principal  Gap,  Pa.,  *48->0;  ordained  May  2;^,  '~>1, 
Presbytery  of  Donegal ;  pastor  Slateville,  Pa.,  '.)l-73 ;  stated  supply  Pine 
Gro7e,  73 — ;  married  Mrs.  Margaret  A.  Wylie,  daughter  of  James  Alexan- 
der.    Presbyterian  minister.  Slate  Hill,  Pa. 

Donaldson,  Wilson  McPherrin.— Son  of  James  and  Janet  (Wilson);  born 
Ligonier  Valley,  Pa.,  June  23,  1817 ;  W.  T.  S.,  *4;^4.');  licensed  June  18, 
'4o,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville  ;  teacher,  Indiana,  Pa.;  ordained  April  9,  '46> 
Presbytery  of  Fort  Wayne;  missionary  Steuben  Co.,  Ind.,  at  Angola,  etc.^ 
and  organized  three  churches  *46-48  ;  pastor  Bluffton,  New  Lancaster  and 
Pleasant  Ridge,  '48-o0,  Ossian  (the  former  Pleasant  Ridge)  '60-70: 
supplied  also  Elkanan,  Fairfield  and  Union,  Pa.,  '7H-85,  Northfield,  P , 
*85-88;  married  July  23,  '46,  Sarah  A.,  daughter  of  Wm.  Van  Emon, 
Canonsburg,  Pa.,  also  June  12,  '4$,  Rachel,  daughter  of  John  Barnet,. 
Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  also  Jan.  30,  '56,  Elisabeth  M.  Egbert;  Suted 
Clerk  Fort  Wayne  Presbytery;  Trustee  Hanover  College;  Moderator 
Synod   of  North  Indiana  '76.     Presbyterian     minister,     Hastings,    Minn. 

♦Donaldson,  David.— Son  of  William  and  Elisabeth  (Morrison);  born  Alle- 
gheny Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  21,  1821;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Thompson, 
Library,  and  Jefferson  College;  practiced  medicine,  Virginia,  '45-47, 
Sodom,  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  '47->3,  Mt.  Lebanon  '53-59,  Bridgeville, 
fifteen  years ;  physician  Allegheny  County  Home  fourteen  years  ;  married 
Sept.  23,  '47,  Ellen  Boyce,  also  June  5,  '73,  Sophia  C.  Hays;  died  Bridge- 
ville, Pa.,  Nov.  20,  '«3.     Physician. 

DoroLASS,  Ralph — Methodist  minister,  Missouri. 

♦Di'NCAN,  James  C. — Son  of  Alexander  and  Matilda;  born  near  Florence 
Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  14,  1819;  died  same  place,  Feb.  is,  '42. 
Candidate  for  ministry. 

*Elder,  Joshua.— Born  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  22,  1819;  W.  T.  S.,  '41-42; 
licensed  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  *42 ;  medical  sliulent;  practiced 
medicine  Ligonier  Valley,  Pa.,  some  years,  California,  Oregon;  insane, 
Portland,  Oregon  ;  probably  dead.     Preacher  and  physician. 

♦Elliott,  Edward  Johnston'.  —Son  of  James  and  Mary ;  born  near  Browns- 
ville, Pa.,  May  1,  1818  ;  teacher;  farmer  Fayette  County,  Pa.;  unmarried  ; 
died  Fort  Madison,  Iowa,  April  20,  *54,  cholera. 

Hunter,  John. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Margaret  H.;  born  near  Charlotte,  N. 
C,  Nov.  13,  1814;  Theological  Seminary,  Due  West;  license<l  April  ID, 
'43,  First  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  the  South  ;  ordained  July  2''», 
'44,  same  body;  pastor  Back  Creek,  Prosperity  and  Oilead,  N.  C,  '44-55, 
Sardis  '55-78 ;  infirm  '78—;  parried  July  18,  '43,  Isabella  H.  Peoples. 
A880ciate';Reformed  minister,  Querys,  N.  C. 



f,  John  Freemaiy. — Sou  of  Major  William  and  Margaret  (Freeman), 
rn  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Aag.  4,  1817;  teacher;  W.  T.  S.,  '44-46; 
ensed  April,  *46,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville ;  pastor-elect  Fairview  and 
rard,  Pa.,  '46;  married  '46,  Dorcas,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  Estep ;  died 
estmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  26,  '46,  consumption.  Presbyterian 

William  S. — Son  of  James  and  Martha  S.;  born  Butler,  Pa., ; 

— ;  law  student  with  Sullivan  &  Ayres  ;  practiced  law  Butler,  Pa.,  1843-46, 
ie  '46-64,  Philadelphia  '64—;  married  August,  '46,  Elizabeth  Ann, 
ughter  of    Hon.    John   Galbraith ;  A.M.,  '44.     Lawyer,    Philadelphia. 

rr,  John  McD.— Son  of  Judge  Leavitt:  born  Steubenville,  O.;  law 
ident;  practiced  law  Cincinnati,  0.,  '46-48;  licensed  Methodist  Episco- 
I  Conference ;  preached  several  years  ;  Professor  of  Languages  Ohio  Uni- 
reity;  preacher  Methodist  Church  sixteen  years;  ordained  Protestant 
liscopai  Church  '60  ;  professor  Kenyon  College  ;  rector  Episcopal  Church, 
nesville,  O.,  '61  ;  edited  Ameri^xtn  (Quarterly  Chii'slian  Review  '60  -  ; 
esident  Lehigh  University;  St.  John's  College,  Md.;  published  poems; 
irried  September,  *48,  Miss  Brooks.  Protestant  Episcopal  minister,  New 

DE,  James  Bouvard. — Son  of  Robert  D.  and  Mary  (Bouvard);  born 
illefonle,  Pa.,  Aug.  22,  182U;  teacher  Virginia  ;  Union  Theological  Sem- 
iry,  Virginia ;  licensed  Aug.  22,  '44,  Presbytery  of  Lexington ;  ordained 
>ril  18,  '47,  Presbytery  of  Orange;  missionary  East  Tennessee  *4S-41); 
ited  supply  Rogersville  and  New  Providence  '60-52 ;  pastor  New  Provi- 
nce 'o3-.>5,  New  London,  Iowa,  '')H-6(),  Fairfield  '61-62,  pastor-elect 
cond  Church,  Cedar  Rapids,  '62-64 ;  pastor  Princeton  '64-72,  Venice  and 
illersburg.  111.,  '72-76;  stated  supply  '7(5-83;  Bethel,  Iowa,  '83-84,  Ains- 
>rth  '86 — ,  Princeton  '88  ;  married  Oct.  19,  *47,  Sarah  M.,  daughter  of 
108.  Huston.     Presbyterian  minister,  Princeton,  Iowa. 

NKiN,  Isaiah. — Son  of  David  and  Elizabeth  (Moore);  born  Butler  Co., 
L-,  July  16,  1816;  medical  student,  medical  school,  Louisville,  Ky.;  prac- 
ed  medicine  Butler,  Pa.,  '44-4)0,  Chicago,  III.,  '60-65;  married  '41), 
iriam  C.  Spang ;  died  Chicago,  111.,  December,  '6-').     Physician. 

«KiN,  Ebenezkr. — Son  of  David  and  Elizabeth  (Moore);  born  Butler 
).,  Pa.,  March  28,  1819;  law  student;  practiced  law  Butler,  Pa.,  '43—; 
istrict Attorney  '48  ;  delegate  National  Convention  '(JO;  Presidential  Elector 
1;  Member  of  Congress,  Twenty-third  Congressional  District,  Pa.,  '42-43 ; 
"esiding  Judge,  Seventeenth  Judicial  District,  Pa.,  '74-84;  married  July, 
^,  Jane,  daughter  of  Hon.  John  Bredin.     Lawyer,  Butler,  Pa. 

CQHLIN,  Isaac  Grier. — Son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Johns);  born  Meck- 
QburgCo  ,  N.  C,  Jan.  29,  1820;  Due  West  Seminary  '42-43,  and  Asso- 
ite  Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '43-44;  licensed  '44,  Associate 
eformed  Presbytery;  ordained  '4'»,  same  body;  pastor  West  Virginia 
•W)o,  Mecklenburg  Co.,  N.  C,  'V)— ;  married  Oct.  9.  '4.^,  Margaret  A. 
lack,  also  Margaret  W.  McElwee.  Associate  Reformed  Presbyterian  min- 
ter,  Querys,  N.  C. 


•Mitchell,  Andrew  Dinsmoke.— Son  of  David  and  Martha  (Dinsmore);  bora 
York  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  2,  1824;  teacher  '41-44;  P.  T.  S.  '44-47;  licensed 
April,  '47,  Presbytery  of  Donegal ;  missionary  in  Ohio  '47^9 ;  ordained 
April  10,  'oO,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle,  Pa.;  pastor  Pazton  and  Derry,  Pa., 
•50-74  ;  chaplain  United  States  Army  '76-81  ;  married  Oct.  25,  '54,  Mary  F., 
daughter  of  Dr.  B.  J.  Wiesleng;  died  Fort  Grant,  Arizona  Territory. 
March  26,  '82,  apoplexy.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Oliphant,  John.— Son  of  F.  H.  and  Jane  C.  (Duncan);  born  Fayette  Co., 
Pa.,  Aug.  29,  1822;  studied  law;  iron  manufacturer,  Fayette  €k>anty, 
Allegheny,  **  Utility  Works ;  "  in  '74,  Fayette  Co.,  Wampum  '80,  Wst- 
sontown  '81  ;  married  Oct.  21,  '44,  Harriet  A.,  daughter  of  Stephen  Danctn, 
of  Jerseyshire,  Pa.     Manufacturer,  Watson  town.  Pa. 

Ottinoeb,  William.— Born  Springfield,  Pa.,  April  12,  1812;  U.  T.  S.; 
ordained  '45,  Third  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia ;  stated  supply  Fairton  aod 
Cedarville,  N.  J.,  '44,  Unionville,  Pa.,  '45,  Monument,  Mass.,  '45-47, 
Opequon  and  Cedar  Creek,  Va.,  '47-49,  Unadilla  and  Otega,  N.  Y.,  '50, 
McKean  and  Fdinboro,  Pa.,  '51,  Belle  Valley,  Cherry  Tree,  Titusville,  Kos- 
suth, Iowa,  Grandview,  Swedespoint  and  Boonsboro',  Maryland,  Delaware, 
Gerraantown,  Pa.,  '61-74.  Presbyterian  minister ;  residence  German- 
town,  Pa. 

POTTINOER,  John  H. — Medical  student ;  practiced  medicine  aims-house  and 
infirmary,  1844-52,  hospitals  of  Paris ;  second  trip  to  Europe  '52 ;  practiced 
Baltimore  '52-56,  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  '56-61 ;  surgeon  Confederate  States  Army 
'61-65  ;  practiced  St.  Louis,  '65 — .     Physician. 

•Richards,  William  Lyman.— Son  of  Rev.  William  ;  born  Lahaina,  Moui, 
Sandwich  Islands,  Dec.  23,  1823;  teacher  Virginia;  U.  T.  S.  '43-46 ;  licensed 
'46;  ordained  Oct.  14,  '47;  foreign  missionary;  missionary  Fuh  Chan, China, 
'48-51  ;  died  at  sea,  near  St.  Helena,  Indian  Ocean,  June  5,  '51.  Presby- 
terian minister. 

Robinson,  William  Marshall. — Son  of  John  and  Jane  S.  (Marshall);  born 
near  Saltsburg,  Pa.,  July  14,  1814;  W.  T.  S.  '41-44;  licensed  June  19,  '44, 
Presbytery  of  Blairsville;  missionary;  ordained  Jan.  14,  '46,  Presbytery  of 
Zauesville ;  missionary  Ohio  '46-55 ;  pastor  of  First  Church,  Newark,  ()., 
'55-62;  staled  supply  Wellsburg,  W.  Va.,  '62-64  ;  pastor  Second  Church, 
Mercer,  Pa.,  '64-72;  Providence  Church,  Allegheny,  *72  — ;  married  Nov. 
27,  '46,  Eliza,  daughter  of  John  Caughey ;  Christian  Commission.  Presby- 
terian minister,  Allegheny,  Pa. 

15AYRE,  Henry  E.-Son  of  Daniel  and  Sally  (EUilhorp);  born  Erie  Co.,  Fa., 
1819  ;  teacher;  law  student;  California;  unmarried.  Residence  Hurleton, 
Butte  Co.,  Cal. 

iScoTT,  John  A. — Son  of  Rev.  William  N.  and  (N );  born  Marti nsburg,  Va., 

Jan.  7,  1820;  teacher  United  Presbyterian  Seminary,  Virginia,  '42-45; 
licensed  April  1,  '45,  Presbytery  of  Winchester;  ordained  .\ugust,  *46, 
Presbytery  of  West  Hanover;  pastor  Halifax  C.  H.,  Va.,   '4()-02;  chap- 


lain  Confederate  States  Army '<)J^6o ;  principal  A.  Smith  Academy,  Lex- 
ington, Va.,  '6.>-70 ;  pastor  Elk  Branch  70 — ;  Moderator  Synod  of  Vir- 
ginia *SS ;  married  Dec.  8,  *47,  Mary  C.  McClelland.  Presbyterian  min- 
ister, Duffield's,  W.  Va. 

OTT,  WiLUAM  McKendrie. — Son  of  William  ;  born  Jefferson  Co.,  O.,  Oct. 
18,  1817;  law  student;  P.  T.  S.  '43-46;  licensed  *47,  Presbytery  of  West 
Lexington;  ordained  evangelist  April  30,  '48,  Presbytery  of  Tnmsylvaniu; 
Professor  of  Ancient  Languages,  Center  College,  Kentucky,  *47-o4 ;  pastor 
Danville,  Ky.,  '54-55,  Seventh  Church,  Cincinnati,  O.,  '56-59;  Professor 
of  Biblical  Literature  and  Exegesis,  Northwestern  Theological  Seminary, 
'59-61 ;  married  Mary,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  Charles  Hodge  ;  died  Prince- 
ton, N.  J.,  Dec.  22,  '61,  consumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 

[7LLER,  John  Youno.  Son  of  John  and  Jane  (Brown);  born  near  New- 
ville,  Pa.,  March  13,  1816  ;  Associate  Reformeil  Seminary,  Allegheny, 
'41-45 ;  licensed  May  1,  '44,  Presbytery  of  Big  Spring  (Associate  Reformed) ;  , 

urdained  July  21,  '47,  First  Presbytery  of  Ohio  (United  Presbyterian);  pastor 
Fair  Haven,  O.,  '47 — ;  married  '47,  Sarah,  daughter  of  Rev.  Joseph  Kerr, 
also  '53,  Ellen,  daughter  of  Robert   Becket ;   Moderator  United  Presby- 
terian  General   Assembly  '73;    D.D.,  '7"),   Monmouth    College.      United  [ 
Presbyterian  minister.  Fair  Haven,  O.  f 
EMAKER,    William    L. — Son   of   George  and   Elizabeth   (Lukens);    born 
Georgetown,  D.  C,  July  19,  1S22  ;  medical  student,  Georgetown,  D.  C,                                    ^ 
and  Pennsylvania  University  ;  graduated  '46;  never   practiced  medicine; 
unmarried.     Residence  Georgetown,  D.  C.  ^ 

OAN,  Robert  R.— Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  2H,  1815;  teacher  Lib-  i 

erty,  Mo.,  '41-43,  Mt.  Vernon,  O.,  '43-63 ;  ordained  presbyter  Christian  [ 

Church  '43;  pastor  Mt.  Vernon,  O.,  '.')0-6o ;  secretary  and  financial  agent  .    I 

Christian  Church,  Cleveland,  O.,   '()0-69  ;  married  April  (),   '42,  Jane  E.  I 

Coulter;  died  Cleveland,  O.,  July  30,  '77.  I 

ERLING,  Robert  B. — Son  of  Henry  and  Susan  (Brown);  born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '  I 

April  28,   1824;  law  student;  business   in    Pittsburg,   Pa.;  manufacturer,  I 

Philadelphia;  cashier  Philadelphia  Bank,  '61-71'?),   Pittsburg,  '71  ;   Phil-  I 
adelphiu ;    married    Elizabeth   R.   Wood  ;    died    Philadelphia,    Pa.,  Oct. 

17,  "77.  I 

RY,    Alexander. — Born   Crawford   Co.,    Pa.,    Dec.    23,     1820;  Associate  t 
Reformed  Seminary,  Canonsburg,  '41-4-') ;  licensed  Jan.  24,  '45,   Associate 

Reformed  Presbytery  of  Shenango;    missionary  Michigan;  ordained  '47,  J 

same  presbytery  ;  missionary  Wisconsin  and  Illinois,  '45-53  ;  pastor  Grand  i 

View,   Iowa,    '53-57,  Columbus  City   '57-75  ;  editor  Guzette,   Washington,  \ 
Iowa ;  married  '57.    United  Presbyterian  minister,  Washington,  Iowa. 

LONG,  John  Mason.  — Son  of  Charles  and  Nancy  (Harris);  born  Newberry  ^ 

Co.,  S.  C,  Sept.  1,  1818  ;  teacher  '41-42  ;  medical  student,  Jefferson  Med- 
ical College,  '47;  practiced  medicine,  York  Co.,  S.  C,  '47-56;  Mecklen. 
burg  Co.,  N.  C,  ^'yC)\  surgeon  Confederate  States  Army,  '63-65;  married 
April  7,  '51,  Rachel  E.,  daughter  of  Dr.  Harris,  als )  Sept.  5,  '83,  Mrs. 
Nancy  Grier;  ruling  elder.  Associate  Reformed  Clui re h.  Physician,  Char- 
lotte, N.  C. 



Stewart,  Thomas  R. — Cambridge,  Md.;  law  student. 

*Taylor,  John  R.  —  Born  Zane«viUe,  O.;  San  Antonio,  Texas;  quartermaster 
United  States  Army,  '46-47  ;  died  New  Orleans,  La.,  Dec.  11,  '47,  con- 

•Watson,  Joseph  N. — Son  of  Benjamin  and  Anna  (Banker);  born  Newark, 
Del.,  Oct.  17,  1822;  ordained  priest  by  Bishop  Whittingham  '50;  rec- 
tor Church  Hill,  Md.,  Hancock,  Aberdeen,  Miss.,  Millington,  Md., 
'»)0-()9,  Kent  Island  '69-73,  Massey  73-8o ;  resided  Kingston,  N.  Y., 
'8.5-S7;  married  Feb.  17,  '51,  Mary  E.  (Gregory)  Ciabaugh  ;  died  Kings- 
ton, N.  Y.,  July  4,  '87,  apoplexy.     Protestant  Episcopal  minister. 

Wilson,  Ephraim  Kino. — Son  of  E.  K.  and  Ann  D.  (Gumby);  born  Snow  Hill, 
Md.,  Dec.  22,  1821  ;  teacher  Maryland  ;  law  student  with  Hon.  Ira  Spence^ 
Snow  Hill,  Md.;  practiced  law,  Worcester  and  Somerset  Counties,  Md., 
'48-08 ;  member  of  House  of  Delegates,  Maryland,  '47-48  ;  Presidential 
Elector  *o2 ;  Member  of  Congress  '72 ;  United  States  Senate  'S4 ;  Judge 
First  Judicial  Circuit,  '78-85 ;  Presbyterian  elder  ;  married  Nov.  23,  '.")3, 
Mary  A.  Dickerson,  also  June  2,  '69,  Julia  A.  Knox.  Lawyer,  Snow  Hill, 
#  1842. 

*  Anderson,  Abraham. — Born  near  Canonbburg,  Pa.,  1818  ;  Associate  Theo- 
logical Seminary,  Canonsburg  ;  licensed  April,  '4(>,  Associate  Presbytery  of 
Ohio ;  ordained  '47,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny ;  pastor  First  Associate 
Church,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '47-49;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  July  27,  '49.  Associate 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*Baihd,  Tii()M.\h  Dickson. — Son  of  Rev.  Thomas  D.  and  Esther  (Thompson); 
born  Newark,  O.,  July  14,  1819;  teacher;  law  student  Baltimore,  Md.; 
admitted  to  practice  '44;  Professor  of  Matliematics,  Baltimore  High  School; 
Mat.  ('ollege,  Pa.,  '47 ;  Westminster  College,  Missouri,  '')4 ;  .  principal 
and  professor  City  College,  Baltimore,  'o7-73 ;  Professor  of  Moral  and 
Mental  Philosophy,  sixteen  years;  Ph.D.,  ^'}7 ;  Con.  College,  Missouri; 
LL.l).,  '04,  Center  College,  Kentucky  ;  ruling  elder ;  died  Baltimore,  Md., 
July  9,  '73,  pyemia.     Teacher  ;  unmarried  ;  published  addresses. 

*Baker,  David  Woods.— Son  of  Elias  and  Hetty  Rebecca  (Woods);  born 
Lancaster  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  IS,  1S23;  Allegheny  Furnace,  '42-49 ;  student  of 
chemistry,  Philadelphia;  assistant  to  Professor  McCulloh,  at  Princeton, 
'48-49;  United  Slates  Coast  Survey  ;  professor- elect,  Jefferson  College; 
married  May  22,  'M,  Sarah  S.,  daughter  of  Mrs.  S.  C.  Tuthill ;  died  Mai- 
den,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  7,  '02,  effects  of  explosion  on  steamer  Reindeer. 

*Bell,  Algernon  Sydney.— Son  of  William,  Jr.,  and  Margaret  Van  Horn 
(I)wight);  born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  S,  lsi>8  ;  law  student  with  Hon.  R.  C. 
Grier;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  '44-78;  married  Dec.  14,  '52,  Margaret:  8. 
Park  ;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  27,  '79.     Lawyer. 

Bell,  David  W.— Son  of  William,  Jr.,  and  Margaret  Van  Horn  (Dwight), 
born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  July  2,  1825 ;  law  student  with  Hon.  Thomas  Will- 
iams, Pittsburg;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,'  44  —  ;  married  Nov.  7,  '78, 
Frances  M.  Caughey.     Lawyer,  Pillsburg,  Pa. 



£R,  John  Cost. — Son  of  Jacob  and  Margaret;  born  Frederick  Co.,  Md., 
April  23,  1816;  farmer,  Linn  Co.,  Mo.;  married  March  13,  *t)l,  Mrs.  Jane 
Stephens.     Farmer,  Linneus,  Linn  Co.,  Mo. 

JN,  Bknjamin  E.  — Son  of  John  and  Ann  (Evens);  born  Norristown,  Pa., 
Oct.  15,  1823;  law  student,  '42-44  ;  practiced  law  Norristown,  Pa.,  '44—; 
married  April  16,  '46,  Louisa  A.,  daughter  of  John  Bean.  Lawyer,  Nor- 
ristown, Pa. 

MPBELL,  David  R. — Son  of  Charles  and  Esther  (Mason^,  born  Washington 
Co.,  Pa.,  March  20,1820;  teacher  '42-43;  Western  Theological  Seminary 
'43-46 :  licensed  April,  '46,  Presbytery  of  Washington  ;  missionary,  Ohio, 
'46-47  ;  ordained  *47,  Presbytery  of  St.  Clairsville ;  pastor  Bealsville,  Mal- 
aga and  Woodsfield,  O.,  '47-oO,  Mt.  Prospect,  '5<>-r>5,  Cross  Creek  and 
Two  Ridges,  C,  *55-61,  St.  Clairsville,  O.,  '(>l-()6,  Second  Church,  Steuben- 
ville  '66-71;  missionary  '71-73;  married  '46,  Sarah,  daughter  of  Rev. 
William  Taggart,  also  April  20,  '54,  Nannie  P.,  daughter  of  Dr.  John  White, 
Washington,  Pa  ;  D.  D.;  died  Steubenville,  O.,  Feb.  25,  '73.  Presbyterian 

LEMAX,  William. — Son  of  James  and  Jane  (Baxter);  born  Canonsburg^^Pa., 
June  24,  1824;  teacher  Fleming  Co.,  Ky.,  '43-47,  Union,  Franklin  Co., 
Mo.,  '48-50;  went  to  California  in  '51;  member  Legislature  '57-63;  State 
Senate  '63,  till  death,  Jan.  10,  1867,  at  Diamond  Springs,  Cal.  Farmer 
and  teacher. 

RNYN,  John  Kinkead.— Bom  Carlisle,  Pa.,  Aug.  16,  1815;  W.  T.  S. 
'42-45;  licensed  April  3,  ^io^  Presbytery  of  Allegheny;  home  missionary 
'45-47;  ordained  Aug.  11,  '47,  Presbytery  of  Erie;  pastor  Fairview,  Gir- 
ard  and  Harbor  Creek,  Pa.,  '47-50;  stated  supply  Troy,  Pa.;  published 
•'Dick  Wilson";  married  March  21,  '48,  Eliza  J.  Frost;  died  Jamestown, 
N.  Y.,  Dec.  22,  '53,  consumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 

IS,  IIenrv. — Son  of  Reason  and  Sarah  (I'pdegraph);  born  Washington 
Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  17,  1815;  W.  T.  S.  '42-45;  licensed  June,  '45,  Presbytery 
of  Steubenville;  missionary  in  Rock  Island  Co.,  111.,  '46-47;  photograplier, 
Cadiz,  (>.,  '47 — ;  married  Eliza  McWhiston.     Photographer,  Cadiz,  O. 

rNKR,  Daniel. — Son  of  Levi  and  Elizabeth  (  — );  born  Uniontown,  Pa., 
Nov.  27,  1820;  law  student  with  Hon.  John  Dawson,  Uniontown,  '42-45; 
practice<l  law  Uniontown,    '45—;    unmarried.     Lawyer,    Uniontown,    Pa., 

Ns,  Ri:ks  Cadwoan. -Son  of  John  and  Jane  (VNTilliams);  horn  London, 
England,  Jan.  23,  1S15  ;  U.  T.  S.  '42-45  ;  licensed  '45,  Tliinl  Presbytery 
of  New  York;  ordained  Jan.  7,  '46,  Presbytery  of  Niagara;  missionary 
and  teacher  '46-48;  ordained  deacon  Protestant  Episcopal  Church,  April, 
*48;  priest  '48;  assistant  missionary  Philadelpliia '48-53  ;  rector  Doyles- 
town  '54-55;  stated  supply  Philadelpliia,  '55-65;  rertor  Port  Richmond, 
Pa., '65-72,  Gloucester,  N.  J.,  '73-76,  Philadelphia '76-82,  lUn-erley,  N.  J., 
assistant  minister  and  missionary '8'J — ;  married  Nov.  24,  '45,  M:nv  Ann 
Heyl.     Protestant  Episcopal  minister,  Beverley,  N.  J. 


Frazier,  Andrew  Benoni. — Son  of  David  and  Jane ;  born  Washington  Co.^ 
Pa.,  Jan.  24,  1814;  teacher  many  years;  theology  privately,  Connersville* 
Tenn.;  licensed  '4t),  Tennessee  ;  preached  three  years  at  Straight  Cree1(, 
0.,  twelve  years  at  Quasqueton,  Iowa  ;  till  '75,  Prairie  Home,  111.;  H.  R. 
married  Aug.  17,  '46,  Margaretta  W.  Kerr.  Presbyterian  minister,  Beth- 
any, 111. 

Fyler,  Jared  Dudley.— Son  of  Rev.  Jared  Dudley;  born  Trenton,  N.  J  ; 
medical  student;  practiced  medicine  Mississippi. 

♦Gallatin,  James. —Born  Pennsylvania ;  W.  T.  S.  1842-44;  licensed  April, 
'46,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  '47,  Presbytery  of  Iowa ;  pastor  Spring 
Creek,  Iowa,  '47-49,  East  Tennessee  Mt),  Franklin,  Ind.,  *50,  Round  Prai- 
rie, Iowa,  'ol— ")ii,  Scotch  Grove  and  Cascade,  '.")3-56  ;  married  Miss  Hudson ; 
died  Scotch  Grove,  Iowa,  May  1,  'oti.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•Hazlett,  John  W.— Born  Pennsylvania,  1818;  W.  T.  8.  '42-45;  licensed 
'46,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon  ;  ordained  '48,  Presbytery  of  Beaver;  pastor 
North  Branch,  Pa.,  '48-52,  Bethlehem  '48-54,  Concord  '54-61 ;  teacher 
'61-71;  Long  Island  '71,  evangelist  '71-81;  pastor  Knoxville  '81-8:2; 
died   Carrick,  Pa.,  May  21,  '82.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Hender80N,  James  S. — Son  of  Jamee  and  Jane  ;  born  Perry  Co.,  Pa.,  1813, 
W.  T.  S.  '42-4o  ;  licensed  '44,  Presbytery  of  Beaver  ;  ordained  '45,  same 
presbytery;  pastor  Slippery  Rock,  Pa.,  '46-50,  North  Sewickley  '4K-.>), 
teacher  same  '48-55 ;  pastor  Mendota,  '55-61 ;  married  Grac:»lla  Hender- 
son;  died  Mendota,  111.,  Feb.  IS,  '61,  congestive  chills.  Presbyterian 

*Hi'GHES,  Samuel  Kelso. — Son  of  Kdward  and  Letitia  W.  (Reid);  born  near 
Lebanon,  Ky.,  Aug.  11,  1818;  P.  T.  S.  '42-45;  licensed  April  23,  45, 
Presbytery  of  Philadelphia ;  missionary  in  Kentucky  and  Mis.souri ;  onlained 
Oct.  16,  '49,  Presbytery  of  Marion  ;  pastor  Worthington  and  Liberty,  O., 
'41)-">3  ;  stated  supply  Radnor  '49-55  ;  pastor  Chesterville  and  stated  supply 
Harmony  '55-58,  Canaan  '59-61;  Mt.  Salem  and  West  Unity  '61-62;  infirm 
'62-78  ;  died  near  West  Unity,  ().,  May  18,  78.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•Lewis,  John. — Son  of  James  and (Laughry);  born  Indiana,  Pa.,  March* 

1817;  medical  student  with  Dre.  Marsh  and  Watt,  and  Medical  College, 
Cincinnati,  O.;  practiced  medicine  Ogden,  Ind.,  '45-76,  Grinnell,  Iowa, 
'76-S();  married  Miss  Hutchinson;  died  Grinnell,  Iowa,  January,  '86. 

*LiNN,  Alexander  M. — Son  of  Ayres  and  Charlotte  (Linn);  bom  Fayette  Co., 
Pa.,  Feb.  9,  1S20;  law  student;  practiced  law  Uniontown,  Pa.,  '  4(^-4  S ; 
clerk  in  department,  Washington,  D.  C,  '48-50  ;  died  Washington,  D.  C, 
'60.     Lawyer. 

♦LowRiE,  Jonathan  Roberts. —Son  of  Hon.  Walter  and  Amelia  (McPherrin); 
born  Butler,  Pa.,  March  16,  1823  ;  law  student  with  W.  H.  Lowrie,  Esq.; 
practiced  law  Holidaysburg,  Pa.,  and  Warrior's  Mark;  married  Feb.  15, 
'48,  Mary,  daughter  of  John  Lyon,  also  Matilda,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr. 
Nassau  ;  ruling  elder  Presbyterian  Church  ;  ilied  Warrior's  Mark,  Pa.. 
Dec.  10,  '85.     Lawyer. 


A.RTIN,  Charles.— Son  of  Ruf as  S.  and  Parthenia;  born  Chittenden  Co., 
Vt.,  April  26,  1817  ;  teacher  ;  principal  Martinsburg,  C,  Academy  '42-47 ; 
ProfesBorof  Languages  Haropden-Sidnej  College,  Virginia,  '47-71 ;  Acad- 
emy Christiansburg,  Va.,  ^71-72;  professor  of  Virginia  Agricultural  and 
Mechanical  College  *72-79 ;  Government  clerk,  Danville,  Va.,  '81-83; 
Clerk  United  States  District  Court,  Western  District  of  Virginia,  '84-87 ; 
Confederate  States  Army  '64>65 ;  adjutant  and  lieutenant,  captain  ;  eider 
Presbyterian  Church  ;  married  Oct.  14,  '41,  Margaret,  daughter  of  Hugh 
Lee,  also  Nov.  7,  '65,  Margaret  C,  daughter  of  Capt.  H.  E.  Watkins; 
LL.D.,  '76,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College  and  Hampden-Sydney 
College;  died  Danville,  Va.,  March  10,  '88. 

Keehan,  Benjamin  Franklin.— Son  of  George  and  Jane  (Johnston); 
born  Emmitsburg,  Md.,  Oct.  20,  1818  ;  teacher  '42-47  ;  medical  student ; 
practiced  medicine  Harrison  Co.,  Va.,  '47-62,  Clarksburg,  W.  Va.,  '62 — ; 
examining  surgeon  Pension  Bureau  '68 — ;  married  Oct.  31,  '50,  Emily, 
daughter  of  Col.  William  Martin.     Physician,  Clarksburg,  W.  Va. 

l;Micken,  Isaac  S. — Law  student;  practiced  law  Pottsville,  Pa.;  United 
States  Army,  Mexico,  1846-49;  ma,ior ;  New  York  City  '.")0-o7  ;  Consul  to 
Acapulco,  Mexico,  '57—38 ;  died  Acapulco,  Mexico,  '58,  yellow  fever. 

ERCUR,  Ulysses. — Son  of  Henry  and  Mary  (Watts);  bom  Towanda,  Aug. 
12,  1818;  law  student  with  Hon.  T.  M.  McKennan  &  Son,  and  Overton  & 
Adams,  '40-43;  practiced  law  Towanda,  Pa.,  '43-61;  Presiding  Judge, 
Thirteenth  Judicial  District,  '61-64  ;  Member  of  Congress,  '64-72;  Justice 
of  Supreme  Court,  Pennsylvania,  '72 — ;  Chief-Justice,  '83-87  ;  married 
Jan.  12,  '60,  Sarah  S.,  daughter  of  John  Davis;  died  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
May  6,  '87.     Lawyer. 

viN,  Robert  P. — Son  of  John  and  Martha  (McCracken) ;  born  Cumberland 
Co.,  Pa.,  July  31,  1820;  druggist  and  white  lead  manufacturer,  '42-70; 
editor  Pittsburg  Leader  '70-80,  Tirties  '80-84;  published  '*  Black  Robes," 
"Tracks  of  a  Traveler,"  '^Tom  the  Tinker,"  etc.;  married  Jan.  1),  '51, 
Elizabeth  Duncan,  daughter  of  F.  H.  Oliphant.     Residence  Edgworth,  Pa. 

D,  Samuel  Irwin. — Son  of  John  H.  and  Catherine  (Braden);  born  Eliza- 
bethtown,  Pa.,  April  4,  1819  ;  Jefferson  College  '36-42  ;  W.  T.  S.  '42-44  ; 
teacher  '44-45 ;  licensed  September,  '45,  Presbytery  of  Transylvania ; 
ordained  September,  '46,  Presbytery  of  Chickasaw  ;  pastor  Oxford  and 
Hopewell,  Miss.,  '46-49;  missionary  North  Mississippi  '49  —  ;  teacher 
fifteen  years ;  married  Feb.  7,  '49,  Mary  J.,  daughter  of  Benj.  Williams, 
Esq.     Presbyterian  minister,  Oakland,  Miss. 

D,  Robert  King. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Robert  and  Elizabeth  (Calhoun);  born 
Erie,  Pa.,  Jan.  20,  1820 ;  medical  stadent,  Pennsylvania,  '42-46  ;  practiced 
medicine  Philadelphia,  Abbeville,  S.  C,  '46-50,  Stockton,  CaK,  '50-61  ; 
chief  physician  and  Superintendent  State  Asylum  for  the  Insane,  '51-57  ; 


Euiope  and  College  of  France,  '57-60;  surgeon,  United  States  Armv, 
'61-66  ;  Preaident  Stockton  National  Bank,  '66—;  published  medical  work; 
married  '54,  Matilda  Baasett,  daughter  of  B.  Hayward.  Physician,  Stock- 
ton, Cal. 

RosEBUBOB,  William. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Isabella  B.  (Miller);  bom  Pitts- 
burg, Pa.,  June  24,  1824;  clerk  Recorder's  Office,  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa., 
'42-46  ;  teller  and  cashier  bank,  Pittoburg,  '46-48  ;  post-office  '48-51  ;  clerk 
in  bank  '51-56  ;  teller  '56-66  ;  cashier '66— ;  treasurer  Allegheny  Suspension 
Bridge  Co.,  '57 —  ;  manager  Western  Pennsylvania  Hospital,  '77 — ;  mar- 
ried Dec.  31,  '56,  Margaret  Jean,  daughter  of  Robert  Wataon.  Banker. 
PitUburg,  Pa. 

Sloan,  Isaac  Oliver. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Harris);  born  Philadelphia, 
Pa  ,  Oct.  15,  1821 ;  U.  T.  S.,  New  York;  licensed  Fourth  Presbytery  of 
Philadelphia ;  ordaine<l  '56,  Presbytery  of  Hanover ;  missionary  New  Kent 
Co.,  Va.,  '52-56  ;  pastor  Talleysville  '56-61 ;  post  chaplain,  United  Suites 
Army,  '61>65;  stated  supply  Marine,  Minn.,  '67-()9;  pastor  Belle  Plain 
'69-74;  stated  supply  Bismarck,  D.  T.,  '74-78,  Mandan  '79-84,  Menokon 
and  01encoe.'85 —     Presbyterian  minister,  Glencoe,  Dak. 

♦Smith,  John  Faris.— Born  Chanceford,  Pa.,  Jan.  19,  1822;  P.  T.  S.  '42-43; 
licensed  '44,  Presbytery  of  Donegal;  stated  supply  Owensboro,  Ky., '45; 
ordained  March  5,  '46,  Presbytery  of  Louisville ;  pastor  Bardstown,  Ry., 
'46-47,  Vincennes,  Ind.,  '47-56,  Richmond  '56-69,  Hopewell  '59-64 ;  mar- 
ried ;  died  Chanceford,  Pa.,  July  4,  '64,  camp  fever.  Presbyterian 

♦Stanton,  Robert.— Son  of  William  and  Elizabeth  (Brandon);  bom  Windj 
Hill  Manor,  Adams  Co.,  Miss.,  June  1,  1822;  law  student;  practiced  law 
Adams  Co.,  Miss.;  planter;  delegate  Democratic  General  Convention,  Bal- 
timore, '48;  major-general  State  troops;  married  June  1,  *43,  Jane  K., 
daughter  of  General  M.  W.  Chapline  ;  died  home,  Adams  Co.,  Miss.,  Nor. 
4,  '53,  yellow  fever. 

^Stanton,  William.— Son  of  William  and  Elizabeth  (Brandon);  bom  Windv 
Hill  Manor,  Miss.,  December,  1824;  law  student.  Harvard  University, 
Massachuftetts ;  practiced  law  Natchez,  Mias.;  planter;  married  Feb  18, 
'54,  AnnaE.  Baughn ;  died  Egypt  Plantation,  Mississippi,  Febmary,  '60, 
dropsy.     Lawyer  and  planter. 

♦Steele,  John.— Born  Bellefonte,  Pa.,  Dec.  11, 1812;  W.  T.  S.  '42^5;  licensed 
April  16,  '46,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville ;  ordained  April  8,  '49,  Presbytery 
of  Lakes;  stated  supply  Bloom  and  Milmon,  C;  pastor  LaPorte,  Ind., 
'50-55;  stated  supply  McComb,  Til.,  '55-56,  South  Bend '56-59,  Newton, 
Iowa,  '51)-61  ;  Iowa  Volunteers,  '61-62 ;  died  Delaware,  O.,  Sept.  10,  '62. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*'8terung,  Samuel  F. — Son  of  Henry  and  Susan  (Brown);  born  Pittsburg, 
Pa.,  1820 ;  iron  business,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '43-51 ;  married  Oct.  3,  '49,  Vir- 
ginia Palmer ;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Jan.  9,  '59. 



EON,  John. — Son  of  Dr.  Daniel  and  Nancy  (Gregg);  born  Uniontown, 
,  Jan.  28,  1823;  law  student,  Uniontown,  Pa.;  practiced  law,  Union- 
rn;  United  States  Army,  Mexican  War;  lieutenant;  died  Jalapa,  Mex- 
,  July  18,  '47,  yellow  fever.     Lawyer. 

s,  Darius. — Son  of  Amos  and  Ruth  (Bates);  born  Carroll  Co.,  Md., 
ril30,  1816;  teacher  New  Lisbon,  O.,  '42-43,  Carroll  Co.,  Md.,  '43-5;^, 
irton,  Iowa,  '56-84;  retired  to  Carthage,  Mo.,  '84—;  married  April  "IS, 
,  Deborah  W.,  daughter  of  Thomas  Hays,  also  April  21,  '68,  Mrs. 
lan  Rice,  daughter  of  Richard  Brieden.    Teacher,  Carthage,  Mo. 

jEAR,  William  Gbaham. — Son  of  Dr.  William  and  Susan  (Graham)^ 
n  Williamsport,  Md.,  1822;  law  student;  practiced  law  Cumberland, 
.,  '44-53  ;  unmarried  ;  died  Cumberland,  Md.,  September,  '53.    Lawyer. 

[BBER,  Washington  Chew.— Son  of  Washington  and  Lucretia  (Emery); 
n  Avondale,  Carroll  Co.,  Md.,  July  24,  182-i ;  medical  student  M2-45, 
iversity  of  Maryland  ;  practiced  medicine  Mississippi  and  New  Orleans, 
, '4o;  Baltimore,  Md.,  '46—;  physician  to  Alms  House,  Hospital, 
rist Church  Asylum,  Home  of  the  Friendless;  lecturer;  published  **  Ven- 
tion,"  '*  Drinking  Waters  of  Maryland,"  and  other  papers;  married 
).  13,  '48,  Josephine  M.,  daughter  of  Dr.  Chatard.  Physician, 
itimore,  Md. 

AM,  Joseph  Rtder. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Sarah;  born  Ohio  County, 
.,  Feb.  18,  1818;  teacher  some  years ;  theology  privately;  licensed  '51, 
isbytery  of  Mahoning  (Free  Church);  ordained  *52,  same  presbytery  ; 
:ed  supply  Salineville  and  Clarkson,  O., '51-52,  Iowa, 'o2-.")3 ;  Mercer 
jnty,  111.,  'i>3-59 ;  Martinsburg,  O.,  '6(M)3  ;  farming;  married  June  21, 
,  Elizabeth  McCoy.     Minister  of  the  gospel,  Aledo,  111. 

ME,  William  L.— Son  of  William  and  Anna;  born  Cambridge,  Md., 
ae  10,  '21 ;  medical  student  University  of  Maryland;  practiced  medicine 
leralsburg,  Md.,  '46-61;  married  April  15,  '46,  Euphemia  C.  Charles; 
d  Cambridge,  Md.,  April  13,  *51.     Physician. 

ER,  John. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (McMillan);  born  Cauonsburg,  Pa., 
y,  1819;  medical  student  Pennsylvania  University;  practiced  medicine 
lonsburg.  Pa.,  '44-56 ;  married  April,  '51,  Sarah  Remur ;  died  Canons- 
•g,  Pa.,  Nov.  10,  '56.     Physician. 

B,  Daniel  R.— Son  of  Nathaniel  and  Lydia  (Hall);  born  Christiana,  Del.; 

f  student  New   Castle,  Del.,  with   Rodney,  Esq.;    practiced    law 

w  Castle,  Del.,  '44-58;  married  Rebecca  Anderson;  died  New  Castle, 
I.,  April,  '58  or  '59.     Lawyer. 


ON,  RiCHABD  J.— Son  of  Thomas  and  Mary  ;  bom  Washington  Co.,  Pa., 
t.  24,  1822;  law  student  with  Hon.  T.  M.  T.  McKennan ;  practiced 
T  Kenton,  O.;  United  States  Army  '46,  Mexico;  died  Jalapa,  Mexico, 
bruary,  *47,  yellow  fever.     Lawyer. 


*ArmstronOj  James  Trooper. — From  Qhoct&w  Agency^  Ark.;  law  stadent; 
practiced  law  Arkansas,  Mississippi ;  died  in  Mississippi.     Lawyer. 

*Baikd,  Ebenezbr  Thompson. — Son  of  Rev.  Thomas  D.  and  Esther  (Thomp- 
son); born  Allegheny  County,  Pa.,  Sept.  17, 1821 ;  teacher  Baltimore,  Md., 
'40-4o;  professor  Lafayette  College,  '45-46;  President  Vigo  Institute. 
Ind.,  '47-49  ;  law  stadent  with  Dr.  Schley,  Baltimore ;  Baltimore  bar,  '44; 
theological  student;  licensed  Oct.  11,  '49,  Presbytery  of  Crawfordsville; 
ordained  Nov.  16,  '50,  Presbytery  of  Holston ;  pastor  Salem,  Tenn.,  '.)(>-'')2; 
stated  supply  Carrollton,  Miss.,  Third  Church,  Richmond,  Va.,  Ashland; 
pastor  Uniontown,  Ala.,  Hot  Springs,  Ark.;  stated  supply  Searv; 
deacon ;  ruling  elder ;  President  of  Washington  College,  Tennessee ;  editor 
St.  Louis  Presbyterian;  General  Agent  B.  D.  M.  S.  W.,  '54-.>6  ;  Secretary 
Board  of  Education,  '65-74;  Secretary  Board  of  Publication  '6.>-77  ;  editor, 
publisher;  President  Female  College,  Virginia,  '86 — ;  published  "Voice 
of  Praise,"  •*  Hymns  and  Tunes";  married  Dec.  6,  '00,  Anna  Susan,  daugh- 
ter of  Thomas  McDonald  ;  died  Christiansburg,  Va.,  May  28,  '87  ;  faoDor- 
ary  degree  A.B.,  Jefferson  College.  '48;  Ph.  D.,  '86,  Center  (>)llege; 
DD.,  Washington  College,  Tenn.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Baird,  James  H. — Son  of  Rev.  Thomas  D.  and  Esther  (Thompson);  born  Alle- 
gheny County,  Pa.,  March  20,  1824 ;  principal  of  New  Castle  (Del.)  Academy, 
'45-47  ;  President  Synodical  College  '49  ;  studied  theology  with  Dr.  Archi- 
bald Alexander ;  licensed  Oct.  6,  '47,  Presbytery  of  New  Castle ;  ordained 
March  1,  '52,  Presbytery  of  Wooster ;  pastor  Wooster,  O.,  '52-57,  Lock 
Haven,  Pa.,  '57-61,  Fifteenth  Church,  Philadelphia,  '61;  evangelist 
'64-73,  Philadelphia;  Clarksburg,  W.  Va.,  '85-^7;  Female  College,  Chris- 
tiansburg, Va.;  published  articles  on  infant  baptism,  {Princeton  Rentv); 
United  States  Army ;  chaplain  Army  of  the  Cumberland  ;  Stated  Clerk 
Presbytery  of  Wooster ;  Moderator  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia ;  Phils- 
delphia  Centennial ;  West  Virginia ;  President  of  Monticello  Female 
College,  Va.,  '87;  D.D.,  '88.     Presbyterian  minister,  Christiansburg,  V^a. 

•Barr,  John. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Cannon);  born  Washington  County, 
Pa.,  April  11,  1823;  teacher '43-45 ;  W.  T.  S.,  '4.5-47;  iicensetl  Sept. «», 
'48,  Presbytery  of  Washington  ;  stated  supply  Carlisle,  Ind.,  '49-51 ;  died 
Carlisle,  Ind.,  July  9,  '51.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*BiNOHAM,  John  Kelly.— Son  of  Hugh  and  Margaret  (Kelly);  born  near 
Gettysburg,  Pa.,  June  14,  1820;  teacher  Chanceford  Academy;  law  stu- 
dent '45-46;  practiced  law  Talboton,  Ga.;  died  Chadceford,  Pa.,  Oct. 
26,  '54,  disease  of  stomach  ;  unmarried.     Lawyer. 

Bingham,  William  Randolph. — Born  near  Gettysburg,  Pa.;  teacher,  Mary- 
land; W.  T.  S.,  '45-47  ;  licensed  April  19,  '47,  Presbytery  of  Donegal; 
ordained  Feb.  28,  '48,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia ;  pastor  Great  Valley, 
Pa., '48-59,  Oxford  '60-62;  infirm  '62-70;  lecturer  Lincoln  University 
'68-70;  stated  supply  Faggs  Manor  and  Brandy  wine  Manor  '72-7->. 
Ayondale  '7.S — ;  married  Dec.  8,  '52,  Nannie  D.,  daughter  of  Hon.  R- 
Allison;  D.D.,  '80,  Westminster  CoUegCi  Presbyterian  minister,  Oxford, 



.cK,  Thomas.— Born  Dillsburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  1,  181.");  W.  T.  S.,  '44-47; 
icensed  April,  '46,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville;  stated  supply  Leechburg^ 
Pa.,  '46-47  ;  died  Leechburg,  Pa.,  May  23,  '47.      Presbyterian  minister. 

L,  David  C— Son  of  Hon.  George  and  Nancy  (Jack);  born  Boalsburg, 
*a.,  March  27,  1822;  lawstulent;  practiced  law  '51 -oO  ;  Pennsylvania 
legislature,  *5o-'>6;  married  Frances  H.,  daughter  of  Hon.  Thomas  Burn- 
ide ;  died  Bellefonte,  Pa.,  Feb.  4,  *59.     Lawyer. 

D,  John.— Son  of  James :  born  Steubenville,  O.,  1823 ; 

dw  student  with  R.  Marsh,  Steubenville  ;  practiced  law  Xenia,  O., 
46-52;  Clerk  of  Courts,  Greene  County,  O.,  '52-60 ;  unmarried;  died 
^enia,  O.,  Aug.  10,  '61.     Lawyer. 

ES,  Cornelius. — Son  of  Captain  Ebenezer  and  Betsy  (Marcy);  born 
Lshford,  Conn.,  March  7,  1815 ;  teacher  one  year,  Pennsylvania ;  three 
ears  in  Alabama;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Gillett  Franklin  and  Medical 
ichool ;  practiced  medicine  Mercer  County,  Pa.,  '51-86  ;  Medical  Examiner 
v5-S6;  married  *50,  Eleanor  A.,  daughter  of  Walter  Oliver;  died  Fre- 
onia,  Pa.,  Aug.  9,  '86.     Physician. 

KE,  James  Cunningham. — Son  of  James  and  Jane  (Patton):  born  West- 
loreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  2,  1S23  :  law  student  '43-46 ;  practiced  law  Greens- 
lurg.  Pa.,  '46 — ;  State  Senate '76-81  ;  Trustee  Indiana  State  Normal  three 
ears;  married  July  5,  '53,  Isabella  A.,  daughter  of  James  Keenon.  Law- 
er,  Greensburg,  Pa. 

iRAN,  Andrew. — Son  of  Alexander  and  Nancy  B.  (Martin);  bom  Ripley, 
;.  Y..  March  9,  1817;  teacher  New  Jersey,  '43-47;  P.  T.  S.  '47-50; 
icensed  April,  '50,  Presbytery  of  New  York  ;  ordained  Nov.  25,  '50,  Pres- 
(vlery  of  Mohawk;  pastor  Durhamville,  N.  Y.,  '50-70;  stated  supply 
>neida  Valley,  '50-51,  Oneida  Castle  '54-86;  married  May  29, '55,  Catherine, 
laughter  of  Robert  More;  died  Oneida  Castle,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  24,  '86. 
*resbyterian  minister. 

LTER,  J.  Alexander. — Son  of  Eli  and  Rebecca  (Alexander);  born  Greens- 
>urg,  Pa.,  Dec.  6,  1822;  law  student  with  Hon.  R.  Coulter,  Greensburg, 
4.*>-46  ;  practiced  law  Greensburg,  Pa.,  '46-49  ;  civil  engineer  '49-85  ;  died 
ireensburg,  Pa.,  Nov.  9,  '85,  Bright's  disease;  unmarried.  Lawyer  and 
ivil  engineer. 

:ming8,  James. — Son  of  Col.  William  and  Sarah  (Sterrett);  born  Mifflin 
'o.,  Pa.,  Feb.  3,  1819;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Van  Valzah,  Lewistown, 
*a;  practiced  medicine  CalleQsburg,Pa.,  '45-49,  California  '49-02,  Venango 
nd  Forest  Counties,  Pa.,  '49-75  ;  oil  business  Venango  County ;  married 
klarch  5,  '68,  Jemima,  daughter  of  James  Alcorn  ;  died  Stewart's  Run, 
Venango  Co.,  Pa.,  May  25,  '75,  pneumonia.     Physician. 

AR,  William.— Born  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  1807;  W.  T.  S.  '45-48; 
icensed  April  14,  '47,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville;  ordained  Feb.  5,  '51,  same 
iresbytery ;  pastor  Murraysville,  Pa.,  '54-63,  Harrison  City ;  home  mis- 
iionary,  Topeka,  Kan.;  evangelist;  died  Topeka,  Kan.,  Aug.  12,  '82. 
Presbvtexian  minister. 


•Elliott,  Robert  Sample.— Born  Butler  Co.,  Pa.;  W.  T.  8.  1843-45 ;  died 
Beaver  Co.,  Pa.,  June  21,  '45.    Theological  student. 

Erskine,  Ebenezbr. — Born  Ridley  Park,  Pa.,  Jan.  31, 1821 ;  teacher ;  P.  T.  S. 
'4.3-16;  ordained  Sept.  11,  '49,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia;  pastor  Penn 
Church,  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  '49-51,  Columbia  '51-57,  Sterling,  111.,  '58-64 ; 
editor  Northwestern  Presbyterian,  Chicago,  '64-69,  Newville,  Pa.,  '69—; 
Director  P.  T.  S.;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister,  Newville,  Pa. 

'Febguson,  William. — Bom  Boss  Co.,  O.;  law  student;  practiced  law  Ciocin- 
nati,  O.;  died  many  years  ago. 

*FiFE,  James  Hultz.— Son  of  James  and  Priscilla  (Hultz);  born  Allegheny 
Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  11,  1821 ;  Associate  Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '44-48; 
licensed  March  31,  '47,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela;  ordained  April  25, 
'49,  same  presbytery ;  missionary  Pennbylvania  and  Ohio,  '47-55 ;  pastor 
Mt.  Pleasant  and  Laurel  Hill,  Pa.,  '55-61 ;  married  May  23,  50,  Agnes, 
daughter  of  Thomas  Donington ;  died  Allegheny  Oity,  Pa.,  July  26,  '6U 
dysentery.     Associate  Reformed  minister. 

Gibson,  Joshua  Greoo. — Son  of  James  and  Susan  (Gregg);  bom  Bomney, 
Va.,  Jan.  3,  1823 ;  medical  student,  Pennsylvania  University,  '43-46  ^ 
practiced  medicine  Charlestown,  Martinsburg,  Va.,  and  Frederick,  Md.; 
married  May  18,  '47,  Susan,  daughter  of  Dr.  William  Waters,  also  March 
14,  '67,  Alice  B.,  daughter  of  I.  H.  Grove.  Physician ;  residence  Shepherds- 
town,  W.  Va. 

♦GiLSON,  Samhkl  Wier.— Son  of  David  and  Elizabeth  (Wier);  born  West- 
moreland Co.,  Pa.,  May  18,  1818;  teacher '43-46  ;  law  student  with  Clement 
L.  Vallandigham,  New  Lisbon,  O.;  practiced  law  Canfield,  O.,  '46-74;  I-.€gi»- 
lature,  Ohio,  '57-59;  died  Canfield,  O.,  May  12,  74,  spinal  paralysiB; 
unmarried.     Lawyer. 

♦Gunnison,  George  W.— Son  of  E.  D.  and  Sophia  (Baker)  ;  born  Erie,  Pa., 
May  8,  1823;  teacher;  medical  student;  Newton  Theological  Institute, 
Boston,  '48-51;  ordained '52,  Baptist  Council;  stated  supply  Ann  Arbor, 
Mich.,  '51-52;  pastor  Athol,  Mass.,  '52-53;  teacher  '53-63;  law  student; 
practiced  law  Erie,  Pa,,  '73-74  ;  associate  editor,  Boston,  '74-78;  married 
Oct.  7,  '51,  Sarah  L.,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  Patterson,  also  May  14,  '78, 
Ilarrietta  L.  Boynton;  published  ''Gunni^n  Family;*'  died  Boston* 
Mass.,  May  14,  '78,  cancer  of  the  stomach.     Baptist  minister. 

Haldeman,  Jacob  Samils. — Son  of  Jacob  M.  and  Eliza  E.  (Jacobs);  bom 
Cumberland  County,  Pa.,  Oct.  13,  1823 ;  law  student  with  G.  W.  Harris, 
Harrisburg,  Pa.,  '43-45  ;  agriculture,  milling,  lumber,  York  County,  Pa.» 
'45-61 ;  aid  to  Governor  Shunk,  '44 ;  Pennsylvania  Legislature,  '50-51 ; 
Senate',  53-5();  President  Pennsylvania  Agricultural  Society,  '60-61  ;  Min- 
Uter  Resident  to  Sweden  and  Norway,  '61-65  ;  married  Caroline  R.,  daugh- 
ter of  Hon.  Valentine  Hummel.     Residence,  Harrisburg,  Pa. 



ILTON,  John. — Son  of  Thomas  aad  8arah  (McCormick);  born  Washington 
^^ounty,  Pa.,  Jan.  8,  1819;  teacher  Beaver  Lake,  Miss.,  '49-o4;  WestviUe 
^minary,  Simpson  County,  Miss.,  '54-61 ;  Sheriff  and  Aooessor  Simpson 
bounty,  *65— ;  principal  Central  Institote,  Perry  County,  Miis.,  70-74; 
[)allas,  Texas,  '87  ;  unmarried.     Teacher,  Dallas,  Texas. 

iPSTEAD,  Samuel  Booth.— Son  of  Dr.  Giles  S.  B.  and  Elizabeth  (Pee- 
bles); bom  Portsmouth,  O..  June  18,  1823;  medical  student  with  father; 
lid  not  practice;  iron  business.  Hanging  Rock,  O.;  Pine  Grove  Furnace; 
teamboat  business  on  the  Ohio  ;  married  March  12,  '46,  Mary  Ann,  daugh- 
er  of  Robert  Hamilton ;  died  Hanging  Rock,  O.,  Dec.  12,  '73 ;  A.M.» 
4U,  Jefferson  College. 

fDRiCKS,  Abram  Washinoton. — Son  of  Abram 

born  Westmore> 

and  County,  Pa.,  October,  1822 ;  law  student  with  Hon.  Wm.  Hendricks, 
nd  Law  School,  Lexington,  Ky.;  practiced  law  Madison,  Ind.,  '45-60; 
ndianapolis,  Ind.,  '66 — ;  Indiana  Legislature ;  United  States  Army  Pay- 
iiaster ;  major ;  married  Virginia,  daughter  of  Jonathan  Fitch,  also  Miss 
(utler,  daughter  of  £.  R.  Butler;  died  Indianapolis,  Jnd.,  Nov.  24,  '87. 

TON,  William  M. — Son  of  David  and  Margaret ;  bom  Poland,  O.,  July 
,1819;  medical  student;  practiced  medicine  Santa  Fe,  Mo., '45-55; 
larried  May  29,  '49,  Frances  Maria,  daughter  of  Captain  B.  F.  Davis, 
tesidence  Santa  Fe,  Mo. 

SRiCKHOUSE,  John. — Son  of  Peter  and  Sarah  (Sherman) ;  born  Coshocton, 
>.;  medical  student,  Coshocton,  O.;  practiced  medicine  Coshocton,  Cleve- 
ind.     Farmer;  Fields,  Mecklenburg  County,  Va. 

'^  Aaron  Hervey. — Son  of  Aaron  and  Sarah  (Peppard);  born  Washing- 
)n  County,  Pa.,  April  1,  1819 ;  W.  T.  S.,  '43-40 ;  licensed  April,  '46, 
Vesbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  October,  '47,  Presbytery  of  LakeR ;  stated 
ipply  South  Bend,  Ind.,  '47,  La  Grange  '47-51,  Dubuque,  Iowa,  '51-56,  St. 
•eter,  Minn.,  '66-78  ;  chaplain  Ninth  Minnesota  Volunteers  '62-65  ;  stew* 
rd  Hospital,  Rochester,  Minn.,  '78 — ;  married  Oct.  13,  '47,  Elizabeth 
'raig.     Presbyterian  minister,  Ruchester,  Minn. 

RICK,  Richard  T. — Son  of  Hon.  William  D.  and  Catherine  (Romee); 
»rn  Charles  County,  Md.,  Jan.  25,  1826  ;  law  student  with  Judge  Merrick, 
rederick,  Md.;  practiced  law  Baltimore,  Md.,  Chicago,  111.,  Washington, 
>.  C,  '64-85;  captain  Mexian  War;  married  Feb.  4,  '64,  Nannie 
[cQrier;  died  Washington,  D.  C,  June  26,  'So.     Lawyer. 

QLLOH,  William  James.— Son  of  Hon.  James  W.  and  Abby  (Sears); 
>rn  Baltimore,  Md.,  March  29,  1827;  civil  engineer;  United  States  Land 
flSce,  New  Orleans,  till  '50;  Surveyor-General,  Louisiana,  '50-61;  Com- 
issioner  of  Land  Office,  Louisiana,  '61-65;  Superintendent  of  Water 
rorks,  New  Orleans,  and  Chief  Engineer  N.  O.  &  Op.  R.  R.  '65-77; 
larried  Adaline  Besegeay ;  died  New  Orleans,  '77,  while  bathing  in  the 
ike.     Civil  engineer. 


Matthews,  Jambs — Son  of  James  and  Elizabeth  (Rankin);  born  Coanty 
Down,  Ireland,  May  19,  1820 ;  theology  with  Bey.  Richard  Brown,  New 
Hagerstown,  '43-46 ;  licensed  '46,  Presbytery  of  Pittsburg ;  ordained  '4'.^, 
Presbytery  of  Ebenezer ;  stated  supply  Lancaster,  Ky.;  pastor  Second 
Church,  Logansport,  Ind.,  •70-74,  Marysville,  Cal.,  '74-76;  teacher 
Hagerstown,  O.,  '43-46,  Maryland  '46-47,  Kentucky  '47-54;  professor 
Center  T'ollege,  Ky.,  'o4-67;  principal  of  Logansport  Academy, '67-72; 
City  College,  San  Francisco,  '76 — ;  United  States  Army,  '61-64 ;  chaplain 
Nineteenth  Kentucky  Volunteers ;  published  ''Debate  on  Predestination 
and  Foreknowledge  of  God'';  married  June  11,  '47,  Nancy,  daughter  of 
James  Forbes;  D.D.,*67,  Center  College,  Ky.  Presbyterian  minister,  San 
Francisco,  Cal. 

Moore,  Joseph  Paden. — Son  of  Russell  and  Elisabeth  (Scott);  born  Wash- 
ington County,  Pa.,  Aug.  5,  1820;  teacher  '44-65;  W.  T.  S.,  '4«-4i« : 
licensed  Oct.  2,  '50,  Presbytery  of  Washington ;  ordained  Oct.  4,  '(><K 
same  presbytery;  stated  supply  Swan,  Hopewell  and  Albion,  Ind., 
'6&-84,  Runnymede,  Kan.,  '84 — ;  Swan,  Ind.;  published  *'  Sketches  of 
the  Churches  of  Fort  Wayne  Presbytery  ; "  married  March  28,  '44,  Mar». 
daughter  of  James  Bigger.     Presbyterian  minister ;  residence  Swan,  Ind. 

Oliphant,  Samuel  Duncan.— Son  of  F.  H.  and  Jane  C.  (Duncan);  born 
Franklin  Forge,  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  1,  1826;  law  student  Harvard 
'44-47;  practiced  law  Uniontown,  Pa.,  Pittsburg,  Trenton,  N.  J.,  and 
Princeton  '47-70;  United  States  Army  '61-86,  captain,  lieutenant-colonel 
'61,  major  veteran  corps '63,  lieutenant-colonel  '63,  colonel,  brevet  brigadier- 
general  '65 ;  married  March  13,  '47,  Mary  (/ampbell,  also  Jan.  28,  '77, 
Beulah  A.  Oliphant.     Lawyer,  Trenton,  N.  J. 

*Penny,  John  P.— Son  of  James  and  Jane ;  born  McKeesport,  Pa.,  Dec.  lo. 
1817 ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '49-73 ;  Pennsylvania 
Senate  '64-()5 ;  married  Mrs.  Quigg  {nee  Qreen)  ;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Jan. 
3,  '73.     Lawyer. 

♦Rennick,  Jonathan. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Tabitha  (Rudolffe);  born  Picka- 
way Co.,  O.,  Jan.  5,  1822  ;  law  student  with  Hon.  R.  C.  Schenck,  Dayton, 
O.,  '43-46 ;  practiced  law  Circleville,  O.,  '46-^2  ;  Prosecuting  Attorney 
'47-49;  married  '48,  Laura,  daughter  of  lion.  John  Graham  ;  died  Circle- 
ville, O.,  Sept.  22,  '62,  pneumonia.     Lawyer. 

Rockwell,  Abner  Otis. — Son  of  Zerah  and  Phoebe  (Carter);  born  Crawford 
Co.,  Pa.,  May  10,  1819;  W.  T.  S.  '43-46;  licensed  April  10,  '45,  Presby- 
tery of  Beaver ;  ordained  Jan.  15,  '47,  Presbytery  of  New  Lisbon ;  stated 
supply  Middlesex  and  Sharon,  Pa.,  '46-47  ;  pastor  Hubbard  and  Coitsville, 
O.,  '47-52,  Bethlehem  and  North  Beaver,  Pa.,  '52-55,  Mingo  and  Lebanon 
'55-73,  Frankfort  '73-79 ;  home  missionary  United  Presbyterian  Church 
'79-88 ;  received  again  into  Presbyterian  Church ;  married  Jan.  15,  '4t). 
Sarah  Greer.     Presbyterian  minister,  Frankfort  Springs,  Pa. 

RowE,  John. — Son  of  John  and  Thankful  (Stevens';  born  Emlen,  Me.,  April 
25, 1H14;  W.  T.  S.  '43-45;  licensed  April,  '46,  Presbytery  of  Steuben ville; 
ordained  October,  '47,  Presbytery  of  Hocking ;  stated  supplv  Burlington,  C, 



nd  vicinity  '47-oo,  Oiivesburg,  Gailipolis,  etc.,  '5o-^l,  near  Springfield, 
K,  'fv4-67;  teacher  '67-82;  infirm;  married  April  18,  *48,  Lydia  A. 
rreen.     Presbyterian  minister,  Springfield,  O. 

T,  Archibald  A. — Son  of  Rev.  William  N.  and   N ;  born  Martins- 

urg,  Va.,  October,  1818;  medical  student  Medical  College,  Richmond,  Va.; 
racticed  medicine  Pocahontas  and  Botetourt  Counties,  Va.;  married  June, 
Sy  Bettie  Richardson  ;  died  East  Tennessee.     Physician. 

iTS,  William  C. — Born  Shepherdstown,  Va.,  April  13,  1821 ;  teacher 
nion  Theological  Seminary,  Virginia,  '40-49  ;  licensed  April 2-'),  '49,  Pres- 
yiery  of  Winchester ;  missionary  Rappahannock  Co.,Va.,  '49-.V2  ;  ordained 
[ay  15,  ''V2,  Presbytery  of  Concord;  pastor  Morgan  town,  N.  C,  '52-70; 
ied  Morgantown,  N.  C,  Feb.  28,  '70.     Presbyterian  minister. 

H,  James.— Born  Scotch  Valley,  Pa.,  Sept.  5,  1819;  P.  T.  S.  '43-40; 
censed  Oct.  8,  '46,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon ;  ordained  evangelist  Oct. 
),  "47,  Presbytery  of  Clarion  ;  pastor-elect  Little  Valley,  Pa.,  '47-55;  pastor 
iridf^ewater  '55-57,  Mt.  Joy  '57-67  ;  infirm  '67-75 ;  died  Holidaysburg, 
a.,  Oct.  4,  '75.     Presbyterian  minister. 

H,  Samuel  Hume. — Son  of  James  Hume  and  Jane  (Smith);  born  York 
o..  Pa.,  Dec.  25,  1816;  graduate  Associate  Theological  Seminary,  Can- 
nsburg  ;  ordained  June  17,  '45,  Presbytery  of  Donegal ;  pastor  Hopewell, 
a.,  '45-51,  Stewartstown  and  Centre,  Pa.,  '51-57;  married  Jan.  2,  '45, 
ouisa  E.,  daughter  of  Andrew  Clarkson  ;  died  Feb.  4,  '57,  softening  of 
\e  brain.     Presbyterian  minister. 

\RT,  Francis  Asbury. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Rachel  (Linthicum);  horn 
ambridge,  Md.,  May  9,  1822;  law  student;  did  not  practice;  merchant, 
ambridge,  West  Virginia,  Mercer  Co.,  Illinois,  '57 — ;  farmer;  married 
ftn.  27,  '55,  Rebecca  Shoemaker.     Farmer,  Aledo,  111. 

VAN,  John  McPherrin. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (McPherrin);  born  But- 
T,  Pa.,  May  9,  1822;  law  student  with  Judge  Gilmore,  Butler,  Pa., 
3-45  ;  practiced  law  Butler,  Pa.,  '45-54  ;  assistant  clerk  of  Senate,  Penn- 
rlvania,  '47-50;  chief  clerk,  '52-53;  Dept  Sec,  Com.,  Pennsylvania, 
»5-58 ;  Department  Secretary,  Common  Schools,  Pennsylvania,  '58-60 ; 
hief  Corresponding  Secretary,  Quartermaster-General's  Office,  Ignited 
lates  Army,  '61-67;  United  States  Collector ;  Internal  Revenue,  Twenty- 
lird  District,  Pennsylvania,  '67-82;  married  June  10,  '73,  Mary  S.,  daugh- 
?r  of  David  Agnew;  class  valedictorian.     Lawyer,  Butler,  Pa. 

T,  Elliot  Elisha.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Elisha  P.  and  Eliza  D.  (Beach); 
orn  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Sept.  8,  1824;  W.  T.  S.  '43-46  ;  licensed  June  16,  '4(), 
Vesbvtery  of  Ohio;  stated  supply  '46-47;  ordained  June  6,  '48,  Presby- 
?ry  of  Miami ;  pastor  Xenia,  O.,  '48-50,  Second  Church,  Allegheny,  Ph., 
)0-54,  New  Castle  '54-61,  First  Church,  Allegheny,  '61  87;  published 
History  of  First  Church,  Allegheny,"  *' Biography  of  Ruling  Elders  in 
'irst  Church,  Allegheny,"  **  Missionary  History  in  Cen.  Mem.;"  married 
an.  5,  '49,  Mary  A.  H.,  daughter  of  John  Huston,  also  Aug.  12,  '57, 
^ranees  L.,  daughter  of  Cyru8  Damon  ;  D.D.,  '70,  Washington  and  Jefferson 
College;  died  Allegheny,   Pa.,  Nov.  30,  '87.     Presbyterian  minister. 


*Sw£iTZER,  Jacob  BowMAN.>-Son  of  Heniy  and  Anne  £.  (Bowman);  born 
BrownsvUle,  Pa.,  July  4,  1821 ;  law  student  with  Hon.  T.  M.  T.  McKen. 
nan  '48-46 ;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '46-88  ;  United  SUtes  Attorney 
'49-61 ;  Prothonotary  Supreme  Court ;  United  States  Army,  major  '61 ; 
lieutenant-colonel  '61 ;  colonel  '62 ;  brevet  brigadier-general  volunteers  '65 ; 
revenue  service  '68-78  ;  married  June  15,  '52,  Mary  Holmes,  daughter  of 
Dr.  Henry  Stevenson  ;  died  Allegheny,  Pa.,  Nov.  9,  '88.     Lawyer. 

^Watson,  George  W. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Miller);  born  Canonsburg,  Pa., 
1823;  law  student  with  James  Watson,  Washington,  Pa.,  '4^-45;  died 
Canonsburg,  Pa.,  '45,  consumption. 

*  Wharton,  Keever. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Catharine  (Beale);  bom  near  Lewis- 

town,  Pa.,  Feb.  4,  1818 ;  medical  student,  Jefferson  Medical  College ;  prac- 
ticed medicine  Cassville,  Pa.,  '4o-47,  McVeytown  '47-52 ;  examining  sur- 
geon United  States  Army,  '46-48;  married  April  3,  '45,  Prudence, 
daughter  of  Jacob  Norton ;  died  McVeytown,  Pa.,  May  19,  '52,  consump- 
tion.    Physician. 

Wriciht,  Noah  D. — Son  of  Dr.  Wright;  born  near  Cincinnati,  O.;  caiera  desumU 


*  Anderson,  John  Adair. —Son  of  Col.  William  P.  and  Margaret  L.  (Adair)  ^ 

born  near  Harrodsburg,  Ky.,  March  2,  1824 ;  law  student  Law  School, 
Frankfort,  Ky.;  practiced  law  Mississippi,  '49-50,  Portland  and  Astoria, 
Ore.,  '50-54,  Huntsville,  Texas,  '55  ;  Helena,  Ark.,  '56-58  ;  Mexican  War, 
'46-49;  adjutant;  married  Oct.  11,  '54,  Mary  H.  Edmonson;  died  Mem- 
phis, Tenn.,  May  2,  '58,  rupture  of  blood-vessel.     Lawyer. 

♦Berry,  Samuel  P. — Son  of  John  and  Rachel  P.;  born  near  Venice,  Washing- 
ton Co.,  Jan.  10,  1823  ;  Associate  Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '44-47 ; 
licensed  June  28,  '47,    Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Monongahela; 

ordained 27,  '49,  First  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Ohio  ;  pastor 

Mt.  Pleasant,  C,  '49-50;  married  July  3,  '50,  Margaret,  daughter  of  Hon. 
William  Sturgeon ;  died  near  Venice,  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  9,  '50. 
United  Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Beveridqe,  Andrew  M. — Born  Jan.  10,  1820,  Greenwich,  N.  Y.;  teacher 
'44-46  ;  P.  T.  S.  '46-48 ;  licensed,  Presbytery  of  Raritan  ;  ordained  evan- 
gelist Jan.  16,  '51,  Presbytery  of  Troy;  principal  Cambridge,  N.  Y.,  '48-.>0; 
stated  supply  Hoosick  I'^alls,  N.  Y.,  '51-58;  pastor  Lansingburg  '58-83; 
without  charge  '83— (?);  married  Sarah,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  Loomia, 
Bennington,  N.  Y.;  died  Jan.  6,  '89,  Lansingburg,  N.  Y.  Presbyterian 

BoYCE,  Ebenezer  Erskine. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Deborah  (Black);  born 
Mecklinburg  Co.,  X.  C,  Dec.  12,  1820;  Theological  Seminary,  Due  West; 
licensed  November,  '46,  First  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery;  ordained 
June,  '49,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Bethany,  S.  C,  '49  , King's  Mountain, 
Gastonia,  N.  C. ;  married  Aug.  9,  '."SO,  Margaret  I.  Simonton,  also  May  11, 
'54,  Rachel  E.  McElwee ;  D.  D.,  Westminster  College.  Associate 
Reformed  Presbyterian  minister,  Gastonia,  N.  C. 



LWFORDy  Robert  P.— Sod  of  George  T.  and  Eliiabeth  (Parks)  ;  born  West- 
moreland Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  12,  1824;  teacher  Mississippi,  '44-46;  Profeseor 
of  Language,  Mississippi  College,  '46-47  ;  business ;  railroad  ;  merchandise; 
oil,  '47—;  United  States  Army  '61-64;  lieutenant;  A.  D.  C  ;  A.  A.  G.; 
captain ;  married  Sept.  29,  '59,  Sarah  E.,  daughter  of  Andrew  Arnold, 
Arnold's  Station.     Post-oiBce,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

UOTT,  John  Woods. — Born  Callensburg,  Pa.,  March  23,  1821 ;  law  student; 
W.  T.  S.,  '45-46 ;  licensed  April,  '47,  Presbytery  of  Clarion;  ordained  '47; 
pastor  Lewistown,  Pa.,  '47-52,  Newark,  Del.,  '52-54,  Tronesta  '58-62, 
Cowdersport  '62-64,  Rogersville,  Tenn.,  '64-67  ;  chaplain  United  States 
Army  '67-68 ;  married  '47,  Kate  McClelland ;  died  Washington,  D.  C, 
March  11,  '68.     Presbyterian  minister. 

TMANN,  George  Augustus. — Son  of  John  G.  and  Mary  (Bovard);  born 
Cumberland,  Md.,  Oct.  16,  1823  ;  business,  Cumberland,  '44—;  married 
June  7,  '58,  Rhoda  Ann  Thomas.     Residence  Cumberland,  Md. 

LKER,  William.— Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Morrison);  born  W^ashington  Co., 
Pa.;  teacher  Kentucky  1844-49;  law  student;  mercantile  business,  '49 — ; 
United  States  Army  '62-65  ;  major  17th  Regiment,  Iowa  Volunteers ;  mar- 
ried January,  '47,  Josephine  L.,  daughter  of  Benjamin  H.  Taylor.  Mer- 
chant, Burlington,  Iowa. 

IN,  R.  Crawford.— Son  of  Robert  and  Ellen ;  born  Frankstown,  Blair  Co., 
Pa.,  April  20,  1824;  medical  student  '44-47,  Jefferson  Medical  College; 
practiced  medicine  Logan's  Valley,  Pa.,  '47,  Johnstown,  Armagh,  Franks- 
town  '50-54,  Holidaysburg  '54  ;  Assistant  Surgeon  to  Provost  Marshal 
'64-65  ;  ruling  elder  Presbyterian  Church  ;  married  Nov.  30,  *53,  Susan  F., 
daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  David  McKinnty ;  M.D.  Physician,  Holidays- 
burg,  Pa. 

:k80N,  James  S. — Born  Madison  Co.,  Ky.,  1822;  law  student;  practiced 
law  Greenupsburg,  Ky.,  Hopkinton ;  Mexican  War  captain  '40 ;  Member 
of  Thirty-seventh  Congress;  United  States  Army,  colonel  lid  Kentucky 
Cavalry,  brigadier-general '62 ;  killed  in  battle  Perrysville,  Ky.,  Oct.  8, 
'62.     Lawyer. 

B,  John  Jay. — Son  of  John  and  Sarah  (Wilson);  born  York  Co  ,  Pa.,  March 
21,  1818;  teacher  two  years;  Professor  of  Latin  F.  C.  O.;  W.  T.  S.  '45-48; 
licensed  Jan.  3,  '48,  Presbytery  of  St.  Clairsville  ;  ordained  '49,  same  pres- 
bytery; pastor  Fairview  and  Stillwater,  O.,  '49-5ii,  Wrightsville,  Pa., 
'53-68,  New  Harmony  '.■)3-57,  Donegal  '57-68,  Rockhill,  ().,  68-79,  New 
Harmony,  O.,  '79  ;  married  Oct.  18,  '47,  Lucy  Grimes.  Presbyterian  min- 
ister, AirvilJe,  Pa. 

[PER,  James.— Son  of  John  L.  and  Matilda  (Hobbs);  born  Frankfort 
Springs,  Pa.,  June  10,  1824  ;  died  same  place  July  10,  '44.     Student. 

RQCis,  James  E. — Son  of  William  and  Sarah  :  born  Washington  Co.,  Pa., 
Nov.  20,  1815;  W.  T.  S.  '44-47  ;  licensed  '44,  Presbytery  of  Washington; 
ordained '48,  Presbytery  of  Sidney;   Kenton,   Mansfield,   Slielhv  and  Onta- 


rio  '54-58 ;  home  misBionary,  Illinois,  '58-59,  Halem,  Brunswick  and  Elm- 
wood  *59-63  ;  married  '48,  Mary  DuBois  ;  died  Feb.  22,  *63.  Presbyterian 

♦McCaguk,  Thomas.— Son  of  Thomas  and  Catharine ;  born  Mt.  Vernon,  O., 
Aug.  11,  1824;  A.  T.  S.,  Allegheny,  '44-47;  died  Nov.  10,  '47,  ship- 
wrecked off  the  coast  of  Ireland.     Theological  student. 

•McDonald,  Nesbit.— Son  of  Edward  and  Margaret  (Nesbit);  bom  Wash- 
ington Co.,  Pa.,  December,  1821  ;  medical  student ;  practiced  medicine 
Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '47-82  ;  died  Pittsburg,  Oct  2,   82.     Physician. 

Macdonald,  Walter  R.— Son  of  John  D.  and  Catharine  (Smith);  bom  Cro- 
marty, Scotland,  Jan.  20,  1826 ;  teacher,  Virginia,  Canada ;  law  student ; 
practiced  law  Hamilton,  Canada,  *58— ;  married  Oct.  80,  '61,  Catherine, 
daughter  of  Edward  Mollock,  also  Jan.  25,  '70,  Jessie  M.,  daughter  of 
Allen  Macnab.     Lawyer,  Hamilton,  Canada. 

Mason,  Rodney. — Son  of  Hon  Sampson  and  Minerva  (Needham);  born 
Springfield,  O.,  Oct.  20,  1824;  law  student  with  Hon.  Sampson  Mason. 
Springfield,  O.,  '44-48 ;  practiced  law  Springfield,  O.,  '48-65,  Washington, 
D.  C,  '65-83,  Detroit,  Mich.,  'S3—;  United  States  Army  '61-62,  lieuten- 
ant-colonel, colonel ;  married  Jan.  27,  '53,  Frances  E.,  daughter  of  John 
L.  Green,  also  Sept.  24,  '68,  Mary  A.,  daughter  of  Qeorge  H.  Camp.  Law- 
yer, Detroit,  Mich. 

♦Miller,  John  Roberts.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  James  P.  and  Elizabeth  (Roberts); 
born  Steubenville,  O.,  Jan.  8,  182o  ;  law  student;  practiced  law  Shawnee- 
town.  111.,  '45;  clerk  of  courts  ;  died  Shawneetown,  III.,  '45.     Lawyer. 

*OuDEN,  Ephraim. — Son  of  Jason  and  Hannah  (Bateman);  bom  near  Cedar- 
ville,  N.  J.,  June  9,  1818  ;  W.  T.  S.  '44-47 ;  licensed  April  14,  '47,  Pres- 
bytery of  Steubenville ;  ordained  Nov.  14,  '48,  Presbytery  of  Butler ;  pastor 
Westminster,  Pa.,  '48-^8,  Middlesex  '48—;  stated  supply  Summit  '72—; 
married  Jan.  11,  '48,  Sarah- J.,  daughter  of  J.  I.  Harrison,  also  June  21), 
'53,  Mary  J.,  daughter  of  Hon.  Jonas  Banks,  also  Jan.  30,  '67,  Lavinia, 
daughter  of  John  McGarrough.     Presbyterian  minister,  Glade  Mills,  I 'a. 

*8coTT,  Erastus  H. — Son  of  Francis  and  Mary  ;  born  Morgan  Co.,  O.,  Sept. 
16,  1820;  law  student  Cambridge,  O.;  practiced  law  Cambridge,  O.,  '47-52: 
married  Oct.  5,  '51,  Mary  Rainey ;  died  Cambridge,  O.,  Sept.  15.  '52. 

Shaiffer,  George  Washington.- Son  of  John  and  Ann  C.  (Geary);  born 
Beaver  Co.,  Pa.,  May,  1818 ;  W.  T.  S.  '44-47  ;  licensed  April  22,  '47,  Pres- 
bytery of  Washington;  ordained  June  20,  '48;  pastor  Hopewell,  Pa., 
'47-52,  Fairmount  '52-55,  Shirleysburg,  '55-65;  stated  supply  Saxon  and 
Lick  Run  '65-66,  Armagh  and  Centerville  '67-73,  Hookstowp  '73-74,  North 
Branch  '74-79,  Pine  Creek  '81-82,  Hoboken  '83-;  married  May  1,  '49, 
Mary  S.,  daughter  of  Thomas  Stewart.     Presbyterian  minister,  Beaver,  Pa. 


HABKLANB,  James  ALEXANDER.  -  Sod  of  John  and  Janet  (McKinley);  bom 
Soath  Argjle,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  16,  1818 ;  Associate  Theological  Seminary,  Can- 
onsburg;  licensed  July  17,  '49,  Presbytery  of  Cambridge;  infirm; 
ordained  April  11,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Chicago;  stated  supply  Rock  Run 
and  Shannon,  III.,  '59-61  ;  pastor  Yorkville,  Wis.,  *61-70,  Verona  '70-73; 
stated  supply  North  Page,  Iowa,  '73  76;  missionary  Dunbar,  Neb.,  '76-79. 
United  Presbyterian  minister,  Villisca,  Iowa. 

AYLOR,  Alexander  Wilson.- Son  of  Hon.  John  and  Mary  (Wilson);  bom 
Indiana,  Pa.,  March  22,  1815 ;  law  student  with  Judge  White,  Indiana, 
Pa.;  practiced  law  Indiana,  Pa.,  *41 — ;  clerk  in  Suryeyor-Generars  Office, 
Pennsylvania,  '36-39;  Prothonotary,  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.,  '46-61;  Pennsyl- 
vania Legislature  '59-60;  Member  of  Congress  United  States  '72-74; 
President  Agricultural  Society  ;  Trustee  Pennsylvania  Normal  School ; 
married  May  8,  '49,  Elizabeth  Ralston  ;  A.B.,  '53.     Lawyer,  Indiana,  Pa. 

ELPORD,  John  C. — Son  of  Stephen  and  Mary  (Cree);  bora  Washington  Co., 
N.  Y.,  Aug.  22,  1821;  Associate  Theological  Seminary,  Canonsburg,  Pa., 
'44  48  ;  licensed  June  20,  '48,  Associate  Presbytery  of  Chartiers  ;  ordained 
Jan.  1,  '50,  Associate  Presbytery  of  Clarion  ;  pastor  Mahoning,  Pa.,  '60-67, 
West  Union  '67 — ;  married  Nov.  7,  '5.»,  Martha,  daughter  of  James  Oram. 
United  Presbyterian  minister.  West  Lebanon,  Pa. 

Fhompson,  Alexander  W. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Margaret ;  born  Washing- 
ton Co.,  Pa.,  December  26,  1826;  infirm  '44-53;  colporteur,  New  York 
City,  '53  ;  licensed  '53,  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  New  York  ;  pas- 
tor-elect Argyle  and  Bovina,  N.  Y.,  '54;  died  Argyle,^  N.  Y.,  Nov.  12,  '54, 
typhoid  fever.     Associate  Reformed  minister. 

orrence,  Samuel. — Son  of  John  and  Mary;  born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb. 
26,  1820;  farmer  '45 — ;  assistant  postmaster,  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.;  residence 
Gamble's,  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa. 

AS  Eman,  George. — Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.;  W.  T.  S.  1845-47;  licensed 
'47,  Presbytery  of  Pittsburg ;  ordained  '48,  Presbytery  of  Greenbrier ;  pastor 
Spring  Creek,  Ky.,  '48-50  ;  stated  supply  Crittenden  and  Williamsburg  '51, 
Bethel  '52,  South  Fork  and  Lick  Creek  '63-66,  Memphis,  '66-67 ;  pastor 
Summit,  Iowa,  '68-75 ;  stated  supply  Sharon  '75-7H,  Well's  Point,  Texas, 
'78 — 79,  Valley  Creek  and  other  points  'SO — .  Presbyterian  minister, 
Veraon,  Texas. 

i^ALKER,  George  Stoddard. — Son  of  John  and  Nancy  (Stoddard);  born  Alle- 
gheny Co.,  Pa.,  June  19,  1820;  teacher  Georgia  and  South  Carolina '44-46 ; 
medical  student,  Jefferson  Medical  College ;  practiced  medicine  Pittsburg, 
Pa.,  '48-49,  Califoraia  '49-51,, St.  Louis,  Mo.,  '51 —  ;  surgeon  United  States 
Army  '61-63;  married  Feb.  24,  '49,  Ann  C,  daughter  of  James  McKain. 
Physician,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Washington,  George  LaFayette. — Son  of  Dr.  Samuel  W.  and  Louiss 
(Clem pson) ;  grandson  of  George  Steptoe  Washington;  great-grandson  of 
Samuel,  the  brother  of  General  George  Washington  ;  born  Harwood,  Jeffer- 
son Co.,  Va.,  Jan.  12,  1825 ;  farmer  on  the  old  estate;  married  '5U,  Ann  B- 
Clempson;  died  Lehigh  Co.,  Pa.,  '71  or  72.     Farmer. 


•Whyte,  Robert  A.— Son  of  Rev.  James  and  Jane  (Ford);  born  East  Salem, 
Washington  Co.,  N.  Y.,  1827  ;  editor  Hoot«  GazeUe,  Aagasta,  Ga.;  unmar- 
ried ;  died  Augusta,  Ga.,  '54.     Editor. 

♦WiLKiNS,  W.  BiDDLE.~Son  of  Hon.  Wm.  Wilkins;  born  Wilkinsburg,  Pa., 
Oct.  11,  1827  ;  law  student;  died  Wilkinsburg,  Pa.,  January,  '67. 

Wilson,  Joseph  Ruooles. — Son  of  Hon.  James  and  Anne  (Adams);  born 
Steubenville,  O.,  Feb.  22,  1825 ;  W.  T.  S.  '45-46;  P.  T.  S.  '46-48;  licensed 
'48,  Presbytery  of  Steubenville ;  ordained  June  20,  '49,  Presbytery  of 
Ohio ;  pastor  Chartiers,  Pa.,  '49-51  ;  professor  Hampden  Sidney  College 
'51-55;  pastor  Staunton,  Va.,  '55-57,  Augusta,  Ga.,  '57-70;  professor  of 
Columbia  Theological  Seminary,  South  Carolina,  '70-74 ;  pastor  Wilming- 
ton, N.  C,  '74-85;  professor  Theological  Seminary,  Tennessee,  '85—; 
married  June  7,  '49,  Jessie  E.,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  Wood  row ;  D.D., 
Moderator  General  Assembly  '79 ;  Stated  Clerk,  General  Assembly.  Pres- 
byterian minister,  Clarksviile,  Tenn. 


Allison,  James. — Son  of  James  and  Elizabeth  (Brickell);  bom  Pittsburg,  Pa.; 
Sept.  23,  1823;  W.  T.  S.  '42-45;  licensed  '47,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny; 
ordained  '48,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  pastor  Sewickley,  Pa.,  '48-64  ;  editor 
Presbyterian  Banner* 64^;  married  Mary  Anderson,  also  Caroline Snowden; 
D.D.,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College,  '68 ;  Director  W.  T.  S.;  Trustee 
Washington  and  Jefferson  College.     Presbyterian  minister,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Baldwin,  A.  S.— Son  of  Silas  and  Charlotte  (Street);  born  Harford  Co.,  Md., 
July  4,  1825;  medical  student  Maryland  Union  Hospital;  practiced  medi- 
cine York  Co.,  Pa.,  '47-73;  farming  '60-73;  merchant,  Baldwin,  Md., 
'73 — ;  married  June  12,  '66,  Martha  E.  Street.     Physician,  Baldwin,  Md. 

•Bell,  James  Wilson.  Son  of  James  and  Mary;  born  Circleville,  O.,  Jan. 
1,  1825;  medical  student,  Medical  College,  Columbus,  O.;  practiced  medi- 
cine Circleville,  O.,  Delphos,  Requea  '51-52;  died  Cincinnati,  O.,  Dec. 
15,  '53.     Physician. 

Buboess,  Robert.— Born  Poland,  O.,  April  18,  1822;  Associate  Seminary, 
Canonsburg ;  P.  T.  S.;  licensed  '48,  Associate  Presbytery ;  ordained  '53, 
same  presbytery  ;  teacher  Columbia,  Tenn.,  '50-51 ;  stated  supply  Austin- 
burg,  O.,  '52-53  ;  teacher  Chicago  '54,  Senecaville  '60-61 ;  stated  supply 
Hartford. and  Mecca,  O.,  '56,  Montrose,  Iowa,  '67;  Woodburn  and  Denni- 
Bon  '68-71,  California,  Oregon,  Washington,  Iowa,  '86 ;  married  '49,  Eliza 
Bracken.     Preacher  of  the  word,  Gilbert  Station,  Iowa. 

Cahbkon,  John  Walton. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Margaret  (Curvin)j  bom  Jeffer- 
son Co.,  Va.,  1824;  medical  student,  Jefferson  Medical  College;  practiced 
medicine  Wlieeling,  W.  Va.,  '48-53 ;  assistant  surgeon.  Confederate  States 
Army;  practiced  medicine,  Baltimore,  Md.,  MoorfieUl,  W.  Va., '6&-71, 
Guyandotte  '71,  Fainnount  '73,  Newberry,  Va.,  '73,  Fairmouuc  *8S; 
married  '68,  Mary  C.  Williams.     Physician,  Fairmount,  W.  Va. 



viPBELL,  Jamtb  Casner. — Bom  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  18,  1828; 
Associate  Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '44-48 ;  licensed  April  14,  '47, 
Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Steubenville ;  ordained  Nov.  14,  '48, 
same  presbytery ;  pastor  Associate  Reformed  Church,  Welisviile,  O., 
'48-55,  Paris,  Pa.,  '65-75,  Hopewell,  O.,  '75-84,  Mulberry,  Mo.,  '84,  died 
Mulberry,  Mo  ,  Aug.  19,  '84.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

^TER,  Richard. — Son  of  £ii  and  Rebecca  (Alexander);  born  Carlisle,  Pa., 
Oct.  1,  -1827  ;  law  student;  soldier  if  United  States  Army  during  Mexican 
War,  '46-48,  Civil  War  '61-65  ;  practiced  law  Greensburg,  Pa.,  '49—;  cap- 
tain 11th  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers  '61  ;  colonel,  brevet  brigadier- 
general  volunteers '64 ;  brevet  major-general  volunteers  '65;  married  Nov. 
10,  '69,  Emma  Welty;  A.M.,  Jefferson  College,  '49.  Lawyer,  Greens- 
burg, Pa. 

LE,  William. — Son  of  Alexander  and  Jane  (Lourey);  born  Steubenville, 
3.,  Oct.  1,  1827 ;  business  '48-64 ;  Probate  Judge  '64  ;  married  Jan.  25, 
852,  Elizabeth  McClure;  died  Steubenville,  O.,  Dec.  6,  '64,  typhoid 

fCAN,  John  W.— Born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Feb.  9,  1826;  business;  major 
Jnited  States  Army  ;  married  Miss  Shoenberger,  also  Miss  Cash ;  died 
Vltoona,  Pa.,  March  15,  1887. 

•N,  Samuel  John  Mills. — Son  of  Rev.  Johnston  and  Eliza  (Canon);  bom 
Srie  Co.,  Pa.,  April  15,  1820;  teacher,  '45-46  ;  W.  T.  S.  '46-48  ;  licensed 
tfarch  16,  '48,  Presbytery  of  Erie;  ordained  Feb.  7,  '49,  Presbytery  of  Erie; 
)a8tor  Mt.  Pleasant,  Pa.,  '48-55,  Franklin  '48-82;  Europe,  Egypt,  Pales- 
ine,  Greece,  '71;  published  **  Petroleum,"  **  History  Presbytery  of  Erie," 
^Lakeside,"  ''Memorial  of  Rev.  Dr.  Dickson,"  ''Memorial  of  Robert 
LAmberton,"  portion  of  "Centennial  Memorial,"  "Jerusalem,"  "Pales- 
ine .  "  Trustee  Washington  and  Jefferson  College ;  Director  Western  Theo- 
ogical  Seminary;  married  Nov.  5,  '50,  Clara  T.,  daughter  of  John  W. 
I  owe ;  D.D.,  '69,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College.  Presbyterian  minister* 

[ING,  James  Caldwell. — Son  of  Matthew  C.  and  Elizabeth  (Caldwell); 

nm  Westmoreland  Co.,    Pa.,   Dec.   13,    1826 ;  printer  ;    medical  student 

fefferson  Medical  College  ;  practiced  medicine  New  Stanton,  Pa  ,  two  years, 

)eerfield,    O.,    two  years,  Carlisle  '52 — ;  married  Eliza  Jane  Johnston; 

kl.D.     Physician,  Carlisle,  O. 

,  James  Wilson. — Son  of  Judge  J.  C.  Fry  ;  born  in  Charleston,  W.  Va  ; 

aw  student  Virginia  University  ;  practiced  law  San  Antonio,  Texas  ;  died 

>an  Antonio,  Texas. 

ly,  Samuel  C. — Born  Mercer,  Pa.,  Aug.  7,   1817  ;    teacher  Mississippi ; 

Professor  Natural  Science,  Clinton,  Miss.;  dentist;  married  Amelia  Arm- 

Hiong ;  died  Clinton,  Miss.,  '62  or  '63;  A.B.,  '45. 

i^derson,  John  William. ^-Son  of  Dr.  John  Henderson;  born  Hunting- 
Ion,  Pa.,  Nov.  16,  1825;  medical  student  Jefferson  Medical  College,  '48; 
surgeon  Pennsylvania  Hospital;  practiced  medicine  Lock  Haven,  Pa., 
49-  4;  married  Dec.  2,  '50,  Mary  Church;  died  Lock  Haven,  Pa.,  '54; 
VI  I).     Physician. 


*  Jackson,  John  HARYEY.—Born  near  LezingtODt  Kj.;  medical  student  Penn- 
sylvania University '49,  Lexington,  Ky.,  Christian  County;  married  Miss 
Lewis;  died  Christian  Co.,  Ky.,  consamption  ;  M.D.     Physician. 

Johnston,  Thomas  Powell.— Son  of  Thomas  and  Abigail ;  born  Wooster,  0., 
March  16,  1819 ;  W.  T.  S.  '45-48 ;  licensed  June  22,  '47,  Presbytery  of 
Beaver  ;  ordained  October,  '48,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Clarksville.  Pa., 
'48-58,  Lima,  O.,  '58-64 ;  stated  supply  Lima  Centre  '64-70,  Concord  '71  : 
missionary  work  '71 — ;  married  July  6,  '48,  Mary  Anne  Haskill.  Presby- 
terian  minister ;  residence  Lima,  O. 

*Kean,  William  Freeman.— Son  of  Major  William  and  Margaret  (FreemaD); 
born  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  9,  1815 ;  W.  T.  S.  '45-48 ;  licensed  Janu- 
ary,  '48,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville ;  ordained  '49,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny ; 
pastor  Freeport  and  Slate  Lick,  Pa.,  '49-68 ;  missionary  Columbus  City  and 
Onoma,  Iowa,  '68-69 ;  Europe,  Egypt,  Palestine,  Turkey,  and  Athens, 
'71 ;  pastor  Braddock's,  Pa.,  '72-82;  evangelist  '82-86;  married  Sept.  17, 
'50,  Helen  Maclean;  died  San  Francisco,  Cal.,  Oct.  23,  '86,  pyemia. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*Latham,  Milton  Slocum. — Son  of  Beia  Latham;  born  Columbus,  O.,  May 
23,  1827;  law  student;  practiced  law  California;  District  Attorney  -')1  : 
Collector  of  Port,  San  Francisco,  '55-57 ;  Governor  of  California  't)0 ; 
United  States  Senator  '61-65 ;  banker ;  three  times  in  Europe ;  married ; 
died  New  York  City  '81  or  '82.     Lawyer. 

*Letterman,  Jonathan. — Son  of  Dr.  Jonathan  and  Anna  (Ritchie);  born 
Canonsburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  11,  1824;  medical  student  Jefferson  Medical  Col- 
lege'49;  surgeon  United  States  Army  '49-()4 ;  Florida,  Xew  Mexico,  Min- 
nesota, California ;  Medical  Director  Army  of  Potomac  '62-64 ;  practiced 
California '65-72 ;  published  ^^  Medical  Record  Army  of  the  Potomac;*' 
married  October,  '(>3,  Mary  Lee;  died  San  Francisco,  Cal.,  March  15, 
'72;  M.D.     Physician. 

Letterman,  Craig  Ritchie.— Son  of  Dr.  Jonathan  and  Anna  Ritchie:  born 
Canonsburg,  Pa.,  1820;  business  pursuits,  Buffaw,  Texas. 

*McLuer,  Darius  Decatur. — Born  Claiborne  Co.,  Miss.;  law  student; 
practiced  law  Port  Gibson,  Miss.;  Confederate  States  Army,  ninjor;  fell 
in  battle.  Bull  Run,  Va.,  Aug.  28,  '63.     Lawyer. 

McHenry,  David  S. — Son  of  Charles  and  Martha  (Dunn);  born  Beaver  Co., 
Pa.,  July  28,  182.S;  Associate  Seminary,  Canonsburg;  licensed  Jnne  13, 
IH49,  Associate  Presbytery  of  C'hartiers;  ordained  Nov.  H),  '50:  pastui 
Commerce  and  Nanking,  Mich.,  York  and  Covington,  N.  Y.,  Roseville, 
Cal.,  '8();  married  June,  '55,  Maggie  M.  Barber.  United  Presbyterian 
minister,  Santa  Ana,  Cal. 

*McNay,  John  D.  Born  Wa.shington  Co.,  Pa.;  Associate  Seminary,  Canons 
burg;  licensed  June  20,  '48,  Associate  Presbytery  of  Chartieri  ;  pastor  Craw 
fordsville,  Iowa,  Palestine,  III.;  died  Palestine,  111.,  '79.  United  Presbv 
terian  minister. 



•ON,  Robert  Buchanan.— Born  Morristown,  N.  J.,  April  21,  1822; 
acher  Tenneasee,  '45-.V> ;  farmer  'o.V-62 ;  Professor  of  Mathematics, 
[ackburn  University,  Illinois,  '86;  married  December,  '48,  Kate  Barr; 
ling  elder  Presbyterian  Church;  died  Carlinville,  111.,  March  7,  '89. 

roN,  Robert  Slemmoms.— Son  of  William  and  Hannah  (Slemmons);  born 
iwrence  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  29,  1816  ;  W.  T.  S.  '45-48  ;  licensed  Juns,  '47, 
resbytery  of  Beaver  ;  ordained  June,  '48,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Darling- 
n,  Pa.,  '48-ol,  First  Church,  Mercer,  '51-52,  Ebensburg  and  Summit 
2-.j5,  Mill  Creek  and  Hookstown  '55-65,  Slippery  Rock  and  Newport 
5-69,  East  Buffalo  '69-70,  Chartiers  '72,  East  Palestine  '73,  Petersburg  '74, 
ittle  Beaver  '75-81,  Hookstown  '82-85;  Christian  Commission;  chaplain 
nited  States  Army  ;  married  Oct.  11,  '48,  Mary  J.  Miller,  also  April  29, 
2,  Harriet  Alexander;  died  Hookstown,  Pa.,  Jan.  12,  '85.  Presbyterian 

:er,  Daniel.— Bom  Perry  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  16,  1817;  W.  T.  S.  '45-4H  ; 
reused  April  12,  '48,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle ;  ordained  May  22,  '49,  Pres- 
'tery  of  West  Jersey ;  pastor  Cold  Spring  and  Cape  Island,  N.  J.,  '49-5(), 
adison  and  Adams  Hill,  O.,  '5(>-52  ;  teacher  Virginia;  pastor  Neals- 
lle  and  Darnestown,  Md.;  married  August,  '58,  Elizabeth  B.  Williaipson, 
50  Oct.  14,  '56,  Fannie  S.  Washington  ;  died  Darnestown,  Md.,  Nov.  1,  '64. 
^esbyterian  minister. 

av,  James  Andrew.— Born  Peach  Bottom,  York  Co.,  Pa.,  March  22, 
26;  teacher  Kentucky,  Stewartstown,  Pa.,  '45-75;  infirm.  Teacher;  res- 
ence  Stewartstown,  Pa. 

«,  Joshua  Thomas.  —Son  of  David  and  Jane  (Thomas);  born  Caermar- 
enshire,  Wales,  March  29,  1821 ;  teacher ;  law  student ;  practiced  law 
liladelphia,  *52 — ;  United  States  Army  '61-64;  colonel;  brigadier-gen- 
a  ;  Pennsylvania  Legislature;  Recorder  of  Deeds,  Philadelphia;  married 
Ij  Annie  J.  Shendon  ;  died  Chestnut  Hill,  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Nov.  7,  'S7. 

LES,  John  Herron  M. — Son  of  Isaac  and  Eliza  (Herron);  born  Pitts- 
irg,  Pa.,  Jan.  29,  1823 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Stewart,  Shippensburg, 
u,  and  Dr.  Dickson,  Pittsburg;  Jefferson  Medical  College,  '4S;  practiced 
edicine  New  Castle,  Pa.,  till  '78;  married  Oct.  15,  '50,  Kate  D.  Collins, 
JO  Nov.  13,  '62,  Elizabeth  Cassel;  died  New  Castle,  Pa.,  Oct.  29,  '78, 
joplexy;  A.  M., '49.     Physician. 

ley,  Louis  Frederick.— Born  Marion,  O.;  law  student;  business;  raar- 
id.    Residence  Marion,  O. 

,   Samuel  P. — Born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.;  law  student,  Pittsburg,  Pa.; 
■acticed  law  Pittsburg;  coal  business;  died  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa. 


Shan£»  JoHN.—Son  of  Isaac  and  Hannah  (Rex);  born  near  Steabenviile,  O., 
May  26,  1822  ;  law  student  with  Secretary  Stanton ;  practiced  law  VinioD, 
Iowa,  'O'V-TG  ;  captain  United  States  Army  ;  major ;  lieutenant-colonel ;  col- 
onel;  Iowa  Senate  * 73-76  ;  Judge  Fifth  Judicial  District  '76 — ;  infirm; 
married  Nov.  19,  '47,  Hannah  S.  George,  also  '82,  Carrie  Lynch.  Lawyer, 
Vinton,  Iowa, 

*Sp£AR,  Samuel  A. — Teacher  Findlay,  O.,  Martinsburg,  O;  married;  died 
Martinsburg,  O. 

Sterrett,  James  Patterson. — Son  of  Robert  and  Margaret  (Patterson);  bora 
near  Mifflintown,  Pa.,  Nov.  7,  1822  ;  law  student  '45-48,  Virginia  Univer- 
sity;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '48-62;  Presiding  Judge  Fifth  Judicial 
District,  Pennsylvania,  '62-77 ;  Justice  of  Supreme  Court,  Pennsylvania, 
'77—;  married  May  29,  '50,  Isabella  Patterson;  LL.D.,  '82,  Lafayette 
College ;  Trustee  Washington  and  Je£Ferson  College.  Lawyer ;  residence 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Stewart,  Samuel  Calhoun. — Son  of  David  and  Sarah  (Walker);  born  Penn- 
sylvania Furnace,  Center  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  6,  1824;  iron  manufacturer,  St. 
Louis,  Mo.;  Colerain  Forges,  Pennsylvania,  Tyrone  Forges ;  married  June 
16,  '65,  Margaret  M.  Sample.     Manufacturer,  Tyrone,  Pa. 

Stuart,  John. — Son  of  John  and  Jennie  (Little);  born  Ireland,  Dec.  18, 
1822 ;  Lane  Seminary  '45-48 ;  licensed  '48 ;  missionary  Kentucky  and 
Missouri;  stated  supply  Ohio ;  pastor  Connersvilie and  Aurora,  Ind.,  Van- 
dalia  and  OIney,  111.,  Princeton,  Spencer  '88;  chaplain  5th  Regiment  Ohio 
Volunteer  Cavalry,  United  States  Army ;  married  Feb.  18,  '62,  Eliza  C. 
Bradbury.     Presbyterian  minister,  Spencer,  Ind. 

Sturgeon,  John  Riddell. — Son  of  William  and ,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr. 

John  Riddell ;  bom  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.;  Associate  Reformed  Theological 
Seminary;  licensed  March  28, 1849,  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery;  mis- 
sionary several  years ;  demitted;  farmer;  married  Miss  Ma  whah.  Residence; 
Colliers  Station,  W.  Va. 

♦Talmage,  Peter  Stryker. — Son  of  Rev.  Jehiel;  born  Somerville,  N.  J., 
Oct.  5,  1819;  P.  T.  S.  '40-48 ;  ordained  '48,  Presbytery  of  Albany;  pastor 
Oneida  Valley,  N.  Y.,  '48-50,  Malta  '50-52,  R.  D.  Church,  Stone  House 
Plains,  N.  J.,  '53-65  ;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Bethune  Memorial  Mis- 
sionary Church,  Philadelphia,  '05-70,  Fourth  Church,  Philadelphia,  '70-74; 
married  '52,  Miss  Davis ;  died  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Aug.  9,  '74.  R.  D. 
Church  minister. 

Thompson,  Josiah. — Son  of  Allen  and  Martha  (Lindsay);  born  Washington 
Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  24,  1820;  teacher;  W.  T.  S.  '45-47;  farmer;  licensed  Oct. 
21, '56,  Associate  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  ordained  Jan.  14,  *'iSf  same 
presbytery;  pastor  Clinton,  Pa.,  '57-66,  Center  View,  Mo..  '67-76,  Four 
Mile,  Pa.,  '76-78;  stated  supply  Mulberry  '78-79;  Presbyterian  Church 
'80,  several  churches  'SO—;  married  Oct,  14,  '47,  E.  G.  Qeorge.  Presby- 
terian minister,  Center  View,  Mo. 



SON,  Jambs.— Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  June  20,  1821;  Associate 
inarj,  Canonsbarg,  '45-49  ;  licensed  Jane  30,  '49,  Associate  Presbytery 
Ihartiers ;  ordained  July  15,  '52,  Presbytery  of  Cambridge ;  pastor 
h  Argyle,  N.  Y.,  '52-63,  Twenty-fifth  Street  Church,  New  York  City, 
ri ;  married ;  died  New  York  City,  April  28,  '71.  United  Presbyterian 

Abbam  Riddle.— Son  of  Isaac  and  Isabella  (Riddle);  bom  Allegheny 
Pa.,  Dec.  10,  1823  ;  W.  T.  S.;  civil  engineer,  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa., 
eland,  O.;  married  Jan.  1,  '50,  Melissa  Folgambe;  died  Cleveland,  O., 
28,  '57.     Engineer. 

r,  Augustus  A. — From  Kanawha  \V.  Va.;  medical  student;  practiced 
icine  Kanawha  Co.,  W.  Va.,  and  Western  States;  went  to  Louisiana ; 
ter ;  died  in  Louisiana. 

»,  Jacob.— Bom  Canousburg,  Pa.,  1826;  P.  T.  S.  '49-50;  W.  T.  S. 
)2 ;  licensed  '52,  Presbytery  of  Pittsburg ;  ordained  '53,  Presbytery  of 
nbrier;  pastor  Parkersburg,  \V.  Va.,  '53-5(),  Macon  City,  Mo.,  '61, 
lyra  '63  ;  editor  Trinidad  EnUrpriw,  '63-73  ;  died  Trinidad,  Col.,  June 
rS.     Presbyterian  minister. 


f,  James  B. — Son  of  Andrew  and  Elizabeth  ;  born  Washington  Co., 
April  16,  1826  ;  died  at  home,  Jan.  21,  '48,  jaundice ;  prospective 
ical  student. 

Samuel  Smylib. — Son  of  Aaron  and  Isabel  (Pollock);  born  Martins- 
,  0.,  Oct.  18,  1826;  teacher  Carroll  Co.,  Miss.;  W.  T.  S.  '48-49; 
sed  April,  '55,  Presbytery  of  Tombeckbee ;  ordaihed  November,  ' oo, 
^ytery  of  Central  Mississippi ;  pastor  church,  Carroll  Co.,  Miss.,  '55-65, 
on,  '65 — ;  teacher  at  same  time  ;  married  Jan.  10,  '51,  Janetta,  daugh- 
i  John  Dalrymple;  Moderator  Synod  of  Mississippi,  '88.  Presbyteritin 
ister.  Canton,  Miss. 

William  Logan. -Son  of  Rev.  Thomas  D.  and  Esther  (Thompson); 
Allegheny  Co.,    Pa.,    Jan.    19,    1827;  law  student;  professor  Terre 

Le,  Ind.,  '47-49,  Washington  College,  Maryland,  '51-54,  Western  Col- 
Missouri,  '54-58,  Oakland  College,  Mississippi,  '58-61  ;  Commissary 

ederate  States   Army   '63-64;    infirm;   principal   Bel    Air   Academy 

U  ;  ruling  elder,  Presbyterian  Church  ;  died  Bel  Air,  Md.,  May  7,  '81, 

tonitis  ;  A.  M.     Teacher. 

s,  Vincent. — Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  1827 ;  Associate  Reformed 
ological  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '46-50 ;  licensed  March  27,  '49,  Presby- 
of  Monongahela ;  ordained  Dec.  31,  '50,  same  presbytery ;  pastor 
irth  Church,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '50-51  ;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  16,  '51. 
ociate  Reformed  minister 

132  G£N£RAL  CATA1X>GU£  OF 

Elder,  George  W. — Son  of  Robert  and  Esther;  born  Center  Co.,  Pa.,  Ju 
28,  1821 ;  law  student,  Harvard  Law  School,  *49;  practiced  law  Lewistow 
Pa.,  '49— ;  married  May  24,  '.>3,  Margaretta  S.  Shaw.  Lawyer,  Lewi 
town,  Pa. 

GiLMORE," Thomas  R. — Son  of  Francis  and  Sarah  (McBride);  born  Cadiz,  C 
April  30,  1825;  teacher;  Associate  Reformed  Theological  Seminary,  '46-4 
infirm  ;  farming  Harrison  Co.,  O.,  *47-52,  Iowa  '62  -;  Senate,  Iowa,  '74-7 
married  Nov.  7,  '54,  Catherine,  daughter  of  Thomas  Milligan ;  also  M 
4,  '60,  Ellen,  daughter  of  Andrew  Steele,  also  Dec.  29,  '75,  Francinia  1 
daughter  of  William  Wilson.     Farmer,  Kirlcville,  Iowa. 

*Graham,  Taylor  L. — Son  of  John  and  Anna  (Taylor);  born  near  Newvil 
Pa.,  1828(?) ;  medical  student ;  practiced  medicine  Fond  du  Lac,  Wis.,  Mc 
ico,  Potosi,  Wis.;  married  '50(?),  Frances  Lewis  ;  died  Potosi,  Wis.,  Marc 
'82.     Physician. 

*Hapt,  John. —Son  of  John  and  Nancy  (McGill);  born  Washington  Co.,  P 
Dec.  26,  1820;  teacher  '46-47  ;  mercantile  business,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '47-5 
married  September,  '55,  Fannie  M.,  daughter  of  John  McGill;  died  m 
Canonsburg,  Pa.,  December,  '60,  consumption.     Druggist. 

Hoffman,  Henry  William. — Son  of  John  G.  and  Mary  (Bovard);  K 
Cumberland,  Md.,  Nov.  17,  1825  ;  law  student  with  T.  I.  &  W.  W.  McKa 
Cumberland ;  practiced  law  Cumberland,  '46-55,  '68 —  ;  Member  of  (.V 
gress,  Tiiirty-fourth  Congress,  '55-57 ;  Treasurer  of  C.  &  O.  Canal  C 
'57-58;  sergbant-at-anns,  House  of  Representatives,  '59-60;  Collect(»r 
Port,  Baltimore,  '61-65 ;  attorney  Board  of  Commissioners,  Cumberlan 
'68-72;  Judge  Fourth  Judicial  Circuit,  '83 — ;  married  May  17,  - 
Rachel,  daughter  of  William  Osborne;  A.  M.,  '67,  Washington  and  J 
ferson  College.     Lawyer,  Cumberland,  Md. 

Kelso,  James. — Son  of  Benjamin  and  Martha  (Murdock);  born  near  Nobl 
town.  Pa.,  May  28,  1824 ;  Associate  Reformed  Seminary,  AUegher 
'46-50 ;  licensed  June  27,  '49,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela:  missiona 
'49-52;  ordained  May  25,  '52,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville  ;  pastor  Bethel,  P 
'52-65,  Unity  '52-73,  McKeesport  '77-85 ;  married  May  14,  '66,  Litz 
daughter  of  Thomas  Boyd,  also  May  4,  '75,  N.  J.,  daughter  of  John  Wbi< 
United  Presbyterian  minister,  Passadena,  Cal. 

Kirkpatrick,  John  Milton. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  David  and  Eliza  (Kii 
patrick);  born  Milton,  Pa.,  Dec.  1,  1825;  law  student;  practiced  law  Pit 
burg,  Pa.,  '48 — ;  Judge  Allegheny  Co.;  Europe;  married  Sept.  19,  '•' 
Anna  Mary  Graff.  Lawyer  (Pittsburg,  Pa.),  Sherman  avenue,  Al 
gheny.  Pa. 

Lake,  Robert  P. — Born  Dorchester  Co.,  Md.;  medical  student;  practic 
medicine  Charleston,  W.  Va.,  1850 — ,  White  Sulphur  Springs,  Va.;  nu 
ried.     Physician. 



K8,  John  Irwin. — Son  of  Christopher  and  Harriet ;  born  Lewistown,  Pa.. 
pril  7,  1826;  medical  student,  Jefferson  Medical  College,  '52;  practiced 
ledicine  Lewistown,  Pa.,  '62-83;  United  States  Army;  married  Ellen  D. 
icob;  died  Lewistown,  Pa.,  June  12,  '83,  disease  contracted  in  army. 

LIS,  George. — Son  of  William  V.  and  Mary  (Park);  bom  Frederick  Co., 
a.,  Nov.  19,  1821  ;  law  student  with  Hon.  W.  G.  Chelton,  Tuskegee,  Ala!; 
racticed  law  Tuskegee,  Ala.,  '51-66;  Milton,  Fla.,  '66;  Florida  Legisla- 
ire,  '80-83 ;  County  Judge,  '87—;  married  May  18,  '54,  Mary  R.  Fiti- 
&trick.     Lawyer,  Milton,  Fla. 

TIN,  William. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  James  and  Rebecca  (White);  born 
Ibany,  N.  Y.,  1827  (?);  Texas;  married  ;  died  Texas,  '50(?),  fever. 

riN,  James. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  James  and  Rebecca  (White);  born  Albany, 
.  Y.,  Sept.  1,  1828;  Commercial  Bank,  Albany,  '48-05,  cashier  '65-75; 
urope,  Holy  Land  '69 ;  married  June  1,  '54,  Mary  Vosburgh ;  died 
Ibany,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  7,  '75,  consumption.     Banker. 

[jRLEY,  Joseph  Aud,  Son  of  Robert  and  Jane  (Barbour) ;  born 
inion  Co.,  Pa.,  March  17,  1822;  traveled  South;  infirm;  died  Union  Co., 
a.,  Feb.  20,  '53. 

lhaney,  W^illiam  G. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Smart);  bom  Hunt- 
igdon.  Pa.;  Associate  Seminary,  Canonsburg,  1846-50  ;  licensed  '50,  Pres- 
irtery  of  Chartiers;  ordained  '55;  pastor  Hoboken,  N.  J.,  '55-60;  married 
Ivira  W*alsh ;  died  Hoboken,  N.  J.,  May  28,  '60,  consumption.  Associate 
resbyterian  minister. 

UFFEN,  John  Naff. — Son  of  Robert  and  Susan  (Naflf);  born  Newviile, 
a.,  1822  ;  law  student  with  Judge  McGuffen,  New  Castle,  Pa.;  practiced 
iw  New  Castle,  Pa.,  '47-59 ;  married  June  29,  Anna  L.  Guerard ;  died 
ew  Castle,  Pa.,  Feb.  23,  '59  ;   A.M.,  '49.     Lawyer. 

[GAN,  Thomas  Vincent.— Son  of  Thomas  S.  and  Martha  (Vincent);  bom 
uscarawas  Co.,  O.,  May  15,  1829  ;  teacher  '47-49 ;  farmer  '49-56 ;  licensed 
ipril  26,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Steubenville;  ordained  April  24,  *6l,  same 
resbytery;  pastor  Waynesburg,  O.,  '61-73,  Steubenville  (Old)  '73-77,  East 
-iverpool  '77-87 ;  presbyterial  missionary  '87-88 ;  financial  agent  Wooster 
'Diversity  '88;  married  Oct.  18,  '49,  Ellen,  daughter  of  John  Swaney; 
).D.,  '80,  Franklin  College.     Presbyterian  minister,  Wooster,  O. 

I80N,  James  Henry.— Son  of  William;  born  Huntingdon,  Pa.,  March 
3,1826;  P.  T.  S.  '47-50;  licensed  June,  '50,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle; 
rdained  ejr^ngelist  June  12,  '50,  same  presbytery;  foreign  missionary, 
ndia— Amdala  and  Rawal  Pindi,  India,  '50-69  ;  married  Agnes  C.  Kay, 
Iso  Nannie  Harris;  died  Bellefonte,  Pa.,  April  19,  '69.  Presbyterian 


Parkinson,  Michael  A.  —Son  of  Thomas  and  Marjr  (Baker);  bom  WashiDg 
ton  Co.,  Pa.,  July  30,  1821 ;  W.  T.  S.  *46-49 ;  licensed  April  18,  '49,  Pree 
bytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  Sept  11,  '50,  Presbytery  of  Erie;  pastor  Cob 
cord  and  Deerfield  (now  Tidioute),  Pa.,  '50-53,  Island  Creek,  O.,  '53-65 
stated  supply  Wellsburg,  W.  Va.,  '65;  pastor  Bloomfield  and  Center  Unitj 
O.,  '66-71,  Carrollton  and  New  Harrisburg  '71-76,  Industry,  Pa.,  '75-80 
Island  Creek,  O.,  '80-87  ;  married  Sept.  4,  '49,  Catharine,  daughter  o 
William  McClelland.     Presbyterian  minister,  Industry,  Pa. 

*Pkttibone,  Henry  Brandon. — Son  of  Chauncey  and  Susan  (Brandon);  bon 
Wilkinson  Co.,  Miss.,  June  8,  1826;  planter  '47-78  ;  married  Sept.  19,  '48 
Annie  Ritchie,  daughter  of  Dr.  Jonathan  Letterman;  died  Wilkinson  Co. 
Miss.,  March  11,  '82,  gastritis.     Planter. 

PoMEROY,  Joseph  S.— Born  Lawrence  Co.,  Pa.;  W.  T.  S.  1846-49;  licenaw 
April,  '49,  Presbytery  of  Beaver;  ordained  April,  '50,  Presbytery  o 
Washington  ;  pastor  Fairview,  W.  Va.,  '50-72  ;  missionary  '72-77  ;  pasto 
Moundsville  and  stated  supply  Cameron  '78-86 ;  evangelist  '86 ;  marriei 
October,  '49,  Isabella  Griffiths.     Presbyterian  minister,  Fairview,  Vf.  Va 

Ramsay,  Jambs  Ross.— Son  of  Robert  and  Jane  (Whiteford);  born  Harfon 
Co.,  Md.,  April  9,  1822  ;  P.  T.  S.  '46-49 ;  licensed  October,  '48,  Presbyter 
of  Donegal ;  ordained  '49,  same  presbytery ;  missionary  Creek  Indians 
Kowetah,  I.  T.,  '49-52  ;  teacher  Pennsylvania  '53-55;  missionary  Seminoles 
I.  T.,  '56 — ;  translated  Genesis  and  Psalms  into  Creek  language ;  publishec 
''History  of  the  Seminoles"  ;  married  May  29,  '49,  Mary  Jane,  daughtei 
of  John  Livingston,  also  July  24,  '56,  Eliza  Jane,  daughter  of  Rev.  Johi 
Lilley,  also  April  6,  '75,  Mary  L.,  daughter  of  Nathan  Dement,  M.D 
Presbyterian  minister,  Wewoka,  Indian  Territory. 

^Robinson,  James  Brooks  Parr. — Son  of  Ephraim  A.  and  Elizabeth  (Parr) 
born  New  Alexandria,  Pa.,  April  30,  1824;  law  student  with  Judge Sh&ler 
Pittsburg,  Pa.;  practiced  law  Greensburg,  Pa.,  '48-52;  died  New  Alexan 
dria,  Pa.,  Aug.  21,  '52,  consumption.     Lawyer. 

Rogers,  James  Lea. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Elizabeth  (Gibson);  born  Connelly 
ville,  Pa.,  Jan.  3,  1823;  teacher  Georgia  '46-50;  Columbia  Theologica 
Seminary  '48-50;  licensed  April,  '50,  Presbytery  Of  Cherokee;  ordainec 
'51,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Waynesboro'  '51-53 ;  professor  Georgia  Mil 
itary  Institute  '53-o5  ;  President  Florence  Female  College,  Ga.,  '55-57 ;  pas 
tor  Central  Church,  Atlanta,  '59-62;  Confederate  States  Army,  Soldiers 
Home/i,  '62-65  ;  Geological  Survey,  Alabama,  '66-68 ;  pastor  Bethlehen; 
Church  '75 — ;  Trustee  Oglethorpe  University  ;  Secretary  Georgia  Academj 
of  Science;  married  Jan.  4,  '51,  Emily  A.  Gray;  D.D.,  Davidson  Col- 
lege.    Preebyterian  minister,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Scott,  Alexander.— Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Skelly);  born  New  Rich 
niond,  O.,  Feb.  14,  1822 ;  teacher  Ilampd en-Sidney  College '47-49,  U.  T.S., 
Virginia,  '46-48;  licensed  April,  '4J),  Presbytery  of  West  Hanover; 
ordained  June,  '51,  Presbytery  of  Richland  ;  pastor  Blooming  Grove,  0., 
'51-54,    Savannah   '55-69,  First  Church,    Kossuth,  Iowa,  '70-80;   stated 



lappl/  Des  Moines,  *'80-84,  Mediapolis  '84 — ,  Hopkinton  '88;  publiehed 
'Use  of  Instrumental  Music  in  Public  Worship  "  ;  married  Sarah  Brown, 
lIso  Catharine  Hall,  also  Amanda  Chidester.  Presbyterian  minister, 
lopkinton,  Iowa. 

N»ON,  Isaac  N.— Born  Ohio;  P.  T.  S.,  '47-50;  ordained  Oct.  15,  '51, 
'resbytery  of  New  Brunswick  ;  pastor  Second  Church,  New  Brunswick, 
<^.  .7.,  '51-53 ;  stated  supply  First  Church,  Terre  Haute,  Ind.,  '54-66  ;  pas- 
or-electMt.  Vernon,  O.,  '56-58;  died  '58. 

PE,  Alexander  E. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Alexander ;  born  near  Newville^ 
'a.,  July  25,  1825 ;  medical  student,  Jefferson  Medical  College ;  practiced 
nedicine  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  '50-56,  Lincoln  Co.,  Mo.,  '56-64;  United  States 
Vrmy  surgeon  '61-62;  business  Lake  Providence,  La.,  '64-65;  agent  Post- 
)fflce  Department  '65-69 ;  Marshal  District  of  ("olumbia,  '68-72 ;  United 
states  Army,  major  '68 — ;  married  Ellen,  daughter  of  Frederick  Dent, 
oldier,  Leavenworth,  Kan. 

TEy  Alexander  Brady.— Son  of  John  and  Jane  (McCune);  bom  Cum- 
erland  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  12,  1827 ;  law  student  with  Hon.  F.  Watts,  Carlisle, 
16-48;  practiced  law  Carlisle,  Pa.,  '48—;  United  States  Anny  '61-65; 
rivate  ;  lieutenant  ;  captain,  '64  ;  major  ;  lieutenant-colonel  and  colonel ; 
larried  Dec.  19,  '54,  Catherine  M.,  daughter  of  Major  George  Blaney. 
lawyer,  Carlisle,  Pa. 

}EON,  Hugh. — Son  of  Robert  and  Hannah  (Boyles);  born  Noblestown, 
V'ashington  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  31,  1821;  Associate  Theological  Seminary,  Can- 
nsburg;  licensed  June  18,  *50,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  ordained  May  6, 
)2,  Presbytery  of  Richland  ;  pastor  Wooster,  O.,  '52-56,  Kingston,  Iowa, 
)6-59,  Darlington,  Pa.,  '62 —  ;  married  Feb.  14,  '54,  Elenora  B.  Harris,  also 
[arch  2,  *65,  Louisa  W.  Scott,  also  Jan.  3,  '84,  Caroline  Cook.  United 
*resbyterian  minister,  Darlington,  Pa 

BusKiRK,  Elijah.— Born  Ohio,  1816  ;  W.  T.  S.  '45-47  ;  licensed  Oct.  4, 
17  ;  died  Ohio,  Oct.  27,  '48.     Presbyterian  licentiate. 

<KER,  John  W. — Son  of  James  and  Mary  (Stewart);  born  Franklin  Co., 
»a.,  Sept.  8,  1819;  teacher '46-48  ;  W.  T.  S.  '4S-51 ;  licensed  October,  '51, 
^resbylery  of  Ohio;  missionary  Indiana,  '51-52;  ordained  November,  '58, 
Vesby tery  of  Blairsville ;  pastor  Fairfield  and  Union,  Pa.,  '53-69;  stated 
apply  Ligonier  and  Pleasant  Grove  '72  ;  missionary  Virginia  ;  married  June 
16,  '53,  Martha  L.,  daughter  of  Rev.  William  Jeffery  ;  D.D.;  died  Gordons- 
ille,  Va.,  April  5,  '84.     Presbyterian  minister. 

L.KER,  Isaac  Alexander. — Son  of  Moses  and  Jane  (McGill);  born  Can- 
Dsburg,  Pa.,  1823;  teacher  Pittsburg,  Pa.;  health  failed  ;  married  Sept.  8, 
)3 ;  business  Pittsburg,  Pa.;  farmer,  Michigan;  died  Grand  Blanc,  Mich., 
April  27,  '55. 

5T,  Jacob  Hoffer. — Son  of  Matthew  H.  and  Elizabeth  (Hoffer);  born 
Ulegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  24,  1821;  medical  student,  Pittsburg,  I*a.;  died 
^ittsburg.  Pa.,  March  16,  '47.     Medical  student. 


West,  William  H. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Mary  (Clear);  bom  Washiag^ton  Co., 
Pa.,  Feb.  9,  1824;  teacher  '40-48  ;  tutor  JeflEeraon  College,  '48-49 ;  adjunct 
professor  Hampdcn-Sidnejr  College,  Va.,  '49—50 ;  law  student  with  Hon. 
Win.  Lawrence,  '50-51;  practiced  law  Bellefontaine,  O.,  '51 —  ;  LegisUtnre 
Ohio,  '58-60,  '62-66  ;  Attorney  General,  Ohio,  66-70  ;  Judge  of  Supreme 
Court  of  Ohio,  '72-73  ;  member  Constitutional  Convention,  '73-74 ;  married 
June,  '51,  Elizabeth  Williams,  also  Oct.  10,  '72,  Mrs.  Clara  G.  Gorton; 
LL.D.,  Wooster  University  and  Washington  and  Jefferson  College  '86. 
Lawyer,  Bellefontaine,  O. 

Whaley,  Fbedebick  N. — Son  of  George  and  Ann  (Furley);  born  Fairfax  Co., 
Va.,  Sept.  7,  1819 ;  U.  T.  S.,  Virginia,  '46-49  ;  licensed  April  23,  '49,  Pres- 
bytery of  Winchester ;  ordained  April  19,  'ol,  same  presbytery  ;  missionary 
Fairfax  Co.,  Va.,  '49-51 ;  pastor  Clarksville,  Va.,  '52—  ;  married  Feb.  26, 
'50,  Elizabeth  S.,  daughter  of  John  Hughes.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Clarksville,  Va.(?) 

♦Williams,  O.  H. — Son  of  John  and  Sarah  (White);  born  near  Mt.  Jackson, 
Pa.,  Dec.  6,  1824  ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  A.  Cory,  Salem,  O.:  died 
Salem,  O.,  October,  '48,  fever.     Medical  student. 

Zahniser,  George  Wright,— Son  of  Jacob  and  Catherine  (Wright);  bom 
Mercer,  Pa.,  March  19,  1823 ;  tutor  Jefferson  College,  '47  ;  teacher  Lexing- 
ton, Ky.,  '47-48 ;  P.  T.  S.  '48-51 ;  licensed  April  10,  '51,  Presbytery  of 
Erie;  ordained  Sept.  7,  '53,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Conneautville,  Pa., 
'53-59  ;  Huntingdon  '59-75 ;  stated  supply  Second  Church,  Mercer,  '75-77, 
Venango  and  Salem  '80 — ;  chaplain  National  Guards,  Pennsylvania,  five 
years;  published  '' Our  Duty  in  the  Present  Crisis;"  married  Jane,  daugh- 
ter of  John  Forker,  also  Kate  Gaston,  also  Mrs.  Elizabeth  S.  McOill. 
Presbyterian  minister,  Mercer,  Pa. 


Adams,  John. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Elizabeth  (Simmons)  born  Mt.  Vernon,  0., 
Dec.  11,  1824  ;  law  student  with  Hon.  J.  K.  Miller,  Mt,  Vernon;  practiced 
law  Mt.  Vernon '50 — ;  Judge  Common  Pleas,  Mt.  Vernon,  '71-81 ;  married 
June  16,  '60,  Julia  A.,  daughter  of  M,  W,  Huxford,  Lawyer,  Mt.  Ver- 
non, O. 

Auchibald,  George  D. — Son  of  Andrew  and  Catherine  (Shields);  born 
Washington  Co.,  Pa,,  Feb.  15,  1820 ;  Associate  Reformed  Seminary,  Alle- 
gheny ;  licensed  April,  '49,  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Monongahela; 
ordained  June  25,  '50,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Sixth  United  Presbyterian 
Church,  Allegheny,  Pa.,  '50-55,  First  United  Presbyterian  Church,  Cincin- 
nati, O.,  '55-60,  First  Presbyterian  Church,  Madison,  Ind.,  '61-456;  West- 
minster, New  York  City,  '61-08  ;  President  Hanover  College,  '6S-70 ;  Pro- 
fessor of  Theology  Danville  Theologicfil  Seminary,  '70-83 ;  President  Wil- 
son Female  Seminary,  '73-74 ;  professor  Wooster  University,  '83-84 ; 
pastor  Seven  Mile,  0.,'84 — ;  married  Jan.  14,  '51,  Agnes,  daughter  of  Rev. 
Dr.  Joseph  Kerr.     Presbyterian  minister.  Seven  Mile,  O. 


ERIDOE,  Thomas  Hanna.^Sod  of  Rev.  Dr.  Thomas  and  Eliza  ( \rmitage) 
K>rn  Philadelphia,  March  31,  1830;  student,  Associate  Theological  Seni- 
narv,  Ganonsburg;  licensed  '51,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  ordained  *53, 
Jnited  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia;  pastor  Sixth  United  Presbyterian 
Church,  Philadelphia,  '54-60;  published  ''Anderson  on  Theology,"  **Life 
>f  Hanna;"  editor  Evangelical  BeposUory;  married  Mary  Kerr,  daughter 
f.  Andrew  McBride ;  died  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Aug.  lo,  '50,  congestion 
f  brain.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

:ng8L£y,  Amos  S.— Son  of  Robert  and  Jemima  (Austin);  born  Columbiana 
Jo.,  C,  Oct.  16,  1818;  W.  T.  8.  '48-50 ;  licensed  '51,  Presbytery  of  New 
^isbon ;  ordained  '54,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Slippery  Kock,  Pa.,  '54-57  ; 
lome  missionary,  Nebraska,  '57-61,  Denver,  Col.,  '61-63;  chaplain  101st 
legiment,  Pennsylvania  Yolunteers,  '63 — ;  in  Libby  Prison;  pastor; 
beria,  O.,  '69 ;  home  missionary  to  the  Freedmen,  South  Carolina,  '69 —  ; 
ublished  "From  the  Flag  to  the  Cross,"  ''Life  of  George  Whitefield  ;" 
larried  Oct.  26,  '65,  Emily,  daughter  of  Thomas  Hamilton.  Presbyterian 
linister,  Statesville,  N.  C. 

EN,  James.— Son  of  James  and  Elizabeth  (fioyd);  born  Green  Co.,  Pa., 
an.  28,  1825 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  F.  J.  LeMoyne  and  University  of 
^irginia,  '50 ;  practiced  medicine  Ten  Mile,  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  '50-63, 
ndianapolis,  Ind.,  '63-76,  West  Baden  76-83;  Receiver,  Land  Office, 
7alla  Walla,  Washington  Territory,  '83— ;  married  Sept.  4,  '66,  Lydia 
lllen,  daughter  of  Milton  Short.  Physician,  Walla  Walla,  Washington 

DON,  Geobge  B. — Son  of  Gov.  Gerard  C.  and  Betsy  (Stanton);  born  Wilk- 
ison  Co.,  Miss.,  March  4,  1828;  law  student  with  Gen.  Quitman  and 
fcMurran,  '47-49;  never  practiced;  Clerk  Circuit  Court ;  planter;  book- 
eeper  ;  Confederate  States  Army,  21st  Regiment,  Mississippi  Volunteers  ; 
larried  March  20,  '62,  Leonora  L.  Shields.  Residence,  Arnot,  Adams 
!o.,  Miss. 

rN,  DwiGHT. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  John  H.  and  Clarinda  C.  (Cleland);  bom 
lichmond,  Ky.,  June  26,  1830 ;  farmer  and  bookseller,  Kentucky  and  Illi- 
ois;  Sheriff  Sangamon,  Co.,  111.,  '68-70  ;  Mayor  Springfield,  111.;  married 
Jov.  20,  '66,  Caroline  E.  Weeks,  also  Oct.  13,  1880,  Mrs.  Emma  B.  Blake, 
laughter  of  T.  S.  Little.     Residence,  Springfield,  111. 

r'KE,  William  Biyas. — Son  of  William  and  Susan  (Biyas);  born  Philadel- 
ihia,  Pa.,  Nov.  17,  1818;  U.  T.  S.,  Virginia,  '47-49  ;  licensed  October,  '49, 
•resbytery  of  New  York;  ordained  Aug.  11,  '50,  Presbytery  of  Orange; 
►astor  Hillsboro,  N.  C,  '50-51 ;  principal  Augusta  Female  Seminary, 
51-55;  professor  of  Frankfort  University,  Kentucky,  '56  ;  teacher  Walnut 
lill  '57,  Paris  '58-60;  pastor  Wabash,  Ind.,  '63-69;  stated  supply  Bel 
Ur,  Md.,  '69-71,  Lancaster,  Pa.,  Stewartstown,  Mt.  Joy,  '72-80 ;  without 
iharge  *80~;  married  Aug.  9,  '49,  Sarah  R.,  daughter  of  Z.  Snyder. 
i^resbyterian  minister,  Milton,  Pa 

188  a£N£RAL   CATALOGUE   OF 

*BuowNiNO»  Le AND13R. —Son  of  Lewis  and  Margaret  (Clark);  born  Brooke  Co., 
W.  Va.,  Feb.  28,  1831 ;  farmer;  Justice  of  the  Peace;  Clerk  of  Coari; 
Superintendent  of  Census ;  elder  First  Presbyterian  Church,  Steubenville, 
O.;  married  '51,  Elisabeth,  daughter  of  Edmond  Steelman  ;  died  at  old 
home,  March  21,  '81.     Farmer. 

•Cairns,  Georoe.— Bom  Ireland,  1817  ;  W.  T.  S.  '47-49 ;  licensed  '49,  Pres- 
byterj  of  Allegheny  ;  ordained  '50,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Buffalo,  Pa.» 
'50-56,  Union  '50-53,  Glade  Kun  and  Clinton  '53-56;  sUted  supply 
Princeville,  111.,  '57;  pastor  Prospect  '57-63;  married  '52,  Eliiabeth  A. 
Templeton;   died  Princeville,  111.,  Jan.  25,   '63.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Campbell,  John. — Son  of  John  and  Isabel  (Perry);  bom  Washington  Co.,  Pa., 
Feb.  9,  1828  teacher ;  medical  student,  Cincinnati  Medical  College  ;  prac* 
ticed  medicine  Adams  Co.,  O.,  '53-70,  Delhi  '70-85;  medical  referee, 
Pension  Bureau,  Washington,  D.  C;  United  Slates  Army  '61-64;  first  lieu- 
tenant ;  captain ;  wounded  ;  medical  referee,  Pension  Department ;  married 
61,  Hettie  Whitaker,  also  Aug.  13,  '69,  HetUe  E.,  daughter  of  Hon.  J.  K. 
Cockerill.     Physician,  Washington,  D.  C. 

♦Campbell,  Hugh  McClelland.— Son  of  Joseph  and  Elisabeth  (Oliver); 
born  Mifflin  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  10,  1822  ;  law  student;  practiced  law  Caliioroia, 
'48  or  '49  ;  mining  ;  died  California,  May  10,  '50,  fever      Lawyer. 

Cakson,  David  Walker.— Son  of  Rev.  David  and  Jane  W.  (Gillespie);  'jo»a 
Marysville,  Tenn.,  Oct.  21,  1830;  student  Associate  Theological  Seminar', 
Canonsburg,  '47-51 ;  licensed  Jan.  7,  '51,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers  ;  ordained 
Oct.  5,  '52,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Servia,  Pa.,  '52-77,  Burgettstown 
'78—;  married  Oct.  6,  '70,  Mary  A.,  daughter  of  Rev.  James  Smart;  Mod- 
erator Synod  '72 ;  Moderator  United  Presbyterian  General  Assembly,  'SI  • 
D,T>,     United  Presbyterian  minister.  South  Burgettstown,  Pa. 

Castleman,  Lewis.— Son  of  David  and  Virginia  (Harrison);  born  Fayette  Co., 
Ky.,  Oct.  4,  1828  ;  farmer  Kentucky,  Arkansas,  Texas,  Missonri ;  Confed- 
erate States  Army  '61-65  ;  captain  ;  colonel ;  married  March  29,  '71,  Susan 
Mary,  daughter  of  Wm.  T.  Hunden.     Farmer^  Bunceton,  Mo. 

*CocHRAN,  Samuel  Newell. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Leah  (Porter);  bom  Dun- 
lap's  Creek,  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  October,  1823;  teacher  Ohio,  Kentucky,  Ala- 
bama, '47-49 ;  law  student  with  Hon.  Chambers  Baird,  '48-49  ;  practiced 
law;  admitted  to  bar  '51;  California  '51-53;  teacher  Jefferson  College, 
'53-54;  teacher  Alabama  '54-61,  NobleHville,.Ind.,  '61-82 -^  ruling  elder, 
Presbyterian  Church ;  married  November,  '(59,  Eliza  Gray  ;  died  near 
Scranton,  Iowa,  March  16,  '82,  pneumonia.     Lawyer. 

*Crai(J,  John  Liggett. — Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Liggett)  bom  Alle- 
gheny, Pa.,  Dec.  7,  1828;  Associate  Reformed  Seminary,  Alleghenj; 
licensed  March  26,  '51,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela;  missionary  '50-54; 
ordained  Oct.  12,  '54,  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Indiana;  pastor 
Princeton,  Ind.,  '54-65;  United  States  Army;  chaplain  17th  Regiment, 
Indiana  Mounted  Veterans,  '()4-65  ;  married  Martha  Belle  Hudelson  ;  died 
near  Macon,   Ga.,  in  camp,  July  11,  '65.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 



ULTER,  James  M.— Son  of  John  Parke  and  Deborah  M.  (Symington);  born 
Baltimore,  Md.,  Oct.  21,  1829  ;  teacher  *47-60;  clerk  and  basiness  *50—  ; 
Mexico  one  year;  ruling  elder  Franklin  Street  Presbyterian  Church, 
Baltimore;  married  Oct.  23,  'o6,  Joanna,  daughter  of  John  Douglass. 
Business,  coal  and  iron ;  residence,  26  S  Street,  Baltimore,  Md. 

^WFOBD,  Geoboe  Addison. — Son  of  George  and  Elisabeth  (Weitiel);  born 
Clinton  Co.,  Pa.,  July  27,  1827 ;  teacher  Kentucky  and  Mississippi ;  law 
student  with  White  &  Quiggle,  Lock  Haven,  Pa.,  *48-51 ;  editor  ClirUon 
DemocrcU,  '51-52 ;  United  States  Post-office  Department,  Washington, 
D.  C,  '53-56;  practiced  law  Kansas ;  editor  Kansas  Farmer;  civil  engineer  ; 
Kansas  Commissioner,  Centennial,  '76;  President  Kansas  Historical  Society  ;. 
elected  Governor  of  Kansas,  '61 ;  Regent  Agricultural  College,  Kansas. 
Lawyer  ;  residence,  Grand  Junction,  Col. 

AN,  E.  Van  Ess.— Son  of  Ezra  D  and  Eliza  (Nay lor);  born  Wooster,  O., 
Oct.  25,  1825;  law  student  with  father,  '47-50;  practiced  law  Wooster,  O.^ 
'50-65  ;  United  States  Army  ;  quartermaster  *61 ;  Ohio  Legislature  '61-63  ; 
Proeecoting  Attorney  ;  Judge  Court  of  Common  Pleas,  '84 ;  married  May 
27,  '51,  Charlotte  A.,  daughter  of  Daniel  Weaver.     Lawyer,  Ironton,  O. 

TKsoN,  James  G. — Son  of  William  and  Margaret  (Glenn);  born  near  Nobles- 
town,  Pa.,  Feb.  15,  1825 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  J.  V.  Herriott  and 
Jefferson  Medical  College,  '51 ;  practiced  medicine  Mt.  Jackson,  Pa., 
'51-o2  ;  Canonsburg  '52 — ;  married  Margaret  H.,  daughter  of  Alexander 
Buchanan.     Physician,  Canonsburg,  Pa. 

NCAN,  Blanton  H. — Son  of  Garnett  and  Martha  W.  (Martin);  born  Louis- 
ville, Ky.,  July  2,  1827  ;  law  student,  medical  student,  Louisville ;  busi- 
ness in  various  States;  Europe  '64-67,  '73-74;  Virginia,  Texas,  North  and 
South  Carolina  ;  Kentucky  Legislature  '50-68;  Confederate  States  Army, 
colonel  '62  ;  published  many  papers ;  married  April  28,  *53,  Mary  T.,  daugh- 
ter of  George  Atkinson.     Lawyer  and  business;  residence  Louisville,  Ky. 

[JNLAP,  Henby  Clay.— Son  of  John  R.  and  Emily  (Boyce);  born  Fayette, 
Co.,  Ky.,  April  14,  1828;  law  student  Lexington  Law  School;  practiced 
law  Lexington,  Ky.;  farmer;  United  States  Array  '61-65,  brevet  brigadier- 
general;  farmer,  Bullitt  Co.,  Ky.;  U.  S.  Gauger'70;  wounded  by  distiller; 
married  '47,  Martha,  daughter  of  William  Boyce,  also  Nov.  23,  '55, 
La  Belle,  daughter  of  William  Boyce;  died  near  New  Haven,  Ky.,  Aug.  9, 
'72,  brain  fever,  from  wound.     Lawyer  and  farmer. 

DGAK,  John  Todd. — Son  of  Rev.  D.-.  John  T.  and  Mary  (Todd) ;  born 
Marysville,  Ky.,  Sept.  9,  1825;  teacher  Nashville,  Tennessee  '48-54 ;  prin- 
cipal Ladies'  Seminary,  Shelbyville,  Ky.,  '54-Gl  ;  ConsuI-(ieneral  to  St. 
Thomas  '61-66;  office  Washington,  D.  C,  '♦i(>-71  ;  merchant  Omaha,  Neb., 
'71-75:  Consul-General  Beirut,  Syria,  '75-82;  married  June  15,  '47, 
Frances  R.,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  W^illiam  Smith  ;  died  Beirut,  Syria,  June 
26,  '82. 


•FiNLEY,  James  L. — Sod  of  William  and  Margaret ;  born  Westmoreland  Co., 
Pa.,  I82D  ;  teacher  Kentucky  '47;  died  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  31, 
'47.     Student. 

Gibson,  Joun  Thobcas. — Son  of  James  and  Suaan  (Gregg);  bom  Romney,  Va., 
Jan.  3,  1825;  law  student  with  William  Lucas  and  Frank  Washington, 
Charlestown^W.  Va.,  and  University  of  Virginia;  practiced  law  Chicago,  111., 
'48-49  ;  Charlestown,  W.  Va.,  '49-60  ;  Virginia  Legislature  '52-54,  59-61 ; 
Confederate  States  Army  '61-05,  private  to  colonel;  farmer,  Jefferson  Co.» 
*66;  Europe  in  '54-83;  published  "Sketches  of  Travel;"  member  of 
County  Court  '88 ;  married  May,  '55,  Frances  W.,  daughter  of  Col.  B. 
Davenport.  Farmer,  Charlestown,  W.  Va.  [Enrolled  with  the  class  by 
Trustees  at  request  of  Class  in  1887.] 

'*GiLSON,  William  C. — Son  of  William  and  Phoebe  (Alexander);  born  Spruce 
Hill,  Juniata  Co.,  Pa.,  July  18,  1823  ;  teacher  Mississippi;  medical  student 
wiih  Dr.  Scales,  Loundes  Co.,  Miss.;  University  of  Louisiana '51 ;  practiced 
medicine  Oktibbeha  Co.,  Miss.,  '51-61 ;  Confederate  States  Army,  lieuten- 
ant'61-63,  surgeon  '63-65;  farmer  Loundes  Co.,  MLis.,  '65-69;  practiced 
medicine  Macon,  Miss.,  '69,  Calvert,  Texas,  '69-73;  married  May  29, 
'50,  Emily  E.,  daughter  of  A.  C.  Jennings ;  died  Calvert,  Texas,  Oct.  15, 
'73,  yellow  fever.     Physician. 

*Graham,  AI3ERT  GALLATiN.—Son  of  Hugh  and  Margaret  (Black);  born 
Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  1825;  teacher  Tennessee ;  law  student  with  Hon.  T.  A. 
R.  Nelson;  practiced  law  Jonesboro,  Tenn.;  edited;  Vice-President  East 
Tennessee  and  Virginia  Railroad,  post  of  some  merit ;  unmarried ;  died 
Jonesboro,  Tenn.,  August,  '62,  congestive  chills.     Lawyer. 

Grier,  Laverty.— Son  of  Rev.  Robert  S.  and  Elizabeth  (Laverty);born  Adams 
Co.,  Pa.,  June  4,  1823  ;  W.  T.  S.  '4t>-49  ;  licensed  April,  '49,  Presbytery  of 
Carlisle  ;  ordained  January,  '51,  Presbytery  of  Clarion;  pastor  Reimersburg, 
Bethlehem  and  Millcreek,  Pa.,  '50-53,  Bacon  Ridge  and  East  Springfield, 
O.,  '-5:3-61,  Forks  of  Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  '61  —  ;  married  April  30,  '51,  Mar- 
garet,  daughter  of  John  Jeffrey.  •  Presbyterian  minister,  Elm  Grove, 
W.  Va. 

Hamilton,  John.— Son  of  G«;orge  and  Isabella  (Wray);  born  Columbiana  Co. 
O  ,  Jan.  18,  1826 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Dickson  and  New  York  Med- 
ical College  '50-55;  practiced  medicine  Greenville,  Pa.,  '55-61,  Allegheoy, 
Pa.,  '61 — ;  married  May,  '72,  M.  C,  daughter  of  David  Culbertson. 
Physician,  Allegheny,  Pa.;  eminent  entomologist. 

Hays,  Isaac  Newton.— Son  of  John  and  Orpha  ^Comnell);  born  Washington 
Co.,  Pa.,  Aprill?,  1827:  W.  T.  S.  '47-50;  licensed  April  15,  '50,  Presby- 
tery  of  Ohio;  ordained  Oct.  10,  '50,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle;  pastor 
Great  Connewago,  Pa.,  '50-54,  Middlespring  '54-68,  Central  Church, 
Chambersburg,  '68-74,  Junction  City,  Kan.,  '74-75;  principal  State  Nor- 
mal  School,  Shippensburg,  '75-78 ;  Central  Church,  Allegheny,  Pa.,  *78— ; 
Clerk  General  Assembly's  Permanent  Committee  on  Temperance;  author 
several  small  publications;  Trustee  Western  Theological  Seminary;  roar, 
ried  Dec.  17,  '50,  Rebecca  H.,  daughter  of  Robert  King;  D.D.,  '83, 
Washington  and  Jefferson  College.     Presbyterian  minister,  AH^heny,  Pa. 



SoRNSBY,  Henry  Hancock.— Son  of  Joseph  and  Cynthia;  born  Shelby  Co., 
Ky.f  1828;  farmer;  unmarried;  died  Carondelet,  Mo.,  '50.     Farmer. 

EIusTON,  James. — Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Weakley);  born  Cumberland 
Co.,  Pa.,  June  25,  1822 ;  teacher  Shippensburg  Academy  '48-49,  Doubling 
Gap  '50,  Wilkinsburg  '51;  co-editor  Peimtylmnian,  Philadelphia,' 53-54; 
married  April,  '47,  Matilda,  daughter  of  David  Line,  also  December,  '50, 
Margaret,  daughter  of  Rev.  James  Graham  ;  died  Wilkinsburg,  Pa.,  Sept. 
26,  '54.     Teacher  and  editor. 

iRWiN,  John  R. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Thorne);  born  Butler  Co.,  O.,  Dec. 
24,  1821 ;  law  student;  merchant,  California  '51-54,  Keokuk,  la.,  Everton, 
Ind.,  '58-69 ;  married  Jan.  1,  '52(?),  Eliza  J.,  daughter  of  Sylvanus  P. 
Oakea  ;  died  Everton,  Ind.,  Feb.  7,  '69. 

[LLEY,  Robert  D.— Son  of  Dr.  R.  D.;  born  Hillsboro',  O.;  law  student; 
practiced  law  Hillsboro,  O.,  '49-;  Probate  Judge;  married  Sarah  J., 
daughter  of  Madison  Trimble.     Lawyer,  Hillsboro,  O. 

YTLE,  James  Pollock. — Son  of  William  and  Nancy  (Pollock);  born  Dec.  6, 
1821,  Ligonier  Valley,  Pa.;  teacher,  Kentucky,  '46-48,  Pittsburg,  Ind.,  one 
year;  studied  theology  privately  and  at  Canonsburg  Associate  Seminary 
'50-51 ;  licensed  Oct.  15,  '51,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny ;  ordained  Sept.  18, 
*53,  Presbytery  of  Miami ;  edited  Presbyterian  WUne88,  Cincinnati,  O., 
'53-*56;  pastor  Bloomfield,  Muskingum  Co.,  O.,  '55;  published  *^  Me- 
moirs of  Rev.  James  Scroggs,  D.D.,  and  Rev.  R.  H.  Pollock,  D.D.,"  **  Prog- 
ress, the  law  of  Christ's  Kingdom,"  ''Christ's  Mediatorial  Government," 
etc.;  Trustee  Muskingum  College;  married  April  23,  '56,  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  Rev.  Samuel  Wilson,  D.D.;  D.D.,  Westminster,  '78.  United 
Presbyterian  minister.  Sago,  9* 

[axwell,  Alexander  Bennett.— Son  of  John  L.  and  Mary  (Hamilton); 
born  near  Butler,  Pa.,  Nov.  29,  1826;  teacher  W.  T.  S.  '49-52;  licensed 
April,  '52,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny ;  ordained  March  15,  '53,  Presbytery 
of  Fort  Wayne;  pastor  Cedar  Creek,  Swan  and  Kendall  ville,  Ind.,  '53-56; 
stated  supply  Alliance,  O.,  '56-58;  pastor  Salem  '59-70,  Leetonia '71-85, 
Rome  '85 — ;  married  Nov.  7,  '53,  Julia  A.,  daughter  of  Miner  Merrick, 
also  Sept.  9,  '80,  Mary  M.,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  A.  S.  MacMaster.  Pres- 
byterian minister,  Rome,  O. 

^cBride,  James  Haddock. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Agnes  (Haddock);  born 
County  Antrim,  Ireland,  Sept.  4,  1825 ;  A.  T.  S.,  Canonsburg  ;  teacher 
SneedsborOy  N.  J.,  '48-52,  Roxboro,  Pa.,  '52-53;  principal  Grammar 
School,  Philadelphia,  '54-69  ;  Pennsylvania  Life  Insurance  Company,  and 
Board  of  Education,  '69-72;  General  Agent  Pennsylvania  Life  Insurance 
Company  '77-84;  married  Mary  K.,  daughter  of  William  Vaughn;  died 
Boston,  Mass.,  Sept.  25,  '84,  paralysis  of  brain. 

McIntosh,  John.— Son  of  Evan  and  Isabella  (McDonald);  born  Columbiana 
Co.,  O.,  Sept.  9,  1821  ;  law  student  with  Colonel  Eckley,  Carrollton,  O., 
'47-50;  practiced  law  Petersburg,  Ind.,  '50-52;  died.  Petersburg,  Ind., 
Aug.  14,  '52.     Lawyer. 


McKee,  David.— Son  of  David  and  Jane  (Smith);  born  Batlibay,  County  Mon- 
aghan,  Ireland,  April  10,  1821 ;  theology  Center  and  Northwood  Theolog- 
ical Seminary;  Professor  of  Greek,  Western  College,  Allegheny,  51-54; 
licensed  April  9,  T)!,  Presbytery  of  Pittsburg ;  ordained  July  5,  '54,  Presby- 
tery of  Philadelphia;  Moderator  of  Synod;  pastor  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
'54-59,  Clarinda,  Iowa,  '62—;  married  '56,  Mary  £.,  daughter  of  David 
Gregg.     Reformed  Presbyterian  minister,  Clarinda,  Iowa. 

McNuTT,  John  D.— Son  of  William  and  Rachel  R.  (Davis);  born  Philadelphia, 
P%.,  Dec.  11,  1828;  teacher  three  years;  farmer,  Deer  Creek,  III.;  married 
Oct.  11,  '.>3,  Nancy  F.  T.,  daughter  of  Colonel  David  Peaers,  also  Sept. 
13,  '65,  Mattie  L.,  daughter  of  Thomas  Little.     Farmer,  D^er  Creek,  111. 

Myers,  Jacob. — Son  of  John  and  Catherine  (Rear);  born  Lancaster  Co.,  Pa., 
April  30,  1831 ;  printer,  Texas ;  druggist,  Sherman,  Texas  ;  traveling  sales- 
man ;  married  '53,  Mary  Bell  Asken.     Business,  Sherman,  Texas. 

Orr,  James  C. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Mary ;  born  Haliday's  Cove,  W.  Va.; 
teacher,  Richmond  College,  Ohio,  Lindsley  Institute,  Wheeling,  W.  Va., 
twelve  years ;  business ;  Collector  of  Internal  Revenue ;  married  '50,  Mary 
J.  Connelly,  also  February,  '84,  Mrs.  Anna  C.  Turney  ;  A.  B.,  '50.  Bus- 
iness, 41  Twelfth  Street,  Wheeling,  W.  Va. 

Paynter,  Henry  Martyn  (formerly  Painter).— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Joseph  and 
Harriet  Smith  (Oudenbarg);  "born  March  22,  1827,  Williamsport,  Pa.;  W. 
T.  S.  '47-49 ;  P.  T.  S.  '50-51 ;  licensed  April,  '50,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville ; 
ordained  June,  '52,  Presbytery  of  l^tississippi ;  pastor  Vicksburg,  Miss., 
'52-56,  Boonville,  Mo.,  '56-64;  evangelist  Boston,  Mass.,  Rhode  Island, 
Virginia,  Kentucky,  Canada,  Great  Britain;  published  ''Shadow  on  the 
Hearth," '' Renovated  Earth,"  **  Holy  Supper,"  "Holy  Sorrow,"  "Holy 
Death,"  "  Holy  Resurrection  ;  "  married  Sept.  23,  *52,  Alice,  daughter  of 
Hon.  C.  R.  L.  Moncure.     Presbyterian  minister ;  residence,  Chicago,  111. 

Reynolds,  Luther  M.  — Son  of  Robert  W.  and  Sarah  G.  (Marvel);  born 
Kent  Co.,  Del.,  Jan.  24,  1826;  law  student,  Yale  College;  practiced  law, 
Baltimore,  Md.,  '51  —  ;  married  Oct.  26,  '67,  Mary  L.,  daughter  of  Henry 
A.,  Willis.     Lawyer,  Baltimore,  Md. 

♦Ripley,  John  Bingham.— Born  Mahoning  Co.,  O.,  April  18,  1824;  P.  T.  S. 
'47-50;  licensed  '50;  stated  supply  Burlington,  N.  J.,  '50-62;  ordained 
July  11,  '54,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia;  pastor  Mariners'  Church,  Phil- 
adelphia, '54-62;  published  "Thoughts  for  the  Forecastle,"  "  Plain  Words 
for  Young  Men  ;"  married  Oct.  31,  '54,  Ellen  M.  Rogers ;  died  St.  Augus- 
tine, Fla.,  March,  '62,  consumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 

RoDGERS,  James  Linn.  Son  of  James  and  Jane  (Linn);  born  near  Shippens- 
burg,  Pa.,  May  5,  1827 ;  P.  T.  S.  '47-50  ;  licensed  June  12,  '49,  Presbytery 
of  Carlisle  ;  ordained  Presbytery  of  Donegal,  May  21,  '51 ;  pastor  Donegal, 
Pa  ,  '51-52,  Mt.  Joy  '52-5() ;  stated  supply  Sterling,  111.,  '56-.)7  ;  principal 
Female  Seminary,  Springfield,  O.,  '57-71  ;  stated  supply  Yellow  Spring 
'71 — ;  married  May  20,  '50,  Hettie  B.,  daughter  of  Robert  Cochran. 
Presbyterian  minister ;  residence,  Springfield,  O. 


iFLEf  William. — Son  of  Robert  A.  and  Mary  (Simpaon);  born  Wild  wood, 
Pa.,  Aug.  31,  1826;  died  Jan.  21,  '48.  Theological  student  in  anticipa- 

rrERFiELD,  Mead. — Son  uf  Rev.  James  and  Sarah  (Mead);  born  Mercer 
Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  22,  1819;  W.  T.  S.  *47-o0;  licensed  April,  '50,  Presbytery 
of  Beaver  ;  ordained  Feb.  12,  '51,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny  ;  pastor  Har- 
risville  and  Amity,  Pa.,  '51-55;  married  Oct.  29,  '51,  Harriet,  daughter  of 
John  Scott;  died  Harrisville,  Pa.,  May  11,  '55,  consumption.  Presbyterian 

TT,  Hamilton.— Born  Martinsburg,  O. ;  W.  T.  S.,  1848-49 ;  licensed  '50, 
Presbytery  of  Richland ;  ordained  Dec.  28,  '50,  Presbytery  of  Brazos ; 
missionary  in  Texas  '50-51 ;  married  Agnes,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  D. 
Baker  ;  died  Texas,  Sept.  21,  '51.     Presbyterian  minister. 

[TON,  Leonid  AS. — Son  of  Dr.  H.  G.  and  Hannah  (Pugh);  born  Rushville, 
Ind.,  May  19,  1827 ;  law  student,  Cincinnati  Law  School ;  practiced  law 
Rushville,  Ind.,  '50-80 ;  member  of  Indiana  Legislature  '59 ;  Lieutenant- 
Governor  '72 ;  Member  of  Congress  '78 ;  deacon  of  Presbyterian  Church  ; 
married  Lydia  A.,  daughter  of  John  Warner,  also  Anna  Hart;  died  Par- 
sons, Kansas,  July  4,  '80,  apoplexy.     Lawyer. 

UFFER,  James  Hervey.— Son  of  John  and  Ann  C.  (Geary);  born  Beaver 
Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  13,  1820;  teacher;  W.  T.  S.  '47-48;  died  Allegheny,  Pa., 
Dec.  13,  '48,  typhoid  fever.     Theological  student. 

IONS,  Samuel. — Son  of  Samuel  M.  and  Ann  (Smith);  born  Pine  Creek, 
Clinton  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  14,  1826  ;  teacher  Shelby  Co.,  Ky.,  '47,  Canton. 
Miss.,  '48;  law  student  with  Governor  F.  P.  Blair,  St.  Louis,  Mo.;  prac- 
ticed law  St.  Louis,  '52;  United  States  Army  '01-65  ;  captain  ;  major ;  lieu- 
tenant-colonel ;  Chief  of  (Commissary  Department,  Army  of  the  Cumberland  ; 
City  Council,  St.  Louis ;  Land  Commissioner ;  unmarried.  Lawyer,  St. 
Louis,  Mo. 

►ANE,  James  Ren  wick  Willson.— Son  of  Rev.  William  and  Mary 
(McNeice);  born  Topsham,  Vt.,  May  29,  1823  ;  Reformed  Presbyterian 
Theological  Seminary,  North  wood;  licensed  Oct.  21,  '52,  Reformed  Presby- 
tery of  Lakes;  ordained  Jan.  13,  *ooy  same  presbytery;  pastor  Rushsyl- 
vania,  O.,  ''yo-o6f  Third  Reformed  Church,  New  York  City,  '56-68  ;  pro- 
fessor of  Reformed  Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '68 -S6;  married  '49, 
Margaret,  daughter  of  Rev.  James  Milligan,  also  '58,  Margaret  C,  daughter 
of  Rev.  Dr.  D.  C.  McLaren,  also  '65,  Frances  B.,  daughter  of  William 
Swanwick ;  died  Allegheny,  Pa.,  March  6,  'S6,  heart  disease;  D.D.,  '69, 
Western  College.     Reformed  Presbyterian  minister. 

[TH,  William  Graydon.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  William  and  Maria  (Buchanan) 
born  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  Nov.  15,  1829;  teacher;  civil  engineer;  married 
April  20,  '54,  Ellen  Olivia,  daughter  of  Wylei  Belsher,  Baldwyn,  Miss.; 
died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  July  31,  1887.     Civil  engineer. 


^Snare,  Edmund. — Son  of  David  and  Catharine  (Coieatock);  bom  Huntingdon^ 
Pa.,  Dec.  14,  1828;  jeweler,  Huntingdon,  Pa.;  medical  aludent  with  Dr. 
McCuUough,  Huntingdon,  Pennsylvania  University;  practiced  medicine 
Huntingdon  '57-^7  ;  married  March  11,  '62,  Ada  M.,  daughter  of  William 
B.  Zeigler ;  died  Huntingdon,  Pa.,  Feb.  27,  '67,  consumption.     Physicitn. 

StubO£ON,  William  H. — Son  of  Dr.  Daniel  and  Nancy  (Gregg);  born  Union- 
town,  Pa.,  Jan.  24,  1820  ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Campbell,  Uniontown, 
'47,  Jefferson  Medical  College;  practied  medicine  Uniontown  '49-d3; 
United  States  Mint,  Philadelphia,  '53-61 ;  practiced  medicine  Uniontown, 
'61 — ;  married  Oct.  5,  '53,  Emily  V.,  daughter  of  Hon.  J.  L.  Dawson. 
Physician,  Uniontown,  Pa. 

Sutton,  Robert. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Rebecca  (Loughry);  born  Indiana,  Pa., 
April  10,  1828  ;  attorney-at-law  New  Castle  and  Clarion,  Pa.,  '50-60;  W. 
T.  S.  '60-61;  licensed  June  18,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Clarion  ;  ordained  No- 
vember, '63,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Rushville,  Ind.,  '61-63,  Center  Church, 
St.  Paul,  '64-66,  Goshen,  O.,  '68-70  ;  agent  Western  Tract  Society,  Cincin- 
nati, O.,  '70 — ;  married  Nov.  13,  '56,  Eliaabeth  B.  Andrews.  Presbyterian 
minister,  Cincinnati,  O. 

Taylor,  William  Graham — Son  of  James  and  Margaret  (Barr);  bom  Pitta- 
burg,  Pa.,  March  3,  1820;  W.  T.  S.  '47-50;  licensed  May  5,  '48,  Presby- 
tery of  Pittsburg;  ordained  April  11,  '49,  same  presbyteiy ;  evangelist  '49-o2; 
pastor  Beaver,  Pa.,  '52-56,  Tarrentum  and  Bull  Creek  '57-61,  Mt.  Carmel 
'62-66 ;  editor  Herald  of  the  Prairies ;  associate  editor  Watchman  of  the 
Prairie»y  '49 ;  Superintendent  Soldiers'  Orphan  School,  Pbillipsburg,  '66-76; 
evangelist  '76-81  ;  stated  supply  Neville  and  Concord  '81 — ;  married  April 
15,  '49,  Charlotte  I.,  daughter  of  John  Thompson;  D.D.,  '74,  Heidelberg 
College ;  Trustee  and  Financial  Agent  W.  T.  S.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Water  Cure,  Pa. 

Todd,  Andrew  Calvin. — Son  of  Andrew  and  Margaret  (McLean);  bom  New- 
berry, S.  C,  Jan.  23,  1826;  Cincinnati  and  Northwood  Theological  Semin- 
ary; pastor  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  'o2-o7,  Oakdale,  111.,  '59-71 ;  United  States  Array, 
captain  '61-62  ;  Evans,  Col.,  '71 — ;  editor  Journal  and  mayor;  married  Oct. 
2,  '49,  Margaret  Jane,  daughter  of  J.  R.  Wilson,  also  July  6,  '80,  Ella  A. 
Brown;  D.D..     Reformed  Presbyterian  minister,  Evans,  Col. 

Wallace,  Alexander  Gilfillan.— Son  of  William  and  P^lizabeth  (Gilfillan); 
born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  March  2,;i829  ;  teacher  '47-48 ;  Associate  Reformed 
Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '49-53;  licensed  April  13,. '52,  Presby- 
tery of  Monongahela;  ordained  June  6,  '54,  Presbytery  of  BlairsviDe; 
pastor  McKeesport,  Pa.,  '54-57,  Bethel  '57-68,  New  Brighton  '68-84. 
Sewickley  '84—;  published  Church  Register,  Addresses,  etc.;  editor  United 
Presbyterian^  and  Evangelical  Reposiiory\  two  years  in  Tennessee;  professor 
in  United  Presbyterian  Theological  Seminary  ;  second  clerk  General  Assem- 
bly since  '78 ;  Corresponding  Secretary  Board  of  Church  Extension  since  '70; 
married  Nov.  2,  '54,  Isabella  S.,  daughter  of  William  West;  D.D.,  75, 
Ershine  College.     United  Presbyterian  minister,  Sewickley,  Pa. 


,  Thomas. — Son  of  John  and  £lizabetb  (Beabout);  born  Washington  Co., 
I.,  Oct.  3,  1820 ;  W.  T.  8.  '48-60  ;  licensed  *50,  Presby lery  of  Kew  Lisbon ; 
lentiate '50-73 ;  teacher  Birmingham,  Pa.,  '52-07  ;  teacher  and  preacher 
iinois  *57-73 ;  elder  Presbyterian  Church,  Rochelle,  111.;  married  April 
,  '57,  Mrs.  Harriet  Wilson  Crawford.    Residence,  Hochelle,  111. 

N,  William  Hamilton.— Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Wallace  ;  born  AUe- 
leoy  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  29,  1823;  Associate  Theological  Seminary,  Canonsburg, 
I.;  licensed  Oct.  29,  '50,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  ordained  Augnst,  '52, 
-esbytery  of  Miami;  pastor  Washington,  Iowa,  '53-69;  Salinas  City,  Cal., 
^-79,  Presbyterian  Church,  Washington  Territory  ;  The  Dalles,  Oregon  ; 
aited  States  Army  ;  chaplain,  17th  Iowa  Volunteers,  '62-64 ;  married 
ay  20,  '56,  Susan  B.,  daughter  of  General  Chipman.  Presbyterian  min- 
er,' The  Dallas,  Oregon. 

IN,  William.  W.  Son  of  Hugh  and  Nancy  (Story);  born  Westmoreland 
).,  Pa.,  Nov.  15,  1824  ;  teacher  Iowa;  law  student  with  Hon.  J.  Johnston, 
;.  Madison,  Iowa  ;  practiced  law  ;  land  business;  Clerk  of  District  Court, 
mes  Co.,  Iowa,  '52-56;  Iowa  Legislature  '61;  United  States  Army; 
lartermaster  '62-65  ;  European  tour  '87 ;  unmarried.  Land  dealer,  Lin- 
In,  Nebraska. 

[>s,  Thomas  S.—  Son  of  Robert  H.  and  Elizabeth  (Boyers);  born  Indiana, 
I.,  Aug.  15,  1829  ;  law  student  with  Hiram  Griswold,  Canton,  O.;  prac- 
;ed  law  Canton,  O.,  '50-57 ;  real  estate  agent,  St.  Paul,  New  Lisbon, 
.,  '58-69  ;  editor  Ohio  Patriot  '68-69;  married  March  10,  '69,  Mrs.  Kate 
.  Potter  ;  died  March  26,  '69.     Lawyer. 


iNE,  Alexander  Harvey.— Born  Scotch  Bridge,  O.,  March  4, 1825;  W. 

S.  '50  ;  teacher;  licensed  Oct.  8,  '51,  Presbytery  of  St.  Clairsville;  mission- 

y  and  teacher  '51-57  ;  infirm ;  license  returned  April  23,    '()7  ;  married 

5b.  26,  '56,  Rebecca  J.  Stanley,  also  Dec.  1,  '63,  Cynthia  1.  Henderson. 

OLETTE,  William  John. — Son  of  Dr.  D.  K.  and  Anna  M.  (Kline);  born 
Brks  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  17,  1828;  medical  student  with  Dr.  D.  K.  Bartolette, 
ashingtonville,  O.;  practiced  medicine  Sbreve,  O.,  '54-67 ;  married  Nov. 
,  '.j3,  Catherine  Almina  Greenwalt;  died  Shreve,  O., '77.     Physician. 

v,  William  Young. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  M.  (Young);  born 
)lurabiaua  Co.,  O.,  July  22.  1827  ;  teacher,  Beaver,  Pa.,  '48-,'i2; 
idled  theology  privately  with  Rev.  Isaac  M.  Cook  same  time;  P.  T.  S. 
2-53;  licensed  Oct  5,  '52,  Presbytery  of  New  Brunswick;  ordained  June 
•,  '53,  Presbytery  of  New  Lisbon;  pastor  New  Lisbon,  O.,  '5o-5t) ;  chap- 
in,  United  States  Army,  '61-65;  stated  supply  Seventh  Street  Church, 
'^ashington,  D.  C,  '63-64  ;  pastor-elect  Buffalo,  Pa.,  '65-66 ;  pastor  Perry- 
ile,  '66-70,  Denver,  Col.,  '70-73,  Darby,  Pa.,  '74—;  Corresponding  Secre- 
ry  Committee  on  Temperance,  — 86;  married  Sept.  24, '57,  Flora,  daughter 
I  Dr.  James  Robertson  ;  D.D.,  82,  Lafayette  College;  Presbyterian  min- 
tcr,  Port  Chester,  West  Chester  Co.,  Pa. 


Brown,  Milton  W. — Sod  of  John  J.  and  Sarah  (Mercer);  born  Wayne  Co.,  0. 
May  21,  1820  ;  teacher ;  W.  T.  S.  '49-01 ;  licensed  April,  '51,  Presbyteiyc 
Coshocton;  ordained  November,  'ol,  same  presbyterv ;  pastor  Hopewell  an 
Nashville,  O.,  51-71,  Mt.  Eaton  71-79,  Radnor  79-85  ;  evangelical  wor 
'85—;  married  Dec.  23,  '51,  Sarah  F.,  daughter  of  David  Finney.  Presbj 
terian  minister. 

•Bbown,  J.  Woods. — Son  of  Samuel  T.  and  Nancy  (Woods);  born  Union  Co 
Pa.,  Dec.  1,  1826 ;  law  student  with  Judge  Hepburn,  and  Easton  Law  Sch<.M 
'48-51 ;  practiced  law  Milion,  Pa.,  '51-58 ;  Pennsylvania  Legislatun 
'62-63 ;  President  of  First  National  Bank,  Milton,  Pa  ;  married  Jan.  21 
'51,  Maria  Polk ;  died  Milton,  Pa.,  Jan.  6,  '88.     Lawyer. 

♦Clark,  George  W.— Son  of  John  and  May  (Smith);  born  Schellsburg,  Pa 
Dec.  25,  1821 ;  teacher  '48-50 ;  law  student  with  General  Koontz,  Green 
burg,  Pa. ;  practiced  law  Greensburg,  Pa.,  '52,  Muscaiine,  la 
'62-53,  Iowa  City,  la.,  '53-85;  United  States  Array,  '62,  captain  22d  Reg 
ment  Iowa  Volunteers,  wounded  ;  married  Sept.  20,  '54,  Nannie  Y.,daug] 
ter  of  George  Boal ;  died  Iowa  City,  la.,  June  17,  1885,  injury  from  a  fal 

Clarke,  Matthew. — Son  of  Matthew  and  Elizabeth  (Wallace);  born  Pitt 
burg.  Pa.,  Aug.  10,  1823;  Associate  Reformed  Seminary,  Allegben; 
'48-52 ;  licensed  March,  '51,  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Monoog 
hela;  ordained  August,  '53,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville  (A.  R.);  pastor  Blaii 
ville,  Pa.,  '53-55,  Bloomington,  111.,  '56-63,  Chicago '64-65,  LaPorte,  Ind 
'65-69,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '70-72,  Gambler,  0.,'73-74,  Hyde  Park,  IU.,'74-7 
Chase  City,  Va.,  '78-81,  Norfolk,  '81-87;  married  July  6,  '53,  Kate  W 
daughter  of  Matthew  Mitchell.     United  Presbyterian  minister,  Chicago,  11 

Cook,  Archibald  Brown.— Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Kelso);  born  Noblestowi 
Pa.,  Sept.  23,  1828 ;  teacher  Kentucky ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Fore 
Louisville,  Ky.,  and  Dr.  Glenn,  Sharpsburg,  Pa.;  College  of  Physicians  an 
Surgeons,  New  York,  and  Kentucky  School  of  Medicine,  Louisville,  '5i 
practiced  medicine.  New  Castle,  Ky.,  '53-54,  Louisville,  '54—;  Profea* 
of  Anatomy  in  Kentucky  School  of  Medicine  '55-56 ;  Medical  Depai 
ment  University  of  Louisville  *56 — ;  Professor  of  Surgery,  School  of  Me< 
icine,  Kentucky,  '63 — ;  Confederate  States  Army,  surgeon;  physician  £pi 
copal  Orphans'  Asylum;  published  many  articles  in  ''Medical  Magazir 
and  Review";  married  February,  '72,  Fannie  M.  Downing  Roberts.  Pn 
fessor  and  physician,  Louisville,  Ky. 

Cox,  John  Irwin. — Son  of  John  and  Mariha  (Paden);  born  Franklin  Co.,  Pa 
Feb.  20,  1824  ,•*  student;  farmer,  Illinois;  lumbennan,  Iowa;  married  Apr 
13,  '58,  Keziah,  daughter  of  Alexander  McCune ;  residence,  Shippen 
burg.  Pa. 

♦Cramer,  John  KKARaLEY.— Son  of  Ambrose  M.  C.  and  Emily  (Rowan 
born  Williarasport,  Md.,  Sept.  19,  1824 ;  P.  T.  S.  '49-50 ;  licensed  :>' 
Presbytery  of  Carlisle ;  stated  supply  Charlotte,  Va.,  '52-53,  Waahingtoi 



C,  '54-66;  ordaiued^April  13,  '59,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle;  pastor  Wil- 
msport  and  Welsh  Run,  Md.,  '59-61,  Havre  de  Grace,  *61-6(i ;  pastor- 
ct  Churchville  '66-68 ;  died  Cumberland,  Md.,  Dec.  20,  *69,  consump- 
n.    Presbyterian  minister. 

8,  Daniei^— Son  of  John  ;  born  Columbiana  Co.,  O.,  1827  ;  West  Point 
litary  Academy;  law  student  with  J.  £.  Vance,  New  Lisbon,  O.;  prac- 
Bd  law  Louisiana ;  died  Louisiana,  consumption. 

r,  Robert. — Son  of  Robert  and  Keziah  ;  born  near  Murraysville,  Pa., 
ne  8,  1821 ;  teacher,  principal  West  Newton  Academy,  Pa.,  '50-^1, 
Qonsburg  '62-53,  West  Manchester  '54,  Normal  Si!hool  '55 ;  principal 
w  Brighton  Female  Seminary  '55-59;  edited  iVat/ona/  Educator  '60; 
inder  and  principal  Curry  Institute,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '60-73;  Department 
Lte  Superintendent  of  Schools,  Pa.,  '73-76  ;  principal  Nebraska  State 
rmal  School  '76-83;  study  '83—;  published  pamphlets;  married  Dec. 
'49,  Mary,  daughter  of  Dr.  Alexander  McCloy,  also  July  19,  '76,  Jenny 
,  daughter  of  James  Boggs;  Ph.D.,  '73,  Washington  and  Jefferson 
liege;  residence  Palmyra,  Neb. 

AN,  John  R. — Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Harvey);  born  Fairview,  O., 
ly  21,  1826;  W.  T.  S.  '48-51  ;  licensed  '51,  Presbytery  of  Steubenville ; 
lained  April,  '52,  Presbytery  of  Washington  ;  pastor  Moundsville,  W. 
I., '52-55;  stated  supply  Allen  Grove  '55-56,  Buffalo  Church,  Cumber- 
id,  O.,  '57-64 ;  married  Eliza  McCurdy,  also  Mary  R.  Scott,  also  Fanny 
lapman  ;  died  Cumberland,  O.,  Nov.  23,  '64,  erysipelas.  Presbyterian 

>TT,  James.— Son  of  James;  born  Lawrenceburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  6,  1824; 
icher  Pamonky,  Md.;  law  student  with  R.  Moodey,  Steubenville,  O.; 
scticed  law  Steubenville  '52-69,  Kansas  '69-71,  Steubenville  '71-83; 
irk  courts  '57-67;  Mayor  of  Steubenville  '73-75;  married  Dec.  8,  't53, 
ichel  S.  Craine;'died  Chicago,  111.,  Nov.  10,  '83.     Lawyer. 

,  John  M.— Born  Ireland  ;  W.  T.  S.  1850-53;  licensed  '54,  Presbytery 
Pittsburg;  ordained  '55,  Presbytery  of  New  Orleans;  pastor  Plains,  La., 
)-6U,  Camden  and  Concord,  Miss.,  '69-75,  Lamar,  Spring  Creek  and  Cor- 
th  '75 — ,     Presbyterian  minister,  Waterford,  Miss. 

G,  Ellis  B.— Son  of  Aaron;  born  Greene  Co.,  Pa.,  1824;  law  student 
th  Hon.  T.  M.  T.  McKennon  '48-51  —  ;  practiced  law  Peoria,  111.,  '51-54  ; 
ed  (Jarmichaels,  Greene  Co.,   Pa.,  Dec.  18,  '54,  consumption.     Lawyer. 

,  Philip  M. — Born  near  Zelienople,  Pa.;  teacher  Beaver  Academy 
^1-60;  business;  married  July,  '52,  Matilda  Small;  died  New  Galilee, 
I,  Aug.  2,  '74;  A.M.,  '53.     Teacher. 

BISON,  John. — Son  of  Adam  and  Catharine  (Woods);  born  near  Canons- 
irg,  Pa.,  Dec.  15,  1831  ;  teacher ;  assistant  editor  Chicago  Gazette  ;  iinniar- 
ed;  died  Washington,  Iowa,  June  24,  ^'hij  consumption. 


*HiLL,  Thomas  Moobe.— Son  of  Sanford  C.  and  Vaahti  B.;  born  East  Lmi 
pool,  O.,  Aug.  14,  1821;  teacher  Wooster,  O.,  many  years;  railroad  busi 
ness  MadiBon,  Ind.,  till  '5*5 ;  married  Oct.  29,  '51,  Elizabeth  Jones;  diec 
Madison,  Ind.,  Oct.  1,  '55. 

*jEKKiNS,  Thomas  Jeffebson.— Son  of  William  and  Jeannelte  G.  (McNutt) 
born  Green  Bottom,  Cabell  Co.,  Va.,  (now  West  Virginia),  Nov.  22,  1826 
farmer  at  home ;  Confederate  States  Army,  private  '61-t)3,  major  'OS-tH 
married  Nov.  18,  '56,  Susan  L.,  daughter  of  Robert  Holderly ;  died  Greei 
Bottom,  W.  Va.,  Aug.  1,  '72,  heart  disease,  from  military  exposure. 

•Jenkins,  Albert  Gallatin.— Son  of  William  and  Jeannette  G.  (McXuitl 
born  Cabell  Co.,  Va.,  Nov.  10,  1830;  law  student  Cambridge;  farmer 
Member  of  Congress  from  Virginia  '57-61 ;  delegate  to  Provisional  Cnn 
federate  Congress  '61 ;  Confederate  States  Army,  brigadier-general  '()2-t»3 
married  Jennie  S.  Bowlin  ;  died  of  wounds  received  in  battle,  Dublin,  Va. 
May  7,  '64.     liSwyer  and  farmer. 

•Jenkins,  William  Alexander. — Son  of  William  and  Jeannette  G.  (McNau; 
born  Green  Bottom,  Cabell  Co.,  W^.  Va.;  farmer,  Cabell  Co.,  W.  Va 
medical  student,  Jefferson  Medical  College ;  practiced  medicine  St.  Louii 
Mo.,  1852-M;  married  Dec.  22,  '53,  Julia  M.  Reed,  of  St.  Louis;  die 
St.  Louis,  Mo.,  April  18,  '77,  paresis  of  the  brain.     Physician. 

Johnston,  Calvin  P. — Son  of  Dr.  William  and  Rebecca  (Reynolds);  bor 
Steubenville,  O.,  Oct.  31,  1830  ;  medical  student.  Sterling  Medical  College 
Columbus,  O.;  civil  engineer;  Superintendent  Overman  Silver  Mine,  Vii 
ginia  City,  Nev.;  City  Engineer;  married  Alice,  daughter  of  Rev.  Di 
Bruner.     Civil  engineer,  Springfield,  Mo. 

Lawrence,  Joshua  Fry. ~ Son  of  Elias  and  Mary  P.  (Fry);  born  Louisville 
Ky.,  Feb.  14,  1827 ;  planter,  Jefferson  Co.,  Ky.,  '47—;  Kentucky  Legish 
ture  '65-69  ;  business,  coal,  oil,  Louisville,  Ky.;  Inspector,  Kentucky;  mai 
ried,  '52,  Urith  daughter  of  Hon.  P.  H.  Pope.     Business,  Louisville,  K} 

Livingstone,  William  Samuel.— W.  T.  S.  18o2  ;  licensed  '53,  Presbytery  t 
Wooster  ;  teacher ;  missionary  Pennsylvania,  Ohio,  Kentucky  and  Missii 
sippi.     Pastor-elect,  Coitsville,  O.,  '72. 

♦Lyons,  John— Born  Coshocton,  O.,  1820(?);  W.  T.  S.  1848-41);  died  All( 
gheny,  Pa.,  Feb.  y,  '4D.     Theological  student. 

Lyons,  Walter  Lowrie. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Minnie  (Lowrie);  born  Tuj 
carawas  Co.,  O.,  April  21,  1820;  teacher  '48-52;  W.  T.  S.  '62-.33;  license 
Oct.  7,  '54,  Presbytery  of  Schuyler;  ordained  '56,  Presbytery  of  Cedar 
stated  supply  Winterset  and  Indianola,  Iowa,  '57-69  ;  Des  Moines,  ^^oul 
Henderson  and  Fall  Creek  '59-63,  Franklin  Grove,  111.,  '64-65;  doraesti 
missionary  '65-74;  various  points  '74 — ?  ;  married  July  7,  '5(i,  Elizabeth  M 
daughter  of  Hon.  John  Hollister.     Presbyterian  minister*  GrenncU,  I  >^< 



L'H,  William  Gilmose. — Son  of  Philip  and  Sarah  L.  (Gilmore);  born 
:Qlumbiana  Co.,  O.,  April  4,  1826;  teacher  '48-50;  \V.  T.  8. '50-o3; 
icensed  AprU  4,  '53,  Presbytery  of  New  Lisbon ;  ordained  Dec.  15,  '54, 
am e  presbytery ;  pastor  Canfield,  O.,  '54-57,  Rehoboth  '53-58;  chaplain 
loth  Regiment,  Ohio  Volunteers,  '64 ;  pastor  Marysville,  O.,  '68-78,  Mil- 
ord Center  '68-80 ;  stated  supply  Cardington  '80-83,  York  and  Jerome 
SO—;  married  Dec.  13,  '54,  Elizabeth  J.,  daughter  of  Robert  Elder  ;  D.D., 
).  C.  C,  '78.     Presbyterian  minister,  Marysville,  O. 

WE>%  JoBK. — Son  of  James  and  Sarah  Ann  (AVolf);  born  Canonsburg,  Pa., 
Vlay  8,  1828;  bookkeeper,  Philadelphia,  '48-58;  merchant,  Orion,  111.,  at 
late ;  married  Dec.  14,  '58,  Mary  £.  Smith.     Merchant,  Orion,  111. 

'abty,  JoHir  T. — Son  of  Abner  and  Jane;  born  BrookviUe,  Ind.,  Aug.  28, 
828  ;  law  student  BrookviUe,  ind.,  nnd  Maryville,  Cal.;  practiced  law, 
iaryviUe,  Cal.,  '50-60  ;  married  '54,  Mary  E.  Peirson  ;  died  Maryyille, 
Jal.,  '60.     Lawyer. 

AKj.Aiii>,  Usury  Cowak. — Son  of  Alexander  and  Margaret  (Cowan);  bom 
Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  4,  1822;  Associate  Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny, 
i8-5i  ;  licensed  March  26,  '51,  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Monon- 
[ahela;  ordained  April  12,  '53,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Mifflin  Church, 
Pennsylvania,  '53-57,  East  Liberty  and  Hebron  '58-64,  East  Liberty  '66 ; 
ofirm  ;  business  Pittsburg  '70 ;  cashier.  City  Depoaite  Bank,  '76 — ;  married 
^ov.  9,  '53,  Caroline  S.,  daughter  of  Joseph  Barr.  United  Prebbyterian 
uinister  and  Banker,  Pittsburg. 

fCiNNEY,  Isaac  Kewton.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  David  and  Eliza  L.  (Finley); 
lorn  Erie,  Pa.,  Oct.  24,  1828 ;  P.  T.  S.  '52-53 ;  W.  T.  S.  '56-57 ;  licensed 
57,  Presbytery  of  Pittsburg  ;  ordained  April  14,  '57,  same  presbytery ; 
jastor  Montour,  Pa.,  '57-60;  professor  Jefferson  College  '60-61;  Europe 
t>2 ;  editor  Family  Ireasure  '62-64  ;  died  Sewickley,  Pa.,  Nov.  21,  '64. 
^resbyterian  minister. 

.£&,  Jacob  Henby. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Mary  A.  (Cockins);  born  Feb.  10, 
828  ;  teacher  Hilliardston,  K.  C,  '48-51 ;  law  student  with  Hon.  Moses 
iampton,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '51-53;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '53 — ;  Dis- 
rict  Attorney  '59-62  ;  married  June  29,  '54,  Mary  E.,  daughter  of  Edmond 
McDonald,  also  April  18,  '6ijy  Antoinette  E.,  daughter  of  Samuel  Frew, 
jawyer,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

.IGAN,  JosiAH.— Born  Ohio  Co.,  W.  Va.,  March  13,  1821 ;  P.  T.  S.  '48-49; 
ordained  Oct.  14,  '51,  Presbytery  of  Zanesvilie  ;  pastor  Rushville,  O.,  '51-57, 
Princeton,  111.,  '57-72 ;  missionary  Texas  '72-74  ;  evangelist  Princeton,  111., 
74 — .     Presbyterian  minister,  agent,  Omaha,  Neb. 

EKisoN,  John  Jam£S. — Born  Juniata  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  8, 1830;  editor  Juniata 
Scntindy  '52,  Harrisbwg  Telegraph,  '52-62  ;  Pennsylvania  Legislature,  '58-61; 
South  Carolina  '61 ;  United  States  Army  ;  United  States  Senate,  South  Car- 
:'lina,  '73-79-    Lawyer,  Mifflintown,  Pa. 


Paxtok,  JAMU8  W11.8ON.— Born  Gettysburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  21,  1827;  P.  T.  8.  '50; 
W.  T.  S.  '51-62 ;  licensed  April,  '53,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle  ;  stated  bupply 
Dickinson,  Pa.;  invalid;  business  Minnesota;  Chambersburg,  Pa.,  '72; 
married  Dec.  3,  '57,  Margaret  D.  Smith. 

PiBNNiNOTON,  JoHN  B.— Son  of  Thomas  M.  and  Henrietta  (Barr);  bom  New 
Castle,  Del.,  Dec.  20,  1825  ;  teacher  '48-51 ;  law  student  '54-57  ;  practiced 
law  Dover,  Del.,  '57—;  Delaware  Legislature  'Gl ;  Clerk  of  House  of 
Representatives  '59,  '63,  '71 ;  United  States  District  Attorney  for  Delaware 
'68  ;  Attorney-General  '74-79  ;  Member  of  Congress,  Fiftieth  Congress,  '?<6; 
married  '48,  Rebecca  A.,  daughter  of  Henry  Rowan.     Lawyer,  Dover,  Del 

Pershing,  Cyrus  L— Son  of  Christopher  S.  and  Elizabeth  (Long);  bom 
Youngstown,  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  3,  1825 ;  law  student  '48-o0; 
practiced  law  Johnstown,  Pa.,  '56-72;  Presiding  Judge  Twenty-first  Judi- 
cial District,  Pa.,  *72— ;  candidate  for  Member  of  Congress  '56,  '58; 
Supreme  Court '69;  Governor  of  Pennsylvania  *75;  Trustee  of  Washing- 
ton and  Jefferson  College  '66-74 ;  Commissioner  to  General  Assemblj 
Presbyterian  Church  *84,  '88;  Commissioner  from  General  Assembly  to 
confer  with  Protestant  Episcopal  Cliurch  '87 ;  delegate  to  London  Council 
'88  ;  married  Sept.  23,  '51,  Mary  L.,  daughter  of  Hon.  John  Rover;  elder 
Presbyterian  Church.     Lawyer,  Pottsville,  Pa. 

PuoH,  William  Arnold.— Son  of  Reese  and  Catharine  A.;  born  Rushville, 
Ind.,  March  7,  1829;  medical  student  Cleveland  Medical  College,  Medical 
College,  Cincinnati ;  practiced  medicine  Rushville,  Ind.,  '51  ;  married 
May,  '51,  Nancy  A.  Bigger.     Physician,  Rushville,  Ind. 

Rankin,  William  Alexander.— Born  Shippensburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  .30,  182t^; 
P.  T.  S.  '4.S-50;  ordained  Dec.  11,  '51,  Presbytery  of  Donegal;  pastor 
Marietta,  Pa.,  '51-54;  stated  supply  Church ville  and  Bel  Air,  Md., 
'54-66 (?),  Middletown,  Del.,  '56-58,  Wilmington,  Newark,  Del.,  Warren, 
Pa.,  '66-81;  evangelist;  married  Miss  Jefferson.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Warren,  Pa. 

Reaser,  Joseph  George.— Son  of  George  and  Nancy  (Kulin);  born  Union 
Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  2,  1825;  licensed  Oct.  2,  '50,  Presbytery  of  Cbshocton; 
ordained  June  23,  '52,  Presbytery  of  New  Lisbon ;  pastor  in  Ohio ;  tutor 
Greek  and  Hebrew,  Danville  Theological  Seminary,  till  '57;  pastor  Leaven- 
worth, Kan..  tiir85;  professor  Westminster  College,  Mo.,  '85-87 (?)  princi- 
pal Carthage  Classical  Institute,  Mo.;  married  Sept.  20,  '49,  Agnes  B., 
daughter  of  James  Munn  ;  D.D.,  '^6^  Center  College,  Kentucky.  Presby- 
terian minister,  Carthage,  Mo. 

Robertson,  S.  S.— Son  of  Dr.  James  and  Ann  Eliza ;  born  Hanover,  Colum- 
biana Co.,  O.,  July  14,  '30;  medical  student  with  his  father,  Hanoverton, 
O.;  practiced  medicine  Salineville,  ().,  ''>4-(\\)  :  Hanover  '69—;  married- 
Sept.  15,  '53,  Elmira  Pool.     Physician,  ilanoverlon,  O. 



NSON,  James  W.— Son  of  John  W.  and  Elizabeth  (Mitchell);  born  Union 
Jiy.j  O.,  Nov.  2Sf  1826  ;  teacher  and  law  student  M8-50,  Cincinnati  Law 
school;  practiced  law  Marjfsville,  O.,  '51 — ;  Prosecuting  Attorney  '51; 
3hio  Legislature  '57-60,  '64-65 ;  Member  of  Congress  from  Ohio  '72-73  ; 
'uling  elder  Presbyterian  Church ;  Trustee  Western  Uniyersity ;  married 
?'eb.  8,  *55,  Mary  J.,  daughter  of  Hon.  John  Cassel.  Lawyer,  Marys- 
rille,  O. 

lERs,  Andrew  Denny. — Son  of  James  and  Jane  (Linn);  born  Cumber- 
and  Co.,  Pa.,  April  17,  1830 ;  law  student  with  Rodgers  and  White, 
>pringfield,  O.,  '49-50 ;  law  schools  in  New  York  and  Philadelphia  '51-52  j 
)racticed  law  Spring6eld,  C,  '52-59,  Columbus  '59;  United  States  Army 
62-63,  paymaster  ;  Ohio  Legislature  '57-59  ;  postmaster  Columbus  '77-82  ; 
narried  Oct.  5,  '58,  Eliza  G.,  daughter  of  William  S.  SuUivant.  Lawyer^ 
Jolumbiis,  O. 

HRAUFF,  W.  P.— Grandson  of  Rev.  Jonathan  P.;  bom  Franklin  Co.,  Pa.,. 
826  ;  ordained  '60(?),  Lutheran  Synod  of  Pitt8burg(?);  pastor  Schellsburg, 
i^a.,  Canton,  O.,  Fort  Wayne,  Ind.,  Easton,  Pa.,  Akron,  O.,  Zanesville,  C; 
narried  Miss  Young;  died  Zanesville,  O.,  May  25,  '76.  Evangelicnl 
Lutheran  minister. 

,RP,  Solomon  A. — Born  Kentucky  ;  law  student;  practiced  law  California;. 

.RP,  James  McDowell.— Son  of  Andrew  and  Rosanna  (McDowell);  born 
lear  Newville,  Pa.,  Oct.  7,  1830;  law  student  '48-.5i  ;  practiced  law  Cham- 
)er8burg,  Pa.,  '51-83;  married  March  7,  '57,  Emma  L.  King;  died  Cham- 
jersburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  23,  '83,  disease  of  brain.     Lawyer. 

H,  William  C. — Son  of  Daniel  and  Elizabeth  (Copley);  born  nearBlairs- 
?iile,  Pa.,  June  28,  1820;  teacher  New  Albany  Seminary;  licensed  April, 
VJ,  Presbytery  of  New  Albany;  ordained  April,  '54,  Presbytery  of  South 
\Jabama  ;  teacher  and  missionary  Alabama  '54-62  ;  chaplain  United  States 
\rmy  '63-65 ;  missionary  '65 — ;  married  April  5,  '53,  Rebecca,  daughter 
)f  James  Colburn.     Presbyterian  minister,  Eden  Prairie,  Minn. 

WART,  W.  Walker. — Son  of  David  and  Sarah  (Walker);  born  Center 
3o.,  Pa.,  1826;  iron  manufacturer;  married  Miss  McGuffey,  daughter  of 
Rev.  Dr.  W.  H.  McGuffey  ;  died.     A.  M.     [Not  in  catalogue] 

lIN,  George.— Son  of  Ebenezer  and  Catharine;  born  Brooke  Co.,  W.  Va,, 
April  14,  1824  ;  law  student;  practiced  law  Perrysburg,  O.,  '57—;  married 
lune  8,  '59,  Margaret  Elizabeth.     Lawyer,  Perrysburg,  O. 

•MPSON,  Joseph  Russell. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Margaret ;  born  Wabhing- 
ton  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  15,  1823;  Associate  Seminary,  Canonsburg  ;  licensed 
'50,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  missionary  ;  ordained  April  25,  '53,  Presbytery 

of ;   pastor  Mt.  Pleasant,   Pa.,   '53-61  ;   married   December,   '58, 

Anna  E.  W^ylie  ;  died  Hickory,  Pa.,  Dec.  16,  '61,  typhoid  fever.  LTnited 
Presbyterian  minister. 


Virtue,  Andrew.  —  Son  of  James  and  Isabeila  ( Woods);  born  County  Tyrone, 
Ireland,  March  4,  1825;  W.  T.  S.  '48-o0;  licensed  Jan.  15,  *51,  Presbjtery 
of  Blairsville;  ordained  Jan.  14,  '52,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  stated  suppW 
Maple  Creek,  Pa.,  '51-63  ;  pastor  Cross  Roads  '53-60,  Apple  Creek  '60-t>S 
Emlenton  '68-72,  Center  72-80,  Spencer  and  Elisabeth,  W.  Va.,  '82- 
Bethel  '88  ;  married  July  4,  '50,  S.  N.,  daughter  of  William  Hill.  Presby- 
terian minister,  Williamstown,  W.  Va. 

Wilson,  Samuel  Thomas.— Son  of  Charles  W.  and  Elizabeth  (Thomas);  bom 
near  Holidaysburg,  Pa.,  Nov.  20,  1823 ;  P.  T.  S.  '48-51  ;  licensed  'ol, 
Presbytery  of  Huntingdon;  ordained  '52,  Presbytery  of  Rock  River;  pas- 
tor Rock  Island,  111.,  '54-66,  Galesburg  '()6-69,  Birmingham,  Pa.,  '69-7<^, 
Lincoln,  111.,  '78-81,  Palatka,  Fla.,  '81—,  St.  Augustine  '85;  missionarjin 
Florida  '86—;  married  Dec.  16,  '51,  Abbie,  daughter  of  Dr.  J.  P.  Kerr, 
also  Dec.  1,  '56,  Sarah  W.,  daughter  of  George  Kinney;  D.D.  Presbyte- 
rian minister,  Rose  Hill,  Fla. 

♦WiL90N,  S.  B. — Son  of  Patrick  and  Rebecca  (Moorhead);  born  Mercer  Co., 
Pa.,  Feb.  20,  1S24;  principal  Darlington  Academy  '48-49;  law  student 
with  Hon.  J.  S.  Black,  Somerset,  Pa.,  '49-50;  practiced  law  Beaver,  Pa., 
'50-89;  married  April  12,  '54,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  George  Robinsoo, 
Beaver,  Pa.;  died  Jan.  19,  '89,  Beaver,  Pa.     Lawyer. 

♦Wilson,  Joseph  Hemphill. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Agnes  (Hemphill);  borr 
Beaver  Co.,  Pa.,  May  16,  1820;  law  student;  practiced  law  Beaver,  Pa-, 
'50-62;  member  of  Pennsylvania  Legislature  '58-60;  United  States  Arm} 
'61-62,  colonel  lOlst  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers ;  died  in  Peninsu 
lar  campaign.  May  30,  '62,  typhoid  fever.     Lawyer. 

Woods,  Richard  Coulter, — Son  of  John  and  Mary ;  born  Center  Co.,  Pa. 
Jan.  27,  1821 ;  business  in  Missouri ;  nurseryman  and  fruit-grower,  Mt.  Ver 
non.  Mo.;  Deputy  Circuit  Clerk,  Clay  Co.,  111.,  '56-60;  married  Feb.  16,  '62 
Abigail  Carr.     Nurseryman  and  fruitgrower,  Mt.  Vernon,  Mo. 

*YouNO,  Edward  E. — Born  Hanover,  Pa.,  Nov.  28,  1826;  teacher  Alabann 
'48-50,  near  Hanover  '50-52 ;  agent  Hanover  Branch  Railroad  ;  dealer  ii 
lumber  and  coal;  hardware  merchant;  married  '58,  Elizabeth  A.,daughte 
of  Dr.  Alexander;  died  Hanover,  Pa.,  May  6,  '57.     Merchant. 

•YouNo,  Garretson  Ivester, — Son  of  Peter  and  Phoebe  (Leech);  bori 
Achor,  Columbiana  Co.,  O.,  June  28,  1827 ;  law  student  with  Hon.  S.  W 
Gilson,  Canfield,  O.;  practiced  law  Canfield  '51-54;  Probate  Judge '55-60 
Military  Secretary  for  Governor  Todd  '62-64;  United  States  Army,  Wai 
Department,  Judge  Advocnte  '64;  Ohio  Legislature  '69;  edited  Buekey 
State  '68-71 ;  married  March  27,  '5(),  Susan  Bingham ;  died  in  Stat4 
House,  Columbus,  O.,  Jan.  27,  '71,  hemorrhage.     Lawyer. 


*Ander»on,  Butler  Preston. — Son  of  Col.  William  P.  and  Margaret  L 
(Adair);  born  near  Winchester,  Tenn.,  Sept.  17,  1828;  law  student,  La? 
School,  Franklin,  Ky.;  practiced  law  Astoria,  Ore.,  '50-68,  Memphis 
Tenn.,  '68-78;  Clerk  Legislative  Council;  Supreme  Court;  Tniled  State 
Attorney;  married  Oct.  1,  '50,  Mary  Jane  Head;  volunteered  iu  '7S  t< 
assist  yellow  fever  sufferers;  died  Grenada,  Miss.,  Sept.  2,  '78,  yellow  fever 



DERSON,  William  Ramsay.— Son  of  Enoch  L.  and  Rebecca  (Morthland); 
born  Juniata  Co.,  Pa.,  July  22,  1830;  teacher  Washington,  D.  C,  '49;  died 
on  steamer  near  Cincinnati,  O.,  May  15,  'oO.     Teacher. 

SOLD,  George  Cavit.— Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Cavit);  born  Allegheny 
Co  ,  Pa.,  Feb.  19,  1825;  teacher;  Associate  Reformed  Seminary;  licensed 
April  14,  '52,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela ;  missionary  three  years;  ordained 
Jan  11,  '55;  pastor  at  Kensington,  Philadelphia,  '55-63;  married  March 
22,  *oo,  Martha  Jamieson  ;  died  Chicago,  111.,  Nov.  30,  '64,  hemorrhage. 
United  Presbyterian  minister. 

N-ETT,  John  Morrison. — Son  of  John  and  Nancy  (Morrison);  born  West- 
moreland Co.,  Pa.,  May  20,  1826 ;  W.  T.  S.  '52-5^3  ;  licensed  April,  '54, 
Presbytery  of  Blairsville;  missionary  to  Lake  Superior  summer  of  '54; 
Drdalned  evangelist  April,  '55,  same  presbytery;  home  missionary  Superior, 
Lake  Superior,  '55-61 ;  pastor  Mt.  Pleasant,  Pa.,  '61-69,  Connellsville 
'69-82;  Financial  Secretary  W^aahington  and  Jefferson  College  '82-89; 
Stated  Clerk  Presbytery  of  Lake  Superior;  Redstone;  Permanent  Secre- 
tary Synod  of  Pittsburg;  Moderator  Synod  of  Pittsburg  '80;  Director 
Western  Theological  Seminary ;  Trustee  WashingtOB  and  Jefferson  College  ; 
ixiarried  April  17,  '55,  Martha  R.,  daughter  of  James  Elder,  Eidersridge, 
Pa.    Presbyterian  minister,  Washington,  Pa. 

iTON,  Samuel  B. — Bom  Juniata  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  6,  1822;  teacher  Ken- 
tucky '49-^6;  married  April  14,  '58,  Mrs.  Fanny  M.  DuRelle  ;  died  Huber, 
Ky.,  May  21,  '86.    Teacher. 

iTj  Augustus. — Son  of  Pavid  and  Elizabeth  (Mackey);  born  Cambridge 
L).,  March  7,  1825 ;  teacher  Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  '49-50,  Louisville,  Ky., 
'50-54 ;  law  student,  Louisville ;  admitted  to  bar  in  '54  ;  died  Cambridge, 
0,f  Oct.  1,  'o5,  consamption. 

.viN,  Joseph  Hadden. — Son  of  William  and  Anne  (Hadden);  born  near 
Coloness,  Ireland,  June  10,  1828;  P.  T.  S.  '49-52;  licensed  '52,  Presby- 
tery of  New  Brunswick ;  ordained  evangelist  Oct.  1,  '53,  Presbytery  of  Tus- 
caloosa; pastor  Bensalem  and  Burton's  Hill,  Ala.,  '54-^)9;  Professor  Lan- 
^ages,  Austin  College,  Texas,  '59-60 ;  Professor  of  Greek,  Oakland 
College,  Miss.,  '60-65 ;  President  Oakland  College  '66-67 ;  married  Carrie 
Urenchaw;  died  Oakland  College,  Miss.,  Feb.  14,  '67,  congestive  chills; 
D  D.     Presbyterian  minister. 

isoN,  William  P.— Bom  Center  Co.,  Pa.,  April  26,  1821 ;  W.  T.  S. 
'48-51 ;  licensed  '50,  Presbytery  of  Richland ;  ordained  '51,  Presbytery  of 
Peoria;  pastor  Crow  Meadow,  111.,  '51-54;  teacher  '55;  pastor  Middle 
Creek  '55-61,  Epworth  and  Peasta  '61-60  ;  died  Epworth,  111.,  Jan.  12, '69. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

?0N,  James  G.— Son  of  Rev.  David  and  Jane  W.  (Gillespy);  born  Mary- 
ville,  Tenn.,  Feb.  11,  1833;  teacher  '49-52;  Associate  Theological  Semin- 
ary, Canonsburg,  '52-55;  licensed  June  22,  '55,  Presbytery  of  Charliers; 
ordained  Nov.  13,  '56,  same  presbytery;  pastor  South  Buffalo,  Pa.,  '66-67, 


Canonsburg  '67-69,  Second  Church,  Xenia,  O.,  '69-74;  Professor  Horn, 
and  Past.  Theology,  IJDited  Presbyterian  Seminary,  Xenia,  O.,  '74—;  mar- 
ried Oct.  1,  '56,  Mary  H.,  daughter  of  Rev.  Thomas  B.  Clarkson ;  D.D., 
7>),  Monmouth  College.     United  Presbyterian  minister,  Xenia,  O. 

♦Cochran,  Jamss  Linn. — Son  of  Robert  and  Eliza  (Linn);  born  Shippens- 
burg,  Pa.,  March  30,  1828;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Stewart,  Bhippens- 
burg,  Pa.,  Jefferson  Medical  CoUege,  Philadelphia,  and  Medical  Depart- 
ment, University  of  New  York ;  practiced  mediciue  a  short  time  at 
Sterling,  111.,  Minneapolis,  Minn.;  died  Shippensburg,  Pa.,  Sept.  7,  '58; 
unmarried.     Physician. 

•Dickie,  Samuel  H. — Son  of  George  and  Martha;  born  Westmoreland  Co., 
Pa.,  May  18,  1825  ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Dickson,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  and 
Jefferson  Medical  College;  practiced  medicine  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  '52-o3; 
died  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  16,  '53,  dysentery.     Physician. 

•Edmonds,  James  M.— Born  Cold  Spring,  N.  J.,  June  1, 1827 ;  P.  T.  S.  '62-5-5 ; 
ordained  Oct.  8,  '56,  Presbytery  of  West  Jersey;  missionary  Absecon,  N.  J., 
'55-56,  Leed'H  Point,  '56-58;  died  Absecon,  N.  J.,  March  23,  '58.  Pres- 
byterian minister. 

Elliott,  John. — Son  of  Qeorge  and  Elisabeth  (McDonald);  born  Columbiana 
Co.,  O.,  April  13,  1829 ;  W.  T.  S.  '49-52  ;  licensed  '52,  Presbytery  of  New 
Lisbon ;  ordained  November,  '52,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon  ;  pastor  Will- 
iamsburg, Pa.,  '52 -5<) ;  presbyterial  missionary  '56-57  ;  pastor  Spruce  Creek 
and  Sinking  Valley  '57-61,  Belle  View  and  Lincoln  '61-69,  OtUwa,  Kan., 
'69-71,  Muscogee,  Ind.  Ter.,  '75,  Oswego,  Kan.,  '80—;  married  June  15, 
'59,  Elizabeth  Wilson.     Presbyterian  minister,  Oswego,  Kan. 

Emory,  William  S.— Son  of  William  and  Margaret;  born  Fayette  Co.,  Pa-. 
March  9,  1818  ;  licensed  '44,  English  Lutheran  Synod  of  Ohio ;  ordiined 
*6Qj  English  Lutheran  Synod  of  Allegheny ;  W^ater  Street  charge,  Hunting- 
don Co.,  Pa.,  '44;  West  Newton,  Pa.,  '48;  Indiana,  Pa.,  '58;  Palmyra, 
Lebanon  County,  '62,  Kintnersville,  Bucks  rio.,  *66  ;  married  June  25,  '4'), 
Martha  Row;  A.  M.,  Jefferson  College, '49.  Lutheran  minister,  French- 
town,  N.  J. 

•Fletcher,  Naaman. — From  Sidney,  O.;  law  student;  practiced  law  ;  died 
near  Zanesville,  O. 

Eraser,  Georoe. — Son  of  Daniel  and  Euphemia  (Ogilvie);  born  near  Wells- 
ville,  O.,  April  27,  1823;  teacher  near  Lexington,  Ky.,  '49-51;  principal 
of  graded  schools.  New  Lisbon,  O.,  '52-53;  Danville  Theological  Seminary, 
'53-56  ;  licensed  April  6,  '56,  Presbytery  of  Transylvania ;  ordained  June, 
'58,  Presbytery  of  West  Lexington  ;  pastor  Newstead,  Ky.,  *58-61,  Twc 
Ridges,  O.,  '63-66,  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  '66-69,  Greenville,  111.,  '69-72;  pro- 
fessor Washington  and  Jefferson  College,  '72-75 ;  stated  supply  Second 
Church,  Washington,  Pa.,  Waynesburg,  '75-81 ;  teacher  in  college ;  mis 
sionary  Kentucky,  '81-87;  married  April  7,  '57,  Frances  H.,  daughter  ol 
John  H.  Thayer,  also  Jan.  4,  '69,  Mary,  daughter  of  Z.  P.  Wardell 
D.D.f  Washington  and  Jefferson  College,  '76.  Presbyterian  minister,  Lak« 
Charles,  La. 



EUEK,  JoHM  Mabon.— Son  o£  Rev.  John  W.  and  Jane  (Lavertj);  born  Mor- 
gantown^  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  1830 ;  law  student  with  Theodore  Cujler,  Phila- 
delphia ;  practiced  law  Palmyra,  Mo.,  *56-63 ;  editor  Evening  TeUffraph, 
Philadelphia,  '68-664  married  September,  '56,  Annie  £.  Neill;  died  Phil- 
adelphia, July,  '66c    Lawyer. 

x;hbi8t,  John  PABKSR.—Son  of  John  and  Juliet  (Parker);  born  Butler(?), 
Pa.,  March  6,  1830 ;  law  student  Butler,  Pa.;  ndmitted  *o3  ;  business  '53—  ; 
married  Sept.  20,  '55,  Helen  C,  daughter  of  Dr.  John  £off.  Residence, 
Wheeling,  W.  Va. 

MILTON,  WiLUAH  R. — Son  of  George  and  Isabella  (Wray);  born  St.  Clair, 
Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  20,  1828 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  John  Dick- 
son, Pittsburg,  Pa.,  and  Pennsylvania  University,  '54 ;  practiced  medicine 
Allegheny  and  Pittsburg  '54 — ;  surgeon  Pennsylvania  Railroad,  '63 — ;  mar- 
ried Catherine,  daughter  of  William  Huntsman.    Physician,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

NNA,  Joseph  A. — Son  of  Rev.  Archibald  and  Mary  (Ramage);  born  Mt. 
Eaton,  O.,  Feb.  14,  1823  ;  W.  T.  8.  '49-52 ;  licensed  Septeiiber,  '51,  Pres- 
bytery of  Wooster ;  ordained  February,  '52,  same  presbytery ;  home  mis- 
sionary Oregon,  Corvallis  '52-56,  Pleasant  Grove  '67-59,  Brownsville  '60, 
North  Oregon  '61-65,  Ashland  '66-67,  Eugene  City  '67-69  ;  agent  '70-71 ; 
home  missionary  '71-77,  Yaquimea  Bay  '78-80;  missionary  '81-83,  Cos- 
mopolis  '88;  married  Feb.  3,  '52,  Esther  Bell,  daughter  of  William  McMil- 
lan, Pittsburg,  Pa.     Presbyterian  ministr,  Corvallis,  Oregon. 

4RRIS,  Adam. — Son  of  George  and  Ann  (Boyd);  born  Franklin  Co.,  Pa., 
1825;  P.  T.  S.  '47-50;  pastor  Fourth  Church,  Louisville,  Ky.,  '52-53; 
Slated  supply  Cane  Run  '53-54 ;  unmarried  ;  died  Louisville,  Ky.,  Sep- 
tember, '55.     Presbyterian  minister. 

BVPSTEAD,  Samuel  B. — Son  of  Dr.  Giles  S.  B.  and  Elizabeth  (Peebles); 
born  Portsmouth,  0.,  June  18,  1823  ;  medical  student  with  his  father ; 
United  States  Army ;  steamboat  transportation  of  troops ;  iron  manufac- 
turer; married  March  12,  '40,  Mary  Ann,  daughter  of  Robert  Hamilton  ; 
died  Hanging  Rock,  Dec.  12,  '73.    A.  M.,  '49. 

LE,  Chkistopheb. — Sou  of  Edward  and  Julia  (Pechin);  born  Washington 
City,  Sept.  24,  1829  ;  law  student  Washington,  D.  C,  '49-51,  and  Virginia 
University,  '51 ;  practiced  law  W^ashington,  D.  C,  '51-61 ;  Prof essor  of  Law, 
Georgetown  College,  D.  C;  married  '62,  Anne  Hutton.  Lawyer,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C. 

rES,  John  Q.  A. — Son  of  George  W.  and  Mary  (Dunn);  born  Wycomico 
Co.,  Md.,  Marcii  8,  1828 ;  teacher  Snow  Hill  Academy,  Maryland,  '50-58  > 
East  New  Market  '52-54,  Rockland,  111.,  '55;  Elkton,  MJ.,  '5G-58  ;  law 
student  with  Hon.  Isaac  D.  Jones '49-52;  practiced  law  Baltimore,  Anne 
Arundel  and  Howard  Counties,  Md.,  '5S— ;  married  July  12,  '54,  ^lary 
Armanda,  daughter  of  Noah  Dixon.     Lawyer ;  residence,  Baltimore,  Md. 

LLKR,  Isaac  Newtok. — Son  of  Jacob  and  Katharine  ;  born  Marshall  Co., 
Va.,  1828;  law  student;  did  not  practice;  married  December,  '54,  Julia 
Downs.     Resides  in  Texas. 


Laird,  John  Boal. — Son  of  Matthew  and  Elisabeth  (Boa]);  born  ne^  Milton, 
Pa.,  Aug.  25,  1825 ;  medical  stadent  with  Dr.  A.  1).  Kelley,  JaoksonvilJe, 
Pa.|  '49— iO|  Universitj  Pennnylvania,  College  of  Medicine,  Philadelphia; 
practiced  medicine  Lock  Haven,  Pa.,  Milesburg,  Houtzdale,  Bellwood. 
Cleveland,  O.;  United  States  Army  ;  assistant  surgeon  4th  Regiment,  Ohio 
Volunteers,  '62-63 ;  married  May  3,  '53,  Jennie  L.,  danghter  of  Samael 
Wilson.     Physician,  Bellwood,  Pa. 

Leiper,  William  D. — Son  of  Hugh  and  Esther  (Harper);  bom  Frankfort 
Springs,  Pa.,  Feb.  13,  1826 ;  teacher  Memphis,  Tenn.,  and  at  Tulip  and 
Malvern,  Ark.,  '49-79;  member  of  Constitutional  Convention.  Arkansas, 
*74  ;  editor  ArkansoM  Meteor  since  '83 ;  elder  Presbyterian  Churrh  ;  married 
Dec.  19,  '65,  PrisclUa  J.,  daughter  of  John  Macon.  Teacher  and  editor, 
Malvern,  Ark. 

*Leiper,  John  Anderson.— Son  of  Hugh  and  Esther  (Harper  s  born  near 
Frankfort  Springs,  Pa.,  18'2()  ;  Associate  Theological  Serain&ry,  Canons- 
burg,  Pa.;  licensed  *o\ ;  called  to  Bovine,  N.  J.;  infirm  '51— V> ;  died  near 
Hookstown,  Pa.,  Oct.  20.  *oo.     Associate  Presbyterian  licenti^ite. 

Linn,  Alonzo. — Son  of  Dr.  George  and  Elisabeth  (Gibson);  born  Butler,  Pa., 
Sept.  27,  1827;  W.  T.  S.,  '51-54;  licensed  May  3,  '54.  Presbytery  of 
Redstone ;  professor  of  Lafayette  College,  '54-57 ;  Jefferson  College, 
'57-()5;  Washington  and  Jefferson  College,  '05 — ;  married  Miss  Marlyn, 
also  Nov.  29,  '58,  Rebecca  Fulton;  Ph.  D.,  '69,  Washington  and  Jefferson 
College;  LL.D.     Teacher,  Washington,  Pa. 

Logan,  James  W. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Jane ;  born  Washington  County,  Pa., 
March  2,  1826;  law  student,  with  Judge  J.  S.  Black,  Somerset,  Pa., 
'49-51,  editor,  Massillon,  O.,  *51,  Muscatine,  Iowa,  Fort  Dodge;  Water- 
loo, till  '72;  clerk  Iowa  Legislature,  '56-57,  '75-76;  member  of  House 
of  Representatives,  Iowa,  '63-64 ;  Deputy  Collector  Internal  Revenue, 
'78-85;  married  May  25,  '55,  Abigail  J.,  daughter,  of  Charles  B.  Cum- 
mins.    Journalist,  Waterloo,  Iowa. 

^Mathers,  John  Hutchinson. — Son  of  James  and  Jane  (Hutchinson);  bom 
Mifflintown,  Pa.,  Feb.  25,  1830 ;  law  student  with  James  Matthews  and 
Hon.  A.  Parker,  Mifflintown,  Pa.;  practiced  law  Mifflintown,  Pa.,  and 
Sidney,   O.,   '52-75 ;  married ;  died  Sidney,   O.,  April  29,  '75.     Lawyer. 

McKinney,  David. — Son  of  Abraham  S.  and  Margaret  (Reynolds);  born  Cum- 
berland County,  Pa.,  Sept.  5,  1829;  teacher  Pennsylvania  '49-53;  lumber 
merchant  Peoria,  III.,  '53-62;  Secretary  Insurance  Co.;  United  States 
Army  A.  A.  Quartermaster,  '62-66;    captain.      Grain  dealer,  Peoria,  111. 

•McCuLLOUGH,  William. — Son  of  Alexander;  born  near  Mercer,  Pa.,  Oct. 
15,  1824;  W.  T.  S.,  '49-52;  licensed  Sept.  15,  '52.  Presbytery  of  Erie; 
ordained  Sept.  7,  '53,  same  presbytery ;  missionary,  Lake  Superior  ;  stated 
supply  Fairview,  Pa.,  Sturgeonville  and  Girard ;  died  near  Mercer. 
Pa  ,  Feb   1    '53.  consumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 


<MVFwm,  John  Naff.-- Son  of  Robert  and  Susan  (Naff);  born  Newville, 
Pa.;  law  student  with  Judge  L.  L.  McGuffin ;  practiced  New  Castle; 
Democratic  nominee  for  Congress,  '58;  marrie<l  Anna  L.  Ouerard,  Sara- 
mats,  Ga.,  June  29,  '59  ;  died  Feb.  23,  '59,  New  Caatle.  A.M.,  Jefferson 
College,  '49. 

:Nay,  John  B.— Born  Washington  Counly,  Pa  ,  — ;  Associate  Seminary, 
Canonsburg;  licensed  June  20,  '48,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  ordained 
by  Associate  Presbytery;  pastor  Crawfordsville,  Iowa,  Palestine,  111.;  died 
'79.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

*N,  Charles  Anderson.— Born  Westmoreland  County,  Pa.,  Nor.  17,  1828  ; 
W.  T.  8.,  '.')0-'V2 ;  licensed  '52,  Presbytery  of  Coshocton;  ordained  June 
8,  '54,  Presbytery  of  Muncie;  pastor  Muncie,  Ind.,  three  and  one-half 
years,  Frankfort  three  and  one-half  years;  chaplain  100th  Regiment 
Indiana  Volunteers;  pastor  Kendallville,  Ind.,  '71;  stated  supply  Big 
Rapids,  Mich., '71-74;  without  ciiarge ;  McComb,  Miss.,  '88 — ;  married 
October,  '5-'),  Annie  McClean;  Stated  Clerk  Presbytery.  Presbyterian 
minister,  McComb  City,  Miss. 

TRRAY,  Joseph. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Margaret  (Potter);  born  Library, 
Allegheny  County,  Pa.,  April  (J,  isjs  ;  teacher  Salineville,  O.,  '49-51; 
theological  student  in  prospect ;  unmarried  ;  died  Library,  Pa.,  Feb.  3,  '53, 
consumption.     Student. 

^ELL,  HuEY.— Born  Center  County,  Pa.,  March  24,  1811 ;  W.  T.  S.,  '46; 
licensed  April  5,  '4S,  Presbytery  of  Clarion;  ordained  April,  '49,  same 
presbytery;  stated  supply  Greenwood,  Tylersburg  and  Tionesta,  Pa., 
'49-53;  Iowa,  '53-57;  Tidioute  and  Concord,  Pa.;  Waterloo,  '59;  teacher; 
H.  R.;  married  Louisa  J.  Hovey.      Presbyterian  minister,  Franklin,  Pa. 

RKIN8,  Chester  H. — Born  Madison  County,  O.,  1822;  theology  privately; 
ordained '54,  Presbytery  of  Marion;  pastor  Milford  Centre,  O.,  '5-l-.">7, 
Radnor  '57-74,  Delhi  '72-74;  died  Delaware,  O.,  Oct.  17,  '74,  heart 
disease.     Presbyterian  minister. 

rr,  H.  C— Son  of  Hon.  William  and  Hannah  (Brady);  born  La  Grange, 
Lycoming  County,  Pa.,  March  24,  1824;  teacher  La  Porte,  Ind., 
'4J)-51 ;  law  student  with  Joseph  Jernegan,  Esq.,  South  Bend,  Ind.,  '50-52  ; 
practiced  law  Tipton,  Iowa,  '53-88;  Recorder  and  Treasurer,  Cedar 
County,  Iowa  ;  County  Treasurer  '5()-59  ;  member  Iowa  Legislature  '87-88; 
married  Nov.  22,  '52,  Margaret  Eason,  daugiUerof  John  Eason,  Lycoming 
County,  Pa.;  died  Nov.  1,  '88.     Lawyer;  residence  Tipton,  Iowa. 

',  Benjamin  F. — Son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Dowiin);  born  Greene  County, 
Pa.,  Oct.  9,  1828;  merchant  in  Galena,  III.,  '51-02;  Chicago,  'G2-82; 
President  of  Frazer  Lubricating  Co.,  '82 — ;  married  Sept.  27,  '55,  Janet 
E.  F.,  daughter  of  Hon.  W.  (.'.  Bostwick,  also  July  9,  '74,  Julia,  daughter 
of  Joseph  Matteson.     Merchant,  Chicago,  111. 

DICK,  William  Whitton. — Son  of  Col.  William  and  Mary;  born  Greens- 
burg,  Pa.,  Dec.  23,  1S26;  Superintendent  Public  Schools,   PitUburg,  Pa.,, 
unmarried;  died  Peoria,  111.,  Aug.  19,  'r>0  ;  A.M.,   '50-     Teacher. 


Keid,  Alexander  McCandless. — Son  of  HenrjandJane  (McCandlefls);  born 
Beaver  County,  Pa.,  April  20,  1827;  teacher;  W.  T.  S.,  *50-51 ;  licensed 
April,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Steubenville ;  ordained  April  25,  '60,  same  pres- 
bytery; stated  supply  Holiday's  Cove,  W.  Va.,  *60-63 ;  teacber  SewickJey. 
'56-57  ;  teacher  and  principal  Steubenville  Female  Seminary,  '57 — ;  mar- 
ried Oct.  18,  '56,- Sarah,  daughter  of  James  Lambert ;  Ph.  D.,  '69,  Wash- 
ington and  Jefferson  College;  Trustee  of  Wasliington  and  Jefferson  Col- 
lege ;  Director  of  Western  Theological  Seminary.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Steubenville,  O. 

*Reid,  Samuel  C— Born  Beaver  County,  Pa.;  Aasoclate  Theological  Seminary, 
Canonsburg;  licensed  Oct.  18,  '53,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers  ;  ordained  Oct. 
26,  '56,  Presbytery  of  Muskingum  ;  pastor  Ridges  and  Clear  Fork,  O., 
'66-59,  Cherry  Run,  ;Pa.,  '60-64,  Centerville  '65-67,  Springfield  '65-78, 
Hookstown  and  Tumlinson's  Run  '78 — ,  Beaver  '87  ;  died  Beaver,  Pa., 
Feb.  4,  '87.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

Sample,  Robert  Fleming.— Son  of  John  and  Jane  (Wilson);  born  Painted 
Post,  N.  Y..  Oct.  19,  1828;  W.  T.  S.  '50-53 ;  licensed  June  8,  '52,  Presby- 
tery of  Northumberland  ;  ordained  Oct.  18,  '53,  Presbytery  of  Erie;  pastor 
Mercer  Vint  Church,  Pennsyhania,  '53-56,  Bedford  '56-66;  stated  supply 
St.  Anthony,  Minn.,  '66-68,  Westminster,  Minneapolis,  '68-87;  West 
Twenty-third  Street  Church,  New  York,  '87—;  published  "Early  Dawn," 
"Clouds  After  Rain,"  "Memoir  of  Thom ;"  traveled  in  Egypt  and  the 
East;  married  March  31,  '53,  Nannie  M.,  daughter  of  Henry  Bracken; 
D.D.  Presbyterian  minister,  New  York. 
Sloan,  George  Marshall. — Son  of  George  and  Jessie  (Robertson);  born 
'  Hanover,  O.,  May  20,  1830;  law  student  with  James  Mason,  New  Lisbon, 
O.;  practiced  law  New  Lisbon,  O.,  '51-64,  Chicago,  111.,  '64  ;  married 
Sept.  1,  '59,  Charlotte  E.,  daughter  of  Woolsey  S.  Atkinson;  publiihed 
"  Telephone  of  Labor."     Lawyer,  Chicago,  111. 

♦Smith,  Hiram  N.— W.  T.  S.  '50-51 ;  died  typhoid  fever,  Allegheny,  Pa., 
at  W.  T.  S.,  April  23,  '51.     Theological  student. 

♦Smith,  Daniel  Fitch.— Son  of  Waller  and  Mary  A.  (Crawford);  born  Ells- 
worth, O.,  Sept.  22,  1828 ;  teacher  Lawrenceville  Academy,  Center  Co., 
Pa.;  W.  T.  S.  '50-51  ;  died  Ellsworth,  O.,  May  22,  '61,  typhoid  fever. 
Theological  student. 

Snodorass,  J.  M.  Associate  Theolo((ical  Seminary,  Canonsburg;  licensed 
June  18,  1850,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  ordained  October,  '51,  Presbyter; 
of  Miami;  pastor  Canonsburg,  O.,  '51-56.  Poplar  Ridge  '51-58,  Spring 
Branch,  Iowa,  '58. 

*SwAN,  Hugh  —Born  Ireland ;  P.  T.  S.  '49-50. 

Vincent,  William  Rba.  —Son  of  Joseph  S.  and  Sarah  (Rea);  born  Canonsburg, 
Pa.,  May  25,  1825;  licensed  April  25,  '52,  Presbytery  of  Washington; 
ordained  June  25,  '53,  Presbytery  of  St.  Clairsville  ;  pastor  Crab  Apple, 
O.,  '53-66,  Island  Creek '66-75,  Dell  Roy  and  North  Cumberland '75-8;{; 
stated  supply  Bethlehem  and  Minerva  '84 — ;  Superior,  Neb.,  '88  ;  married 
Oct.  25,  '53,  Eliza  J.,  daughter  of  Walter  Smith.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Superior,   Neb. 



CEB,  W.  Qlbson. — Son  of  Moses  and  Jane  (McGill);  born  Canonsburg, 
..,  1828;  teacher  Owensboro,  Ky.,  Nashville,  Tenn.,  Atlanta,  Ga.,  Rome, 
I.,  and  other  places ;  married  '55,  Anne  Powell ;  died  Rome,  Ga.,  Jan. 
,  '88,  typhoid  fever. 

}N,  Thomas  Brown. — Son  of  Henry  and  Jane  (Dili);  born  Washington 
.,  Pa.,  Nov.  22,  1822  ;  W.  T.  S.  '49-52 ;  licensed  April,  '52,  Presbytery 
Ohio ;  ordained  '52,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Sixth  Church,  Pittsburg, 
-,  '52-55;  Xenia,  O.,  '55-58;  married  Margaret  B  ,  daughter  of  Jacob 
aders;  died  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  Sept.  21,  '58,  typhoid  fever.  Presbyterian 

:row,   Thomas    Scott. — Son    of    John   and  Jane   (Roes);    born    near 
amittsburg,  Md.,  Aug.  18,  1827  ;  U.  T.  S.,  Virginia,  '50-52;  P.  T.  S. 
<-o3 ;  licensed  April  27,  '53,    Presbytery  of  New  Brunswick ;  ordained 
ily,  '55,  Presbytery  of  Winchester;  stated  supply  Hartwood,  Va.,  '55 
tted  supply  and  pastor  Washington  '55-60  ;  stated  supply  Mt.  Horeb  '61 
flsionary   and  agent  Amherst,   Albemarle  and  Nelson   Counties  '61-79 
ble  agent  Fluvana,  Nelson  and  Albemarle  Counties  '79-85;  preaching 
d  teaching  '85 —  ;  married  Dec.  19,  '60,  Lavinia  G.  Jelt.     Presbyterian 
nieter,  Faber's  Mills,  Va. 

',  Dr.  John  A. — Son  of  John  A.  and  Jane  (Orr);  born  Shippensburg,  Jan. 
,  1829  ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Alex.  Stewart,  Shippensburg,  and  Jef- 
rson  Medical  College,  Philadelphia,  graduating  in  '53  ;  teacher  Shippens- 
rg.  Pa.,  '5S-55 ;  practiced  medicine  Mechanicsville,  Ashland  Co.,  O., 
>-57;  died  Mechanicsville,  O.,  Feb.  17,  '57,  pneumonia;  unmarried, 

LOW,  James  F. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Thomas  and  Marian  (Williamson); 
rn  Carlisle,  England,  May  30,  1828;  teacher  Alabama  '50-52;  Professor 
tural  Science,  Oglethorpe  University,  Georgia,  '53-61 ;  Columbia  Semin- 
',  South  Carolina,  '61-86;  licensed  Oct.  15,  '59,  Presbytery  of  Hopewell  ; 
lained  April  8,  '60,  same  presbytery;  published  **  Geology,"  **Evolu- 
n;"  married  Aug.  4,  '57,  Felie  S.,  daughter  of  Rev.  John  W.  Baker; 
.D.,  '56,  Heidelburg University  ;  M.D.;  D.D.,  Harapden-Sidney  College; 
i.D.,  Dover  College,  North  Carolina.  Presbyterian  minister,  Columbia, 
uth  Carolina. 

,  William  G. — Born  Jessamine  Co.,  Ky.;  medical  student ;  farmer  near 
cholasville,  Ky.;  ruling  elder  Presbyterian  Church;  married  Miss  Stew- 
.    Residence,  Nicholasville,  Ky. 


TON,  Newell  Woodruff. — Son  of  A.  H.  and  Lucy;  born  Raymond, 
ississippi,  Sept.  30,  1H30;  planter,  Hines  Co.,  Miss.;  Confederate  States 
■my,  '61-65 ;  captain ;  married  '57,  Nannie  G.  Ford,  also  '80,  Harriet  P. 
ij.    Planter,  Edwards,  Miss. 


^Barber,  Thomas  Moorhead. — Son  of  Rev.  D.  M.  and  Sarah  C.  (Moorbead); 

born  Flemington,  Clinton  Co.,  Pa.,  July,  1830;  law  student  with  Pattou 

&  Bakewell,  Pittsburg,   Pa.,  '50*53 ;  practiced  law  Shelby,  Moultrie  Co., 

Ky.,  '53-54;  District  Attorney;  unmarried;  died  Derry  Township,  Mon» 

'  tour  Co.,  Pa.,  November,  '64,  consumption.     Lawyer. 

Barr,  John  Campbell.— Son  of  Samuel  and  Sibella  (Bell);  born  Mifflin  Co., 
Pa.,  Jan.  4,  1824;  teacher;  Lane  Theological  Seminary;  licensed  April 
11,  '53,  Presbytery  of  Cincinnati;  ordained  Jan.  3,  *o6,  Presbytery  of  Rock 
River;  pastor  Princeton,  111.,  'So-oT,  Maiden  '57-64,  Alexandria,  Fa , 
'71-85  ;  stated  supply  '85-87  ;  pastor  Monaghan  '87 — ;  married  May  1,  'oo, 
Jane,  daughter  of  John  Hamilton,  also  May  24,  '81,  Eliza  G.,  daughter  o£ 
Nicholas  Criswell.     Presbyterian  minister,  Dillsburg,  Pa. 

♦Brown,  JosiAH  Dixon. —Son  of  Elijah  and  Sarah;  born  Ohio  County,  W. 
Va.,  Feb.  20,  1826;  law  student;  practiced  law  Austin,  Texas,  'o2-')o; 
unmarried  ;  died  Austin,  Texas,  Jan.  9,  '5.) ;  chronic  dysentery.    Lawyer. 

Brown,  John  Allen.  -  Son  of  John  G.  and  Sarah  R.  (Patterson);  born 
Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  7, 1822;  teacher  Newville,  Pa.,  East  Liberty, 
Saltsburg,  '50-55  ;  licensed  Oct.  4,  '54,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville ;  ordained 
June  3,  '56,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Ligonier  and  Donegal,  Pa.,  '56-o'J ; 
Unity,  Fredericksburg,  O.,  '60-65;  West  Liberty;  and  principal  academy 
W.  Va.,  '65-75;  Allen  Grove,  Limestone  and  Wolf  Run,  '75-80;  Arvilla, 
D.  T.,  and  other  points,  '80—;  principal  academy,  '87 — ;  married  Oct. 
14,  '52,  Amanda,  daughter  of  Andrew  Christy.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Arvilla,  Dak. 

*Calahan,  John. — Son  of  Gen.  William  S.  and  Mary  (Brown);  bornCanous- 
burg.  Pa.,  1832;  sheep  farmer,  Texas;  Confederate  States  Army;  died 
Gettysburg,  Pa.,  July,  '63.     Farmer. 

Campbell,  Samuel  Lyon. — Son  of  Dr.  Hugh  and  Rachel  Lyon ;  born 
Uniontown,  Pa.,  March  11,  1829;  teacher;  W.  T.  S.,  '58—;  licensed  '64, 
Presbytery  of  Redstone;  licentiate  of  Presbytery  of  Allegheny;  unmar- 
ried ;  infirm ;  Warren  Pennsylvania  Asylum  for  the  Insane. 

Campbell,  William. — Son  of  August  and  Isabella  (Mcintosh);  born  Colum- 
biana County,  O.,  Aug.  24,  '25;  teacher  '50-52;  W.  T.  S.,  '52- V); 
licensed  June,  '55,  Presbytery  of  Xew  Lisbon ;  ordained  February,  '"jS, 
Presbytery  of  Wooster;  pastor  Northfield,  O.,  '55-65;  stated  supply  Bed- 
ford, ^o'y-iyr) ;  pastor  Manteuo,  111.,  '66-70 ;  home  missionary,  Beneventura, 
Cal.,  *70-71 ;  Remington,  Ind.,  '71-72 ;  pastor  Good'and,  Ind., '72-79: 
stated  supply  Manteno,  111,  80-86;  Manhattan,  Ky.,  '87;  Lincoln,  '?^> 
married  Oct.  22,  '62,  Sarah  J.,  daughter  of  Lyman  Foster;  Stated  Clerk. 
Presbyterian  minister,  Lincoln,  Kan. 

Chalfant,  John  W. — Son  of  Henry  and  Isabella  C,  born  Allegheny  County, 
Pa.;  iron  manufacturer,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  1S51— ;  Board  of  Public  Chari- 
ties; Senator-elect,  '89;  married  May  31,  '60,  Eleanor  Q.  McCrea 
Manufacturer,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 



VKRT,  William  H.— Son  of  James  and  Anna;  born  Butler  County,  Pa., 
Jan.  12,  181t> ;  student ;  unmarried  *  died  '52,  near  Wheeling,  W.  Va. 
Supposed  to  have  been  murdered. 

:k,  Robebt  Nelson. — Son  of  William  and  Isabella  (Nelson);  born  Indiana 
('  anty,  Pa.,  August,  1825;    Associate   Reformed   Theological   Seminary, 
liegheny,  '5^-63  ;  licensed  April,  '54 ;  missionary  ;  unmarried ;  died  Mt. 
I  leasant,  Pa.,  Sept.  15,  '54,  dysentery.    United  Presbyterian  licentiate. 

;lky,  Caleb  Woodwa&d. — Son  of  £benezer  and  Phoebe  (Woodward); 
born  Fayette  County,  Pa.,  Jan.  15,  1827  ;  teacher  '50-53 ;  W.  T.  S., 
'53-55;  licensed  May, '55,  Presbytery  of  Redstone;  ordained  September, 
'55,  Presbytery  of  Columbus;  pastor  London,  O.,  '55-77;  married  Sept. 
14,  '59,  Maggie,  daughter  of  Rev.  Samuel  M.  Wilson  ;  also  July  3,  '62, 
Mary,  daughter  of  Edward  Cowling ;  died  London,  O.,  April  13,  '77, 
nervous  ezhaystion.     Presbyterian  minister. 

LLAOHER,  James  M. — Born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  1828;  law  student  with  Penny 
&  Sterrett,  Pittsburg,  '51-53 ;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '53-65 ;  mar- 
ried '64.  Rose  McNamee;  died  Pittsburg,   Pa.,  February,  '66.     Lawyer. 

DwiLLis,  David  Henderson.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  David  and  Frances 
(Hamfli);  bom  New  Bedford,  Pa.,  Oct.  25,  1827 ;  Associate  Theological 
ijeminary,  Canonsburg,  '50-53  ;  licensed  September,  '53;  ordained  Septem- 
ber, '55,  Presbytery  of  Stamford ;  pastor  Stamford,  Canada,  '55-61  ;  Com- 
merce, Mich.,  '61-82;  Fort  Gratiot,  '82—;  married  Aug.  31,  '54,  Catharine 
R.,  daughter  of  John  Armstrong.  United  Presbyterian  minister,  Fort 
Gratiot,  Mich. 

ftsucH,  James  M.— -Born  Beaver  County,  Pa.;  U.  P.  T.  S.,  Allegheny, 
1850-54;  licensed  April  20,  '53,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela ;  pastor-elect 
Gavers,  O.;  married  Mary  Richmond  ;  died  Allegheny,  Pa.,  Feb.  29,  '56. 
Licentiate  United  Presbyterian  Church. 

FF,  Alexander  CuLBERTSON. — Son  of  Henry  and  Elizabeth  ;  born  Pleasant 
Unity,  Westmoreland  County,  Pa.,  Nov.  10,  1828 ;  business ;  Mayor  of 
Frisco,  Col.;  ranching,  Hayden,  Col.;  unmarried.  Ranchman,  Hay- 
den,  Col. 

EN,  William  Farinfold. — Born  Franklin  County,  N.  C;  law  student; 
State  Solicitor,  Franklin  County,  N.  C,  1852-»'H) ;  Legislature  North  Caro- 
lina, '55-62;  State  Constitutional  Convention  '75;  Confederate  States 
Army,  '61-65;  major,  '61-62;  colonel,  '62-65;  Presidential  Elector, 
'SO.     Lawyer,  Franklinton,  N.  C. 

IFFIN,  Thomas  G. — Born  Mississippi;  law  student;  practiced  law 
Mississippi,  Texas;  itinerant  resident,  Gautemula,  '<)7— ;  Cnnfo<lerate 
States  Array,  '61-65;  colonel  18th  Mississippi  Volunteers;  died  Feb.  25, 
'87  at  Puerto  Cortes,  Honduras,  by  drowning. 


Hall,  David. — Son  of  Dayid  and  Margaret  (Hindman);  born  Armatrong  Co., 
Pa.,  Dec.  13,  1828;  teacher  '50-51 ;  W.  T.  S.  '61-64  j  licenaed ,  Pres- 
bytery of  Allegheny ;  ordained  Nov.  6,  '66,  same  presbytery ;  co-pas- 
tor First  Church,  Columbus, '55;  pastor  Brady's  Bend  and  Union,  Pa.,'56-6(); 
Mansfield,  O.,  '66-74;  Indiana,  Pa.,  74—;  married  Dec.  2,  '56,  Elisabeth, 
<Iaughter  of  David  Walker ;  D.D.,  '70,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College. 
Presbyterian  minister,  Indiana,  Pa. 

Hartley,  William.— Son  of  William  and (Westbrook);  born  Mt.  Dallas, 

Bedford  Co.,  Pa.,  July  24,  1H31  ;  farmer  Mt.  Dallas,  near  Bedford,  Pa., 
'51-56  ;  merchant  Bedford,  Pa.,  '56-64 ;  oil  producer  Western  Pennsyl- 
vania, '64;  commissioner  to  build  State  Reformatory;  married  Dec.  13, 
'•)(),  Margaret  S.  Metsger ;  residence  Bedford,  Pa. 

Hawkins,  Archibald  Davis.— Son  of  Philemon  and  Jaoobina;  bom  Frank- 
lin Co.,  N.  C,  1827 ;  law  student  with  Chief-Justice  R.  M.  Pearson,  Yad- 
kin Co.,  N.  C;  practiced  law  Wilson  Co.,  N.  C,  for  a  short  time,  Para- 
clifta,  Sevier  Co.,  Ark.,  Rocky  Comfort,  Ark.;  Arkansas  Legislature  two 
sessions;  married  Mary  Hawkins.  Lawyer,  Rocky  Comfort,  Little  River 
Co.,  Ark. 

Hats,  John  Smith. — Son  of  John  and  Orpha  (Cornwall);  bom  near  Canons- 
burg,  Pa.,  Aug.  2,  1830  ;  W.  T.  8.  '50-53  ;  licensed  '53,  Presbytery  of  Ohio; 
ordained  *53,  Presbytery  of  New  Albany;  pastor  Charlestown,  Ind., '53-57, 
Second  Church,  Nashville,  Tenn.,  '57-61,  Frankfort,  Kj.,  '62-67,  Walnut 
Street  Church,  Louisville,  '67-74 ;  professor  Danville  Theological  Semin- 
ary '74-83;  pastor  Quincy,  111.,  '83-86,  Maysville,  Ky.,  '85—;  married 
March,  '54,  Fanny  M.  Dickey,  also  Dec.  25,  '79,  Carrie  S.  Ritchie;  D.D., 
'69,  Center  College,  Ky.     Presbyterian  minister,  ^[aysviUe,  Ky, 

Hayward,  Georoe.  -  Son  of  John  E.  and  Margaret  (Duer);  born  near  Snow 
Hill,  Md.,  Feb.  15,  1830  ;  married  Oct.  15,  '63,  Anna,  daughter  of  Rev. 
Henry  Crossdale ;  residence  Wilna,  Md. 

Hill,  Benjamin  F. — Son  of  John  and  Catharine  (Chestnut);  bom  Washiug- 
toii  Co.,  Pa.,  June  18,  1828;  medical  student  with  Dr.  T.  W.  Bradley 
*53-')o;  practiced  medicine  Candor,  Pa.,  *52 — ;  assistant  surgeon  140ih 
Pennsylvania  Volunteers '62-<)5;  married  Sept.  16,  *65,  Eliza  J.,  daughter 
of  John  Sturgeon.     Physician,  Candor,  Pa. 

HuTCJiisoN,  John  Finley.— Son  of  John  and  Ellen  (Clancey);  born  Belle- 
brook,  Greene  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  10,  1S26  ;  teacher  Chillicothe,  O.;  theology 
with  W.  T.  and  S.  Findley,  and  Theological  Seminary,  Xenia,  O.,  '53: 

licensed  '52,  Presbytery  of  Springfield  ;  ordained  '53,  Presbytery  of -; 

pastor  Kenton,  O.,  '.'>r)-57,  Knightstown,  Ind.,  '57-66,  principal  Female 
Seminary,  Xenia,  O.,  TjO-OS;  pastor  Madison,  Ind.,  '68-76,  two  churches 
near  Rushville  '70 — ;  President  Board  of  Education,  Madison,  Ind.;  pub- 
lished **  History  of  Synod  of  the  West;"  married  July  12,  *53,  Priscilla, 
daughter  of  David  Knox;  D.D.,  Monmouth  and  Hanover  College, '86- 
Unite<l  Presbyterian  minister,  Rushville,  Ind. 



,  SA.MUEL.  R. — Son  of  John  and  Locinda  £.  (Gilchrist);  born  New  Alez- 
dria,  Pa.,  Dec.  2,  1827  ;  teacher  Tennessee,  '50-53 ;  law  student  with 
£.  Richardsonj  practiced  law  Djersburg,  Tenn.,  '54  - ;  captain  Confed- 
ite  States  Army  '61-62;  married  Dec.  9,  '52,  Mary  G.,  daughter  of 
hn  Guthrie.     Lawyer,  Dyersburg,  Tenn. 

iNCOTT,  Joseph  M.— From  Sydney,  O.;  theological  student;  licensed 
esbytery  (?;;  stated  supply  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  '53-54;  Missouri;  stated 
pply  and  teacher;  died  Putnam  Co.,  O.,  '56  or  '57.     Presbyterian  min- 

JoHN  Smith. — Son  of  John  and  Priscilla  (Smith);  bom  Huntingdon 
•.,  Pa.,  May  19,  1831;  teacher  '51-55;  medical  student  JeflPerson  Medi- 
i  College ;  practiced  medicine  Snowshoe,  Pa.,  '56-58,  Springville,  Iowa, 
\ — ;  married  Sept.  28,  '55,  Alice  C,  daughter  of  J.  D.  Stone.  Physician ; 
lidence  Springfield,  Iowa. 

EBS,  Joseph  Hamilton. — Son  of  James  and  Jane  (Hutchinson);  born 
ifflintown,  Pa.,  Aug.  5,  1832  ;  P.  T.  S.  '51-54  ;  licensed  June,  '54,  Presby- 
ry  of  Huntingdon  ;  ordained  Oct.  8,  ^oGf  same  presbytery ;  stated  supply 
id  teacher  Richland  City  and  Center,  Wis.,  '55-04 ;  pastor  McConnells- 
rg.  Green  Hill  and  Wells  Valley,  Pa.,  '65-68,  Logan's  Valley  '68—;  mar- 
jd  Dec.  2,  '56,  Sarah  E.,  daughter  of  George  Jacobs.  Presbyterian 
nister;  residence,  Bellwood,  Pa. 

iiSNEY,  David  L. — Son  of  Andrew  and  Mary  (Henderson);  born  New 
exandria,  Pa.,  Jan.  10,  1827  ;  medical  student  Philadelphia  and  Vermont 
>-52;  practiced  medicine  Middlehurg,  O.,  '52-53,  Annawan,  111.,  '53-71, 
fneseo  '71—;  married  May  2.S,  '62,  Martha  E.,  daughter  of  Alfred  Tay- 

Phyrfician  ;  residence  Geneseo,  111. 
DE,  Isaac. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Agnes;  born  County  Antrim,  Ireland, 
— ;    medical  student,    Philadelphia ;    practiced   medicine  Philadelphia, 
52(?) — ;  married.     Physician,  Philadelphia. 

rLLOUOH,  Robert. — Born  Harrison  Co.,  O.;  W.  T.  S.  1850  53  ;  licensed 
J,  Presbytery  of  New  Lisbon;  ordained  '54;  pastor  '54-55;  Mt.  Zion  and 
opewell,  O.;  stated  supply  Ohio  and  Indiana  '58 ;  Chinese  Camp,  Cal., 
5 ;  married  Lucy  Woolcot ;  died  Chinese  Camp,  Cal.,  August,  '58.  Pres- 
'terian  minister. 

i.LOUOH,  Samuel  N. — Son  of  William  and  Elizabeth ;  born  Yellow 
■eek,  Jefferson  Co.,  O.,  Aug.  7,  1S30;  farmer;  coal  dealer;  residence 
nton,  Jefferson  Co.,  O. 

AY,  William.— Born  Columbiana  Co.,  O..  .July  7,  1S25  ;  W.  T.  S.  '50-51  ; 
jensed  '52,  Presbytery  of  New  Lisbon;  missionary  work;  died  Jan.  19, 
1     Presbyterian  minister. 

ILLAN,  Robert— Son  of  John  ;  born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  March  10, 
29;  teacher '50-53  ;  W.  T.  S.  '55-5H  ;  licensed  April  17,  '5«>.  Presbytery 
Washington;  ordained  Aug.  25,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Saltsburg ;  pastor 
'arren  and  Pine  Run,  Pa.,  '57-04  ;  married  '50,  Lizzie^  daughter  of  Will- 
m  White  ;  died  Apollo,  Pa.,  Aug.  1,  '64.     Presbyterian  minister. 


•MiNNis,  Davii>— Son  of  David  and  Rachel  (Berry);  bom  Beaver  Co.,  P 
Sept.  7,  1831 ;  medical  student  Pennsjlyania  University ;  practiced  me 
cine  Beaver,  Pa.,  *52-61 ;  United  States  Army;  surgeon  '61-62;  man: 
September,  '61,  Sarah,  daughter  of  Hon.  Daniel  Agnew;  died  Boanc 
Island,  N.  C,  Feb.  14,  *62,  in  service.     PhTsician. 

*MoROAir,  T.  £. — Law  student;  practiced  law  Keokuk,  Iowa;  died  Keoki 

Okkson,  William  B.— Son  of  William  and  Jane  (Black);  born  Tuscarora  V 
ley,  Juniata  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  12,  1828  ;  law  student  with  Galloway  &  Paj 
Columbus,  O.,  and  H.  I.  Harris,  Vicksburg,  Miss.,  and  Juhn  I.  Gui< 
Cooper's  Wells ;  practiced  law  Springfield,  Texas,  '54-56,  Dubuque,  Io\ 
'56-59;  business  Monroe  Co.,  Mo.,  '59-62  ;  practiced  law  Chicago,  111.,  - 
United  States  Army ;  70th  Regiment,  Missouri ;  colonel ;  attorney  for 
estate  at  Amsterdam,  Holland,  '67  ;  married  Dec.  8,  '57,  Margaret  I.  Han 
Lawyer ;  residence,  2821  Indiana  Avenue,  Chicago,  111. 

Orr,  Franklin. — Son  of  Samael  C.  and  Margaret  McC.  (Sloan);  born  Clari 
Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  27,  1825;  W.  T.  S.  '50-53;  licensed  June,  '52,  Presbyu 
of  Clarion ;  ordained  Nov.  3,  '53,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville ;  pastor  Beth 
Pa.,  '53-57,  Currie's  Run'  53-58,  Tunnellton  '57,  Jacksonville '58-85 ;  evi 
gelist  '85 — ;  married  March  20,  '55,  Margaret,  daughter  of  George  t 'ra 
head,  also  April  2,  57,  Mrs.  Martha  M.  Curtis,  daughter  of  David  Macl« 
Presbyterian  minister,  Indiana,  Pa. 

^Patrick,  W.  W.— Son  of  William  and  Jane  (Jamison);  born  Petersburg,  P 
April  19,  1827  ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '53-56  ;  banl 
Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '56—;  married  July,  '59,  Martha  J.,  daughter  of  Sami 
Elder.     Banker;  residence,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

•Penny,  Levi. — Son  of  James  and  Jane;  born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa,,  Feb.  J 
1822 ;  teacher  '50-51  ;  died  McKeesport,  Pa.,  Aug.  21,  '51. 

Pershing,  Israel  C— Son  of  Christian  S.  and  Elizabeth  (Long);  bom  Younj 
town.  Pa.,  Nov.  5,  1826  ;  entered  Pittsburg  Conference  of  Methodist  Ep 
copal  Church,  '50;  preached  in  various  places  '50-54;  pastor  Pittsbui 
Pa.,  and  Steubenville,  O.,  '54-60 ;  President  Pittsburg  Female  Collef 
'59-86;  Secretary  Pittsburg  Conference  of  Methodist  Episcopal  Churc 
55-77;  Delegate  to  General  Conference,  Methodist  Episcopal  Churc 
'62-76 ;  Delegate  to  International  Sunday-school  Convention ;  Delegate 
Robert  Raikes  Centennial,  in  London ;  Delegate  to  Evangelical  Allianc 
New  York,  '73  ;  married  June  10,  '51,  Charlotte  L.,  daughter  of  Major  J 
Canan  ;  D.D.,  '62,  Jefferson  College.  Methodist  Episcopal  minister,  All 
gheny,  Pa. 

PURNELL,  John  R.— Son  of  William  W.  and  Eleanor  H.  (Robins)*,  born  ne 
Snow  Hill,  Md.,  May  5,  1832;  teacher '50-54 ;  farmer  '54-60;  mercha 
'60-()2 ;  law  student ;  AFaryland  Legislature  '70-76  ;  married  Feb.  1,  '♦> 
EmmaC,  daughter  of  John  C.  Dirikson,  also  Nov.  24,  '69,  Margaret! 
daughter  of  Edward  Stevenson.     Residence,  Berlin,  Md. 



If,  Matthew  Stanley.— Son  of  Rev.  Andereon  B.  and  Catherine  (McCain); 
born  Dillsburg,  Pa.,  Sept.  3tJ,  1833  ;  law  student;  practiced  law  Beaver,  Pa.; 
Prosecuting  Attorney  Beaver  Co.,  Pa.,  '50-61 ;  Pennsylvania  Legislature, 
'65-67;  Secretary  Commonwealth,  Pennsylvania,  *73-82;  private  secretary  to 
Governor  Curtln;  Military  Secretary;  lieutenant-colonel;  colonel  134th 
Pennsylvania  Volunteers ;  Treasurer  of  State  of  Pennsylvania,  '85-87 ; 
United  States  Senator  '86—;  married  Oct.  10,  '55,  Agnes,  daughter  of  John 
Barclay,  Beaver,  Pa. 

2,  George  Sherman. — Son  of  Chauncey  and  Jane  (Scott);  born  Westmore- 
land Co.,  Pa,  Sept.  1,  1829;  teacher  '50-53;  W.  T.  S.  '53-56;  licensed 
April,  '56,  Presbytery  of  New  Lisbon;  ordained  September,  '58,  Presbytery 
of  Hiland;  slated  supply  Hiland,  Kan.,  '57-60;  pastor  Iberia,  O.,  '60-66, 
Hubbard,  O.,  '66-72  ;  stated  supply  Coitsville  and  Concord  '72-74  ;  pastor 
Slippery  Rock  and  Newport,  Pa.,  '74—;  married  April  1,  '52,  Elisabeth 
M.  Elder.     Presbyterian  minister,  Wampum,  Pa. 

ERS,  David  J. — Son  of  Rowland  and  Mary  W.  (Hartshorn);  born  Washing- 
ton Co.,  Pa.,  1825;  contractor;  Pennsylvania  Legislature,  7^76;  Super- 
intendent Chartiers  Cemetery  ;  marrietl  '66,  Catharine  K.  Halback.     Resi- 
dence, Mansfield  Valley,  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa., 
{n>ERs,  William  P. — 

T,  Abraham  O. — Son  of  William  McClean  and  Jane  (Kerr);  born  North 
Creek,  near  Gettysburg,  Pa.,  Feb.  21,  1828;  medical  student  Gettysburg 
and  Pennsylvania  University,  '50-53  ;  practiced  medicine  Hui^terstown  and 
Gettysburg, '53-56 ;  Fairfield,  Adams  County,  Pa.,  '55--;  United  States 
Army,  private  3d  Pennsylvania  Volunteers ;  married  April  3,  '53,  Jane 
Ronon  Wilson.     Physician,  Fairfield,  Adams  County,  Pa. 

T,  John  Preston. — Son  of  David  and  Mary  (War nock);  born  Beaver  Co., 
Pa.,  May  8,  1830;  Associate  Theological  Seminary,  Canonsburg  ;  licensed 
June  14,  '53,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers ;  ordained  November,  '54,  Presbytery 
of  Richland ;  pastor  Millersburg  and  Keene,  O.,  '55-59,  Detroit,  Mich., 
'59-78,  Presbyterian  Church,  Monticello,  N.  Y.;  pastor  Lebanon,  O.,  '82 — ; 
Stated  Clerk,  Moderator  United  Presbyterian  Synod  ;  principal  Jefferson 
Institute ;  editor  Detroit  Pvlpil ;  married  Dec.  2,  '56,  Martha  J.  Gifford. 
Presbyterian  minister,  Lebanon,  O. 

[th,  Henry  Martyn. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  William  and  Maria  (Buchanan); 
born  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  Jan.  16,  1832 ;  clerk  Baltimore,  Cleveland,  Dayton ; 
United  States  Army, sergeant,  '61-67  ;  Major  19th  Regiment  Ohio  Volun- 
teers; clerk  Commissary  Department;  captain  ;  post  commander,  Arizona; 
Fort  Lapnai,  I.  T.;  brevet-major;  died  Fort  Lapnai,  I.  T.,  April  23,  '77, 
inflammation  of  the  stomach.     Soldier. 

:nce,  John. — Son  of  Irving  and  Margaret  S.  (Robins);  born  Snow  Hill, 
Md.,  July  23,  1831 ;  teacher;  law  student  with  Hon.  A  Spence,  and  Hon. 
T.  A.  Spence,  Snow  Hill,  Md.;  practiced  law  Bastrop,  Texas,  '54-61; 
Crockett,  '71-79;  Confederate  States  Army,  '61-65;  major;  ruling  elder 
Presbyterian  Church,  Crockett;  married  July  14,  '66,  Adele  K.  S., 
daughter  of  J.  L.  B.  Robins ;  died  Crockett,  Texas,  July,  '79.      Lawyer. 


Stewart,  T.  B. — Son  of  Dayid  and  Jane  (Byers);  born  Ohio  County,  W.  Va., 
Jan.  20,  1828 ;  farmer,  Ohio  County,  W.  Va.,  'dl-(>6,  Washington  Coonty, 
Pa.,  *66-78,  Spearyille,  Kan.,  78--^;  married  May  10,  54,  Theresa,  daogh- 
ter  of  Isaac  Von  Voorhis.     Farmer ;   residence  Spearville,  Kan. 

Stone,  George  Henry.— Son  of  Stephen  and  Sarah  N.  (Fuller);  born  Beaver, 
Pa.,  April  27,  1831;  law  student  with  Richard  Roberts,  Beaver,  Pa. 
practiced  law  Peoria,  Ul.;  Forest  City  Oil  Company,  Cleveland,  O.;  marriec 
'50,  Miss  Thompson.     Lawyer,  Cleveland,  O. 

Taliaferro,  David  M. — Son  of  S.  W.  and  Sarah  ;  born  Todd  County,  Ky 
March  20,  1830 ;  medical  student,  Elkton,  Ky.,  with  Drs.  McReynolds; 
Jefferson  Medical  College,  '53;  practiced  medicine  Asliley  Co.,  Ark. 
'o3-o4;  Hadensville,  Todd  County,  Ky.,  '54-67,  Roseville,  111.,  'oT- 
farming  with  practice ;  married  June  3,  '60,  S.  J.  Kelley.  Pbysiciao 
RoseviUe.  111. 

Wilson,  Robert  Fleming.— Son  of  George  and  Nancy  (Taylor);  burn  Kisha 
coquillas  Valley,  Pa.,  April  25,  1825 ;  teacher  '50-53  ;  Western  Theologica 
Seminary,  '52-54  ;  P.  T.  S.,  '54-55  ;  licensed  June,  '•)4,  Presbytery  o 
Huntingdon;  Marion,  Iowa,  '55-56 ;  ordained  Nov.  20,  '56,  Presbytery  o: 
Redstone;  pastor  McKeesport,  Pa.,  '56-67  ;  stated  supply  Logan's Valler 
"67-68,  pastor  Bedford,  '68-78  ;  stated  supply  Bloody  Run,  '6S-78 ;  Perrys 
ville,  '78—;  pastor  Port  Royal,  '78-86 ;  married  Sept.  26,  '56,  Elizabeti 
C,  daughter  of  James  McCullough.    Presbyterian  minister,  Lewistowo,  Pa 

honorary  degrees. 

Lyon,  Samuel  Stewart. — Son  of  John  and  Margaret  E.  (Stewart);  bon 
Pennsylvania  Furnace,  Huntingdon  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  11,  1822;  business 
married  Oct.  IG,  '55,  Anna,  daughter  of  Abraham  Valentine;  residene 
Bellefonte.  Pa.;  A.B.,  '50. 


Anderson,  James  Wright.  -Son  of  Thomas  and  Esther  (Wright);  born  nea 
Pittsburg,  Ph.,  April  1, 1831  ;  teacher,  California;  Superintendent  Schools 
Solano  Couniy,  Cal.,  '55-56;  President  Hesp.  College,  San  Francisco 
73—;  married  May  3,  '57,  Nancy  E.,  daughter  of  Robert  Heizer,  als 
June  15,  '73,  Annca,  daughter  of  Ery  Bryant.  Teacher,  San  Francisco 
Cal.;  residence  3044  Sixteenth  Street. 

Betts.  C.  B. — Born  Charlotte,  Tenn.;  Due  West  Seminary  (Associate  Reformed] 
licensed  Aug.  13,  1853;  ordained  May,  '55,  pastor  Winnsboro,  S.  C. 
'55-()9,  Richburg  '69 — ;  married  October,  '52,  Miss  Sharp,  also  Novembe* 
'73,  Miss  Burns.  Associate  Reformed  Presbyterian  minister,  Richburg 
S.  C. 

*BoG<is,  Crosby  M. — Born  Pendleton  County,  S.  C,  Aug.  15,  1824;  teache 
Lexington,  Ky.;  married  December,  '50,  Jane  Ewing ;  died  Johnstowo 
Pa.,  Dec.  15,  '51,  diphtheria.     Teacher. 

•Braddock,  Cyrus  Greene. — Son  of  Francis  and  Annie  (Gray);  born  Green 
County,  Pa.,  Nov.  24,  1S24;  W.  T.  S.,  '51-54;  licensed  June  15,  "oi^ 
Presbytery  of  Washington  ;    stated   supply  Harrisville,    W.   Va.,  '54-oo 



ordained  evangelist  Oct  4,  '54,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Bethany,  Pa., 
55-74;  nuirrled  Oct.  24,  '54,  Sarah  A.,  daughter  of  William  Bailey; 
lied  Bridgeville,  Allegheny  County,  Pa.,  June  29,  74,  typhoid  fever. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

kNDEN,  Aabon  S.— Born  near  Fort  Adams,  Wilkinson  County,  Miss.; 
planter ;  Confederate  States  Army  '63 ;  Company  D,  2l8t  Mississippi ;  died 
^ay  3,  '63,  Chancellorsville..  Va.     Fell  in  battle. 

row,  Benjamin  H. — Son  of  Frances  Marion  and  Emily  E.  (Helm);  born 
Blkton,  Todd  County,  Ky.,  June  20,  1832  ;  law  student;  practiced  law  Elk- 
on,  Ky.,  '53-58,  Hopkinton  '58-61,  Louisville  '65-78,  New  York '78— ; 
Jnited  States  Army,  '61-65 ;  lieutenant-colonel ;  colonel  8th  Kentucky 
Cavalry  ;  United  States  District  Attorney,  Kentucky,  '66-69 ;  United  States 
felicitor-General,  '70-72 ;  Secretary  of  Treasury,  '74-76  ;  married  Nov.  21, 
64,  Abbie  S.,  daughter  of  William  C.  Briscoe.  Lawyer,  37  West  49th 
Street,  New  York. 

>wEi^  James. — Son  of  Ebenezer  and  Martha  (Finney);  born  Westmore- 
and  County,  Pa.,  Dec.  19,  1824;  W.  T.  S.  '51-54;  licensed  April,  '54, 
t^resbytery  of  Redstone;  ordained  June,  '55,  Presbytery  of  Iowa;  pastcT 
Liberty ville,  Iowa,  '55-68 ;  stated  supply  Maple  Creek,  Pa.;  pastor  Perry, 
69-78;  stated  supply  East  Union,  Decker's  Point,  '87;  married  Sept.  2, 
69,  Isabella,  daughter  of  James  S.  Martin.  Presbyterian  minister^ 
Decker's  Point,  Pa. 

>BELL,  John  A.  —Son  of  Isaac  and  Mary  F.  (Thompson);  born  Hunt- 
ngdon  County,  Pa.,  May  27,  1823;  teacher  '51-55;  licensed  April  18, 
55,  Presbytery  of  Dayton ;  ordained  April  16,  '56  ;  pastor  St.  Mary's  and 
^ew  Salem,  '50-57,  Winchester  and  Union  City,  Ind.,  '57-59,  Hartford 
ind  New  Cumberland,  '61-68,  Rosswell  and  Wea,  '68-72,  Lexington  and 
5haron  Hill,  '72-80,  Frankfort  and  points,  '80—;  married  Dec.  29,  '52, 
5arah  A.,  daughter  of  John  Hamilton.  Presbyterian  minister,  Frank- 
brt,  Ind. 

K,  Archibald.— Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  April  25,  1830  ;  law  student; 
F^ension  Office,  Washington,  D.  C.,*62-7l  ;  died  Dec.  31,  '71,  consumption. 

TER,  Jonathan  Redick.— Son  of  Rev.  John  and  Jane  (Logan);  born 
lear  BuUer,  Pa.,  April  23,  1829  ;  teacher  '51-55  ;  W.  T.  S.  '51-55 ;  licensed 
Fune  25,  '56,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny  ;  ordained  Aug.  25,  '57,  same  pres- 
jytery  ;  pastor  Scrubgrass,  Pa.,  '56—;  married  Aug.  12,  '56,  Margaret  J., 
laughter  of  Robert  Cunningham.  Presbyterian  minister,  Crawford's  Cor- 
lers.  Pa. 

ZENS,  Henry  B. — Born  Louisville,  Ky.,  July  20,  1830  ;  law  student;  civil 
engineer  Kentucky,  Mississippi  and  Louisiana;  married  Kate  Barton;  died 
Jci.  24,  '77,  congestive  chill.     Civil  engineer. 

JKRTSON,  William  F.— Born  Franklin  Co.,  Pa.;  W.  T.  S.  1S53-54  ;  Dan- 
rille  Theological  Seminary  ;  can  not  be  traced  further. 


*DuNCAN,  Samuel. -Born  Spring  Hill,  Pa.,  March  6,  1832;  law  student; 
practiced  law  Dubuque,  Iowa,  '54-63,  Chicago,  111., '63-65,  Dubuque,  Albu- 
querque, N.  M.,  El  Paso,  Tex.;  married  Sept.  6,  '54,  Colantha  Stubblefield; 
died  El  Paso,  Tex.,  July  14.  76.     Lawyer. 

FiKE,  John  F.— Born  Somerset  Co.,  Pa.,  March  2,  1824;  teacher  Tenneaeee 
'51-53;  medical  student;  business,  lumber,  Tennessee;  surveyor;  Illinois 
and  Indiana  '61-65;  Tennessee  '65~. 

Hanna,  James  W. — Son  of  Rev.  Archibald  and  Mary  (Ramage);  born  Mt. 
Eaton,  O.,  Jan.  4,  1827;  W.  T.  S.  '5I^'>4;  licensed  May,  '53,  Presbytery 
of  Wooster;  ordained  October,  '54,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Canal  Fuiion, 
O.,  '54-58,  Laporte,  Ind.,  '58-60,  Waveland  '60-63,  Haysville,  O.,  '0:M7; 
agent  Western  University  '67-68 ;  pastor  Big  Grove  '69-70 ;  principal  Lyong 
Collegiate  Institute  '70-71 ;  pastor  Mt.  Vernon,  Iowa,  '72-77,  Grundy  Center 
'77-82,  Armordale,  Kan.,  '82-84,  Quenemo  '85-87;  published  "Celestial 
Dynamics,"  **  Forces  of  Inorganic  Nature  ;"  married  May  11,  '54,  Joanna 
M.,  daughter  of  Dr.  James  Smith.     Presbyterian  minister,  Emporia,  Kan. 


Hepburn,  Andrew  Dousa.— Born  Williamsport,  Pa.,  Nov.  14, 1830;  P.  T.  S. 
'54-57  ;  licensed  April,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Carlislt;  ordained  Oct.  22,  '58, 
Presbytery  of  Lexington;  pastor  New  Providence,  Va.,  '58-60;  professor 
University  of  North  Carolina  '59-67 ;  Miami  University,  Ohio,  '68-73 ;  Presi- 
dent University  of  Ohio  '71-73  ;  professor  D.  C.  N.  *74 — ;  President 
D.  0.  N.  '77—;  D,D,     Presbyterian  minister,  Oxford,  O. 

Johnson,  Andrew  Jackson. — Born  Pennsylvania ;  P.  T.  S.  1857-60 ;  ordained 
evangelist  April,  '(51,  Presbytery  of  New  Orleans;  home  missionaiy  Araite 
City,  La.,  '61-62,  '65-66,  Summit,  Miss.,  '66-67,  Covington,  La., '67-68; 
demitted  ministry  Dec.  1,  '68 ;  practiced  medicine,  Texas,  '74 — ;  Dallas, 
Tex.     Physician,  Dallas,  Texas. 

Johnson,  Sinclair. — Born  Wayne  Co.,  O.,  Feb.  23,  1824;  teacher  '51—; 
land  association ;  school  director ;  married  March  1,  '60,  Miss  Brown;  rul- 
ing elder  Presbylerian  Church  ;  residence  Wayne  Co.,  O. 

♦Jordan,  John.-  Born  Beaver  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  3,  1825  ;  lumber  and  boat  build- 
ing ;  died  Beaver  Co.,  Pa  ,  Sept.  10,  '58,  accident  in  saw-mill. 

Kearns,  WiLLiAitf  Dickey.— Born  Coal  Hill,  near  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Jan.  8, 1831; 
teacher  Kentucky ;  Associate  Reformed  Theological  Seminary,  AUegfaeoj, 
three  years ;  teacher  ;  medical  student ;  practiced  medicine  New  York  City 
'57,  Pittsburg;  United  States  Array,  surgeon;  snrgeon  Pennsylvania  Rail- 
road; married '57,  Jennie  Cubbage.     Physician. 

♦Kennedy,  Robert  Peebles.— Son  of  Rev.  John  H.;  born  Canonsburg,  Pa  , 
Feb.  8,  1831;  teacher  Georgia  and  Alabama  two  years;  W.  T.  S.  '57-<>0; 
licensed  March,  'GO,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  '61,  same  presbytery; 
stated  supply  Liberty,  Baxter  and  Pisgah,  W.  Va.,  '61-68,  Lebanon '6H-70 ; 
pastor  Warm  Springs  and  Windy  Cove  '70-72,  Red  Clay  Creek,  Del.,  '72-81 ; 
died  Falkland,  Del.,  Dec.  8,  '81.     Presbyterian  minister. 



fNEDY,  Alexander. — Born  Hagerstown,  Md.;  medicHl  student;  prac- 
iced  medicine  in  California ;  died  California  '78  or  '79.     Physician. 

R,  Samuel  M. — Son  of  William  and  Anna  (Lyons);  born  Armstrong  Co., 
r'a.y  Feb.  14,  1825;  Associate  Theological  Seminary,  Canonsburg,  and 
^enia,  '54-^57;  licensed  June,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Miami  (Associate);  mission- 
try,  Michigan,  Indiana,  Illinois,  Ohio  and  Iowa,  '57-(>l  ;  ordained  Feb. 
50,  '61,  Presbytery  of  Le  Clair;  pastor  Vinton  and  Tranquility,  Iowa, 
t)l-64,  College  Springs  '04-70  ;  entered  Presbyterian  Church,  '07  ;  mission- 
iry  Pawnee  City,  Neb.,  and  Atchison  Co.,  Mo.,  '70-81  ;  Summit,  Burchard 
ind  other  points,  '81 — ;  married  July  2,  '57,  Isabella  Cherry  ;  died  Burch- 
ird.  Neb.,  Dec.  24,  '88.     Presbyterian  minister. 

iOUE,  Thomas. —Son  of  William  and  Anna  (Fenley);  born  Ripley,  O., 
)ec.  25,  1825;  theology  Oxford,  O.;  licensed  April  9, '53,  Presbytery  of 
/hillicothe ;  ordained  May  9,  '54,  same  presbytery  ;  foreign  missionary, 
Cgypt,  Cairo,  Egypt,  '54-01  ;  infirm ;  farmer,  Iowa,  '61-63  ;  pastor  United 
*reabyterian  Church,  Des  Moines,  '63-66,  Nebraska  City,  Neb.,  '66-67, 
)maha  '67-74 ;  missionary  Nebraska,  '74 — ;  married  July  27,  '54,  Henrietta 
»f.,  daughter  of  John  Lowes.  United  Presbyterian  minister;  residence, 
)maha.  Neb. 

Jann,  Robert  B. — From  Knox  Co.,  O.;  teacher  Mt.  Vernon,  Ind.;  law 
tudent;  practiced  law  Indiana;  married — ,  also  Miss  Floyd  ;  died — . 

kBTNEY,  John  L.  —Son  of  William  and  Isabella  (McCreary);  born  Guernsey 
'o.,  O.,  July  13,  1828 ;  teacher  '51-55 ;  Professor  of  Mathematics,  Mus- 
:ingum  College,  0.,'55,  Geneva  College,  Beaver  Falls,  Pa., '74 — ;  Reformed 
•resbyterian  Seminary,  Allegheny,  and  Glasgow,  Scotland  ;  licensed  '60, 
leformed  Presbytery  of  Pittsburg;  ordained  November,  '61,  Presbytery  of 
^kes;  pastor  Reformed  (Church,  Northwood,  O.,  '61-74;  four  visits  to 
Icotland  ;  married  Aug.  11,  '08,  Catherine,  daughter  of  John  L.  Robertson  : 
lublished  ''Romanism  vs.  Civil  Liberty,"  Reformed  Presbyterian  minister ; 
esidence,  Beaver  Falls,  Pa. 

/RKARY,  William  (r. — Born  near  Canonsburg,  Pa.;  Associate  Reformed 
theological  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '51-52  ;  teacher  New  Brighton,  Pa.; 
ledical  student;  practiced  medicine  Pittsburg,  Pa.;  Department  Clerk; 
Vashington,  D.  C,  '65-72;  married;  died  March,  '72,  Washington,  D.  C. 

JNE,  William  C. — Son  of  John  R.  and  Mary  (McKee);  born  Beaver  Co., 
*a.,  Oct.  22,  1821 ;  Associate  Reformed  Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny, 
M-54;  licensed  and  ordained  '55,  First  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of 
)hio;  pastor  Cincinnati,  O.,  '55-57,  Eureka,  Kan.,  Fort  Worth,  Texas, 
>alla8,  San  Angelo,  Marquette,  Kan.,  '88;  published  ** Close  Communion;" 
Harried  Sept.  22,  '56,  Margaret,  daughter  of  William  Young.  Presbyterian 
ainister,  Marquette.  Kan. 

LROY,  John  M. — Son  of  Ebenezer  and  Sarah  (Gormley);  born  Greenfield, 
).,  Jan.  21,  1830  ;  teaciier  '51-53;  P.  T.  S.  '58-55  ;  licensed  June  5,  '55, 
Presbytery  of  Chilllcothe  ;  ordained  Dec.  6,  '55,  Presbytery  of  Des  Moines  ; 
Mistor  Otturawa,  Iowa,   '55-70,   Batavia  '70-83 ;  stated  supply  Ottumwa, 


•  Iowa;  married  Sept.  11,  '53,  A^es,  daughter  of  William  Greer;  claa 
historian;  D.D.,  '81,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College.  '  Presbyteriu 
mioister;  residence,  Ottuinwa,   Iowa. 

McKeb,  Samuel  £.  -Born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  26,  1826;  tutor  Jeffenoi 
College.  'ol-o3;  Associate  Reformed  Theological  Seminary,  Alleghenj 
'53-56;  licensed  April,  '56,  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery;  missionan 
some  years  ;  pastor  Le  Clair,  Iowa,  seven  years  ;  teacher  Aledo,  111.;  Stat4 
University,  Iowa,  one  year ;  Professor  of  Mathematics,  Washington  Acsd 
emy,  Iowa;  married  July  21,  '61,  Hannah  Harris.  United  Preabyteriu 
minister  and  professor ;  residence,  Washington,  Iowa. 

McLaren,  William  Edward. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  John  F.;  bom  Geneva 
N.  Y.,  Dec.  13,  1831 ;  teacher  '51-52 ;  journalist  Pittsburg  and  Cleveland 
'52-56 ;  W.  T.  S.  '57-60 ;  licensed  Presbytery  of  Allegheny  City  ;  ordainec 
'60,  same  presbytery  ;  foreign  missionary,  Brazil,  '60-63 ;  paalor  Secon( 
Church,  Peoria,  '63-67 ;  Westminster  Church,  Detroit,  '67-72 ;  Episcopa 
Church,  '72;  ordained  deacon  ;  priest;  rector  Trinity  Church,  Cleveland 
O.,  '72-76  ;  Bishop  of  Illinois,  '76. 

♦McNeil,  S.  Q.— Bom  Washington  Co..  Pa.,  Nov.  29,  1822;  Associate  Theo 
logical  Seminary,  Canonsburg.,  '51-54,  licensed  '54(?),  Associate  Presbytery 
ordained  '54 ;  pastor  Pleasant  Run,  Ind.,  '54-81 ;  editor  Associate  Presby 
teriauy  '59-81 ;  Professor  of  Theology,  Associate  Seminary ;  married  Jul; 
28,  '52,  Jane,  daughter  of  Rev.  Samuel  Hindman,  also  Elizabeth  Gibson 
died  Pittsburg,  Ind.,  June  14,  '81,  disease  of  bowels.  Associate  Presbyteriai 

*Martin,  Henry  S. — Born  Chautauqua  Co.,  N.  Y.;  teacher;  Superintenden 
of  Schools,  Bucyrus,  Newark  and  Canton,  O.,  '51-63;  Ohio  Senat< 
'63-67 ;  law  student ;  special  agent.  Treasury  Department,  '67-85 ;  mar 
ried  Oct.  13,  '61,  M.  J.  McWilliaras ;  died  Canton,  O.,  Nov.  20,  '85. 

Matheny,  S.  M. — From  near  Harrodsburg,  Ky.;  medical  student,  Philadelphia 
practiced  medicine,  .Mt.  Washington,  Ky.,  Bourbon  Co.,  Ky.,  Chicago 
'61-65;  infirm,  Louisville,  Ky.,  '71 — ;  married  December,  '67,  Josie  Miller 

Mercer,  Simon  B. — Born  Knox  Co.,  O.,  April  26,  1824;  financial  agent,  Jef 
ferson  College;  teacher  Virginia,  Pennsylvania;  principal  Madison  College 
since  '67  at  Saltsburg,  Pa.;  married  Marcb  31,  '53,  Mary  J.  Van  Eman, 

♦MiTCHiE,  Fenton  M. — Born  Natchez,  Miss.;  medical  student,  New  Orleans, 
La.;  died  New  Orleans,  La.,  Aug.  30,  '54,  yellow  fever.     Medical  student 

•Mor(mn,  William  F.— Born  Lancaster  Co.,  Pa.,  May  19,  1822 ;  W.  T.  S. 
'51-54 ;  licensed  April  13,  '54,  Presbytery  of  Ohio  ;  ordained  Jan.  31,  '56, 
Presbytery  of  Blairsville;  pastor  Rural  Valley,  Pa.,  '56-76,  Eldertoc 
'56-73;  Christian  Commission  '63;  married  Nov.  3,  '67,  R.  A.  Gillespiej 
also  Aug.  20,  '63,  Mary  Hervey ;  died  Rural  VaUey,  Pa.,  April  25,  '75 
Presbvterian  minister. 



iRROW,  BiCMAAD  HsTRiCK. — Son  of  Bichard  and  Margaret;  born  Hun- 
dngdon  lk>.,  Pa.,  Jan.  13,  1823;  W.  T.  S.  '52-64;  P.  T.  S.;  licensed  April 
'54,  Presbjterj  of  H^untingdon ;  ordained  April  14,  '56,  Presbytery  of  Cedar ; 
pastor  Cedar  Kapids,  Iowa,  '55-59 ;  married  Sept.  2,  '56,  Nannie  C. 
Haman  ;  died  McVeytown,  Pa.,  June  10,  '59.     Presbyterian  minister. 

rELL,  Georob  B.— Bom  Washington  Co.,  Pa.;  W.  T.  S.  '53-55:  licensed 
1857,  Presbytery  of  Washington ;  licentiate  New  York  City,  *72,  West  Vir- 
ginia, Mt.  Vernon,  O.     Residence,  Farmer  City,  111. 

rEB,  Jambs  Hair.— Son  of  John  and  Elisa  (Hair);  bom  Allegheny  Co.^ 
Pa  ,  Oct.  3,  1828  ;  teacher  W.  T.  S.  '52-55  ;  licensed  April  18,  '55,  Presby- 
tery of  BeaTcr;  ordained  Dec.  13,  *55, Presbytery  of  Dubuque,  Iowa;  pastor, 
Maquoketo,  Iowa,  '55-58 ;  stated  supply  Bethel,  Pa.,  '58-60 ;  pastor  Light 
Street  Church,  Baltimore,  Md  ,  '60-67,  Delafield  and  Ottawa,  Wis.,  '07-70, 
Winterset,  Iowa,  '70-81,  Euslis,  Fla.,  '81—;  married  April  29,  '56,  N.  J. 
Naylor,  also  Jan.  24,  '61,  Sybil  A.  Stevens;  Stated  Clerk.  Presbyterian 
minister,  Eustis,  Florida. 

E,  W.  Hahtlton. — Born  Richmond,  O.,  June  9,  1833 ;  medical  student, 
Cincinnati,  O.;  practiced  medicine,  Texas,  '55 — ;  Confederate  States  Army; 
surgeon  ;  State  Senate,  Texas,  '70;  married  '60,  Mary  li.  Nash.  Physician, 
Kaufman,  Texas. 

focK,  Lazarus  B.  Wilsok.— Son  of  David  and  Sarah  A.  (Wilson);  born 
Westmoreland  County,  Pa.,  July  8,  18215;  teacher  Kentucky,  '51-53; 
licensed  April  23,  '53,  Presbytery  of  Transylvania ;  stated  supply  Kentucky 
till '59;  Illinois,  '61 ;  President  of  Muskingum  College;  principal  Female 
Seminary,  Oxford,  Pa.,  three  years;  pastor  Knightstown,  Ind.;  Financial 
Agent  Hanover  College;  Professor  of  Latin  ;  pastor  Lower  Tuscarora,  Pa., 
'71-74;  New  Windsor,  Md.;  Nebraska,  preaching  and  teaching;  North 
Vernon,  Ind.;  pastor  Reynoldsville,  Pa.,  '88;  published  "The  College 
—Its  Province  and  Mission,"  ''The  Hope  of  Israel";  married  '52,  Elisa- 
beth A.  Abraham.     Presbyterian  minister,  Reynoldsville,  Pa. 

*u,  James  Irwin. — Son  of  John  W.  and  Susan  (Bean);  born  Mercer 
County,  Pa.,  March  31,  1827 ;  W.  T.  S.  '51-32  ;  licensed  Sept.  8,  '53, 
Presbytery  of  Erie;  ordained  Aug.  29,  '54,  same  presbytery;  Eagle  Har- 
bor, Mich.,  '52-53;  Ontonagon,  '53-65 ;  St.  Paul,  Minn.,  '05-66  ;  La  Crosse, 
Wis.,  '66-81;  Galesville,  Wis.,  '81—;  published  '<  God's  Covenant," 
"Take  Heed  What  Ye  Hear";  Professor  of  Latin,  Galesville  University, 
'81—;  President  Galesville  University;  married  April  J2,  '71,  Martha  D., 
daughter  of  Henry  Bracken  ;  D.D.,  '83,  Lenox  Collegiate  Institute.  Pres- 
byterian minister,  Galesville,  Wis. 

rH,  J.  Henderson. — Son  of  Robert  and  Rebecca  (Henderson);  born  1830; 
medical  student  Canada;  teacher  Georgia,  '53,  Mississippi,  '54-56,  Pitts- 
burg, Kittanning;  United  States  Army  surgeon, '64-65 ;  practiced  Pitts- 
bunc.  Pa.,  '65-68;  Greek  study,  '63—;  married  Sept.  16,  '72,  Caroline, 
daughter  uf  William  Maore.     Physician  ;  residence  Pitt8bur«f,  Pa. 


V  f 


Smith,  Henry  Martin.— Born  Carliale,  Pa.,  June  1828;  W.  T.  S.,  '51-oa 
licensed  April  24,  Presbytery  of  Ciiarlestown ;  ordained  March,  *57,  Presb] 
tery  of  New  Orleans ;  pastor  Third  Church,  New  Orleans,  La.,  '53- 
editor  **  SotUhweatern  Preabytenan,"  '69  -;  married  '59,  Lucy  M.  Coleman 
D.D.,  *66,  Oak.  College.     Presbyterian  minister,  New  Orleans. 

*Sproui.,  Kob£RT  Cooper  Grier.— Son  of  Henry  and  Mary  M.  (Orier);  bor 
Pittsburg,  Pa.,  1832;  law  student;  practiced  law,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '54-8^ 
lawyer;  office  99  Fourth  Avenue,  Pittsburg,  Pa.;  married  '56,  Ada  Sd^ 
der;  died  Emsworth,  Pa.,  March  3,  '88.    Lawyer,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Swan,  Samuel  M.— Son  of  Rev.  Samuel  and  Sarah  (Moorhead);  born  Wei 
moreland  County,  Pa.,  March  20,  1833  ;  medical  student ;  practiced  med 
cine  Indiana,  Pa.,  '54  ;  De  Kalb  County,  111.,  '56-62;  United  States  Arm] 
'62-65;  assistant  surgeon  12th  Illinois  Regiment;  surgeon  lllth  Illino 
Volunteers,  '64-65  ;  practiced  medicine  Johnstown,  Pa.,  '65 — ;  married  '61 
Elizabeth  A.,  daughter  of  Thomas  M.  Collins.     Physician,  Johnstown. 

Van  Eman,  Thomas  Bracken.— Born  near  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  Jan.  31,  182C 
W.  T.  S.,  '53-56 ;  licensed  April,  'i'yij,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  '5" 
same  presbytery;  pastor  Maple  Creek,  '57-61  ;  Congress,  Mt.  Hope  an 
Salem,  '61-67;  Clintonville,  '67-73;  agent  A.  &  F.  C.  U.,  '73  ;  marrie 
Oct.  2,  '44,  Rachel  Stewart.     Presbyterian  minister,  Canonsburg,  Pa. 

White,  Anderson  McLean. — Son  of  Dr.  James  and  Nancy  (McLean);  bor 
Crawford  County,  Pa.,  Sept.  8,  1828  ;  medical  student ;  practiced  medicic 
Hartstown.  Pa.,  '53-60;  business  New  York,  '60-72;  Erie,  Pa.,  '72-7t 
Meadville,  '76 — ;  United  States  Army ;  married  April  4,  '54,  Sarah  E 
daughter  of  Dr.  H.  D.  La  Cossett;  also  April  3,  ^bb,  Louise  M.,  daugbt< 
of  H.  D.  Stratton ;  residence  Meadville,  Pa. 

Wilson,  James  L. — Son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Leggett);  born  York  Countj 
Pa.,  Jan.  20,  1824;  W.  T.  S., '51-54;  licensed  Jan.  7, '53,  Presbytery  c 
Donegal;  ordained  Jan.  3.  '55,  Presbytery  of  Crawfordsyille ;  pastor  an 
stated  supply  Jefferson  and  Sugar  Creek,  Ind.,  '54-56 ;  Scotch  Grove 
Iowa,  '56-73 ;  Linn  Orove  and  Springville,  '73-78  ;  Scotch  Grove,  '79 —  ? 
Center  Junction,  '82  ;  Eustis,  Florida,  '86 ;  married  Feb.  20,  '55,  EUe 
Gordon.     Presbyterian  minister,  Chaseville,  Fla. 

Wii^on,  Jonathan. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Susannah  (Thorns);  born  Beavc 
(^ounty,  Pa.,  March  24,  1830;  teacher;  P.  T.  S.,  '53-56;  licensed  Jun 
26,  ^bQf  Presbytery  of  Beaver ;  ordained  evangelist  Sept.  9,  '56,  Presbj 
tery  of  Beaver ;  foreign  missionary ;  missionary  to  Choctaws,  '56-57 ;  Sian 
Bangkok,  '58-67;  Chiang  Mai,  '67—;  married  Aug.  6,  '57,  Maria  Wilken 
also  September,  '65,  Kate  McClure.  Presbyterian  minister,  Chiang  Ma 
N.  Laos,  Si  am. 

Wilson,  William  Swan. — Born  Westmoreland  County,  Pa.,  May  16,  1831 
W.T.  S.,  '51-54  ;  licensed  June  21,  '53,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville;  ordaine 
May,  '55,  Presbytery  of  Ft.  Wayne;  pastor  Warsaw,  Ind.,  '54-67;  Owa 
tona,  Minn.,  '67-72;  stated  supply  Dundass,  '73-77  ;  Carmi,  111.,  '77-81 



Viaceanee,  Ind.,  postmaster,  '81-82;  Northfield,  Miaa.,  '82-84;  pastor 
Flora,  m.y  '84-?;  Carlisle,  Kan.;  married '54,  Margaretta  J.  Craig,  also 
'66,  Sarah  A.  Stuart     PresbTterian  minister,  Carlisle,  Kan. 


SR:SHiNO,  Emanuel  John.— Son  of  Christopher  S.  and  Elizabeth  (Long); 
born  Johnstown,  Pa.,  1831 ;  merchant  and  co-editor  Echo,  Johnstown,  Pa., 
'53-54,  Rock  I$la7uiery  Bock  Island,  111.,  '54;  law  student,  liock  Island; 
pr-icticed  law  Rock  Island  '55-60  ;  married  January,  '59,  Susan  J.,  daugh- 
ter of  Miles  W.  Conway ;  died  Continental  Hotel,  Philadelphia,  July  22, 
'60.     Lawyer.    A.  B.,  '54. 

EWABT,  Matthew. — Bom  Allegheny,  Pa.,  IH25 ;  law  student  Pittsburg, 
Pa.;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  '47-66;  unmarried  ;  died  Philadelphia,  Pa., 
'66.     Lawyer.    A.M.  '51. 


KAN,  Robert  Lewis.  -Son  of  Andrew  and  Elisabeth  (Motter);  bom 
Emmittsburg,  Md.,  Feb.  22,  1831 ;  medical  student  New  York  University, 
graduated  * '55 ;  practiced  medicine  Emmittsburg,  Md.,  '55—;  married 
Feb.  11,  '69,  Alice  C.  Motter,  also  May  15,  '82,  Hessie  McN.  Hirnie. 
Physician,  Emmittsburg,  Md. 

LEXANDER,  WiLLiAM  J. — Sou  of  EHas ;  bom  Mercer,  Pa.,  July  15,  1825 ; 
W.  T.  S.,  '52-54;  licensed  Jan.  18,  '54,  Presbytery  of  Erie;  ordained 
Dec.  17,  '55,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Concord  and  Deerfield,  Pa.,  '55-57 ; 
West  Utica,  W.  Va.,  '58-68;  East  Buffalo,  Pa.,  '68;  married  May  16, 
'54,  Nannie  J.  Griffiths ;  died  Jan.  28,  '69.     Presbyterian  minister. 

sfSTRONO,  Johnston. — Son  of  John  and  Isabella ;  born  Greensburg,  Pa., 
Aug.  15,  1832:  medical  student  with  Dr.  Dickson,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  and 
New  York  University;  practiced  medicine  Alliance,  O., '54-65 ;  United 
States  Army,  65th  Ohio  Volunteers,  Ist  lieutenant;  assistant  examining 
surgeon  in  provost  marshal's  office ;  United  States  Commissioner ;  man- 
ufacturer '86—;  married  Sept.  20,  '55,  Flora  E.  Whittle;  residence  Alli- 
ance,  O. 

X)N,  David. —Son  of  Cyrus  and  Miranda  (Guernsey);  born  Ballston  Spa, 
Saratoga,  N.  Y.,  Sept.  9,  1828;  law  student;  practiced  law  Niles,  Mich.; 
Prosecuting  Attorney,  Niles,  '56 ;  United  States  Army,  I'.Hh  Regiment 
Michigan  Infantry;  lieutenant-colonel;  alderman  city,  '72-78;  married 
Sept.  15,  '57,  Lydia  A.  Griffin.     Lawyer,  Niles,  Mich. 

iMER,  Augustus  Ballentine. — Son  of  Michael  and  Jane;  born  Monroe 
County,  W.  Va.,  ;  United  Presbyterian  Theological  Seminary,  Alle- 
gheny, Pa.,  '53-54;  licensed  Aug.  25,  '55,  Presbytery  of  Virginia  (Associ- 
ate Presbytery  South);  minister  in  Rockbridge  County,  Va.,  '55-.'>6,  Mon- 
roe County,  '56—;  married  Nov.  31,  '74,  Romanza  S.  Milier.  Associate 
Reformed  minister,  Zenith,  W.  Va. 


Campbisll,  Robkrt  K.— Son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Castner);  born  Washing- 
ton Co.,  Pa.,  May  6,  1832;  teacher '52-53 ;  Aaaociate  Reformed  Seminaij, 
Allegheny,  and  Oxford,  *o3-5<) :  licensed  April,  56,  First  Presbytery  of 
Ohio;  ordained  August,  '56,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Sycamore.  O.,  '56-^, 
Greenfield  '65-70,  South  Salom  70  ;  married  Sept.  9,  *o7,  Vienna  V., 
daughter  of  Abraham  Voorhees.     Presbyterian  minister.  South  Salem,  0. 

Oh  BIST  Y,  William  M. — Son  of  John  and  ;  born   Armstrong  Co.,   I*a., 

;  law  student  with  Judge  BufBngton,  Kittanning,  Pa.;  practiced  law 

Peru,  Ind.,  '54-57  ;  Harriaburg,  111.,  '57 — ;  married  Kate  Glass.     Lawyer, 
Harrisburg,  111. 

"^Clark,  John  Henry.— fioru  Schellsburg,  Pa.,  Nov.  29,  1831 ;  W.  T.  S. 
'53-5C  ;  licensed  '57,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  '58,  Presbytery  of  Car- 
lisle; pastor  Landisburg,  Center  and  Upper,  Pa.,  '58-(^ ;  stated  supply 
and  pastor  Tyrone  and  Birmingham  '63-70 ;  died  Sept.  23,  '70.  Presby- 
terian minister. 

Clark,  Silas  Moobhead. — Son  of  James  and  Anna  (Moorhead);  bom  Arm- 
Hirong  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  18,  1834;  teacher '54-55 ;  edited  Demoerat-Menrnger 
'56-57  ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Indiana,  Pa.,  *57-82 ;  member  of  Con- 
stitutional Convention  '73-74 ;  Justice  Supreme  Court,  Pa.,  '82 — ;  married 
April  29v  '59,  Clara  £.,  daughter  of  William  Moorhead.  Lawyer;  Indi- 
ana, Pa. 

Cook,  Joseph  L. — Son  of  James  and  Jane  (McKeown);  bom  Ireland,  March 
24,  1831;  teacher  Mississippi  '52-53;  farmer  '53-55;  medical  student 
Jefferson  Medical  College  '55-58;  practiced  medicine  New  Alexandria,  Pa., 
'58 — ;  presiding  elder ;  married  Oct.  14,  '58,  Mary  J.,  daaghter  of  James 
Gallagher.     Physician,  New  Alexandria,  Pa. 

♦Cunningham,  "William. — Son  of  John  and  Rachel  (Wallace);  bora  Blaire- 
ville,  Pa.,  June  14,  1827;  teacher  Kentucky  '52-55;  W.  T.  S.  '55-5»>; 
P.  T.  S.  '56-58;  licensed  June  17,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville;  ordained 
Nov.  5,  '(51,  same  presbytery ;  chaplain  5(Uh  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Vol- 
unteers '61-62;  Princeville,  111.,  church  and  academy  '63-65,  church 
'65-70;  FairBeld  and  Union,  Pa.,  '71-75;  infirm;  married  Laura  Alrich, 
ftlso  Rachel  W.  Latrain  ;  died  Blairsville,  Pa.,  April  21,  '79,  consumption. 
IVesbvterian  minister. 

Davidson,  John  Blair. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Catharine  (Ijcckey);  born  New- 
ville,  Pa.,  Dec.  24,  1833;  teacher  '52-62;  United  Slates  Government,  Wash- 
ingiou,  1).  C,  '64-60;  First  National  Bank,  Newville, '69-81,  cashier  same 
\m — ;  married  Oct.  13,  '57,  Margaret  Ellen,  daughter  of  William  Rurnside. 
Ranker,  Newville,  Pa. 

Dodder,  Kdv^ard  Lanning.— Born  near  Newton,  N.  J.,  Aug.  28,  1826 ;  W. 
T.  S.  '52-54;  P.  T.  S.  '54-55;  licensed  April,  '55,  Presbytery  of  Philadel- 
phia ;  ordained  Oct.  7,  ^i)(>y  Presbytery  of  Dubuque ;  missionary  at  Fort 
Dodge,  Iowa,  '56-60;  stated  supply  Mt.  Vernon,  Linn  Grove  and  Nangora 



-70 ;  pastor  of  Tiptoo  70-73 ;  stated  suppl/  Centerville  73-75 ;  stated 
►ply  and  pastor  Knoxville  75-79 ;  sUted  supply  Walioo,  Neb.,  79—; 
rried  Sept.  10, 70,  Ruth  N.  Baker.  Presbyterian  minister,  Grand  Island, 

James  Aqnew.— Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Robinson);  born  near  Dar- 
;ton.  Pa.,  Jan.  26,  1825 ;  teacher  Kentucky ;  Associate  Theolo^eal 
oinary,  Canonsburg;  licensed  Oct.  2,  '55,  Associate  Presbytery  of  Ohio; 
iained  Feb.  3,  '57,  Associate  Presbytery  of  Cambridge;  pastor  South 
gyle,  N.  Y.,  *57-60 ;  married  Maiy,  daughter  of  John  S.  Law ;  died 
i.  6,  1860.     Associate  Presbyterian  minister. 

James  William. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Elder);  bom  Baltimore, 
I.,  Feb.  27,  1831;  P.  T.  8.  '59-62;  licensed  April  10,  '62,  Presbytery  of 
negal ;  ordained  July  29,  '62,  Presbytery  of  New  Castle ;  Pennington- 
le,  Pa.,  '62-68,  New  Scotland  and  Bethlehem,  N.  Y.,  '68-70,  Coates- 
le,  Pa.,  '70-72,  Ebensburg  '72-74;  married  May  20,  '62,  Josephine  M. 
^n;  died  Ebensburg,  Pa.,  Sept.  10,  '74.     Presbyterian  minister. 

H,  William  Hanna. — Son  of  Rev.  David  and  Sarah  (McClelland);  bom 
ishington  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  9,  1828  ;  Associate  Theological  Seminary,  Can- 
sburg;  Xenia  '52-56;  licensed  June  17,  '56,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers ; 
Iained  Aug.  27,  *57,  Presbytery  of  Richland;  pastor  Iberia,  O.,  '57-70; 
lited  Presbyterian  Church,  Cincinnati,  '70 — ;  published  **  History  of  New 
iffalo  Congregation  " ;  married  Sept.  10,  '57,  Elisabeth  A.,  daughter  of 
.  James  Magoffin,  also  April  14,  '70,  Anna  J.,  daughter  of  S.  K.  Mitchell, 
D.,  '72,  Ohio  Central  College.  United  Presbvterian  minister,  Cincin- 
li,  O. 

a,  Charles  K. — Son  of  Dr.  John  P.  and  Catharine  I.  (Maclay);  born 
iwville.  Pa.,  Oct.  2,  1834;  teacher  Pennsylvania,  Virginia,  Mississippi, 
issouri,  Georgia  and  Louisiana  '52-64 ;  law  student  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '57-58  ; 
ACticed  law  Williamsport,  Pa.,  '64 — ;  married  Jan.  28,  '74,  Sarah, 
aghter  of  Henry  Sprowl.     Lawyer,  Williamsport,  Pa. 

,  Joseph  Collins. — Soil  of  William  and  Abbie  (Collins);  born  West- 
)reland  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  13,  1827 ;  Uniled  Presbyterian  Seminary,  Alle- 
eny,  Pa.,  and  Oxford  Theological  Seminary  '52-5() ;  licensed  May  29,  '56, 

esbytery  of  ;  ordained  Aug.  19,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Westmoreland ; 

stor  Mechanicsburg,  O.,  and  Center  '57-65  ;  stated  supply  Susquehanna 
d  Lumber  City,  '65-73;  pastor  Lumber  City  and  principal  Academy 
J-79;  evangelist  '79-88;  pastor  Johnstown  'S8;  United  States  Army, 
plain  Company  H,  206th  Pennsylvania  Volunteers,  '64-65  ;  married  Nov. 
,  '57,  Jennie  S.,  daughter  of  David  Shriock.  United  Presbyterian  min- 
er, Johnstown,  Pa. 

tfOND,  George. — Born  near  Hagerstowu,  Md.;  medical  student;  prac- 
:ed  medicine  California;  died  California  many  years  ago.     Physician. 

s,  Thomas  Jefferson. — Son  of  George  W.  and  Joanna  (Sturgisi;  born 
isconade  Saw  Mill,  Mo.,  Dec.  8,  1831  ;  wholesale  drills  and  chemicals. 
>ck Island,  111.;  married  May  80,  '<»!,  Kelen  A.  Himes;  died  Shippens- 
rg.  Pa.,  Jan.  9,  '62,  railroad  accident .     Druggist. 




*JoHN80N,  Albert  Osbokne. — Son  of  Dr.  William  and  Eliaabeth  (Orr);  b 
Cadiz,  O.,  June  22,  '33 ;  W.  T.  8.  '52-55;  licensed  and  ordained  May 
'55,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  foreign  missionary  to  India,  Futteghar,  Ind 
'55-57 ;  married  May  5,  '55,  Amanda  Joanna,  daughter  of  Kev.  Jonaii 
Gill ;  died  Cawnpore,  India,  June  10,  '57,  self  and  wife  shot  in  tlie  Ca^ 

I  y^-t  5;  pore  massacre. 

*Laniu8,  Jacob  W.— Born  Baltimore  Co.,  Md.,  July  8,  1826 ;  W.  T.  S.  * 
teacher  '52-53 ;  licensed  '54,  Presbytery  of  Fort  Wayne ;  ordained  ;  sia 
supply  Baton  Rouge,  La.;  Mississippi,  '57 ;  Waveland  and  New  Hope,  Ii 
'58 ;  pastor  Edgefield,  near  Nashville,  Tenn.,  '5H>^9 ;  married  J. 
Gordon ;  died  near  Nashville,  Tenn.,  Aug.  9,  '59.     Presbyterian  minis 

McCoKMiCK,  Henby. — Son  of  Thomas  M.  and  Rebecca  A.  (Rogers) ;  b 
Dauphin  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  28,  1828;  teacher  Fort  Wayne  Academy,  '52- 
niedical  student  with  Drs.  Rodgers  and  Buckingham,  and  Pennsvlvs 
University,  '54-56  ;  practiced  medicine  Clinton,  Iowa,  '56 — ;  United  St 
Army  ;  post-surgeon.  Camp  Kirkwood,  Mo.;  married  Dec.  23,  *d6f  Amai 
daughter  of  Henry  Williams,  Ft.  W^ayne,  Ind.     Physician,  Clinton,  lo 

Marshall,  Jamks  L. — Son  of  Rev.  George  and  Mary  (Lee);  born  Can( 
burg.  Pa.,  Sept.  24,  1832 ;  merchant,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '52 — ;  married  I 
22,  '68,  Annie,  daughter  of  Hon.  Henry  A.  W^eaver.  Merchant,  P 
burg.  Pa. 

*Mathebs,  James.  —Son  of  James  and  Jane  (Hutchinson);  bom  Mifflinto 
Pa.,  July  24,  1834;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Dayton,  O.,  '55-56;  ( 
Sept.  20,  '56.     Lawyer. 

♦Miller,  William  WiLgON.— Son  of  Oliver  and  Mary  (Wilson);  born  A 
gheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  29,  1832;  teacher '52-53  ;  medical  student  with  J 
J.  &  T.  Dickson,  —  and  New  York  Medical  College ;  practiced  medii 
Pittsburg,  '55-57;  physician  Mercy  Hospital;  married  Sept.  11, 
T.  N.  McElhenny;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Jan.  21,  '57,  typhoid  fe 

•Otwell,  Thomas  Francis. — Son  of  Parker  and  Sarah  (Tall);  bom  CI 
Co.,  Ky.;  medical  student,  Louisville,  Ky.;  practiced  medicine  Misso 
'56-57  ;  drug  business,  Cynthiana,  Ky.,  '67-72,  Paris,  Ky.,  '72-86;  man 
'56,  Matilda  Stephenson ;  died  Paris,  Ky.,  April  23,  '86,  neuralgia  of 
heart.     Physiciun. 

Playford,  Robert  William. — Son  of  Dr.  Robert  William  and  Margaret  i 
(Shaw);  born  Brownsville,  Pa.,  April  30,  '31  ;  medical  student  i 
father,  Brownsville,  Pa.;  practiced  medicine  Brownsville '54— ,  Petroh 
Center,  Pa.,? — ;  married  March  12,  '54,  Sarah  A.  Fox.  Physic 
Petroleum  Center,  Pa. 

Riddle,  Matthew  Brown. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  David  H.  and  Eh'wl 
(Brown);  born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Oct.  17,  18o6;  W.  T.  S..  '63-55;  N.  B. 
Heidelberg  University,  Germany ;  licensed  May  26,  '59,  Classis  Berg 
ordained  April  15,  '62,  same  body;  chaplain  2d  Regiment  New  Jei 
Volunteers,  '61 ;  professor  of  Jefferson  College,  '57-58;  pastor  Hobol 


N.  J.,  '62-65,  Newark  '65-69  ;  Europe  '69-71 ;  professor  Hartford  Thcolog- 
ical  Seminary,  '71-87;  professor  Western  Theological  Seminary,  '87-S 
published  translation  of  Lange's  '^Ephesians  and  Collosians ;"  edited 
"Romans  and  Galatians;"  '*  Popular  Commentary  on  Matthew,  Mark  and 
Luke,  Galatians,  Ephesians,  Romans;"  "International  Commentary  on 
Mark,  Luke  and  Romans;"  Robinsons  "Greek  Harmony,"  "English 
Harmony;"  member  of  the  English  translators  of  the  New  Testament; 
married  Aug.  21,  '62,  Anna  Maria,  daughter  of  Joseph  Walther,  of 
Heidelberg,  Germany;  D.D.,  '70,  F.  and  M.  College,  Allegheny,  Pa. 

BiNdON,  James  F. — Son  of  Alexander  and  Nancy  (Annott);  born  Kilkeel, 
County  Down,  Ireland,  Nov.  20,  1830 ;  law  student  with  Dubose  and 
Thatcher,  Natchez,  Mississippi;  practiced  law  Columbia,  Ark.,  '55 — ; 
Lake  Village;  Arkansas  Legislature;  cotton  planter;  married  '57,  Mary 
Pendleton  Gains.     Lawyer,  and  planter,  Lake  V^lllage,  Ark. 

»TT,  Alexander.  -  Son  of  Samuel  and  Susan  (Milligan);  born  Washington 
Co.,  Pa.,  June  15,  1826  ;  teacher  Texas  one  year;  Mt.  Holly,  N.  J.,  one 
year;  Professor  of  Mathematics,  Muskingum  College,  Ohio,  one  year; 
P.  T.  S.  '56-59;  licensed  Second  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia,  April  14,  '58; 
ordained  evangelist  '60,  Presbytery  of  San  Francisco ;  stated  supply  Areata, 
Cal.,  '69-62  ;  evangelist  and  teacher,  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  '63-81 ;  farmer, 
Ohio,  '82-83 ;  Sumner,  Washington  Territory ;  unmarried.  Presbyterian 
minister,  Sumner,  Washington  Territory. 

lAW,  Joseph. — Son  of  William  and  Susan  (Gait);  born  near  Taneytown, 
Md.,  Dec.  7,  1826;  editor  Western  Maryland  Democrat^  '52-65;  publisher 
Westminster,  Md.;  unmarried;  died  Westminster,  Md.,  April  24,  '65; 
assassinated  by  a  mob.     Editor. 

XMONS,  Alexander  Brown. — Son  of  Samuel  McCIay  and  Ann  (Smith); 
bom  Pine  Creek,  Clinton  Co.,  Pa.,  May  4,  1830;  teacher  Texas;  civil 
engineer,  Iron  Mountain  Railroad,  Missouri ;  engineer  Kansas  Territory ; 
United  States  Army  '61-65 ;  10th  Regiment,  Kansas  Volunteers ; 
infirm;  farmer  '61-84;  married  Charlotte  Jackson,  Spring  Hill,  Kan., 
December,  '66  ;  died  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  July  24,  '84,  typhoid  fever.  Engineer 
and  farmer. 

EWART,  J.  Rowland. — Son  of  William  and  Frances;  born  near  Library, 
Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  9,  1832;  teacher;  professor  Jeffereon  Col- 
lege, Miss.,  '52-53;  unmarried;  died  Washington,  Miss.,  Sept.  12,  '53, 
yellow  fever.     Teacher. 

:wart,  Francis  Laird.— Son  of  Dr.  Zachariah  E.  and  Jane  (Laird);  daugh- 
ter of  Rev.  Dr.  Francis  Laird;  born  Murrysviile,  Pa.,  June  12,  1.S31  ; 
teacher  Hunterstown,  Pa.,  '53,  Jefferson  City,  Mo.,  *57  ;  principal  and 
founder  of  Laird  Institute,  '62;  practical  chemist ;  published  ^' Sugar  from 
Maise  and  Sorghum,"  Corn  Cane  ;"  married  May  15,  '56,  Margaret  II. 
Stewart.     Business,   Murrysviile,  Pa. 


^Stewart,  Lewis  Mytinoer.— Son  of  Robert  O.  and  £lisabeth  (Mjlinger 
born  Water  Street,  Huntingdon  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  22,  1830;  law  stadeot  wii 
W.  M.  Stewart,  Indiana,  Pa.;  practiced  law  Huntingdon,  Pa.,  tiir7f« 
Prothonotary  and  Clerk  of  Court,  Huntingdon  Co.,  Pa.,  '80 ;  anmarried 
died  Water  Street,  Pa.,  '80  or  '81,  consumption.     Lawver. 

Tbmpleton,  D.  W.— Son  of  Robert  R.  and  Jane  (Beatty);  born  Greenfield,  0 
Feb.  6,  1828;  teacher  Shade  Gap,  Pa.,  '52-54;  business  Fairfield,  tow 
'60—;  married  March  10,  '58,  Sarah  Ann  Lucas.  Grain  merchant,  F&i 
field,  Iowa. 

Vax  Lear,  John. — Son  of  Dr.  William  and  Susan  (Graham);  bom  Willian 
port,  Md.,  1832;  business;  financial  clerk  Maryland  Penitentiary;  marri^ 
April  17,  '70,  Mary  J.  Findlay ;  residence  Baltimore,  Md. 

Ward,  Bradish  Calvin.— Born  St.  Charles,  111.,  1826;  W.  T.  8.  '54^S 
ordained  April  8,  '60,  Congregational  Association  ;  teacher  St.  Charles,  11 
'o7-o9 ;  stated  supply  Geneseo  '60-62,  Waukegan  '63-64 ;  chaplain  Unit 
States  Army  '64-65;  W.  C.  New  York  City,  '6o;  Harwich,  Mass., '73-: 
Congregational  minister. 

WiiaoN,  Eugene  M. — Son  of  Edgar  C.  and  Mary  A.  (Oliphant);  born  M< 
gantown,  Va.,  Dee.  2o,  1833  ;  law  student  with  his  father,  Morgantown, ) 
Va.;  practiced  law  Winona,  Minn.,  '56-57,  Minneapolis '57 — ;  United  Siai 
District  Attorney  '57-61 ;  United  States  Army,  captain  '62-63  ;  Member 
Congress  Forty -second  Congress ;  Senate,  Minnesota,  '79-80 ;  marri 
Sept.  6,  'dOf  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Col.  W.  M.  Kimball.*  Lawyer,  Mini 
apolis,  Minn. 

*WooDS,  John  E. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Elisabeth  (Fife);  born  near  Pittsbui 
Pa.,  Ma}-  29,  1831 ;  theology  privately  with  Rev.  George  Marshall,  DJ 
licensed  April,  '56,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  '57,  Presbytery  of  Fa 
field;  pastor  Bentonsport,  Iowa,  '57-59,  Lithopolis,  ().,  '59-62;  marri 
Caroline  King,  of  liunterstown,  Pa.;  died  Lithopolis,  O.,  Aug.  25,  < 
typhoid  dysentery.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Young,  John  Newton. — Son  of  Arthur  G.  and  Elizabeth  (Machesney);  be 
Hawkins  Co.,  Tenn.,  June  12,  182<S;  W  T.  S.  '52-53;  P.  T.  S.'oS-: 
Danville  '54-55;  ordained  evangelist  Nov.  J  6,  '56,  Presbytery  of  Upi 
Missouri;  stated  supply  Albany;  Mo.,  '56-65,  Union '5S-66;  United  Sta 
Army  '61 ;  State  Senate  of  Missouri,  '64-6() ;  staled  supply  Fillmore,  M 
'6'>-71;  Salem,  Neb.,  '71-73;  pastor  Clinton  and  Marion,  Kan.,  and  N< 
sho.  Mo.,  '79-80,  Graham  ;  married  Sept.  9,  '56,  Jane,  daughter  of  S. 
Patterson.     Presbyterian  minister,  Graham,  Mo. 


Clabke,  Charles  J. — Son  of  Thomas  S.  and  Eliza  (Thaw);  born  Pittsbu: 
Pa.,  March  15,  1833;  forwarding  and  transportation;  President  School 
Design  for  Women  ;  Library  Hall  Company  ;  Trustee  Western  Universi 
Pennsylvania,  Homoeopathic  Hospital,  and  other  public  institutions;  ni 
ried  Feb.  12,  '.")7,  Louisa,  daughter  of  John  B.  Semple;  A.M.,  '86,  Wai 
ingion  and  Jefferson  College.  Business,  number  90  Fourth  Avenue,  Pii 
burg,   Pa. 



J.  A. 

BfAJT,  Charles. — Son  of  E.  Upshur  and  Maria  M.  (Carter);  born  New 
:>rk  City ;  married  June,  '60,  Harriet   Whitney ;  residence  New  York 


Samuel. — Son  of  Joseph  A.  and  Nancy ;  born  Washington  Co.,  Pa., 
pril  18,  1831 ;  teacher  Owensboro,  Kj.,  *54-59  ;  law  student  with  Judge 
cKennan,  Washington,  Ph.,  *60-61  ;  farmer  66-83  ;  druggist  Mt.  Victory, 
,  '83—.     Druggist,  Mt.  Victory*  O. 

!KEN,  Henry  M. — Son  of  Henry  and  Martlia  (Simcox);  ix)rn  near  Can- 
Lsburg,  Pa.,  June  lo,  1832;  teacher  Pleasant  Hill,  Mo.;  law  student; 
acticed  law,  Harrisonville,  Mo.,  till  '64 ;  married  ;  died  Harrison vi lie, 
o.,  February  (?),  1864.     Lawyer. 

nr,* James  Ralston. — Son  of  Joseph  R.  and  Annie  (Ralston);  born 
livesburg,  O.,  April  6,  1830;  teacher  '53-56  ;  W.  T.  S.  56-57  ;  licensed 
ane  16,  *57,  Presbytery  of  Richland  ;  ordained  May,  *58,  same  presbytery ; 
ftted  supply  and  pastor  Mansfield,  O.,  '57-59  ;  pastor  Government  Street 
hurch,  Mobile,  Ala.,  '60—;  married  July  26,  '55,  Martha  A.  Vance,  also 
iDe6,  '60,  Sarah  V.,  daughter  of  Daniel  Wheeler,  Mobile,  Ala.;  D.D., 
gletborpe  University.     Presbyterian  minister.  Mobile,  Ala. 

^ELL,  John  David. —Son  of  John  H.  and  Mary  (Feltibarg^r);  bom 
[ercer  Co.,  Pa.,  May  10,  1828;  W.  T.  S  ',53-56;  licensed  Dec.  19,  '55, 
resbyterv  of  Erie ;  ordained  September,  '56,  Presbytery  of  Dubuque  j 
ated  supply  and  pastor  Pleasant  Grove,  Iowa,  '56-58 ;  missionary  in 
iree  counties  '58-84 ;  principal  Normal  School  '63-69 ;  student  of  inedi- 
Jie*78;  pastor  Pleasant  Grove  and  Hazelton  '>4 — ;  married  May  8,  '56, 
onie  E.,  daughter  of  David  Hastings,  Pittsburg,  Pa.  Presbyterian  min- 
ter  and  physician,  Littleton,  Iowa. 

IK,  Rush.— Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Smith);  born  Oct.  1,  1834,  Schells- 
iirg.  Pa.;  law  student:  practiced  law  Iowa  City,  Iowa,  '53-76  ;  Iowa  Leg- 
lature  '60-64,  '76-78;  Member  of  Congress  from  Iowa  Forty-fifth  and 
brtvsixth  Congresses;  Trustee  of  Slate  University  'H2-6r»;  Governor's 
aff,  lieutenant  colonel  '61;  unmarried;  died  Washington,  D.  C,  April 
i,  '79.     Lawyer. 

f,  William  Boyd. — Son  of  Hugh  and  Rachel  (Boyd  ;  born  Campbells- 
)wn,  Pa.,  June  27,  1827;  W.  T.  S.  '53-50  ;  licensed  June,  '55,  Presby- 
TV  of  Carlisle ;  ordained  June,  '56,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  North  Hloom- 
ehl,  Sherman's  Creek  and  Duncannon,  Pa.,  '57-68,  Congruity  '7(>-xO; 
iarrie<I  March  18,  '58,  Catharine  H.  Singer,  Allegheny,  Pa.  Presbyterian 
minister,  Shippensburg,  Pa. 

s,  John  B. — Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Doig  ;  bom  DeUware  ('«>•, 
^  Y.,  March  17,  1832;  Associate  Semmary,  Xenisi ;  licensed  April,  '•>(), 
LHociate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Albany  ;  ordained  '57  ;  pastor  East  Green- 
ich,  N.  Y  ,  '57-61  ;  married  '57,  Miss  Michal  Waiigli  ;  died  I^ast  (ireen- 
ic^N.   Y.,   Feb.   2,  '62,   consumption.      United   Presbyterian  minister. 




£CK£LS,  J.  S. — Son  of  William  aad  Jaoe  (Starr);  boro  Cumberiaad  CoodI 
Pa.,  Dec.  7y  1827;  teacher  '63-56;  law  student  Albany  Law  Schoo 
practiced  law  Princeton,  111.,  '57 — ;  married  Oct.  19,  '54,  Margaret  I 
daughter  of  James  Herron,  Newville,  Pa.     Lawyer,  Princeton,  111. 

V  £wiNO,  Thomas. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Jane  (Lyle);  born  Washington  Coaot 
Pa.,  July  3,  1827  ;  tutor  Jefferson  College  '53-54 ;  principal  Natch 
Institute  '54-57;  law  student  with  Judge  Dubuisson;  practiced  U 
Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '57-73;  member  Constitutional  Convention,  Pennsylv&ni 
'72-73 ;  presiding  Judge  Di^rict  Court  till  '75,  and  Common  Picas,  Piti 
burg,  No.  2,  '75 — ;  married  Sept.  21,  *59,  Julia  R.,  daughter  of  Jol 
Hufnagel,  Stockbridge,  Mass.     Lawyer,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

*Frow,  John  G. — Son  of  Dr.  James  and  Jane  Ann  (Wood);  born  Mifflinton 
Pa.,  July  31,  1834 ;  medical  student  with  father  and  PenntfyWania  Ui 
▼ersity;  graduated  '56;  practiced  medicine  Ickesburg,  Blaine,  Anders 
and  Newport,  Pa.,  '56-64;  United  Slates  Army  surgeon,  '61-63;  unmi 
ried ;  died  Blaine,  Perry  County,  Pa.,  March  24,  '64,  inflammatory  rh^ 
matism.     Physician. 

Haft,  £benezeb  £. — Son  of  John  and  Nancy  (McGill);  born  near  Cauoi 
burg.  Pa.,  May,  1832;  Oregon,  '53;  Government  Surveyor;  law  studec 
practiced  law  Salem,  Ore.;  Judge  District  Court,  '60-61  ;  practiced  law  S 
Francisco,  Cal.,  '64 — .     Lawyer. 

Haines,  Alfred  W. — Born  near  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  Nov.  28,  1832;  W.  T.  i 
'54-57  ;  licensed  April,  '67,  Presbytery  of  Washington ;  ordained  '» 
Presbytery  of  Iowa ;  stated  supply  Keosauqua,  Iowa,  '57 ;  pastor  Cra 
fordsville,  '58-61,  '66-72;  stated  supply  '79—;  Eddysville  and  Kirkvil 
'61-66 ;  Brooklyn,  '72-75  ;  Pleasant  Plains  and  Salina,  '75-79  ;  Crawfon 
ville,  '79 — ;  married  April  22,  '58,  E.  J.  Beebout.  Presbyterian  minist 
La  Dora,  Iowa. 

VHiMES,  Isaac  Newton. — Son  of  George  W.  and  Joanna  (Sturgis);  be 
.  Shippensburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  4,  1834  ;  medical  student  Pennsylvania  U 
versity;  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons;  New  York;  staff  Bellev 
Hospital,  56-57;  Hospital  Randall  Island, '60;  United  States  Army  si 
geon,  62-65;  studied  in  Europe;  practiced  medicine  San  Francisco ;  p 
fessor  Cleveland  Medical  College ,  professor  medical  department  WesU 
Reserve  College,  '81 — ;  married  Sept.  24,  '78,  Mrs.  Mary  Vincent  R« 
daughter  of  John  A.  Vincent.     Medical  professor,  Cleveland,  O. 

Hunt,  William  p]LLis.~Son  of  William  F.  and  Sarah  (Ellis);  born  Fn 
ricktown,  N.  J.,  Feb.  24,  18X:J;  W.  T.  S.,  '53-56;  licensed  June,  '• 
Prejibytery  of  Steubenville;  ordained  May,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Coshocto 
pastor  Coshocton,  O.,  '57 — ;  brigade-chaplain  militia,  '56-60;  marri 
April  20, '55,  Caroline  A.,  daughter  of  William  J.  Totten  ;  Director  W.  T. 
Trustee  Vicksburg  Institute ;  Western  University ;  Moderator  Sync 
Presbyterian  minister,  Coshocton,  O. 



s,  Augustus  S.— Son  of  Dr.  Joseph  A.  and  Mariah)Holcombe);  born 
nnington,  N.  J.,  Jane  4,  1834 ;  teacher  '53-54 ;  law  student  Holidajs- 
rg,  Pa.,  '54-o7  ;  practiced  law  Holidaysburg,  Pa.,  '67 — ;  member  Con- 
Uitional  Convention,  '72-73;  associate  editor  **  Democratic  Standard"; 
irried  Nov.  23,  '65,  Eleanor,  daughter  of  John  Porter,  Alexandria,  Pa. 
wyer,  Holidaysburg,  Pa. 

SRMAN,  William  H — Son  of  Dr.  Jonathan  and  Anna  (Ritchie);  born 
noDsborg,  Pa.,  Aug.  12,  1832 ;  medical  student ;  practiced  medicine 
).,  Texas,  '56-81;  married  '75,  Laura  Slaughter  ;  died  fiuffaw,  Texas, 
ly  21,  '81.     Physician. 

nnell,  William  L. — Son  of  Alexander  and  Ann  (Berry);  born  near  Can- 
sbarg,  Pa.,  Sept.  19,  1829;  Associate  Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny ; 
ensed  and  ordained  '57,  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Allegheny ; 
Btor  Hanover  Church ;  also  West  Newton,  Pa.,  '57-66 ;  married  Anna 
B.,  daughter  of  S.  McClurken,  Allegheny,  Pa.;  died  Allegheny,  Pa., 
10.  14,  '66,  consumption.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

7KRAN,  Georoe  Willliam. — Sou  of  William  and  Elizabeth  (Lucas); 
m  near  Shepherdstown,  Va.,  May  9,  1834  ;  teacher,  Berkeley  and  Camp- 
il  Counties,  Va.,  '54-57  ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Warrensburg,  Mo., 
-61 ;  Confederate  States  Army  '61 ;  married  May  11,  '61,  Phoebe  Dun- 
1 ;  died  Wilson's  Creek,  Mo.,  Aug.  10,  '61 ;  killed  in  battle,  Wilson's 
eek.  Mo.     Lawyer. 

.IN,  George  W.— Son  of  William  and  Catharine  (Kuhn);  born  Butler 
unty,  Pa.,  July  25,  1825 ;  teacher  W.  T.  S.,  '54-56  ;  licensed  April,  '56, 
esbytery  of  Allegheny  ;  ordained  Feb.  20,  '57,  same  presbytery;  pastor 
^e  Run,  '57—;  principal  Glade  Run  Academy,  '55-56;  married  Oct. 
'57,  Eliza  D.,  daughter  of  Henry  Baird,  Tarentum,  Pa.;  D,D.f  '74, 
ishington  and  Jefferson  College.     Presbyterian  minister,  Glade  Run,  Pa. 

BLL,  William. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Henderson);  born  Stamford, 
tario,  Canada,  Sept.  19,  1832 ;  teacher  '54-55 ;  law  student  with  Hon. 
C.  Wilson,  Morgantown,  W.  Va.,  '56-57  ;  practiced  law  Winona,  Minn., 
-73;  Legislature  Minnesota  '59-60;  presiding  Judge  Third  Judicial 
itrict,  '74-81 ;  Associate  Justice  Superior  Court,  '81  ;  married  Sept. 
'57,  E.  Jane,  daughter  of  John  Hannay,  Morgantown,  W.  Va.;  also 
ly  11,  '72,  Frances  M.,  daughter  of  J.  D.  Merritt,  Chicago,  111.  Law- 
,  Winona,  Minn. 

isoN,  Samuel. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Lauthers);  bom  Carroll 
mty,  O.,  June  2,  1827  ;  W.  T.  S.,  '53-56  ;  licensed  April  8,  '56,  Pres- 
ery  of  Steubenville ;  ordained  Oct.  21,  '56,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor 
ersville  and  Feed  Spring,  O.,  '56—;  married  Oct.  28,  '56,  Sibella, 
ighter  of  William  Campbell,  Kilgore,  0.;  D.D.  Presbyterian  minister, 
ersville,  O. 

ON,  Alfred. — Son  of  Hon.  John  P.  and  Anna  (Hays);  born  Mercer, 
,  Jan.  14,  1834 ;  law  student  with  his  father  ;  practiced  law  Minneapolis, 
nn'.,  '57-59  ;  died  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  Aug.  2,  '59.     Lawyer. 


Scott,  David  H.— Son  of  John  and  Matilda  (Weakley);  born  Ohio(?),  Octo 
20,  1828 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Delamater,  Cleveland,  and  Dr.  Pari 
New  York;  practiced  medicine  Chlllicothe,  O.,  '57-t)3 ;  Cleveland, 
'63-66;  professor  of  practical  medicine,  Cleveland  Medical  College,  '63- 
Chillicothe,  C,  '66  -;  married  Oct.  17,  '65,  Effie,  daughter  of  Will 
Alien,  Chillicothe,  O.     Physician,  Chiliioothe,  O. 

♦Smith,  Juliu8  Arthur.  Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  William  and  Maria  (Bucham 
born  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  June  20,  1835 ;  civil  engineer  Pennsylvania  and  ] 
sissippi ;  teacher  Pennsylvania,  Illinois  and  Kentucky ;  United  States  A 
'61-62;  85th  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Volunteers;  second  lieuteni 
wounded,  '62;  died  in  Libby  Prison,  June  30,  '62.     Physician. 

Stokes,  James  Hutchinson. — Son  of  M.  T.  and  H.  A.;  born  Beaver  Coo 
Pa.,  Dec.  25,  1832;  accounting  clerk  U.  P.  R.  R.,  Omaha,  Neb.;  mar 
Oct.  26;  '56,  Anna  M.  McDowell,  Allegheny,  Pa.  Clerk,  U.  P.  R. 
Omaha,  Neb. 

Sturgeon,  James  Calvin. — Son  of  Allen  and  Eliza  (Snodgrass);  bom  > 

Hanover,  Dauphin  County,  Pa.,  Jan.  19,  1829;  licensed ;  ordained- 

miasionary   Riceville,  Tenn.;  Monroeville,  Ala.,  '87—;    Presbyterian  i 
ister,  Monroeville,  Ala. 

^:|C Sutherland,  John  W.— Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Smith);  born  Jefte 
County,  O.,  April  5,  1827;  teacher  '53-60,  Columbus,  O.;  Boom 
'\(o.;  Jefferson  City ;  general  agent  American  Bible  Society,  '60-62; 
estate  and  financial  agent,  '62 — ;  United  States  Army  ;  Legislature  of 
souri,  '64-66  ;  curator  Missouri  University  ;  Land  Commissioner,  Misso 
'71-79 ;  married  Sept.  9,  '56,  Julia,  daughter  of  Anderson  Reavia,  B 
ville,  Mo.,  also  Jan.  1,  '73,  MoUie  A.,  daughter  of  Jacob  Bow,  St.  L 
Mo.     R.  &  F.  agent, 

♦Taliafbrro,  Francis. — Son  of  Samuel  W.  and  Sarah  ;  born  Todd  Cou 
Ky.,  Feb.   12,   1833  ;  ^farmer,  Texas,    '53-61  ;   Confederate  Sutes  A 
'61-05;    Todd   County,  Ky.,   '65-72;    married    Mary   J.  Robinson; 
Todd  County,  Ky.,  May  24,  '72.     Farmer. 

*Thom,  John  Culbertson.— Son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Culbertson); 
Clarion  County,  Pa.,  April  19,  1830 ;  teacher  Eldersridge  Academy, 
'53-55;  Institute,  Natchez,  Miss.,  '55-57;  P.  T.  S., '57-59;  liceused 
uary,  '59,  Presbytery  of  Sallsburg ;  ordained  May  19,  '59,  Presbyter 
Donegal;  pastor  Waynesburg,  Pa.,  '59-65;  Pine  Street  Church, 
Louis,  Mo.,  '05 — ;  died  the  tame  year;  married  June  9,^,  Jennie 
daughter  of  Henry  Bracken,  Canonsburg,  Pa.;  died  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  '. 
28,  '65.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Thomson,  Albert  Eonew. — Son  of  Robert  and  Elizabeth   (McClain); 
Lawrence  County,  Pa.,  May  10,  1831;  teacher  W.  T.  S.  '54-57;  lice 
Dec.  24,  '56,  Presbytery  of  Beaver;  ordained  June  2,  '58,  Presbyter 
Chicago;  pastor  Oswego,  III.,  '57-60;  Marysville  and  Milford  Center 


C-67;  Galion,  '67-68;  Apple  Creek,  '68-74;  Lamed,  Kan.,  71-84; 
[oderator  SjDod  of  KansaH,  '84  ;  Spearville,  '84-87 ;  Coldwater,  '87 ;  mar- 
ed  Sept.  21,  '58,  Mary  A.,  daughter  of  William  Reed.  Presbyterian 
inister,  Coldwater,  Kan. 

Meter,  Isaac. — Son  of  John  Inskeep  and  Elizabeth  ;  bom  Pikeion, 
.;  iDfirm;  unmarried;  died  Piketon,  O.,  1861. 

T,  William.— Son  of  Qeorge  and  Jane  (Little);  bom  Delhi,  N.  Y., 
[arch  4,  1827  ;  Academy  teacher,  '53 — ;  principal  Oxford  one  year ; 
eislant  principal  Dlaware,  eight  years;  principal  of  same  five  years; 
aderson  Collegiate  Institute,  four  years;  Saugerties,  N,  Y.,  ten  or 
reive  years;  married  Aug.  16,  '60,  Hattie  A.  Redfield.  Teacher,  Sau- 
irties,  N.  Y. 

JSOfif  David  M  arm  a  duke.  — Son  of  Thomas  and  Jane  (Kiddoo);  bora 
llegheny  County,  Pa.,  1826 ;  merchant ;  live  stock  broker,  Baltimore, 
id.,  '53-59 ;  married  October,  '63,  Emma  L.  Wilhelm ;  died  Baltimore, 
d.,  Dec.  5,  '64. 

MAN,  Martin  Luther.— Born  St.  Johns,  New  Brunswick,  June  12, 
128  ;  W.  T.  S.  '.54-57  ;  licensed  June  8,  '56,  Presbytery  of  Steubenville  ; 
dained  Jan.  29,  '68,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny  City;  stated  supply 
ilands.  Pa.,  '56-57;  pastor  '58-69,  'SO—;  Craw fordsvi lie,  Iowa,  '57-58; 
ong  Island,  Pa.,  '58-66;  Emsworth,  '58-64,  '69-72;  Freedom,  '72—; 
rangelist '87 ;  married  Oct.  12,  '60,  A.  J.  Wood;  also  Dec.  6,  '72,  Mrs. 
".  J.  Young.     Presbyterian  minister,  Glenfield,  Pa. 

honorary  degrees. 

f ELY,  Joseph.  -SonofThomits  and  Nancy;  born  Washington  Co., Pa., Nov 
t,  1817 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Stephens,  Washington,  Pa.;  Jefferson 
edical  College  '45-46,  '50-51 ;  practiced  medicine  Monongahela  City,  Pa. 
f>-o3,  Triadelphia,  W.  Va.,  *5iM>l  ;  business  Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  and 
ittsburg.  Pa.;  married  April  29,  '46,  Martha  Storer,  Monongahela  Citv, 
I.;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Jan.  14,  '83;  A.B.  '53.     Physician. 


^  John  McCleary. — Son  of  John  and  Maria  (McCleary);  born  Indiana, 
1.,  Sept.  10,^1831;  teacher  '54-55;  Associate  Reformed  Seminary, 
enia,  '55-58;  licensed  July  3,  '58,  Associate  Presbytery  of  Cone- 
augh;  ordained  March  16,  '59,  Associate  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia;  pas- 
r  Stone  Valley  Church,  '59—;  married  March  28,  '60,  Sarah,  daughter  of 
fel||l  William  Cummins;  also  Oct.  7,  '07,  Ruth,  daughter  of  Charles 
imn^s.     United  Presbyterian  minister,  McAlevy's  Fort,  Pa. 

iNDER,  Thomas. — Son  of  William  and  Maria  (McCoy);  born  Mercer,  Pa., 
n.  22, 1S28  ;  teacher  Ohio  and  Kentucky,  '54-t)l  ;  farmer  '61-03  ;  United 
ales  Army,  '63-64;  21 1th  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers ;  farmer 
'5-79;  business  Allegheny,  Pa.,  '70  ;  married  .July  27,  '57,  Sarah  J., 
lughter  of  Rev.  Robert  Glenn,  also  March  15,  'S2,  Isabella  Shaw.  Resi- 
jnce  Allegheny,  Pa. 


*Barnett,  Enos. — Born  Ashland  Count/,  O.;  teacher  WellBTille,  0„  1854-56 
near  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  'o^>-57;  Professor  Mathematics,  Miaaissippi  Miliur 
Institute;  Pass  Christian,   Miss.,  '56-60;  California;  United  States  Army 

>  J  '61-64;  (quartermaster  83d  California  Volunteers;  died  at  sea,  '65. 

BiTNER,  JodEPU  L. — Sou  of  George  and  Margaret  M.  (Starr);  born  Cumber 
land  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  5,  1834;  teacher  Beaver  Academy  'o4-^;  mercantil 
business,  Harrisburg  and  Philadelphia,  '56-62 ;  Pennsjlvanla  Railroad 
Philadelphia,  '62 — ;  married  June  2,  '57,  Matilda  K.,  daughter  of  Joh 
English.     Business,  1712  North  Seveiiteenth  Street,  Philadelphia. 

Boyd,  John  Cabnahak.— Son  of  William  and  Jane  M.  (Camahan);  bor 
Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  June  6,  1832;  Associate  Reformed  Theologia 
Semiaary,  Allegheny ;  licensed  April,  '57,  Associate  Reformed  Presbyter 
of  Blairsville ;  ordained  April  14,  '58,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela ;  paste 
St.  Clair  Church,  Pennsylvania,  '58  — ;  delegate  to  Presbyterian  Alliance 
Ediuburg,  '77 ;  Corresponding  Secretary  United  Presbyterian  Boar 
of  Publication  '77 — :  edited  EvangeUoal  lUposUary  '81-85;  publishe 
**  History  of  Second  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Pennsylvania, 
**  History  Synod  of  Pittsburg ;  '*  married  May  15,  '59,  Martha,  daughter  ( 
Col.  John  McFarland,  also  Nov.  9,  '71,  M.  A.,  daughter  of  James  Lindsav 
D.D.,  '84,  Franklin  College.  United  Presbyterian  minister,  Mt.  Lebi 
non.  Pa. 

Brandon,  Spencer  Gerard. — Son  of  Gov.  Gerard  Chittoe  and  Betsey  (Stai 
ton);  born  Wilkinson  Co.,  Miss.,  Jan.  9,  1834;  medical  student  with  D 
F.  G.  Smith  and  Pennsylvania  University  '55-57 ;  practiced  medicii 
Louisiana  '58-59,  Mississippi  '60 — ;  married  Dec.  24,  '63,  Susie,  daught( 
of  George  J onte.     Physician,  Fort  Adams,  Miss. 

^Brandon,  David  S.— Son  of  Gov.  Gerard  Chittoe  and  Betsey  (Stanton);  bo] 
Wilkinson  Co.,  Miss.,  Aug.  18,  1836  ;  Clerk  of  Court,  Adams  Co.,  Miss 
'56;  died  Feb.  27,  '57,  explosion  steamer  "Princess,"  on  MiasiBsip] 

BuRCHFiELD,  William  Addison.— Son  of  William  N.  and  Nancy  (Pattersoc 
born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  1834  ;  W.  T.  S.  '56;  licensed  '59,  Presbytery  of  Ohic 
licentiate '59-73 ;  teacher  public  sfthools,  Pittsburg,  '59-65;  Newell  InsI 
tute  '65-88  ;  unmarried.     Teacher,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Campbell,  J.  H. — Born  Black  Lick,  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.;  law  student;  practic< 
law  Cambria  Co.,  Pa.,  '56-61,  Pittsburg  '61—;  oil  business  Venango  Cc 
Pa.;  married.     Lumber;  Toledo,  O. 

♦Carothers,  Robert.  -Son  of  Robert  and  Sarah  (Shaw);  born  Turtle  Creel 
Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  18,  1831  ;  W.  T.  S.  '54-57 ;  licensed  April,  '•)< 
Presbytery  of  Blairsville ;  ordained  '57,  same  presbytery;  stated  suppl 
Millersburg,  O.,  '58;  pastor  Tipton,  Iowa,  '60-66;  Cross  Roads,  Pa 
'66-77 ;  principal  Iowa  College  for  Blind,  '66-82 ;  married  June  17,  '•> 
Kmeline  E.,  daughter  of  Robert  Milligan  ;  died  Vinton,  Iowa,  March  1 
''^2.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Clark,  W. 


[INGHAM,  David  Ayjeubs.— Soq  of  Thomas  and  Mary  (Ay res);  born  Wajnt 
3o  ,  O.,  Feb.  5,  1830 ;  W.  T.  S.  '54-67 ;  licenged  September,  'bii,  Preaby- 
ery  of  VV ouster;  ordaiued  October,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny  City; 
lastor  Bridgewater,  Pa.,  '57-64,  Scott's  Church,  Philaik^]phifl|  *64-64j, 
jpring  Garden  Church  '66-76,  First  Church,  Wheeling,  \\\  Va.,  '76—1 
aarried  Aug.  26,  '58,  Annie  C.  F.,  daughter  of  Rev.  John  C  Smclair ; 
XD.,  '73,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College.  Presbyieriaii  minister^ 
kVheeiing,  W.  Va. 

•ER,  Thomas  R.  —  Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  McKee;  boru  Indiana  Coi, 
?a.,  Nov.  13,  1833;  W.  T.  8.  '54-57;  licensed  October,  'aU,  PrKabytery  of 
Slaireville;  ordained  evangelist  April,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Siiltst>nrg;  iiome 
niflsionary  Bayfield,  Wis.,  '57  ;  married  May  21,  '57,  Monn  J*,  dayghterof 
Robert  Elder,  Eldersridge,  Pa.;  died  Bayfield,  Wis.,  Sept.  7,  '-^"j  dysentery. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

ER,  James  Inol^. — Son  of  William  and  Isabella  (Ingles);  born  near 
iookstown,  Pa.,  Sept.  1, 1836  ;  teacher  Xenia,  O.,  '56  ;  AHsocialeReiiiinary, 
^anonsburg  and  Xenia,  '54-58;  licensed  Oct.  19,  '58,  Unittcl  Freabytery 
»f  Chartiers;  ordained  April  25,  '61,  Presbytery  of  Indiana  ;  paBtor  Melroyj 
iad., '61-65;  Superintendent  Freedmen's  Mission  and  Yieksburg^  Miss., 
60-69;  pastor  Beaver  Falls,  Pa.,  '71—;  married  March  30,  '09,  LuciJla  E. 
Jmith,  Monmouth,  111.     United  Presbyterian  minister.   Braver  Falli!,  Pa. 

)E8,  WiLiiiAMSON  Nevin.— Son  of  Dr.  John  P.  and  Catharine  I.  (Madmy); 
K)m  Nevrville,  Pa.,  Dec.  28,  1836;  teacher  Virginia,  Maryland  and  New 
Jersey  '54-58;  P.  T.  S.  '58-61 ;  stated  supply  Kanawha,  W»  Va.,  one  year » 
»rdained  May  5,  '71,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle;  pastor  Waynislmro,  Pa.,  *71  ; 
^rofessor  of  Latin  and  Mathematics,  Hanover  College,  Ind,,  72-76  ;  unmiir- 
ied.    Teacher,  Williamsport,  Pa. 

LETT,  Noah  Hallock— Son  of  Rev.  Noah  Hallock  ;  born  Westmoreland 
Jo.,  Pa.,  Sept.  10,  1837;  Secretary  Lindell  Hotel  Company,  Hi.  Louisj  Mo.; 
Jnited  States  Army  '64-65,  Company  G,  3d  Iowa  Volint leers;  Deputy 
Jlerk  Probate  Clerk,  St.  Louis;  married  Feb.  16,  '69,  Arahulla  Rhodes  ; 
lied  March  18,  '74,  nervous  prostration. 

lAM,  Walter  M.  -Son  of  Rev.  John  B.  and  Sarah  (Qilkey);  bftrn  Butler, 
*a.,  Oct.  25,  1831  ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Butler,  Pa*,  *o-5 — ;  marrleil 
5epl.  1,  '54,  Catharine  Keller,  also  Dec.  5,  '68,  Margaret  A.  Zinnnerman. 
-Awyer,  Butler,  Pa. 

HAM,  Robert  St.  Claib. — Son  of  Robert  and  Ellen  (Douglas);  imrw  Ligi>- 
lier,  Pa.,  Dec.  25,  1836;  law  student  with  Colonel  Covotlo,  iireensburg, 
^a.;  practiced  law  Atchison,  Kan.,  '60-81 ;  Judge  Second  District  Kitnttan, 
66-69;  married  Dec.  4,  '66,  Jane  Eliza  Grimes;  died  Atchison,  Kan., 
ifarchlS,  '81.     Lawyer. 

JRY,  Addison.  — Son  of  James  and  Sarah;  born  — ;  Aaeoci.ite  Reformer' 
rheological  Seminary,  Allegheny  ;  licensed  1857,  Associate  Keformod  Pres- 
»ytery  of  Marion ;  ordained  Nov.  3,  '58,  Presbytery  of  Albany  ;  pawtMr  'West 
Charlton,  N.  Y.,  '58-63  ;  married  Barbara  J.,  daughter  of  Robert  Orr  ;  rtied 
Dec.  6,  '63,  abscess.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 





Hbrriott,  Willi  a  Bf  Brice.— Son  of  John  and  Rebecca  (Brice);  bom  Herriottt 
ville,  Pa.y  Jan.  25,  1834  ;  law  student  '55-57  ;  practiced  law  Pittabur]^,  Pa. 
Chicago,  111.,  *57-61  ;  United  States  Army,  Quartermaster's  Department 
'51-65;  editor  Redwood  OcmeUe,  '73-80;  Receiver,  United  Sutes  Lani 
Office,  '80  ;  married  Dec.  25,  '60,  Margaret  C,  daughter  of  Dr.  G.  i: 
Hays.     Lawyer,  Redwood  Falls,  Minn. 

*Jamis90N,  Campbell  T.— Son  of  Rev.  J.  M.  A  Rebecca  A.  (Townsend);  bor 
Raj  Mahal,  India,  Aug.  2,  '36  ;  teacher  Pass  Christian,  La.,  '54-57  ;  book 
keeper  New  Orleans,  '57-58;  unmarried  ;  died  New  Orleans,  La.,  Oct.  4 
'58,  yellow  fever. 

*Jeffeby,  William  A. — Bom  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  May  15,  1830 ;  teache 
'54-58  ;  W.  T.  S.  '6HA]\  ;  licensed  'GO,  Presbytery  of  Ohio  ;  stated  suppl; 
Unity,  Pa.,  '60-61 ;  died  Clinton,  Pa.,  Feb.  6,  '64.     Presbyterian  minister 

Johnson,  William  F.- Son  of  Dr.  William  and  Elizabeth  (Orr);  bornCadii 
O.,  March  16,  1838 ;  W.  T.  S.  '57-60 ;  licensed  and  ordained  '60,  Presby 
tery  of  Steubenville  ;  foreign  missionary  to  India,  Futteguhr,  Ind.,  '60-85 
United  States  '85  ;  President  and  professor  Biddle  University,  Charlotte 
N.  C,  '86--;  married  June  5,  '60,  Rachel  Lillie  Kerr;  D.D.  Presbyteriai 
minister,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Kennedy,  John  Porter. — Son  of  John  and  Ann  (Porter);  born  Westmorelam 
Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  25,  1825  ;  W.  T.  S.  '54-57  ;  licensed  April,  '50,  Presbyter 
of  Blairsville  ;  ordained  July,  '58,  Presbytery  of  Saltsburg ;  pastor  Clierr 
Tree,  Pa.,  '58-68,  Pine  Grove  '68-70;  stated  supply  Bethesda  '60-6.S-  Par 
nassus  '69-76,  Armagh  '76-81  ;  evangelistic  work  '81 — ;  married  Jan.  1,  '62 
Mary  J.,  daughter  of  Jacob  McCartney.  Presbyterian  minister.  Par 
nassus.  Pa. 

♦Kennedy,  Thomas  Ruston. — Son  of  Samuel  R.  and  Eliza  M.  L.  (Kennedy) 
born  Meadville,  Pa.,  May  17,  1834  ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Meadviile 
'57-81  ;   United  States  Army  ;  died  Meadville,  Pa.,  Jan.  5,  '81.     Lawyer 

*Kerr,  Thomas— W.  T.  S.  1854-56;  died  Allegheny,  Pa.,  Feb.  27,  1856 
Theological  student. 

Kyle,  John  T. — Son  of  Moses  and  Sarah  (Watson);  born  Juniata  Co.,  Pa. 
April  11,  1S83  ;  law  student,  Easton,  Pa.;  practiced  law  Princeton,  111. 
'57 — ;  married  April  21,  '57,  Mary  E.,  daughter  of  James  Herron.  Lawyer, 
Princeton,  111. 

Lennox,  David. — From  Londonderry,  Ireland;  returned  to  Ireland. 

♦Logan,  David  Swift. — Son  of  Joshua  and  Sabina  (Swift);  born  Pittsburg, 
Pa.,  Dec.  4,  1834;  teacher;  W.  T.  S.  '57-51);  licensed  '58,  Presbytery  ol 
Allegheny;  ordained  '")!>,  Presbytery  of  Coshocton;'  pastor  New  Philadel 
phia  and  Uhriclisville,  ().,  '59-62,  Tiffin  '62-64  ;  married  February,  '60, 
I^izzie,  daughter  of  John  Spear;  died  Rochester,  Pa.,  Sept.  16,  '64.  Pres 
byterian  minister. 



owMAN,  Abraham. — Son  of  George  S.  and  Rosana  (McClain);  born  Kent, 
Indiana  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  28,  1835  ;  U.  P.  T.  8.  '54-68  ;  licensed  April  15,  '57  ; 
pastor-elect  Brookville,  Pi.;  died  Brookyille,  Pa.,  Not.  27,  '58.  Licentiate 
United  Presbyterian  Ci^...rch. 

:€uLLOCH,  John  Scouller. — Son  of  William  and  Jane  C.  (McKee);  bom 
Big  Spring,  Pa.,  Sept.  5,  1829 ;  teacher.  Associate  Reformed  Theological 
Seminary,  Allegheny,  '54-68  ;  licensed  April  9,  '57,  Associate  Reformed 
Presbytery  of  Big  Spring;  ordained  Aug.  23,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Blooming- 
ton;  pastor  Peoria,  III.,  '57-64;  United  States  Army,  chaplain  77th  Regi- 
ment Illinois  Volunteers '64-65 ;  pastor  Harlem,  N.  Y.,  '65-77;  President 
of  Knoxville  College  *77 — ;  married  March  24,  '59,  Mary  C,  daughter  of 
James  Fulton ;  D.D.,  '79,  Monmouth  College.  United  Presbyterian  minis- 
ter, Knoxville,  Tcnn. 

Featters,  Matthew. — Son  of  James  S.  and  Rebecca  (Cresswell);  born 
Indiana  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan  30,  1834;  teacher  Kentucky  ;  Danville  Theological 
Seminary  '65-68 ;  licensed  April,  '57,  Presbytery  of  West  Lexington ; 
ordained  '59,  Presbytery  of  Western  Texas ;  pastor  Texana,  Texas,  '62, 
Lockhart '62-65 ;  missionary  in  Tennersee '65-73,  Quenemo,  Kan.,  '73-83, 
Navasota,  Tex.,  '83-86,  Ottawa,  Kan.,  'm,  Edgerton,  Kan.,  '88 ;  married 
March  5,  '62,  M.  A.,  daughter  of  Rev.  James  Wallace.  Presbyterian  min- 
ister, Edgerton,  Kan. 

vKeEj  Wilken  MoREiow. — Son  of  James  and  Ann  ;  born  Indiana  Co.,  Pa., 
Oct.  23,  1831;  teacher  Black  Hawk,  Miss.,  Urbana,  O.,  Bellefontaine  till 
'66  ;  married  Oct.  19,  '54,  Martha  M.  Huston  ;  died  Bellefontaine,  O.,  Dec. 
9,  '66,  consumption.     Teacher. 

'iTCHELL,  William  Luther. — Son  of  William  and  Eleanor  ;  born  Maury 
Co.,  Tennessee,  July  11,  1828;  P.  T.  S.  '67-60 ;  licensed  '57,  Presbytery  of 
Lafayette;  ordained '59,  Presbytery  of  Hillsboro ;  pastor  Hillsboro,  111., 
'59-64  ;  married  May  4,  '58,  Mary  B.Muchmore;  died  Hillsboro,  111.,  Feb. 
t^j  '64,  measles.     Presbyterian  minister. 

K)re,  Alexander  Morgan. — Son  of  Alexander  and  Nancy ;  bom  York 
District,  S.  C,  July  5,  1828  ;  teacher  Military  Academy,  Somerville,  Tenn., 
'55-61 ;  Somerville  Female  Institute,  '65 ;  principal  Byhalia,  Waverly 
Institute,  Miss.,  '80  ;  Confederate  States  Army  '61-65,  lieutenant  6th 
Tennessee  Infantry  j  married  Jan.  14,  ^tSS^  Julia  Williams.  Teacher, 
Byhalia,  Miss. 

rERS,  Benjamin  Franklin. — Son  of  Benjamin  and  Mary  (Carothers';  born 
near  Carlisle,  Pa.,  Jan.  28,  1833;  teacher '54-56 ;  W.  T.  S.  '56-59;  licensed 
January,  '59,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny  ;  ordained  '59,  Presbytery  of  Red- 
stone; pastor  Somerset,  Pa.,  '59-60;  stated  supply  Chestnut  Grove,  Md., 
'61-70,  Bether64-71,  Quarries  and  Mt.  Paran  '71,  Snow  Hill,  Md.,  '72-77, 
New  Ix)ndon,  Pa.,  '77-79,  Dnrby  '79-82,  Slalington  'S'J-83  ;  teacher '83  84  ; 
evangelist  '85-87;  Moundsville,  W.  Va.,  'S7-;  married  Dec.  26,  '61,  Vir- 
ginia Bull.     Presbyterian  minister,  Moundsville,  W.   Va, 


Neoley,  Jagob  Boyd. — Son  of  George  G.  and  Eleanor  (Boyd);  born  East 
Liberty  (Pittobiirg),  Pa.,  Sept.  30,  1833;  railroad  service,  Iowa,  '54-65; 
banker,  Muscatine,  Iowa,  '65-73,  Pittsburg  '73—;  married  June  23,  73, 
Cynthia  Newell,  daughter  of  Joel  TruU.     Banker,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Nevin,  Joseph  C. — Son  of  George  and  Mary  (Morrison);  bom  Washington 
Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  6,  1835 ;  tutor  Jefferson  College  '54-65,  Associate  Reformed 
Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '56-59;  teacher  Mississippi  '59-60; 
licensed  Dec.  28,  '58,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela;  ordained  Sept.  30,  '59; 
foreign  missionary  to  China,  Canton,  China,  '59-77 ;  Chinese  mission  at 
Los  Angeles,  Cal.,  '77 — ;  married  Nov.  1,  '59,  Amanda  S.,  daughter  of 
James  Beggs,  also  July  27,  '71,  Mary  C,  daughter  of  George  McCagae 
United  Presbyterian  minister,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 

OsBORN,  Benson  J. — Son  of  Jonathan  and  Hannah  ;  born  Oxford,  N.  C,  Jan. 
3,  1835;  law  student  Tyler  and  Kaufman,  Texas;  practiced  law  Kaufman, 
Texas,  '57 — ;  Confederate  States  Army  '62-63,  brigade  commander ;  Mayor 
of  Kaufman,  Texas  ;  married  Dec.  1,  '58,  Zelona  Ayers,  also  April  13,  '64, 
Isadora  Ayers;  published  ** Thirty  Years  in  Texas."  Lawyer,  Kaufman, 

♦Patterson,  Henry  W.— Son  of  Alfred  and  Caroline  (Whitely);  born  Union- 
town,  Pa.,  1836 ;  law  student  Uniontown  ;  practiced  law  Uniontown,  Pa., 
'57-61(?);  United  States  Army '61-66,  lieutenant;  Pittsburg  Steel  Works 
'66-82 ;  married  Louisa  Dawson,  also  Anna  Hamilton  ;  died  Pittsbuiig,  Pa., 
May  30,  1882.     Business. 

Pershing,  Emanuel  John.— Son  of  Christopher  S.  and  Elizabeth  (Long); 
born  Johnstown,  Pa.,  1831 ;  merchant  and  associate  editor  of  Tke  Eeko^ 
Johnstown,  Pa.,  '53-54;  editor  and  founder  of  daily  and  weekly  Itock 
I$ia7ider  '54-60 ;  law  student  Rock  Island  ;  practiced  law  —  till  '60 ;  married 
January,  '59,  Susan  J.,  daughter  of  Miles  W.  Conway,  Rock  Island,  111.; 
died  suddenly,  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  July  22,  '60;  A.B.,  '54,  Jefferson  Col- 

Peterson,  Robert  Henry.  —Son  of  Klias  and  Margaret  (McCall);  born  West- 
moreland Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  22,  1831  ;  merchant  New  London,  Iowa,  '70 — ; 
married  April  11.  '58,  Sarah  Elizabeth  Shelledy.  Merchant,  New  Ix)ndon, 

Pinkerton,  John  Alexander. — Son  of  James  and  Anne  (Byers);  born  near 
Pulaski,  Pa.,  Jan.  10,  1826 ;  W.  T.  S.  '54-57  ;  licensed  June,  '56,  Presby- 
tery of  Beaver  ;  ordained  *57,  Presbytery  of  Sangamon ;  pastor  Petersburg, 
III.,  '57-70,  Chillicothe,  Mo.,  '70-79,  Beloit,  Kan  ,  79(?)— ,  Pueblo, Col., 
'S8  ;  married  Dec.  6,  '64,  Mary  M.,  daughter  of  John  Bennett;  D.D.,  '81, 
Blackburn  University,  also  Stated  Clerk  Presbytery.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Pueblo,  Col. 

Playpord,  William  Henry. — Son  of  Dr.  Robert  William  and  Margaret  Ann 
(Shaw);  born  Brownsville,  Pa.,  Aug.  31,  1833;  law  student  with  Judge 
Ewing,  Uniontown  ;  practiced  law  Uniontown,  Pa.,  '56— ;  Pennsylvania 
Legislature;  editor;  married  October,  '61,  Ellen  C  Krepps.  Lawyer, 
Uniontown,  Pa. 


ToLK,  John  W.— Son  of  William  T.  G.  and  Elizabeth  G.  (Woolford)  ;  born 
Princess  Anne,  Md.»  Jan.  24,  1834;  law  student;  practiced  law  Princess 
Anne,  Md.;  Confederate  States  Army  ;  lieutenant,  let  Maryland  Infantry ; 
merchant  Princess  Anne  '65-69;  unmarried;  died  Princess  Anne,  Md., 
April  23,  *69.     i  awyer,  merchant. 

^BETLOW,  William  H. — From  Southampton  Co.,  Va.  Lawyer ;  can  not  be 
beard  from. 

EtoBEBTS,  Thomas  £.— Son  of  John  £.  and  Mary  (Hughes);  born  Ebensburg, 
Pa.,  Jan.  21,  1828  ;  Andover  Theological  Seminary  ;  licensed  January,  '57, 
South  Middleton  Association  ;  ordained  May,  '61,  Council  Congregational 
Church;  pastor  Oskaloosa,  Iowa,  Troy,  N.  H.,  Swanzey  '61-73;  business 
'73—;  Christian  Commission,  Army ;  married  Oct.  6,  '58,  Mary  R.  Goodell, 
also  Mrs.  C.  S.  Berlew.     Residence,  Trenton,  N.  J. 

iouDEBUSH,  Georoe  Shotwell. — Son  of  Daniel  and  Ruth  (Shot well) ;  born 
Goshen,  Clermont  Co.,  O.,  April  26,  1828;  W.  T.  S.,  '56-57;  licensed 
August,  *60,  Presbytery  of  Mississippi ;  ordained  November,  '62,  same 
presbytery;  pastor  Woodville,  Miss.,  '61-64;  stated  supply  Adams  County, 
'64-66 ;  teacher ;  Superintendent  Natchez  Academy,  two  years ;  Institute 
four  years;  President  Oakland  College,  Mississippi,  two  years ;  professor 
Agricultural  and  Mechanical  College,  Mississippi,  '80-83 ;  Academy,  Jack- 
son, Mississippi,  '83-87;  Colored  Academy,  Madison,  Miss.,  '87 — ;  married 
Dec.  24,  '56,  Margaret  Moore;  D.D.,  '80,  Mississippi  University.  Presby- 
terian minister  and  teacher,  Madison  Station,  MibS. 

Smith,  Waxt£B  B.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  William  and  Maria  (Buchanan);  born 
('anonsburg.  Pa.,  Jan.  8,  1838;  clerk;  United  States  Army '61-62  ;  first 
sergeant,  Company  B,  85th  Pennsylvania  Volunteers ;  died  Douglas 
Hospital,  Washington,  D.  C,  May  21,  '62,  camp  fever. 

iNODGBAss,  J.  C. — Son  of  John  and  Anna  (Mason);  born  Westmoreland  Co., 
Pa.,  May  6,  1832 ;  law  student  with  E.  Canon  ;  practiced  law  Greens- 
burg,  '57-58;  United  States  Army;  2d  Cavaliy;  lieutenant '61 — ;  Deputy 
United  States  Revenue  Collector,  '63-72;  Department  Registration  and 
Records  '75-79 ;  Greensburg,  Pa ;  married  'oSj  Mary  Q.  Goodlin.  Resi- 
dence, Greensburg,  Pa. 

jtevensqn,  J.  M. — Born ;  medical  student ;  practiced  medicine  Pitisburg, 

East  End,  Pa.;  unmarried. 

>tewabt,  Calvin  Welfobd. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Cross);  born  Lower 
Chanceford,  York  Co.,  Pa.,  July  4,  1830;  teacher  'e54-55  ;  P.  T.  S.  '55-58 ; 
licensed  May  17,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Donegal;  ordained  June  24,  '58,  same 
presbytery  ;  pastor  Union  Church,  Colerain,  Pa.,  '58—;  Moderator  Synod  of 
Pennsylvania;  married  Dec.  1,  '50,  Sarah  K.,  daughter  of  Thomas  Craw- 
ford; D.D.,  Washington  and  Jeflferson  College.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Colerain,  Pa, 

"Stewabt,  Archibald  Allison. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Susannah  (Cummings); 
born  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.  ;  law  student  with  Hon.  H.  D.  Foster,  lS54-.")(; ;  prac- 
ticed law  Greensburg,  Pa.,  '56-81  ;  died  Greensburg,  Pa.,  July  3,  '81, 
apoplexy.     Lawyer. 


Swift,  Edward  Payson.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  E.  P.  and  Elisa  D.  (Beach);  born 
Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  2,  1834  j  W.  T.  S.  %>7-60 ;  licensed  April  20,  '60, 
Presbytery  of  Allegheny  City  ;  ceased  preaching ;  near  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Teitsworth,  William  Perseno. — Son  of  Isaac  and  Catharine  (Perseng);  born 
Northumberland  Co.,  Pa.,  July  11,  1829;  teacher;  P.  T.  8.  'oo-oS; 
licensed  '59,  Presbytery  of  Northumberland;  missionary  '59-60;  ordaloed 
'60,  Presbytery  of  Genesee ;  stated  supply  Allegheny,  N.  Y.,  '60-63,  Ark- 
port  '63-64,  GilleHpie  and  Staunton,  HI ,  '65-67,  i^ebauon  '67-69 ;  teacher 
'69-73,  Longmont,  Col.,  '73-75,  Fairplay,  Rosita.  Silver  Cliff  '79—;  Hardy, 
Neb.,  '86—,  Irving,  Kan.,  '86;  married  SepL  Vij  '65,  Isabella  S.  Parr; 
Christian  Commission.     Presbyterian  minister.  Hardy,  Neb. 

Van  Meter,  John  M. — Son  of  John  Inskeep  and  Elizabeth  ;  born  Piketon,  0.; 
law  student ;  practiced  law  Chillicothe,  O.,  —  ;  Member  of  Congress  1843- 
45;  Judge  Court  of  Common  Pleas,  Ross  Co.,  O,  '76 — ;  married  Elisa 
Sesson,  also  Susan  1 .  Cunningham.     Lawyer,  Chillicothe,  O. 

Waikinshaw,  James  Dauoherty. — Born  Saltsburg,  Pa.,  Feb.  14,  1832; 
Associate  Reformed  Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny;  licensed  Oct.  27, 
''}8,  Presbytery  of  Westmoreland  ;  ordained  June  20,  '60,  same  presbyter?; 
pastor  Beulah  and  Union,  Pa.,  '60-65,  West  Newton  and  Sewickley  '65-69 ; 
Presbyterian  Church  '69,  Martin-burg,  O.,  '69-73,  Upper  Buffalo,  Pa., 
'73-83,  Wellsburg,  W.  Va.,  '83-86,  Millersburg,  O.,  '86—.  Presbyterian 
minister ;  residence,  Millersburg,  O. 

YoLNO,  John  Hugh.  Son  of  William  and  Fanny;  born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Feb. 
5,  1834;  Associate  Reformed  Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '54-56, 
Edenburg,  '56-57  ;  licensed  December,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela; 
ordained  July  13,  '59,  Presbytery  of  Des  Moines;  pastor  United  Presbyte- 
rian Church,  Des  Moines,  '58-63;  pastor  Presbyterian  Church,  Ironton,  0., 
'64-72 ;  Congregational  Church,  '72-83 ;  without  charge  *83— ;  married 
April  17,  '60,  Mary  H. ,  daughter  of  R.  W.  Clerk.  Congregational  minister ; 
residence,  Pittsburg,  East  End. 


Anderson,  A.  R. — Son  of  John  and  Ann  (White);  born  near  Canonsburg,  Pa., 
Feb.  3,  1832  ;  Associate  Reformed  Seminary,  Xenia,  '55-58  ;  licensed  June, 
'58;  ordained  April  17,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers;  pastor  Venice,  Pa., 
'60 — ;  married  Oct.  11,  '60,  Jennie  N.,  daughter  of  John  Shaw.  United 
Presbyterian  minister,  Venice,  Pa. 

Anderson,  Thomas  Coulter.— Son  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  (Coulter);  born 
Butler  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  5,  1826  ;  teacher;  P.  T.  S.  '50-59  ;  licensed ;  ordained 
May  9,  '62,  Presbytery  of  Lewes;  pastor  Rehoboth,  Md.,  '62-64,  Slate 
Lick,  Pa.,  '(W'tyS,  Huntingdon  Valley  '69-79 ;  evangelist  '79-81  ;  stated 
supply  Harmonsburg  and  Evansburg,  Pa  ,  '81-83 ;  Glasgow,  Del.,  '83—; 
married  Oct.  14,  '69,  Lydia  F.  Baker.  Presbyterian  minister,  Glasgow, 



RK,  J.  Calvin.— Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Cannon);  born  Wasbinglon  Co.,  Pa., 
Nov.  11,  1823;  W.  T.  S.,  '00-08;  licensed  Feb.  8,  '57,  Pretbytery  of  Ohio; 
ordained  April,  '58,  same  presbytery;  evangelist  West  Virginia,  '68-59; 
pastor  Lewisbiirg  '59-4)9,  Charleston  '69 — ;  married  May  10.  '59,  Maria  B., 
daughter  of  Rev.  Jos.  Smith  ;D1>.,  87,  Center  University,  Kentucky. 
Presbyterian  minister,  Charleston,  W.  Va. 

RR,  William  Wilson.— Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Boyd);  born  Washing- 
ton Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  11,  1832;  A.  T.  S.,  Xenia,  '55-58;  licensed  June  15,  '58, 
Presbytery  of  Chartiers ;  ordained  Sept.  20,  '59,  Associate  Presbytery  of 
Philadelphia;  pastor  Shippin  Street  Associate  Presbyterian  Church,  Phila- 
delphia, now  Eighth  United  Presbyterian  '59—;  published  "Through  Pal- 
estine with  Open  Bible,"  *■  Christian  Beneficence,"  "The  Psalms  and  their 
Use,  **  How  to  Keep  the  Sabbath,"  etc.;  editor  Evaiujtlical  Repository  '60-79, 
Chrutian  Instructor  '82—;  married  June  13,  '66,  Christina  D.,  daughter 
of  David  Barr;  D.D.,  74,  Westminster  College.  United  Presbyterian 
minister,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

RRON,  David  Henry. — Son  of  John  and  Jane  (Ferguson);  born  Center  Co., 
Pa  ,  Aug.  29,  182S;  W.  T.  S.  '55-58;  licensed  April,  '57,  Presbytery  of 
Allegheny  ;  ordained  May,  '58,  Presbytery  of  Redstone;  pastor  Mt.  Pleasant, 
Pa.,  'SS-GI,  Holidaysburg'  61 — ;  married  September,  '58,  Mary  J.,  daughter 
of  James  McCullough  ;  D.D.,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College.  Presby- 
terian minister,  Holidaysbuig,  Pa. 

ST,  John  H. — Ubited  States  Army  ;  National  Military  Home,  Leavenworth, 

RROTHERS,  JoHN  A. — Son  of  John  and  Nancy  (Aten);  born  Guernsey  Co., 
O.,  Feb.  1,  1831  ;  teacher;  theology  private;  licensed  April,  '(iO,  Presbytery 
of  Des  Moines;  ordained  evangelist  April,  '(>!,  same  presbytery;  preached 
in  Iowa '60 — ?;  now  Fresno  City,  Cal.,  ^S6  —  ',  married  Oct.  11,  '55,  Mar- 
garet S.,  daughter  of  Jeremiah  Brown,  Martinsburg,  O.  Presbyterian 
minister,  Fresno,  Cal. 

APMAN,  John  S.— Son  of  Dr.  Chapman  ;  law  student,  Cumberland  Univers- 
ity, Tennessee;  practiced  law  Alexandria,  Va.;  Confederate  Stales  Army, 
'61-65  ;  married  ;  died  '83. 

SDIT,  Ira  Miller. — Son  nf  John  and  Mary  (Zahniser);  born  Georgetown, 
Pa.,  Jan.  14,  1823;  teacher  Rockville,  Ind.,  '55-56;  W.  T.  S.  '56-59; 
licensed  April  14,  '58,  Presbytery  of  Krie :  ordained  Sept.  24,  '59,  same 
presbytery;  foreign  missionary  China,  Canton,  China,  '60-<)5  ;  slated  supply 
Oirard,  Pa.,  '67-70;  Chinese  Mission,  California,  '60 ;  published  geog- 
raphy in  Chinese,  English  and  Chinese  readi-r  and  dictionary,  "  Come 
to  Jesus,"  ''Gospel  Illustrations,"  *Miospel  Words,"  ''Jesus  Words,' 
**  Idolatry,'*  all  in  Chinese  ;  married  March  6,  '()0,  Laura  E.  Carpenter, 
Oberlin,  O.,  also  April  2,  '72,  Samantha  D.  Knox,  Sacramento,  Cal.  Pres- 
byterian minister,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 



Elder,  James  S. — Son  of  David  and  Julia  A.  (Sherer);  born  Elder's  Ri< 
Pa.,  May  30,  1829;  W.  T.  S.  '55-68;  licensed  Jan.  7,  '58,  Presbyter 
Sallsburg ;  urdained  Sept.  6,  '59,  Presbytery  of  Clarion  ;  pastor  Green v 
Pa.,  and  Bethlehem;  former  '59-68,  latter  '59-00;  Rehoboth  '^ 
Clarion  *68 — ;  Europe  '82;  married  Dec.  22,  '58,  Nannie  C,  daughte 
John  Barnett.     Presbyterian  minister,  Clariou,  Pa. 

Elder,  T.  B.— Son  of  James  and  Margaret  (Barnett);  born  Elder's  Ridge, 
March  17,   1835 ;  teacher  and  farmer  Elder's  Ridge,  Pa.,  '55-58 ;  iean 
E.  R.  Academy  about  twenty  years ;  for  several  years  assistant  princi 
then  principal;  ruling   elder;  married  Dec.   22,  '58,  Mary,    daughle 
John  Barnett.     Teacher  and  farmer.  Elder's  Ridge,  Pa. 

EwiNO,  James  Alexander. — Son  of  William  and  Margaret  (Elder);  I 
Indiana  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  30,  1828;  W.  T.  S.  '55-58;  licensed  January, 
Presbytery  of  Saltsburg ;  ordained  Dececmber,  '58,  Presbytery  of  Clari 
teacher  and  stated  supply  Pennsylvania,  West  Virginia  and  Ohio ;  st 
supply  West  Carlisle  and  Warsaw,  O.;  married  Oct.  28,  '58,  Martha  B 
Presbyterian  minister.  West  Carlisle,  O. 

Foresman,  C.  S.— Son  of  George  and  Nancy ;  born  Circleville,  O.,  Aug 
1832  ;  farmer  ;  married  Feb.  26,  '74,  Jean  Thompson.  Farmer,  Rushv 
Fairfield  Co.,  O. 

^Fredericks,  James  Turner. — Son  of  William  and  Rachel  (Turner);  \ 
Morris  Co.,  N.  J.,  Feb.  22,  1827;  W.  T.  S.  '55-58;  licensed  June, 
Presbytery  of  Richland  ;  ordained  Oct.  26,  '58,  Presbytery  of  Washing! 
pastor  Burgettstown,  Pa.,  '58-86 ;  married  March  15,  '59,  Mary,  daug 
of  Robert  Patterson;  died  Burgetcstown,  Pa.,  July  21,  '86.  Presbyte 

Graham,  George. — Son  of  Henry  and  Martha  (Stevenson);  born  Mt.  Veri 
O.,  Dec.  13,  1826;  teacher;  W.  T.  S.  '55-58;  licensed  June,  '57,  Pre 
tery  of  Richland  ;  ordained  '58,  Presbytery  of  Marion  ;  pastor  Bucyrus, 
'58-61;  stated  supply  Clerksville,  Iowa,  '64-77;  teacher;  agent  Amer 
Bible  Society,  '83-84  ;  married  Nov.  10,  '57,  Almira  E.,  daughter  of  I 
uel  Rose.     Presbyterian  minister,  Clerksville,  Iowa. 

Hamilton,  Jbssr  Wells. — Son  of  .John  and  Nancy  (Wells);  born  Carroll 
O.,  Jan.  5,  1827 ;  W.  T.  8.  '55-58 ;  licensed   April  15,  '57.   Presbyter 
Steubenville  ;  ordained  '60,  same  presbytery  ;  teacher  '62-65  ;  stated  su] 
Waterford  and  Belleville,  O.,  '60-62;  pastor  Lower  Ten  Mile,  Pa.,  '(>5 
teacher  Butler,  Pa.,  '73-75;  stated  supply  Sharpsville  '72-75,  Mingo, 
'75-80,    East    Springfield  and  Bacon  Ridge  '82  - ;  married  May   10, 
Sarah   A.,   daughter   of   Joseph  Chaddock.     Presbyterian  minister, 
Springfield,  O. 

Hanna,  Daniel  W. — Son  of  Thompson  and  Catherine  W.;  born  Steubenv 
O.,  Sept.  20,  1836:  developed  patent,  vu lean izetl  fibre;  teacher  Mich 
and  California,  '55-82  ;  licensed  '82;  ordained  evangelist  October,  *82,  I 
bytery  of  Benicia;  ruling  elder  Steubenville,  Wilmington,  Del.;  Presid 

Los  Angeles,  Cal.;  married  April  17, ?,   Margaret  E.,  daughter  of  J 

Lippincott,  Los  Angeles,  Cal. 



KMAN,  S.  M.— Born  Columbiana  Co.,  O.,  April  10,  1827  ;  teacher  Missis- 
sippi,  '55-5(3  ;  licensed  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  ;  ordained  same ;  stated 
»applj  Beaver,  Pa.,  Springfield,  O  ,  Coshocton,  Cadiz,  New  Philadelphia, 
Massillon,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Monongahela  City ;  presiding  elder,  McConnells- 
rille,  O.;  married  '58,  Kate  Arthur;  D.D.     Methodist  Episcopal  minister. 

LOWAT,  Alpheus  Habdman. — Son  of  Isaiah  and  Catharine  (Hardman); 
born  Columbiana  Co.,  O.,  Feb.  5,  1835;  Danville  Theological  Seminary 
'55-58;  licensed  May  2,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Transylvania;  ordained  May  1, 
59,  Presbytery  of  Louisiana ;  stated  supply  Sabin,  Minn.,  '87 ;  published 
"Beauty  of  the  King,"  "Life  for  a  Look,"  **Do  You  Read  the  Bible?" 
'*  Do  You  Love  the  Sanctuary  ?  "  **  Christian  Commiasion,"  **  Qood  M'ords 
br  Sunday  School  Teachers,"  "  Teachers'  Meetings ;  "  married  Aug.  12/67, 
Florence  H.,  daughter  of  G.  W.  McCally.  Presbyterian  minister,  Sabin, 

rcHisoK,  William.— Son  of  William  and  Elisa;  born  W^ashington,  Pa., 
^pL  22,  1831  ;  teacher  Ohio  ;  principal  High  School,  Natchec,Mi8S.,  many 
rears,  also  higher  mathematics  in  Ladies'  Seminary,  same  city ;  organized 
^emberton  Academy  '69,  and  taught  till  '75 ;  journalist,  nom  de  plume 
*  John  Sands,"  New  York  Lxpress  and  Sun ;  Superintendent  Public  Schools* 
Turlington  Co.,  N.  J.;  married  January,  '51,  EHsa  Lohra  Macmichael ;  died 
iarrison,  N.  J.,  Feb.  24,  '89.     Teacher  and  journalist. 

N,  John  Chandler.— Son  of  Dr.  Joseph  M.  and  Eliza  M.;  bnrn  Morgan 

)o.,  O.,  Jan.  24,  1831 ;  W.  T.  S.  '55-58 ;. licensed  '57,  Presbytery  of  Rich- 

and;    ordained  '61,  Presbytery  of  Logansport ;  pastor  Logansport,  Ind., 

51-67,    Greensburg    '67-72,     Chattanooga,    Tenn.,   '75-78,    Wilkinsburg 

78-84,  Albert  Lea,  Minn.,  '84—;  married  Sept.  2,  '58,  Jennie  £.  Burgett ', 

).D.     Presi)yterian  minister,  Albert  Lea,  Minn. 

EON,  Richard  H.— Son  of   John  M.  and  Sarah  (Sterling);  born  West* 

aoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  24,  1829  ;  teacher  Missouri  and  Illinois;  W.  T.  S. 

57-60 ;  licensed  Jan.  4,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville ;  ordained  Dec.  6, 

51,  Presbytery  of  Ft.  Wayne  ;  staled  supply  New  Lancaster  and  Bluffton, 

nd.,  '60-65 ;  Indiana  and  Ohio ;  principal  of  Lebanon  Academy,  Ind., 

S5-67;  stated  supply  Qatysburg  and  Covington  '67-68;  principal  Bloom- 

Dgburg  Academy,  O.,  '68-70;  Superintendent  of  Schools,  Atchison,  Kan.^ 

rO-76;  Appleton  and  Westfteld,  Mo.,  '77-82  ;  Westfield,  '87  ;  married  Dec. 

7,  '60,   Mary  S.  Kerr.     Presbyterian  minister  and   teacher,   Ohio,  Mo. 

IN,  Benjamin  Oliver. — Son  of  Benjamin  ;  born  Mercer  Co.,  Pa.,  March 
7,  1826;  W.  T.  S.  '55-58;  licensed  June,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Clarion; 
rdained  '60,  same  presbytery;  stated  supply  Sandy  Lake,  Salem  and  Mill- 
dgeville  '59,  Ridgeway  and  Elkton  '60-61,  Westminster,  Buffalo,  Union 
nd  HicksTille  '65-69,  Dexter,  Iowa,  '09-72 ;  missionary  in  Pennsylvania. 
r2-75  ;  pastor  Concord,  Pa.,  '76-80  ;  Fairraount  '76-83 ;  evangelist,  Los 
Lngeles,  Cal.,  '83—;  married  Dec.  15,  58,  Jane  Mary  McClain.  Presby- 
Brian  minister,  teacher  University  of  California,  Lugonia,  Cal. 





■:  ■J 

♦Keeling,  William  Butler.— Born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  May  4,  1828;  W.  T.  S, 
'55-58;  liceDsed  April,  '57,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  '58;  pastor Mt 
Prospect,  Pa.,  '58-63;  stated  supply  Coon  Meadow  and  Reading;  111., 
'63-75,  Wenona  '75-78;  married  Aug.  15,  '54,  Mary  L.  Henderson;  died 
Wenona,  111.,  April  29,  '78.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Kennedy,  J.  Moffitt. — Born  Oxford,  Chester  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  19, 1833:  teachei 
Hopewell  Academy  '60-57,  Missouri  '57 — ;  law  student;  practiced  law 
Pittsburg,   Pa.,  '64 — j  married  '68,   Miss  Miller.     Lawyer,  Pittsburg,  Pt. 

Kerr,  Andrew  Wylie. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Jane  (Nevin);  born  Washington 
Co.,  Pa.;  teacher  Mercer  Co.,  Pa.,  '55-^6,  Amador  Co.,  Cal.,  '56 — ;  roar 
ried  '56,  Nancy  Cams.     Teacher,  Jackson,  Cal. 

*Kimple,  Adam. — Born  Center  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  20,  1826;  law  student  Iowa; 
practiced  law  Salem,  Iowa,  '61-62 ;  United  States  Army,  wounded  battle  of 
Atlanta,  Georgia  ;  married  '59,  Sarah  £.  Hartzell ;  died  Marietta,  Ga.,  hos- 
pital, '63,  from  wounds.     Lawyer. 

Lapsley,  David  Nelson. — Said  to  be  a  physician  from  St.  Francisville,  Mo. 

Large,  Samuel  P. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Jane  (Pollock);  born  Allegheny  Co., 
Pa.,  March  30,  1835;  lumber  and  coal  merchant  Elisabeth,  Pa.,  '60-70, 
'73 — ,  Allegheny  '70-73  ;  Pennsylvania  Legislature  '74-76  *  married  Sept. 
20,  '62,  Elizabeth  P.,  daughter  of  Richard  Breedon;  merchant,  Elisabeth, 
Pa.,  '7:^87  ;  Denver,  Col. 

♦McCartney,  John  Y. — Son  of  Jacob  and  Margaret  (Shearer);  born  neai 
Apollo,  Pa.,  June  22,  1835  ;  W.  T.  S.  '65-58;  licensed  April,  '57,  Pre& 
bytery  of  Saltsburg ;  ordained  Oct.  5,  '58,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  pastor  Ml- 
Washington,  Pa.,  '58-64,  Twelfth  Church,  Baltimore,  Md.,  '65 ;  married 
Nov.  6,  '60,  Jennie,  daughter  of  Hon.  G.  E.  Warner  ;  died  Baltimore,  Md  , 
May  13,  '65,  dysentery.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•McGregor,  William. — Born  in  Scotland  ;  went  South  ;  teacher  Pass  Chris 
tian,  La.,  '55-57  High  School,  New  Orleans,  '57-61;  Confederate  State 
Army  '61 — ,  killed  by  a  cannon-ball,  battle  of  Atlanta,  Ga. 

McKinley,  .John. — Son  of  James  and  Rebecca  (Poe);  born  Beaver  Co.,  Apri 
20,  1835;  medical  student  Cleveland  Medical  College  '62-66;  practicec 
medicine  Lawrence  Co.,  Pa.;  business;  married  Mary  L.  Cole.  Physiciai 
and  druggist,  New  Castle,  Pa. 

McKinney,  A.  Smith. — Son  of  Abraham  S.  and  Margaret  (Reynolds);  borr 
Cumberland  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  12,  1834;  teacher  Louisiana  '55-56;  lumber, 
Elmwood,  Mo.,  '56-65;  planter,  Mississippi,  '66-67;  lumber,  El  Paso,  HI. 
'6%—\  President  National  Bank,  El  Paso,  111.,  '83—;  elder  Presbyteriai 
Church  '74 — ;  married  '61,  Adelaide  F.,  daughter  of  B.  Abbott. 

*McMastkr,  James. —Born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  23,  1833;  medical  student 
King  &  Reiter  and  Jefferson  Medical  College,  '57  ;  surgeon,  United  Sialej 
Navy,  '57-73;  married  April,  '69,  Miss  Kip  ;  died  Chelsea  Hospital.  Bos 
ton,  Mass.,  July  4,  '73.     Physician. 


E,  Robert  Ralston.— Born  Mercer  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  16,  1830;  W.  T.  S. 
^-58 ;  liceDsed  '58,  Presbytery  of  Beaver ;  ordained  '59,  Presbytery  of 
ichiand ;  pastor  Shelby,  O.,  '59-64;  stated  supply  Shelbyville,  Tenn., 
id  Hanrodsburg,  Ky.,  '64-69;  pastor  Wellsburg,  W.  Va.,  '69-73;  Sixth 
resbyterian  Church,  Pituburg,  Pa.,  '73-79,  Newark,  O.,  '79-83;  pastor-elect 
hrichsville  '83-85,  and  Coneautville,  Pa.,  '85-;  married  Aug.  17,  '65, 
mma  C.  Dunlap.     Presbyterian  minister,  Coneautville,  Pa. 

E,  William  Po&ter.— Son  of  John  and  Matilda  (McAfee);  bom  Taren- 
im,  Pa,,  June  27,  1830  ;  W.  T.  S.  '55-58;  licensed  Ociober,  '57,  Presby- 
TV  of  Blairsville ;  ordained  '58,  Presbytery  of  Clarion ;  pastor  Bethesda, 
a.,  '58-60,  Connellsville,  Pa.,  '60-61;  United  Stales  Army;  chaplain 
12d  Regiment,  Pennbyhania  Volunteers,  '62-63 ;  pastor  Oil  City,  Pa., 
3^68 ;  Second  Presbyterian  Church,  Allegheny,  '69-76,  Long  Run  '76-83, 
redericksburg  and  Holmesville  '83-88 ;  married  April  8,  '58,  Rosie  M. 
ulton,  daughter  of  Robert  Fulton.  Presbyterian  minister,  Fredericks- 
jrg,  O. 

RAY,  Samucl  Thomas. — Son  of  William  and  Margaret ;  bom  Graysville, 
[unlingdon  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  7,  1835;  teacher  McVeytown,  Pa.;  Holidays- 
irg ;  law  student  with  Ephraim  Banks,  Holidaysburg ;  practiced  law  Hol- 
laysburg,  till  '61,  Bellefont  '61-68;  United  States  Army;  1st  Pennsyl- 
inia  Cavalry  ;  second  lieutenant ;  married  Ella  Drayton  ;  died  Washington, 
K  C,  July  14,  '68,  consumption,  result  of  cold  taken  in  army.     Lawyer. 

[ANCB,  John. — Son  of  John  N.  and  Eliza  J.  (Potts);  born  Butler,  Pa., 
iine2,  1836;  law  student  with  father,  '55-58  ;  practiced  law  Butler,  Pa., 
8—.     Lawyer,  Butler,  Pa. 

rox,  Robert  6. — Son  of  James  and  Jane  (Graham);  born  Slate  Lick, 
a.,  Jan.  26,  1830;  teacher  Kentucky  ;  medical  student,  Jefferson  Medical 
ollege,  '60  ;  practiced  medicine  Cowansville,  Armstrong  Co.,  Pa.,  '61  -  ; 
arried  June  19,  '65,  Mattie  J.,  daughter  of  John  Templeton.  Physician, 
owansville,  Pa. 

IP,  Samuel  M.— bom  West  Middletown,  Pa.,  Nov.  23,  1824;  W.  T.  8. 
5-58 .  licensed ;  ordained  '58 ;  foreign  missionary,  South  America, 
ogota,  South  America,  '48-60 ;  married  Martha  Jamieson  ;  died  Bogota, 
>uth  America,  Oct.  30,  '60.     Presbyterian  minister. 

3N,  John  Archibald  Erastus. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Ann  M.  (Bowman); 
)m  New  York  City,  Dec.  19,  1827;  W.  T.  S.  'o5-5S;  teacher;  licensed 
pril  20,  '59,  Presbytery  of  Ohio  ;  ordained  Dec.  27,  '59,  Presbytery  of 
oshocton ;  pastor  Millersburg  and  stated  supply  Holmesville,  O.,  '59-63, 
axton  and  Oilman,  111.,  '63-64,  Prospect  '64-66,  Reimersburg,  Pa.,  '67-70, 
orinth  70-78,  Minerva  and  Bethlehem  '79-80 ;  evangelist  '80— ;  married 
ug.  6,  '57,  Maggie  E.  Hill.  Presbyterian  minister ;  residence,  Lawrence, 

has,  John  E.—Born  Oak  Hall,  Pa.,  Aug.  22,  1832  ;  teacher  Venango  Co  , 
a.,  '55-56,  Pine  Grove  '56-72;  United  States  Army;  married  '56; 
ied  72(?). 


Towns  END,  Dani£L  W.— Son  of  John  and  Elisabeth  (Shoemaker);  born  We£ 
moreland  Co.,  Pa.,  July  29,  1834  ;  W.  T.  8.  '55-68 ;  licensed  '57,  Presb; 
terj  of  Blairsville  ;  ordained  '58,  Presbyteiy  of  Saltabarg ;  pastor  Parnasu 
Pa.,  '58-67,  Alliance,  O.,  '67-69,  Unity,  Pa.,  '69—;  married  Lizzie  M 
daughter  of  Jamee  Kier,  Elder's  Ridge,  Pa.  Presbyterian  ministe 
Beatty,  Pa. 

Wall,  Allen. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Frances  (Alien);  bom  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa 
Feb.  6,  1837  ;  teacher  '55-58 ;  law  student  '59-61 ;  United  States  Army 
155th  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Volunteers,  '62-65 ;  Register  Office,  Uniti 
Stales  Treasury  Department,  Washington,  D.  C,  '71—;  married  April  1' 
'74,   Lizzie  J.,   daughter  of  John  Stiles.     Residence,  Washington,  D.  ( 

Watson,  Samuel. — Son  of  James  and  Margaret ;  born  Allegheny  City,  Pa 
W.  T.  S.  '56-57  ;  coal  business,  Pittsburg  and  Allegheny;  married  Sep 
16,  '75,  Mary  Henderson.     Business,  Allegheny,  Pa. 

*Wead,  Samuel. — Son  of  Robert  and  Mary  (Gibson);  born  Cedar  'Spring 
near  Dayton,  O.,  June  &,  1826  ;  traveled  West  after  graduating ;  unmarried 
died  near  Dayton,  O.,  Feb.  13,  '58,  consumption. 

White,  Isaac  Newton.— Bom  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  17,  1835;  Xen 
Theological  Seminary;  licensed  July  24,  '59,  Presbytery  of  Chartien 
ordained  May  7,  '61,  Presbytery  of  Argyle ;  pastor  Hebron,  N.  Y.,  *61-6i 
New  Lebanon  and  Glade  Run,  O.,  '66-75,  Fairview  and  Washington  '75- 
United  Presbyterian  minister,  Fairview,  O. 

WiLLiARD,  Philip. — Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Lindesmith);  bom  Columb 
ana  Co.,  O.,  Sept.  24,  1830;  Mercersburg  TheoloRical  Seminary;  infim 
teacher  Kishacoquilias,  Pa.,  '59-64 ;  bookkeeper  Shamokin  '64 ;  su peril 
tendent ;  married  '60,  Anna  E.,  daughter  of  Henry  Prizer.  Busines 
Trappe,  Pa. 

•Wilson,  Miles  C. — Son  of  George  and  Nancy  (Taylor);  born  KishacoquilL 
Valley,  Pfc.,  July  12,  1829;  teacher  Alabama;  P.  T.  S. '58-61 ;  licen« 
June,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon  ;  teacher  and  preacher  '60-68,  Siou 
City,  Iowa,  '68,  Sidney  '70;  unmarried ;  died  Sidney,  Iowa,  June  15,  '7 
drowned  while  bathing.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•Woods,  John  S. — Born  Sept.  G,  1834;  druggist;  farmer;  died  July  12,  '»> 


•Allison,  William  E. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Carothersj;  born  near  Fai 
view,  W.  Va.,  Jan.  24,  1830;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Todd,  Fairvie^ 
W.  Va.;  practiced  medicine  Paris,  Pa.,  Hammondsville,  O.,  '60-86  ;  nia 
ried  Dec.  5,  '63,  E.  Calhoun ;  died  Hammondsville,  O.,  March  15,  '^' 
congestion  of  the  lungs.     Physician. 

♦Andrews,  Thomas. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Annie  ;  born  Ashland  Co.,  O.,  Api 
10,  1S;V);  Associate  Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny;  licensed  April,  '5 
Presbytery  of   Steubenville ;  ordained  April,  '61;  missionary  to  Ransai 
pastor-elect  Liverpool,  O.,  '01-62;  married  Rachel  Frazier;  died  Oct. 
'62,  consumption.     Unitcil  Prpshyrerian  minister. 



Balantine,  D.  W.— Born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  24,  1836;  medical  student; 
assistant  surgeon,  United  States  Navy  ;  United  States  Armv ;  died  Duvall's 
Bluff,  Ark.,  Sept.  10,  '63.     Physician. 

EAv^ER,  James  A.  Son  of  Jacob  and  Ann  E.  (Addams);  born  Millerstown, 
Pa.,  Oct.  21, 1837  ;  law  student  with  H.  N.  McAllister,  Bellefonte,  Pa.;  prac- 
ticed law  Bellefonte,  Pa.^  'o9 — ;  United  States  Army;  first  lieutenant,  *61  ; 
lieutenant-colonel,  '61 ;  colonel  148th  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Volunteers, 
'62-64  ;  brevet  brigadier-general,  '(>4  ;  National  Guards,  brigadier-general ; 
major-general ;  Governor  of  Pennsylvania,  '86-90 ;  married  Dec.  24,  '65 
Mary  A.,  daughter  of  Hon.  H.  N.  McAllister.     Lawyer,  Bellefonte,  Pa. 

URCHIN AL,  William  Jarrette. — Son  of  Luther  and  Mary  Ann  ( Jarrette) ; 
born  StewarUtown,  W.  Va.,  Nov.  10,  1827  ;  W.  T.  S.  '56-57  ,  health  failed ; 
teacher  three  years  Iowa,  eleven  years  Missouri,  seven  years  Pennsyl- 
vania; merchant;  married  Nov.  25,  '56,  S.  J.^  daughter  of  £.  F.  Chalfant. 
Teacher,  merchant,  Oliphants,  Fayette  Co.,  Pa. 

•tleb,  William  D. — Born  near  Meadville,  Pa.,  Oct.  3,  1828;  teacher; 
Assistant  Superintendent  of  Public  Schools,  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  till '74;  principal 
Blow  School,  '74 — ;  married  Mary  J.  Morton,  also  Ellen,  daughter  of 
Craig  Ritchie.     Teacher,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

ABfPBELL,  Thomas  Cochran. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  James  R.  (missionary  in 
India)  and  Mary ;  born  on  the  Indian  Ocean,  March  12,  1886 ;  W.  T.  S. 
'56-59  ;  licensed  April  7,  '58,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  November,  *60, 
Presbytery  of  Western  Reserve;  pastor  Westminster  Church,  Cleveland, 
O.,  '61-62,  Marion,  O.,  '62  ;  married  Jan.  24,  '60,  Jennie  M.  Gourley ;  died 
June  8,  '62.     Presbyterian  minister. 

lmpbell,  David  Thompson. — Son  of  James  and  Nancy  (Thompson);  born  Sha- 
ron, Pa.,  Dec.  6,  1829  ;  P.  T.  S.  '56-59 ;  licensed  and  ordained  September, 
'61,  Presbytery  of  Iowa;  pastor  Morning  Sun,  Iowa,  '61-77;  stated  supply 
Columbus  Center,  '71-79,  Wapella  '79,  Martinsburg  'Hi\;  Superintendent  of 
Common  Schools  '74-76.     Presbyterian  minister,  Martinsburg,  Iowa. 

lmpbell,  Milton. — Son  of  Robert  N.  and  Jane  (Patterson);  born  Tyrone 
Forges,  Pa.,  Feb.  15,  1835 ;  teacher  Mississippi  '56-57,  East  Liberty,  Pa., 
Ailentown  till  '60  ;  law  student  Allentown,  Pa.;  practiced  law  Washington', 
Iowa,  '60-61 ;  United  States  Army,  5th  Regiment  Iowa  Volunteers  '61-63, 
wounded;  practiced  law  Lebanon,  Pa.,  '65,  Platte  City,  Mo.,  Weston,  Mo., 
Kansas  City  '70 — ,  Prosecuting  Attorney,  Platte  City ;  married  May  10,  '68, 
Clara  E.  Allen.     Lawyer,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

[Ai.FANT,  George  Wilson. — Son  of  Samuel  P.  and  Margaret  M.  (Wilson); 
»>orn  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  March  29,  1836;  law  student;  teacher  Pittsburg, 
Saltsburg,  and  Callensburg  Academy,  Pa.,  '56-60 ;  W.  T.  S.  '60-61 ;  licensed 
April,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Saltsburg;  ordained  June,  '61,  Presbytery  of  Car- 
lisle; pastor  Mechanicsburg,  Pa.,  '61-6.S;  Martin's  Ferry  and  Bridge- 
port, O.,  '63-81,  Park  Avenue  Church,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  'SI—;  United  States 
Army,  chaplain  130th  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers  '62-63  ;  married 
Dec.  20,  '60,  Sarah  E  ,  daughter  of  William  Moore.  Presbyterian  minister, 
PitUhnrg.  Pa. 


Craig,  John  F. — Son  of  Washington  and  Nanoy  ;  born  Clarion  Co.,  Pa.;  h 
student  witli  Judge  Campbell,  Clarion,  Pa.;  teacher  Mississippi  '59-6 
merchant  Greenville,  Pa.,  '61 — ,  New  Bethlehem  at  date;  married  July 
63,  Jane  M.  Ogden.     Merchant,  New  Bethlehem,  Pa. 

Cummins,  J.  M. — Son  of  Samuel  P.  and  Elisa  (Mathlol);  born  Ligonier,  Pi 
June  3,  1836 ;  medical  student  Jefferson  Medical  College ;  practiced  rae< 
cine  Industry,  Pa.,  *58-61,  '66-72,  77-78,  Fairview  *65-66,  Wheatlm 
'72-76,  Larned,  Kan.,  '78 — ;  United  States  Army,  surgeon  114th  Regime 
Pennsylvania  Volunteers;  married  Oct.  17, '66,  Susan  H.,  daugluer 
Eiijah  Sargent.     Physician,  Industry,  Pa. 

•Elder,  John  D. — Son  of  Robert  and  Nancy  W.  (Douglass);  born  Elde 
ridge,  Pa.,  Nov.  18,  1837  ;  teacher  Mississippi  and  law  student  'o6-) 
United  States  Army,  lieutenant  CoropHiiv  D,  62d  Regiment  Pennsylvac 
VolunteerH  '61-62  ;  killed  at  Malvern  Hill,  Va.,  July  1,  '62.     Lawstudei 

EwiNG,  Samuel  Curbie. — Son  of  William  and  Nancy  (Currie);  bom  We 
moreland  Co.,  Pa.,  April  20,  1831  ;  teacher  '56-57,  Associate  Reform 
Seminary,  Allegheny  ;  licensed  April  13, '59,  Associate  Reformed  Presbyte 
of  Allegheny;  ordained  May  9,  '60,  same  presbytery  ;  foreign  missionary 
Egypt,  missionary  Alexandria  and  Cairo,  Egypt,  *60 — ;  married  Jan. 'Vri 
Catharine  Ann,  daughter  of  John  Bradford;  I).  D.,  '84,  Westminster  Coileg 
Pa.     United  Presbyterian  minister,  Alexandria,  Egypt. 

♦Garretson,  J.  E. — Teacher  in  the  South  1856-61;  Confederate  States  Arm 
lieutenant  Louisiana  Crescent  Regiment,  lieutenant '61-65  ;  business  in  N< 
Orleans ;  married  New  Orleans  ;  died  New  Orleans,  La. 

GlLLAM,  Jeremiah  C. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Kennedy);  bom  Ali 
gheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  30,  1826:  W.  T.  S.  '56W>9 ;  licensed  April,  '••)9,  Pn 
bytery  of  Coshocton  ;  ordaine<l  Jan.  19,  '60,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  M 
Eaton  and  Berlin,  O.,  '6C-()S;  teacher  '61-64;  stateil  supply  and  past 
Holmesville  '68-72,  Holinesville  and  Berlin  '72-73,  Canal  Fulton  and  Mi 
shall ville,  73-78,  Ml.  Eaton  and  Berlin  '83—;  married  March  25,  '62,  Ai 
E.  Christy,  also  Dec.  16,  '69,  Louisa  M.  Lecky.  Presbyterian  ministc 
Mt.  Eaton,  O. 

Gilmor,  John  Scott. — Son  of  William  and  Agnes  (Scott);  born  Ohio  Cc 
W.  Va.,  Sept.  2,  1830;  P.  T.  S.  '56-59;  licensed  April,  '58,  Second  Pre 
bytery  of  Philadelphia  ;  ordained  October,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Vincennei 
stated  supply  Upper  Indiana  '60-61,  Sullivan  '61-62;  pastor  Kenne 
Square,  Pa.,  '62-72,  Titusville,  N  J.,  '72-75,  Freedom  Plains,  N.  Y 
'75-80,  Stony  Point,  '84—;  publishe*)  'History  of  the  Church  at  Freedo 
Plains;"  married  April  27,  '59,  Catharine,  daughter  of  George  Sloai 
Presbyterian  minister.  Stony  Point,  N.  Y. 

Gordon,  W.  C. — From  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.;  teacher  Louisiana  and  Mississip] 
'56-61  ;  United  States  Army  '61,  captain  Company  D,  206lh  Regimei 
Pennsylvania  Volunteers;  Judge  Advocate;  Pennsylvania  Legislatare  tw 
terms.     Farmer,  near  Indiana,  Pa. 



Green,  David  D. — Son  of  Is&acaod  Lettie  (Miller);  born  Washington  Co.,  Pa., 
Aug.  12,  1828 ;  W.  T.  S.  '.')6-59 ;  licensed  April,  ^58,  Preabytery  of  Rich- 
land ;  ordained  '59,  same  presbytery ;  foreign  missionary  to  China,  Ningpo 
'59-60,  Hangchow  '66-69;  home  missionary  Doniphan,  Kan.,  '70-72  ;  mar- 
ried  May  17,  *59,  Lydia  J.,  daughter  of  Stephen  G.  Goodrich  ;  died  Doni- 
phan, Kan.,  Oct.  25,  '72.     Presbyterian  minister. 

UTHRiE,  Frances  Baring.— Son  of  James  W.  and  Sarah  H.  (Rose);  born 
Stratonville,  Pa.,  Feb.  14,  183o;  teacher  Louisiana  '56-57;  law  student 
'57-59;  practiced  law  Warren,  Pa.,  '59-64.  Titusville  '64—;  United  States 
Army,  lieutenant  '62  ;  married  Sept.  11,  '60,  Flora  A.,  daughter  of  S.  L. 
Axtell.     Lawyer,  Titusville,  Pa. 

FIays,  William  Wallace. — Born  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  Oct.  23,  1836;  teacher 
Texas,  '56-58 ;  law  student  '59  ;  chief  clerk  Secretary  of  State  '60-66  ;  As- 
sistant Secretary  of  State  '66  ;  Mayor  of  Harrisburg  '68  ;  married  March  5, 
'61,  Mary,  daughter  of  Dr.  S.  F.  Day ;  died  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  March  31, 
'70,  consumption. 

Houston,  J.  P.— From  Lowellville,  O.;  teacher  Mississippi,  '56-58,  Still- 
water, Minn.,  '60-61;  United  States  Army,  colonel  5th  Regiment  Min- 
nesota Volunteers  't)l-6o  ;  Provost  Marshal ;  planter  Fayette,  Miss.,  and 
Tensas  Parish,    La.,  '65-66 ;    died  Tensas  Parish,  La.,  '66,  swamp  fever. 

lowBY,  John  Daoci. — Son  of  Ebenezer  and  Anne  (Dagg):  born  CarroUton, 
O.,  Nov.  22,  1831  ;  W.  T.  S.  '56-59 ;  licensed  April  14,  '58,  Presbytery  of 
Steubenville ;  ordained  Sept.  21,  '59,  Presbytery  of  Erie*  pastor  Millcreelc 
and  Sugar  Creek,  Pa.,  '59-65,  Wortliington  and  Liberty,  O.,  '65-69,  Ver- 
mont, 111., '69-71,  Prairie  City  '71-70,  Kewanee  '76-79,  Altoona '80-H3, 
Raymond,  Neb.,  '83— (?)  Fairmount  'S6  ;  married  May  28,  '61,  Lena  E  , 
daughter  of   James   Bowman.     Presbyterian    minister,    Fairmount,    Neb. 

kEADY,  William  George. — Son  of  William  and  Isabella;  born  Baltimore, 
Md.,  Feb.  25,  1833;  teacher  Tennessee  '57,  Mississippi  '58-70;  theology 
privately  ;  licensed  April  10,  '72,  Presbytery  of  Springfield ;  ordained 
October,  '72,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Williamsville,  111.,  '72-73,  Jeffer- 
son City,  Mo  ,  '74-75,  Savannah  '75-80,  Lagrange,  Tenn.,  '81,  Bolivar, 
Tenn  ,  '82-83;  Confederate  States  Army  '61-63;  Cynthiana,  Ky.,  '86—; 
married  April  21,  '69,  Martha  M.,  daughter  of  John  Chambers,  Canons- 
burg,  Pa.;  D.D.,  '83,  Washington  and  Jeflfei-son  College.  Presbyterian 
minister,  Cynthiana,  Ky. 

Kennedy,  George  Hays. — Born  Alabama,  1828 ;  teacher  Shelby,  Ky., 
'56-58  ;  law  student ;  associate  editor  Chicago  Herald,  also  Tivies ;  United 
States  Army  '62-65,  captain,  major,  65th  Regiment  Illinois  Volunteers; 
editor  '65-69  ;  died  Chicago,  111.,  April,  '69.     Journalist. 

.AW80N,  Orr. — Son  of  Hon.  James  and  Lavina  «Orr);  born  Clarion  Co.,  Pa., 
Oct.  17,  1831 ;  W.T.  S.  '56-59  ;  licensed  April,  '58,  Presbytery  of  Clarion; 
ordained  April,  '59,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Buchanan  and  French  Creek, 
W.  Va.,  '59-61  ;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Sinking  Valley  and  Logan  Vai- 


ley,  Pa.,  '61-67,  former  till  '69,  Sunbury  '69-70,  Oxford  '70-86,  Aberdeen 
Dak.,  '86-88 ;  Vice-President  Keystone  Mortgage  Company.  Philadelphia 
Pa.;  married  October  27,  '69,  Mary  E.  Marshall;  D.D.,  '83,  Washingtoi 
and  Jefferson  College.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Lewis,  Alexander  Brown.  Born  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.;  teacher  in  the  South 
'56-58;  law  student;  practiced  law  Independence,  Iowa,  '.■)9-61  ;  Unilec 
States  Army,  5th  Iowa  Infantry,  lieutenant;  died  September,  '62,  fron 
wounds  in  battle  at  luka.  Miss.     Lawyer. 

Lower,  Joseph  Laney. — Son  of  John  and  Isabella  (Laney);  born  Williama 
burg.  Pa.,  July  H,  1829;  P.  T.  S.  '56-59;  licensed  June  14,  '59,  Presby 
tery  of  Huntingdon  ;  ordained  Dec.  22,  '59,  Presbytery  of  Lakes ;  paslo 
Crown  Point,  Ind.,  '59-65 ;  stated  supply  Upper  Sandusky,  O.,  '65-67 
agent  Wooster  University  '67-68 ;  pastor  Brown  '68-70,  Kingston  '68-72 
Union  City,  Ind.,  '72-74,  DeGraff,  O., '74-76;  stated  supply  Hardin 76-77 
home  missionary,  Nebraska,  '77 — ;  Akron,  Col.,  '88 ;  published  man; 
pieces  of  sheet  music ;  msrried  August  29,  '61,  Susan  T.,  daughter  of  WilJ 
iam  Chase.     Presbyterian  minister,  Akron,  Col. 

•McCuRDY,  William  M. — From  Washington,  O.;  son  of  John  ;  died  Wash 
ington,  O.,  aged  35  years. 

McDanibl,  Charles  W. — Son  of  William  ;  born  Canonsburg,  Pa.  Merchanl 
Terre  Haute,  Ind. 

*McIlheny,  J.  K. — Born  Hunterstown,  Pa.;  law  student;  died  Septembei 
'59.     Law  student. 

McKee,  James  Y.— Son  of  George  and  Deborah  (.McKee);  born  Alleghen; 
Co..  Pa.,  June  20, 1836;  teacher  Miller  Academy,  Washington,  O., '56-59 
Mansfield  Academy,  Pa.,  '59-60;  principal  Allegheny  City  College  '61-63 
Professor  of  Greek,  Miami  University,  Ohio,  '63-66;  Pennsylvania  Stat 
College  '67—,  Vice-President  of  same  '68 — ;  married  July  18,'61,  Maggi 
A.,  daughter  of  James  B.  Glenn.     Teacher,  State  College,  Center  Co.,  Pa 

^McPherson,  Samuel  DAyii>soN.-Son  of  Reynolds  and  Elizabeth  B.  (Hen 
derson);  born  near  Shippensburg,  Pa.,  Nov.  31,  1821 ;  principal  Prepara 
tory  Department  Oakland  College,  Miss.,  '56-58  ;  commission  agent,  Nei 
Orleans,  La.;  Europe;  California;  died  San  Francisco,  Cal.,  .Inne6,  75 

Marshall,  William  Stanhope. — From  Ontario,  O.;  teacher  Louisiana '56-57 
law  student ;  practiced  law  Independence,  Iowa,  '59-61  ;  United  State 
Army  '61-65,  6th  Iowa  Infantry,  lieutenant,  major ;  prisoner  of  war  '63 
practiced  law  Chattanooga,  Tenn.,  '65—;  married  '68,  Louisa  C.  Bryant 
also  73,  C.  S.  Montague.     Lawyer,  Louisville,  Ky.(?) 

Matthkws,  James  Henderson. — Son  of  Alfred  and  Marguerite;  born  Ship 
pensburg,  Pa.,  1834;  United  States  Army,  Pennsylvania  Cavalry  '61-65 
quartermaster's  department ;  revenue  Bervioe  two  yearg;  cashier  Wilson  & 
Hanna  Bank,  Lafayette,  Ind.,    70,   unmarried.     Banker,  Lafayette,  Ind 


RKOW,  James  £.— Son  of  Alexander  and  Sarah  J.  (Wilson);  born  near 
Fairview,  W.  Va.,  March  28,  1837;  teacher  Kentucky  '56-57;  law  student 
'58-59 ;  practiced  law  Wellsburg,  W.  Va.,  '59-61 ;  United  States  Army 
Ist  West  Vir^nia  Infantry  '61-64,  captain  '64;  teacher  '65—;  Nebraska; 
West  Virginia ;  Pennsylvania ;  Superintendent  of  Public  Schools ;  elder 
Presbyterian  Church  ;  married  Allegheny,  Pa.,  Sept.  19,  '67,  Clara  J., 
daughter  of  J.  J.  Johnston.     Professor  Western  University,  Allegheny,  Pa. 

ORROW,  Nicholas  Van  Eman. — Born  Lawrence  Co.,  Pa.,  March  8,  1830  ; 
W.  T.  S.  '56-59;  licensed  April,  '58,  Presbytery  of  Beaver ;  ordained  Novem- 
ber, '60,  Presbytery  of  Findley ;  pastor  West  Union  and  Enon  Valley,  O., 
'60-70;  stated  supply  Troy,  Iowa,  71-72,  Fairview  '72-74;  Union  City 
'72-73,  Lenox  '73-78  ;  missionary  '78-87 ;  married  May  26,  '69,  Mary  J. 
Smith  ;  died  near  Sharpsburg,  Iowa,  Feb.  10,  '87,  typhoid  pnehmonia. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

rray,  Andrew  Jackson. — Son  of  James  and  Priscilla  (Shaiffer) ;  born 
Murraysville,  Pa.,  May,  1836  ;  business  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '56  —  ;  married  '62, 
Isabella  W.  Smith.     Business,  Allegheny,  Pa. 

tTON,  Wilson  N. — Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Wilson);  born  Canonsburg, 
Pa.,  Dec.  6,  1834;  teacher  Kentucky  '56-57,  Louisiana  '57-68;  law 
student '57-60 ;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa..  '61-81 ;  United  States  Army, 
'61-65 ;  140th  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Volunteers ;  lieutenant ;  captain  ; 
prisoner  of  war ;  Pension  Department,  Washington,  D.  C,  *81 — ;  married 
March  27,  '65,  Emily  J.,  daughter  of  Henry  Newkirk,  Wooster,  O.  Law- 
yer, Washington,  D.  C. 

LiRs,  Henry  Robinson.  Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Westboy);  born  Duncan's 
Falls,  O.,  April  14,  1825  ;  W.  T.  S.  '56-59 ;  licensed  April,  '58,  Presbytery 
of  Allegheny;  ordained  '59,  Presbytery  of  Zanesville  ;  stated  supply  Allen 
Grove,  Va.,  pastor  Brownsville  and  Uniontown,  O.,  '59-61  ;  stated  supply 
Rushville  and  Bethel  '61-62  ;  pastor  Kenton,  '64-70,  Harrison  '70-73,  Hey- 
worth,  UK,  '73-82,  Normal  '82,  Clayton  '87;  married '60,  Sarah  A.,  daugh- 
ter of  Richard  Hope,  Pittsburg,  Pa.     Presbyterian  minister,  Clayton,  III. 

K,  Joseph  Littleton. — Son  of  Joseph  G.  and  Imogen  S  (Oilman);  born 
Washington,  D.  C,  Aug.  12,  1837 ;  teacher  '56-58 ;  P.  T.  S.  '58-60 ; 
licensed  May  27,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Lewes ;  ordained  Nov.  27,  '60,  same 
presbytery;  pastor  Pittscreek  and  stated  supply  Rehoboth,  Md.,  '60-77; 
principal  Academy,  Newark,  Del.,  '77 — ;  Cochransville,  Pa,,  '87  ;  Fagg's 
Manor  '88 ;  married  Aug.  8,  '61,  Mary,  daughter  of  T.  M.  K.  Wilson, 
Canonsburg,  Pa.;  Ph.D.,  Delaware  College,  '79.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Tagg's  Manor,  Pa. 

:d,  James  Armstrong.— Son  of  John  and  Eliza  (Donelly);  born  Huntingdon 
Co.,  Pa.,  May  22,  1830 ;  W.  T.  S.  '56-59  ;  licensed  May  29,  Presbytery  of 
Huntingdon ;  ordained  October.  '60,  Presbytery  of  Wooster ;  pastor  First 
Presbyterian  Church,  Wooster,  '60-08;  stated  supply  Minnesota,  Washington, 
D.  C;  pastor  Springfield,  111.,  '69-88  ;  published  **  Later  Life  of  Abraham 
Lincoln;  married  May  24,  '59,  Cornelia  M.,  daughter  of  Hon.  John  Kee, 
Huntingdon,  Pa.;  D.D.,  '74,  Wooster  University.  Presbyterian  minister, 
.Springfield,  111. 


Rider,  Thomas  F.  J.— Teacher;  law  student;  practiced  law  Washingi 
D.  C,  Marjrland. 

RiGOS,  Samuel  Aonew. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Rebecca;  born  Hanging  Rock, 
law  student  with  Penny  &  Sterrett,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  and  Law  College,  < 
cinnati,  ().,  '56-58;  practiced  law  Lawrence,  Kan.,  '59 — ;  Prosecui 
Attorney,  Fourth  Judicial  District,  Kansas,  '62-66 ;  State  Senate  '(»(>- 
United  States  District  Attorney  '67-61> ;  Kansas  Legislature  '79-lSl  :  man 
Dec.  31,  '61,  Kate  D.  Earle,  Pittsburg,  Pa.     Lawyer,  Lawrence,  Kan. 

♦Scott,  George.— Born  Hancock  Co,  W.  Va.,  Dec.  12,  1830;  W.  T. 
'56-59;  licensed  April,  '59,  Presbytery  of  Washington;  ordained  Juu 
'60,  Presbytery  of  Erie ;  pastor  Greenfield,  Evansburg  and  Harmonsbi 
Pa.,  '60-62,  Minerva,  O.,  '63,  Little  Redstone,  Pa-,  '70-71.  Tarenti 
Pa,  '71,  Concord  '83;  married  April  1,  '61,  Harriet  N.  Murray;  d 
Tarentum,  Pa.,  July  28,  '83.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦ScROOGS,  C.  S. — Teacher  South;  Marshall,  Texas;  Confederate  States  Arm} 
killed  in  battle(?). 

Smith,  Joseph  Davis.— Son  of  David  and  Jane  (Davis);  born  Ireland,  3 
20,  1838  ;  P.  T.  S.  '56-59  ;  licensed  April,  '59,  Presbytery  of  Philadelpl 
ordained  Oct.  30,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Donegal ;  pastor  Slate  Ridge,  1 
'60'  ;  Europe  '78  ;  published  Historical  Discourses.  Presbyterian  minis 
Delta,  Pa. 

Smith,  John  M.--Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  March  6,  1831;  U.  T. 
'56-59;  licensed  April  7,  '58,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  April 
'60,  Presbytery  of  Washington ;  pastor  Wellsburg,  W.  Va.,  '60-61,  Shaj 
burg.  Pa.,  '61-67,  St.  Charles,  Mo.,  '67-70,  Hilands,  Pa.,  '71-74,  Cen 
Church,  Pittsburg,  '74-76,  Canonsburg  '76-88,  Marshfield,  Wis.;  man 
Sept.  29,  '59,  Margaret  Patterson.    Presbyterian  minister,  Marshtiehl,  V 

Stockd  le,  Thomas  R.  Son  of  W^illiam  and  Hannah  (McQuaidi;  b 
Greene  Co.,  Pa.,  March  28,  1828;  teacher  Mississippi '56-58;  law  8iud< 
Mississippi  University  ;  practiced  law  Woodville,  Mississippi,  '59-61  ;  !?i 
mit  '65 — ;  Confederate  States  Army  '61-65 ;  lieutenant-colonel,  4tb  ) 
sissippi  Cavalry ;  major  16th  Mississippi  Cavalry  ;  Member  of  Congress  ' 
married  Feb.  3,  '57,  Frances  J.,  daughter  of  Adam  Wickes.  Lawj 
Summilt,  Miss. 

Taggart,  Samuel  B.— Born  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  March  31,  1833;  P.  T. 
'58-61  ;  licensed  Presbytery  ot  New  Brunswick  ;  ordained  '62  ;  pastor  Si 
van,  Ind.,  '62,  Brazil,  El  Paso,  First  Presbyterian  Church,  Blooming! 
Upper  Alton,  Uhrichsville,  O.,  '87—  ;  married  Feb.  18,  '63.  Presbytei 
minister,   Uhrichsville,  O. 

Townsend,  R.  S.— Teacher  Oakland,  Miss.,  '56-^^9 ;  medical  student  wiih 
McBryar,  Apollo,  Pa.,  and  Pittsburg  '59-60  ;  teacher  Wilsonsville,  I^ 
'60-61  ;  United  States  Army  '61-64  ;  62d  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Vol 
teers;  regiment  quartermaster  ;  oil  business '64-66;  merchant  South  Be 
Pa.,  '66-87,  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  '87  ;  married  Helen  Durett.  Merchn 
Kansas  City,  Mo. 



JLY13,  MoBDECAi  MooBB.— BoFD  ColumbiaDA  Co.,  O.,  Oct.  22,  1827;  W. 
T.  S.  '56-69;  licensed  '59,  Presbytery  of  New  Lisbon;  ordained  '65, 
Zanesville;  missionary  Athens  and  Hocking  Counties,  O.,  '62-OK  ;  teacher ; 
pastor  Chenoa,  111.,  '69-87  ;  Sacaton,  Arizona,  '87 — ;  married  July,  '59, 
Mattie  A.  Croxton.  Presbyterian  minister,  Sacaton,  Pinal  Agency, 

EAVEB,  Theophilus. — Son  of  David  and  Christiana  (Mizer);  born  Aarons- 
burg.  Center  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug  12,  1833;  teacher  Boalsburg  Academy  '56-57, 
Olean,  N.  Y.,  '57,  Seelinsgrove,  Pa.,  '57-60;  United  States  Army;  46th 
Regiment,  PennsyWana  Volunteers,  '63;  High  School,  South  Harrisburg, 
Pa.,  '64;  United  States  Pension  Department,  Solicitor  of  Patent:,  '64—; 
lay  reader,  Lutheran  Church  ;  inventor;  writer  ;  married  Caroline  Pancake. 
Residence,  Harrisburg,  Pa. 

X89H,  AxE^ANDER  GiBsoN. — Son  of  Allen  and  Jane  (Qibson);  born  Clarion 
Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  17,  1836;  teacher  Beaver,  Pa.,  '56-57;  principal  Uigb 
School,  Superintendent  of  Institute,  Natchez,  Miss.,  '56-61 ;  N.  W.  T.  S. 
'53-65;  licensed  April  18,  '64,  Presbytery  of  Fairfield;  ordained  June  15, 
'65,  Presbytery  of  Bloomington ;  pastor  Onarga,  111.,  '65-70,  Beloit,  Wis., 
'70-71,  Streator,  111.,  '71-75;  professor  of  Parsons  Col  lege '75-78,  Lake  Forest 
University  '78-81 ;  principal  Elgin  Academy,  '81-83,  Lake  Forest  '83  - ; 
President  of  Lenox  College,  Hopkinton,  Iowa,  '88 — ;  Delegate  Christian 
CommisBion;  married  April  11,  '64,  Hattie,  daughter  of  N.  R.  Stedman; 
B.  D.,  65,  N.  W.  T.  S.;  D.D..  '81,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College. 
Presbyterian  minister,  Hopkinton,  Iowa. 

UHG,  John  Jay.  — Born  PitUburg,  Pa.,  Oct.  14,  1836;  law  student  '56-58; 
practiced  law  Pontiac,  Mich.,  '58-62 ;  United  States  Army,  '62-65  ;  captain 
Pennsylvania  Volunteer  Artillery  ;  business  '65—;  married  Sept.  21,  '62, 
Alice  Victoria  Maples.     Lawyer  and  business  man. 

tJNO,  Joseph  C— Law  student  1856-67;  practiced  law  Ottawa,  Pofltiac,  III., 
'57-59,  Pittsburg  59-66  ;  United  States  Army  '62-63 ;  lieutenant,  Young's 
Independent  Battery;  Chicago,  '66-74;   Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '74 — ;   married. 


RNOLD,  John  Hancock. — Son  of  George  B.  and  Mary  Ann  (Herschell); 
born  New  Btoomfield,  Perry  Co.,  Pa.,  March  18,  1837;  law  student;  prac- 
ticed law  Middleburg,  Pa.,  '60 ;  United  States  Army,  '61-65  ;  march  to  the 
sea,  2d  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Volunteers;  9th  Cavalry;  clerk  in  Adju- 
tant's Office;  infirm;  farmer;  married  Sept.  3,  '61,  B.  Ellen  Moatz. 
Lawyer,  Middleburg,  Pa. 

LLANTINE,  WiLUAM.— Born  Paisley,  Scotland ;  Assooiato  Reformed  Theo- 
logical Seminary,  Canonsburg  ;  licensed  and  oidained  Associate  Reformed 
Presbytery  of  Chartiers ;  two  churches  in  Muskingum  Co.,  O.;  President 
McCorkle  College  ;  pastor   since  18>^2.     Associate   Presbyterian    minister. 

•.*/i.— ft> 


Ballard,  William  Wibt. — Son  of  Levin  and  Sarah  M.  (Willing);  born  Son 
erset  Co.,  Md.,  Nov.  15,  1838;  teacher  Maryland  and  Virginia;  U 
student;  practiced  law  New  Castle,  Va.,  '60-68,  Salem,  Va.,  70—;  Sute 
Attorney,  Craig  Co.,  '66-68;  married  Dec.  16,  *74,  Ella  Mosby  Worrel 
Lawyer,  Salem,  Va. 

*BoYi),    Andrew   W.— Bom  Mecbanicatown,  O.,   March  4,    1834;  W.  T.  I 

/:;  '57-60  ;  licensed  '59,  Presbytery  of  Sleubenville ;  ordained  '60,  Presbytej 

^  ^  of  Beaver  ;  stated  sapply  Darlington,  Pa.,  '60-65 ;  pastor  Florence  '65-6 

^*i  Leesburg  '66-69;  married  April  24,  '60,  Rachel  E.  Brugh  ;  died  lUiDoi 

June  18,  '69.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*■%  BuRCHPiED,  James  Penrose.— Son  of  William  and  Susan  Elizabeth  (Petrikin 

born  Pennsylvania  Furnace,  Huntingdon  Co.,  Pa.,  June  23,  1834  ;  teach* 
Pine  Grove  Mills,  Pa.,  '57-58,  Elmira,  N.  Y.,  '58-59,  Milroy,  Pa..  '60;  med 
cal  student,  University  of  Michigan,  '57-60;  I'nited  States  Army,  '61-6c 
private;  assistant  surgeon,  53d  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteer 
'62-63;  surgeon,  83d  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers,  '63-65;  pra 
ticed  medicine  Phillipsburg,  Pa.,  '62,  Clearfield  '65 — ;  examining  surgec 
for  pensioners ;  married  March,  '62,  Eva  M.,  daughter  of  Rev.  J.  }^ 
Nourse,  also  June,  '67,  Emily  J .,  daughter  of  James  Alexander,  also  Noven 
ber,  '82,  Edith  B  daughter  of  Joseph  Wilkinson.  Physician,  Clearfield 

*Caruthers,  James  Ewino. — Son  of  Richard  E.  and  Eleanor :  born  Wes 
moreland  Co,  Pa.,  May  5,  1821  ;  W.  T.  S.  '57-59  ;  licensed  April  7,  'oJ 
Presbytery  of  Saltsburg  ;  ordained  May  12,  '59,  same  presbytery ;  paste 
Boiling  Spring,  Pa.,  '59-67,  Leechburg  '59-70,  Yates  City,  111.,  '71-74 
married  December,  '58,  Matilda  E.  Bruce  ;  died  Poland,  O.,  March  7,  '7i 
Presbyterian  minister. 

Craig,  Hugh  Boyd. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Watson);  born  near  Wela 
Run,  Franklin  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  2,  1831  ;  farmer  old  home,  '57 — ;  marrie 
May  8,  '61,  Martha  A.,  daughter  of  William  Orr.  Farmer,  Welsh  Rui 

♦Deaderick,  William  Von  Albade.— Son  of  J.  Franklin  and  Rebecca  I 
(Williams);  born  near  Jonesboro,  Tenn.,  Aug.  26,  1836;  law  student;  pra( 
ticed  law  Jonesboro,  Tenn.,  '58-61,  Blountsville  '61-83  ;  Confederate  State 
Army  paymaster;  professor  Tennessee  University ;  member  of  Constitutions 
Convention  '69-70 ;  married  Nov.  12,  '57,  S.  Evelina,  daughter  of  Gen 
A.  E.  Jackson  ;  died  Blountsville,  Tenn.,  Sept.  27,  '83,  consumption 

DoDD,  Samuel  Calvin  Tait.  — Son  of  Levi  and  Julia  A.  (Parker);  bon 
Franklin,  Pa.,  Feb.  20,  1836;  teacher '58-59 ;  law  student;  practiced  lai 
Franklin,  Pa.,  '60-81  ;  New  York  City  '81—;  member  of  Conslitutioin 
Convention,  Pennsylvania, '72 ;  attorney  Standard  Oil  (•().;  married  Jul; 
12,  ^60,  Mary  E.  Gchr,  also  March  8,  '77,  Molvina  K.  Smith.  Lawyer 
New  York  Citv. 



nsy  Caleb  Bback£N. — Son  of  Jonathan  and  Mary  (Miller);  bom  Fayette 
Co.,  Pa.,  June  20,  1830 ;  W.  T.  S.  '57-58  ;  teacher  '58-60 ;  licensed  June 
20,  '60,  PreabTtery  of  Richland ;  ordained  '61,  aame  presbytery  ;  pastor 
Uticaand  Homer,  O.,  '60-74;  Lithopolis  '74-81;  stated  supply  Frazeys- 
burg  '82-83,  Hanover  '83-;  married  March  28,  '60,  Martha  M.,  daughter 
of  Martin  L.   Dayton.     Presbyterian  minister,  and  editor,  Granvillf,  O. 

KLAP,  Silas  Gl£MN. — Born  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa  ,  Nov.  1,  1832,  W.  T. 
S.  '57-60  ;  licensed  April  7,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Saltsburg ;  ordained  June 
13,  '60,  same  presbytery ;  stated  supply  Waterford  and  Bellville  '60  ;  pastor 
Monongahela  City  '62-66 ;  agent  Wooster  University  '67-68 ;  stated  supply 
Orrville,  O.,  '69;  married  May  15,  '60,  Jennie  L.  (toodrich;  died  Orrville, 
0.,  Feb.  8,  '70.         Presbyterian  minister. 

AN8,  Richard  J. — Son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Jones;;  bom  Ebensburg, 
Pa.,  1834 ;  W.  T.  S.  '57-60 ;  licensed  '59,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny  City ; 
ordained  '59,  same  presbytery  ;  missionary  Washington  Territory,  Olympia, 
Wash.  Ter.,  '61-63;  married  Feb.  7,  '60,  Sarah  F.  Woods;  died  Olympia, 
June  15,  '63.     Presbyterian  minister. 

iLDs,  Alexander  Ballantyne.  -  Son  of  Andrew  and  Mary  (McFarland); 
bom  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  16,  1835;  teacher  Mississippi ;  law  student; 
United  Presbyterian  Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny;  licensed  June  11, 
>)1,  U.  P.  Presbytery  of  Westmoreland  ;  ordained  Nov.  4,  '62,  same  pres- 
bytery ;  pastor  Madison  and  Mt.  Pleasant,  Pa.,  '62-67,  Presbyterian  Church, 
'67,  Connellsville  '67-69,  Findlay,  O.,  '69-72,  Brookville,  Pa.,  '72-80, 
Brownsville,  '80-83  ;  Colorado  ;  Kansas  ;  pastor  Brockwayville  and  Dagus, 
Mines,  '84-86 ;  married  Sept.  17,  '57,  Mary  J.  McElroy  ;  died  Brockway- 
ville, Pa.,  Oct.  17,  '86,  railroad  accident.     Presbyterian  minister. 

ER,  Daniel  Webster.— Born  Blair  Co.,  Pa..  Jan.  17,  1838;  W.  T.  S. 
57-60;  licensed  April,  '59,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon;  ordained  April, 
'60,  same  presbytery  ;  home  missionary  Virginia  '59  ;  Thalia  Street  Church, 
New  Orleans,  '60-61 ;  pastor  First  Church,  Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  '61-76, 
Second  Church,  Madison,  Ind.,  '76-79;  President  Hanover  College  '79—; 
married  April  25,  '60,  Amanda  D.  Kouns ;  D.D.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Hanover,  Ind. 

•Gerald,  James  D. — Son  of  James  and  Hannah  (Wallace);  born  Frank- 
lin Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  20,  1831 ;  W.  T.  S.  '57-60;  licensed  June,  '59,  Presby- 
tery of  Carlisle ;  ordained  August,  '60,  St.  Clairsville  ;  pastor  Martinsville, 
0.,  "60-63,  Bell  Air  '63  66,  First  Church,  Cumberland,  Md.,  '66-74,  Knox- 
?ille.  111.,  '74-77,  Morristown  '77-81,  Clarksburg  and  Weston  '81-83,  Light 
Street  Church,  Baltimore,  Md.,  '83 — ;  married  April  26,  '60,  Mary  L., 
daughter  of  David  Witherspoon.     Presbyterian  minister,  Baltimore,  Md. 

•ER,  Joseph  M. — Son  of  John  K.  and  Margaret  (Morrow);  born,  near  Mt. 
Jackson,  Pa.;  teacher  '57-61;  soldier;  teacher  Greensburg,.  Pa.,  three 
years,  Indiana  eight  years ;  druggist '81 — ;  inurried  Kale  J.  Moore.  Drug- 
gist, Pittsburg,  Pa. 


Foster,  Alexander  Scott. — Son  of  John  K.  and  Margaret  (Morrow);  boi 
near  Mt.  Jackson,  Pa.,  May  2,  1837  ;  W.  T.  S.  *62 ;  licensed  April  16,  'd 
Presbytery  of  Saltsbarg ;  ordained  April  24,  '67,  same  presbytery ;  state 
sapply  Armagh,  Centerville  and  Mechanicsburg,  Pa.,  '66-67 ;  teach< 
'67-69;  pastor  Litchfield,  IlL,  '69-73,  Austin,  Minn.,  '73-74,  Fremon 
Neb.,  '74-77,  Cedar  Valley,  Iowa,  77-80,  Sac  City,  '81-82,  Miller,  D.  T 
'82,  Brookings,  '86,  Pipestone,.  Minn.,  '88  ;  married  Jan.  1,  '74,  Maggie  B 
daughter  of  Davis  Banks.     Presbyterian  minister,  Pipestone,  Minn. 

Har8ha,  Daniel  Houston.— Born  near  Canousbnrg,  Pa.;  teacher  '57-5S 
farmer  Ohio '.)9 — ;  residence  Eckmansville,  O. 

Hays,  George  Price. — Son  of  John  and  Orpha  (Corn well);  born  near  Cai 
nonsbnrg.  Pa.,  Feb.  2,  1838  ;  W.  T.  8.  '58-60 ;  licensed  April,  '59,  Pre 
bytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  March  5,  '61,  Presbytery  of  Baltimore;  past( 
Second  Church,  Baltimore,  Md.,  '61-68;  fiscal  agent  Western  Universil 
'68-69;  pastor  Central  Church,  Allegheny,  Pa.,  '69-70;  President  WasI 
ington  and  Jefferson  College  '70-81  ;  stated  supply  Second  Church,  Washinj 
ton,  Pa. ,'70-81  ;  pastor  Central  Church,  Denver,  Col., '81-85,  Second  Churcl 
Cincinnati,  '85-88,  pastor  Second  Presbyterian  Church,  Kansas  City,  Mo 
'88—;  published  **  Everyday  Reasoning";  Moderator  General  Assembl 
'84  ,  married  August  1,  '60,  Eleanor  S.,  daughter  of  Hon.  Samuel  Wherry 
D.D.,'71,  Lafayette  College.     Presbyterian  minister. 

♦Henderson,  David  H.  Son  of  Joseph  and  Sarah  ;  born  Armstrong  Co.,  Pa 
1838;  teacher  Texas  '57-61;  Confederate  States  Army,  lieutenant;  die 
Gettysburg,  Pa.,  July,  '63 ;  killed  in  battle. 

Hooi:,  Alexander  Brown. — Teacher  Kentucky,  Nashville,  Tenn.;  law  sti 
dent ;  practiced  law  Nashville,  Tenn. 

Jenkins,  James  Wood. — Born  Mifflin  Township,  Pa.,  Sept.  1,  1832;  agec 
Sioux  Indians,  Yellow  Medicine,  Minn.,  '58-60;  oil  producer '60 — ;  mai 
ried  Jan.  1,  '78,  Tillie  T.  McLaughlin.     Oil  dealer;  residence  Warren,  Pa 

♦Kennedy,  Francis  H.— Son  of  Prof.  John  H.  Kennedy;  born  Philadelphia 
1840(?);  law  student ;  practiced  law  San  Francisco,  Cal.;  died  San  Frar 
Cisco,  Cal.,  — .     Lawyer. 

♦McCartney,  Joseph. — Born  Armagh,  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.,  May  29,  1828;  Assc 
ciate  Reformed  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '57-60 ;  licensed  April  12,  '59,  Pr« 
bytery  of  Conemaugh  ;  ordained  June  12,  '60,  §ame  presbytery ;  missionar 
in  Minnesota  '60-62  ;  pastor  Mexico  and  Readsville,  Pa.,  '60-67,  Franklii 
'68-72  ;  stated  supply  East  Brady,  First  Church,  Freeport,  *75,  Omaha 
Neb.,  '75-77;  married  Maria  Frazier;  died  Omaha,  Neb,,  Oct.  19,  '77 
United  Presbyterian  minister. 

McDonald,  Noah  A. — Son  of  Charles  and  Mary  (Foreman);  born  Franklii 
Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  30,  1830;  W.  T.  S.  '57-()0 ;  licensed  April,  '69,  Presbyter 
of  Huntingdon ;  ordained  April,  '60,  same  presbytery  ;  foreign  naisaionan 
Siam,  Bangkok,  Slam,  'o9— ;  Vice  Consul  to  Siarn  '68-69,  '80—;  publishec 


'.  —  .      __.  .  ^ 

''Manners  and  Customs  of  Siam/'  *' Lessons  in  Astronomy,"  *' Juvenile  i 

Philosophj,"  also  translated  portions  of  Old  and  New  Testament  into 
Siamese ;  married  April  24,  '60,  Eliza  S.,  daughter  of  Stewart  Dickson ; 
D.D.     Presbyterian  minister  ;  residence  Bangkok,  Siam. 

Donald,  Edward,  Jr. -Son  of  Edward   and   Margaret  (Nesbit);   born 

Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  April  2o,  1833  ;  teacher  Frankfort,  Ky.,  '57-58 ;  died  I 

Frankfort,  Ky.,  July  21,  '38,  dysentery.     Teacher.  t* 

^KK,  Samuel  Vioo.— Son  of  Archibald  B.  and  Julia  A.  (Smith);  born  Vin-  * 

ceiines,  Ind.,  OcL  27,  1833;  leacher  Missouri  '.")7-58;  W.  T.  S.  '58-61; 
licensed  April,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny  City  ;  ordained  April,  '62, 
Presbytery  of  Vincennes;  pastor  Indiana  Church,  Ind.,  '61-63;  stated 
supply  Clermont  and  Prospect  '63-64,  Second  <  -hurch,  Peru,  '64-65 ;  pastor 
Kendallville  '6»5-67,  Argola  '67-68,  Waynesville  '68-72,  Gilmore  '72-76, 
Buckley  '76-78,  Mishawaka  '78-81,  Port  Austin,  Mich.,  '81-83,  Birming- 
ham '>i6-87.  South  Lyon  '87 — ;  married  June  28,  '58,  Susanna  C.  Vanatta. 
Presbyterian  minister,  South  Lyon,  Mich. 

iiTK,  William  P. — Born  Sherleysburg,  Pa.;  medical  student;  practiced 
medicine  Huntingdon  Co.,  Pa.,  '50 — ;  physician  Almshouse  '64—.     Phy- 


HKRRAN,  James  K. — Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Stewart);  born  Hunt- 
ingdon Co.,  Pa.,  Kov.  21,  1834;  law  student  '60-63,  Chicago  University; 
practiced  law  Sterling,  111.,  '63 — ;  Illinois  Legislature  '73-74  ;  married 
April  20,  '65,  Sarah  A.,  daughter  of  William  E.  Withrow.  Lawyer,  Ster- 
ling, 111. 

LiMi,  M06ES  Morton.— Son  of  Samuel  and  Mary  (Carter);  born  Ohio  Co., 
W.  Va.,  Nov.  5,  1835  ;  teacher  '57-59 ;  United  Presbyterian  Theological 
Seminary,  Allegheny,  '59-62;  licensed  '61,  Presbytery  of  Wheeling; 
ordained  April  8,  *64,  Presbytery  of  Kansas;  missionary  Kansas,  '63-65; 
I'nion  Church,  South  Illinois,  '65-71,  Roney's  Point,  W.  Va.,  '71-86. 
United  Presbyterian  minister. 

viLis,  David  Calhoun. -Son  of  Andrew  and  Lydia  (Morehead);  born 
Lawrence  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  15,  1834;  W.  T.  S.  and  N.  W.  T.  S.  '60-63; 
licensed  April,  '62.  Presbytery  of  Beaver,  ordained  October,  '63,  Presbytery 
[>f  Sangamon  ;  pastor  Decatur,  111.,  '63-66,  North  Church,  Chicago  '66-70; 
Westminster,  Baltimore,  Md.,  '70-78,  Lafayette  Park  Church,  St.  Louis, 
Wo.,  '78-83  ;  professor  Northwestern  Theological  Seminary,  'S3—;  married 
[)ct.  S,  '63,  Anna  M  Kennedy,  also  July  16,  '79,  Helen  M.  Pearson  ;  D.D., 
Washington  and  Jefferson   College.     Presbyterian  minister,  Chicago,   III. 

^hall,  James  Abram. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Mary  (Taylor);  born  Lanca- 
ihire,  England,  Jan.  23,  1834;  W.  T.  S.  'oShJO;  licensed  April,  '59,  Pres- 
bytery of  Sidney;  ordained  May,  '60,  same  pii'sbyiory ;  pastor  Lanesfield, 
().,  '60-63,  Saline,  Mich.,  '63-67,  Beulah,  Pa.,  'o7-73.  Chandler  Memorial 
Church,  Philadelphia,  '73-79,  Upper  Octorora  '79-86 ;  President  Groton 
0)lIege'S()  ;  married  March,  '59,  Ellen  B.,  daughter  of  Dr.  James  Trimble, 
HoHidaysburg,  Pa.    Presbyterian  minister,  Groton,  Dak. 


Matbi^r,  Calvin  W. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  X.  (Diven);  born  Cumberl&i 
Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  9,  '36 ;  W.  T.  S.  '59-61 ;  licensed  April,  '60,  Presbyters- 
Allegheny ;  ordained  Nov.  11,  '62,  Presbytery  of  Marion;  stated  supp 
Delaware,  O.,  '61-63;  foreign  missionary  to  China,  Tung  Chow,  Chin 
'64—;  married  Dec.  30,  '62,  Julia  A.,  daughter  of  Robert  Brown ;  D.L 
'80,  Hanover  College.     Presbyterian  minister,  Chefoo,  China. 

Matthews,  James  P. — Teacher  '58-62  ;  law  student ;  United  Sutes  Armi 
practiced  law  Hagerstown,  Md.,  '65-70 ;  associate  editor  Baltimore  Amei 
can  '70-77,  Philadelphia  Pren  '77 — ,  and  Ballimore  San;  married.    Journalu 

Moore,  Robert  Braden. — Son  of  Ebenezerand  Xancy  B.  (Hunit);  born  Wa 
moreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  13,  1835 ;  W.  T.  S.  '57-()0 ;  licensed  October,  '1 
Presbytery  of  Redstone ;  ordained  December,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdo 
pastor  West  Kishacoquillas.  Pa.,  '60-66,  Tiffin,  O.,  '70-72;  pastor-ele 
Upper  Sandusky,  O.,  '73-76 ;  teacher  Green  Spring ;  evangelist  'So- 
married  Lfouise  J.,  daughter  of  Jamea  Paull ;  D.D.,  '82,  Western  Univc 
sity.     Presbyterian  minister.  Tiffin,  O. 

Morton,  Joseph  Venable. — Son  of  William  Q.  and  Elizabeth  M.;  bo 
Shelby  Co.,  Ky.,  Aug.  23,  1836 ;  business  Winchester,  Ky.;  SecreUry  ar 
Treasurer  School  Board  ;  married  Nov.  13,  '61,  Sarah  Taliaferro,  Winchc 
ter,  Ky.     Business,  Winchester,  Ky. 

Nekly,  Willi AiM  Cowper.— Son  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  (McCormick);  boi 
Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  July  3,  1835 ;  W.  T.  S.  '57-60  ;  licensed  June,  '5 
Presbytery  of  Allegheny  City ;  ordained  evangelist  '60,  Presbytery  of  Gree 
brier;  pastor  Uhrichsville,  C,  '62-68,  Piper  City,  111.,  '69—;  married  No 
15,  '65,  Mary,  daughter  of  John  Davis,  Coshocton,  O.  Presbyterian  lui 
ister,  Piper  City,  III. 

NiccOLLS,  Samuel  Jack. —Son  of  William  T.  and  £lisabeth  (Jack);  bo 
Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  3,  1838;  teacher;  W.  T.  S.  '57-60;  licensi 
'59,  Presbytery  of  Redstone ;  ordained  '60,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle :  past 
Chambersburg,  Pa.,  '60-65,  Second  Presbyterian  Church,  St.  Louis,  Mi 
'65—;  United  States  Army  ;  chaplain  126th  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  V< 
unteers,  '62;  married  Aug.  14,  '60,  Margaret  A,  daughter  of  John  Sherricl 
D.D,t  '65,  Center  College,  Kentucky  ;  LL.D.,  Hanover  College,  s 
Moderator  General  Assembly,  '72  ;  published  **  Eastern  Question  in  Prop 
ecy."     Presbyterian  minister,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Orr,  Thomas  X. — Son  of  John  and  M>llie  (Bracken  ridge);  born  Orrstown,  Vt 
Aug.  10,  1836  ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Chambersburg,  Pa.,  till  '<>' 
W.  T.  S.  '60-63;  licensed  '62,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle;  ordained  V«,  Vn 
bytery  of  Allegheny  City  ;  pastor  Central  Church,  Allegheny,  Pa.,  '63-()l 
First  Reformed  Church,  Philadelphia,  '69-83,  Second  Presbyterian  Churc 
Peoria,  '83—;  married  May  4,  '63,  Mary  V.  Reilly,  also  Aug.  26,  '7 
Mervinia,  daughter  of  Dr.  N.  L  Hatfield  ;  D.D.,  'So,  Washington  n 
Jefferson  College.     Presbyterian  minister,  Peoria,  111. 



ERCE,  Thobcas  W.— Born  Wheeling,  Va.,  Nov.  13,  1839 ;  law  studeul,  New 
Orleans  ;  teacher  Virginia,  Florida  and  West  Virgioia ;  Confederate  States 
Army;  major;  practiced  law  Norfolk,  Va.;  City  Attorney;  practiced  law 
St.  Loais,  Mo.,  '79 — ;  married  'tio,  Fannie,  daughter  of  Samuel  Hart. 
Lawyer,  St.  Loais,  Mo. 

^EYES,  WiULiAM  H. — Born  Greene  Co.,  Pa.,  June,  183o  ;  teacher  Louisiana, 
and  Texas  ;  commercial  traveler  ;  banicer,  California;  married  '70.  Banker, 
with  Mcintosh,  Reeves  &  Co. 

CHIE,  WtLUAM  Marshall.  — Born  near  Mansfield,  O.,  May  16,  1832; 
United  Presbyterian  Theological  Seminary,  *6U-t)2 ;  licensed  April  9,  't)l, 
Presbytery  of  Mansfield  ;  ordained  Sept.  11,  '62,  Presbytery  of  Frankfort; 
pastor  Hanover,  Pa.,  *62-66,  Crawfordsville,  Iowa,  '6r)-71,  Paxton,  111., 
•72-77,  Spring  Hill,  Ind.,  77-79,  Marshalltown,  Iowa,  '80-84,  Biirchard, 
Neb.,  *84— ;  married  '62.     United  Presbyterian  minister,  Burchard,  Neb. 

lOBB,  John  Byers. — Died  Allegheny,  Pa.,  1S.')9. 

k)fiB,  James  W. — Business  Kansas,  1857-38;  law  student*  practiced  law 
Albia,  Iowa,  '62-74,  Astoria,  Ore.,  '76-81;  married  December,  '")9,  Julia 
M.  McCleary,  alsoOct.  4,  '68,  Lottie  E.  Darrah,  also  February,  '79,  Josie  M. 
Curtis ;  died  Astoria,  Ore.,  April  23,  '81,  murdered  in  his  office. 

>BiN80N,  Aahon  Black. — Son  of  John  W.  and  Elizabeth  (Mitchell);  born 
Union  Co.,  O.,  Nov.  10,  1833  ;  law  student  Cincinnati,  O.,  '58-59 ;  practiced 
law  '59-62 ;  United  States  Army  '61-65  ;  captain  '61  ;  major  and  lieutenant- 
colonel  '62;  colonel  '65;  Legislature  of  Ohio,  '80-83;  married  May  12,  '(IS, 
Keziah,  daughter  of  .\.  F.  Wilkins.     Lawyer,  Marysville,  O. 

ILTTERLY,  JoHN  Jay. — Born  Carmichaels,  Greene  Co.,  Pa.;  law  student 
NVashington,  Pa.;  real  estate  Pittsburg,  Pa.;  oil  business,  Franklin:  Daven- 
port, Iowa;  Chicago,  111. 

nxH,  James. — Son  of  Robert  and  Sarah  (Wray);  born  Elder's  Ridge,  Pa., 
July  29,  1837;  medical  student;  farmer;  United  States  Army:  regimental 
quartermaster,  7th  Kansas  Cavalry  ;  Kansas  Legislature  '66  ;  Secretary  of 
State  '78-84;  private  secretary  '84 — ;  married  Jan.  23,  'ijSj  Jennie,  daugh- 
ter of  Thomas  Edgar,  Topeka,  Kan. 

tiTH,  James  Power.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Joseph  and  Eliza  (Bell);  born  New 
Athens,  O.,  July  4,  1837;  teacher  '57-58;  U.  T.  S.,  Va.,  '58-61 ;  licensed 
Dec.  29,  '63,  Presbytery  of  West  Hanover ;  ordained  Oct.  13,  '66,  Presby- 
tery of  Montgomery  ;  pastor  Big  Lick  '6«>-69,  Fredericksburg,  Va.,  '69—; 
Confederate  States  Army  '61-65 ;  captain  ;  ai<l-de-camp  to  General  Jack- 
son and  General  Ewell;  married  '81,  Agnes,  daughter  of  Maj.  J.  H.  Lacy  ; 
Europe;  Stated  Clerk  Synod,  Virginia.  Presbyterian  minister,  Fredericks- 
burg, Va. 

fOWDEN,  Archibald  Loudon. — Son  of  Dr.  Isaac  AVayne  and  Margery 
(Bynes);  born  Cumberland  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  11,  1S37  ;  law  student  with  J.  W. 
Martin  and  David  Webster,  Philadelphia;  United  States  Army  three  years; 
lieutenant-colonel;  register,  LTnited  States  Mint,  '57  ;  chief  coiner,  same,  '66; 
postmaster,  Philadelphia,  '77;  superintendent  Ignited  States  Mint,  '79; 
married  Feb.  16,  '64,  Elizabeth  R.,  daughter  of  Isaac  R.  Smitli.  Residence 
1812  Spruce  Street,  Philadelphia,  Pa.;  A.M.,  '88. 




Spboull,  Robert  Dunlap.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Thomas  and  Magdalena  {\ 
lace);  born  Allegheny,  Pa.,  Oct.  10,  1837;  teacher;  Associate  Refon 
Theological  Seminary  ;  licensed  April,  *61,  Reformed  Presbytery  of  P 
barg;  ordained  '63,  Presbytery  of  Rochester;  pastor  Reformed  Presbytei 
Church,  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  '63-80,  Presbyterian  Church,  '80—,  Providei 
R.  I.,  '82-85,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  '85—;  married  April  19,  '64,  Margaret 
daughter  of  John  Gormly.     Presbyterian  minister,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Stewart,  Robert — Son  of  David  T.  and  Olivia  W.  (Hall);  lx)rn  Shelby  ( 
Ky.,  Dec.  1,  1837  ;  medical  student,  Louisville;  practiced  medicine  Dav 
and  Henderson  Counties,  '60 — ;  United  States  Army  ;  assistant-surge 
2d  Kentucky  Cavalry ;  married  May  8,  '61,  Sue  £.,  daughter  of  B. 
Read.     Physician,  2ion,  Ky. 

TowNSEND,  Cyrus. — Son  of  Cyrus  and  Susan  (Snyder);  born  May  7,  18 
law  student  with  Judge  Kirkpatrick  three  years;  United  States  Ai 
'62-65,  first-lieutenant  211th  Pennsylvania  Volunteers;  practiced  law  P 
burg,  Pa.,  '62,  Leavenworth,  Kan.,  '70-72 ;  secretary  of  manufactui 
company  ;  married  March  13,  '69,  Emma  L.,  daughter  of  Albert  Hav 
Lawyer,  Leavenworth,  Kan. 

Wallace,  Thomas  Freeman.— Son  of  James  and  Isabella  (Kean);  h 
Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  28,  1833;  W.  T.  S.  '57-60;  licensed  Af 
'60,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville  ;  ordained  Nov.  5,  '61,  same  presbytery ;  ■ 
eign  missionary  to  South  America,  Bogota,  New  Grenada,  '61-75 ;  Am 
can  Consul  Charge  de  Affaires  '72-73  ;  Zacatecas,  Mexico,  '78 — ;  man 
Oct.  31,  '61,  Martha,  daughter  of  Rev.  Adam  Torrence,  New  Alexand 
Pa.     Presbyterian  minister ;  residence  Zacatecas,  Mexico. 

♦Wallace,  William  Lockhart. — Born  Canonsburg,  Pa.;  U.  P.  S.,  A 
gheny  ;  licensed  and  ordained  United  Presbyterian  Presbytery ;  pastor  N 
ville.  Pa.,  —  till  1871),  Sew ickley '79-84 ;  professor  United  Presbytei 
Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny,  *84 — ;  married  ;  Superintendent  Fr€ 
men's  School,  Norfolk,  Va.;  died  Asbury  Park,  N.  J.,  Sept.  2,  'SS,  Uni 
Presbyterian  minister. 

Wiestlino,  Robert  R.— From  Dauphin  Co.,  Pa.;  medical  student  Univer 
of  Pennsylvania;  practiced  medicine  with  his  father,  Middletown,  I 
'62-67,  Pennsylvania  State  Hospital,  Huntingdon,  Pa.,  '67,  physic 
Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company  ;  married  '73,  Kate  A.  Hurst.  Physici 
Huntingdon,  Pa. 

*Wii.soN,  Ix)WRiE  W. — Born  Morgantown,  W.  Va.;  law  student;  practi 
law  Morgantown,  W.  Va.;  died  Morgantown,  W.  Va.,  1866,  consumpti 

Wood,  William  Shadrach.— Born  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  9,  1839 ;  W.  T. 
'57-59 ;  licensed  Feb.  11,  '59,  Baptist  Church,  Allegheny  ;  ordained  Ap 
'61,  Baptist  Church,  Harrisburg;  stated  supply  Waynesburg,  Pa., '59- 
Harrisburg  '61-63,  Doyleslown  '68-70,  missionary  Western  Pennsylva 
'71-78,  Smithfield  '79-84,  Connellsville  '85—;  married  May  11,  '59,  E. 
Ray.     Baptist  minister. 




ex,  WrLLiAM  LiYiNosTON. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Joseph  and  Isabella  (Liv- 
ingston); bom  WiUlamstown,  Mass.,  1838;  law  student  '58-00;  Europe 
•60-61 ;  practiced  law  New  York  City  '61-66 ;  journalist  Worlds  Grapkicy 
Tinu8  '65  —  ;  Consul  to  Kome  '85 — ;  published  '*  Domestic  Explosions," 
"Shooting  Stars,"  "Canoe  and  Flying  Proa,"  *'Life  of  Columbus,"  and 
juvenile  volumes;  married  Agnes  M.,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  McClure; 
F^urope  '79.     Journalist,  Garden  City,  Long  Island. 

VANDER,  William. — Son  of  Randall  and  Sarah  H.  (Caruthers);  born  near 
Shirleysburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  18,  1831  ;  P.  T.  S.  '58-61  ;  licensed  April,  '60, 
Presbytery  of  Huntingdon  ;  ordained  June  10,  '61,  Presbytery  of  Northum- 
t>erland  ;  pastor  Newberry,  Pa.,  '61-63 ;  President  Carroll  College,  Wis., 
'63-64;  pastor  Beloit,  Wis.,  '64-69,  San  Jose,  Cal.,  '69-71 ;  President  City 
College,  Cal.,  '71-74;  professor  San  Francisco  Theological  Seminary  *71 — ; 
published  sermons,  etc.;  married  Dec.  25,  '61,  Minerva  P.,  daughter  of 
JohnR.  Osborne;  D.D.,  '76,  Western  University.  Presbyterian  minister, 
^n  Francisco,  Cal. 

SANDER,  Samuel  Carothers.  -  Son  of  Randall  and  Sarah  (Carothers); 
[>om  nearShirleysbnrg,  Pa.,  April  7,  1833;  Columbia  Theological  Seminary 
57-61 ;  licensed  April  9,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Charleston  ;  ordained  '61 ;  pas- 
Lor  Steel  Creek  and  Pleasant  Hill,  N.  C,  '61-65;  missionary  to  Freedmen 
6o-71;  pastor  Shirleysburg,  Pa.,  '71-75,  Upper  Path  Valley '75— ,  Millers- 
[own  '88  ;  married  March  25,  '62,  Nannie  R.  Price.  Presbyterian  minis- 
ter, Millerstown,  Pa. 

:;lay,  Huoh  Aratus. — Son  of  Henry  and  Elisabeth  (Armstrong);  born 
Greene  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  28,  1837  ;  W.  T.  S.  '58-61 ;  licensed  '60,  Presbytery 
Df  Ohio;  ordained  '63,  Presbytery  of  Cedar;  pastor  Summit  and  Kossuth,  la,, 
'63-68,  Oswego,  111.,  '68-73,  Council  Bluffs,  Mo.,  'G8  -73 ;  name  removed 
from  roll  of  Presbytery  *75 ;  married  Oct.  29,  '67,  Jane  Chapman.  Far- 
mer; residence  Weston,  Saunders  Co.,  Neb. 

K.  James  Smith. — Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Smith);  born  Washington 
Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  22,  1832;  U.  P.  T.  S.,  Allegheny,  '58-61 ;  medical  student 
'60;  ordained  June  25,  '61,  United  Presbyterian  Presbytery  of  Chartiers  ; 
foreign  missionary  to  India  '61-83  ;  principal  Theological  Seminary,  Sial- 
cot,  India,  '77-83;  married  June  27,  '61,  Mary  G.  Black;  D.D.,  West- 
minster College,  '78.     United  Presbyterian  minister,  Sialcot,  India. 

LiER,  Francis  James. — Son  of  Daniel  T..  and  Hetty  (Larimore);  bom 
Steuben ville,  O.,  July  21,  1838;  P.  T.  S.  '59-62;  licensed  April  3,  '62, 
Presbytery  of  Philadelphia ;  ordained  April  27,  '64,  Presbytery  of  Ohio  ; 
pastor  Center  Church,  Pa.,  '63-71,  Downingtown  '72-88  ;  published  sermons 
and  sketches ;  class  historian  ^o^  ;  married  June  2,  '74,  Maria  P.,  daughter 
of  Robert  AuU;  D.D.,  '86,  Otterbein  College.  Presbyterian  minister,  I>own- 
ington,  Pa. 


CoNDiT,  John  Gori>on. — Son  of  William  and  Margaret;  born  Mercer  Co., 
Pa.,  August  10,  1829;  W.  T.  S.  '58-61 ;  licensed  April  11,  *60;  Preabyterr 
of  Erie;  ordained  June  26,  '61,  saine  prosbyterj  ;  pastor  Sandy  Lake,  Pa., 
'61-63,  Prospect,  Iowa,  71-73,  Viola,  Edwards  and  Camp  Creek,  111., 
'73-80 ;  miHsionary  Illinois  and  Iowa  '80-87  ;  married  May,  '62,  M.  J. 
'McCurdy.     Presbyterian  minister,  Fairfield,  Iowa. 

CowDEN,  WiiiLiAM  FoBBES. — Son  of  Dr.  John  and  Nancy  (Forbes);  bom 
Lawrence  Co.,  Pa.,  June  22,  1834;  teacher;  law  student;  Baptist  Theo- 
logical Seminary,  Lewisburg;  ordained  Baptist  Church ;  {>astor  Jersey 
Shore,  Pa.,  '64-67,  New  Castle '67-71,  Christian  Church  '71-81,  Leiin^- 
ton,  Ky.,  '81  —  ;  married  June  29,  'o^,  Mary  J.  Rice.  Christian  minister, 
Lexington,  Ky. 

Craighead,  Samuel  Judson.— Son  of  George  and  Elizabeth  (NeiU):  bom 
near  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  5,  1834;  teacher  Fayelie  Co.,  Pa.,  '08-6O, 
Elder's  Ridge '6'V78 ;  Superintendent  of  Common  Schools;  Pennsylvania 
Legislature  '8()-87  ;  Indiana  County,  Pa.,  '78-88  ;  married  Sarah,  daughter 
of  David  Elder.     Teacher  and  farmer ;  Eider's  Ridge,  Pa. 

Cully,  David  R. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Margaret  (Mondebaugh);  born  Wayne 
Co.,  O.,  Jan.  17,  1836  ;  teacher  ;  Missouri,  '58 — ,  Cooper  Co.,  Mo.,  Mexico, 
Sedalia ;  married  October,  '($4,  Sue,  daughter  of  Charles  Chilton ;  ruling 
elder  Presbyterian  Church.     Teacher,  Sedalia,  Mo. 

Cunningham,  Joseph  Hemphill. — Son  of  Dr.  Smith  and  Cynthia;  born 
Beaver  Co.,  Pa.;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Beaver,  Pa.,  Butler,  Bradford, 
'61 — ;  unmarried.     Lawyer,  Bradford,  Pa. 

Dickson,  William — Son  of  James  and  Mary  (McElroy);  born  County  Down, 
Ireland,  March  24,  1830;  W.  T.  S.  'r)8-61  ;  licensed  '60,  Presbytery  of 
New  Lisbon;  ordained  '61,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Long's  Run,  Madison, 
O., '61-66;  Deerfield  '66-76;  principal  Poland  Academy,  '76-81;  pastor 
Canfield,  and  professor  in  Normal  School,  'SI — ;  published  "  Yankee  in 
Dixie;"  married  April  27,  '57,  Hettie,  daughter  of  John  Neswonger; 
D.D.,  '75,  Mt.  Union  College.     Presbyterian  minister,  Canfield,  O. 

Dobbins,  Hugh  Hillis. — Son  of  Hugh  and  Rosamond  (Logan);  born  Poland, 
O.,  April  13,  1833;  W.  T.S.  'r>S-61  ;  licensed  '60,  Presbytery  of, New  Lisbon  ; 
ordained  '61,  Presbytery  of  Omaha;  pastor  Brownsville,  Neb.,  '61,  Kansau 
'64;  missionary  St.  Bonaventura,  Cal.,  Watsonville,  Santa  Clara,  San  Luis 
Obispo,  '64 — ;  married  July  12,  '65,  Mary  Kloise  Trowbridge.  Presbyte- 
rian minister,  West  Berkley,  Cal. 

♦Donaldson,  James  HENRY.^Sonof  Rev.  Dr.  Alexander  and  Mary  (Bracken); 
born  Elder's  Ridge,  Pa.,  May  18,  1840  ;  teacher  '60-63;  W.  T.  S.  '60-63; 
licensed  April,  '62,  Presbytery  of  Saltsburg  ;  ordained  Oct.  4,  '64,  Presby- 
tery of  Carlisle;  I'nited  States  Army  '63  ;  pastor  Schellsburg,  Pa.,  '68-67  ; 
died  Elder's  Ridge,  Pa.,  Oct.  1,  '68,  consumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 

DxjNLAP,  William  Boyjd. — Son  of  Samuel  R.  and  Nancy  H.;  born  Darlington, 
Pa.,  July,  1S3()  ;  law  student;  inflrru  ;  business;  Pennsylvania  Legislature^ 
'71-72;  unmarried.     Business  man  ;  residence,  Bridgewater,  Pa. 


ING,  John. — Son  of  James  and  Rebecca  (Robb);  born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa., 
Oct.  8,  1834 ;  W.  T.  S.  '68-61 ;  licensed  Dec.  24,  *60,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ; 
ordained  Jan.  1,  *61,  same  presbytery  ;  stated  supply  Fairview,  Pa.,  '61-63  ; 
Trinity,  Philadelphia,  '63-69,  Clinton,  N.  J.,  '69-83,  Plymouth,  Pa.. 
"8^-85,  Pittsgrove,  N.  J.,  '8.3—;  D.D.,  '82,  N.  W.  C;  delegate  Christian 
Commission ;  unmarried.     Presbyterian  minister,  Daretown,  N.  J. 

LTON,  Samuel — Son  of  John  and  Hannah  (McMillen) :  born  Washington 
Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  22,  1832  ;  teacher  '5H-60 ;  dental  student  with  Dr.  G.  W. 
Moffitt,  Washington,  Pa.;  practiced  dentistry  Washington,  Pa.,'62 — ;  married 
April,  'o8,  Margaret  J.,  daughter  of  John  Rankin.  Dentist,  Washington, 

MBL£,  Samuel  L. — Son  of  Morrow  R.  and  Hannah  (Filson) ;  born  Franklin 

Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  10,  1832 ;  P.  T.  S.  '58-61 ;  licensed  ;  ordained  Aug. 

29,  '61,  Presbytery  of  Albany ;  pastor  New  Scotland,  N.  Y.,  '61-67,  Still- 
water '67-70,  Reformed  Church,  Guilderland  Center,  '70-83;  married  Sep- 
tember, '61,  M.  Josephine  Leggett.  Reformed  Pr^byterian  minister, 
Guilderland  Center,  Albany  Co.,  N.  Y. 

:aham.  Loyal  Youno-— Son  of  James  H.  and  Fannie  (Thompson) ;  bom 
Butler  Pa.,  Oct.  22,  1837  ;  W.  T.  S.  '58-61 ;  licensed  April,  '60,  Presbytery 
•f  Allegheny ;  ordained  Oct.  2,  '61,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville ;  pastor 
Somerset  '61-65,  Rehoboth  '65-71,  Olivet  Presbyterian  Church,  Philadel- 
phia,  '71 — ;  Egypt,  Syria,  Greece,  '84  ;  married  April  25,  '61,  Sarah  J. 
HcCoy;  D.D.,  '85,  Otterbein  I'niversity.  Presbyterian  minister,  Philadel- 
phia, Pa. 

AWK1N8,  A.  W.  H.  Harkison. — Son  of  J.  C.  and  Margaret ;  bom  Washing- 
ton Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  22,  1839  ;  medical  student,  University  of  Pennsylvania ; 
Europe  ;  United  States  Navy  ;  surgeon  '66  ;  druggist ;  infirm  ;  died  Mans- 
field, O.,  Nov.  10,  *76,  killed  by  railroad  engine. 

iRVEY,  D WIGHT  B. — Sou  of  Rcv.  Dr.  Henry  and  Julia  (Wade);  bom  Mar- 
linsburg,  O.,  June  4,  1834,  P.  T.  S.  '58-59;  W.  T.  S.  '59-61 ;  licensed  June 
13,  '62,  Presbytery  of  Richland ;  ordained  January,  '62,  same  presbytery; 
pastor  Mt.  Vernon,  O.,  '62-71 ;  stated  supply  Millwood  '71-73,  Jersey 
'74-75,  Granville  ,'75-81,  South  Alabama  '81-82;  President  Female  Col- 
lege, Granville,  O.,  '82 — ;  married  Sept.  16,  '61,  Mary  E.,  daughter  of 
John  Reeder,  Newark,  O.     Presbyterian  minister,  Granville,  O. 

LL,  Harrington  Rowland. — Son  of  Sanford  C.  and  Sarah  (Leech);  born 
East  Liverpool,  O.,'  Nov.  12,  1834  ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  New  Lisbon, 
O.,  '60 — ;  United  States  Army;  captain;  major;  lieutenant-colonel,  115th 
Regiment  Ohio  Volunteers ;  married  July  25,  '65,  Louisa  D.  Briggs. 
Lawyer,  New  Lisbon,  O. 

)LcoMB,  James  Foote.-Sou  of  James  H.  and  Mary  (Foote);  born  Granby, 
Conn.,  Jan.  20,  1837  ;  W.  T.  S.  '58-61 ;  licensed  *60;  ordained  '66,  Hope- 
well and  Nashville,  O.,  '66-68,  Athens  '68-70;  foreign  missionary,  India; 
Lodiana,  India,  '70-71,  Furrukhabad  '71-73,  Allahabad  '73—;  married 
Jane  28,  '66,  H.  Harriet  Howe.     Presbyterian  minister,  Jhansi,   India. 



HoLLiDAY,  Samuel  Henry.— Son  of  William  and  Margaret  (Gillespie);  be 
Lancaster  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  9,  1833  ;  W.  T.  8.  '58-€l  ;  licensed  April  16, '( 
Presbytery  of  Washington ;  ordained  June  16,  *63,  Presbytery  of  Clario 
pastor  Brookville,  Pa.,  '62-68,  Brady's  Bend  '68-75,  Bellevue  '75-8 
married  Jan.  13,  '63,  Sophia  M.,  daughter  of  John  Haft.  Presbyteri 
minister,  Allegheny,  Pa. 

Hooper,  Washington  Augustine.— Son  of  John  and  Jane  (Rice);  be 
Springfield,  O.,  Nov.  10,  1834;  W.  T.  S.  '58-61 ;  licensed  April,  '60,  Pr 
bytery  of  Miami;  ordained  '61,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon  ;  pastor  Tyro 
and  Birmingham,  Pa.,  '61-o4 ;  Morgantown,  W.  V^a  ,  '64-67:  Ellicott'sCii 
Md.,  '68-81,  New  Providence,  New  Jersey,  '81 — ;  married  Aug.  8,  '( 
Eunice  H.,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  Critchlow.  Presbyterian  minister,  N 
Providence,  N.  J. 

Hughes,  Samuel  Adams. — Son  of  William  and  Nancy  (Sloan);  born  Fn 
port,  Pa.,  March  4,  1835;  W.  T.  S.  '58-61  ;  licensed  April,  '60,  Presl 
tery  of  Butler;  ordained  '61,  Presbytery  of  Columbus;  pastor  Grove  Ci 
O.,  '61-62,  Leesburg  and  Rich  Hill,  Pa.,  '64-65,  Center  '65-70,  Park 
'70-74 ;  stated  supply  Brady's  Bend,  Mahoning  and  Middle  Creek  '74- 
married  May  5,  '63,  Seffie  W.  Breck.  Presbyterian  minister,  Parke 
Landing,  Pa. 

*HuLTZ,  Marshall  Matthews.— Son  of  Henry  and  Margaret;  born  Al 
gheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  31,  1836;  medical  student  Jefferson  Medical  C 
lege ;  practiced  medicine  Washington  Co.,  Pa.;  United  States  Army  si 
geon  '61-64 ;  died  Clokeyville,  Pa.,  Sept.  5,  '64.     Physician. 

Hunt,  Robert  Thomas.— Son  of  Dr.  David  and  Nancy  (Kennedy);  born  Han 
burg.  Pa-,  Aug.  31,  1835 ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Pittsburg  '6o-d 
merchant  Philadelphia.     Banker  ;  residence  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Irwin,  David  Johnston. — Son  of  William  and  Rosannah  ;  born  Kittannii 
Pa.,  Nov.  30,  1832;  W.  T.  S.  '58-61;  licensed  '60,  Presbytery  of  Sal 
burg;  ordained  June,  '61,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Ebenezer,  Pa.,  '61- 
Clarksburg  '70—-;  married  April  18,  '61,  Sarah  H.,  daughter  of  Benjan 
Coe ;  D.D.,  '83,  Lenox  College,  Iowa.    Presbyterian  minister,  Ebenezer,  1 

Jelly,  Alexander  Melanchthon. — Born  Beaver  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  15,  \K\ 
W.  T.  S.  '58-61;  licensed  '61,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  '61,  Presl 
tery  of  Central  Philadelphia;  pastor  Belmont,  Pa.,  '61-63,  Richrao 
'65-70,  Washington,  N.  J.,  70-74,  Twelfth  Church,  Baltimore,  '75-7 
President  New  Windsor  College  '77 — ;  stated  supply  Windsor,  Mt.  Par 
and  Granite  '79—;  married  June  9,  '68,  Clara  C.  Smith  ;  A.M.,  '66,  Wa^ 
ington  and  Jefferson  College;  D.D.,  '78.  Presbyterian  minister,  X< 
Windsor,  Md. 

Jenks,  George  A. — Son  of  J.  W.  and  Mary  D.  (Barclay);  born  Puuxsuta 
ney,  Pa.,  March  26,  1886;  law  student;  practiced  law  Brookville,  Pi 
*59 — ;  Member  of  Congress,  Pennsylvania,  '74-77  ;  Assistant  Secretary 
Interior  '85-86  ;  Solicitor  General  '87 — ;  married  Jan.  3,  '60,  Mary  A. 
Mabon ;  LL.I).^  Washington  and  Jefferson  College.  Lawyer,  Waehir 
ton,  D.  C. 


ixsTON,  William  Pollock. — Son  of  Samuel  P.  and  Eleanor  (Thomson); 
lM>m  Harrison  Co.,  O.,  Jan.  26,  1839  ;  Reformed  Presbyterian  Theological 
Seminary,  Allegeny ;  licensed  and  ordained  Reformed  Presbyterian  Pres- 
bytery '64 ;  pastor  Reformed  Presbyterian  Church,  Baltimore,  Md.,  '64-73^ 
Washington,  Iowa,  '73-81  ;  professor  Geneva  College,  Pa.,  '81—;  Europe 
'68 — ;  married  June  16,  *74,  Clara  D.  Anderson.  Reformed  Presbyterian 
minister,  Beaver  Falls,  Pa. 

>N£Sy  Addison. — Son  of  Dr.  and  Martha  (Hawkins);  born  Lawrenceville, 
Pa.,  1838 ;  W.  T.  S.  '68 ;  writer ;  died  New  York  City,  Feb.  23,  '64. 

»ES,  Edward  A. — From  Princess  Anne,  Md.;  went  South ;  editor ;  law 
student ;  practiced  law  Waco,  Texas.     Lawyer,  Waco,  Texas. 

LLEY,  Archik  Bennett. — Born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Jan.  10,  1837 ;  U.  P.  T.  S., 
Allegheny  ;  health  failed  ;  oil  producer ;  banker  ;  ruling  elder  Presbyterian 
Church;  married  April,  '63,  Francis  A.,  daughter  of  SeldenMay.  Banker, 
Tionesta,  Pa. 

»R,  Alfred.— Son  of  James  and  Mary  (Carnahau);  born  Westmoreland 
Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  6,  1838;  law  student;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '61—; 
United  States  Army  '62-65,  first  lieutenant  Young's  Battery  Heavy  Artil- 
lery ;  published  work  on  finance.     Lawyer,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

WBiEy  Newell  Samuel. -Son  of  Henry  and  Helen  (Cole);  born  Montour 
Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  27,  1832 ;  W.  T.  S.  '58-60;  P.  T.  8.  '61 ;  licensed  '60,  Pres- 
bytery of  Saltsburg;  ordained  '62,  Presbytery  of  Erie;  pastor  Coneaut- 
ville  and  Harmonsburg,  Pa.,  '62-68,  Gorham,  N.  Y.,  '68-86,  O'Neill,  Neb., 
'88 — ;  married  Aug.  22, '61,  Mary  L.  Page.  Presbyterian  minister,  O'Neill, 

Claren,  John. — Born  Pittsburg,  Pa.;  law  student;  practiced  law  Pittsburg, 
Pa.,  I860—.     Lawyer,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Combs,  John  Caldwell.— Born  Wheeling,  W.Va.,  March  9,  1838  ;  W.  T.  S. 
'58-61 ;  licensed  '61,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny ;  law  student  '62-64  prac- 
ticed law  Allegheny,  Pa.,  '64 — ;  married  June  15,  '65,  Lucy  E.,  daughter 
of  Rev.  E.  P.  Swift,  D.D.     Lawyer,  Allegheny,  Pa. 

:CoNAHY,  Joseph  Hennon. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Hennon);  born 
Lawrence  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  16,  1836:  teacher  Kentucky  '58-61;  California, 
mining,  '61-63;  teacher  Silver  Mountain,  '63-65  ;  Nevada,  mining  ;  teacher 
'65-67  ;  Moravia,  Pa.,  '67-73;  farming  '73 — ;  married '72,  Mary  L.  Phil- 
lips ;  residence  Moravia,  Pa. 

CoKMiCK,  Silas. — Bom  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.;  law  student;  practiced 
law  Greensburg,  Pa.;  unmarried.     Lawyer,  Irwin,  Pa. 

'cHenry,  Charles  W~Son  of  James  and  Margaret  (Balsley);  born  Pitts- 
burg, Pa  ,  Dec.  28,  1839;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '60-68; 
United  States  Army,  '61-62 ;  captain,  63d  Regiment,  Pennsylvania  Volun- 
teers; practiced  law  Janesville,  Wis.,  '68-74;  married  Feb.  7.  '67,  Mary 
D.,  daughter  of  John  McFadden;  died  Janesville.  Wis..  Feb.  i*.  '74, 
malarial  fever.     Lawyer. 



v.-  v». 


McIlvaine,  JofiEPH  Lawrence. — Son  of  Garvin  and  Jane  (Brittain);  bon 
Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  14,  1837 ;  teacher  'o8-«l  ;  law  student  '61 
teacher  '61-65 ;  editor  Tuscarawas  Advocate  *6o-  ;  married  Dec.  1,  't>i! 
Anna,  daughter  of  John  Coventry.    Editor,  New  Philadelphia,  O. 

*McKowN,  John  Orr.— Son  of  James  and  Mary  (Orr) ;  born  Frankfoi 
Springs,  Pa.,  Aug.  7,  1834;  law  student  with  Chas.  W.  Russell,  Wheeling 
W.  Va.;  teacher  Huntsville,  Ala.;  practiced  law  Ponlon,  Texas;  Confe<] 
erale  States  Array,  12th  Regiment  Texas  Dragoons,  '61-62  ;  died  Brownf 
ville,  Texas,  in  hospital,  Oct.  12,  '62,  consumption.     Lawyer. 

*McMiLLiN,  Milton.— Bom  Beaver  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  27, 1832  ;  W.  T.  S.  '59-62 
licensed  April  17,  '01,  Presbytery  of  Beaver;  ordained  January,  '65,  Pr« 
bytery  of  Marion ;  pastor  Delaware,  O.,  '65-67,  Mt.  Gilead,  and  state* 
supply  Cardington  '67-74 ;  married  Sept.  2,  '62,  Mrs.  Nannie  Van  Eman 
died  Lexington,  O.,  June  19,  '76,  fever.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•McNiTE,  Thomas  Irwin.— Son  of  William  and  Eleanor  (Poslleihwaite 
born  Huntingdon  Co.,  Pa.,  May  28,  1830;  teacher;  died  Shirleysburg,  Pa. 
April  30,  '6o.     Teacher. 

Marshall,  Kennedy.— Son  of  Hon.  Samuel  and  Mary  ;  born  Butler  Co.,  Pa. 
July  21,  1834;  law  student  with  Hon.  T.  M.  Marshall,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 
practiced  law  Pittsburg,  New  York  City  and  Butler,  Pa.,  '59 — ;  Pennsyl 
vania  Legislature,  '61  ;  married  July  21,  '59,  Anna  E.  Totten.  Laffryer 
Butler,  Pa. 

Martin,  John  Williamson.— Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Williamson);  born  Jef 
ferson  Co.,  O.,  Nov.  10,  1834 ;  U.  P.  T.  S.  Allegheny;  licensed  April,  '61 
United  Presbyterian  Presbytery  ;  ordained  April,  62 ;  pastor  Carrollton 
O.,  '62-65,  East  Liverpool  '65-68,  Edgarion,  Kan.,  '68-73;  North  Salem,  0. 
'74 — ;  Jonathan's  Creek  '88 ;  married  August,  '59,  Susie  E.  Laughlin,  alsi 
February,  '63,  Nannie  J.  Erskine ;  Moderator  United  Presbyterian* Syn(M 
of  Ohio.    United  Presbyterian  minister,  Mt.  Perry,  O. 

Martin,  Thomas  Alexander. — Can  not  be  traced. 

*Massey,  Mordecai  B. — Son  of  Robert  and  Martha  J.;  born  Huntingdoi 
Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  18,  1835;  law  student  with  Hon.  William  Montgomery 
Washington,  Pa.;  Philadelphia,  '61-65  ;  practiced  law  Huntingdon,  Pa. 
'65-77  ;  married  '65,  Maggie  D.,  daughter  of  John  R.  Hunter  ;  died  Hunt 
ingdon.  Pa.,.  March  13,  '77,  consumption.     Lawyer. 

*Mean8,  Nathan  Amzi. — Son  of  Capt.  John  A.  and  Eliza  C;  bom  Northiield 
O.,  Dec.  26,  1836;  teacher  '58-62;  Clerk  of  Courts,  Akron,  O.,  '62-(iS 
farmer  '68-73 ;  business,  Aultman,  Miller  &  Co.,  Akron,  O.,  '73-86 ;  mar 
ried  Feb.  27,  '62,  M.  A.  Keady  ;  died  Akron,  O.,  May  28,  '86. 

*Moore,  James  Ramsey — Son  of  William  and  Eleanor  (Hughes);  born  nea 
Canonsburg,  Pa.,  June  6,  1835 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Jos.  C  Hughes 
Keokuk,  Iowa ;  practiced  medicine  Natchez,  Miss.,  '61-62 :  physiciar 
State  Hospital;  Confederate  States  Army;  surgeon,  Ist  Regiment,  Missis 
sippi  Artillery,  '62  ;  died  Port  Gibson,  Miss.,  Aug.  1,  '62,  thrown  from  hi 
horse.     Phvsician. 


MowRY,  Phiijp  Henby. — Son  of  Dr.  Robert  Mowry  and  Ariana  R.  (Riddle); 
born  Allegheny,  Pa.,  March  6,  1837 ;  W.  T.  S.  *58-61 ;  licensed  AprU,  '60, 
Reformed  Presbytery  of  Pittsburg;  ordained  '61,  Presbytery  of  Philadel- 
phia; pastor  Fourth  Church,  Philadelphia.  '61-63,  Newville  '63-68,  Second 
Church,  Springfield,  '68-78,  First  Church,  Chester,  '73— ;  married  '61, 
Kate  R.  Richardson  ;  D.D.,  '82,  Western  University.  Presbyterian  minis- 
ter, Chester,  Pa. 

^ESBiTT,  John  Habvey. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Jane  (McConaughy) ;  bom 
Indiana  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  20,  1834;  W.  T.  S.  '58-59 ;  N.  W.  T.  S.  '69-61 ; 
licensed  April  11,  '60,  Presbytery  of  Chicago  ;  ordained  evangelist  October, 
'61,  same  presbytery ;  stated  supply  Onarga  '60-61 ;  missionary  Oswego, 
111.,  '61-64;  pastor  McComb,  111.,  '64-69,  Frankfort,  Ky.,  '69-76;  infirm; 
pastor  Mingo,  Pa.,  '78-81,  Owensboro,  Ky.,  '81-86,  Oxford,  O.,  '86—; 
married  May  25,  '64,  Agnes  R.,  daughter  of  Hugh  Ross.  Presbyterian 
minister,  Oxford,  O. 

*Nevin,  John  Ibwin. — Son  of  Rev.  Daniel  £.  and  Margaret  (Irwin);  bom 
Sewickley  Aug.  22,  1837  ;  teacher  '58-60  ;  United  States  Army  '61-65  ;  lieu- 
tenant 28th  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers;  major;  lieutenant-colonel; 
prisoner  of  war;  editor  PiUthwg  Di8patch*QSj  Leader  '70;  married  '73,  Eleanor 
H.    Hawes ;  died  Sewickley,  Pa.,  Jan.  5,  '84,  Hright's  disease.     Editor. 

'^NiBLOCK,  SAMUEii  HoLMES. — Son  of  Br.  William  and  Ann  :  born  Landisburg, 
Pa.,  Feb.  23,  1836;  teacher;  died  Landisburg,  Pa.,  Feb.  19,  '59,  consump- 
tion.    Student. 

*NoBLE,  James  Davis.— Son  of  Hon.  Joseph  B.  and  Charlotte  (Davis);  bom 
Fulton  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  8, 1837  ;  medical  student,  Jefferson  Medical  College ; 
United  States  Army  '61-62  ;  assistant-surgeon  51st  Regiment,  Pennsylvania, 
Volunteers ;  United  States  Navy ;  assistant  surgeon,  '65-66 ;  practiced  med- 
icine Waterside,  Pa.,  '62-65,  Pattonsville  '66-74 ;  married  Feb.  4,  '69, 
Elisa  J.  Haderman;  died  Pattonsville,   Pa.,   March  14,   '74.     Physician. 

Orr,  GrieR  C. — Son  of  Gen.  Robert  and  Martha  (Grier);  born  Kittanning, 
Pa.,  Feb.  17,  1837  ;  law  student;  practiced  law  Kittanning,  Pa.,  '62 — . 
Lawyer,  Kittenning,  Pa. 

♦Patterson,  Robert  Baird.— Son  of  Joseph  N.  and (Baird);  born  PittSr 

burg,  Pa.,  Jan.  21,  1841 ;  teacher  Pennsylvania  and  Louisiana ;  law 
stadent  with  Hon.  Joshua  F.  Bell,  Danville,  Ky.;  practiced  law  Greens- 
burg,  Pa.,  '62-67,  Pittsburg  '67-71  ;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  April  29,  '71, 
accidental  fall.     Lawyer. 

♦Paull,  George.— Son  of  Joseph  and  Elisa  Lea  (Rodgers);  born  near  Con- 
neUsville,  Pa.,  Feb.  3,  1837 ;  W.  T.  S.  '58-61 ;  licensed  April  10,  '61, 
Presbytery  of  Redstone ;  ordained  Sept.  16,  '63,  same  presbytery ;  foreign 
misBionary  to  Africa,  Benita,  Western  Africa,  '63-65  ;  died  Benita,  Western 
Africa,  Mav  14,  '65.     Presbyterian  minister. 


Pollock,  Edie  Stewart. — Son  of  Charles  and  Ann  (Stewart);  born  Claric 
Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  14,  1835 ;  teacher  Eentuckj  '58-59 ;  fourth-eergcant  37 
Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers  *63 ;  oil  business,  Oil  City,  Pa.;  trade 
Deputy  Collector  Internal  Revenue  '69-70  ;  clerk's  office  ;  House  Represent 
tives  Washington,  D.  C,  '70-71;  First  Auditor  of  the  Treasury  Deparime 
'71 — ;  married  June  29,  '68,  Sallie,  daughter  of  James  Dubois;  residen 
Washington,  D.  C. 

Schneider,  Francis  Joseph  Christopher. — Son  of  John  C.  and  An 
(Kahlert);  born  Erfurth,  Prussia,  March  29,  1832 ;  W.  T.  S.  '58-61 ;  licens 

,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  '61,  Presbytery  of  Saltsburg;  foreij 

missionary  to  Brazil;  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil,  '61-77;  New  York,  translatx 
'77-81;  Brazil  '81—;  "  A  Ymprensa  Evangelica  ;"  married  March  24,  't: 
Ella  G.,  daughter  of  Robert  Kingsley.  Presbyterian  minister,  Sao  Paul 

Simpson,  John. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Catharine  (Hout);  born  Richland  O 
O.,  June  26,  1829 ;  teacher  'o8— ,  Millersbnrg,  O.,  Haysville  Institu 
Professor  of  Science,  principal  '60-71  ;  Superintendent  Institute,  MansfieJ 
O.,  '71—;  married  Dec.  25,  '62,  Millie  J.  Stringer;  Ph.D.,  Wooster  Ui 
versity ;  residence  Mansfield,  O. 

Slemons,  Frances  Marion.— Son  of  John  B.  and  Martha  J.  (Bennett);  bo 
Somerset  Co.,  Md.,  Aug.  12,  1839;  medical  studentwith  Dr.  L.  W.  Morr 
Forktown,  Md.;  University  of  Maryland  '58-60;  practiced  medicine  Foi 
town,  Md.,  '60-66,  Salisbury,  Md.,  '66—;  married  May  15,  '61,  Martha  J 
daughter  of  Jephtha  Morris.     Physician,  Salisbury,  Md. 

Smith,  Nelson  Horace. — Son  of  Daniel  and  Elizabeth  (Cepley);  born  ne 
Blaireville,  Pa.,  May  9,  1830  ;  W.  T.  S.  '58-61  ;  licensed  '60,  Presbytc 
of  Ohio  ;  ordained  "61,  Presbytery  of  Kansas  ;  pastor  of  Oregon  and  For 
City,  Mo.,  '63-68,  Cameron  '68-69,  Albany  '70-72,  Filmore  '73-80,  stat 
supply  Gainesville,  Ga.,  '80 — ;  married  May  1,  '65,  Jennie  N.,  daughter 
Absalom  Lloyd.     Presbyterian  minister,  Sharon,  Qa. 

♦Smith,  Joseph  Norris. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Joseph  and  Eliza  (Bell);  bo 
Frederick,  Md.,  Feb.  2,  1840;  W.  T.  S.  '60-61;  United  States  Arm 
wounded  Pittsburg  Landing;  infirm;  teacher  Eastern  Pennsylvania ;  N< 
Mexico;  Charleston,  W.  Va.;  Rockbridge  Baths,  Va.,  '83 — ;  died  V 
ginia,  March  4,  '89.     Teacher. 

Sproull,  John  Wallace. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Thomas  and  Magdalena  (Wi 
lace);  born  Allegheny,  Pa.,  Jan.  17,  1839  ;  teacher  '68-69  ;  Reformed  Pn 
byterian  Seminary,  Allegheny ;  licensed  and  ordained  Reformed  Presbyter 
pastor  Elizabeth,  Pa.,  '60-71 ;  Central  Reformed  Presbyterian  Churc 
Allegheny ;  Europe ;  edited  Rtformed  Presbyterian  and  Covenanter  '68- 
married  June  26,  '79,  Anna  M.  Stewart.  Reformed  Presbyterian  minist< 
Allegheny,  Pa. 


*Stabrett,  William  Aiken.— Born  Alleghenj  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  3,  1834;  P. 
T.  8,  '59-62 ;  teacher  Leavenworth,  Kan.,  *63 ;  ordained  Feb.  6,  *64,  Pree- 
bytery  of  Leavenworth;  pastor  Firat  Charch,  Lawrence,  Kan.,  '64-70; 
demitted  ministry  70  ;  Superintendent  of  Institute,  Kansas,  '69-70  ;  editor, 
Kansas,  Daily  Tribune ;  practiced  law  Chicago,  111. ;  married  Miss  Aiken  ; 
died  Chicago,  111.,  Jan.  6,  '87.     Lawyer. 

Stew  AST,  Jamss  Albebt. — Born  Huntingdon  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  23,  1834; 
teacher,  North  Carolina,  '59-61 ;  farmer  '61-6*5  ;  principal  Sewickley  Acad- 
emy; teacher  Nottingham,  Md.,  '67-68;  Logan  Academy,  Bell's  Mills, 
Pa.,  '69-74 ;  principal,  Holidavsburg,  '74 — ;  married  Dec.  29,  '59,  Mattie 
J.  Murphy.     Teacher,  Holidaysbnrg,  Pa. 

Stewabt,  Bobebt  CBAiiT.^-Son  of  Robert  and  Sarah  (Barnett);  born  Dauphin 
Co.,  Pa.,  March  14,  1830 ;  W.  T.  S.  '58-61 ;  licensed  '60,  Presbytery  of 
Saltsburg ;  ordained  '64,  Presbytery  of  Hocking ;  stated  supply  Hagerstown 
and  New  Castle,  Ind.,  '62-70  ;  West  Columbia  and  Upper  Flats,  W.  Va., 
and  other  pointo,  '70-74 ;  Carthage,  O.,  '74—;  Tapper's  Plains  '88  ;  mar- 
ried Oct.  27,  '64,  Mary  Fulghum.  Presbyterian  minister,  Tupper'a 
Plains,  O. 

Taylob,  Wilmam  Mercer. — Sou  of  Samuel  and  Charity  (Mercer);  bom 
Lawrence  Co.,  Pa.,  March  4,  1834;  W.  T.  S.  '58-61;  licensed  April,  '60, 
Presbytery  of  Beaver ;  ordained  June  12,  '61,  same  presbytery ;  pastor 
Westfield  Church,  Pa.,  '61  —  ;  Egypt,  Holy  Land,  Greece,  '78;  married 
May  21,  '61,  Lorinda,  daughter  of  S.  R.  Packer,  Hiram,  O.,  also  Sept.  24, 
'85,  Sophie  B.  Loring;  Christian  Commission ;  Moderator  Synod  of  Erie; 
O.D.,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College,  '88.  Presbyterian  minister,  Mt. 
Jackson,  Pa. 

^EMPLETON,  John  Francis. — Son  of  John  and  Amanda  Malvina  (Dawson); 
born  Vicksburg,  Miss.,  Aug.  20,  1835 ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Vicks- 
burg,  Miss.;  Confederate  States  Army  '61-65  ;  clerk  Vicksburg  *65-71;  died 
Vicksburg,  Miss.,  Aug.  18,  '71.     Yellow  fever. 

Thompson,  Henry  Adams. — Son  of  John  and  Lydia;  born  Center  Co.,  Pa., 
March  23,  1837  ;  W.  T.  S.  '68-60  ;  licensed  Jan.  7,  '60,  Conference  United 
Brethren  Church  ;  ordained  Jan.  7,  '61,  same  Conference  ;  teacher  '60-61 ; 
Professor  Mathematics,  Washington  College,  Iowa,  '61 ;  professor  Otterbein 
University  '62-67;  Superintendent  of  Schools,  Troy,  O.,  '67-72;  professor 
of  Western  College  '71-72;  President  Otterbein  University  '72 — ;  published 
"  Schools  of  the  PropheU,"  "  Power  of  the  Invisible  ; "  D.D.,  Washington 
and  Jefferson  College,  '73 ;  married  '62,  Harriet  E.  Copeland.  United 
Brethren  in  Christ  minister. 

*ToDD,  Edward  Nevixs. — Son  of  George  and  Catherine  (Nevins);  born  Salis- 
bury, Md.,  Oct.  20,  1839 ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Salisbury,  Md.,  '62 ; 
Confederate  States  Army  ;  died  Perryville,  Ky.,  Nov.  29,  '62,  wounds  in 
liattle.     Lawyer. 


Tbumbull,  Charles  DeWitt. — Son  of  John  E.  and  Laara  (Dunbar);  bon 
Craftobarj,  Vt.,  April  4,  1837 ;  professor  Geneva  College  '58-o9 
Reformed  Presbyterian  Theological  Seminary  '60-63 ;  licensed  April,  '63, 
Reformed  Presbyterian  Presbytery  ;  ordained  December,  *03 ;  pastor  Medi 
apolis,  la.,  '64-74,  Morning  Sun,  74 — ;  married  June  8,  *64,  Mary  M., 
daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  Thomas  SprouU  ;  Moderator  Synod  78.  Reformed 
Presbyterian  minister,  Morning  Sun,  Iowa. 

White,  Robert  Hall. — Son  of  Rev.  R.  M.  and  Ellen  M.  (Davis);  bon 
Fairview,  W.  Va.,  Dec.  29,  1839  ;  medical  student  University  of  New  York 
'60-64 ;  hospital,  New  York,  '65-67  ;  United  States  Army,  medical  staff, 
'67 — ;  assistant  surgeon  West  Point,  N.  Y.;  unmarried.  Physician,  Wesi 
Point,  N.  Y. 

WooDBURN,  James  Skiles.— Son  of  Skiles  and  Margaret  (McKeehan);  bon 
Cumberland  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  29,  1837 ;  teacher  '58 ;  United  PresbyteriaE 
Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '59-61 ;  licensed  '60,  United  Presbyteriai 
Presbytery  of  Monongahela  ;  ordained  May,'64;  pastor  United  Presbyteriai 
Church,  Gettysburg,  Pa.,  '64-65 ;  Missionary  Church,  New  York,  '65-66 ; 
Presbyterian  Church  '66 ;  Dickenson  and  other  points  to  '81 ;  pastor  Liver- 
more  '81—;  Black  Lick,  Pa.,  '81-83  ;  Lower  Tuscarora  '88—;  married  Oct. 
29,  '62,  Mary  K.  Delta.     Presbyterian  minister,  Academia,  Pa. 


Ankeny,  a.  Thomas.— Born  Somerset,  Pa.,  Dec.  27,  1837  ;  Office  of  Attorney 
General,  Washington,  D.  C;  Quartermaster-General's  Office  till  '65 ;  law 
student ;  practiced  law  Somerset,  Pa.,  '65-72  ;  business  Minneapolis,  Minn., 
72-77;  practiced  law  '77 — ;  married  May  2,  '61,  Martha  V.,  daughter  of  John 
Moore.     Lawyer,  Minneapolis,  Minn. 

BiiAUt,  John  Frank.— Born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  31, 1835 ;  farmer  '59-66; 
lumber  McKeesport,  Pa.,  '66-70;  farmer  *70 — ;  married  Dec.  26,  *64, 
Adelaide  Yentress.     Ruling  elder  Presbyterian   Church,  Elisabeth,    Pa. 

♦Blair,  Bruce  Benton.— Born  Dillsburg,  Pa.,  March  9,  1839;  teacher;  P. 
T.  8.;  U.  T.  S.,  Virginia;  licensed  Sept.  22,  '62,  Presbytery  of  Greenbrier; 
Confederate  States  Army,  chaplain  '62-65 ;  stated  supply  Kanawha,  Saline, 
W.  Va.,  '66 ;  ordained  Oct.  12»  '67,  Presbytery  of  Greenbrier ;  pastor 
Point  Pleasant,  W.  Va.,  '67-71  ;  died  Shippensburg,  Pa.,  June  19,  '71. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*BoLL3,  David  Samuel.— Bom  Warren  Co.,  Miss.,  Sept.  5,  1838  ;  Confederate 
States  Army,  Cowan's  Battery,  '62-65  ;  prisoner  of  war ;  merchant ;  mar- 
ried May  20,  '70,  Leila,  daughter  of  Dr.  Harper ;  died  Smith's  Station, 
Miss.,  Jan.  23,  '77. 

CuEESEMAN,  George.— Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  April  16,  1829 ;  teachei 
near  Lexington,  Ky.,  '59-61,  Bethel,  Pa.;  medical  student,  Jefferson  Med- 
ical College,  '63-65  ;  practiced  medicine  Library,  Pa.,  '65 — ;  married  Feb, 
19,  '73,  M.  B.,  daughter  of  Hon.  J.  A.  Happer.     Physician,  Library,  Pa. 


CowAK;  Alkxamdek.— Born  Shelbyville,  Tenn.,  Jan.  21,  1839 ;  W.  T.  B. 
'59-60;  U.  T.  S.,  Virginia,  '67-70;  licensed '69,  Presbjtery  of  Nashville; 
ordained '70;  pastor  Henderson  and  stated  supply  Hhiioh,  Tenn.,  '70-79; 
teacher  ;  pastor  McMinnville  '79-80 ;  stated  supply  Henderson  and  Madi- 
son '81 — :  married  July,  '72,  Tabitha  D.  Wherry.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Madison,  Tenn. 

♦Dixon,  John  Edoar.— Born  Columbia  Co.,  Pa.,  July  28,  1882;  W.  T.  8. 
'61-62 ;  P.  T.  S  ;  teacher  ;  married  Maggie  Boon  ;  died  St.  Paul,  Minii.» 
March  15,  '68,  consumption.     Teacher. 

Douglas,  James  McQuewan.-  Born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Nov.  10, 1839  ;  banking, 
8t.  Louisy  Mo.;  merchant;  married  Oct.  20,  '64,  Augusta  WhitehilL 
Basineas,  Sl  Louis,  Mo. 

•Edie,  James  William.— Born  Baltimore,  Md.,  Feb.  27,  1831 ;  P.  T.  8. 
'69-62  ;  ordained  July  29,  '62,  Presbytery  of  New  Castle  ;  pastor  Penning, 
lonville,  Pa.,  '62-68,  New  Scotland  and  Bethlehem,  N.  Y.,  '68-70 ;  Ebene- 
burg,  Pa.,  '70-73 ;  married  May  20,  '62,  Josephine  M.  Logan  ;  died  £ben»- 
burg.  Pa.,  Sept.  10,  '74,  consumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Elliott,  James  Gborob. — Son  of  B.  F.  and  Mary  (George);  bom  Butler  Co.^ 
Pa.,  March  11,  1838  ;  teacher  '6(M)3  ;  law  student,  New  Castle,  Pa.,  '63-65  ; 
practiced  law  Franklin,  Pa.,  '65-69,  New  Castle  '69-70,  Sharon  '70-78, 
Mercer  '78  —  ;  married  July  7,  '70,  Eva,  daughter  of  Johnson  Pearson. 
Lawyer,  Mercer,  Pa. 

EuwBR,  J.  Alvan. — Son  of  John  N.  and  Judith  K.;  born  New  Castle,  Pa.» 
Sept.  12,  18:^6:  law  student;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.  Merchant, 
New  Castle,  Pa. 

EuwEB,  Anthony  H. — Son  of  John  N.  and  Judith  K. — Born  New  Castle,  Pa.; 
lumber  Allegheny,  Pa.;  married  Nov. '23,  '71,  Virginia  H.  Courtney, 
Emsworth,  Pa. 

FuPE.  Noah  Hallock  Gillett. — Son  of  Andrew  and  Sarah  (Robinson);  bom 
near  Elizabeth,  Pa.,  Feb.  19,  1840;  teacher  near  Louisville,  Ky.,  '59-(>0; 
W.  T.  S-  '60-63;  licensed  June  10,  '62,  Presbytery  of  Redstone;  ordained 
April  29,  '63,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Connellsville,  Pa.,  '63-<)7,  I^n|c 
Ran  '68-73,  Sterling,  111.,  '73 — ;  married  June  9,  '69,  Mary  E.,  daughter 
of  Joseph  Paull,  Dunbar,  Pa.     Presbyterian  minister,  Sterling,  111 

FiNLEY,  Theodore  McCracken. — Son  of  Dr.  John  K.  and  Margaret  (Neviu); 
born  Niles,  Mich.,  March  9,  1840;  law  student  with  Judge  Stowe  '(51-62; 
business  Niles,  Mich.,  '65-^56  ;  druggist  '67-78 ;  editor  Alamosa  (Col.)  /nde- 
pendent ;  United  States  Army,  Battery  H,  Pennsylvania,  a  light  artillery, 
'62  ;  first  lieutenant,  Nevia's  Battery,  'G2-()4 ;  captain  'H4-<;.') ;  married 
Sept.  6,  '65,  Margaret  C,  daughter  of  William  G.  Ferson,  Niles,  Mich. 
Postmaster;  editor,  Alamosa,  Col. 

Forsyth,  Walter.— Bom  Glasgow,  Scotland,  Feb.  7,  1S3.S  ;  P.  T.  S.  ';V.M)2; 
licensed  Central  Presbytery  of  Philadelpliia ;  ordained  May  11,  '64,  Pres- 
bytery of  Lakes;  pastor  South  Bend,  Ind.,  '♦i'i-Tl,  Sixty-third  Street  Church, 
Chicago,  111.,  '71 — ;  married  June  18,  '07,  Mary  Woodman.  Presbyterian 
minister,  Englewood,  111. 


French,  Danisl  Houston. — Son  of  Rev.  David  and  Sarah  (McClelland);  bon 
Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  11,  1830;  Aseociate  Theological  Seminary, 
Xenia,  '57-60 ;  licensed  June  1,  '59,  Presbytery  of  Mansfield ;  ordaind 
May  2,  *61,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers ;  pastor  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  '61-66 
Mansfield,  O.,  '67-80,  Dayton,  O.,  '80—:  married  June  19,  '62,  JennetU 
H.,  daughter  of  Thomas  Methuen,  Wooster,  O.  United  Presbyteriai 
minister,  Dayton,  Ohio. 

<jrALLAUDETT,  Samuel  Smith  Harrison. — Bom  Maryland  ;  P.  T.  S.  '59-60 
Episcopal  Theological  Seminary  ;  ordained  'G4(?);  pastor  Dickinson,  Md., 
'64-66;  Protestant  Episcopal  Church,  Beading,  Pa..  Pottstown '68 ;  mie 
sionary  Texas  70,  Whiteville,  Va.,  St.  Andrews,  Baltimore,  Md.,  '71 
Bel  Air  '75,  Butler,  Pa.,  '84 ;  married  Miss  Priest,  Princeton,  N.  J 
Protestant  Episcopal  minister,  Butler,  Pa. 

OiFFEN,  Samuel.— Born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  23,  1838;  U.  P.  T.  S., 
Allegheny  ;  sight  failed  ;  farmer  ;  California,  '74 ;  Europe  '74  ;  oil  businea 
'79 ;  married  *i^t  Hanna  G.,  daughter  of  Ephraim  Love.  Business,  Pitts 
burg,  Pa. 

OoDBER,  WiLLLAM  Henry.— Sou  of  William  and  Ann ;  born  Mansfield,  Eiig< 
land,  May  25,  1835;  teacher  Mississippi  '59-69,  Texas  '69-79;  cashier, 
H.  &  T.  C.  R.  R.,  Waco,  Texas,  '79—;  married  Aug.  20,  '60,  Eliiabetli 
E.  Liter.     Casliier,  Waco,  Texas. 

♦Guy,  Cyrus  Elliott.  -  Born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  June  13,  1836;  teachei 
Monticello,  La.,  '59-61 ;  Confederate  States  Army,  5th  Louisiana  Regi- 
ment '61  ;  Sewickley,  Pa.,  '65-68  ;  merchant  Enon  Valley  '68-83  ;  married 
May  27,  '69,  Lissa  H.  Andrews;  died  Knoxville,  near  Pittsburg,  Pa., 
March  30,  '84,  pneumonia.     Ruling  elder,  Presbyterian  Church. 

Hunt,  John  Davidson.— Son  of  Dr.  David  and  Nancy  D.;  born  Pittsburg, 
Pa.,  July  7,  1837;  business  with  Moorhead  &  Co.,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '60—; 
unmarried  ;  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

*Jac?K90N,  George  Washington. — Born  Mercer  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  15,  1834; 
W.  T.  S.  '59-02  ;  licensed  April  16,  '62,  Presbytery  of  Beaver;  ordained 
'63,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny;  pastor  Sheffield,  111.,  '64-66;  infirm;  Min- 
neapolis, Minn,  '67-73  ;  married  Dec.  80,  '62,  Henrietta  A.  Givin  ;  died 
Minneapolis,  Minn.,  Feb.  27,  '73,  consumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Kelley,  Joseph  Clark.— Son  of  Dr.  Joseph  and  Ann  B.  (Stewart);  bom 
Juniata  Co.,  Pa.,  March  31,  1838  ;  law  student  '59-61 ;  W.  T.  S.  '61-64; 
licensed  June  17,  '63,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon  ;  ordained  Feb.  14.  '6.5, 
Presbytery  of  Winnebago  ;  pastor  Cambria,  Wis.,  '54-57  ;  Neenah  '67-70; 
Spruce  Creek,  Pa.,  '70—;  married  April  18,  '66,  Mary  G.  Weber.  Presbr- 
terian  minister,  Pennsylvania  Furnace,  Pa. 

KiBKPATRicK,  James  Johnson.— Son  of  Rev.  John  H.  and  Jane  8.  (McKee); 
born  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.,  March  7,  1839  ;  teacher  Mississippi  '59-61  ;  Con- 
federate States  Army,  '61-65 ;  farmer  '65—;  married  '70,  Lelia  Fray. 
Farmer,  Yates,  Mo. 


Lashei^ls,  Theodore  Baskin.— Son  of  George  £.  and  (Baskin);  bora 

Union  Co.,  Pa.,  March  20,  1839  ;  teacher ;  medical  student,  Medical  Col- 
lege, Cleveland  ;  United  States  Army,  '61-<>5;  assistant  surgeon  ;  surgeon 
101  St  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers ;  practiced  medicine  Meadville, 
Pa.,  '66—;  Europe  ;  married.     Physician,  Meadville,  Pa. 

Lexninoton,  Robert. — Born  Delaware  Co.,  Ind.,  Jan.  27,  1888 ;  P.  T.  S. 
'59-62 ;  ordained  July,  '62,  Presbytery  of  North  Sangamon ;  foreign 
missionary  Brazil;  Portuguese  Churches,  Springfield  and  Jacksonville,  111., 
'62-67  ;  missionary  Brotas,  Brazil,  South  America,  '67-75,  Rio  de  Janeiro 
'75—;  married  May  11,  '62,  Mattie  £.  Date.  Presbyterian  minister,  Jack- 
sonville, 111. 

*Maclay,  Ralph  Lashells. — Son  of  William  B.,  and  Eleanor  (liashells);  born 
Mifflin  Co.,  Pa.,  March  1,  1836 ;  teacher  near  Port  Gibeon,  Miss.,  '60-61 ; 
United  States  Army  '61-63;  lieutenant  49th  Pennsylvania  Volunteers; 
captain;  colonel  18th  Regiment;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Harrisburg, 
Pa.,  '64-66  ;  provost  marshal ;  died  Milroy,  Pa.,  June  11,  '66,  consumption. 

^Marshall,  William. — Bora  near  Hartstown,  Pa.,  Nov.  14,  1837;  teacher 
Kentucky  '59-60,  Hartstown  '60-61,  Iowa  '61-64;  law  student ;  practiced 
law  Petroleum  Center  '65-67,  Franklin,  Pa.,  '67-68,  Hobb's  Station,  Ky., 
*6J^-70 ;  married  December,  '60,  Jennie  Brush  ;  died  Hobb's  Station,  Ky., 
March  11,  '70,  consumption.     Lawyer. 

McCooK,  Henry  Christopher. — Son  of  Dr.  John  and  Catharine  J.  (Sheldon); 
bora  New  Lisbon,  O.,  July  3,  1837  ;  teacher ;  W.  T.  S.  '60-63  ;  licensed  '61, 
Presbytery  of  Steubeuville ;  ordained  '61,  same  presbytery ;  home  missionary 
Illinois  and  Missouri ;  United  States  Army ;  first  lieutenant  and  chaplain 
41st  Illinois  Volunteers ;  pastor  Tabernacle  Church,  Philadelphia,  '70 — ; 
published  "Agricultural  Ants  of  Texas,"  "Honey  and  Occident  Ants," 
"Mound  Making  Ants  of  the  Alleghenies,"  "Tenants  of  an  Old  Farm," 
"  Women  Friends  of  Jesus,"  "  Natural  History  of  the  Orb  Weaving  Spider 
of  North  America,"  several  Sunday-school  works,  "  Garfield  Memorial  Ser. 
mons,"  "  Historic  Decorations  of  Pan-Presbyterian  Council ;"  married  Sept. 
11,  '61,  Emma  C.  Herter ;  D.D.,  Lafayette  College.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

McCoy,  Hamilton. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Elisabeth  (Frazier);  bora  Ohio  Co., 
W.  Va.,  Jan.  30,  1837 ;  teacher ;  principal  Winchester,  Ky.,  Academy, 
'60-67;  Indianapolis,  Ind.,  '70 — ;  manufacturer;  married  Nov.  26,  *63, 
Ella,  daughter  of  Judge  Bush.     Residence,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

*McKean,  James  William. — Son  of  Rev.  James  and  Nancy  (Smith);  born 
Lawrence  Co.,  Pa.,  April  30,  1832;  W.  T.  S.  '59-62  ;  licensed  '61,  Presby- 
tery of  Ohio ;  ordained  '62,  same  presbytery ;  stated  supply  Houghton, 
Mich.;  teacher  and  stated  supply  Wayne,  Iowa;  President  Lenox  College 
'62;  United  States  Army  ;  captain  44lh  Regiment  Iowa  Volunteers  ;  Iowa 
'64;  died  Memphis,  Tenn.,  July  9,  '64,  typhoid  fever.    Presbyterian  minister. 


McKean,  John. — Son  of  Bev.  James  and  Nancy  (Smith);  born  Lawrence  O 
Pa.,  July  19,  1835 ;  law  student  with  Sylvester  J.  Price  '60-61 ;  practic 
law  Anamosa,  Iowa,  '61 — ;  Iowa  Legislature  '66-70  ;  Senate  '70-72 ;  Jud 
Circuit  Court,  Eighth  Judicial  District,  '73-81 ;  married  Nov.  16,  '65,  M 
Nancy  A.  Carr,  daughter  of  John  C.  Ellis;  Trustee  Lenox  College;  eld 
Presbyterian  Church  ;  Regent  State  University.     Lawyer,  Anamosa,  lov 

*McLean,  Daniel  M.  B.— Born  near  Wellsville,  O.,  Jan.  24,  1840;  U.  P. 
S.,  Allegheny;  licensed  Sept.  3,  '62,  United  Presbyterian  Presbytery 
Steubenville  ;  ordained  Jan.  13,  '63,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny  ;  pastor  Fil 
Church,  Allegheny,  Pa.,  '63-6o,  Cleveland,  O.,  '65-70,  Chartiers  (Canoi 
burg,  Pa.),  '70-80  ;  married  Nov.  2,  '64,  Rachel  F.  Andrews;  died  Canoi 
burg.  Pa.,  March  21,  '80,  consumption.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

McPhebson,  Theodore  Horatio  Nevin. — Son  of  Reynolds  and  Elizabeth 
(Henderson);  born  Franklin  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  19,  1836 ;  tutor  Oak.  Collej 
Mississippi;  law  student,  St.  Louis;  United  States  Army  '61-62,  G( 
Howe's  staff;  Europe  '63-64  ;  practiced  law  Washington,  D.  C,  '65- 
unmarriedp     Lawyer,  Washington,  D.  C. 

MoDERWSLL,  Erastus  C. — Son  of  John  and  Nessy  (McCracken);  bo 
BucyruB,  O.,  March  6,  1838;  teacher  Kentucky  and  Virginia  '59-6 
United  States  Army,  '61-64  ;  lieutenant,  captain,  major  ;  law  student,  '( 
Cincinnati  Law  School  ;  practiced  law  Geneseo,  111.,  '69 — ;  State  Senai 
Illinois,  '74-78 ;  married  March  22,  '66,  Fanny  R.  Watson.  Lawyer,  Ge 
eeeo.  111. 

*MooRE,  Richard  Johnson. —Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  F.;  bom  Washii 
ton  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  10,  1837  ;  W.  T.  S.  '59-62  ;  licensed  '61,  Presbytery 
Ohio ;  missionary  to  Japan  ;  died  Allegheny,  Pa.,  March  23,  '62.  Th( 
logical  student. 

Patton,  William  Porter. — Son  of  John  and  Eleanor  (McClellan);  bo 
Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  March  10,  1834;  law  student;  United  States  Ann 
1st  Pennsylvania  Reserve  Cavalry;  Commissary  Department  till  '6J 
farmer  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  '65-76;  Osage  Mission,  Kan.,  '76 — ;  marri 
January,  '72,  Mary  T.,  daughter  of  William  McJones,  Osage  Mission,  Ka 

Patton,  William  Dickey. — Born  near  New  Castle,  Pa.,  June  5,  1830;  ) 
T.  S.  '59-61 ;  licensed  April  4,  '60,  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Pittsbui^ 
ordained  '62,  Reformed  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia ;  pastor  Third  Reformt 
Church,  Philadelphia,  '62-66,  Presbyterian  Church  Harrisville  and  Ami 
'66-80,  CarroUton,  Mo.,  '80-81,  Chillicothe  '81-84,  Osage  City,  Kan., '84- 
Christian  Commission ;  married  April  24,  '60,  Mary  C.  Tidball.  Prest 
terian  minister,  Osage  City,  Kan. 

Patterson,  Alfred  John— Born  Juniata  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  21,  1837;  law  si 
dent  ;  practiced  law  Curwinsville,  Pa.,  Port  Royal,  Mifflintown;  Distr 
Attorney  Juniata  Co.,  three  years;  elder  Presbyterian  Church;  marri 
Oct.  3,  '67,  Isabella  I.  Innis.     Lawyer,  Mifflintown,  Pa. 


Ph£lps,  Stephen.  -  Son  of  Myron  and  Adaline  (Bice);  born  Lewistown,  IlL, 
Feb.  6,  1839;  W.  T.  S.  'o»-<)2;  lioented  April,  '61,  Presbytery  of  Ohio; 
ordained  'd3.  Presbytery  of  Missouri  River  ;  pastor  Sioux  City,  Mo.,  '62-64, 
Waterloo  »64-69,  Cedar  Valley  70-71,  Vinton  71-82;  President  Coe  Col- 
lege, Iowa,  '82 — ;  married  June  20,  '62,  Amelia,  daughter  of  William 
McComb,  also  Dec.  25,  '82,  Sarah  F.,  daughter  of  W.  T.  Miller;  D.D.,  '82, 
Washington  and  Jefferson  College.  Presbyterian  minister,  Cedar  Rapids, 

^PoTTEK,  John  W^ilmot. — Son  of  John  and  Elisa  (Hair);  bom  Beaver  Co., 
Pa.,  July  30,  1832;  W.  T.  S.  '59-62;  licensed  April,  '61,  Presbytery  of 
Allegheny ;  ordained  Sept.  8,  '63,  Mime  presbytery ;  pastor  Plains  '63-66, 
Fairmount  '64-66 ;  married  July,  '64,  Angle  McCune ;  died  near  Sharps- 
burg,  Pa.,  June  10,  '66,  consumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Potter,  Gilbert  Mitchell. — Son  of  John  and  £liza  (Hair);  born  BeaverCe., 
Pa.,  March?,  1834;  W.  T.  S.  '59-62;  licensed  April,  '61,  Presbytery  of 
Allegheny  City  ;  ordained  June  9,  '63,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Pine  Creek. 
Pa.,  '63-80,  Springdale,  Plains  and  Evans  City  '81  ~;  married  Oct.  13,  '68, 
Jennie  M.  Smith,  also  March  7,  '77,  Mary  A.  Johnson.  Presbyterian  min- 
ister, Sharpsburg,  Pa. 

*Power,  Joseph  Torrence.— Born  Elizabeth,  Pa.,  D6c.  12,  1836;  teacher 
'60 ;  Missouri  '61 ;  law  student  '62 ;  United  States  Array,  '62-()7,  lieutenant, 
captain,  assistant  quartermaster ;  practiced  law  Washington,  D.  C;  Treas- 
ury Department  '69-82;  law  '82-86;  married  Sept.  3,  '62,  Elizabeth  M. 
McElhinney;  died  Washington,  D.  C,  Nov.  4,  '86.     Lawyer. 

Ralston,  William  D.  -Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Galbraith);  born  Armstrong 
Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  9,  1835;  U.  P.  T.  S.  '59-62;  licensed  May  1,  '61,  United 
Presbyterian  Presbytery  of  Butler;  ordained  Aug.  28,  *63,  Presbytery  of 
LeClaire  ;  pastor  Iowa  City  '63-64,  Scotch  Grove  '64-84,  Morea,  111.,  'Si'y; 
published  "  Restricted  Communion,"  **  Talks  on  Psalmody  "  ;  married  Jan. 
12,  '65,  Caroline  M.,  daughter  of  James  Eaton.  United  Presbyterian  min- 
ister, Morea,  111. 

Kaxkin,  George  Taylor.— Son  of  John  and  Eleanor  (Taylor);  born  Wash- 
ington Co.,  Pa.,  July  18,  ISliS;  principal  Panola  Academy,  Mississippi, 
'59-t52  ;  Confederate  States  Army  '62-65,  14th  Baltimore  Buttery,  quarter- 
master 6th  Mississippi  Cavalry ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  J  R.  Andrews; 
graduated  Pennsylvania  University '68  ;  practiced  medicine  Linesyiiie,  Pa., 
'68—;  married  Aug.  8,  '60,  M.  J.,  daughter  of  Dr.  J.  R.  Andrews.  Phy- 
sician, Linesville,  Pa. 

RisifER,  Levi. — Son  of  JohnC.  and  Nancy  D.  (McClure);  born  Allegheny  Co., 
Pa.,  May  18,  183t» ;  W.  T.  S.  '59-()2 ;  licensed  April,  '61,  Presbytery  of 
Ohio;  ordained  '62,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Montour,  Pa.,  '63-64;  stated 
supply  various  churches,  '64-70;  pastor  Plains  and  Fairmount  '70-76, 
Amity  '76-82,  Martinsburg  and  Duncansville  '82-87  ;  married  June  17,  '62, 
Almira  P.,  daughter  of  Maj.  Henry  Alexander.     Presbyterian  minister, 

DravoflbuiiCf  Pa* 





HiTCHiK,  James  A. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Mary  (Calhoun);  born  Armstrc 
Co.,  Pa.,  Aag.  11,  1834;  teacher  Glade  Run  and  Clarion  Co,  P 
'59-73;  W.  T.  S.  *73-76;  Professor  of  Rhetoric  and  Grammar,  Frank 
College,  77-80,  same  in  Geneseo  College  *80-82 ;  President  Lenox  ColU 
'82 — ;  unmarried  ;  Ph.D.,  '83,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College.  Teach* 
residence  Hopkinton,  Iowa. 

Sample,  John  LooAN.—Born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  22,  1833  ;  P.  T. 
'o9-<>2 ;  licensed  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia ;  ordained  April  27,  '<)4,  Pr 
bytery  of  Redstone;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Round  Hill,  Pa.,  '6^ 
Harmony  '67-70,  Europe,  Egypt  and  5>yria  '71-72 ;  pastor  Marion  '73- 
pastor-elect  Sandy  Lake  '80-83 ;  missionary  Dakota  '84 — .  Presbyteri 
minister,  Sturgis,  Dak. 

♦ScHRiVER,  John  Conrad.— Son  of  Thomas  and  Mary  (Calhoun);  born  Hu 
erstown,  Pa.,  May  6,  1836;  W.  T.  S.  '59-62;  licensed  April  24,  '61,  Pi 
bytery  of  Ohio  ;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Jan.  31,  '62.     Presbyterian  minisi 

Shafer,  Noah  W— Son  of  David  and  Elizabeth  (Wise);  born  Allegheny  C 
Pa.,  Sept.  19,  1835;  teacher  in  Alabama  '59-61;  law  student  with  H 
J.  W.  F.  White;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '64—;  Registrar  in  Ba 
ruptcy  '72  ;  married  June  8,  *(jdy  Elvira  M.,  daughter  of  Dr.  James  Wh; 
Lawyer,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

♦Shoemaker,  Robert  Bruce. — Born  Lycoming  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  30,  1830; 
T.  S.  '59-60 ;  secular  business ;  oil  business  ;  married  July  4,  '64,  K.  Sop 
Dorworth ;  died  Clinton  Co.,  Pa.,  March  21,  '80,  paralysis. 

♦SiBBET,  William  Ryan. -Son  of  Thomas  and  Catharine  (Ryan);  bom  SI 
pensburg.  Pa.,  June  3,  1830;  W.  T.  S.  '59-62 ;  licensed  June,  '61,  Pre« 
tery  of  Ohio  ;  ordained  '63,  Presbytery  of  Marion;  stated  supply  Caledoi 
<).,  '62-63,  Frostburg,  Md.,  '63-67,  Newburg,  W.  Va.,  '67-71;  mission 
in  West  Virginia  '71-79  ;  married  Sept.  16,  '62,  Sarah  E.,  daughtei 
David  Witherspoon;  died  Brownsville,  W.  Va.,  Jan.  8,  '78.  Presbytei 

Spencer,  Thomas  Paxton. — Born  Steubenville,  Ohio,  1838 ;  teacher  K 
tucky,  MissisMippi,  Louisiana ;  United  States  Army ;  law  student  '64- 
practiced  law  Steubenville,  O.,  *t}ii — ;  married  '68,  Elizabeth  Hayes.  L 
yer,  Steubenville,  O. 

Stewart,  Robert.— Son' of  Dr.  James  H.  and  Abigail  (Fuller);  bom  Sidn 
O.,  Jan.  31,  1839;  teacher  '59-63,  Ohio,  Pennsylvania  and  Kentucl 
U.  P.  T.  S.,  Allegheny,  '61-65 ;  licensed  April  12,  '64,  United  Presbyter 
Presbytery  of  Allegheny ;  ordained  Nov.  3,  '66,  First  Presbytery  of  Oh 
stated  supply  Ashland  and  Savanna,  O.,  '65-66,^  Dayton  '66-68 ;  sta 
supply  and  pastor  Davenport,  N.  Y.,  '68-72;  professor  Newburg  Theologi 
Seminary,  '72-78;  editor  Evangelical  Repository  ^7 9-SO  ;  commissioner  to  v 
missions  in  Egypt  and  India  '80 ;  professor  Theological  School,  Sialo( 
India,  '81 ;  married  Egypt,  Dec.  1,  '81,  Eliza  F.,  daughterof  Rev.  Dr.  J. 
Johnston;  D.D.,  *75,  Washington  and  Jefferson  College.  United  Pres 
terian  minister,  Sialcote,  India. 


*Stt7chbll,  Joseph  St.  Clair. — Born  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  20,  183o ;  W. 
T.  S.  '59-62 ;  licensed  April  10,  '61,  PreBbytery  of  Saltoburg ;  ordained 
Nov.  20,  '62,  Presbjtery  of  Baltimore ;  pastor  Aisqaith  Street  Church,  Balti- 
more, Md.,  '62-67,  Monongahela  City,  Pa.,  '67-70  ;  Hazelwood  '70-7o ; 
married  Sept.  9,  '62,  Josephine  Martin;  died  Haselwood,  Pa.,  Oct.  12, 
'75.    Presbyterian  minister. 

Wauacb,  Henby.— Son  of  John  and  Martha  (Ross);  born  West  Newton, 
March  19,  1836;  U.  P.  T.  S.,  Allegheny,  '60-62;  M.  T.  S.  '62-63; 
licensed  April  9,  '62,  United  Presbyterian  Presbytery  of  Monmouth; 
ordained  April  10,  '63,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Davenport,  Iowa,  '62-71, 
Morning  Sun '71-77,  Winterset  '77 — ;  published  ^'Doctrines  of  Plymouth 
Brethren  ';  married  Sept.  10,  '63,  Nanie  C,  daughter  of  James  Cantwell. 
United  Presbyterian  minister,  Des  Moines,  Iowa. 

•WiTHEROw,  Benjamin  Howard.-- Born  Adams  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  23,  1840 ; 
teacher  '59-61 ;  W.  T.  S.  '61-62 ;  P.  T.  S.  '62-64 ;  licensed  June  8,  '62, 
Presbytery  of  Carlisle  j  ordained  Aug.  30,  '64,  Presbytery  of  Burlington ; 
pastor  Cream  Ridge,  N.  J.,  '64-(59,  Columbia,  Pa.,  '69-73,  Shippensburg 
'74-76 ;  married  April  18,  *6(yf  Mary  E  Phillips ;  died  Shippensburg,  Pa., 
Feb.  7,  '76,  oonsumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Wyly,  Andrew  Jackson. — Born  Louisiana  ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  New 
Orleans  ;  Confederate  States  Army ;  post  commander,  Mississippi  ;  captain 
cavalry  ;  married.     Planter,  Carroll  Parish,  La. 


Bell,  Solomon. — Son  of  Daniel  L.  and  Margaret  (Crawford);  born  Washing- 
ton Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  17,  1836  ;  teacher  '60-64;  Stonewall  Academy  '64-66  ; 
law  student '64-67,  with  Montgomery  Gibson;  practiced  law  Washington, 
Pa.,  '67 — .     Lawyer,  Thompsonville,  Pa. 

*Bell.  WiLiiiAM  Horatio. — Son  of  Daniel  L.  and  Margaret  (Crawford);  born 
Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  April  20,  1S40  ;  teacher  Kentucky;  N.  W.  T.  S.; 
teacher;  civil  engineer;  died  Bannock  City,  Nov.  2,  '62.     Student. 

^Bbown,  John  Cameron. — Son  of  Archibald  C.  and  Elizabeth  (Huston);  born 
Shelby  Co.,  Ky.,  March  18,  1841;  law  student  '60-62;  farmer  and  stock 
broker,  Christiansburg,  Ky.,  '62-87  ;  unmarried ;  died  Chrlstiansburg,  Ky., 
June  12,  '87.     Farmer. 

*CoOK,  William  Bernicb. — Son  of  Jamieson  and  Jane  (Vance);  born  Wash- 
ington Co.,  Pa.,  1836;  teacher  Kentucky  '59-61;  United  States  Army'62-6o; 
lieutenant  140th  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers ;  prisoner  of  war ;  in 
Ijbby  Prison  '63-65;  law  student;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '66-70; 
died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  *70,  consumption.     Lawyer. 

€oRBETT,  Hunter. —  Son  of  Roes  M.  and  Fannie  C.  (Orr);  born  Clarion  Co., 
Pa.,  Dec.  8,  1835;  W.  T.  S.  '60-61  ;  P.  T.  S.  '62-03;  licensed  June  l^  '(>2, 
Presbytery  of  Clarion  ;  ordained  June,  '63,  same  presbytery;  foreign  mis- 
sionary China;  Shan  Tung,  China,  '63 — ;  published  Church  Hisloiy 
(2  vols.),  work  on  "  Ten  Commandments,"  '*  Benevolence,"  all  in  Chinese; 


married  June  4,  '63,  Liuie,  daughter  of  Thomus  Culbertfloa,  also 
16,  75,  Marj  C,  daughter  of  H.  Nixon  ;  D.D.,  '86,  Washington  and  J 
son  Ck>llege.     Presbyterian  minister,  Chefoo,  China. 

Cbumrine,  Boyd.—  Son  of  Daniel  and  Margaret  (Bower);  born  Washi 
Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  9,  1838;  law  student;  practiced  law  Washington 
'62 — ;  United  States  Army  '61-62;  first  lieutenant;  Supreme  Court  rep 
'87 — ;  District  Attorney;  published  '^  Law  Reports  of  Pennsyivj 
(3  vols.);  **  Notes  of  Cases  for  the  Lawyer's  Pocket  and  Table,"  ''  Hist 
Washington  County,  Pennsylvania"  (1002  pp.);  married  Aug.  2 
Harriet  J.,  daughter  of  George  A.  Kirk.      Lawyer,  Washington  Co 

DiLWORTH,  Albert.  — Son  of  Hugh  M.  and  Mary  (McKnight);  born  Ds 
ton,  Pa.,  Jan.  8,  1841 ;  W.  T.  S.  '60-63 ;  licensed  April,  '62,  Presbyt 
Beaver;  ordained  '63,  same  presbytery;  pastor  New  Salem,  Pa.,  't 
Mt.  Pleasant  '65-68,  Beaver  Falls  '68-71.  Orrville  71-74;  stated  s 
Homeworth  and  Waterford ;  intirm ;  stated  supply  New  Salem  C 
'87 — ;  married  August,  '66,  Reita  D.,  daughter  of  Rev.  James  S 
Presbyterian  minister,  East  Palestine,  O. 

DiNSMORB,  Andrew  Alexander.— Son  of  James  A.  and  Grizzella  (Co 
born  Wayne  Co.,  O.,  Aug.  7,  1835;  W.  T.  S.  '60-63;  licensed  '62, 
.  bytery  of  Wooster  ;  ordained  '64,  Presbytery  of  Winnebago ;  stated  s 
and  pastor  Neenah,  Wis.,  '64-66;  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  'rt7-72;  stated  s 
Milford,  Del.,  '73-75;  pastor  Bridesburg,  Pa.,  '75-87,  Alhambra, 
'87 ;  married  Oct.  18,  '64,  Maggie  A.  Woodburn.  Presbyterian  mii 
Alhambra,  Cal. 

EwiNO,  Amos  G. — Son  of  John  P.  and  Sarah  S.  (Thompson);  bom  Allei 
Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  11,  1837;  teacher  Louisiana '60-61  ;  Confederate  States 
'61-65;  major;  went  to  Clinton,  Iowa,  '66;  lumber  '6&— ;  married 
21, '71,  Stella  C,  daughlerof  William  H.  Coon  ;  elder  Presbyterian  CI 
Residence,  Clinton,  Iowa. 

GiBBENS,  Alvaro  F. — Son  of  Jefferson  and  Hannah  (Beecher);  born  Pa 
burg,  W.  Va.,  March  1,  1837;  teacher  La  Grange,  Mo.,  '60-(»l  ; 
post-office;  United  States  Commiwioner's  Office,  Land  Office,  Washii 
D.  C;  editor  Parkersburg  OazeUe  and  Deputy  Collector,  Internal 
enue,  '68-70;  editor  West  Virginia  Journaly  Charleston,  '71-75; 
Treasury  Department,  Washington,  D.  C,  '76  ;  postmaster,  Charl 
'77-81 ;  editor  Stute  lYibwie  'SI—  ;  postmaster,  Charleston.  '84-85 ;  m 
May  29,  '73,  Bessie  Egon ;  deacon  Presbyterian  Church.  Editor,  Cb 
ton,  W.  Va. 

*Harbison,  David  S.— Son  of  G.  L.  and  Mary  A.;  born  Shelby  Co.,  Ky. 
21,  18:^8  ;  farmer;  died  Shelby  Co.,   Ky.,  Oct.  9,  '()3,  consumption. 

*Harsha,  Harrison  T. — Son  of  John  and  Esther ;  born  Washingtoi 
Pa.,  Dec.  1,  1832  ;  Reformed  Presbyterian  Theological  Seminary  :  in 
Dec.  10,  '61,  Lizzie  M.  White;  died  Cross  Creek,  Pa.,  March  t^ 
killed  in  saw-mill. 

Jewell,  John  D. — Son  of  Alexander  M.  and  Rebecca  C.  (Love);  born 
bard,  O.,  June  11,  1S.S3  ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  ;  United  State<^ 
'62-65,  lieutenant  *«'i3,   captain  '<;4-<J5  ;  practiced   law   Mississippi,  > 


Judge  '68-78;  practiced   law  New   York  City   7H -83,   Miasissippi   83—; 
planter;  married  '83,  Josephine  H.  Barnes.     Lawyer,  MiMiisippi. 

*KrNO,  William  Dodds — From  Lake  Providence,  La.;  planter  '60-61  ;  Con- 
federate States  Army  '6W>o ;  merchant,  Trausylvania  Plantation,  Lake 
Providence,  '6o-77 ;  unmarried  ;  died  Lake  Providence,  La.,  Sept.  29,  '77. 

KLur£,  William  J.  K. — Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Knapenberger);  bom 
Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.;  oil  business ;  medical  student  Jefferson  Medical 
College  '60-63 ;  United  States  Army  Hospital  Service,  Harrisburg,  Pa., 
'63  ;  practiced  medicine  Irwin,  Pa.,  '63-71,  Greensburi;  '71 — ;  Pennsylvania 
Legislature  '67-78;  editor;  married  '68,  £mma  Tinstnan.  Physician, 
Greensburg,  Pa. 

*McCcKB,  Waltkb  Soott. — Son  of  Joseph  A.  and  Agnes ;  bom  Perrysville, 
Ps.,  Julj,  1845;  law  student  with  Thomas  Marshall,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '60-62; 
practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  *62 — ,  Ironton,  0.;  Prosecuting  Attorney, 
Ironton ;  married  Libbie  Cnlbertson ;  died  Ironton,  O.,  August,  '87. 

*McGiKNE8,  Geojeloe  Harold. — Son  of  Rev.  James  Y.  and  Elizabeth  M. 
(Cresswell);  born  Lewiston,  111.,  Sept.  21,  1841 ;  teacher  '61-62 ;  United 
States  Army  '62-63 ;  died  Camp  Falmouth,  Va.,  June  1,  '63.    Teacher. 

McMahait,  Robert  Todd.— Bom  Morgan  Co.,  O.,  Nov.  8,  1832 ;  W.  T.  S. 
'60-61,  '64-66;  United  States  Army  '61-64;  licensed  June  16,  '66,  Presby- 
tery  of  Schuyler ;  ordained  October,  '67,  same  presbytery ;  stated  supply 
Wythe,  111.,  '67-69,  Rushville '69-71,  Bardolph '71-72,  Ellsworth  and  Jack- 
ion,  O.,  '73-7o,  Long's  Run  '76-79,  Colman,  Dak.,  '83-87,  Jasper,  Mo., 
'87 — ;  married  Feb.  22,  '66,  Maria  A.  Walkenshaw.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Jasper,  Mo. 

♦Melvis,  James  W.— Bom  Pennsylvania;  W.  T.  S.  '60-^1;  R.  P.  T.  8. 
'Hl-64  ;  licensed  April,  '61,  Reformed  Presbyterian  Presbytery  of  Pittsburg ; 
Hiated  supply  Presbytery  of  Pittsburg,  Presbytery  of  Ohio  '62 ;  died  near 
Cedar  Hill,  O.,  July,  '64.     Reformed  Presbyterian  minister. 

Meredith,  W^illiam  Bolino. — Son  of  Jonathan  £.  and  Caroline  M.  (McKee); 
born  Kittanning,  Pa.,  Sept.  13,  1839;  business;  Senate  Pennsylvania, 
Forty-first  District ;  married  June  23,  *68,  Eliza  N.  Col  well ;  residence 
Kittanning,  Pa.     Business  man. 

Miller,  Robert  Thompson. — Son  of  Dr.  James  and  Danthula  (Wright);  born 
Finleyville,  Washington  Co., Pa.,  Jan.  11,1830;  W.  T.  S. '60-61 ;  ordained 
deacon  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  by  Pittsburg  Methodist  Episcopal  Con- 
ference'63;  elder '65  by  the  same;  pastor  Claysville,  Pa.,  five  months, 
Canonsburg  five  months,  Wellsburg,  W.  Vs.,  one  year,  Carmichaels,  Pa., 
one  year,  DuQuesne  two  years,  Braddocks  three  years,  Pittsburg  two  years, 
Greensburg  two  years,  Uniontown  three  years,  Connellsvilie  three  years, 
Allegheny  three  years,  Pittsburg,  South  Side;  married  June  11,  '62,  Vir- 
ginia, daughter  of  Craig  Ritchie,  also  June  2,74,  Mary  £.,  daughter  of 
Capt.  John  A.   Wood.     3fethodist  Episcopal  minister. 


Miller,  Samuel  W.— Sod  of  Samuel  andMarj  H.  (CockioS';  born  Wash 
ton  Co.,  Pa.,  May  3,  1835;  teacher  Virginia  '60-451;  W.  T.  S.  *61 
licensed  Dec.  27,  '63,  Preebyterj  of  OWo ;  ordained  April  26,  '65,  Pre 
tery  of  Cedar  Rapids  ;  pastor  Cedar  Rapids,  la.,  '63-68,  Woo«ter,  O.,  '68 
Mansfield  74-80,  Saltsburg,  Pa.,  '80—;  published  *'  Memorial  of  Wil 
Smith,  D.D.";  married  Sept.  5,  '63,  Lennie  L.,  daughter  of  Robert  Ci 
ford ;  D.D.,  '80,  Wooeter  University.  Presbyterian  minister,  Saltsb 
Pennsylvania.  « 

MiLLiKEN,  John  Anderson.— Son  of  Col.  John  and  Isabella  Barcley ;  I 
Juniata  Co.,  Pa.,  March  2,  1838;  law  student;  practiced  law  Juniata 
Pa.,  '62-70,  Kansas  '70—;  married  June,  1866,  Mary  A.  Greah 
infirm      Lawyer;  residence  Wellington,  Kan. 

MooRHBAD,  William  Wallace.— Son  of  Samuel  and  Martha  (Bell);  1 
Blairsville,  Pa.,  Feb.  28,  1837 ;  W.  T.  S.  '60-63 ;  licensed  April,  '62,  I 
bytery  of  Blairsville;  ordained  October,  '64,  Presbytery  of  Bureau;  st 
supply  and  pastor  Beulah  '62-68,  Camden,  111.,  '62-71 ;  pastor -Greensb 
Pa.,  '71 — ;  Trustee  Washington  and  Jefferson  College  ;  married  Oct.  27, 
Martha  J.,  daughter  of  Dr.  A.  Donaldson,  also  Dec.  12,  '72,  Jennie 
daughter  of  A.  Horbach  ;  D.D.,  '85,  Hanover  College.  Presbyterian  i 

Morrison,  John   Culbert. — Medical  student ;   practiced   medicine  Kac 

Orr,  John. — Son  of  Chambers  and  Hannah  ;  born  Kittanning,  Pa.,  April 
183r>;  W.  T.  S.  '6M>4;  licensed  '64;  ordained  '64,  Presbytery  of  Kit 
ning;  pastor  Pine  Run  and  Apollo,  Pa.,  '64 — ,  Kilbourn  City»  Wis.,  — 
'72;  infirm;  Europe;  business  '82—;  married  Sept.  7,  '70,  Lottie 
daughter  of  J.  M.  Weber,  Kilbourn  City,  Wis.  Presbyterian  minii 
PitUburg,  Pa. 

•Patton,  David.— Born  Lawrence  Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  29,  1837 ;  W.  T.  S. 
United  States  Array  '61-64,  captain ;  R.  T.  S.  '64-65 ;  licensed  May, 
Reformed  Presbyterian  Presbytery  of  Pittsburg;  ordained  June,  '66,  & 
presbytery ;  pastor  Cocliranton  '6<>-69,  Shenango  '66-67,  Presbylei 
Church  '67  ;  stated  supply  Cocliranton  '67-69  ;  St.  Anthony,  Minn.,  '69- 
Petroleura  Center,  Pa.,  70-72  ;  infirm  ;  married  Nov.  10,  '63,  S.  C.  Tidb 
died  Feb.  22,  '75,  consumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Paxton,  John  Steele.— Son  of  John  S.  and  Margaret  (Steele);  born  Moe 
Co.,  Va.,   Nov.  21»   1S33 ;  farmer;  Grand   View,    111.,    Clinton,    Kan 
111.;    ruling  elder   Presbyterian   Church,    '73 — ;    married    June   25, 
Lauretta  CoUom,  Charleston,  111.     Farmer,  Kansas,  Edgar  Co.,  111. 

Rogers,  James  Patterson. — Son  of  Alexander  and  Elizabeth  (Johnstt 
born  Wheeling  W.  Va.,  April  29,  '39  ;  law  student,  New  Richardson '62- 
practiced  law  Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  '63—;  Prosecuting  Attorney '67-71;  Ju 
Municipal  Court  '73 ;  married  Oct.  9,  '74,  M.  J.,  daughter  of  Gee 
Jackson,  Green  Co.,  O.     Lawyer,  Wheeling,  W.  Va. 


^HELLEDY,  JoHN  H.— Son  of  Garland  B.  and  Nancj  (Hutchinton);  born  Feb. 
14,  1802,  Paris,  111.;  law  atadent  with  Judge  Trogden;  practiced  law  Kan- 
■as,  Parla,  111.,  till  '67;  Master  in  Chancery;  married;  died  Paris,  111., 
May,  '70.     Lawyer. 

Sickles,  Thomas  Norwood. — Son  of  William  and  AnnaC.  (Coe);  born  Indian- 
apolis, Ind.,  Oct.  22,  1839;  law  student;  editor  Chicago,  111.,  '61>-t>2; 
United  States  Army,  10th  United  States  Artillery,  '62-6(> ;  Independence, 
Kan.,  United  States  Land  Office ;  editor  Daily  Evening  Bepublioan ;  married 
May  21,  M>7,  Harriet  £.  McNeil.     Independence,  Kan. 

Snoddy,  Llewellin  O. — Son  of  William  J.  and  Barbara  (Sweader);  born 
Tippecanoe  Co.,  Ind.,  Aug.  12,  1836 ;  teacher;  law  student:  United  States 
Army,  10th  Indiana  Volunteers,  '61-66 ;  captain ;  practiced  law  Topeka, 
Kan.,  '63 ;  married  April  2o,  '68,  Alice  M.  Sears.     Farmer,  Topeka,  Kan. 

Stafford,  Pascal  George.— From  Trenton,  111.;  law  student ;  practiced  law 
Sedalia,  Mo.;  Legislature.     Lawyer,  Sedalia,  Mo. 

Stewart,  Willlam  Shaw. — Son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Shaw);  born  Stewart's 
Station,  Pa.,  Nov.  10,  1838  ;  medical  student,  J  efferson  Medical  College ; 
United  States  Army,  '63-65 ;  surgeon  123d  and  83d  Regiments  Pennsyl- 
vania Volunteers;  practiced  medicine  Philadelphia,  '65—;  Professor  of 
Obstetrics  and  Dean  Medico-Chirurgical  College;  Vice-President  A.  A. 
Med.;  published  various  papers;  married  Delia,  daughter  of  Thomas 
AUman ;    elder   United   Presbyterian    Church.     Physician,   Philadelphia. 

iStewart,  Robert  Ekin. — Son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Shaw);  born  Stewart's 
Station.  Pa.,  April  2,  1841;  U.  P.  T.  S.  '60-62;  United  States  Army, 
'62-65 ;  lieutenanti  123d  Hegiment,  Pennsylvania  Volunteers,  '62  ;  major, 
24th  Regiment,  C.  T.,  '65;  law  student;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa., 
'67—;  ruling  elder  United  Presbyterian  Church;  Trustee  General  Assembly ; 
Director  United  Presbyterian  Theological  Seminary;  Delegate  to  Third 
General  Council  Reformed  Churches,  Belfast;  married  July  2,  *68,  Caro- 
line M.,  daughter  of  John  McMasters.     Lawyer,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Sttakt,  Winchester  H.— Son  of  Rev.  D.  T.  and  Olivia  (Hall);  born  Shelby 
Co.,  Ky.,  July  7,  1839;  law  student;  teacher  Shelby  Co.,  Ky.,  Columbia; 
President  Stuart  Female  College;  married  Dec.  26, '65,  Martinette  M., 
daughter  of  Dr  Marcus  Cherin.     Teacher,  Shelbyville,  Ky. 

Thompson,  Roland.  Son  of  James  and  Jane  (Reed);  born  Milroy,  Pa., 
March  8,  1.S37  :   United  States  Army,  '61-()2  ;  laut  Pennsylvania  Volun- 

•  teers;  manufacturer  Milroy,  Pa.,  '()3-73  ;  lumber  North  Carolina '73-76 ; 
manufacturer  '76 — .     Residence,  Milroy,  Pa. 

*Todd,Martin  Luther.— Born  Wheeling,  W.Va.,  Jan.  9,  1840;  W.T.  S.'60-63, 
licensed  '03,  Presbytery  of  Washington  ;  stated  supply  Point  Pleasant  and 
West  Columbia,  W.  Va.,  Vernon,  Ind.,  Richmond,  Ky.;  married  May  19; 
'68,  Genevieve  Sheppard ;  died  Aug.  14,  '70.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Vakce,  Samuel  Eldridge. — Son  of  Andrew  M.  and  Esther  (ShoUody);  born 
Paris,  111.,  July  29,  1835  ;  N.  W.  T.  S.  '60-63  ;  licensed  April,  '62,  Presby- 
tery of  Ptileetine ;  ordained  September,  '63,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Oneida, 




,\   '': 


lU.,  '63-69,  Grand  Ridge  '69-71,  GranvUie,  71-73,  Lexington  '73-^ 
Stevens  Point,  Wis.,  '79-82,  Ridgefieid  *82-86,  Lodi,  Wis  ,  '85—;  marri 
Dec.  23.  '63,  Kate  Frame.     Presbyterian  minister,  Lodi,  Wis. 

*White,  Alexander  May.— Son  of  John  and  Mary  (FulierJ;  born  u€ 
<.anon8barg,  Pa.,  1833  ;  U.  P.  T.  S.  '60-63  ;  licensed  June,  '64,  PresbyU 
of  Monongahela;  missionary  Columbus,  O.,  '64-66;  married  October,  't 
Josephine  Cook ;  died  Venice,  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  June  13,  '66,  cc 
sumption.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

White,  William  McCrea. — Son  of  Rev.  R.  M.;  born  Fairview,  W.  V 
teacher  '60-61  ;  W.  T.  S.  '61-64 ;  licensed  April  27,  '64,  Presbytery 
Washington ;  ordained  April  25,  '6(),  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Hookstow 
Pa.,  '66-72  ;  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  '85,  Princeton,  ^.  J.,  Redbac 
Freehold.     Methodist  Episcopal  minister. 

WiOHTMAN,  James  Wallace. — Son  of  William  H.  and  Olivia  (Carroll);  bo 
^  Jefferson  Co.,  0.,  Dec.  22,  1837 ;  W.  T.  S.  '60-63 ;  licensed  April  26,  't 

.^^1  Presbytery  of  Pittsburg ;  ordained  October,  '63,    Presbytery   of  Carlisl 

\^  pastor  Greencastle,  Pa.,  '63-70;  acting  president  j Wilson  Female  Collq 

'  j}  '70-72;  pastor  McKeesport,  Pa.,  '72-77;  President  Ogden  College,  K( 

V^  tucky,  '77-83;  assistant  principal  and  principal  Steuben ville  Female  Be 

-.  *♦  inary,  '83-86;  pastor  Old  Presbyterian  Church,  Steubenville,  '83-86,  Tur 

*  -  Creek,  Pa.,  '88 — ;  married  April  26,  '64,   Emma,  daughter  of  Alex&nd 

\7-y  Jaynes;   D.D.,   '80,   Center  College,   Kentucky.     Presbyterian   minist* 

Turtle  Creek,  Pa. 

.  ^  Wilson,  David  Boal.— Son  of  John  F.  and  Agnes  (Sawyer);  born  Union  G 

Pa.,  March  12,  1838;  law  student;  United  States  Army,  '61-62,  '63-6 

'~«  131st   Regiment  Pennsylvania   Volunteers;  first  and   second   lieutenac 

practiced  law  Lewisburg,  Pa.,  '63;  lumber  and  coal,  Virginia;  ReguJ 
Army,  adjutant  25th  Regiment,  Ft.  Snelling,  Minn.,  '81 — ;  married  S€ 

'\\  tember,  70,  Sarah  L.,  daughter  of  Rev.  Charles  Jones.     Soldier. 

Wright,  Williamson  Swift. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  E.  W.  and  Henrietu  J 
(Swift);  born  Lafayette,  lud.,  Aug.  7,  1840;  W.  T.  S.  '60-<»3;  licens 
April  30,  '63,  Presbytery  of  Logansport;  ordained  Sept.  6,  '^b^  same  pr« 
bytery ;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Delphi,  Ind.,  '65-68  ;  stated  supf 
Clarksviile,  Pa.,  '69-70,  Westminster  '70-84,  Pearsall,  Texas,  '84~;  marri 
'69,  Annie  E.,  daughter  of  Dr.  Washington  Davis.  Presbyterian  minist^ 
Pearsall,  Texas. 


Bealk,  David  J. — Son  of  Joshua  and  Milly  (Milliken);  born  Juniata  Co.,  Pi 
July  1,  LS3o ;  W.  T.  S.  '61-(i2 ;  P.  T.  8.  '62-64 ;  licensed  April  17,  '<i 
Presbytery  of  Huntingdon  ;  ordaaned  Aug.  11,  '64,  same  presbytery  ;  past 
Middle  Tuscarora  '64-69,  St.  George's,  Del.,  '69-72,  Light  Street  Churc 
Balliraore,  Md.,  '72-S3,  Johnstown,  Pa.,  '83—;  published  **  History 
Tuscarora  Valley;"  married  May  2,  '(>'>,  Mary  M.,  daughter  of  Thoiii 
Moore;  D.D.,  Washington  and  JetTerson  College,  '85.  Presbyterian  mi 
ister,  .Tohnstown,  Pa. 


Caldwsi^l,  Hek&y  Palmeb.— Son  of  Joseph  K.  and  Ellen  Mnrj ;  bom  Waah- 
ington,  O.,  Jan.  11,  1840;  clerk  '61-63;  United  Statee  Armj '63-65 ;  first 
iientenant  12th  Ohio  Cavalry;  druggist,  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  *65-67,  Chicago, 
111.,  '67-70;  real  estate  agent  70 — ;  unmarried;  Chicago,  111. 

Caldwell,  James  Clihton. — Son  of  Joseph  K.  and  Kllen  Marj ;  born  Wash- 
ington, C,  1841 ;  United  States  Army  '61-65 ;  Ist  Ohio  Volunteer  Cavalry ; 
adjutant;  merchant  '65;  manufacturer,  Aurora,  111.,  '85—;  r.iling  elder 
Presbyterian  Church  ;  married  Feb.  22,  '70,  Miss  Wright ;  residence, 
Aurora,  III.     Manufacturer. 

Campbell,  John  James. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Mary  (Morrow);  born  Hunting- 
don Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  5,  1840;  teacher  Pennsylvania  '66-70,  Warrensburg, 
Mo.,  *70— ;  W.  T  S.  '61-63;  '6fM)6;  United  Stales  Army,  Signal  Corps; 
married  Aug.  22.  '70,  Kebecca  A.,  daughter  of  Rev.  James  French,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa.;  also  Lila  M.,  daughter  of  Maj.  J.  W.  Smith,  Little  Rock, 
Ark.     Teacher,  Warrensburg,  Mo. 

CuALFANT,  James  Thomas. — Son  of  Henry  and  Isabella  (Campbell);  born 
AUegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  May  18,  1839 ;  United  States  Army  '61-65 ;  9th  Penn- 
sylvania  Reserves ;  first  lieutenant  '62,  captain  '64  ;  prisoner  of  war  March, 
'64-April,  '65 ;  oil  business  '65-82 ;  general  agent  Pittsburg  Locomotive 
Works  '82 — ;  married  Mary  Scott,  Cleveland,  O.  Residence,  Pittsburg, 

Chalfant,  Geoboe  Alexander. — Son  of  Henry  and  Isabella  (Campbell); 
born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  March  5,  1841  ;  clerk;  partner  J^^tna  Iron  Workb, 
Pittsburg,  Pa.;  manager  of  same;  President  F.  and  M.  Bank,  Sharpsburg, 
and  Bridge  Company  ;  married  Nov.  11,  '65,  Margaret  J.  Bell,  Braddock, 
Pa.     Residence,  Sharpsburg,  Pa. 

Chapman,  Peabsom. — Son  of  Pearson  and  Mary  (Alexander;;  born  Glymont, 
Md.,  Aug.  5,  1840 ;  medical  student,  Maryland  University,  '61-62  ;  prac- 
ticed medicine  Harford  Co.,  Md.,  '62 — ;  married  Xov.  21,  '76,  P^leanora 
K.  Ward.     Physician,  Ferryman's,  Md. 

Chapman,  Nathaniel. — Son  of  Pearson  and  Mary  S.  (Alexander);  born 
Charles  Co.,  Md.,  Aug.  26,  1842;  Confederate  States  of  America '61-65, 
lieutenant  1st  Maryland  Cavalry ;  medical  student  Maryland  School  of  Medi- 
cine, '65-73  ;  practiced  medicine  Charles  Co.,  Md.,  '78 — ;  married  Oct.  23, 
'67,  Mary,  daughter  of  Hon.  J.  M.  Chapman.     Physician,  Baltimore,  Md. 

*Clarke,  Robert  Alexander. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  David  D.;  born  Schells- 
burg,  Pa.,  Nov.  13,  1839;  W.  T.  S.  '61-62;  ruling  elder  Presbyterian 
Church;  merchant;  died  McV^eytown,  Pa.,  Aug.  24,  '79. 

bicKEY,  Nathaniel  E. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Hardy);  born  Canonsburg, 
Pa.,  July  4,  1837  ;  United  States  Army  '61-04,  Company  D,  lOth  Regiment 
Pennsylvania  Volunteers ;  teacher  and  law  student '(14-69;  failure  of  hear- 
ing from  array  exposure;  Assessor,  Riley  Co.,  Kan.;  farmer.  Kansas  ;  Mis- 
souri; married  .Tune  26,  '73,  Rebecca  Daywitt,  also  Oct.  24,  '86,  Lucretia 
M.  Agee.     Farmer,  Lebanon,  Mo. 


Duff,  James  B.— Son  of  David  and  Nancy  (Henderton);  born  Wiikinsbur] 
Pa.,  Oct.  28,  1839;  United  States  Army  »61-65,  lieutenant  '63-65;  bool 
keeper  Pennsylvania  Salt  Manufacturing  Company,  Natrona,  Pa.;  marrii 
Oct.  1,  '65,  Mattie  E.,  daughter  of  H.  W.  Lang,  Homewood,  Pa.;  re« 
dence  Natrona,  Pennsylvania. 

Evans,  James. — Son  of  Oliver  and  Mary  A.;  born  McKeeeport,  Pa.;  teachei 
law  student]  with  James  I.  Kuhn,  Pittsburg;  practiced  law  McKeespoi 
1865—;  married  Jan.  24,  74,  Matilda  E.  Stotler,  East  Liberty,  P 
Lawyer,  McKeesport,  Pa. 

Faibaix,  Herman  Husband. — Son  of  Truman  and  Mary  P.;  born  Alleghei 
Co.,  Md.,  Jan.  23,  1840;  licensed  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  March  1 
'61;  Waynesburg,  Pa.,  '61-63;  Somerset  '64-65;  Iowa  '65-71;  Distri 
Secretary  A.  and  F.  C.  U.  '71-73;  General  Superintendent  Home  Missioi 
'73;  Corresponding  Secretary  Evangelical  Protestant  Association  '8-J 
Egypt,  Palestine  and  Greece  '71;  published  "  History  of  Italy  from  Begii 
ning  of  Christian  Era  to  the  Present  Day  ;  "  edited  Iowa  Methodist  '82- 
married  Oct.  10,  '61,  Sarah  R.,  daughter  of  Aaron  G.  Phillips ;  D.D.,  7 
Upper  Iowa  University.     Methodist  Episcopal  minister,  Iowa  City,  low: 

Galloway,  James  M. — Son  of  Rev.  John  M.  and  E.  J.,  daughter  of  Re 
George  Buchanan ;  born  Steuben ville,  O.,  December,  1839  ;  law  studei 
with  Hon.  W.  A.  Wallace,  Clearfield,  Pa.;  practiced  law  Fort  Collins,  Col 
70-78,  Denver  '78  —  ;  Deputy  Secretary  of  State  '78-83;  Secretary  Sla 
Board  of  Land  Commissioners  '83-85 ;  married  Mary  E.  Ridgley.  La^ 
yer,  Denver,  Col. 

*GiBSON,  William  J. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  William  J.  and  Cassandra  (Jameson 
born  Holidaysburg,  Pa.,  Dec.  3,  1840;  law  student  with  Hon.  G.  M.  Da 
las,  Jr.;  practiced  law  Philadelphia  '64-67  ;  died  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  Jai 
22,  '70,  consumption.     Lawyer. 

*GiLFiLLAN,  John  Caldwell.— Son  of  Andrew  B.  and  Ann  (Caldwell);  boi 
Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  June  19, 1839  ;  United  States  Army '61-62,  first  sergeai 
101st  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers  ;  wounded  at  Fair  Oaks,  May  .S 
'62  ;  died  PitUburg,  Pa.,  July  1,  '62,  wounds  in  battle. 

♦Hall,  William,  Jr.— From  Washington  Co.,  Pa.;  U.  P.  T.  S.,  AUeghen; 
'61-()2;   United  States  Army  ;  medical  student;  died  Aug.  5,  '70.     Farrae 

Hawkins,  William  G. — Son  of  William  G.  and  Margaretta  (Dilinger);  bm 
Allegheny  Co.,  Pa..  SepL  6,  1840  ;  law  student  with  Penney  Si  Sierreti 
practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '63-75;  Presiding  Judge,  Orphans'  Cour 
Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  '75-85;  married  Feb.  11,  '75,  Jennie  W^.,  daughter  ( 
Richard  Hays.     Lawyer,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Hazex,  Aaron  Lyle.  Son  of  Henry  and  Sarah  (Warnock);  born  Lawreni 
Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  19,  1837  ;  law  student  with  S.  W.  Dana,  New  Castle,  Pa 
practiced  law  New  Castle,  Pa., '65-85:  Tnited  States  Army  '01-*i4,captai 
14th  Resjiraent  Pennsylvania  Volunteers  '62,  quartermaster's  clerk '63,  ai< 


de-camp  ;  District  Attorney;  City  Solicitor  New  Castle  seven  years  ;  teller 
United  States  Treasury  Department,  '64 ;  Judge  Seventeenth  Judicial  Dis- 
trict, Pa.,  '85 — ;  married  Jan.  19,  '65,  Amelia  J.,  daughter  of  William 
WatsoD,  New  Castle,  Pa.    Lawyer,  Butler,  Pa. 

*HoDOBKS,  Samuel  Graham.  -Son  of  Thomas  and  Mary  (Graham);  born 
Canonsburg,  Pa.,  Nov.  15,  1842 ;  medical  student  Philadelphia,  Jefferson 
Medical  College  '66;  United  States  Army,  10th  Pennsylvania  Reserves; 
wounded,  prisoner  of  war '61;  practiced  medicine  Sunbeam,  111.,  '69-73; 
married  Dec.  31,  '68,  Anna  K.,  daughter  of  Dr.  T.  J.  Murray,  Canons- 
buig.  Pa.;  died  Sunbeam,  111.,  Sept.  16,  '73,  effects  of  wound  in  army. 

*Hou8TON,  Archie  Wood.— Son  of  Dr.  Matthew  Hale  and  Mai^ret  (Wilson)^ 
bom  Wheeling,  Va.,  1842  or  '43 ;  Confederate  States  Army,  '61-64.  artil- 
lery; killed  battle  of  Spottsylvania  Court  House,  Virginia,  May  12,  '64. 

Hunter,  James  Sloan.— Born  Zelienople,  Pa.,  March  18,  1834;  teacher 
Sedalia,  Mo.,  '62,  Zelienople,  Pa.,  '63-64,  Eldora,  la.,  Whitten  '85; 
married ;  -  residence  Whitten,  Iowa.  Farmer. 

Johnson,  Thomas  H. — Son  of  William  R.  and  Elizabeth  (Humrickhouse); 
born  Coshocton,  O.,  Jan.  12,  1841 ;  banker ;  civil  engineer ;  assistant  engi- 
neer Pacific  Central  and  St.  Louis  Railroad  ;  married  Oct.  28,  '68,  Mattie 
E.  Patterson,  Steubenville,  O.     Civil  engineer,  Columbus,  O. 

Krise,  William  Andrews. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Dorothy  (Paget);  born  Belle- 
fonte,  Pa.,  Sept.  26, 1838  ;  United  States  Navy,  MarineCorps,  '61—;  teacher 
Johnstown,  Pa.,  Center  Hall,  various  places  in  ('enter  County,  Pa.;  ruling 
elder  Spring  Mills  Church ;  married  January,  '62,  Nannie  E.  Hunt,  Can- 
onsbui^,  Pa.     Teacher  and  farmer,  Spring  Mills,  Pa. 

Ktjhn,  William  C— Son  of  David  and  Jane  (Caveu);  born  Allegheny  Co., 
Pa.,  July  25,  1839  ,  W.  T.  S.  '6l-6o;  licensed  April  26,  '65,  Presbytery  of 
Redstone;  stated  supply  Somerset,  Pa.,  '65-t)6;  ordsined  June,  '6S,  Pres- 
bytery of  Huntingdon  ;  stated  supply  Wolcotl,  la.,  66-67 ;  pastor  Shade 
Gap.  Pa.,  '68-78,  Pine  Grove,  '79-85,  Kylertown  '86,  Ligonier  '87  ;  United 
States  Army  '62-63,  136th  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers;  married 
Nov.  27,  '66,  Lizzie  S.,  daughter  of  Dr.  David  Roberts.  Presbyterian  minis- 
ter, Ligonier,  Pa. 

♦Lang,  Robert  Noble. — Son  of  Henry  W.  and  Matilda  J.  (Noble);  born  Alle- 
gheny Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  2,  1842;  United  Stales  Army,  lOth  Reserve  Pennsyl- 
vania Volunteers,  '61-64,  wounded  in  the  Wilderness,  May  14,  '64;  died 
Alexandria  Hospital,  May  30,  '04,  wounds  in  battle. 

Lauohlin,  John  Wilson.— Son  of  Thomas  W.  and  Jane  T.  (Robe);  born 
Washington,  O.,  March  15,  1887;  United  Slates  Army  '62-65,  1st  Ohio 
Volunteer  Cavalry,  lieutenant,  adjutant,  captain ;  Ohio  Senate  '73-74 ; 
farmer  '66—;  ruling  elder  Presbyterian  Church ;  married  Nov.  16,  '65, 
Margaret  J.,  daughter  of  David  Cowden.     Farmer,  Barnesville,  O. 

Lbyenberoer,  Joseph  Anderson.  Son  of  Jacob  and  Marv  (Bryant);  born 
Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  7,  18.S4;  W.  T.  S.  'iy'i-'W  -,  licensed  April  !>2.  '';:{, 


Presbytery  of  Wooster ;  ordained  June  28,  *64,  same  presbytery ;  foreign 
missionary  to  China  '60 — ;  stated  sapply  Hopewell  and  Nashville,  O.; 
NingpOy  China,  *65-78,  Chefoo  78 — ;  Christian  Commission  '64  ;  Moderator 
Synod  of  China;  published  '* .School  Geography,"  "Commentaries  on 
Galatians,"  **  List  of  Sounds,"  manuscript  commentaries  on  I.  Corinth- 
ians, Ephesians,  Philippians,  Coiossians,  all  in  Chinese;  married  Sept.  14, 
*65,  Susan  S.,  daughter  of  John  Fugate,  Berlin,  O.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Chefoo,  China. 

McCandless,  Stephen  ('. — Son  of  Hon.  Wilson  and  Sarah  N.  (Collins);  bom 
Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Sept.  22,  1840;  sergeant  15th  Pennsylvania  Militia,  '62; 
law  student  with  Hamilton  &  Acheson,  '61-63;  practiced  law  Pittsburg, 
Pa.,  '63—;  Clerk  United  States  District  Court,  '63—;  United  States  Com- 
missioner, '65 — ;  married  June  8,  '70,  Margaret  R.,  daughter  of  Charles 
Bar  ties,  Flemington,  N.  J.     Lawyer,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

McClellan,  David  Martin.-— Son  of  Robert  G.  and  Nancy  (Cruikshank); 
born  Washington  Co.,  N.  Y.,  May  23,  1837  ;  Xenia  Theological  Semi- 
nary, '61-65;  licensed  April  12,  '64,  Presbytery  of  Argyle ;  missionary 
'65-67;  ordained  Sept.  10,  '67,  Presbytery  of  Conemaugh;  pastor  Homer 
City,  Pa.,  '67-73,  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  '74—;  assistant  editor  CentropoHs; 
married  Nov.  13,  '67,  Christiana  Mc Arthur,  Ogdensburg,  N.  Y.;  also  Nov. 
27,  '83,  Maggie  Shiland,  Cambridge,  N.  Y.  United  Presbyterian  min- 
ister, Kansas  City,  Mo. 

McKee,  James  Smiley. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  B.;  born  Perry  County, 
Pa.,  April  9,  1840;  United  States  Army  '6I-60 ;  139th  Pennsylvania 
Volunteers;  telegraph  operator  Signal  Corps;  Chief  Clerk  Military 
Department  of  Pennsylvania;  unmarried.     Residence  Bloomfield,  Pa. 

McNary,  William  Pollock.— Son  of  William  H.  and  Margaret  (Murray); 
born  Canonsburg,  Pa  ,  Sept.  16, 1839  ;  Xenia  Theological  Seminary  '63-65 ; 
licensed  March,  '65,  United  Presbyterian  Presbytery  of  Xenia ;  ordained 
Dec.  8,  '66,  Kansas;  pastor  Leavenworth,  Kan.,  '66-69;  Bloomington,  Ind., 
'70-84;  Tarkio,  Mo.,  '84— ;  editor  Midland 'S4—;  United  States  Army, 
'61-63 ;  adjutant  123d  Pennsylvania  Volunteers ;  lieutenant-colonel  ;  mar- 
ried Sept.  27,  '66,  Elizabeth  M.,  daughter  of  James  Graham,  Wilkins- 
burg,  Pa.     United  Presbyterian  minister,  Tarkio,  Mo. 

McWilliams,  John  Watson.— Son  of  James  M.  and  Lydia  (McWilliams); 
born  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  Sept.  8,  1840;  clerk  New  York;  United  States  Array 
'63-65;  law  student  with  Col.  Totten,  Washington,  D.  C;  Columbia  Law 
School ;  county  editor  Washington  Reporter  •  practiced  law,  and  real  estate 
broker,  Cottonwood  Falls,  Kan.;  Legislature ;  married  July,  '69,  Emma 
Clark,  Allegheny  City,  Pa.;  also  June, '75,  Louisa  D.  Walker.  Lawyer, 
Cottonwood  Fails,  Kan. 

Martin,  Samuel. —Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Williamson);  born  Jefferson 
County,  0.,  Dec.  9,  1836;  teacher  Carrollton,  O., '61-62  ;  United  States 
Army '62-63 ;  98th  Regiment  Ohio  Volunteers;  lieutenant;  prisoner  of 
war;  U.  P.  T.  S.,  Alleafheny,  '63-(>4;  Xenia  Theological  Seminary,  '64-65; 
licensed    March,  '65,    United     Presljyterian    Presbytery   of  Steubenville; 


ordained  Jolj,  '66,  same  preBbjriery  ;  foreign  minionary  to  India;  Panjab 
'()7-;  married  Sept.  27,  '0«,  Lydia  M.  Moesman ;  D.l)., '84,  M.  U. 
United  Presbyterian  minister,  Sialcot,  Northern  India. 

Metzgar,  Lebbeus  Binoer. — Son  of  Daniel  and  Elizabeth  (Ringer);  born 
New  Salem,  Westmoreland  County,  Pa.,  April  30,  1836;  medical  student 
with  Dr.  Stephenson;  Jefferson  Medical  College;  I^ug  Island  Hospital 
College,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.;  graduated  '66;  practiced  medicine  New  Texas, 
Pa.,  '66-69;  East  Liberty,  '69-78;  Terrell,  Texas,  '78-81;  Greensburg, 
Pa.,  *81 — ;  United  States  Array  *62-6o ;  Pennsylvania  Cavalry  ;  Signal 
Corps:  wounded;  married  Oct.  28,  '69,  Jennie  M.  Lloyd.  Physician^ 
Greensburg,  Pa.;  A.B.,  '67,  Jefferson  College. 

*Meyer9,  Joseph  Henbt. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Ann  (Wertz);  born  Congress, 
O.,  Dec.  30,  1837;  P.  T.  S.  '61-64;  ordained  June  28,  '64,  Presbytery  of 
Wooster  ;  foreign  missionary  to  India;  Lodiana,  India,  64-69;  married 
May  3,  '64,  Harriet  B.  Stanley  ;  died  Lodiana,  India,  Nov.  19,  69.  Pres- 
byterian minister. 

Miller,  Joseph  Wright.— Son  of  Dr.  James  and  Darthula  (Wright);  born 
Washington  County,  Pa.,  Nov.  13,  1836 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Cook, 
Dr.  DaCosta,  Jefferson  Medical  College  :  United  States  Army  '62-65  ;  i6th 
Pennsylvania  Cavalry  :  hospital  steward  three  years ;  practiced  medicine 
Sewickley,  Pa.;  Allegheny:  Wheatland  and  Heaver,  Pa.;  married  Deo. 
2.3,  '67,  Eleanor  P.,  daughter  of  John  P.  Kramer.  Physician,  Beaver. 

^Miller,  John  Montieth.— Son  of  Thomas  and  Catharine  (Shaw):  born 
Washington  County,  Pa.,  March  18,  1842  :  farmer  ;  married  Sept  13,  '66, 
Agnes  W.,  daughter  of  William  S.  White  :  died  May  14,  '88.       Farmer. 

XoGtiLK,  .Joseph. — Son  of  George  and  Susan  (Kissenger) ;  born  Cumberland 
County,  Pa.,  Aug.  14,  1836  ;  teacher  Pennsylvania,  ^61-65  ;  Illinois,  '66-77; 
Kansas,  '78-81  ;  farmer  Kansas,  '81—:  married  Sept.  21,  '70,  Roxana  S., 
(laughter  of  £.  H.  Collins.     Farmer,  Parkersville,  Kan. 

Park,  William  Jefpery. — Son  of  William  and  Jane  (Law);  born  Washing- 
ton County,  Pa.,  March  14,  1839 ;  W.  T.  vS.  ()2-65  ;  licensed  '65,  Presby- 
tery of  Washington ;  ordained  '66,  Presbytery  of  Wooster ;  pastor  Fred- 
ricksburg,  O.,  '66-74 ;  Canton,  '74-80  ;  business  '80  ;  President  Raynolds 
Cattle  Co.,  Canyon  City,  Col.:  married. 

*PiTCHER,  Henry  Clay.— Son  of  Hon.  John  and  Amanda  (Cissna);  born 
Mount  Vernon,  Ind.,  Dec.  12,  1842  :  clerk  Provost  Marshal  Bureau 
'61-65  ;  law  student  with  Judge  Pitcher :  practiced  law  Mount  Vernon, 
Ind.,  '66-87;  unmarried:  died  Mount  Vernon,  Ind.,  July  8,  'S7, 
consumption.     Lawyer. 

PRIXGLE,  J.\ME8  V.~vSon  of  Stewart  and  Fanny  (Boyd):  born  Pittsburg,  Pa., 
Sept.  9,  1845;  Denver  University  :  Jefferson  College  '61  ;  W.  T.  S.  and 
U.  P.  T.  8.  '61-^3  ;  licensed  May,  '63,  ITiiited  Presliyterian  Presbytery  of 
Allegheny  ;  ordained  May  11,  '6"),  Presl»ytery  of  Mansfield  ;  pastor  Mar- 



.4.  •. .. 


'  t  ':  '- 

tinsburg  and  Mt  Vernon,  O.,  *65-68  ;  Pana,  lU.,  '68-77  ;  Clayton,  '77— (?); 
Clarinda,  Iowa,  '88 ;  married  Dec.  25,  '71,  Ida  HoopeB.  United  Preebj- 
terian  minister,  Clarinda,  Iowa. 

Smith,  Ambrose  Cephas.— Son  of  Samnel  M.  and  Eliia  (Kareffelt);  bom 
Wrightsville,  York  County,  Pa.,  Aug.  21,  1840  ;  P.  T.  S.  '61-64  ;  licensed 
'63,  Central  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia ;  chaplain  Insane  Asylum,  Harris- 
borg;  ordained  Jan.  18,  'G7,  Presbytery  of  Rock  River ;  stated  supply  and 
pastor  South  Church,  Galena,  111.,  '67 — ;  married  April,  '68,  Hannah 
Slaymaker,  Columbia,  Pa.;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister,  Galena,  111. 

Stark,  Denton  D.— Born  Frarklin  County,  Pa.,  Jan.  12,  1840;  United 
States  Army  '61--65  ;  adjutant  37th  Illinois;  captain  1st  Arkansas  Battery ; 
law  student;  merchant,  Fayetteville,  Ark.;  Internal  Revenue  Collector: 
coal  business;  banker;  married  Sept.  4,  '75,  Martha  C.  Trimble,  Wash- 
ington, Ind.     Residence  San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Stewart,  William  C— Born  Homer  City,  Pa.;  law  student  with  H.  W.  Weir, 
Pittsburg;  United  States  Army,  '61-66;  practiced  law  West  Vii^ginia; 
West  Virginia  Legislature,  and  member  of  Constitutional  Convention; 
practiced  law  Ft.  Scott,  Kan ;  Judge  Sixth  Judicial  District,  Kansas  (two 
terms);  practiced  law  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  '86—.     Lawyer,  Kansas  City,  Mo. 

Stuart,  John  Linton.— Son  of  Rev.  D.  T.  and  Olivia  W.  (Hall);  bom 
Shelby  Co.,  Ky.,  Dec.  2,  1840;  P.  T.  S.  '65-68;  teacher  Columbia,  Ky.: 
ordained  July  5,  '68,  Presbytery  of  Raritan ;  foreign  missionary,  China, 
Hangchow  '68  — ;  married  '74,  Mary,  daughter  of  Judge  Horton,  Mobile, 
Ala.     Presbyterian  minister,  Shanghai,  China. 

Turner,  William  Pitt. — Son  of  John  and  Alice  H.  (Travers);  bom  Wycomico 
Co.,  Md.,  Dec.  21,  1840;  licensed  and  ordained  Methodist  Fpiscopal 
Church  Conference;  stated  supply  Pittsburg,  Allegheny  City,  New 
Brighton;  married  April  10,  '66,  Rebecca  Lanch,  Braddock's  Fields,  Pa. 
Methodist  Episcopal  minister,  New  Brighton,  Pa. 

Wallace,  Wilson  De  Witt. — Son  of  James  and  Sarah  A.  (Marqaam);  bom 
Lafayette,  Ind.,  Nov.  19,  1838;  United  States  Army,  '61-63;  40th  Regi- 
ment Indiana  Volunteers ;  captain  ;  wounded  at  Stone  River ;  law  student 
with  Orth  &  Stein;  practiced  law  Lafayette,  Ind.,  '66 — ;  Prosecuting 
Attorney;  published  **  Love's  Ladder;'  married  Nov.  19,  '61,  Anna  M. 
Shields.     Lawyer,  Lafayette,  Ind. 

♦Watson,  Curtis  Bruce. — Son  of  Robert  and  Mary  C.  (Watson);  bom  North- 
umberland Co.,  Pa.,  June  17,  1839 ;  law  student ;  United  States  Army, 
13l8t  Regiment  Pennsylvania* Volunteers ;  wounded  Fredericksburg;  teller 
Milton  Bank;  infirm,  Minnesota*;  married  Oct.  18,  '66,  Mary  E.  Nagle, 
Milton,  Pa.;  died  Milton,  Pa.,  June  15,  '72,  consumption,  from  army  life. 

♦Weaver,  Thomas  Jefferson. — Son  of  James  W.  and  Mary  (Perry);  bom 
Canonsburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  1,  1839;  United  States  Army,  '62;  140th  Regiment 
Pennsylvania  Volunteers;  died  typhoid  fever,  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  Sept. 
'29,  '62, 


** Welsh,  Bobbbt  Caldwbll. — Son  of  John  and  £liiab«th  (Woodburn);  born 
Waahington  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  19,  1838;  United  States  Army  '62-65 ;  Ueaten- 
ant  22d  Regiment  Pennsjlvania  Cavalry ;  Associate  Reformed  Theological 
Seminarj,  Alleghenj,  '61-62;  licensed  April  17,  '66,  Presbytery  of  Char- 
tiers;  ordained  May  14,  '67,  same  presbytery;  pastor  North  Buffalo,  Pa., 
'67-68 ;  married  Nov.  10,  '64,  Mollie,  daughter  of  John  Cowden ;  died 
Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  22,  '68.    United  Presbyterian  minister. 

WaiTE,  Samuel  T. — Law  student  with  Boyd  Crumrine,  Washington,  Pa.; 
practiced  law  Washington,  1863-70,  Warrensburg,  Mo.,  '70 — .  Lawyer, 
Warrensburg,  Mo. 

*White,  Henbt  Kirke. — Son  of  Rev.  R.  M.  and  Ellen  M.  (Davis);  bom  near 
Fairriew,  W.  Va.,  Oct.  3,  1843 ;  medical  student  with  Drs.  Dickson,  Pitts- 
burg, Pa.,  '61-62,  New  York  University  '62-63,  University  Pennsylvania 
and  Hospital,  '63-6o ;  United  States  Array  volunteer  surgeon  ;  M.D.,  '65 ; 
died  Allegheny  City,  Pa.,  Dec.  13,  '65.     Physician. 

^WiLBCX,  Samuel  Robert. — Son  of  James  and  Margaret  (Wilson);  born ; 

United  States  Army,  27th  Regiment  Illinois  Volunteers,  '61-65  ;  private  ; 
captain ;  assistant  adjutant-general ;  killed  near  Mobile,  Ala.,  April, 
9,  '65. 

Wilson,  James  £.— Son  of  James  and  Elisabeth ;  born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.; 
United  States  Army,  '61-64,  10th  Pennsylvania  Reserves ;  medical  student 
with  Dr.  Donaldson,  Jefferson  Medical  College,  '64-66 ;  practiced  medi- 
cine Mt.  Lebanon,  Pa.,  '66-72,  Pittsburg,  '73—;  married  March  22,  '66, 
M.  R.  Kidder,  Library,  Pa.     Physician,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 


Adams,  Lucian.— Son  of  Jacob  and  Margaret  (McMeen);  born  Mifflintown, 
Pa.,  Jan.  7,  1843 ;  law  student  with  £.  S.  Doty,  Albany  Law  School,  '65-68  ; 
practiced  law  Wooster,  O.,  '68-69,  Rock  Island,  111.,  '69-77;  Judge 
County  Coort,  Rock  Island  Co.,  111.,  '77 — ;  married  June  5,  '78,  Susan 
Q.,  daughter  of  Wm.  Q.  Woodward,  Rock  Island,  111.  Lawyer,  Rock 
Island,  111. 

AoKEW,  F&AKK  H.—Son  of  Hon.  Daniel;  born  Beaver,  Pa.,  April  6,  1842; 
civil  engineer ;  law  student,  Beaver,  Pa.;  practiced  law  Beaver,  Pa.,  '64 — ; 
Pennsylvania  State  Senate;  married  '85,  Miss  Locke.  Lawyer,  Beaver, 

Abmstrong,  Johh  a. — Bom  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  13,  1838  ;  medical 
student  Jefferson  Medical  College  H)7 ;  practiced  medicine  J^eechburg,  Pa., 
'67—;  United  States  Army,  '63-65  ;  married  April  2,  '(58,  C.  C.  McKallip. 
Physician,  Leechburg,  Pa. 

*Belvillb,  J.  Janbway.— Son  of  Rev.  J.  L.,  and  Elisabeth  M.  (Long);  born 
Dayton,  O.,  Aog.  10,  1838  ;  law  student  University  of  Michigan  ;  practiced 
law  Dayton,  O.,  '65-87 ;  United  States  Army,  '63;  captain  6th  KegimentOhio 
Militia,  '63  ;  married  Sept.  16,  '74,  Margaret,  daughter  of  John  Hawitsch  ; 
LL.B  ,  Michigan  University  ;  died  Dayton,  O.,   Jan.  24,  'S7.     Lawyer. 

240  GENERAL   CATALlXil'i:    OF 

BiNQHAM,  HbkbY  H. — Son  of  James  and  Ann  (Sheller);  born  Philadelp 
Fa.,  Jan.  4,  1841  ;  United  States  Armj,  '(>2-()6  ;  lieutenant ;  captain  1^ 
Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers ;  major  ;  judge-advocate  ;  brevet  ma 
lieutenant-colonel ;  colonel ;  brigadier-general,  United  Slates  Volume 
law  student  with  B.  H.  Brewster;  postmaster  Philadelphia,  'G7-72  ;  Clei 
Courts,  Philadelphia  Co.,  '72-7S ;  Member  of  Congress,  46th,  47th 
48th  Congresses;  raarrie<l  Feb.  4,  '74,  Marv  H.,  daughter  of  Thoma 
Alexander,  Philadelphia,  Pa.     Lawyer,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

*Brown,  Albert  Hampton. -Born  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  May  26,  II 
P.  T.  S.  '62-64;  teacher ;  Christian  Commission  ;  died  Sept.  24,  '64.  1 
trouble.     Theological  student. 

*BuRBBLL,  William  R. — Son  of  Hon.  J.  M.  Burrell  ;  born  Oreensburg,  Pa 
184j  ;  civil  engineer,  Tennessee ;  died  Chattanooga,  Tenn.,  July  10, 
dysentery.     Civil  engineer. 

Caldwell,  Albert  J. — Son  of  William  S.  and  Nancy  (Cunningham);  I 
Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  April  2o,  1838;  tutor  Jefferson  College  *62-d4;  W 
S.  '64-67 ;  licensed  April  2o,  '66,  Presbytery  of  Redstone  ;  ordained  Octo 
'68,  Presbytery  of  Palmyra;  stated  supply  Oskaloosa,  Kan.,  '(J7-68,  Le  C 
and  Qrantville,  Mo.,  '68-70,  Carondelet;  teacher  St.  Louis  '70-83;  '. 
feasor  Latin  and  Mathematics,  Blackburn  University,  '83-84> ;  teachei 
Louis  '86—;  married  July  16,  '83,  Marietta  E.,  daughter  of  Will 
Phillips,  Springfield,  O.     Teacher,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Oalipf,  Stephen  Allen.— Son  of  Allen  and  Hannah  (Thomas);  bom  Sir 
field,  Bradford  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  29,  1836  ;  P.  T.  S.  '62-(5.5  ;  licensed  Aug 
'65,  Presbytery  of  Susquehanna ;  ordained  May  14,  '67,  same  presbyt< 
stated  supply  Congregational  Churches,  Speedsvllle  and  W^est  New 
N.  Y.,  '6(H59;  Presbyterian  Churches,  Wells.  Columbia  and  North  W 
Pa.,  '70-72,  Mclntyre  '72-74;  infirm  '74-81 ;  Mclntyre,  Pa.,  '81-86;  i 
ried  April,  '65,  Emily,  daughter  of  Samuel  Matthews,  Williamsburg,  I 
Presbyterian  minister,  East  Smithfield,  Pa. 

Campbell,  William  Oiivbr. — Son  of  James  and  Rebecca  B.  (David);  1 
Middlesex,  Pa.,  Nov.  14,  1841;  United  States  Army  '63;  captain;  W 

5.  '63-64;  P.  T.  S.  '64-66;  licensed  '65,  Presbytery  of  Butler;  ordai 
April  17,  '67,  Presbytery  of  Winnebago ;  statc-l  supply  and  pastor  Dep 
Wis.,  '66-69,  Monongahela  City,  Pa.,  '70-85,  Sewickley  '85—;  Instru 
W.  T.  S.;  Director  W.  T.  S.;  Trustee  Washington  and  Jefferson  Colh 
D.D.,  '85  Wooster  University;  married  Sept.  17,  ^i)Sf  Mary  L.,  daugi 
of  James  Sii:iw.     Presbyterian  minister,  Sewickley,  Pa. 

Clokey,  Joseph  Waddle  — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Joseph  and  Eliza  (Waddle);  I 
Jefferson  Co.,  O.,  Feb.  22,  1839;  U.  P.  T.  S.,  Xenia,  ().,  four  yei 
licensed  April,  '64,  United  Presbyterian  Presbytery  of  Xenia ;  ordai 
Sept.  7,  '64,  Presbytery  of  Steubenville;  pastor  Steubenville,  O.,  Un 
Presbyterian,  '64-70,  Richmond,  Ind.,  '70-73,  Presbyterian  Church,  3 
dleton,  O.,  '73-78,  First  Church,  New  Albany,  Ind.,  '78 — ;  married' 

6,  '64,  Dellie  R,,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  John  Ekin,  also  Dec.  30,  '65,  F 
©nee  Day.     Presbyterian  miniver,  New  Albany,  Ind. 


Davis,  Charles. — Born  Bridgetown,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa.,  Julj  11 »  1837;  United 
States  Armj,  '61-65;  10th  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers;  private; 
captain;  prisoner;  civil  engineer  'Go  ;  commissioner  to  Vienna  Exposition 
73 ;  married  May,  '6S,  Anna  V.  Cooper  ;  A.M.,  Washington  and  Jefferson 
College,  '87.    Civil  engineer,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Febouson,  William  Adams.— Bom  Mt  Jackson,  Pa.,  Feb.  27,  1838 ;  W.  T. 
S.  '62-64 ;  P.  T.  S.  '64-65 ;  ordained  Oct.  16,  65,  Presbytery  of  Nassau  ; 
pastor  Wallabont,  L.  I.,  N.  Y.,  *65-67,  First  Church,  Dubuque,  Iowa, 
'67-68;  Waynesburg,  Pa.,  '69-72,  Pittsgrove,  N.  J.,  '72-81,  Marysville,  ()., 
'81 — ;  married  Sept.  17,  '67,  J.  Olivia  French,  Canonsburg,  Pa.  Presbyte- 
rian minister,  Marysville,  O. 

Fbbouson,  Robebt  Qbacey.— Son  of  James  and  Mary  A.  (Doyle);  bora 
Franklin  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  16,  1842;  U.  P.  T.  S.,  Allegheny,  '62-66 ;  licensed 
April  12,  '66,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela;  ordained  Oct.  17,  '60,  Presbytery 
Big  Spring ;  pastor  Mercersburg  and  Cove,  Pa.,  '66-74,  Butler  '74  84 ; 
Preaidentof  Westminster  College  '84-  - ;  United  States  Array,  '63-64  ;  Signal 
Corps;  second  lieutenant;  married  Jan.  28,  '68,  Emma  M.,  daughter  of 
Dr.  II.  O.  Huber,  Gettysburg,  Pa.;  D.D.,  '84.  United  Presbyterian  min- 
ister, Nev  Wilmington,  Pa. 

Gates,  Stephen  Pratt. — ^Son  of  Bezateel  and  Sarah  A.  (Pratt);  bora  Cheater, 
Conn.,  Jan.  10,  1S39  ;  P.  T.  S.  '()2-65  ;  licensed  May,  Oo,  Presbytery  of  Sus- 
qoehannk;  ordained  Aug,  2,  *66,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Canton,  Pa., 
'ii^—;  married  June  8,  '67,  Emma  F.,  daughter  of  W.  A.  Fay,  Hinckley, 
111.;  also  Matilda  J.,  daughter  of  G.  G.  Freeman,  Berkstown,  N.  J.  Pres- 
byterian minister,  Cauton,  Pa. 

Guthrie,  Alexander  Murray. — Son  of  John  B.  and  Catharine  S.;  born 
Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Marcli  2S,  1842  ;  law  student  with  J.  V.  LeMoyne,  Chicago^ 
111.,  '61-62;  United  States  Army,  Ohio  Volunteer  Cavalry '62-63,  second 
lieutenant;  clerk  and  teller  Exchange  Bank,  Pittsburg,  '65-69;  busineKs 
'69-77  ;  steel  business.  New  York,  '77 — ;  married  June  2,  '68,  Mary  Hussey, 
also  Oct.  15,  'S4,  Katherine  Rhodes;  A.M.,  '82,  Washington  and  Jefferson 
College.     Business,  3  Clifford  Street,  New  York. 

•Heikjes,  Andrew  Newman. — Born  Mansfield,  O.,  Jan.  7,  1843;  law  student 
Mansfield,  O.;  United  States  Army '62-64,  clerk,  provost  marshal;  died 
Sept.  18,  '64.     Lawyer. 

Hensill,  R.  Flavel. — Born  Fairraount,  W.  Va.,  Sept.  6,  1839;  lawstudeut; 
practiced  law  Portland,  Ore.;  Tacoma,W.  T.;  unmarried.  Lawyer,  Tacoma, 
W.  T. 

^Herriott,  Jamkh  H. — Born  Venice,  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  June  12,  1841  ; 
infirm  ;  farmer  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Canonsburg,  '74-78  ;  Lawrence,  Kan., 
cattle  dealer  '7S-81 ;  married  Aug.  24,  '67,  Millie,  (laughter  of  Thomas 
Buchanan  ;  died  Lawrence,  Kan.,  March  29,  '81.     Farmer. 

HuGUs,  H.  P.— Born  Westmoreland  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  30,  1839;  medical  stu- 
dent Jefferson  Medical  College,  Long  Island  College,  hospital;  practiced 
medicine  Salem  Cross  Roads  '65-68,  Orrville  '68-72,  Ravenna,  O.,  '72— v 
married  July,  '72,  Maud  Slayman.     Physician,  Ravenna,  O. 


JEFFER8,  Eliakim  Tupper. — SoD  of  JaoieB  D.  and  Mary  A.  (Tupper);  b< 
Upper  Stewiacke,  Nova  Scotia,  April  6,  1841;  P.  T.  S.  '62-05;  Alieghc 
'65-60;  licensed  December,  '04,  United  Presbyterian  Presbytery  of  Mon 
gahela;  ordained  Sept.  25,  '05,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia;  pastor  Uni 
Presbyterian  Church,  Oxford,  Pa.,  '05-72;  stated  supply  United  Pres 
terian  C'lurch  New  Wilmington  '73-83 ;  President  Westminster  Coll 
'72-83;  Presbyterian  Church;  professor  Lincoln  University  '83—;  m 
ried  May  10,  '07,  Esther  G.,  daughter  of  Thomas  Hodgens,  Canonsbu 
Pa.;  D.D,,  '72,  W^ashington  and  Jefferson  College.  Presbyterian  rail 
ter,  Lincoln  University,  Pa. 

Jennings,  Philip  Sydney.— Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Samuel  C.  and  Emma  (Pai 
vant);  born  Temperanceville,  Pa.,  Aug.  25,1839  ;  P.  T.  S.  '62-05;  liceni 
April,  '05,  Presbytery  of  New  Brunswick ;  ordained  Dec.  24,  '05,  Pres 
tery  of  Ohio;  pastor  Temperanceville '05-00,  Mt.  Washington  '65-83,  I 
Pisgah  '69 — ,  Crafton  83 — .     Presbyterian  minister,  Crafton,  Pa. 

Johnson,  James  Renfrew.  — Son  of  William  K.  and   Elizabeth  (Humri 
house);   born   Coshocton,   O.,    Feb.    21,    1839;  P.   T.   S.    '02-04;    intir 
farmer;  published  **  Historical  Foundation  of  Christianity;"  member 
General   Assembly   '78;    ruling  elder;  married   June  28,   '82,    Anna 
Hogle ;  residence  Coshocton,  O. 

Kearns,  John  Edmund. — Son  of  Thomas  G.  and  Mary  (Settle);  born  n* 
Lewistown,  Pa.,  Dec.  4,  1835  ;  P.  T.  S.  '02-04 ;  licensed  June  13,  '04,  Pr 
bylery  of  Huntingdon;  ordained  Jan.  9,  '00,  same  presbytery;  pas 
Curwinsville,  Pa.,  '00-08,  Upper  Tuscarora  and  Peru  '08-79,  Morning  Si 
Iowa,  '79-80,  Rising  Sun  '80—;  Rockville,  Ind.,  '88;  married  Aug. 
'02,  Louisa  M.  Harris,  also  Oct.  18,  '70,  Sadie  E.  Harris.  Presbyteri 
minister.  Rockville,  Ind. 

Kelso,  Samuel  M. — Son  of  Benjamin  and  Martha  (Murdock);  born  Nobl 
town,  Pa.,  May  30,  1838  ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Martin,  Xenia,  O.,  I 
Cook,  McDonald,  Pa.,  Jefferson  Medical  College ;  practiced  medicii 
Youngstown,  O.,  '08 ;  druggist  Xenia,  '69 — ;  elder  United  Presbyteri 
Church  ;  married  Oct.  21,  '09,  Martha  J.,  daughter  of  John  Seaman,  Xen 
O.     Physician,  Xenia,  O. 

*Lee,  Jerome  L.  —  Born  Norwalk,  Ohio,  Feb.  6,  1843;  law  student;  paym; 
ter's  clerk  United  States  Army  '04-08 ;  Columbia  University,  Washingtc 
D.  C;  practiced  law  Mansfield,  O.,  '71-75;  Chief  Clerk  Treasury  Depa 
ment,  W^ashington,  D.  C;  married  Nov.  18,  '69,  Myra  Falconer;  di 
Washington,  D.  C,  Sept.  8,  '87.     Clerk. 

Leggat,  William  A. — Born  Centerville,  Indiana  Co.,  Pa.,  April  27,  184 
law  student  with  Captain  Duff,  Pittsburg,  Pa.;  practiced  law  Pittsbu 
'64-80  ;  went  to  parts  unknown. 

McBride.  Samuel  B. — Son  of  Matthew  H.  and  Mary  (Barington);  born  ne 
Canonsburg,  Pa.,  June  21,  1840;  United  States  Array  '62-03  ;  Xenia  Th 
ological  Seminary  '04-67,  United  Presbyterian  Theological  Seminary,  All 
gheny  '67-08;  licensed  May  1,  '67,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers ;  ordained  Sej 


6,  70,  Presbjtery  of  Westmoreland;  pastor  Parnassus,  Pa.,  '71-78,  Laurel 
Hili  78  - ;  married  May  23,  71,  Eva  B.,  daughter  of  Daniel  Mc(;ain,  Brad- 
dock's  Field.  Pa.     United  Presbyterian  minister,  Laurel  Hill,  Pa. 

McCoy,  John. -Bom  New  Castle,  Del.,  Jan.  30,  1843;  P.  T.  S.  *61-64; 
ordained  *64,  Presbytery  of  New  Castle;  pastor  Smyrna,  Del.,  *64-7(), 
Broadway,  Baltimore,  70-74,  Columbia,  Pa.,  74-82,  Franklin  '82-86,  Gap 
'87—;  married  May  23,  '72,  Alice  R.  Grove;  A.M.,  '70,  Washington  and 
Jefferson  College.     Presbyterian  minister,  Gap,  Pa. 

Mitchell,  Matthew  R.— Born  Logan  Co.,  O.,  Nov.  10,  183.5  ;  United  States 
Army  '61-65,  88th  Ohio  Volunteer  Infantry  and  27th  United  Slates  Colored 
Troops,  first  lieutenant,  captain,  major ;  wounded ;  medical  student  Med- 
cal  College,  Cincinnati ;  practiced  medicine  Fairmount  '68-7o,  and  Topeka, 
Kan.,  '73—;  Kansas  Legislature  two  terms;  ruling  elder  Presbyterian 
Cliurch ;  married  March  10,  '68,  Mary  M.  Fulton.  Physician,  North 
Topeka,  Kan. 

*MooBE,  C.  T.  BEALE.—Born  Mercer  Bottom,  W.  Va.,  May  19,  1841 ;  medi- 
cal student  Washing^n,  Pa.,  and  Pennsylvania  University  '62-60 ;  prac- 
ticed medicine  Point  Pleasant,  W.  Va.;  United  States  Army,  surgeon; 
Collector  of  Customs,  Metamoras,  Tex.;  practiced  medicine  Mason  C'ity, 
W.  Va.,  '69,  Point  Pleasant  '70-75 ;  married  Nov.  9,  70,  Mary  E.  McCul- 
lough;  died  Point  Pleasant,  W.  Va.,  April  17,  75.     Physician. 

Moo&HEAD,  Jamrs  D. — Son  of  Joseph  and  —  (Pollock);  born  Ligonier, 
Pa.,  July  24,  1840;  W.  T.  S.  '64-6.");  licensed  April,  '64,  Presbytery  of 
Blairsville;  ordained  Nov.  2,  '65,  Presbytery  of  Saltsbiirg;  pastor  Plum 
Creek,  Pa.,  '66-72,  Beaver  Falls  '72—;  married  Oct.  14,  *iy6,  Margaret  J., 
daughter  of  Thomas  Elder,  Eldersridge,  Pa.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Beaver  Falls,  Pa. 

Porter,  Elias. — Born  Shousetown,  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  184;^;  steamboatman 
'62-64;  medical  student  Chicago  and  Philadelphia  '64-()7  ;  practiced  medi- 
cine Shousetown,  Pa.,  '67—;  married  '76,  Eliza  McCormick.  Physician, 
Shousetowtt,  Pa. 

Potter,  Henrv  N. — Son  of  John  and  filiza  (Hair);  born  Beaver  Co.,  Pa., 
April  6,  1837  ;  W.  T.  S.  '62-65 ;  licensed  April  26,  '65,  Presbytery  of  Ohio  ; 
ordained  May  7,  '67,  Presbytery  of  Miami;  stated  supply  Clarkson  and 
Madison,  O.,  '65,  Plains  and  Fairmount,  Pa.,  '66,  Dick's  Creek,  O.,  '66-68, 
Epworth  and  Peosta,  la.,  '69-70 ;  pastor  Darlington,  Pa.,  '70 — ;  published 
"  History  of  Bethlehem  Church  "  ;  married  Aug.  29,  '67,. Mary  C,  daugh- 
ter of  John  McKown.    Presbyterian  minister,  Darlington,  Pa. 

Badcliff,  Wallack. — Son  of  Eiias  and  Susannah  ;  born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  Aug. 
16,  1842;  U.  P.  T.  S.,  Allegheny;  P.  T.  S.;  licensed  April, '65,  Presby- 
tery of  New  Brunswick;  ordained  Aug.  28,  *(}(>,  Presbytery  of  Philadelphia  ; 
pastor  Woodland  Church,  Philadelphia,  '66-70  ;  stated  supply  and  pastor 
Beading,  71-85;  Fort  Street  Church,  Detroit,  Mich.,  '85—;  Europe,  'SS; 
Moderator  Synod  ;  married  May  4,  '87,  Jessie  B.  Walker  ;  DD.,  '81, 
Lafayette  College.    Presbyterian  minister,  Detroit,  Mich. 


Balston,  Walter  Walkrr. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Margaret  (Bnchanan);  t 
Lowellville,  O.,  March  31, 1835;  P.  T.  S.  '62-65;  licensed  '64,  Presby 
of  New^  Branswick  ;  ordained  '65,  Presbytery  of  Baltimore  ;  pastor  Chu 
ville,  Md.,  '65-66;  Uniontown,  Pa.,  '67-72;  Xenia,  O.,  '72-75;  pac 
elect  and  pastor  Bridgewater,  Pa.,  '75-82  :  pastor  Denison,  O.,  '82- 
pastor  Bealah,  Pa.,  '88—;  married  May  17,  '65,  Martha  J.,  daughte 
Thomas  Hodgens,  Canonshiirg,  Pa.;  D.D.,  '84,  M.  C.  Presbyterian  i 
ister,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Reed,  Carson. — Son  of  Adam  and  Rachael  (Jelson);  born  Allegheny  Con 
Pa.,  Jan.  16.  1834;  W.  T.  S.  '62-65;  licensed  April, '64,  Presbyter 
Saltsburg ;  ordained  Nov.  7,  '65,  Presbytery  of  Peoria ;  pastor  Canton, 
'65-68;  Fairfield,  Iowa,  '68-78;  New  London, '80-84;  Stanberry,  J 
'84-86;  Grant  City,  '86—;  married  March  15,  '66,  Nancy  P.,  danghte 
James  McOall,  Tarentiim,  Pa.;  also  Nov.  7,  '81,  Mary,  daughter  of  A 
Wilson,  Ottumwa,  Iowa.     Presbyterian  minister,  QrantCity,  Mo. 

Reed,  James  Stuart.— Son  of  Adam  and  Rachael  (Wilson);  bom  Tarent 
Pa.,  July  24,  1837;  teacher  W.  T.  S.  '(;2-r»5;  licensed  April,  '64,  Presby 
of  Saltsburg  ;  ordained  September,  '65,  Presbytery  of  St.  Paul ;  stated  i 
ply  Hudson,  Wis.,  '6.V-(i») ;  Eddyville,  Iowa,  '69-71;  pastor  Chari 
'71-84;  stated  supply  Neosho  Falls,  Kan.,  '84-86;  pastor  Chanute,  '8i 
married  Oct.  3,  '65,  C.  T.,  daughter  of  John  A.  Miller.  Presbytei 
minister,  Chanute,  Kan. 

•Robertson,  Wii.liam  M.— Born  Steubenville,  O.,  Nov.  16,  1841 ;  Govi 
ment  Office,  Washington,  D.  C,  '62-65;  died  Feb.  21,  '65.     Clerk. 

SoBiNSON,  Robert. — Son  of  Robert  A.  and  Matilda  (Cogley);  born  Hi 
Valley,  Pa.,  Feb.  24,  1840 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  McCullough,  Kin 
ning,  Pa.;  Long  Island  College  Hospital,  '62-66  ;  Dayton,  O.,  three  yei 
practiced  medicine  Kittanning,  Pa.,  one  year ;  Cincinnati,  O.,  one  y^ 
East  Brady,  thirteen  years ;  pension  surgeon ;  married  May  1<, 
Luella,  daughter  of  William  Barbour,  Dayton,  O.  Physician,  Fast  Bra 

Rowland,  R.  H. — Son  of  Rev.  James  and  Mary  A.  (Moody);  born  Mansdi 
O.,  Sept.  H,  1842;  law  student  with  Hon.  T.  W.  Bartley,  Washingt 
D.  C;  cashier  and  bookkeeper  Plankinton  House,  Milwaukee,  Wis.;  rr 
ried  April,  '65,  Mary  O.  McFadden,  Pittsburg,  Pa.  Residence  Milw 
kee.  Wis. 

Scott,  Alexandkr  Winfield— Son  of  Josiah  and  Elizabeth  (McCracke 
born  Bucyrus,  O.,  March  18,  1840;  United  States  Army '62-64 ;  lieut 
ant  ;  law  student  with  N.  C.  McFarland,  Hamilton,  O.,  '64-66;  practic 
law  Hamilton,  O.,  '66-74;  New  Lexington,  '74-80;  Toledo, '80— ;  raarr 
Oct.  16,  '66,  Cornelia  A.,  daughter  of  Ichabod  Corwin,  Hamilton, 
Lawyer,  Toledo,  O. 

♦SooTT,  David  Walker.— Born  Aug.  13,  1840;  U.  P.  T.  S.,  Alleghei 
'62-64  ;  editor  Beaver  Argu8  one  year  ;  married  July  7,  '64,  Elisabeth  Di 
can:  died  Beaver,  Pa.,  April  5,  '65. 


Su>AN,  James  G. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  James  ;  bora  Frankfort,  Beaver  County^ 
Pa.,  Jan.  18,  1841  ;  medical  student  Georgetown  Uuiversity ;  graduated 
't>9;  practiced  medicine  Fayette  City,  Pa.,  '09-73 ;  Monongahela  City,  Pa.» 
73 — ;  United  States  Army  ;  surgeon  140th  Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volun- 
teers, '62-65 ;  Clerk  ^Government  Land  Office  '64-69 ;  married  July  5, 
'66,  Carrie  M.,  daughter  of  Alexander  Hamilton.  Physician,  Monongahela 
City,  Pa. 

*  Stewart,  Henby  Febouson.— Son  of  John  W.  and  Jane  (McFarland); 
born  Allegheny  County,  Pa.,  Oct.  16,  1842;  United  States  Army  '62-63; 
149th  Pennsylvania  Yo  lunteer  Infantry  ;  disabled  by  wound ;  Associate 
Keformed  Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '63-67 ;  licensed  April  10, 
'66,  Presbytery  of  }«'rankfort ;  ordained  May  7,  '67,  Presbytery  of  Lake ; 
pastor  Jamestown,  Pa.,  '67-68;  married  Oct.  17,  '67,  Sallie  E  Myers; 
died  Jamestown,  Pa.,  Sept.  20,  '68.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

SuMMEY,  JoHiT.—Born  Washington  County,  Pa.,  July  29, 1833;  medical  stu- 
dent with  Dr.  Herriott,  Canonsburg;  Jefferson  Medical  College  '62-64; 
practiced  medicine  Northern  Illinois,  '6>j-82;  Chicago,  III  ,  '83—;  United 
States  Army,  assistant  surgeon,  '64-65;  Lincoln  Hospital,  Washington 
City;  Litttle  Rock,  Ark.;  surgeon;  married  Sept.  16,  '62,  Mary  M. 
Foster.     Physician  and  druggist,  Chicago,  111. 

Sutton,  Rhodes  Stansbu r v. —Son'of  James  and  Sarah  (Stansbury)i  born  Indi- 
ana, Pa.,  July  8,  1841  ;  medical  student  Jefferson  Medical  College  and 
Pennsylvania  University,  '62-66;  Blockley  Hospital  '65-66;  practiced 
medicine  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '66-81;  Europe,  Hospitals  and  Clinics,  '81-83; 
published  medical  journals;  married  April  17,  '67,  Josephine  M.,  daugh- 
ter of  James  McCullough,  Canonsburg,  Pa.;  M.D.;  LL.D.,  '84,  Wooster 
University.     Physician,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Tayi/>&,  Samuel.  Oliver. — Son  of  David  S.  and  Sarah  (Oliver);  born  near 
Washington,  Pa.,  April  4,  ISIJH ;  law  student  with  Montgomery  &  Gib- 
son, Washington,  Pa ;  practiced  law  Washington,  '63-66 ;  Wheeling,  \\\ 
Va.,  '66—;  married  June  28,  '72,  Mrs.  Emma  S.  Holsten  Harding.  Law- 
yer, Wheeling,  W.  Va. 

Thompson,  H.  Alexander.  -  Son  of  H.  A.  and  E.  M.;  born  Blairsville,  Pa., 
July  12,  1840 ;  United  States  Army ;  acting  assistant  paymaster  one  and 
one-half  years;  quartermaster's  ofEce  two  and  one-half  years ;  now  in 
Equitable  Life  Assurance  Company.     Clerk,  120  Broad wav,  New  York. 

^Wherry,  James  A. — Son  of  John  and  Jemima  (Dunlap);  born  Armstrong 
Co.,  Pa.,  near  Elder's  Ridge,  Dec.  11,  1838  ;  went  from  college  sick  ;  died 
Dec.  3.  '62  ;  intended  to  study  theology. 

Wherry,  Elwood  Morris.— Son  of  James  and  Sarah  (Nesbit);  born  Arm- 
strong Co.,  Pa.,  March  26, 1843 ;  teacher  '63-64  ;  P.  T.  S.,  '64-67  ;  licensed 
April,  '66,  Presbytery  of  Donegal ;  ordained  AFay,  '67,  same  presbytery ; 
foreign  missionary  India,  Rnwal  Pindi,  India,  '68-70;  Lodiana  '70-83; 
Saharanpur '83— ;  professor  in  theological  seminary;  published  **  Masih 
Iba  Ullah,"  ^^Nabi  I.  Masum,"  in  Urdu;  tracts  and  other  papers  in  Urdu; 


coDQpiled  Conamentary  on  Quran  (four  vols.);  newspapers  in  same  langu 
married  July  17,  '67,  Clara  M.,  daughter  of  William  P.  Buchanan,  H< 
Brook,  Pa.;  D.D.,  Parsons  College,  '86.  Preabyterian  minister,  Saharao 

Wilson,  John  Fleming.— Born  Dauphin,  Pa.,  Nov.  1,  1836;  United  S 
Army,  '62-67;  77th  Kegiment  Illinois  V^olunteers  and  14th  Regii 
Veteran.  Reserve  Corps;  wounded;  assistant  quartermaster  '64 
provost-marshal   in    Virginia,    '65-67 ;   postmaster   Lynchburg,    Virg 

V  '68-86;  married  Dec.  19,  '72,   Anna  C  Robinson,   Dauphin,  Pa.    ] 

f '  dence,  Lynchburg,  Va. 

J  *WiLsoN,  John  Fleming. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Samuel  and  Anna  M.  (Rodg 

born  Uniontown,  Pa.,  Oct.  10,  1839  ;  United  States  Army  '62-65,  1 
Regiment  Pennsylvania  Volunteers  ;  corporal ;  lieutenant,  '63 ;  captain 
died  in  hospital,  City  Point,  Va.,  April  16,  '65,  from  wound  rece 
in  battle. 

WooDBuaN,  Brnjamin  Franklin. — Son  of  William  and  Elizabeth  (Veai 
born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  March  23,  1832;  W.  T.  S.,  '62-65;  lice 
Sept.  11,  '62,  Baptist  Church  ;  ordained  Sept.  5,  '65,  same  body ;  pj 
Mt.  Pleasant,  Pa.,  '65-70,  Sandusky  Street  Baptist  Church,  Allegheny, 
'70 — ;  married  Sept.  7,  '54,  Margaret  A.,  daughter  of  Samuel  Sho 
D.D.,  '81,  University  of  Louisburg.     Baptist  minister,  Allegheny,  Pa. 

Wright,  John   Elliot.     Son  of   Rev.  Dr.  Edward   W.  and  Henrietta 
(Swift);  born  Lafayette,   Ind.,   Dec.   17,   1842;  P.  T.  S.,  '62-65;  lice 
April,  '64,  ft-esbytery  of  Logansport ;  ordained  December,  '66,  Presb^ 
of  Allegheny  City  ;  pastor  Allegheny  City,  Pa.,  '65-69,  Greenville,  '69 
I  Cincinnati,  O.,   '74-78,    Madison,  Wis.,  '78-82,  Jefferson  Park,  Chic 

I  111.,    '82-83,   Germantown,  Pa.,   '83—;  married  May   27,   '69,    Ellen 

daughter  of  Rev.  John  Kerr;  D.D.  Presbyterian  minister,  Germant( 


}  *Barnes,  William  Guthrie.  — Born  Fredericksburg,  C,  July  31,  1841; 

1  T.  S.,   '63-65;  P.  T.  S.,   '65-66;  licensed    '65,  Presbytery  of  RichU 

j  ordained  July   17,    '66,   Presbytery   of  Long  Island  ;  pastor  Islip,  I 

Island,  N.  Y.,  '66-67,  Sag  Harbor  '67-72,  Ft.  Green,  Brooklyn,  '73 
South  Fourth  Street,  Brooklyn,  '74-77,  Jacksonville,  Fla.,  '77-82 ;  e 
gelist  New  Jersey,  South  Boston,  Philadelpliia,  '82-84;  married  A] 
*6Sf  Mary  E.  Vail ;  died  Fredericksburg,  O.,  Dec.  9,  '84,  pneurao 
Presbyterian  minister. 

*BoYD,  Hugh  Wilson. — Son  of  Rev.  Bankhead;  born  Washington  Co., 
U.  P.  T.  S.,  Allegheny,   Pa.,  1867-68;  licensed  April  29,  'GS^  Presby 
of  Chartiers;  died  Clokeyville,  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  June  12,  *69.    Li 
tiate  United  Presbyterian  Ciiurch. 

*Brovvn,  Thomas  Madison. —Born ;  W.  T.  S..  1863-66;  licensed '66,  P 

bytery  of  Richland;  ordained  '67,  Presbytery  of  Blairsville ;  pa 
Beulah,  Pa.,  '67-69;  married  Kate  Sharp;  died  Beulah,  Pa.,  March 
'69,  consumption.     Presbyterian  minister. 


Campbell,  Hubert  Gbego  —Son  of  William  and  Nancy  (iSomerville);  born 
County  l>owD,  Ireland.  April  29,  1834  ;  U.  P.  T.  S.,  Allegheny  apd  Xenia, 
't)3-()7;  licensed  May  1,  '66,  United  Presbyterian  Presbytery  of  Monongahela; 
ordained  Sept.  1,  70,  Presbytery  of  Caledonia ;  missionary  Pennsylvania, 
Ohio,  Nebraska.  lUinoifi,  Michigan,  New  York,  '06-70;  pastor  Lynden, 
N.  Y.,  '70-80,  Buffahj,  Wis.,  '82-87;  married  April  11,  71,  Jennie  E., 
daughter  of  James  Sloetli.     United  Presbyterian  minister,  De  Witt,  Iowa. 

Campbell,  Richard  Morrow.— ISon  of  Samuel  and  Mary  (Morrow);  born  Juni- 
ata Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  4,  1842 ;  W.  T.  S.  't)3-66 ;  licensed  April,  '06,  Presby- 
tery of  Huntingdon ;  stated  supply  Moshannon,  Pa.,  '00-07  ;  ordained 
June,  '67,  same  presbytery;  pastor  West  Kishacoquillas,  Pa.,  '06-80;  Port 
Royal,  Pa.,  '87 — ;  married  Dec.  lo,  '70,  Almira,  daughter  of  William 
McFarlane,  Reedsville,  Pa.     Presbyterian  minister,  Port  Royal,  Pa. 

Chalfant,  William  Lusk.— Son  of  Henry  and  Isabella  (.'.;  born  Turtle 
Creek,  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  3,  1843;  law  student  with  George  P. 
Hamilton  and  M.  W.  Acheson,  Pittsburg,  Pa.;  practiced  law,  Pittsburg, 
'81—;  married  Nov.  6,  '74,  Elizabeth  Ashley  Pirtle,  Louisville,  Ky.  Law- 
yer, Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Cunningham,  Thomas  Beer. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Mary ;  born  near  Lattas- 
burg,  Wayne  Co.,  O.,  Nov.  11,  1837;  teacher  Canaan  Academy,  Ohio, 
'63-64;  principal  W^ooster  High  School  '04-0");  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Boyn' 
Academy  '05-67  ;  merchant  '68-70 ;  editor  Holmes  County  Jiepublican,  '70 —  ; 
postmaster  Millersburg,  ().,  '72-70  ;  published  Sunday-sciiool  music  books, 
"Song  Birds,''  and  **  Song  Birds  No.  2;"  sheet  music;  elder  Presbyterian 
Church,  '77 — ;  married  May  0,  '08,  Maria  Louisa  Mitchell,  Beaver,  Pa. 
Editor,  Millersburg,  O. 

DuFP,  William  G. — Son  of  Samuel  A.  and  Isabella  (Lawson);  born  Chartiers, 
Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  July  1,  1839 ;  teacher ;  law  student  witik  Judge  Luwrie, 
Pittsburg,  Pa,,  '03-0o;  practiced  law  a  short  time  in  Pittsburg  ;  merchant ; 
seeds  and  implements,  Pittsburg;  married  June  21,  HW)^  Ella  C.  Lawson. 
Merchant,  o33  Liberty  Street,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Glenn,  Samuel  M. — Son  of  Rev.  Robert  and  Rebecca  (Wycoff);  born  Venaugo 
Co.,  Pa  ,  Sept.  14,  1837;  W.  T.  S.  'OIV-OO  ;  licensed  December,  'Oo,  Presby- 
tery of  Erie;  ordained  November,  '00,  Presbytery  of  Columbus;  pastor 
Lithopolis,  O.,  '60-09,  Upper  Ten  Mile,  Pa.,  71-78,  Sandy  Lake  '78-79, 
Clintonville  '79-84,  Mt.  Ziun  and  High  Hill,  O.,  '85-88  ;  principal  Putnam 
Female  Seminary,  Zanesville,  0.,  'SS — ;  married  Oct.  24,  '67,  Eliza  Irwin, 
daughter  of  Rev.  Joseph  Travelli.     Presbyterian  minister,  ifanesville,  <). 

Hauohawout,  Lefferd  Lease. — Son  of  Lefferd  and  Elizabeth  (Alexander); 
born  Juniata  Co.,  Pa.,  Dec.  23,  1837;  United  States  Army,  '03-04  ;  teacher 
'64-65 ;  P.  T.  S.  '05-08;  licensed  June,  '07,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon; 
ordained  May  19,  ^iyS,  Presbytery  of  Northumberland  ;  pastor  Centralia, 
Pa.,  '68-69,  Washington  '70-75,  Bald  Eagle  and  Nittany  '75-83,  Upper 
Tuscarora,  Shade  Gap  and  Peru,  '84 — ;  Stated  Clerk  of  Northumberland 
Presbytery  ten  years ;  married  Dec.  4,  '07,  Jane  E.,  daughter  of  James 
Alexander.     Presbyterian  minister,  Waterloo,  Pa. 




Hench,  John  Campbell. — Son  of  George  and  Mary  (Campbell);  born  i 
Millerstown,  Pa.,  Jan.  22,  1833;  W.  T.  8.  '63-66  ;  licensed  April  26, 
Presbytery  of  Bedstone;  ordained  Nov.  6,  '66,  same  presbytery;  home  i 
sionary  in  West  Virginia,  *65;  stated  supply  Bull  Creek  '65-66;  pa 
Trent  and  stated  supply  Mt.  Washington  '66-69  ;  pastor  Springfield, 
'69-70,  Nickleville  and  Bockland,  Pa.,  70-76;  missionary  West  Viigii 
'76-81;  pastor  Concord,  O.,  '80-84;  stated  supply  Dell  Roy  '84- 
Downs,  Kan., '87  ;  married  June  9,  '6">,  Nannie  J.,  daughter  of  San 
Johnson.     Presbyterian  minister,  Downs,  Kan. 

Johnson,  John  Gladden. — Son  of  David  and  Margaret  J.  (Rex);  bom  R 
mond,  0.,  April  10,  1843;  United  Slates  Army,  '63-67;  medical  stud 
Heidleberg,  Germany,  and  Paris,  '67-70 ;  practiced  medicine  Sieubenv 
O.,  '67-71,  Detroit,  Mich.,  '71—;  married  B.  L.,  daughter  of  C.  B.  D 
Steubenville,  O.,  also  Alice  M.,  daughter  of  William  Parker,  Deti 
Mich.     Physician,  Detroit,  Mich. 

*JoRDAN,  John  J. — W.  T.  S.  '63-64;  died  probably  as  a  theological  Btud< 

Lbiper,  Hugh  Y. — Son  of  Hugh  and  Esther  (Harper);  born  near  Ho( 
town,  Pa.,  May  13,  1838  ;  teacher  Xenia  Theological  Seminary  '63- 
licensed  April,  '66,  Presbytery  of  Frankfort ;  ordained  Jan.  1,  '68,  F 
Presbytery  of  Ohio;  pastor  Sycamore,  C,  '68-70  ;  Mooretown,  *70— ;  n 
ried  May  28,  '67,  Mary,  daughter  of  William  Rosborough,  Sparta, 
United  Presbyterian  minister,  Moore's  Salt  Works,  O. 

Linn,  John  M. — Son  of  John  R.  and  Margaret  I.  (McKee);  born  Pc 
County,  Pa.,  Feb.  26,  1842;  United  States  Army '63-64  ;  sergeant  t 
Pennsylvania  Cavalry ;  teacher ;  P.  T.  S.  '64-67 ;  licensed  May, 
'Presbytery of  Huntingdon;  ordained  September,  '68,  Presbytery  of  R 
River ;  stated  supply  Cedarville  and  Dakota,  111.,  '68-71 ;  Durand  i 
Sharon,  '71-72;  Lena,  '72-75;  pastor  Winnebago,  '75—;  Geneseo  i 
Munson,  '87;  married  Nov.  9,  '71,  Mary  C,  daughter  of  Hon.  John 
Addams,  Cedarville,  111.;  Stated  Clerk  I*resbytery  of  Freeport  twc 
years.      Presbyterian  minister,  Geneseo,  111. 

McCiREOOR,  John. — Son  of  John  and  Margaret  (McBane);  bom  Wellsvi 
O.,  June  14,  1836;  law  student  Cleveland,  0.;  Loudon  College  '63-^ 
practiced  law  Akron,  'C')— ;  married  Nov.  11,  '68,  Hattie  E.,  daughtei 
William  M.  Folger,  Massillon,  O.     Lawyer,  Akron,  O. 

*^ Morrison,  Alexander  F. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Abbie  (Gordon);  born  Y 
County,  Pa.,  I?)  July  27,  1835;  W.  T.  S.  '63-65;  licensed;67,  Presbyterj 
Donegal;  ordained  '69,  Presbytery  of  Rock  River;  stated  supply  Frank 
Grove  and  Ashton,  III.,  '69;  pastor  New  Harmony,  Pa.,  71-75;  d 
Chanceford,  Pa.,  March  16,  '75.     Presbyterian  minister. 

Noble,  William  Brown.— Born  Bedford,  Pa.,  April  13,  1831 ;  W.  T. 
'63-60 ;  licensed  April,  '65,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon ;  ordained  W 
:^0,  *66,  same  presbytery ;  home  missionary  Glenwood,  Iowa,  '66-< 
pastor  Fort  Madison,  '67-71  ;  East  Mattoon,  '71-72;  Fagg's  Manor,  P 
'72-81  ;  First  Church,  Norristown,  '81-H6;  pastor  San  Diego,  Cal.,  '86 
stated  supply  Coronado  Beach,  'S(j^\  D.D.,  Parsons  College.  Presbyteri 
minister,  San  Diego,  Cal. 


*Paxton,  Geobgb  Mills.— Born  1838  ;  U.  P.  T.  8.,  Allegheny ;  licensed 
April  18,  '66,  Presbytery  of  Chartiers ;  died  Washington  Coanty,  Pa., 
Dec.  14,  '66 ;  oonsamption.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

KiGOS,  Alexander  Brown.— Son  of  Joseph  and  Bebecca  6.  (Baldridge); 
born  Portsmouth,  O.,  June  21,  1842;  law  student  with  Judge  Veech, 
*63-6o;  practiced  law  Nashville,  Tenn.,  '66-66;  Pittsburg,  *66-67 ;  A.  T. 
S.  '67-69;  licensed  April  14,  '69,  Presbytery  of  Cayuga;  ordained  Dec. 
1,  '70,  Claasis  Reformed  Dutch  Church ;  pastor  Reformed  Church,  Fort 
Plains,  N.  Y.,  '70-76;  Presbyterian  Charcb,  Waterford,  '76-;  married 
Oct.  19,  '70,  Charlotte  B.,  daughter  of  B.  S.  K.  Richardson,  Brooklyn,  N. 
Y.;  D.D.    Presbyterian  minister,  Waterford,  N.  Y. 

B1008,  Elliott  S. —Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  C.  C.  and  Mary  ('.  (Todd);  born  Chester, 
IlL,  Jan.  16,  1843;  medical  student  with  Dr.  McConaughy,  Blairsville, 
Pa., '64;  practiced  medicine  Youngstown,  Pa.,  '6()-70;  Emporia,  Kan., 
70-72;  Allegheny,  Pa.,  '72—.        Physician,  Allegheny,  Pa. 

Sherbard,  Robert,  Jr. — Son  of  Robert  A.  and  Mary  (Kithcart);  born  Jef- 
ferson County,  O.,  June  9,  1823  ;  law  student  with  Mason  &  Moody, 
Stenbenville,  O.,  '46-48  ;  practiced  law  Steubenville,  C,  '48-63 ;  banker— 
Sherrard,  Mooney  &  Co.,  '63  ;  Ohio  Stote  Senate,  '61-63 ;  Trustee  Washing- 
ton and  Jefferson  College ;  married  July  2,  '4(),  Sarah  A.,  daughter  of 
Cutler  Salmon;  also  Dec.  13,  '81,  Katie,  daughter  of  Dr.  Thomas 
Johnston.    Banker,  Steubenville,  O.     A.M.,  Washington  College,  '63. 

Slater,  George  B. — Son  of  William  and  Jane  (Reed);  born  Allegheny,  Pa., 
Feb.  22,  1842  ;  shoe  merchant,  Allegheny,  Pa.,  '64-65  ;  oil  business  '65-67; 
bookkeeper  *67 — ;  married  Nov. ^17,  '64,  Martha  E.,  daughter  of  John 
Sloan,  Pittsburg,  Pa.     Residence  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Smart,  James  S. — Son  of  John  G.  and  AnnaM.  (Stevenson);  born  Baltimore, 
Md.,  June  14,  1842;  United  States  Army;  captain  16th  New  York 
Artillery ;  Member  of  Congress,  43d  Congress ;  United  States  Revenue 
Collector,  '83-86  ;  married  Jan.  15,  '69,  Jane  E.,  daughter  of  Zina  Sher- 
man.    Residence,  Cambridge,  N.  Y. 

Snodqrass,  William  Johnston. — Son  of  James  and  Lydia  (Clark);  born 
Allegheny  County,  Pa.,  Nov.  3,  1840  ;  coal  merchant ;  business  Pittsburg, 
Pa.;  married  June  23,  '68,  Sarah  Risher.  Coal  merchant,  residence,  Cam- 
den, Pa. 

*Spro0ll,  Thomas  Alexander — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Thomas  and  Magdalena 
(Wallace);  born  Allegheny,  Pa.,  Oct.  13,  1842;  Reformed  Presbyterian 
Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny  ;  pastor  New  Alexandria,  Pa.,  '68-78  ; 
married  '69,  Emma  Stewart;  died  (Gainesville,  Fla.,  April  8,  '7S. 
Reformed  Presbyterian  minister,  New  Alexandria,  Pa. 

Stewart,  Thomas  H. — Son  of  Dr.  Z.  G.  and  Jane  (Laird);  born  Murrysville, 
Westmoreland  County,  Pa.,  Oct.  10,  1838;  studied  medicine  with  Dr. 
Barnett,  Canonsburg,  Pa.,  and  Michigan  University,  '()3-68 ;  practiced 
medicine  Church  Hill,  Trumbull  County,  O.,  70—;  Ohio  Legislature 
'86-87,  '87-89;  married  June  6,  '70,  Sarah  G.,  daughter  of  Dr.  I.  W. 
Snowden,  Cumberland  County,  Pa.     Physician,  ('hurch  Hill,  O. 






Stewart,  Thomas  Calvin.— Son  of  John  G.  and  Elizabeth  (Steinman); 
Alexandria,  Pa.,  July  28,  1839;  W.  T.  S.  'G3-0.3 ;  P.  T.  8.  N)" 
licensed  Jan.  9,  *G0,  Presbjter/  of  Huntingdon ;  ordained  June  10 
Presbytery  of  New  Lisbon  ;  pastor  Niles,  O.,  and  Liberly,  M<;-78  ;  S 
'78-80;  Brazil,  Ind.,  '80—;  published  **  Sabbath  Observance,"  ' 
Nation  "  ;  married  Nov.  20  *(>7,  Sarah  I).,  daughter  of  William  \^ 
Niles,  O.     Presbyterian  minister,  Brazil,  Ind. 

Weiss,  John  H.— Son  of  John  and  Martha  (Strickler);  born  Shaeffert 
Lebanon  Co.,  Pa.,  Teb.  23,  1840;  law  student  with  Hon.  David  Mui 
Harrisburg;  practiced  law  Harrisburg '05 — ;  married  June  7,  wO,  Virg 
daughter  of  John  E.  Fox.     Lawyer,  Harrisburg,  Pa. 

Wilson,  Henry  Rowan. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Henry  R.  and  Sarah  (Little); 
Futteghur,  India,  Nov.  22,  1843 ;  P.  T.  S.  '64H57  ;  ordained  Presbyte] 
St.  Louis;  slated  supply  Kingston  and  Diamond  Lalce,  iMinn.,  Gales 
Wis.,  '07-70  ;  Treasurer  Board  of  Church  Erection  '70-80 ;  married 
7,  '7."),  Jennie  A.,  daughter  of  John  A.  Moir,  New  York.  Presbyt 


*Ale.vanuer,  Albert. — Son  of  William  and  Maria  (McCoy);  born  Me 
Pa.;  United  States  Army,  109th  Regiment  Pennsylvania  V^olunteerp;  V 
in  battle,  Petersburg,  Va.,  April  2,  ISO'. 

Alexander,  L.  Dade. — Son  of  James  Brutus  and  Lucy  F.  (Dade);  born 
Run,   Ky.,  May  12,    ISi:^;  banker,  New  York  City,  '0') — ;  married 
12,  '00,  Orline,  daughter  of  Newton  Si.  John ;  New  York  City. 

Barron,  James  Potter. — Son  of  John  and  Jance  C.  (Ferguson);  bornO 
Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  23,  183.J  ;  teacher  West  Virginia  and  Missouri ;  law  stu 
with  W.  C.  Carker  and  R.  B.  Robinson ;  practiced  law  Pleasant  Hill, 
'69-79,  Loudonville,  O.,  '79-84;  edited  Troy  Democrat ' S4--;  married 
24,  '(JO,  Libbie  MuUins,  also  June  24,  '70,  Mary  A.  Galloway.  Editoi 
lawyer,  Troy,  O. 

Beatty,  Samuel  Jameson.— Son  of  Jameson  and  Margaret  (Mclntyre); 
Washington  Co.,  June  10,  1839;  W.  T.  S.  '64-66  ;  licensed  '07,  Presbj 
of  Pittsburg;  ordained '77,  Presbytery  of  Catawba;  teacher;  Professt 
Hebrew,  Biddie  University ;  missionary  neighboring  churches ;  mai 
July  11,  '70,  Hattie  N.,  daughter  of  Rev.  Watson  Hughes.  Presbyte 
minister,  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

*Brown,  Robert  Madison.— Son  of  William  and  Eliza  (Warner);  born  ^ 
port,  Pa.,  Aug.  11,  1839;  W.  T.  S.  '04-07;  licensed  April  10,  '06,  Prt 
tery  of  .\llegheny  City  ,  ordained  Oct.  0,  '08,  Presbytery  of  Beaver;  p: 
West  Middlesex,  Pa.,  '08-71,  Rouseville  '71-73,  Irwin  '73-76,  Centre  ( 
Col.,  '77,  KiMsworth,  Pa  .  '77-SO,  Bellaire,  O.,  '81-87.  Wellsburg,  W. 
'87 — ,  lujirried  Oct.  8,  '08,  Kittie  J  ,  daughter  of  John  R.  Blaine,  Bri 
water.  Pa.;  died  Wellsburg,  W.  Va.,  April  19, '89;  D.D.,  '80,  Wash 
ton  and  Jefferson  College.     Presbyterian  minister,  Wellsburg,  W.   Va. 

JErFEKs«>N    (<>LLB1«E.  2^1 

Bkbges,  Alb£KT  J.  (fonMrir  Lerenbeiigvri. — Son  cf  Jao*b  ad*!  Marf  Aoa 
(Biyaoty  Lejcober^ger  ;  bum  Wa»hiagioa  Co.,  Pa.,  J 1115  27,  is^r ;  N.  W. 
T-  S.  *I>4-*J7;  liceiued  Majr,  Vi,  Prfei^vierr  of  Chlcag  1 ;  oniaiii^d  June  l-i, 
'68,  Presbyterr  of  Biuomini^  q;  pasi ..r  U 2C> .In,  L,.,  *'.7-7«»,  Firrt  Chorcfc, 
fiockford,  *7'»-74,  Ch*n.j.a:^  •74-^1  :  stated  fU.p'.r  Pi-:«rrebarg  ''•2-^ 
past^'F  IndiiUK.Ia,  la.,  *'^^  — ;  u.arrit'd  April  ^J.  ''7,  M&rrJ.,  dku^faier  of 
KeT.  William  Hughes.     Prr^brurrian  minlK^rr,  Tn<^ian-.»ia,  I  jva. 

'Caldwki^U  Ebeiteziix  Byram. — X>d  of  Wiiiiam  S.  and  yxz^-jr  Cann'in^iMin*; 
b«»rn  \Ve*:n..^reUiid  i-.,  P»-,  Mar  25,  1^4;  iea.:.t-r  '.--O;  W.  T.  Sw 
'»>•'»-.•  t^;  licensed  Jan.  2:1,  *«^*,  Prt^bj: err  of  li*:^!*:  nt: ;  o:  i-l:*td  Jurie  S^ 
*»>i^  Presbyrtrry  of  Wcwtler  ;  fita:«rd  §>uj  j-.r  ar.J  p:.<  r  H  |.-e-w<r*i  a-.d  Na&l^ 
vilie,  O.,  '(>>-7s,  S;-revc  *t.>-73 ;  F":*ari.lai  ><«'.r»i'r  W  •j»tcT  L'r.lTertitjr 
'83~M ;  siaitd  6Jjj'>  Mi.^h  Clot.:.,  MIr-n«^f*  .1*  '-4 — 7;  t  arr  -1  April 
13,  '7-j,  Nellie,  daughter  of  Aislnrw  Laj^juMirr:  dl-i  M.sfMsapol.^.  M^na^ 
Dec  A>,  *s7-     Prebbjierian  n.lni&:«-r. 

CiJUK,  WnxLAJC  BKACrASi>. — S«  <f  WLIiani  C.  ar-i  Jar.e  M.  Hu:.!  ;  b  r» 
Iilai^d  Cr«k-  O.,  O.l.  li,  1-4:  ;  far-^«rr  *  -4-7  ;  W.  1 .  t.  7.-:;.  il  ^:.«<d 
April  4,  '7 J,  Prfei'vierj  of  >:.  ^•-z.tI.:*'  ;  * :  -.  !:-*-i  M 17  S'.,  T  .!':*•-:  *  "ery 
of  BlairsTLIe;  paf^tir  L'vtrr:-  re.  Pi..  "7-7  :  I'l"^:  en'gt.  -i  •  — ; 
married  Mar  27,  '7  s  y^rkii  T..  C-u^  T^rr  •  f  Ja*  *-*  l*'.'.ktj.  a-»^  '•'7,  Vis 
Sarah  Uite.  cli^l»u-r.  Latr  imt,  I'a. 

^  1*9XI3CGHAX,  T.  D-— >'-a  ff  J  -ra  ar.-i  R:'.  'Vj.,*:^  :  r,  r=.  h-alrfci'.^*-. 
Pa.,  Aug.  17,  l*w.-;  U'I.mI  Mkt«§  A-  t,  ;  -.:  .  .  ^>-  »  .:  ',  ♦.  i.^-  r:.*^-.t 
Penn^jlranla  V  .  j:i:e*-rf '•  J^-- :  ct*r  *-.' F.r-:  *•'•-.'  l*.  I  1.1..  7  i.rn'  .•-, 
Pa.,  'V-  -;  n-irr'.^  J  -i.e  1^,  '*7,  Ue.ea  ^..  ca:i^.  t^r  f  Bt;.  •*.  ii  ^'  ep- 
ier;  rteidezfi.«  B-air^r'^e.  Pa- 

K'-K?T,  Al.B£KT  S, — ^S*^'^ '•f  J'hsS  aad  E.^ra^^-tr.  Hai;:.a  .  t»  tl  '.-e-tr  ^^^r  nek, 
Clin;,  n  C  ,  Pa,  N  t.  14,  :-^4-:  .-rfc.---i.;w  .-  i..»  •--.  .♦ 
PJu;  prac-Jjvd  law  L  ..c  KaT*c  f  r  a  *  n  :>i.*.  f."  *-'  • 
f'edar  >prii^;  married  *.*  vr  7..  Anr-e  J-  hr.wL.  1  tr2f*rr.  '  — c»j- 
Sprl£.^&.  Pa. 

tfAMBLE,  J'^^LFH- — ^&0B  f  Ant.Iut  i  ir.i  L'.'=1m  t-  Et*  c  .  t^i-n  '^^  L».iUA, 
Mo..  S^p:  •.  :^4J:  P.  I.  ^.  -r-^' :  .  ^----^i  "*-:  *-  •er.  .  .  r-^-i  *-▼ 
of  Sew  Y  rk  :  o--tI-*-i  A: '.  .  *•  •.  I  -^^  }  ^rr  ri  *  -  •  -  :  .  ;.  •  1^ 
cinoa'J.  0..  •7-*'  P  >:-t.-.  "^  ?*'  Y  .'-—:•  i'-^ --*:-.  ^'  "  .lur*. 
da'  .^f  Ker- Lt  A.*x- 1 .  M  -  j.—  i-r**rj  -•  *•-  it.' .^.*r  r  »:^:ii.-^ 
X.  Y- 

G1LFU.LAS.  AjrDKiw  I>."i:/. — >.■!.  :f  Aiidre^  fc-  aad  A:r  «  i^.^v*-.  :•■.-■ 
ALezneuT^  ..  Pa.,  J*.  :_  :v«^:  I  .  i.  7.  •?..  A--c:-i  -  .  ..  .-i.^  „  .  ;.-  . 
4,  **i7.  r-;*^i  Pr*?**!^-*'  LI.  ?'•••        •;.:••    t.     *-I  T:  '    ._     •  ;  .  -    .•  i -.- 

ria.  X.  Y.  '   •        21.1  »---!•! i  r  4     '      X-v'-'*'-  -'••^  "•**         -"i.-*-     --r- 
doo.     Uaii*"-  Prtft.*.7-.^'-a-_  -i  *.--.«.•    J  e.-r  t    -*-    i 

Gax,  WcLUJUf  Ht«jm  —  >  "i  :'  H-.r*  t- c  I-  s*  1'; «  ;*«.  :  :,  -:  Z-*-Air^ 
Feb.  27,  1?4:  :  P.  7.  -.    '^  ■-       V.     7     •       .  -  '  -:  ^ .     .    - 

pRsbrierr   cf    O  .*    :    '.Ti  -*<-'.*  :^-         '     ?-*-.* -*-t     -         .   -.•    ^^ -. 

•    1 . 


Allegheny,  72-78.  Weetfield,  N.  J.,  78-82,  Otoego,  N.  Y.,  *82-86,  Chu; 
of  the  Evangel,  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  '86—;  married  Jane  23,  '67,  Kate  B 
sell.     Presbyterian  minister,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

GoRMLEY,  (teouge  C. — Son  of  John  A.  and  Susan  (Bowman);  bom  Oct. 
1841;  banker;  cashier  First  National  Bank,  Bucjrus,  O.;  married  J 
4,  '66,  Sallie,  daughter  of  C.  H.  Ward.     Banker,  Bucyrus,  O. 

II ILL,  WiNFiELD  EuCLiD.— Son  of  Sanford  C.  and  Sarah  (Leech);  born  E 
Liverpool,  O.,  June  2,  1842  ;  W.  T.  S.  '6f>-68 ;  licensed  AprU  29,  ' 
Presbytery  of  New  Lisbon  ;  ordained  May  11,  76,  Presbytery  of  Lii 
stated  supply  Gettysburg,  '69-72  ;  Fletcher,  O.,  '69-70;  Wapakon< 
'72-76;  Ottawa,  '76-79:  Fairview,  W.  Va.,  '79—;  published  **Ornill 
ogy  of  the  Pan-Handle,"  "Botany  of  the  Pan- Handle  "  ;  married  Se 
29,  '70,  Nannie  J.,  daughter  of  David  Horner.  Presbyterian  minisi 
Fairview,  VV.  Va. 

HowENSTiNE,  Emanuel  Jay.— Son  of  Jacob  and  Martha;  bom  Bacyr 
O.,  April  5,  1842;  law  student  with  Jacob  Scroggs,  Bucyrus,  O.,  '64-( 
practiced  law  Belief ontaine,  O.,  '66 — ;  married  Oct.  31,  *67,  Mi 
Defrees,  also  July  19,  '86,   Effie   Armstrong.     Lawyer,    Bellefontaine, 

Jennings,  Samuel  D. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Samuel  C.  and  Emma  (Paasavai 
born  Temperanceville,  Pa.,  June  11,  1844;  medical  student  with  Dr.  F 
ter  and  Jefferson  Medical  College,  '64-68  ;  practiced  medicine  Perry svi 
Pa.,  '66-67;  Beers,  Allegheny  County,  Pa.,  '70 — ;  married  May  26,  ' 
Juliet  E.,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr.  L.  R.  McAboy;  ruling  elder;  Pres 
terian  Church.     Physician,  Beers,  Pa. 

Knepper,  Charles.— Born  Albany,  Pa.,  Dec.  3,  1834;  P.  T.  8.,  '64-< 
Mercersburg  Theological  Seminary ;  ordained  Dec.  29,  *67,  Gern 
Reformed  Classis  of  Illinois;  pastor  German  Reformed  Church,  Forest 
111.,  '67-70 ;  Reimersburg,  Pa.,  and  Principal  Clarion  Institute,  '71 
editor  Mansfield  VaJUey^  '71  -. 

McCoNKEY,  William  James.— Son  of  Samuel  and  Mary  (McBride);  b< 
Cambridge,  O.,  June  28,  1837  ;  W.  T.  S.  '64-67 ;  licensed  April  26,  ' 
Presbytery  of  Zanesville ;  ordained  Dec.  f5,  '67,  same  presbytery ;  pas 
Mt.  Zion,  O.,  '67-75 ;  Grove  City,  Pa.,  '75  ;  married  June  23,  '70,  He 
H  ,  daughter  of  G.  W.  Pringle.     Presbyterian   minister.  Grove  City,  1 

McMuRTRiE,  Edward  Stewart.  — Son  of  William  E.  and  Margaret  (Wl 
taker);  born  Huntingdon,  Pa.,  Aug.  13,  1842;  law  student  with  W. 
Stewart,  '64-66 ;  practiced  law  Huntingdon,  Pa.,  '66 — ;  unmarried.  Lj 
yer,  Huntingdon,  Pa. 

Maoill,  Hezekiah.  — Son  of  William  and  Margaret  (Griffith);  born  Ish 
Creek,  O.,  Sept.  12,  1842;  W.  T.  S.,  '64-67;  licensed  April  26,  '66,  Pi 
bytery  of  Steubenville;  ordained  May  9,  '67,  Presbytery  of  Kittannii 
pastor  Concord  and  Mahoning,  Pa.,  '69-72;  Apollo,  '72-79;  Union  a 
Midway,  '79-84;  Prairie  City,  111.,  '84-86;  Council  Grove,  Kan.,  '86 
married  Jan.  25,  '69,  Alice  A.,  daughter  of  William  Neems.  Pres 
terian  minister.  Council  Grove,  Kan. 


MooBE,  John  McAfee. — Son  of  John  and  Matilda  (McAfee);  born  Taren- 
tom,  Pa.,  May  19,  1833;  W.  T.  S.,  '64-()7 ;  teacher  '67-;  PennsviUe, 
Scotdale,  Latrobe,  Homer,  Derry  Station.    Teacher,  Derry  Station,  Pa. 

MoBTOK,  Samuei^  Mills. — Son  of  William  and  Hannah  (Slemmons);  bom 
Lawrence  County,  Pa.,  April  20,  1840;  teacher  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  '64-65; 
W.  T.  S.,  '65-67 ;  licensed  April  2o,  '66,  Presbytery  of  Beaver;  ordained 
March  22,  '68,  Presbytery  of  St.  Louis ;  pastor  North  Church,  St.  Louis, 
*67-71;  Urbana,  III.,  '71-74;  Westminster  Church,  Jacksonville,  '74— ; 
married  Oct.  2,  '67,  Julia  A.,  daughter  of  Nathan  D.  Allen.  Presby- 
terian minister,  Jacksonville,  111. 

^MudSES,  Robert  Stukoeon.— Son  of  John  M.  and  Jane;  bom  Noblestown, 
Pa.,  Feb.  14,  1842;  teacher  and  civil  engineer,  '64-68:  law  student; 
practiced  law  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  '68-88 ;  married  Dec.  25,  '67,  Gertrude 
Comstock ;  died  St.  Joseph,  Mo.,  June,  'S8.     Lawyer. 

t^ATTEBSON,  James  Walker.  — Son  of  Andrew  and  Ann  Elisa  (Walker);  bora 
Academia,  Juniata  County,  Pa.,  Jan.  28,  1836;  teacher  Tuscarora  Female 
Seminary,  '64-69 ;  Osceola  Mills,  Pa.,  '69-70 ;  Kbensburg,  '70-71  ;  Edge- 
hill  School,  N.  J.,  '71-72;  Shade  Gap,  Pa.,  '72-73;  Mt.  Union,  '73^74; 
West  Dublin;  '75-76;  Bedford,  '76—;  married  July  3,  '65,  Margaret  J. 
Lyon.     Teacher,  Bedford,  Pa. 

Patterson,  Thomas  Harlan  BAraD.-Son  of  Joseph  N.  and  Mary  (Baird); 
born  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  May  6,  1844  ;  United  States  Army  '64-(35  ;  law  student 
with  Judge  Baird  and  R.  B.  Patterson,  and  George  Shiras,  '65-66;  prac- 
tice<l  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '67 — ;  member  Constitutional  Convention.  Penn- 
sylvania. '72-73;  married  June  21,  '77,  Sarah  C,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr. 
W.  W.  Lord.     Lawyer,  139  Fourth  Avenue,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

*Perrine,  Wit^liam  KiNa. — Son  of  Isaac  and  Sarah ;  born  Monroe,  Butler 
County,  O.,  March  15,  1840;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Barnett,  Canons- 
burg,  Pa.;  practiced  medicine  Cincinnati,  O.,  '()7-71 ;  Monticello,  Minn., 
'71-73;  Minneapolis,  '73-75;  Pleasant  Ridge,  ().,  '76-78;  married  Sept. 
20,  '70,  Emma  L.  Perrine;  died  Mt.  Healthy,  O.,  Feb.  19,  '79,  chronic 
catarrh  of  bowels.     Physician. 

RoBB,  John  Soott. — Son  of  Mark  and  Jane  S.  (Donaldson);  born  Allegheny 
County,  Pa.,  April  30,  1830;  law  student  with  James  I.  Kuhn ;  pr.icliced 
law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '66 — ;  Pennsylvania  Legislature  '70-71 ;  District  Attor- 
ney, Allegheny  County,  '78-84;  married  April  7,  '59,  Mary  A.,  daughter 
of  William  Hemmingway.     Lawyer,  1  Wylie  Avenue,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

RoBB,  Robert  S. — Son  of  Ebenezer  and  Eliza;  born  Washington  County, 
Pa.,  Aug.  25,  1841;  U.  P.  T.  S.,  Allegheny,  '65-66;  teacher  '64-<)7; 
United . States  Army;  law  student  with  Judge  Kirkpatrick,  '67-69;  mer- 
chant, '70 — ;  married  Emma  S.,  daughter  of  Alexander  Boyd.  Merchant; 
residence,  Allegheny,  Pa. 

STANFORD,  Joseph  Donaldson. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Rebecca  (Merchant); 
born  Allegheny  County,  Pa.,  Oct.  10,  1832;  principal  Bethel  Academy, 
'64,  '74-76;  graded  schools,  West  Elizabeth,  Pa.,  '67-68;  McKeesport, 
'68-69  ;    principal  North  Sewickley  Academy,  '71  ;    New  ITagerstown,  O., 


'72-7,S ;  graded  scIiooIb,  East  Palestine,  O,,  73-74 ;  farmer  and  survejor 
Allegheny  and  Washington  Counties,  *77 — ;  married  Nov.  17,  *81,  Sarah 
P.,  daughter  of  Wiiiiara  Armstrong.     Residence,  Library,  Pa. 

•Thompson,  Alexander  Scrooos.— Born  Big  Spring,  Pa.,  April  28,  1834 ; 
P.  T.  8.,  'G4-6ti ;  VV.  T.  S.,  'GO-69  ;  licensed  April,  '66,  Presbytery  of  New 
Brunswick ;  ordained  Nov.  20,  '67,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny ;  pastor 
Worthington,  Pa.,  '67-78  ;  died  Worthington,  Pa.,  Dec.  4,78.  Presby- 
terian minister. 

Waggoner,  Dickson  Reynolds.— Son  of  Rev.  David  and  Elisabeth  B. 
(Hatch),  born  Sheakleyville,  Pa.,  Jan.  12, 1844;  medical  student,  Medical 
College,  Ohio,  '69-71  ;  practiced  medicine  Mercer  Co.,  Pa.,  '71-74,  McKean, 
Erie  Co.,  Pa.,  '74-84,  Orleans,  Neb.,  '84—;  married  May  18,  '65,  Phoebe 
C.  McCready.     Physician,  Orleans,  Neb. 

White,  William  Allison.— Son  of  Andrew  and  Eliza  (Quiggley);  bom 
Beech  Creek,  Pa.,  April  9,  1843;  law  student,  Lock  Haven,  Pa.,  with  C. 
G.  Hunt,  '65-67  ;  practiced  law  Lock  Haven,  Pa.,  '67 — .  Lawyer,  Lock 
Haven,  Pa. 

Wilson,  James  C  — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Samuel  and  Mary  (Cunningham);  born 
Xenia,  O.,  May  31,  1840;  L*.  P.  T.  S.,  Xenia,  '65-68;  licensed  April  30, 
*67,  Presbytery  of  Xenia;  ordained  April  13,  '69,  Presbytery  of  Allegheny 
pastor  Beaver,  Pa.,  '69-72,  Third  Church,  Philadelphia,  72-75,  Erie 
76 — ;  married  Henrietta  M.,  daughter  of  Jacob  Hassler.  United  Presby- 
terian minister,  Erie,  Pa. 


Alcott,  Auaz  N. — Son  of  George  and  Eliza  (Allen);  born  Olmstead,  0.,  Dec. 
4,  1839;  W.  T.  S.  '68-70;  licensed  April,  '69,  Presbytery  of  Richland; 
ordained  '70,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Savannah,  0.,  '71-74,  Fredericks- 
burg, '74-79  ;  withdrew  from  presbytery  '79  ;  ordained  Unitarian  Church 
'82  ;  pastor  Unitarian  Church,  Kalamazoo,  Mich.,  '82—;  married  July, 
*72,  Theresa  A.  Kerr.     Unitarian  minister,  Kalamazoo,  Mich. 

•Bracken,  Thomas  S. — Son  of  Reid  and  Hannah  (Calahan);  born  near  Can- 
onsburg.  Pa.,  Dec.  1,  1842  ;  U.  P.  T.  S.,  Allegheny,  '65-69;  licensed  Sep- 
tember,  '67,  United  Presbyterian  Presbytery  of  Michigan;  ordained  Aug. 
19,  *69,  Presbytery  of  Detroit;  pastor  Port  Huron,  Mich.,  '69-72;  infirm  ; 
pastor  United  Presbyterian  Church,  Oil  City,  Pa.,  *75;  married  Jan.  12, 
'71,  Carrie  E.,  daughter  of  Henry  A.  Chapin ;  died  Niles,  Mich.,  Nov.  -i, 
*75,  consumption  of  bowels.     United  Presbyterian  minister. 

BaowN,  William  F. — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  A.  B.  and  Elizabeth  (Nevin);  born 
Canonsburg,  Pa.,  1843;  W.  T.  S.,  '65-68;  licensed  April,  '69,  Presbytery 
of  Ohio  ;  ordained '72,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Canonsburg  '72-75,  New- 
ark, O.,  '75-79;  principal  Canonsburg  Academy,  '84-88.  Presbyterian 
minister,  Canonsburg,  Pa. 

Cronemp:yer,  Charles  F.  William.— Son  of  F.  W.  and  M.;  born  Detmold, 
Germany,  April  4,  1848  ;  painter  '65-70  ;  preacher  and  teacher  '70  ;  artist, 
photographer  and  preacher,  '80-  ;  married  July  17,  '67,  Elizabeth  J. 
Smith.     Preacher,  Ravenna,  O. 


*l)osAiA)QOVf  John  W. — Born  Washington,  Co.,  Pa.;  law  student  with  R.  M. 
Gibson,  Washington,  Pa.;  practiced  law  Plttobarg,  Pa.,  1867>84;  died 
Pittsburg,  Pa.,  *84.     Lawyer. 

Flexing,  Josevh  Uendebson. — Son  of  James  and  Kliza  Betay  (Wills);  bom 
Mifflin  Co.,  Pa.,  June  18,  1841;  P.  T.  S.,  '6t)-<>7;  W.  T.  S.,  '67-69; 
licensed  April,  *69,  Presbytery  of  Huntingdon;  ordained  June,  '70,  Pres- 
bytery of  Northumberland  ;  pastor  and  slated  supply  Centralia  and  Mt. 
Carmel,  Pa.,  '71-73;  Robert  Kennedy  Memorial  Church,  Welsh  Run,  73 — ; 
nuurried  May  14,  74,  Margaret  F.,  daughter  of  Timothy  Boyle.  Presby- 
terian minister,  Welsh  Run,  Pa. 

Floyd,  Henry  S.— Son  of  Rev.  Moses  and  ArviatU  (Steely);  born  Belleville, 
Mifflin  Co.,  Pa.,    Oct.  28,  1846;  law  student  with  Hon.  R.  E.  Wright, 

Allentown,  *69-72 ;  practiced  law  Pittsburg  73—  ;  married  ,  to  Laura 

Neely,  Pittsburg. 

Galt,  Thomas. — Son  of  Rev.  Thomas  and  Sarah  (Happer);  born  Springfield, 
111.,  July  10,  1844 ;  N.  W.  T.  S.,  '64-67 ;  licensed  April,  '67,  Presbytery  of 
Chicago;  ordained  May,  '69,  same  presbytery;  stated  supply  and  pastor 
First  Church,  Aurora,Ill.,  '68 — ;  married  Aug.  o,  '69,  Jennette,  daughter, 
of  George  McFarland.     Presbyterian  minister,  Aurora,  111. 

(jREGG,  David. — Son  of  David  and  Mary  (Rafferty);  born  Allegheny,  Pa., 
March  2*5,  1845;  Reformed  Presbyterian  Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny; 
pastor  New  York  City,  70-87 ;  Boston,  Mass.,  '87—;  editor  Our  Banner, 
'74-86 ;  married  70,  Kate  Etheridge.  Reformed  Presbyterian  minister, 
Boston,  Mass. 

Harmon,  John  F.— Son  of  John  M.  and  Martha  F.  (Croaise);  born  Duffields, 
W.  Va.,  May  1,  1844 ;  banker  (Hanby  &  Harman);  married  May  19,  '74, 
Amelia,  daughter  of  William  Gray.  Banker,  24  Nassau  Street,  New 
York  City. 

Hill,  Mebiden  S. — Son  of  Sanford  G.  and  Sarah  (Leech);  born  East  Liver- 
pool, O  ,  Nov.  26,  1843;  medical  student;  practiced  medicine  East  Liver- 
pool ;  druggist ;  ruling  elder  Presbyterian  Church.  Physician,  East 
Liverpool,  O. 

HiNDMAN,  Thomas. — Son  of  John  and  Rachel  (Stevenson);  born  Indiana  Co., 
Pa.,  June  12,  1833;  United  States  Army,  38ih  Regiment  Pennsylvania 
Volunteers,  '61-62;  principal  Public  Schools,  Oil  City,  Pa.;  Kittanning; 
law  student,  Butler  and  Kittanning,  Cleveland  Law  School,  '68  ;  practiced 
law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '68-78,  Gove  Co.,  Kan.,  78-8o;  Keystone  Hotel, 
Qrainfields,  Kan.,  '85—;  married  '74,  Miss  Marshall.  Lawyer,  Grain- 
fields,  Kan. 

JiSVNiNOB,  William  K. — Son  of  John  F.  and  Elizabeth  B.  (Fits  Gerald);  born 
Allegheny,  Pa.,  July  25,  1844;  law  student  with  Hon.  H.  W.  Williams 
'6^-67  ;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '67—;  married  Sept.  17,  '74,  Alice  H., 
daughter  of  Jefferson  Crawford.  Lawyer,  161  Fifth  Avenue,  Pitts- 
burg, Pa. 


Johnson,  John  M.— Son  of  Dr.  Thomas  J.  and  Catherine  (Johnson);  boraSteo- 
benville,  O.,  Dec.  15,  1846 ;  cashier  Union  Bank,  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  maDv 
years  ;  cashier  Sherrard,  Mooney  &  Co.,  Steubenviile,  O.,  six  years;  drug- 
gist same  city  till  date  ;  unmarried  ;  residence  Steubenviile,  O. 

Kblso,  Alexander  Peebles. — Son  of  James  A.  and  Elizabeth  J.  (Linn);  born 
neai  Oakvilie,  Pa.,  Oct.  4,  1840;  medical  student;  W.  T.  S. '6d-68 ;  P. 
T.  S.  '68-69  ;  licensed  and  ordained  '69,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle ;  foreign 
missionary  to  India  '70 — ;  married  Oct.  12,  '70,  Louisa  Mary,  daughter  of 
Lieut.  John  C.  Bolton,  at  Dehra  Doon,  India.  Presbyterian  minister, 
Saharanpur,  India. 

MacConnell,  Thomas,  Jr. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Mary  A.;  born  Allegheny 
City  Pa.,  July  29,  1844;  law  student  with  Thomas  MacConnell;  married 
Sept.  14,  '75,  Matilda  J.  Gross;  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

^McCreery,  Samuel. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Margaret ;  born  Livermore,  Indiana 
Co.,  Pa.  Nov  20  1838;  teacher;  principal  Elderton  Academy  '66-()H, 
Indiana  Public  Schools  '69-73,  Classical  Department  Newell  Institute,  Pitts- 
burg, '73-88 ;  married  June  30,  '7-'),  Lizzie  Carter ;  died  Livermore,  Pa., 
June  19,  '88.     Teacher. 

McFarland,  George  M.— Born :  W.  T.  S.  1860-68;  licensed  '67,  Pres- 
bytery of  Washington;   licentiate  '67-69  ;  license  recalled. 

McIlvaine,  John  Addison. — Son  of  William  and  Matilda  (Mcllvainc);  born 
April  13,  1843  ;  law  student  with  BoydCrumrine  '66-67  ;  Treasurer's  Office 
'67-69  ;  Kansas  '69-7*2  ;  practiced  law  Washington,  Pa.,  '72 — ;  adjutant 
10th  Regiment  National  Guard  Pennsylvania  '80-82;  District  Attorney 
'75-81 ;  Presiding  Judge  Twenty -seventh  Judicial  District  of  Pennsylvania 
'87 — ;  married  Dec.  17,  '74,  Ada  C,  daughter  of  James  T.  Shaw.  Law- 
yer, Washington,  lU. 

*McKinney,  John  R. — Son  of  Abraham  S.  and  Margaret  (Reynolds);  born 
Cumberland  Co.,  Pa.,  July  1('>,  184'>  :  manufacturer;  married  Nov.  6,  '7J, 
Kate,  daughter  of  Frederick  Swannell;  died  Peoria,  111.,  June  3,  '76,  con- 

McKowN,  Samuel  Hunter. — Sou  of  John  and  Eloisa  (DeMosb);  born  Ctcp- 
rardstown,  Va.,  March  2U,  1842;  P.  T.  S.  '66-68;  licensed  July  8,  6i\ 
Presbytery  of  New  Cantle  ;  ordained  July  8,  '69,  same  presbytery;  siattd 
suppl)  and  pastor  First  Church,  Wilmington,  '68-74,  East  Liverpool,  0., 
'77,  Mt.  Holly,  N.  J.,  '79-80;  infirm '80-87.  Presbyterian  minister,  (^er- 
rardstown,  W.  Va. 

*MiTCHELL,  Andrew  W. — Son  of  Isaac  W.  and  Sallie  Ann  (White);  born 
March  19,  1845,  Wheeling,  W.  Va.;  cotton  broker  from  '67,  St.  Louis,  Mo.; 
married  October,  *67,  Ella,  daughter  of  James  Carson ;  died  October,  *>^7. 
St.  Louis,  Mo.     Cotton  broker. 

Nkill,  Samuel  Tait. — Son  of  Captain  William  T.  and  Jane  (McCaslin);  born 
Neillsburg,  Venango  Co.,  Pa.,  July  16,  1841;  law  student  with  Lewis  (. 
Cassidy,  and  Pennsylvania  University;  practiced  law  Tilusville,  Pj«  . 
'68-83,  Warren  '83—;  married  June  lo,  '71,  Julia  L.,  daughter  of  Rev. 
James  Sinclair.     Lawyer,  Warren,  Pa. 

JEFFER.SON    <  ALLEGE.  267 

Pkraihe,  Thomas  A.— Son  of  Isaac  V.  and  Sarah  ;  born  Monroe,  O.,  Sept. 
5,  1842;  law  student  University  of  Michigan  ;  practiced  law  Buffalo,  Minn., 
'68-69;  Probate  Judge,  Wright  Co.,  Minn.,  '69-74;  Superintendent  of 
Schools ;  practiced  law  Denver,  Col.;  married  Oct.  15,  '79,  Mrs.  Ines  E. 
Miller.     Lawyer,  Denver,  Col. 

^Pa&kks,  Thomas  U. — Son  of  Andrew  and  Ann  Eliza  (Doty);  born  Pennsyl- 
vania, Dec.  4,  1843;  grain  and  stock  broker;  married  Charlotte,  daughter 
of  Amos  Martin.     Business,  Emsworth,  Penn. 

*PiucE,  Robert  W. — Born  Centreville,  Eastern  Shore  of  Maryland ;  studied  law 
Baltimore  ;  practiced  law  Baltimore,  Pittsburg ;  married  June  25,  '67,  Mary 
£.,  daughter  of  George  P.  Hamilton ;  died  Baltimore,  Md.,  April,  '74, 

Bea,  John.— Son  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  J.  (McKee);  born  Pittsburg,  Pa., 
Dec.  31,  1843 ;  W.  T.  S.  'iJo-6S  ;  l\  T.  S.  '68-69  ;  licensed  AprU,  '68,  Pres- 
bytery of  PitUburg;  ordained  May  6,  '69,  Presbytery  of  Chester;  pastor 
Downingtown,  Pa.,  '69-72;  home  missionary  Port  Townsend,  \V.  T., 
'72-78,  Oakland,  Cal.,  '78-80 ;  pastor-elect  Watsonville  '80-83,  assistant 
pastor  Congregational  Church,  Oakland,  'S3 — ;  married  May  6,  '77,  Catha- 
rine P.,  daughter  of  J.  B.  Ford.     Presbyterian  minister,   Oakland,  Cal, 

RiTCHEY,  John  Hamilton.— Son  of  Hamilton  and  Jane  (McAUen);  born 
Ganges,  O.,  June  26,  1840  ;  W.  T.  S.  '()5-68 ;  licensed  May  9,  '67,  Presby- 
tery  of  Richland  ;  ordained  June  28,  '69,  Presbytery  of  Winnebago  ;  pas- 
tor Portage,  Wis.,  '69-74  ;  slated  supply  Quincy,  Mich.,  '74-75 ;  Rock- 
ford,  111.,  '75-78 ;  First  Church,  Canton,  O.,  '80  ;  Independence,  Iowa, 
'80-87;  Portage,  Wis.,  '87—;  married  May  18,  '71,  Ella  L.,  daughter 
of  Dr.  Peter  Moore.     Presbyterian  minister.  Portage,  Wis. 

Scott,  Xenophon  C— Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  C.  (Rowland);  bo  ii  Haysville, 
O.,  Dec.  4,  1842  ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Scott  and  Dr.  (ieo.  Weaver ; 
practiced  medicine  Cleveland,  O.;  Professor  of  l^iseases  of  Eye  and  Ear 
and  Throat,  Cleveland  Medical  College,  '81-84  ;  Medical  Department  West- 
cm  University  ;  married  May  30,  '78,  Edith  L.,  daughter  of  John  Cole. 
Physician,  557  Prospect  Avenue,  Cleveland,  O. 

Seyler,  James  Harbison. — vSon  of  John  H.  and  Sarah  F.;  born  Luthers- 
burg.  Pa.,  Jan.  6,  1842;  medical  student  Western  Reserve  College,  medi- 
cal department,  '67  ;  Pennsylvania  University  '6S;  practiced  medicine 
Sharpsburg,  Pa.,  '69-70  ;  Preemption,  III.,  '70 — ;  married  Nov.  19,  '74, 
Lauretta  Crisswell.    Physician,  Preemption,  111. 

Shaw,  Robert  Phii^ander.— Son  of  Rev.  Joseph  and  Naomi  (Waile);  born 
West  Alexander,  Pa.,  May  27,  1844;  law  student  '65-66;  teacher;  civil 
engineer;  P.  T.'S.  '67-70  ;  licensed  Feb.  2,  '69,  Presbytery  of  New  Bruns- 
wick ;  ordained  Nov.  8,  *70,  Presbytery  of  Westminster;  pastor  Cedar 
Grove  and  Churchtown,  Pa.,  '70-72  ;  Bedford,  Ind.,  '72-74  ;  Saginaw  City, 
Mich.,  '74-78  ;  Sturgis,  '79 — ;  married  Dec.  11,  'Tli,  Mary  C,  daughter  of 
George  A.  Thornton.     Presbyterian  minister,  Sturgis,  Mich. 

•Smith,  Robert  P. — Born  Washington  County,  Pa.,  IS  12  ;  died  Sept.  2S, 
'66.    Student. 


Stewart,  William  F.— Son  of  William  B.  and  Mary  M.  (Laird);  born  Pitto- 
burg,  Pa.,  Dec.  10,  1842;  law  student  with  W.  P.  AG.  A.  Jenks,  '66-<)7; 
practiced  law  Brook vilie,  Pa.,  '67 — ;  married  July  14,  70,  Agnes  £., 
daughter  of  Samuel  Craig.     Lawyer,  Brookville,  Pa. 

♦Stotler,  Andrew  Mellon. — Son  of  David  and  Eleanor  (Mellon);  born 
Allegheny  County,  Pa.,  Dec.  80,  1842 ;  law  student  with  Judge  Mellon, 
Pittsburg,  Pa.;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  '67-73;  unmarried;  died  Feb.  15, 
'73,  Alviso,  Santa  Clara  Co.,  Cal.,  consumption.     Lawyer. 

*Wa880N,  Luke  J. — Son  of  Hugh  and  Elizabeth  (McQueety);  born  Antrim, 
Ireland,  October,  1846  ;  W.  T.  S.  '66-68  ;  licensed  '68,  Presbytery  of  Alle- 
gheny ;  ordained  April  28,  '69,  Presbytery  of  New  Lisbon;  pastor  Fair- 
view,  Pa.,  '70-73 ;  married  Nov.  6,  '68,  Jennie,  daughter  of  James  Craw- 
ford ;  died  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  June  13,  '73,  consumption.  Presbyterian 

Williamson,  William  C. — Son  of  A.  D.  and  Isabella  (Collins);  bom  Xenia, 
O.,  Feb.  2,  1843  ;  Xenia  Theological  Seminary  '65-68  ;  licensed  April,  '67, 
Presbytery  of  Xenia;  ordained  June  15,  '69,  Presbytery  of  Western 
Missouri ;  pastor  Kansas  City,  '68-70 ;  First  Church,  Washington,  Iowa, 
'70-8o ;  Keokuk,  '85—;  United  States  Army ;  married  June  30,  '68,  S.  J., 
daughter  of  O.  K.  McNary.     United  Presbyterian  minister,  Keokuk,  la. 


The  following  data  came  in  too  late  for  the  body  of  the  work : 


^NofiTOK,  Cablos  Alomzo. — Son  of  Pbilo  and  Ann;  born  Newtown^  Conn.; 
law  student  Chillicothe,  O.;  practiced  law  ChiUioothe  ;  Clerk  Ohio  Senate ; 
United  States  Amiy  1812 ;  captain  ;  major ;  went  to  ConnellsTille,  Pa.,  *20 ; 
practiced  law  there  until  his  death;  married  Marj  Booth,  Skeneateles, 
N.  Y.;  had  a  dozen  children;  died  ConnelUville,  Pa.,  *34.     Lawyer. 


HuBEK,  John.— From  Fairfield  ('o.,  O.     Lawyer. 


*DoKALDsoK,  Alexander.— D.D.  Died  EWera  Ridge,  Pa.,  April  18,  1H89, 


Stewart,  Thomas  R.— Son  of  Joseph  and  Rachel ;  born  Tobacco  Stick,  Do^ 
Chester  Co.,  Md.,  July  16,  1820;  law  student  Westminster;  practiced  law 
Marrland  and  Texas  forty  years ;  member  of  Constitutional  Convention, 
Maryland,  '51 ;  Commissioner  of  Lotteries,  M2  ;  left  Maryland  in  '5o,  set- 
tled in  Mont  Gonzales,  Texa^ ;  removed  to  Phoenix,  Arisona ;  farmer  ;  local 
preacher  Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  South,  many  years  ;  married  Anna 
Maria  Jones,  also .     Residence,  Phoenix,  Arizona. 


Moore,  Joseph  M.— Son  of  Joseph  A.  and  Mary  (Collins);  born  Opelousas 
La.,  Sept.  23,  1823  ;  law  student  at  Opelousas,  La.;  practiced  law  Opelousas 
'49-80,  '8*^— ;  Legislature  Louisiana  '61-05;  member  Constitutional  Con- 
vention '79  ;  Judge  Court  of  Appeals,  Third  District,  '80-88  ;  married  '52, 
Annette  Wartelle,  also  '67,  Ella,  daughter  of  John  H.  Overton  ;  A.M.,  '88, 
Washington  and  Jefferson  College.     Lawyer,  Opelousas,  La. 


GairpiN,  Thomas  G. — Son  of  Rev.  Thomas  and  Ann  (Ford);  born  Madison 
Co.,  Miss.,  Nov.  4, 1827;  law  student,  Shreveport,  La.;  practiced  law  Austin, 
Texas,  Florida;  Confederate  States  Army  '61-()5;  colonel  8th  Mississippi 
Volonteers;  Guatemala;  Honduras  '65-87;  married  Belle  Cleveland, 
Texas;  died  Puerte  Cortes,  Honduras,  Feb.  25,  '87,  by  drowning.    Lawyer. 




Amis,  J.  A. — Born  Buncombe  Co.,  N.  C;  law  student;  practiced  law  Bancombfr 
Co.,  N.  C.     Ccptera  dewnL 


•Hutchison,  William.— Son  of  William  and  Eliza ;  bom  Washington,  Pa.^ 
Sept.  22,  1831 ;  teacher  Ohio ;  principal  High  School,  Natchez,  Miss.,  also 
Ladies' Seminary  in  Nashville  manjr  jears,  Academj  Pemberton,  X.'J., 
'69-75;  journalist '75-89,  nam  dephame  "  John  Sands  "  in  New  York  Eiprmy 
Sun  and  Press;  Superintendent  Public  Schools,  Burlington  Co.,  N.  J., 
married  January,  '59,  Eliza  Lohra  MaclCichael ;  died  Feb.  24,  '89,  Har- 
rison, N.  J.    Teacher  and  journalist. 


Washingto^j  ^  College, 

*Washingten,  T?a., 

^ram.  lae  tirae  ib  was  chartered,  in  ISCc,  ualil  its 
uaioa  wita  ^^ffersoa  G/oUege,  ia  1805. 

Ifistorical  JM^otica 

Wasbinotoh  Academy,  from  which  Washington  College  sprang,  was* 
chartered  by  the  Legislature,  Sept.  24, 1787 — five  years  after  the  town  of  Wash- 
ington was  laid  out,  and  six  years  after  the  establishment  of  Washington 
County,  which  was  the  first  county  formed  after  the  Declaration  of  Independ- 
ence, and  only  second  to  Westmoreland,  the  Mother  County  of  the  West.  The 
act  of  incorporation  names  the  following  persons  as  its  first  Trustees,  in  the  fol- 
lowing order:  Rev.  John  M'Mlllan,  Rev.  Joseph  Smith,  Rev.  Thaddeuh 
DoDD,  Rev.  Jno.  Clakk,  Rev.  Matthew  Henderson,  Rev.  J  no.  Corbley, 
Jas.  Mabshall,  James  Edgab,  John  M.  McDowell,  Alexander  Wright, 
Jamf:s  Allison,  Thomas  Scott,  David  Bradford,  James  Ross,  David  Red- 
dick,  John  Hoge,  Alexander  Addison,  Thomas  Crooks,  James  Flanna- 
QAN,  Dr.  Alexander  Baikd  and  James  Brice.    . 

The  Academy  received,  by  a  provision  in  its  charter,  a  donation  of  five 
thousand  acres  out  of  the  public  lands  of  the  State,  the  value  of  which  at  the 
time  was  UoerUif  cents  per  acre.  This  land  was  taken  chiefly  in  what  is  now 
Bearer  County.  For  a  long  time  it  was  unproductive,  and  involved  the  Board 
in  much  expense,  but  was  eventually  sold  and  the  proceeds  judiciously  applied 
in  carrying  on  the  Institution. 

After  much  effort,  the  Academy  was  put  in  operation  in  1789,  under  Rev. 
Thaddeus  Dodd,  who,  in  1782,  had  opened,  within  his  pastoral  charge  on  Ten 
Mile,  what  its  friends  claim  was  '*  the  first  classic&l  and  scientific  school  in  the 

For  the  accommodation  of  the  Academy,  the  upper  rooms  of  the  Court 
House  were  rented,  and  served  the  purpose  until  the  building  was  destroyed  by 
fire.  This  drove  the  Board  to  the  erection  of  an  Academy  building,  whicli  is 
still  standing,  being  the  central  stone  building  of  the  old  College.  In  that 
building,  and  in  the  temporary  structure  which  preceded  it,  David  Johnston, 
James  Dobbins,  Benjamin  Mills,  and  others,  carried  on  the  Academy  with  vary- 
ing success  during  the  years  preceding  its  transformation  into  a  College. 

In  the  spring  of  1805,  Rev.  Matthew  Brown  became  at  once  Principal  of 
the  Academy  and  the  first  pastor  of  the  Presbyterian  Church  of  Washington. 
He  was  assisted  as  Principal  first  by  David  Klliott,  and  afterward  by  CrKOROK 
Baird;  and  such  was  the  success  of  the  Institution,  under  their  management, 
that,  on  the  28th  of  March,  1800,  an  act  was  passed  by  the  Legislature  granting 
the  Trustees  the  charter  of  a  College. 

The  minutes  of  the  Trustees  have  no  record  of  the  graduates,  until  a  meet- 
ing held  Sept.  27,  1831.  This  list  of  the  Alumni  was  prepared  by  Thomas  H. 
Elliott,  M.D.,  after  very  great  research  and  labor,  and  is  believed  to  be  entirely 
correct.     It  is  certainly  by  far  the  most  accurate  ever  yet  published. 

At  the  semi-centennial  anniversary  in  1856,  a  very  full  historical  address 
was  delivered  by  Rev.  James  I.  Brownson,  D.D.,  of  the  class  of  1886.  Most  of 
the  above  is  quoted  from  that  address. 

^^rrincipals  of|  ttie  Institntion, 

Fro^n  the  Time  It  w€ih  Chartered. 

Rev.  MATTHEW  BROWN,  D.D.,  LL.D. 

Elected  December  l.Stli,  ISOC  ;  Resigned  April  .'tOth,  1817. 


Elected  April  30th,  1S17  :  Resigned  December  9th,  1S28. 

Rev.  DAVID  p:LLI()n\  D.D.,  LL.D. 

Elected  September  2StIi,  1830  ;  Resigned  November  7th,  1S31. 

Rev.  DAVID  McCQNAUdHY,  D.D.,  LL.D. 

Elected  December  21st,  1831  ;  Resigned  September  27th,  1849. 

Rev.  JAMP:S  CLARK,  D.D. 

p:iected  Mayr)th,  ISoO;   Resigned  Jnly  13tli,  1S.'J2. 

Rev.  JAMES  I.  BROWNSON,  D.D.  ( /Vo  Tern.) 

Klei'ted  July  13th,  isr,2  ;   Resigned  September  20th,  1853. 

Rkv.  JOHN  W.  SCOIT,  D.D.,  LL.D. 

Elected  November  10th,  1802  ;  Tn  Office  at  the  I"'nion. 

^Mrustees  nl  Kasliingtcn  Xcaflemy, 

Which,  by  the  Act  of  Incorporation  of  March  2Hth,  IHOO, 
were  tnade  the  First  Trustees  of  Waahington  College. 

Rev.  Obadiah  Jennings, 
Alex.  Wright, 
Jaxe9  Allison,     . 
John  Hckje, 
James  Brice, 
Samuel  Clark, 
Rev.  Joseph  Patterson, 
An'drew  Swearinoen, 
William  HocjK,    . 
Parker  Campbell, 
David  Brl'CE, 
If*  vac  Jexkinson, 
David  Cook, 
J<HEPK  Pentecost,  . 
Jam&j  Allison,  Jr., 
John  Simonson, 
Rkv.  John  Anderson, 
Alex.  Reed,     . 
Samuel  Ralston, 
Isaiah  Blair,  . 
David  Hooe, 

Rev.  Andrew  Gwin, 
Wm.  M'Kennan, 
Rev.  Cephas  Dodd, 
Rev.  Wm.  Speer, 
David  Shields, 
James  Ashbrooke, 
Hugh  \Vil.son, 
Rev.  Philip  I)oDRiDaK 
Daniel  Moore, 
David  Morris, 

Resigned  September  28,  1808. 
Resigned  September  2(>,  181'). 
Resigned  September  27,  ISOy. 
Resigned  April  28,  1808. 
Resigned  April  30,  1824. 
Resigned  Sept.  28,  1808. 
Resigned  Dec.  2r),  1806. 
Resigned  Sept.  27,  1810. 
Resigned  April  27,  1810. 
Died  July  80,  1824. 
Resigned  Sept.  28,  1808. 
Resigned  Sept.  28,  1808. 
Resigned  Sept.  26,  1815. 
Died  March  22,  1823. 
Resigned  April  2,  1830. 
Died  Dec.  2,  1809. 
Resigned  Sept.  27,  1831. 
Resigned  Oct,  7,  ISIJ). 
Declined  to  serve  April  28,  1808. 
Resigned  Sept.  28,  1808. 


Elected  Dec.  26,  1806  ;  Res.  Maj  8.  1818. 
Elected  Dec.  2(),  1806;  Died  Jan.,  isio. 
Elected  April  28,  1808;  Res.  M:iy  6,  1850. 
Elected  April  28,  1S08;   Res.  Oct.  7,  1819. 
Elected  Sept.  28,  1808  ;  Res.  April  2,  1S30. 
Elected  Sept.  28,  1808;  Died  Sept.  20,  182o. 
Elected  Sept.  28,  18C8  ;   Died  April  13,  1832. 
Elected  Sept.  28, 1808 ;  Res.  Sept.  26,  1816. 
Elected  Sept.  27,  1800  :  Res.  April  2,  1830. 
Elected  Sept.  27, 1800  ;  Res.  Sept.  24,  1823. 



Rev.  Thos.  Allison,         .  Elected 

Rev.  Joseph  Stephenson,   .  Elected 

Thos.  McGiffix,       .        .  Elected 

Rev.  Robt.  Anderson,         .  Elected 

Rev.  Obadiah  Jennings,  Elected 

GEOiiGE  Baird,      .        .        .  Elected 

Alex.  Mt'RDO<:H,       .        .  Elected 

Rev.  Thos.  Hoge,         .        .  Elected 

Thos.  M.  T.  McKennan,  .  Elected 

Rev.  Joseph  McElroy,  D.D.,  Elected 

Rev.  Charles  Wheeler,     .  Elected 

Hon.  Th.  H.  Baibd,         .  Elected 

Rev.  John  Graham,     .        .  Elected 

Hon.  John  Kennedy,       .  Elected 

James  Blaine,      .        .        .  Elected 

Rev.  Wm.  Wymb,     .         .  Elected 

Hon.  Joseph  Ritner,  .        .  Elected 
Rev.  J.  Brkckenb&id(;k,1).1).,  Elected 

Talbot  Jones,  •        .        .  Elected 

Rev.  John  Stockton,  D.I).,  Elected 

William  Baird,    .        .        .  Elected 

F.  J.  LeMoynb,  M.D.,      .  Elected 

Alex.  Reed,         •        .        .  Elected 

John  K.  Wimon,      .  Elected 
•Rev.  J.  M.  McCluskby,  D.D., Elected 

Rev.  David  Elliott,  D.D.,  Elected 

Rev.Wm.  C.  Anderson,  D.D.,  Elected 

Isaac  Leet,  ....  Elected 

Hon.  John  H.  Ewino,      .  Elected 

Robert  R.  Reed,  M.D.,        .  Elected 

John  L.  Gow,    .        .         .  Elected 

Rev.  D.  Deruelle,       .        .  Elected 

IRkv.  Wm.  Annan,  D.I).,  Elected 

Rev.  E.  S.  Graham,     .        .  Elected 

Hon.  a.  W.  Acheson,       .  Elected 

Rev.  a.  D.  Campbell,  D.D.,  Elected 

JosKPH  n.  KuHNS,        .        .  Elected 

Rev.  H.  G.  Comingo,         .  Elected 

George  Baird,      .        .        .  Elected 

April  27, 1810  ;  Res.  April  30,  1823. 
April  27, 1810 ;  Res.  April  2(),  182o. 
April  27,  1810;  Died  Feb.  5,  1<S41. 
Sept.  27, 1810 ;  Res.  Sept.  29, 1825. 
April  28,  1812;  Res.  April  22,  1828. 
AprU  28,  1812 ;  Res.  1832. 
Sept.  26,  1816;  Died  Aug.,  1837. 
Sept.  26,  1816;  Res.  April  29,  1818. 
April  29,  1818;  Died  July  9,  1852. 
Oct.  7,  1819 ;  Res.  April  30,  1824. 
Oct.  7,  1819;  Res.  March  2t;,  1834. 
Oct.  7,  1819;  Res.  April  2,  1830. 
April  30,  1823;  Res.  April  2,  1830. 
April  30,  1823;  Res.  May  2,  1842. 
Sept.  30,  1824  ;  Died  Feb.  1,  1848. 
April  26,  1825  ;  Res.  Sept.  24,  1833. 
April  24,  1827  ;  Res.  Nov.  9,  1852. 
Sept.  25,  1827  ;  Died  Aug.  4,  1841. 
Sept.  25,  1827  ;  Res.  Aug.  4,  1S32. 
April  22,  1828  ;  Res.  March  27,  l.s;59. 
April  2,  1830  ;  Died  Oct.  6,  1S34. 
April  2,  1H30;  In  Office  at  the  I'nion. 
April  2,  1830;  Died  Sept.  9,  1S42. 
April  2,  1H30 ;  Res.  March  29,  1H5.3. 
Aug.  27,  1.S30 ;  Res.  Nov.  9,  \X')2. 
March  31,  1832;  Res.  Nov.  9,  185:^. 
Sept.  25,  1832 ;  Res.  Nov.  9,  1852. 
Sept.  24,  1833 ;  Res.  :March  30,  1842. 
Sept.  24,  1834 ;  Res.  Nov.  9,  1K52. 
March  26,  1K35;  Res.  March  29,  lSo3. 
Sept.  28,  1836 ;  Res.  Nov.  9,  1S52. 
Sept.  2."),  1S38 ;  Res.  Sept.  24,  1845. 
Sept.  25,  lvS38;  Res.  March  23,  1848. 
March  25,  1841 ;  Res. 
March  30,  1842;  Res.  Nov.  9,  18.'>3. 
Sept.  27,  1842  ;  Res.  Nov.  9,  1853, 
Sept.  27,  1842 ;  Res.  Nov.  9,  1853. 
Sept.  26,  1843;  Res.  Nov.  9,  185:^. 
March  26,  1844  ;  Res.  Nov.  9,  18:>3. 

*  By  the  terms  of  the  agreement  with  the  Synod  of  Wheeling,  the  members  of  the  Board 
were  to  resign,  and  their  places  to  be  filled  from  the  nominees  of  the  Synod,  except  aguorum, 
who  were  to  resign  in  like  manner  one  year  thereafter.  The  College  was  taken  into  the 
official  connection  with  the  Synod,  November  9,  iBsa,  when,  as  will  be  seen,  a  large  number 
did  resign;  many  of  these,  however,  beinif  nominees  of  the  Synod,  were  immediaiely 
re-elected  and  took  their  scats.  The  same  regulation  included  also  the  Faculty,  which  will 
explain  the  resignation  and  the  immediate  re-election  of  Professors  Alrich,  Murray  and 
McfCennan,  on  the  next  day,  November  10,  1852. 

fDid  not  take  his  seat  till  Sept.  27,  1842. 



Rev.  John  Stockton,  D.D., 

Rev.  John  Ksrr, 

Rev.  J.  I.  Brownbon,  D.D., 

Alex.  Murdoch,  . 

Rev.  Thomas  Hanna,  D.D., 

Elected  Sept.  24,  1845;  Beg.  Nov.  9,  1852. 

Elected  Sept.  24,  1846 ;  Res.  Nov.  9,  1853. 

Elected  March  28,  1849 ;  Res.  Nov.  9,  1853. 

Elected  March  26,  1850 ;  Res.  Nov.  9,  1852. 

Elected  March  26,  1850;  Res.  March  27,  1853. 
Rev.  Wm.  D.  Howard,  D.D.   Elected  Sept.  25,  1850  ;  Res.  Nov.  9,  1853. 
Wm.  McKennan,       .        .        Elected  Jaly  13,  1852  ;  Res.  Nov.  9,  1853. 

Bleetad  under  the  Union  with  the  Synod  of  Wheeling. 

floK.  John  H.  Ewing, 

Rev.  John  McCluskey,  D,D,f 

Rev.  John  Eaoleson,  D.D., 

Rev.  H.  Q.  Comingo, 

Thomas  McKennan,  M.D., 

Rev.  James  Kerb, 

AxEX.  Murdoch, 

Rev.  Robert  Hays,     . 

Rev.  Samuel  Wilson,  D.D.y 

Rev.  C.  V.  McKaio,  D.  D., 

Bavu)  S.  Wilson, 

Geobge  Baird, 

John  Kerr,  .... 

Rev.  J.  I.  Brownson,  D.D., 

Hon.  a.  W.  Acheson, 

Rev.  D.  EU.IOTT,  D.D.,  LL.D., 

Rev.  a.  D.  Campbell,  D.D., 

Rev.  Samuel  M.  McClun(}, 

*Rev.  Wm.  Y.  Brown,  D.D.y 

Joseph  Bonahey, 

Rev.  John  Stockton,  D.D., 

Rev.  Benj.  Mitchell,  D.D., 

Rev.  John  Mofpatt, 

Rev.  John  Eaoleson,  D  D., 

Rev.  Robert  Herron,  D.D., 

James  Lee, 

Rev.  James  R.  Huohe^ 

Collin  M.  Reed, 

Rev.  Loyal  Youno,  D.D.y    . 

Rev.C.C.  Beatty,  D.D.,LL.D. 

Elected  Nov.  9,  18o2 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union* 
Elected  Nov.  9,  1852 ;  Res.  18*37-8. 
Elected  Nov.  9,  1852;  Resigned  1856. 
Elected  Nov.  9,  1852  ;  Died  in  1861. 
Elected  Nov.  9,  1852 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Nov.  9,  1852;  Res.  18'>6. 
Elected  Nov.  10,  1852 ;  Res,  Sept.  20,  1853. 
Elected  Nov.  10,  1852;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Nov.  10,  1852;  Res.  Sept.  14,  1858. 
Elected  March  29,  1853 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Sept.  20,  1853 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Nov.  9,  1853 ;  Died  Nov.  2,  1860. 
Elected  Nov.  9,  1H53 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Nov.  9,  1853;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Nov.  9,  IS.'iS;   In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Nov.  9,  1853;  Res.  March  29,  1865. 
Elected  Nov.  9,  1853;  Died  1862. 
Elected  Nov.  9,  1853;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  June  19,  1855 ;  Res.  June  19,  1858. 
Elected  June  19,  1855;  Res.  June  19,  1858. 
Elected  Jan.  2,  1856 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Sept.  15,  1857 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Sept.  15,  1857  ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  March  17,  1858 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  March  17,  1858;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  Sept.  14,  1858  ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  March  15,  1859 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  March  26,  1862;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
Elected  March  26,  1862 ;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 
,Elected  Sept.  1, 1868;  In  Office  at  the  Union. 

'Elected  at  a  former  meeting. 

^ijincipals  anfl  ^i[o^Essaiis. 


Dec.    13,  1800.    Rev.  Matthew  Brown,  D.D.,  Principal. 

Resigned  April  30,  1M7 
Dec.    13,  1800.    Jamks  Reed,  Prof,  of  Mathematics  and  Natural 

Philosophy.  Resigned  July  21,  1823 

Dec.  13,  1806.  Dr.  J,  Blaie,  Prof,  of  Medicine. 
April  20,  ISlo.  John  Reed,  Prof«  of  Languages. 
April  30,  1817.    Rev.  Andrew  Wylie,  D.D.,  Principal. 

Resigned  Dec.  9,  ISJS 
April  29,  1824.  John  W.  Scott,  Prof,  of  Mathematics.  Resigned  Nov.  lo,  1S2^ 
Aug.  27,  1830.    Rev.  Wm.  P.  Alrich,  D.I).,  Prof.  Math. 

Resigned  Nov.  10,  is:)2 
Sept.  28,  1S3(».    Kkv.  David  Elliott,  D,D.j  Principal  pro  tern. 

Resigned  Nov.  7,  1>!31 
Jan.  12,  1831.  J.  Holmes  Agnew,  Prof,  of  Lang.  Resigned  Sept.  26,  1832 
March 30, 1831.  John  L.  Gow,  E.s<i.,Prof.  of  Eng.  Lit.  Resigned  Aug.  27, 1^3^) 
Dec.   21,  1831.    Rev.  David  Mc(  oxauohv,  D.D.,  LL.D.,  Prin. 

Resigned  Sept.  27,  IM9 
Oct.    31,  1832.    Robert  Fulton,  Prof,  of  Languages.  Resigned  1S'>3 

Nov.  26,  1832.    Joseph  Ritxkr,  Jr.,  Prof.  Civ.  Eng.  and  French. 

Resigned  Sept.  24,  l^ 
Sept.  19,  1833.    Wm.  K.  M(  Donald,  Prof,  of  Belles  Letters. 

Resigned  Sept.  26,  l.s3: 
Dec.  2,  1833.  Rev.  Rich.  H.  Lee,  Prof,  of  Lang.  Transferred  Sept.  27,  1S:?7 
Sept.  27,  1837.    Rev.  Rich.  II.  Lkk,  Prof,  of  Belles  Letters. 

Resigned  April  2-\  lSo4 
Sept.  26,  1837.    Rev.  David  Fercu'son,  Prof,  of  Languages. 

Resigned  June  19,  1844 
Nov.     4,  1839.    Louis  B.  Williams,  Prof,  of  Eng.  lit. 

Resigned  March  2'),  lS4n 
Sept.  22,  1840.    Rev.  Robert  Millkian,  Prof,  of  Eng.  Lit. 

Resigned  ^laj  4,  1>^V2 
June  19,  1844.    Rkv.  Nicholas  Mirray,  Prof,  of  Languages. 

Resigned  Nov.  10,  1S')2 
Sept.  23,  1846.  John  L.  Gow,  Prof.  Extra,  of  Municipal  Law.  Resigneil  1S49 
Sept.  23,  1846.    James  King,  M.D.,  Prof.  Extra,  of  Physiology. 

and  Hygiene.  Resigned  1«M0 


Maj     6,  IftoO.    Rev.  James  Clark,  D.D.,  President.  Resigned  July  13,  1852 
Jan.  21,  18ol.    Rev.  J  as.  W.  McKeni^an,  Adjunct  Prof,  of  Lang. 

Resigned  Nov.  10,  1802 
July   13,  1852.    Rev.  James  I.  Brownson,  D.D.,  President  pro  tern. 

Resigned  Sept.  20,  1853 
Nov.  10,  1852.    Rev.  John  W.  Scott,  D.D.,  LL.D.,  President. 

In  Office  at  the  Union 
Nov.  10,  1852.     Rev.  Wm.  P.  Alrich,  D.D.,  Prof,  of  Mathematics. 

Resigned  March  28,  1860 
Xov.  10,  1S52.    Rev.  Xicholas  Murray,  D.D.,  Prof,  of  Lang. 

Died  March,  1853 
Xov.  10,  1852.    Rev.  Jas.  W.  McKennan,  D.D.,  Prin.  Eng.  Dept. 

Resigned  April  25,  1854 
Nov.    9,  1853.    Rev.  E.  C.Wines,  D.D.,  Prof,  of  Languages. 

Resigned  Sept.  20,  1859 
Aug.  15,  1854.    Wm.  J.  Martin,  Prof,  of  Natural  Science. 

Resigned  March  17,  1858 
Sept.  14,  1858.    John  W.  Acheson,  Prof,  pro  tern,  of  Languages. 

Resigned  Sept.  20,  1859 
Oct.   20,  18.58.    Wm.  H.  Brewer,  Prof,  of  Nat.  Science. 

Resigned  Sept.  4,  1860 
Oct.   25,  1859.    Rev.  James  Black,  D.D.,  Pnif.  of  Languages. 

In  Office  at  the  Union 
Jan.   11,  1861.    Dr.  Alex.  Mpckle,  Prof.  Nat.  Science. 

Resigned  Sept.  2,  1862 
^'ov.    5,  18«>3.    Rev.  Wm.  J.  Bkugh,  Prof.  Nat.  Science. 

In  Office  at  the  Union 

^asfiington   OollegB  ^jumni. 


Mkdekson,  Alkxaxder  Augustus.— Son  of  William  ;  born  Cumberland  Co., 
Pa.,  178») ;  law  stadent  with  David  Watte ;  practiced  law  Lewistown,  Pa., 
1H12-23  ;  PennsyWania  Legislature,  '19  ;  died  Lewistown,  Pa.,  April  9, 
*23,  consumption.     Lawyer. 

*Baird,  William. — Son  of  Dr.  Absalom  and  Susanna  (Brown);  born  Washing- 
ton, Pa.,  July  2:5,  1789  ;  law  student  with  T.  H.  Baird,  1H08-1'2;  practiced 
law  Washington,  Pa.,  *12-.S4 ;  District  Attorney  '16-24;  Trustee  Washing- 
ton College ;  manned  '23,  Nancy,  daughter  of  John  Mitchell ;  died  Wash- 
ington, Pa.,  Oct.  6,  '34.     Lawyer. 

*Blair,  Alexander.— Son  of  Dr.  Isaiah;  born  Carlisle,  Pa.,  May  22,  17H9; 
medical  student  with  Dr.  McCloskey,  and  Pennsylvania  University; 
United  States  Army  1810-12;  surgeon,  M2-lo;  practiced  medicine  Wash- 
ington, Pa.,  'I'VSO;  died  Washington,  Pa.,  May  26,  '30.     Physician. 

*Law,  Michael.  — Born  Ireland,  1775 ;  licensed  Oct.  17,  1810,  Presbytery 
of  Ohio;  ordained  Jan.  lo,  M2,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Montour,  Pa., 
'12-21  ;  missionary  to  Indians,  Toledo  ;  married;  died  Ashland,  O.,  Oct. 
d,  '21,  malarial  fever.    Presbyterian  minister. 


*Becket,  Joseph  Beeler. — Son  of  Col.  Joseph  :  born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa., 
1781  ;  law  student  with  Parker  ('ampbell ;  practiced  law  Kittanning,  Pa., 
1813-1«;  leisure,  '16-26;  died  Allegheny  County,  Pa.,  October, '26.  Law- 

*CuN.\ix<>HAM,  Thomas  Scott.— Son  of  Alexander  and  Elizabeth  (Scott);  horn 
Washington,  Pa.,  March  30,  17JM);  law  student  with  Parker  Campbell, 
Washington,  Pa.;  practiced  law  Mercer,  Pa.,  1813-5');  Senate  Penn- 
sylvania; Associate  Judge;  died  Mercer,  Pa.,  March  28,  '."m.    Lawyer. 

•McKbnnan,  Thomas  MoKkax  Thompson.— Son  of  Capt.  William  and  Eliza- 
beth (Thompson);  born  Dragon  Neck,  New  Castle  County,  Del.,  March  31, 
171)4 ;  tutor  Washington  College  :  law  student  with  Parker  Campbell ; 
practiced  law  Washington,  Pa.,  1814-52;  Member  Congress,  Pennsylvania, 
'80-38, '42-44;  Secretary  of  Interior,  'oO ;  Trustee  Washington  College 
'18-52 ;  married  Dec.  6,  '15,  Matilda,  daughter  of  Jacob  Bowman  ;  died 
Beading,  Pa.,  July  9,  '52,  ganp;rene  in  foot;  LL.  D.,  Jefferson  College, 
'48.     Lawver. 



♦Clark,  William.— Studied  medicine  ;  practiced  medicine  ;  died. 

*Kkarsley,  Jonathan.— United  States  Army  1812-15;  first  lieuten&nt  2d 
Regiment  Artillery,  March  12,  M2  ;  4th  Rifle  Regiment,  April  21, '14; 
brevet-captain  Aug.  15,  '14,  for  distinguished  service  at  Fort  Erie;  assist- 
ant  adjutant-general;  rank  of  major  Aug.  20,  '14;  discharged  June  1, 
*16  ;  Recorder  United  States  Land  Office,  Detroit,  Mich. 

*Laikd,  John. — Son  of  James  and  Margaret  (Sproat);  born  Washington 
County,  Pa.,  1791 ;  teacher  Margaretta  Academy,  Accomac,  Va.;  law  stu- 
dent; practiced  law  New  Lisbon,  O.,  1820-24;  died  Xew  Lisbon,  O.,  "24. 

♦Purviance,  Henry. — Son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  (Thompson) ;  teacher  Butler 
County,  Pa.;  merchant:  law  student  with  Parker  Campbell,  Washington, 
Pa.;  mental  derangement ;  unmarried ;  died  Butler  County,  Pa. 

*Stken,  James  T. — Son  of  Isaiah  and  Amelia ;  born  Washington,  Pa.;  teacher 
York,  Pa.;  law  student;  Newark,  Del.;  Baltimore,  Md.;  Abingdon,  six 
years ;  Govanstown,  fourteen  years  ;  married  May  7,  1833,  Sarah  E. 
McComas;  died  Baltimore,  Md.,  April  13,  'oo,  paralysis.     Teacher. 


♦EwiNO,  Nathaniel. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Conwell):  born  July  1S» 
1794,  Dunlap's  Creek,  Pa.;  teacher  Newark,  Del.,  1812-13  ;  studied  law 
with  Hon,  Thomas  MrGiffin,  Washington,  Pa.,  '13-16;  practiced  law 
'17-74;  Presiding  Judge  Fourteenth  Judicial  District  Pennsylvania, 
'38—48;  ruling  elder  Presbyterian  Church,  '33-74;  married  *22,  Jane» 
daughter  of  Hon.  John  Kennedy,  also  '30,  Anna  Lyon,  daughter  of  Rev. 
David  Denny,  Chambersburg,  Pa.;  died  Uniontown,  Pa.,  Feb.  8,  '74: 
LL.D.,  Washington  College,  '(U.     Lawyer. 

•EwiNO,  GKOR(iE.-  Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Conwell);  born  near  Browns- 
ville, Pa.,  Feb.  27,  1702;  merchant  Mansfield,  O.;  Vincennes,  Ind.; 
Texas;  Alcalde,  Tex.,  under  Mexican  Government:  Judge ;  Texas  Army; 
married  September,  1853,  Elizabeth  Sarah,  daughter  of  Edward  Par- 
kinson ;  died  Houston,  Tex.,  Aug.  25,  '70,  dropsy  and  asthma. 

*Fek,  Samuel. — Minister  of  the  gospel  ;  died. 


•Allison,  George  W. — Son  of  James  and  Jane  (Shannon);  born  Washington, 
Pa.,  17y4(?);  medical  student  Baltimore  Medical  College;  praciiced 
medicine  Heaver,  P^,  'H)(?)-'()3;  married  June  24,  '41,  Sarah  K.  Lyon; 
died  Beaver,  Pa.,  Sept.  7,  '1)3.     Physician. 

•Brady,  John  Spear. — Son  of  James ;  born  Greensburg,  Pa.,  1794  ;  law  student 
with  Parker  Campbell,  Washington,  1.S13-17;  practiced  law  Washington, 
Pa.,  'I7-<)7  :  State  Senator,  Pennsylvania;  Secretary  Land  Office;  married 

'24,   ,  dauj^hterof  Parker  Campbell  ;  died  Greensburg,  Pa.,  Nov.  11, 

'67,  paralysis.     Lawyer. 


•Bowman,  James  Lowry. — Son  of  Jacob  and  .Isabella  (Lowry);  born  Browns- 
ville, Pa.,  June  23,  1794 ;  law  student  with  John  Kennedy,  Union  town.  Pa.; 
merchant  Brownsville,  Pa  ,  till  1840;  President  MonongahelaBank '4()-o7; 
married  February,  '25,  Mirtilla,  daughter  of  John  Bever,  Beaver  Co.,  Pa.; 
died  Brownsville,  Pa.,  '57,  jaundice. 

*CozAD,  Jacob.— Licensed  Jan.  15,  1819,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ;  ordained  Jan. 
5,  '20,  same  preabytery  ;  pastor  Lower  Buffalo,  Pa.,  '20-27,  Center  '27-28, 
Big  Spring,  O.,  '27—,  Waveland,  Ind.,  '46,  Warren  '47  ;  died  '51.  Presby- 
terian  minister. 

^Stokeley,  SAMUEii. — Son  of  Col.  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  (Mountford);  born 
Washington,  Pa.,  Jan.  25,  1790  ;  law  student  with  Parker  Campbell,  Wash- 
ington, and  Charles  Hammond,  Steubenville,  O.;  practiced  law  Steuben- 
ville,  O.,  1817-43;  Recorder  Land  Office,  Steubenville,  '24-29  ;  Ohio  Senate 
'36-38(?);  Member  of  Congress  '40-42 ;  real  estate  '43-61 ;  married  April 
10,  1830,  Mrs.  Rachel  Mason,  widow  of  Dr.  P.  S.  Mason ;  died  Steuben* 
ville,  O.,  May  23,  '61,  apoplexy.     Lawyer. 

'  1814. 

^Espv,  John. — Medical  student ;  praciiced  medicine  ;  died. 

•EwiNG,  John  Hooe.— Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Conwell);  born  Fayette  Co., 
Pa.,  Oct.  5,  1796 ;  law  student  with  Hon.  Thomas  McGiffin,  Washington, 
Pa.,  1814-18 ;  practiced  law  Washington  '18-20 ;  farmer  '20 —;  Pennsylvania 
Legislature  '35-36;  Senate  '38-42;  Member  of  Congress,  Pennsylvania, 
'44-46  ;  Trustee  Washington  College  and  Washington  and  Jefferson  Col- 
lege '34-87 ;  Trustee  Female  Seminary,  Washington,  '30-87  ;  married  Nov. 
2,  '20,  Ellen,  daughter  of  James  Blaine,  also  Aug.  12,  '45,  Margaret  C, 
daughter  of  Richard  Brown  ;  died  June  9,  '87.     Farmer. 

•GtLLELAND,  AxEXANDEB. — Son  of  Rev.  James  and  Fanny  (Baird) ;  born  Lin- 
coln Co.,  North  Carolina,  Aug.  30,  1795;  law  student  Georgetown,  O  ; 
practiced  law  Georgetown,  O.,  1816-21 ;  Prosecuting^ Attorney  ;  married  '19, 
Ann  Ellis ;  died  Georgetown,  O.,  '21.     Lawyer. 

•Johnston,  James.— Born  York  Co.,  Pa.,  1784 ;  theology  with  Dr.  Mason, 
New  York;  licensed  June  27,  1821,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela;  ordained 
May  2,  '22,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Mansfield,  O.,  '22-55;  died  York  Co., 
Pa.,  March  12,  '58 ;  D.V.f  '52,  Jefferson  College.  Associate  Reformed 
Presbyterian  minister. 

•Patterson,  Andrew  Oliphant. — Born  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  July  1,  1794;  P. 
T.  S.  1819;  ordained  April  18,  '21,  Presbytery  of  Redstone;  pastor  Mt. 
Pleasant  and  Sewickley,  Pa., '21-31;  Agent  Board  of  Home  Missions '34-3() ; 
pastor  Beaver,  Pa.,  '37-39,  New  Lisbon,  O.,  '40-51 ;  stated  supply  and 
pastor  Bethel  '52-57  ;  pasior  West  Newton,  Pa.,  '57-03 ;  stated  supply 
College  Corner,  Ind.;  married  Nov.  11,  '23,  Maria^  daughter  of  Rev.  Will- 
iam Speer ;  died  Oxford,  O.,  Dec.  14,  '()8  ;  D.D.,  '44,  Washington  College. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

•POAGUE.  Andrew  W.~Born  Ohio ;  P.  T.  S.  1 815-16 ;  licensed  and  ordained  (?) ; 
misHionary  '16-36 ;  pastor  Yellow  Springs,  O.,  '36-40  ;  died  Yellow  Springs, 
0.,  April  29,  '40.     Presbyterian  minister. 


♦Rankin,  William. —Born  Potter's  Mills,  Centre  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  9,  1795;  med- 
ical student,  Pennsylvania  University  '19 ;  practiced  medicine  Campbells- 
town,  Pa.,  M9-21,  Shippensburg  '21-72  ;  rnling:  elder  Presbyterian  Church; 
died  Shippensburg,  Pa.,  July  15,  72.    Physician. 

*Van  Lear,  William.— Son  of  Matthew ;  born  Mt.  Tamony,  near  Williams- 
port,  Md.,  Jan.  29,  1794 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Watson,  Pennsylvania 
University;  practiced  medicine  Bedford,  Pa,  1817,  W^illiamsport,  Md., 
'17-38;  married  Susan  Graham;  died  Williamsport,  Md.,  May  7,  '38. 


*Addison,  Alexandeb. — Son  of  Hon.  Alexander;  bom  Washington,  Pa.; 
law  student  with  Hon.  T.  M.  T.  McEennon,  Washington ;  practiced  law 
Washington,  Pa.,  1820-22  ;  <lied  Feb.  28,'22,  injury  from  a  falling  chimney. 

*FiNLBY,  Clement  A. — Son  of  Samuel ;  bom  Newville,  Pa.,  1797  ;  medical 
student  Chillicothe,  O.,  Pennsylvania  University  ;  United  States  Army 
1818-62 ;  surgeon's  mate,  assistant  surgeon,  surgeon — Louisiana,  Florida, 
Mexico,  Arkansas,  Rocky  Mountains ;  Surgeon-General  United  States  Army 
'61 ;  retired  '62,  brevet  brigadier  general ;  died  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

*FiTZHDOH,  Samuel  Hughes. — Son  of  Col.  William  and  Ann  (Hughes);  bom 
at ''  Forge,"  near  Hagerstown,  Md.,  Feb.  22, 1796 ;  law  student,  Wheeling, 
Va.(?);  practiced  law.  Wheeling,  Va.,  1817—;  Mount  Morris,  N.  Y., 
»40^7  ;  Judge,  Livingston  Co.,  N.  Y.;  married  '22,  Mary  Addison;  died 
Mt.  Morris,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  23,  '49.     Lawyer. 

*Kellar,  Isaac. — Son  of  George  and  Barbara  ;  born  near  Hagerstown,  Md., 
Feb.  6,  1789;  P.T.  S.  1815-17;  licensed  '18,  Presbytery  of  Carlisle;  ordained 
Oct.  26,  '19,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  McConnellsburg,  '19-24;  co-pastor 
G.  R.  Church,  Hagerstown,  Md.,  '24-26  ;  pastor  Williamsport,  Pa.,  Pres- 
byterian Church '26-35  ;  First  Church,  Peoria,  111.,  '35-48;  stated  supply 
Orange  Prairie  '48-53  ;  married  '20,  Margaret,  daughter  of  John  Schnebly, 
Hagerstown,  Md. ;  died  Kellar  Station,  near  Peoria,  III.,  July  25,  '67,  heart 
disease.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*Lb  Moyne,  Francis  Julius. — Son  of  Dr.  John  Julius  De  Villiers  and  Nancy 
(McCuUy);  bora  Washington,  Pa.,  Sept.  4,  1798;  medical  student  with 
father  and  Jefferson  Medical  College  '15-22 ;  practiced  medicine,  Wash- 
ington, Pa.,  '22-79;  candidate  for  Governor  of  Pennsylvania  *41,  *44,  '47; 
candidate  for  Vice-President  United  States  of  America,  on  Abolition  ticket; 
Trustee  Washington  College,  '30-65;  Female  Seminary  '36-65;  endowed 
Chairs  of  Agriculture  and  Applied  Mathematics,  Washington  College; 
married  May,  '23,  Madeleine  Romaine  Bureau ;  built  the  first  crematory  in 
this  country  and  was  the  thir^  subject ;  died  Washington,  Pa.,  Oct.  14,  '79. 


^McCa&bell,  Joseph.— Born  Shippensbarg,  Pa.,  Jalj  9,  1705 ;  theology  with 
Dr.  Mason,  New  York;  licenned  June  19,  1821,  Presbyterj  of  Big  Spring; 
ordained  March  14,  '23,  Presbyter j  of  New  York ;  pastor  First  Associate 
Reformed  Charch,  Newbarg,  New  York,  '23-64 ;  Professor  of  Theology, 
Kewbarg  Theological  Seminary,  '29>59  ;  published  many  sermons ;  died 
Newbaig,  N.  Y.,  March  29,  '64;  D.D.  Associate  Reformed  Presbyterian 

*MoDERW£LL,  WiLUAM.^Bom  Lancaster,  Pa.,  Dec.  26,  1794;  P.  T.  S., 
1815-17  ;  ordained  Sept.  29,  '19,  Presbytery  of  New  Castle ;  pastor  Augusta, 
6a.,  '21-26;  resigned  '83 ;  died  Philadelphia,  Pa.,'42.  Presbyterian  minister. 

*MooRE,  Henry. — Son  of  Daniel  and  Margaret  (Wilson) ;  born  Washington, 
Pa.,  Oct.  23,  1800  ;  iron  merchant.  Wheeling  ;  real  estate  owner  Baltimore, 
Md.;  married  Matilda  Denison,  Ohio,  also  Ann  0.  Macgovem,  Virginia, 
also  Maria  McBlair,  Baltimore,  Md.;  died  Baltimore,  Md.,  Not.  24,  '83, 
angina  peelorti, 

*Reed,  William. — Son  of  William  and  Margaret  (Linn);  born  near  Gettysburg, 
Pa.,  Sept.  3,  1785;  theology  with  Rev.  T.  £.  Hughes;  licensed  Oct.  20, 
1818,  Presbytery  of  Hartford  (now  Shenango);  ordained  April  11,  '21,  same 
presbytery  ;  pastor  Long's  Run  and  New  Salem,  O.,  '21-66  ;  married  August, 
'20,  Maria  Cook,  Washington,  Pa.;  died  Calcutta,  0.,  Oct.  17,  '67.  Presby- 
terian minister. 

^voDGRAss,  William  Davis.— Son  of  Rev.  James;  born  West  Hanover, 
Dauphin  Co.,  Pa.,  June  30, 1796  ;  P.  T.  S.,  1815-17 ;  ordained  July  30,  '19, 
Presbytery  of  FayetteviUe ;  pastor  Fayetteville,  N.  C,  '19-22;  stated  sup- 
ply Independent  Presbyterian  Church,  Savannah,  Ga.,  '22-23 ;  pastor 
Murray  Street  Church,  New  York,  '23-32  ;  agent  Board  of  Missions  '32-33, 
pastor  Second  Church,  Troy,  N.  Y.,  '34-44,  Fifteenth  Street  Church,  New 
York,  '45-49 ;  Goshen,  '45-86;  Director  P.  T.  S.;  D.D.;  died  Goshen,  N.  Y., 
May  28,  '86.     Presbyterian  minister. 

''Waugh,  William. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Elisa  (Hoge);  born  Cumberland  Co., 
Pa.;  law  student;  practiced  law,  Washington,  Pa.,  1818-69;  District 
Attorney,  Washington  County,  '24-30 ;  Pennsylvania  Legislature  '28-32 ; 
Washington  Co.,  Pa.;  unmarried ;  died  Woodville  Hotel,  '69,  pneumonia. 

^Wilson,  John  E. — Son  of  John  and  Catharine  (Cunningham);  born  Washing- 
ton, Pa.,  May  8,  1800 ;  merchant  Washington,  Pa.,  '15-50,  Leetsdale  '50-82; 
married  March  25,  '25,  Maria,  daughter  of  David  Shields;  died  Leetsdale, 
Pa.,  July  4,  '82 ;  Trustee  Washington  College.     Merchant. 


^K/onoN,  Hbnbt.— Son  of  John  and  Margaret  (Stockton);  born  Washington 
Co.,  Pa.,  Nov.  24,  1785 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  John  Wishart ;  prac- 
ticed medicine  West  Middletown,  Pa.,  1817-23 ;  married  Feb.  16,  '15,  Mar- 
garet McKenney  ;  died  West  Middletown,  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  March  28, 
*23,  bilious  fever.     Physician. 


•Din wiDDiE,  James  Lemonte. -Born  near  Gettjrsburg,  Pa.,  Feb.  23,  1798; 
theologj  New  York  Citj ;  licensed  May,  1820,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela; 
ordained  Nov.  22,  '20,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor  Mercer,  Pa.,  '20-34 ;  Pres- 
byterian Charch,  Philadelphia,  ':U-41;  Second  Associate  Reformed  Church, 
Pittsburg,  '43-44 ;  Professor  Biblical  Literatnre  and  Sacred  Criticism,  Asso- 
ciate Reformed  Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny,  '14  46 ;  died  Allegheny, 
Pa.,  January,  '49,  paralysis  of  brain  ;  D.D.     Associate  Reformed  minister. 

•Heatox,  William.— Teacher  Greensburg,  1816 ;  Hagerstown,  Md.;  medical 
student ;  practiced   medicine  ;  died  Western  Reserve,  O.,  '23.     Physician. 

•Nksbit,  William.— Born  Eastern  Pennsylvania,  1794  or  1796 ;  theology  with 
Dr.  Mason,  New  York;  licensed  Aug.  8, 1820,  Presbytery  of  Big  Spring,  Pa.; 
ordained  Jan.  2,  '23,  Presbytery  of  Saratoga;  pastor  Seneca,  N.  Y.,  '23-32; 
died  August,  '34,  Geneva,  N.  Y.,  suddenly.    Associate  Reformed  minister. 

*Piper,  James. — Bom  Uniontowa,  Pa.;  law  student;  practiced  law  Union- 
town,  Pa.,  1819-5G(?);  went  West '56  ;  Register  and  Recorder,  Fayette  Co., 
Pa.;  died  in  the  West.    Lawyer. 

•Smith,  Frederick. — Son  of  Frederick  and  Mary ;  born  Bedford  County, 
Pa.,  Feb.  6,  1790 ;  law  student  Bedford,  Pa.(?);  practiced  law  Chambers- 
burg,  Pa.,  1818-61  ;  Pennsylvania  Legislature,  Speaker  of  the  House,  '30; 
married  June  22,  '22,  Catherine  Smith  ;  died  Chambersburg,  Pa.,  April 
3,  '61.     Lawyer. 

Speer,  James  Ramsay. — Son  of  Rev.  William  and  Sarah  (Ramsey);  bom 
Chambersburg,  Pa.,  Nov.  19,  1796  ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Posile- 
thwaite,  Greensburg,  Pa.,  1816-19  ;  Pennsylvania  Tniversity  '21  :  prac- 
ticed medicine  New  Alexandria,  Pa.,  '19-24  ;  Pittsburg,  '25-71  ;  Trustee 
W.  T.  S.  '27-29;  Trustee  Western  University,  Pa.;  Secretary  and 
Treasurer  Allegheny  Cemetery  ;  married  July  19,  '21,  Hettie,  daughter  of 
Paul  Morrow,  Greensburg,  Pa.     Physician,  Pittsburg,  Pa. 

^Sweeney,  John  M. — Studied  medicine ;  practiced  medicine ;  died. 


*LArBD,  Robert  MacMordie. — Born  Raccoon,  Washington  County,  Pa., 
March  23,  1799  ;  ordained  evangelist  Aug.  19,  1823,  Presbytery  of  Ohio ; 
missionary  Sault  Ste.  Marie,  Mich.,  '23-24;  stated  supply  Manokin  and 
Wicomico,  Md.,  '25-26  ;  pastor  Montour,  Pa.,  '26-28 ;  agent  Western 
Theological  Seminary  '28  ;  stated  supply  Manokin  and  Wicomico,  Md., 
and  Principal  Washington  Academy,  '28-3-) ;  died  Montpelier  Springs, 
Ga.,  March  19,  '37.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•McFarland,  Francis,— Born  County  Tyrone,  Ireland,  Jan.  8,  1788 ;  P.  T. 
S.  1817-18;  licensed  *19  ;  missionary  Indiana,  Missouri,  Georgia;  ordained 
evangelist  Aug.  1,  '22,  Presbytery  of  New  Brunswick  ;  pastor  Bethel,  Va., 
'23-26  ;  Corresponding  Secretary  Board  of  Education,  '3o-41  ;  pastor  Bethel, 
Va.,  '41-71  ;  died  Bethel,  Va.,  Oct.  10,  '71;  D.D.,  '39,  Washington  Col- 
lege; Moderator  General  .Assembly,  '56.     Presbyterian  minister. 



*.\IiLLEB,  Jacob  B. — Born  Union  town,  Pa.,  1798(?);  law  stadent;  practiced  \&w 
Uniontown,  Pa.,  1821-78  ;  editor  Whig  and  Republican  organ  many  years  ; 
died  Uniontown,  Pa.,  '78.     Lawyer. 

*Neal,  Samuel  Simes. — Son  of  John  and  Elixa  (Simes);  born  1800 ;  medical 
student  Washington,  Pa.;  practiced  medicine  Plaquemine,  La.,  *2l-28 ; 
married ;  died  Plaquemine,  La.,  '28.     Physician. 

*OoLE,  Chaales.  — Son  of  Alexander  and  Mary  (Williams);  born  Somerset, 
Pa.,  1798  ;  law  student  with  Major  John  H.  Alexander,  Greensburg,  Pa.; 
practiced  law  Somerset,  Pa.,  1820-41;  Member  Congress,  Pennsylvania, 
'37-41  ;  married  Sept.  14,  '2»>,  to  Emily,  daughter  of  Dr.  James  Postle- 
thwaite,  Greensburg,  Pa.;    died  Somerset,    Pa.,   May   10,   '41.      Lawyer. 

*SxiTU,  John. — Born  Adams  County,  Pa.;  farmer  Adams  County  ;  Lancaster 
County  ;  married  Miss  Smith ;  died  Lancaster  County,  about  '45.  Far- 

^Williamson,  James. — Son  of  David  and  Tamar  (McKnight);  born  near  New- 
?ille,  Pa.,  June  11.  1795;  P.  T.  S.  1818-19;  licensed  October,  '20,  Presby- 
tery of  Carlisle;  ordained  June  21,  '23,  same  presbytery  (?)  ;  pastor  Silver 
Spring,  Pa.,  '23-38;  Milton,  '38-45;  Haxelton  and  Mifflinburg;  pastor 
New  Windsor  and  Taneytown,  Md.,  '49-54;  Athens,  Pa.,  '54-58;  West 
Kishacoquillas,  '58 — (?);  slated  supply  Little  Valley;  married;  died 
Lewistown,  Pa.,  March  10,  '65.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*WoLFB,  Jaoob,  Jr. — Born  Pennsylvania;  P.  T.  S.  1823-24;  licensed  and 
ordained;  pastor  Plymouth,  O.,  '28;  Blooming  Grove,  '32;  missionary; 
Benton.  Ind.,  '40;  Eel  River,  '43-50;  teacher  Leon,  '53;  Coesse,  Ind.; 
died  '53(?).     Presbyterian  minister. 


*Addi8on,  William,  Jr. — Son  of  Hon.  Alexander;  born  Washington,  Pa., 
Dec.  28,  1801 ;  law  student ;  medical  student  Paris,  France ;  practiced 
medicine  Pittsburg,  Pa.;  died  March  20,  '62. 

^Barrinoton,  Samuel.— Medical  student;  United  States  Navy  1828-62 ;  sur- 
geon-mate '2S-35 ;  passed  surgeon  '35-37  ;  surgeon  '37-62 ;  died  Sept. 
4,  '62.  Physician. 

*Beattie,  William  Quigley. — Born  near  Shippensburg,  Pa.,  April  12, 1796; 
P.  T.  S.  1818-19  ;  ordained  July  8,  '24,  Baptist  Church  ;  missionary  North 
Carolina,  '24-26;  pastor  Mechanicsville,  S.  C;  '36-88;  Darlington  Court 
House,  '38-40;  BennettsviUe,  '40-52;  Saw  Mill  Colored  Church,  '52-82; 
married  June  17,  '29,  Ann,  daughter  of  Capt.  John  Terrell ;  died  Ben- 
nettsville,  S.  C,  Oct.  29,  '84.     Baptist  minister. 

*Clark,  Birmingham  ^CgKennan. — Son  of and  Mrs.  (Thompson);  bom 

Delaware  ;  law  student  with  T.  M.  T.  McKennan  ;  practiced  law  in  Arkan- 
sas a  few  years  ;  died  in  Arkansas  in  '30(?). 

^Clemens,  James  Walton. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Wolf);  born  near 
Taylorstown,  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  May  2(),  1795  ;  teacher  and  medical  stu- 
dent Wheeling,  W.  Va.,  and  Pennsylvania  University,  1823-24 ;  practiced 


medicine  Wheeling,  Va.,  '19-46;  married  '18,  Eleanor  Sherrard,  Waahingw 
ton.  Pa.;  died  Valley  Grove,  Va.,  Not.  21,  '46,  chronic  diarrhoea.  Phy- 

•Duncan,  Thomas  A.— Born  Bailer  Co.,  Pa.;  law  student;  practiced  law; 

^Habris,  Qeobqe  Washington. — Son  of  Robert  and  Elizabeth  (Ewing);  born 
Harrisbaig,  Pa.,  June  23,  1798 ;  law  student  1818-20 ;  pracUced  law  Har^ 
risburg  and  Philadelphia  '20 — ;  Reporter  Supreme  Court,  Pennsylvania; 
Secretary  Liberia  Commission,  United  States  Senate;  published  Law 
Reports,  vols.  1-12;  ''Journal  of  William  McClay  "  ;  first  United  Sutes 
Senator,  Pennsylvania ;  married  Elisabeth  M.  Hall ;  died  Harrisbarg,  Pa., 
Aug.  13,  '82.     liawyer. 

Hawkins,  John  L. — Bom  Ghambersburg,  Pa.,  Aug.  8,  1800 ;  licensed  April 
21,  '25,  Presbytery  of  Washington ;  ordained  October,  '27,  by  the  same ; 
stated  supply  Connellsville,  Pa.,  '27-31,  pastor  '37-43;  stated  supply 
Sharon  and  Carmel  '44-50,  Mt.  Carmel  '52-56,  Baxter  Springs  and  Car- 
bondale,  Kan.,  '72-82 ;  honorably  retired  '87.  Presbyterian  minister,  Mel- 
rose, Kan. 

*HoGE,  John. — Son  of  David  and  Jane  (Scott);  born  Washington,  Pa.,  1801; 
law  student  with  Judge  Wilson,  Steubenville,  O.;  practiced  law  Mercer, 
Pa.,  '35-54 ;  Legislature,  Pennsylvania ;  Senate,  Pennsylvania ;  married 
'35,  Rebecca,  daughter  of  Joseph  Smith ;  died  Mercer,  Pa.,  '54,  apoplexy. 

*Laibd,  John  M. — Medical  student;  practiced  medicine  Perry  Co.,  Pa. ;  mar- 
ried Miss  Powers ;  died  Bloomfield,  Perry  Co.,  Pa.    Physician. 

*LANGiiEY,  James. — Son  of  James,  Sr.,  and  Mrs.  Elizabeth  (Lockhart);  bom 
Washington,  Pa.,  July  23,  1798;  merchant  Washington,  Pa.,  1818—;  died 
Washington,  Pa.,  Feb.  7,  '58 ;  merchant. 

*Reed,  Charles  M. — Son  of  Rufus  S.  and  Nancy  ;  born  Erie,  Pa.,  1803 ;  bosi- 
ness;  Member  of  Congress  from  Pennsylvania '42  (?);  married  Harriet  Gil- 
son  ;  died  Erie,  Pa.,  Dec.  18,  '71.     Business. 


^Christmas,  Joseph  Stibbs.— Son  of  John;  born  Georgetown,  Pa.,  April  10^ 
1803;  P.  T.  S.  '20-22;  ordained  Aug.  1,  '24,  Presbytery  of  New  York; 
pastor  American  Chapel,  Montreal,  Canada,  '24-28 ;  agent  American  Bible 
Society  '28 ;  pastor  Bowery  Church,  New  York,  '29-30 ;  died  New  YoA 
City,  March  14,  '30.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*HoRNER,  John  Scott.— Son  of  Dr.  Gustavus  Brown,  assistant  surgeon  Revo- 
lutionary Army,  and  Frances  Hammel  (Scott);  bom  Warrenton,  Va.,  Dec 
5,  1802 ;  law  student  with  Hon.  T.  L.  Moore  '25;  practiced  law  in  Virginia 
*25-35  ;  Secretary  and  Acting  Governor  of  Michigan,  Wisconsin  and  Iowa 
Territories,  '35-36 ;  Register  of  Land  Office,  Green  Bay,  Wis.,  '36-49 
Judge  of  Probate  Court,  Marquette  and  Green  Bay  Counties,  Green  Laka 


Wis.,  '50-^52 ;  married  Oct.  24,  '33,  Harriet  Lore,  daughter  of  James  Wat- 
son, Washington,  D.  C;  died  Ripon,  Wisconsin,  Feb.  3,  '83,  softening  of 
the  brain.     Lawyer. 

*Laibd,  Francis  H.  L.— Son  of  James  and  Margaret  (Sproat);  bom  Wash- 
ington Co.,  Pa.,  1801  ;  ordained  priest  Protestant  Episcopal  Church  ;  Pres- 
byterian Church  '64  ;  preached  in  Maryland,  PennsyWania,  Alabama,  Illi- 
nois and  Kentucky ;  died  Springfield,  Mo.,  February,  '84.  Presbyterian 

^Miller,  Andrew  Qalbraith.— -Son  of  Matthew  and  Jane  (Galbraith);  bom 
Carlisle,  Pa.,  Sept.  18,  1801 ;  law  student  with  Andrew  Caruthers,  Carlisle, 
Pa.,  '19-23;  practiced  law  Gettysburg,  Ps.,  '23-38,  Milwaukee,  Wis.; 
Judge  of  Supreme  Court,  Wisconsin  Territory,  '38-48;  United  States  Dis- 
trict Court,  Wisconsin  '48-73 ;  married  Feb.  7,  '27,  Caroline  E.  Kurts,  Har- 
risburg.  Pa.;  died  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  Sept.  30,  '74.     Lawyer. 

♦Nicholson,  Thomas  Witter, — Son  of  James  W.  and  Nancy ;  born  Friend- 
ship Hill,  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  April  5,  1803 ;  at  sea  '19~;  merchant.  Mason- 
town,  Pa., '28-29,  Pittsburg, '30 ;  farmer  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  '31-69;  married 
March,  '29,  Mary  A.  Bufle;  died  Fayette  Co.,  Pa.,  April  10,  '69. 

*Ship,  Edward  G. — Minister,  Kentucky. 

*SiKPS0N,  Edward. — Son  of  Dr.  John  and  Elisabeth ;  born  Shippensburg,  Pa*^ 
1802  ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '23-66 ;  Prothonotary 
Supreme  Court;  City  Solicitor  '32-36;  edited  Itmei,  Pittsburg,  '28-29; 
unmarried  ;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  March  7,  '66.    Lawyer. 

^Smtth,  Mease. — Son  of  James  and  Martha;  bom  Washington  County,  Pa., 
1797  ;  law  student  with  J.  B.  Potter,  Accomac,  Va.;  practiced  law  Colum- 
bus, O.,  and  Acoomac,  Va.;  Commissioner  in  Chancery,  Accomac  County, 
Va.;  married  '22,  Elisabeth  Parker ;  also  Mrs.  Cook ;  also  Mrs.  Anna 
M.  Potter ;  died  Accomac  County,  Va.,  Aug.  14,  '69.    Lawyer. 

*^AN8BURT,  Henry. — Son  of  Dr.  Jonas  Stansbury ;  born  New  York  City, 
Feb.  20,  1803 ;  law  student  with  E.  Granger  and  C.  B.  Goddard  ;  practiced 
law  Lancaster  0.,  '24-46,  '51-62 ;  Cincinnati,  '53-66,  '68-81 ;  member 
Constitutional  Convention,  Ohio,  '51 ;  Attorney  General  United  States, 
'66-68;  married  Frances,  daughter  of  Philemon  fieecher,  also  Cecelia, 
•daughter  of  Key  Bond ;  died  June  25,  '81.    Lawyer. 

•Wells,  James  Ross.— Son  of  Bezaleel  and  Sally  (Griffith);  born  Steubenville, 
0.,  Oct.  8,1803;  law  student  with  Hallock  &  Root,  Steubenville,  O.; 
practiced  law  Steubenyille,  '22(?)-42  ;  Dubuque,  Iowa,  '42-46 ;  Ohio  Legis- 
lature '26-27 ;  clerk  courts  '30-39 ;  married  April  17,  '34,  Ann  Elisa, 
daughter  of  Peter  Wilson  ;  died  Dubuque,  Iowa,  Oct.  27,  '46.     Lawyer* 


*Amdsr8on,  Thomas. — Son  of  John  and (Laughlin);  born  Cumberiand 

County,  Pa.,  Jan.  1, 1791  ;  teacher  Mercer,  Pa.,  1820-26;  theology  with 
Eev.  Samuel  Tait  i  licensed  Dec.  28,  '25,  Presbytery  of  Erie  ;    ordained 


'26,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Concord,  Pa.,  *26-31  ;  Franklin  and  Big 
Sagar  Creek,  '26-37  ;  stated  supply  Beaverdam  and  Union,  '37-43 ; 
Huntingdon,  Ind.,  '43-48;  missionary  '48-53;  married  Oct.  11,  '20, 
Phoebe,  daughter  of  Rev.  William  Wick  ;  died  Huntingdon,  Ind.,  Dec. 
22,  'o3.  Presbyterian  minister. 
*CoLMERY,  David. — Son  of  John  and  Mary  (Murdock);  theological  student; 
licensed  by  Presbytery;    preached  but   once;  died  consumption,  1822 1?). 

*KuHNs,  Joseph  Henry. — Son  of  Col.  John  and  Eliza  (Marcliand);  bom 
Greensburg,  Pa.,  Sept.  30,  1800;  law  student  with  John  B.  Alexander, 
'20  23 ;  practiced  law  Greensburg,  Pa.,  '23-74 ;  Member  Congress,  Penn- 
sylvania, 'ol-53 ;  married  Oct.  19,  '25,  Margaret  £.,  daughter  of  Col. 
John  Alexander ;  also  '52,  Mrs.  Harriet  Jack ;  died  Greensburg,  Pa., 
Nov.  16,  '83  ;  Trustee  Washington  College.     Lawyer. 

•Paul,  John  Peter — Son  of  Col.  John  and  Sarah  T.  (Grover);  bom  Greene 

County,  O.,  Dec.  25,   1800;   law  student;  civil   engineer,  Madison,  Ind.; 

married  '31,  Eliza  M.  Meek ;   died  Harrison  County,  Ind.,  September,  '35. 

Civil  engineer. 
•Smith,  William.— Can  not  be  traced. 
♦Stockton,  John. — Son  of  Thomas;    bora  Cross  Creek,  Washington  Co.,  Pa., 

Nov.   18,  1803;    P.  T.  S.   '25-26;   licensed  Presbytery   of   WaahingtQa; 

ordained  June  20,  '27,  same  presbytery;  pastor  Cross  Creek,  Pa.,  '27-77  ; 

pastor  emeritus,  '77-82 ;  married  '31,  Nancy  Rod gers  Clark  ;  aluo  Elisabeth 

Johnson;   D.D.,   Jefferson  College, '46 ;   died  Cross  Creek,    Pa.,    May  5, 

'82.     Presbyterian  minister. 


♦Gates,  Guerdon. — Son  of  Cyras  and  Ruth  G.  (Rockwell);  bom  New  Lon-i 
don.  Conn.,  Oct.  17,  1796  ;  theology  privately ;  licensed  and  ordained  by 
Baptist  Church ;  went  to  Bourbon  County,  Ky.,  1823;  pastor  Baptist 
Church,  Paris,  Ky.,  and  Principal  Female  Seminary,  '23-33 ;  pastor 
Mayslick,  '33-35;  evangelist  Louisville,  '35-58;  married  Dec.  22, '26, 
Cynthia  Rice;  also  Dec.  24,  '33,  Rebecca  Tyler;  also  Dec.  11,  '51, 
Jane  Loder  ;  died  Louisville,  Ky.,  Feb.  4,  '61.     Baptist  minister. 

♦KooNTZ,  Hugh  Mitchell. — Son  of  John ;  born  Washington,  Pa.,  May  15, 
1804 ;  theology  with  Dr.  John  Anderson ;  licensed  Jan.  29,  '25,  Presby- 
tery of  Washington ;  ordained  '26,  same  presbytery ;  pastor  Hopewell, 
N.  Y.;  Philadelphia;  Amsterdam,  N.  Y.;  died  Amsterdam,  N.  Y.,  July 
31,  '36.     Presbyterian  minister. 

•Workman,  James. — Son  of  Hugh  and  Elizabeth  (Bryson);  born  Washington 
Co.,  Pa.;  studied  theology;  unmarried;  died '27  or '28,  consumption. 


•BowMAX,  William  Robert.  —  Son  of  Jacob  and  Isabella  (Lowry);  bora 
Brownsville,  Pa.,  Dec.  7,  1800;  P.  T.  S. '23-25 ;  ordained  by  Bishop 
White,  '25;  rector  Episcopal  Church,  St.  Francisville,  La.,  '27-35;  mar- 
ried '29,  Eliza,  daughter  of  James  Perree ;  died  St.  Francisville,  La.,  '35r 
malignant  fever.     Protestant  Episcopal  minister. 


*Leet,  Isaac. — Born  Washington,  Pa.,  1S02;  law  student;  practiced  law 
Wasiiington,  Pa.;  District  Attorney;  County  Treasurer;  Pennsylvania 
Senate  four  years;  Member  Congress,  Pennsylvania,  *39-41 ;  died  Wash- 
ington, Pa.,  June  10,  '44.     Lawyer. 

•McFarren,  Samuel. — Son  of  William  and  Mary  (Scott);  born  Northampton 
Co.,  Pa.,  July  9,  1796 ;  P.  T.  S.  182;>-26 ;  licensed  Jan.  25,  '2o,  Presby- 
tery of  Washington ;  ordained  Oct.  3,  *27,  Presbytery  of  Redstone ;  pastor 
Conjcruity,  Pa.,  '27-4)9 ;  married  Feb.  24,  '29,  Harriet  Newell  Colwell ; 
died  Blairsville,  Pa.,  Aug.  1,  70  ;  D.D.     Presbyterian  minister. 

*McKbnnan,  James  Wilson. — Son  of  Col.  William  and  Elizabeth  (Thomp- 
8on);  born  Washington,  Pa.,  Sept.  2,  1804 ;  law  student  with  Hon.  T,  M.  T. 
McKennon;  theology  with  Dr.  John  Anderson  ;  practiced  law  Millersburg, 
O.;  licensed  *28,  Presbytery  of  Washington;  ordained*  29,  same  presbytery; 
pastor  Lower  Buffalo  and  West  Liberty,  '29-3o;  Indianapolis,  Ind.; 
infirm ;  Cuba  and  United  States ;  stated  supply  Florence,  Elizabeth,  Lower 
Ten  Mile,  Frankfort  Springs;  teacher  Wheeling;  Adjunct  Professor, 
Washington  College,  '51-52 ;  died  Clifton,  O.,  July  19,  'Gl  ;  D.D.  Pres- 
byterian minister. 

*MooBE,  Joseph  Stibbs. — Son  of  Robert  and  Mary  (Stibbs) ;  born  Beaver, 
Pa.,  Aug.  29,  1805 ;  law  student  with  father,  Beaver,  Pa.;  died  Beaver, 
Pa..  March  12,  '26.     Student. 

*MuRD0CK,  John  S. — Son  of  Dr.  Samuel  and  Eleanor  (Scroggs);  born  Canons- 
burg,  Pa.,  Jan.  11,  1805;  medical  student  with  father,  '22;  Jefferson 
Medical  College,  '27;  died  Washington,  Pa.,  Aug.  27,  '27,  dysentery. 

•SiciTH,  James  T. —  Licensed  and  ordained;  stated  supply  Pisgah,  Ky.,  1831 ; 
without  charge,  Danville,  '32 ;  died  probably  in  '34.  Presbyterian  min- 

•Walker,  John  Hoge.— Born  near  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  Feb.  9,  1800 ;  law  stu- 
dent; practiced  law  Erie,  Pa.,  '24-75;  Pennsylvania  Legislature,  '32-35; 
Pennsylvania  Senate,  '34 ;  Constitutional  Convention,  Pennsylvania,  '72 ; 
married  '31,  Catharine  D.  Kelly;  died  Erie,  Pa.,  Jan.  25,  '75.      Lawyer. 

•Wilson,  Alexander. — Son  of  John  and  Catherine  (Cunningham)  ;  bom 
Washington,  Pa.,  June  5^  1804 ;  law  student  with  William  Baird,  Washing- 
ton; practiced  law  Washington,  Pa.,  '2(^-29;  Wheeling,  Va.,  '29-46; 
unmarried ;  died  Washington,  Pa.,  Jan.  2,  '46.     Lawyer. 


•Jennings,  Thomas  R.  — Son  of  Rev.  Dr.  Obadiah  and  Anna  (Reid);  born 
Steubenville,  O.;  teacher  Baltimore;  medical  student  with  Dr.  S.  K.Jen- 
nings ;  Professor  of  Anatomy,  Tennessee  University  ;  practiced  medicine 
Nashville,  Tenn.;  died  Newport,  R.  I.,  '73(?i. 

•McKaio,  Robert  Stuart.  —  Son  of  Patrick  and  Rachel  (Stuart);  born 
Steubenville,  O.,  1802(7);  Columbiana  County,  O.,  '25-45 ;  medical  stu- 
dent; practiced  medicine  Cumberland,  Md.,  until  '26(?);  business,  manu- 
facturing ;  B.  &  O.  R.  R.,  '45-85 ;  married  Sarah  McMahon ;  died  Cum- 
berland, Md.,  '84. 


SooTT,  John  W.— Son  of  Bev.  Qeorge  M.  and  Anna  (Rea);  born  Beayer  Co., 
Pa.,  Jan.  22,  1800;  Tale '2^-24 ;  profesBor  Washington  College,  '24-28; 
Miami  Uniyeraitj  '28-45;  Fannem'  College  '45-49;  Oxford  Female 
College  '49-59 ;  Hanover  College  '60-^8 ;  Monongahela  College  '75-81 ; 
licensed  April,  '30,  Presbjterj  of  Oxford;  ordained  October,  '31,  same 
presbytery;  married  Aag.  18,  '25,  Mary  P.,  daughter  of  John  Neal; 
D,D.f  '40,  Aogusta  College.    Presbyterian  minister,  Washington^  D.  C. 

*ToMLiNSON,  Henby.— Bom  Tomllnson's  Stand,  near  Cumberland,  Md.; 
law  student;  practiced  law  ;  died  Tomllnson's  Stand,  Md.,  1828(?). 

^Wallace,  Huoh. — Son  of  James  H.  and  Agnes  (Moore);  bom  Cumberland 
Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  10,  1812 ;  law  student  with  George  Porter,  Lancaster,  Pa.; 
practiced  law  Lancaster,  Pa.,  '25-37 ;  farmer  and  lawyer.  Sterling,  111.^ 
'37-64 ;  Illinois  Legislature ;  Senate ;  Register  Land  Office,  Dixon,  111.^ 
four  years;  married  March  16,  '30,  Mary  Gait;  died  Sterling,  111.,  Aug* 
18,  '64.    Lawyer. 


^Anbebson,  WiiiLiAK  Caldwell.— Son  of  Bev.  Dr.  John  and  Rebecca 
(Byers);  born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Aug.  18,  1804;  theology  with  father  ; 
licensed  Dec.  13,  '27,  Presbytery  of  Washington ;  ordained  same  presby- 
tery ;  missionary  North  Carolina ;  agent  Board  Home  Missions ;  agent 
Western  Foreign  Missionary  Society,  '36 — ;  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  '37;  New 
Albany,  Ind.,  '39  ;  Europe ;  professor  Hanover  College,  Ind.,  '43-44 ; 
Fort  Wayne,  Ind.,  '44;  Washington,  Pa.,  '45;  Day  ion,  O.;  Europe; 
President  Miami  University,  '49-54 ;  Chillicothe,  O.,  '54-55  ;  San  Fran- 
cisco, till  '63 ;  Cincinnati  and  Kansas  ;  married  Jane  Mary,  daughter  of 
Major  Alexander,  Carlisle,  Pa.;  died  Junction  City,  Kan.,  Aug.  28,  '70 v 
D,D,    Presbyterian  minister. 

^Bakber,  Daniel  Montgomery. ~ Son  of  Phineas  and  Anna;  born  Dauphin 
Co.,  Pa.,  March  16,  1800;  P.  T.  S.  '25-26;  licensed  April  19.  '27,  Pre»* 
bytery  of  Northumberland;  ordained  Nov.  21,  '27,  same  presbytery ;  mission- 
ary Sinnamahoning  Creek,  Pa.,  '27-33  ;  stated  supply  Great  Island,  '29-36; 
Williamsport,  '33-36 ;  pastor  Newton,  N.  J.,  '36-38 ;  sUted  supply  New 
Columbia,  '39 ;  stated  supply  and  pastor  Chillisquaqua,  '40-58 ;  Moores. 
burg,  '43-58;  stated  supply  Jersey  Shore,  '42-54;  stated  supply  Lycom- 
ing '59;  Bald  Eagle  and  Nittany,  '61;  chaplain  United  States  Army 
'61-64;  married  October,  '21,  Sarah  Moorhead  ;  also  Oct  10,  '64,  Elisabeth 
Shannon ;  died  Milton,  Pa.,  Oct.  30,  '65,  congestion  of  liver.  Presby- 
terian minister. 

•Connelly,  Henry.  —  Born  Greensburg,  Pa.,  Nov.  5,  1798;  Associate 
Reformed  Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny,  1827-28;  P.  T.  S.  '30-31; 
licensed  April  30,  '29,  Presbytery  of  Monongahela;  ordained  evangelist 
Sept.  30,  '32,  Associate  Reformed  Presbytery  of  New  Yorlt;  pastor 
Bloomingburg,  N.  Y.,  '33-48  ;  Principal  Academy  Newburg,  '48-53 ;  sgent 
New  York  Colonisation  Society ;  Principal  of  Academy ;  Ckwhen,  '63-68 ; 
died  Newburg,  N.  Y.,  Aug.  8,  '68.     Associate  Reformed  minister. 


^Hampton,  Moses.— SoDof  Mosefl ;  born  Beaver  Co., Pa.,  Oct.  28, 1803  ;  tead&cr 
Uniontown,  Pa.,  '2&-28;  law  Btadent  Uniontown,  Pa.,  with  J.  M.  Auatin; 
practiced  law  Somerset,  Pa.,  '29-38;  Prothonotary,  Somerset  Co.;  Pitts- 
boTgj  Pa.,  '38-53;  Member  Congress,  from  Pennsylyania,  '47-50;  Presid- 
ing Judge,  Pittsburg,  '53-73;  elder  Presbvterian  Church;  LL.D.;  mar- 
ried Annie  Miller ;  died  Pittsburg,  Pa.,  June  24,  78.     Lawyer. 

^Mabtin,  Joseph  M.^Born  Milton,  Pa.,  (?)  April  7,  1802 ;  law  student ;  prao> 
Uced  law  Milton,  Pa.,  Clearfield,  Pa.;  died  Clearfield,  Pa.,  April  17,  '32. 

^MoNTOOMEBT,  JoHN  G.^Born  Northumberland  Co.,  Pa.;  law  student;  prac- 
ticed law  Danville,  Pa.,  '27-57  ;  Pennsylvania  Legislature  '55;  Member  of 
Congress  from  Pennsylvania  '57 ;  died  Danville,  Pa.,  April  24,  '57,  malaria. 

^Neely,  JoHN.--Son  of  Robert  and  Susannah  (Rutherford);  bom  Lancaster 
Co.,  Pa.,  1796 ;  teacher ;  principal  of  an  academy  in  Washington  City, 
D.  C,  for  many  years,  and  at  the  time  of  his  death  was  principal  of  Margaret 
Academy  in  Accomac  Co.,  Va.;  elder  in  Presbyterian  Church  ;  married 
October,  1827,  Amelia,  daughter  of  Edward  Bayly ;  died  in  Accomac  Co., 
Vs.,  Aug.  13,  1850,  of  erysipelas. 

*Reed,  Robert  Rektoul. — Son  of  Alexander  and  Janet  (McFarquhat);  bom 
Washington,  Pa.,  March  12, 1807;  medical  student  with  Dr.  LeMoyne  and  Jef- 
ferson Medical  College ;  practiced  medicine  Washington  ;  farmer;  Pennsyl- 
vania Legislature  '63-64 ;  Member  of  Congress  from  Pennsylvania  '49-50; 
married  Feb.  2,  '30,  Eleanor,  daughter  of  Hon.  T.  H.  Baird ;  died  near 
Washington,  Pa.,  Dec.  14,  '64,  smallpox.     Physician. 

^Wallace,  Hamilton.— Son  of  James  H.  and  Agnes  (Moore);  bom  near 
Shippensburg,  Pa.,  Jan.  10,  1805;  medical  student;  practiced  medicine 
Greencastle,  Pa.,  '27-52,  Sterling,  111.,  '52-54;  farmer  '52-54;  married 
Nancy  Sharpe,  Newville,  Pa.,  also  Helen  Herr,  Greencastle,  Pa.;  died  Siep- 
ling,  111.,  July,  '54;  cholera.     Physician. 

♦Wallace,  William.— Son  of  David  ;  born  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  1800;  Aaso> 
ciate  Reformed  Theological  Seminary,  Allegheny ;  licensed  April  14,  '27, 
Presbytery  of  Monongahela  ;  ordained  Oct.  3,  '28,  same  presbytery  ;  pastor 
Wheeling '28-49,  Short  Creek,  Vs.,  '28-37,  West  Middletown,  Pa.,  '28-33; 
Canonsburg  '50-51 ;  Professor  of  Moral  Science  Jefferson  College  '50-51 ; 
D.D.;  died  Canonsburg,  Jan.  31,  '51.     Associate  Reformed  minister. 


♦Qallaoher,  William. — Medical  student,  Philadelphia  ;  practiced  medicine, 
Philadelphia,  1827-60;  died  Philadelphia,  '60.     Physician. 

Hendeeson.  James  P.— Son  of  Rev.  Matthew  and  Rebecca  (Patterson);  bom 
Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  17,  1803;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Porler,  also 
Baltimore  Medical  College,  and  Ohio  Medical  College;  practiced  medicine 
Shanesville,  O.,  '30,  Newville,  Richland  Co.,  O.,  '30—;  Ohio  Legislature 


'41-42,  '42^3,  '50-51 ;  Constitutional  Convention ;  married  Nov.  19,  '36, 
Annie  Q.  Moreiand,  daughter  of  Hon.  John  Hoge,  also  Nov.  25,  '69, 
Rebecca,  daughter  of  William  Tarres.     Physician,  Newyille,  O. 

•HrLTON,  William.— Born  England,  1798  ;  emigrated  1819 ;  ordained  priest 
Protestant  Episcopal  Church  about  '28 ;  Rector  Episcopal  Church  Arm- 
strong and  Butler  Counties  '38-78 ;  died  KitUnning,  Pa.,  Jan.  19,  1878. 
Protestant  Episcopal  minister. 

♦Leonard,  Abner. — Licensed  1826,  Presbytery  of  Washington ;  pastor  Truro, 
O.,  '30-32,  Worthington  '36 ;  died  Burlington,  Iowa,  '62.  Presbyterian 

♦Mitchell,  John  C. — Son  of  John  and  Susanna  M.  (Jacob);  born  Morgan 
Co.,  Va.,  (now  West  Virginia);  licensed  1843,  Presbytery  of  Oxford; 
ordained  '44,  same  presbytery;  stated  supply  Eaton  aiid  Lexington,  O.,  '55, 
Salem,  O.,  '56,  Montgomery  — ,  Piqua  '72. 

*Wi8E,  Henry  Alexander.— Son  of  John  and  Sarah  (Cropper);  bom  Dram- 
mondtown,  Accomac  Co.,  Va.,  Dec.  3,  1806  ;  law  student ;  practiced  law 
Richmond,  Va.,  '27-76  ;  Member  of  Congress  from  Virginia  '32-43 ;  Min- 
ister to  Brazil  '43-47 ;  member  of  Constitutional  Convention,  Virginia,  '50  ; 
Governor  of  Virginia  '56-60 ;  member  of  Secession  Convention  '61  ;  Con- 
federate States  Army,  general  '61-65 ;  married  Ann,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dr. 
Jennings,  also  Sarah  Sargent,  also  Mary  Lyons ;  died  Richmond,  Va., 
Sept.  12,  '76;  LL.D.    Lawyer. 


•ANDERaoN,  James.— Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  29,  1802;  W.  T.  8. 
'29-30;  pastor  West  Rushville  and  Bremen,  O.,  '32-51 ;  Miller  Academy; 
pafltor  Washington,  O.,  and  stated  supply  Cambridge  '52;  stated  supply 
Bladensburg  and  'Mi,  Pleasant  '52-54 ;  pastor  Lexington  '54-64 ;  also  stated 
supply  Bellefield  and  Bloomfield.  Ontario  South  Ridge  and  Bethel,  Iowa, 
'64-71 ;  published  *'  Divine  Decrees;  "  D.D.,  Washington  and  Jefferson  Col- 
lege '69 ;  married  '31,  Lauraints  Marvine,  also  '52,  Frances  P.  Pratt,  also 
'56,  Mrs.  Abigail  D.  He;  died  Williamsburg,  Iowa,  Jan.  21,  '70.  Presby- 
terian minister. 

♦Campbell,  Francis  C. — Son  of  Parker  and  (Calhoun);  born  Washing- 
ton, Pa.;  law  student  with  his  father  1827-30  ;  practiced  law  Wheeling,  Va., 
'30 — ;  unmarried  ;  died  early  in  life. 

*Hooe,  David. — Son  of  David  and  Jane  (Scott);  born  Washington.  Pa.;  law 
student ;  practiced  law  Davenport,  Iowa ;  Trustee  Washington  College ;  died 
Davenport,  Iowa,  '47.     Lawyer. 

♦Jennings,  Jacob. — Son  of  Dr.  Ebenezer  and  Mercy  (Chidester);  born  Wash- 
ington Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  25,  1805;  law  student  with  Gov.  Jonathan  Jennings; 
practiced  law  '30-^2;  died  Allegheny  Co.,  Pa.,  Feb.  23,  '32,  consamp- 


^McCuLLOCGH,  John. — Son  of  Samuel  and  Priscilla  (Turbit);  born  Juniata 
Co.,  Pa.,  NoY.  15,  1806 ;  medical  student  Pennsylvania  University,  '29  ; 
practiced  medicine  McVeytown,  Alexandria,  Petersburg,  Pa.,  *52;  Hunt- 
ingdon, *a'>-69  ;  Member  of  Congress,  from  Pennsylvania,  '52-55  ;  married 
May  5,  '39,  Mary  A.,  daughter  of  James  McMurtrie;  died  Huntingdon, 
Pa.,  May  15,  '79.    Physician. 

*McGuFFEY,  William  H.— Son  of  Alexander  and  Anna  (Holmes);  bora 
Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Sept.  23,  1800;  licensed  '29,  Presbytery  of  Miami; 
professor  of  Miami  University,  '26-37  ;  Cincinnati  College  '37-39 ;  Ohio 
University,  '40-44  ;  Virginia  University,  '45-73  ;  published  series  of  school- 
books  ;  married  April,  '27,  Harriet  Speninty,  Dayton,  O.;  also  September, 
'51,  Laura  Howard ;  died  University  of  Virginia,  May,  '73  ;  D,D,f  LL.D. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

^McKaio,  Thomas  Jeffebson. — Son  of  Patrick  and  Rachel  (Stuart);  born 
near  New  Lisbon,  O.,  1805;  teacher  Cumberland,  Md.,  '26;  law  student 
and  practiced  law,  Cumberland,  Md.,  '26-83;  married  Sarah  Bealle;  died 
near  Hagerstown,  Md.,  '85(?).     Lawyer. 

*Ofpicer,  Patterson. — Son  of  Thomas  and  Jane  (Patterson);  born  Washing- 
ton, Pa.,  Jan.  9,  1806;  merchant  at  Natchez,  Miss.,  and  New  Orleans, 
La.,  '26-48;  married  Caroline  Bollman;  died  New  Orleans,  La.,  Aug.  30, 
'48,  yellow  fever. 

Smith,  Joseph. 


AcHEsox,  Alexander  W.— -Son  of  David  and  Mary  (Wilson);  born  Phila- 
delphia, Pa.,  July  14,  1809 ;  law  student  with  William  Baird,  '27-32 ; 
practiced  law  Washington,  Pa.,  '32—;  Deputy  Attorney- General,  Washing- 
ton Co.,  Pa.,  '35-36,  '39,  45,  '46 ;  Presiding  Judge,  Washington  Co.,  Pa., 
'66-77;  United  States  District  Court,  '77;  married  April  13,  '36,  Jane  B., 
daughter  of  Dr.  John  Wishart ;  LL.D.,  '85,  Parsons  College.  Lawyer, 
Washington,  Pa. 

•AcHEaON,  George  Weir.— Son  of  Gen.  Thomas  and  Jane  (Cummins);  bom 
Washington,  Pa.,  1808;  law  student '27-30 ;  practiced  law  Pittsburg,  Pa., 
*30(?);  infirm;  editor  Washington  Reporter  •  Prothonotary,  Washington  Co., 
Pa.;  unmarried  ;  died  in  early  life. 

*AcH£SON,  John.  —  Son  of  David  and  Mary  (Wilson);  born  Philadelphia, 
Pa.,  Sept.  14,  1807 ;  study ;  died  Jackson  Co.,  Ark.,  July  4,  '33. 

•Chestnut,  David  D. — Born  Milton,  Pa.;  theological  student;  licensed  and 

ordained  by Presbytery;  pastor  Plaquemine,  La.,  '29-37;  Ascension, 

East  Baton  Rouge ;  married  Oct.  3,  '30,  Catharine,  daughter  of  Nicholas 
Wilson,  Iberville  Parish,  La.;  died  Plaquemine,  La.,  Aug.  15,  '37,  pneu- 
monia.    Presbyterian  minister. 

•CoLVER,  Samuel— Son  of  Thomas  and  Rachel ;  bom  Greene  Co.,  Pa.,  March 
12,  1801;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Merchant,  Uniontown,  Pa.;  practiced 
medicine  Jefferson,  Greene  Co.,  Pa.;  Warsaw,  O.;  unmarried  ;  died  Ind/f- 
pendence,  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  Oct.  16,  76.     Physician. 


*QitBBN,  James  R. — Born  Kentucky  ;  medical  Btudent ;  practiced  medicine  in 
Kentucky  ;  died. 

*HarriS|  John. — Son  of  Joseph  and  Martha ;  born  Washington  Co.,  Pa., 
1797 ;  teacher  in  the  South  ;  law  student ;  practiced  law  Coyington,  Ga.; 
Judge  of  Courts;  married;  died  Covington,  Ga.,  '81.    Lawyer. 

^Lawrence,  William  Cochran.— Son  of  John  and  Jane  (Cochran);  bom 
Beaver,  Pa.,  March  6,  1804  ;  teacher  and  law  student  with  Mr.  Sturgis, 
Florence,  Ala.,  and  Hon.  T.  W.  Powell,  Delaware,  O.;  practiced  Jaw 
Medina,  O.,  '31-32;  Decatur,  Ala.,  '32  ;  New  Orleans,  '32 ;  MarysviUe,  O., 
*32-4()  •  Prosecuting  Attorney,  MarysviUe,  C,  '36-38 ;  Ohio  Legislature 
'40-41  married  May  7,  '31^  Rosannah  Piper;  died  MarjrsvilU,  C,  Sept. 
2,  '46,  typhoid  fever.     Lawyer. 

ICiTTAO,  John  F.  G. — Son  of  Gotlieb  and  Susannah  (Miller);  bom.Hagers- 
town,  Md.,  Oct.  21,  1803  ;  teacher;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Keagy;  law 
student  with  Mr.  Douglass;  practiced  law  in  South  Carolina,  '28-29; 
South  Carolina  Legislature,  '29  ;  C'Ommissioner  in  Equity,  '29-33;  Europe; 
County  Auditor,  '68;  Probate  Judge,  '71;  published  ''Natural  Language 
of  Forms";  married  Anna,  daughter  of  Hon.  William  McKenna.  Law- 
yer, Lancaster,  S.  C. 

*8mith,  James.— Born  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  1801 ;  theology  with  Dr.  A. 
Wylie ;  licensed  '29,  Presbytery  of  Washington ;  ordained  '31,  same  pres- 
bytery ;  pastor  Corinth,  0.,  '31-39,  Carrollton  '31-41,  MarysviUe,  '41-51 ; 
missionary;  teacher;  died  MarysviUe,  O.,  June  2,  '74.  Presbyterian 

*8mith,  John  Newton.— Son  of  John  and  Nancy  (Porter);  born  Harrison  Co., 
Ky.,  1803 ;  medical  student  with  Dr.  Drake,  Cincinnati,  O.,  and  Transyl- 
vania University,  Kentucky;  practiced  medicine  Maysville,  Ky.,  '31-37; 
Paris  '38-44 ;  married  '29,  Jane  Odin  ;  died  Colemansville,  Ky.,  Aug.  20, 
'79.     Physician. 

Thistle,  William.— Son  of  George  and  Ann  (Bayard);  bom  1805  ;  teacher; 
law  student  with  H.B.Pigman, Cumberland,  Md.;  practiced  law  Cumberland, 
Md.,  '33 — ;  teacher  Allegheny  Academy  '37  ;  married  June,  '35,  Mary  E., 
daughter  of  Ralph  Hilliary  ;  died  Cumberland,  Md.,  September,  '37,  con- 
samption.    Lawyer  and  teacher. 

honorary  degree. 

MoKaio,  W.  W.— Son  of  Patrick  and  Rachel  (Stuart);  bom ;  law  stu- 
dent; Cumberland,  Md.;  practiced  law;  died  Cumberland,  Md.;  A.B., 
Washington  CoUege,  1830. 


*ALiL]BON,  William.— Son  of  James  and  Jane  (Shannon);  bom  Washington, 
Pa.,  1812(?);  law  student;  practiced  law  Beaver,  Pa.;  married  '42,  Sarah 
Jane  Henry ;  died  Beaver,  Pa.,  July  23,  '44.     Lawyer,  Beaver,  Pa. 


^Blaine,  John  Stephen.— Born  Bockingfaam  Co.,  Va.,  1800(?);  U.  T.  S., 
Virginia  ;  licensed  April  25,  '29»  Presbytery  of  Lexington  ;  ordained  evan- 
gelist, Oct.  23,  *30 ;  stated  supply  Tygert's  Valley,  Va.,  '30-40,  Bethany 
'40-57 ;  Bocky  Spring  '57-70 ;  infirm  71-72 ;  died  Oct.  8,  '72.  Presby- 
terian minister. 

Chestnut,  Thomas  M.— Son  of  Benjamin  and  Ann  (McEinnie);  born  Wash- 
ington Co.,  Pa.,  Jan.  15,  1803;  licensed  June  21,  '31,  Presbytery  of  Steu- 
benyille;  stated  supply  Connellsviile,  Pa.,  '31,  Mt.  Pleasant,  O.,  '37,  Bock 
Island,  111.,  '56,  Sioux  City,  Iowa,  '58,  Newton,  111.,  '71 ;  married  Oct.  15, 
*28,  Jane  Officer ;  died  Perry ville,  O.,  March  6,  '72.    Presbyterian  minister. 

*Cbatty,  Thomas.— Son  of  William  and  Sar%h  ;  bom  Butler  Co.,  Pa.,  April 
26,  1798 ;  theology  with  Dr.  John  McClnskey ;  licensed  April  21,  1830, 
Presbytery  of  Washington  ;  ordained  November,  '32,  Presbytery  of  Colum- 
bus; stated  supply  Bucyrus,  O.,  '31-32(?);  pastor  Marion  and  Pleasant 
'32-36;  married  '30,   Elisabeth  Wilson;  died  Marion,  O.   Nov.  21,  '36. 

HuMRiCKHOiTSE,  Thomas  Shuman.— Son  of  Peter  and  Sarah  (Shnman);  bom 
Hagerstown,  Md.,  April  25  1809;  law  student  with  Hon.,T.  M.  T.  Mc- 
Kennon,  '29-32  ;  practiced  law,  Coshocton,  O.,  '32-54  ;  published  maga- 
zine articles;  married  November,  '34,  Sarah  Johnson,  niece  of  Rev. 
Joseph  Kerr.     Lawyer,  Coshocton,  O.  • 

^McCandlass,  Alexanbeb. — Bora  Washington  Co.,  Pa.;  teacher;  W.  T.  S., 
'30-33;  licensed  '34,  Presbytery  of  Ohio;  ordained  '36,  Presbyteir  of 
Steubenville ;  stated  supply  Woodsfield,  Malaga  and  New  Castle,  O., 
'36-48(?) ;  married  £leanor  Gray ;  died  Monroe  Co.,  O.,  April  10,  '48. 
Presbyterian  minister. 

IfHiLEB,  John  H. 

^Mitchell,  William  C. — Son  of  John  and  Susanna  Maria  (Jacob) ;  born  Mor- 
gan Co.,  Va.  (now  W.  Va.),  1810 ;  went  to  Louisiana  '28  ;  probably  soon 
died,  as  he  was  never  heard  from. 

*STBWAfiT,  Charles. — Born  West  Alexander,  Washington  Co.,  Pa.,  April 
28,  1800  ;  licensed  '31,  Presbytery  of  West  Lexington ;  ordained  same